hi xnoto aietra, OCTOBKS t ). iWur niiiinnn i fir mcciuU..Lt fro:j 6er:it:i u::e Daily Journal lo nd The Weehly Artfu One Year, Both Paper $5.23 Dally and Sun journal and Argu. One Year. SMO. Do It Now litiprrWo at IIm Ureal War hy ttealdeat at Fraax Ml. LI'OMM IALUID TOTES Shea, an CWm4 la ImImcm awa Pruta are laata Hlfb Mrs. Lucinda Ballard write llr. and Mm. J. A. Irnbrie as follows, the miiwive cumin from Chalona. r ranee, a mile from the German f rntir: "1 thought you might like to know how we art getting along during the great war, which more than evident her at Chalons, as we are only a mile from the German frontier. And as this is one of the important army stations we all tee a great al of warlike timet. When Weekly Argus 10 I lib Aattta rfcam to at J llickty, a see n ttiti w. - H B Noble to B MkWi, jp tec 34 1 a t -- - 7S JnrpkiM WiM to T boe W Blake, l yam !. ft Mrkw aa r i.rovc S W lra;M to N C Htowell.a, e tm I) u e ere ii t f e r 4 J 0 Klrod to W K Thow. tosdwey CereUM WclBtoea to J4 J re I t f I w . E KnMloMnl l.tiUM,wai bllMlil lill . VX Alb AUn to All Allen. 54 tot la mmr m t 1 1 1 1 ..............-. Jo HaJoah to Lewie Betoah, I N a Nartk. T.idllle - to ! Babarh to lo batata. roe a Rartk Tinrdville lo Mutia Uarawat to Btaanl Oeter- ataa, i.toe foott. ' Haa ta lkar Vaadckcv. I V'b't I IdoipfaM Klcbardsoa to C M atst- ma ata I 1JL ijiu u a r. H.W. TWuu et al to W B Haraie, loikblk I lMO ' I Under charge of experienced narae. MRS. CHAS. GARDNER, from Portland. Solicits patient from all physicians. aeasaaable atteto lata BM I jaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaa a rhoae. Mela I SHERIFFS SALE VottoeW hereby gttroa.tbst be irtuofl i. Loiuui aal nf atWI Mildew IIM Lai of th Cirrult Court of tUm MaUof (tnm. tut lb uwaty ot waauinu. of Pottle Htoe. Planli, and esln Km Kroear. defendant. U tea " a emu. sad tha furthw turn of fl& .. .. . .i Ilia Irtih rial I W1UB uam . . I . . ..... . . . . ... a mm... la. I the orders came for general to ma dinwarf anJ i.i.d, .. . L.ulli. ma la Btkl ait ol tot nl m(if.ilia.tlnaa man fAiM sail r I I " . . j iiiuuiiiceiVivii uril ABVlltBMl viaawwva Barber Pcrlcrs Courteous Treatment Capable workmen Baths in connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Mw1v Furnished Shop. A 1 will nlease von. JAMLS AMULIlaUila Pvthian Bide. Hillaboro. of life began to arrive, to put on w. karatnlialbr dcrtbwl. 1 Bar liar tod u ST. MARVS INSTITUTE i r tu..t P b. H.th.,a faclfi r., I.a. full -..m..y. .isry. kp..i -: ter the armv are re aver maa under IS years of age hu been called! to the defense of France and ... t u.Mii..t to uld tIMII IiLm. I will HoaaiT. IM ua ui their uniforms ready to go. for xor. iwiu b Houtb t oi b . a a I LBJBJ fl niMI aaai" -Aat'ert man in li SBCkftf lAlilUtr tku... iha hour of UiO i, f.M,a ktaa A a.av.M w. tt K Lfiai A- M. Of Mid iUf.fttll At PUbllC the ftrmv. ind IhoM who do not ! . '..a. L. a aw. I. l.i. Kalti axitil altLUaUal ID rvmain wun me army ai - iwwjr. -fl nn M-rviHts. and every maa under! "u dbii iiiow, wii: atoatuDiMBA Ua ta aotraJit euro" on ID If VS. " , wnm iiina hava Biran I D....n..l"WtDl IM nui yj v uiitivMV aa. w . ummm wi hmhkv va"W - nassea itirougn w ;na ryui. i "7 " u all ii . aai v i chain. , u.. . l'.ut you would be surpnaea ti ,17, d . 11 mia. .pProiimurf 1 the order ud; quietness in whkh 0?. S31 all has been done. There la not VrT::,l M mu. at a chain to tu. .. :.. L' kaa in . J IK anra tract d a la.unj in rrinif -1.,v" r!: h..k -Won male member within tne age J" "zl kmi of wahiiitD of '20 to 48 but hU some h0 rjBattkaowatotb.Kudoipiaol have gone to fight agalnat MaSS: itrongest army in the World, .in., ib tract aa dMcrttod to eoiaiu which is the lifelong enemy of J'tTT France. Kvery busineaa houne, ZV tpt-ntinif mwerv BtorM. BhutUP " Hatd tola alll ba a.ad nbject to t at once as thare were no mea - JZi. rd left to do the work. Just across I u. 0r pton.br.u m. . ,.... . 1 ...... ... liuaa a min I j. a. aaivia, " " liic Biicn iiviu a " ' . . I ti' nn n,. a larua 1 1 a 1 11. i buiiiv u a , I A I plant, employing aw pwv, AttiwT tor iam.i tne 11 mi aay 01 oraera n Hillsboro FUEL CO. H. D. gekaseltser, PrF Headquarters in HILLSBORO TRANSFER & FUEL cos, office in Waahington Hotel Bids. Dealers in Sand. Gravel, Cement. Wood and(Joal. . Phone Main 692. FORD UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cora Effectire from August 1. 1914 to August 1. 1915 and guar anteed against any reduction during that time: Touring Car $49 Runabout - 44 Town Car ... 690 F. O. B. Detroit, all cara fully ia.ptd. (Ia the VaiUd Sutra of Amciica ouly) .... .. . .(rlrwT ia oar bctorr t. .irani of ins iioocin bttca IM 1T date. . .. . 1 . .,.. I tnav I ha karri hara . .a im.iwm Anvost 1. 1414 aad Aaiaat l. BO pafcnaan a tmrm " - - QIC .n.-.ib,rB.rticUUr.ir.liP(e tW low price, tad proBt-ahaiiaf " plaa, aea tbe efet fora Biarch or leler. WilKes Auto & Garage Company Third Street. Hillaboro. Or. .toey Sawmi KourIi and Dressed I.tiw- hcr of all Kimls. Mill i milcB from H. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E. MtCUMSEY Cornciu:?, Ore, Route I $ount,Orcon. Will You Build? If yea irt goiag to boild thia Spriag or Summer, acc J. S. UJasuwo. ra m buildina aad txcavatiag. wiwn (m. AU work la .... (oartnteed. Mo payaMBB aatii wwa I. rnanlvtad. J. Bu LofMBf, BOB ill Thiid Street, at 8. T. Tiaca; iw phone Mala J4. . Hillaboio, Oregoa Give Me a Trial VI a a LI si I ..a VoatniMav i mm UlU ding goodbye to his family, and ha iHira (ha uniform of a DriVSie. . - - - . I He goes to war, MS wue rrmaina .1 tinmai trk car for tna enuaren lib 1 1 Vl 1 1 w w ivb w-- l n.i da lied Cross work, uur next door neighbor w a weauay man Knr Kia huainaaa cloaed BS IIIWII, WM I oil an wpII aa has only son, left ta CITATION tbt Coaaty Court of the Stato Orafoa for Watbinfton County of I 6 Per Cent LOANS Obtainable to buy. build or Improee f...u, nam aw. y -V.. VlwIVaa a wa tSuo b Bldg Oallaa.Tasaa. Hrlvil For propoai Dept.,lKO, la tha aiatlar of tbe ertata of ManibaU 1 ill, jMaaaaal. i u um rhaa If Roberta and ail, as well aa naa ioonm T, 'I aj ltolabtoVt.a7 JoPh Rob.ru to join the army. He took charge I n, lubatu hi. wii. jbeo ui- i . -.-i ...L --A Ua rui.vlJ u .aii unlia and Jane lHie 01 notipiUll wura, auu m. -,7a.'.,.. nu,h.i,. a man oiivj i,w " - . WuMnetoa Hotel. Monday. Wedaaeday and IMday TZ. ..rf JaI.. Rnharta and MieBruri Bobtrta kia wlla.aad ail other penon BBkaowa bainforeilBinB "J"fV la the real eatato banloaftar dekcrlbed. UrWUlaf . Mauirad to aoaair in tbe County Court of the State of . . .a ."i a nr w..ninamin. . TT. . ,k.Mr aal Hulahnro. Mk a VP. awn 1 . ' aij.- aid County of w a.ninoo. ou a a. bh aa a.e am a ranwaiuuni . ivii, b'eleek.lnibafoieaoonof that day. thea ana tnere auuw "y - -. why o order of aald court should not t i. ...k.la. and dirautina John uMmtm n.ii.tatmnr nf .aid estate, to VVetoughtalllnthe S'.K ,ood line we could W ?W?VL.t. and partieularly described aa follow.. tOWH! . ,.v.w Tbe BoutaeaM quarter oi iw i-vim.".- is uttered. All the womea get imfthor and do hospital WOTK. vea'- . - . and look after the poorer one- left st home. There ia no con- ,....:- . 1 1. .a We are IB a SUM luaiuuvi " . of siege, as no one can leave town, and no one enters, except ing soldiers. We had to do wiwoui sunar and salt forafewdaya. ouiwe can now get these in very .' quantities. Dr. GertrudeSPhiUips Uetoopethte PbvakUa- C. B. BDCHAM11 & CO., Inc. Hillaboro. Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain. Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Dags. Car lot ahippera of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price) Telephone! Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Mam 263. Office houra.lto4p.rn. Hoato ealla. to 11a.m. The top Free The Dally Ore&Wian and The Argus. One Year Tor $6.00 thia gives you & Argus FREE. No Agents Dally end Sunday ndB6Argu $5.00 ...:n tn ha moat careful. Will II" . Wives of officers get letter a a I J. L.aaV mt til. from their nusoanaa.uua -- 'JT 5e a.t h.if of the Southae dresses are given BS metr iunar and tbe Nortbwt- quarter 01 a. fKAept.secretW . Ivaan nirnnnir. iiu w : ' - . . a,.tt uaii an Men mere naa """" ( wmim ""rT" ir,. .w!ii aa anme German prisoners rUlalni one hundred and aiity ee lenj. ever, aS Some ueniiaii i for In th. pattuon of John have been sent in. inm IZJStu Bled harein. rriMa I mes before II ia over mmt witaeaa. Tha Hon. v. d. wjwu-i terriDie limes .iTkcounty Court of the State ot both Germany and France J" nv of WMhinu that the nation Deaien win 1 wUi uai of ata ooun .maw, ... aain become a strong power. swS iidwWc. Lua. I -T-i. m.k r Wahineton County. . . a , f I WUH.V - ' - Voann instill nere twiev 'ureion. ill . a .aV her son-in-law) and he nu nos been ordered to tne iront - observer, as he hoped, so we juat sit and wait, as he cannot eten leave ior niuci - - . Wall I have a waya wanwu w see t ranee, . wia . 4 -7- forefathers. but 1 ao no" 7 . u kiarnrv ia being madw. and will be giaa w get; uasa w peaceful America. We were w a .-rr .. ,1.. .k.. ilav. And within 12 hours the reservist call fmrae and the husoana w w front. . , ..... h KverV BUW IS taaen u the government for the use of . Tbo nald for tham. tne army. r - -v hut there are no prtvaie aut- now in r ranee. .Mj We are an quit son is hoping he will be ordered aa home. , , . 1, Note The weison ai-wou -Capt Margetts. fW. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. 1 Drain Tile Of the Very KST QUALITY a 4-6-& ineh An inveBtment that will pay Ana. ton ner cent. Our supply is without a limit Telephone us for prices. Beaverton Brick & Tile Co. To The Voters of Washington County t wk. annnnnaa VIVWll U "B IB- dependent candidate for tha offloeof finale) RawfAMier uiHiisnwn wv " NovrioberS. I have oeaa a r-nw ....Li ... rvuintv tor Si Tears, and haa never before oeaa a obui it .iMtart I will eondoot tbe uiuwi - , MauimniML honeat and em uiuuv .M v t olent manner, with kinaaeai sou wuna-j to all. Your rota reapeotfullv ioUctted Edwin S. SparKa. HaLBBOR0.0BR(wddf) SMOKE ge Coast OefotitoOe "The Best in the West" Come and looh over the BEST display of the BEST tobaccos sold. 1 will tell end show you all about them. You are welcome any time. 7 These Cigars are sold every place where good cigars are sold. COME AND SEE ME MA11E THEM CH AS; F. McFADDEN Baom 11 Hillsboro National loch REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CWMIcbsel loAMWlM,ioB" 111 . fciii'h Diilard. Iota 6 nd 7, Fruitful Mnoa ... ."inHMkelltoCBH-WI, tt W B 10 CF Iho Qpegonian tea !KbcTkw n a. ... a. a ana .aaaaaaeal ...1, I. ...k.l4l I M VOTE TOR Z. M. LaRUE For Commissioner nuMM..hlT toa-araant with all coyaly XZrAt. Pledge, ittict noe ty .rhnaiaaaa aad economy. H.i traveiea Itooo tad knows Iti wanta. Vf.iu ,;iaa!sSii 1 I iiiiiiiii' to When in Portland stop at the . . .a.. Wat Faric ana w ntj loo nOtet jmiwu, "v. - , ItfT'i'iiiS aSStaM Streets, located in the M iiwi" -.. " , jtalL a tha thABtrfl ana Bliuu- . art uorirciiH'. v- nan v - - " ' . r,l.. naT 1 vara S,..raia.to- 1. I. a elaaa Br " ,;)madarmls (ton.rwraw'kibns nr-Ir BaWJS B"BBaaaB erervse 4, fear fHrjirir jrv f 1 7 x A C f SIX Per Cent MONEY 1 - . - k. obtain.,! for anv nurixse .-wi- tul Ratal, aarnritv: lib eral Ivilegw; correspondence solicited. A. CAOENCY COMPANY yUGM, Electric B dg.. Ueutrer, Colo. t,iO Pbelaa Bldg., 8n Fr.nciaco, tel.. ,bur ooflsa to e c neb.", t9 . Manager. u-wla claim. 1 1 S f a ..- I - mnMrf - v Dbst. in - i arasBtr aiwvv.j r JLlta-, JZSSf VTA Alcazar irW TB ai pu.h to Bra Duty. ui fruitssna vegev.. ... . nn.tdate. Coionuu Btyie, ,ffisl1 V : Jtypifyin.iP BUILDING I am nreoared to do all kinds r UniMinir and ReDair work. CaWnet work. etc.. Saw-filing. Screens and Screen aoors. , Shop ; .a lt.iaa aH lrmnL JOHN UCiAlll. IIOLSTEIN CATTLE One heifer or a carload ; With calf or coming fresh; I White nr mixed black and white; I v aaarw Immediate or deferred delivery; Cash or terms Prices Right. COAST CATTLE CO. ; EUGENE, ORE. i Office at the Eugene Creamery Patteraon Undertahlng Company n. A. Patterson. Msr. PtmtAt DtaacToas and Kmbat.meks Free Chapel. way sstsmni . Fine Residence For Sale For the purpose of settling an F.state. I offer for sale a H rinse and Lot. 200X110 It.. situated at,S. E. corner ol Rlnrk 7. in Walkei's Ad- - , .- dition to the citv of Forest Grove, Oregon. House and Lot appraised at 45o. Rented for: tic per month. Terms cash or part cash and mortgage for balance. Sale subject to confirmation I by County Court. Address or call 01 , T ... 4. " m Ka Greer S re agent ; I . Free vnapeu tay pina . , www .fc , , a iLi-.atBMa ia4aWaWanni nnaTwa 1 rtaaa niiiiaUaftvaMi- pairniaure: oa IlHWt" vw iiitMiMiini 1 .niiiiaiaiB iiKasi wmwww i vai i" j y""T T'r:akaT"-.i r Kl-ht and 8onday Phone City 157. uajr "lv i ... Wme in ana aw wwiu. v v PhoBt Main 77 sshest lines 1 ' - Paa lanainrvl In the market M n4iUMa tnr Fall nr Summer de-1 . - Haaai u a ivvei aa . 5W,.rSC":?j --A.-ii Br. See me fit st All fclnasi H ' The y?ry fr-hest or iru..nu if woo.-a X Schmeltser. Milton V. Smith 5lO Selllni tul!i Portland, Or?. toM.t5a"W7a Wm Krab. to J 8chm. u w ltgeBMea aww i"