A very pleasa' aurpris was . inven at the h cf .Mr. iL I Solgard, below jj-aie, Satur dty, Sept EG. tic- v-nt rxiiv in Honor oi a r , n s wrttHiay. The eveni was '; pleasantly spent with card and music, af ter which AdfSghtful Imeh was Berred; Those present were:! Messrs, mn l Mosdarr.ea M. 1W- den. i. A. Zimmcrmann. Carl Stow JGb Keeper. Geo. Graves, Mesdam?s M. Solnanl and J. I. , Heard, Hisses Helen Scott Lil-! ' Han. Edna, Edith and "'Jessi Johnson; Messrs. Harry Solijani, Thoreny Holmes. Walter lltardl Odin Sundersnn. J. L Johnson and Frank Skow. and little Mar paret Skow. v Trobate-Estate of R. I J Creishton, deceased, authorized to sell real property; inventory of estate J. W. Puqua approved: estate of T. P. Duxhard closed cf record: ruardian of Ja. Hugh and Grace Kelly directed to sell real estate interest, and citation ordered to Interested parties to appear and show cause why real ty should not be sold. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Vtujrht and son, llonaKI. entertaired; at Five Hundred. Wednesday-eve-1 ninir. The guests included the Misses Mary Hetdel. Mary Sew. eU,Lucy Weatherred. Eva 'Bai ley. Mattie Wilson, and Messrs. John Eneeldinirer. Wm. Corwin, Kingsley Lytle. Geo. McGee and Mr. and lira. C. U. Keiter. At the W.CT. IT. meeting Friday afternoon, the delegate. Mrs. Shirley, save a report of the county convention ' held, at Forest Grove. The Matrons' Silver Medal Contest will be Oct 13. The next -regular meetinf will be at the Christian thurch. Friday, Oct 9th, at 2:30. C J. Mkhelet has opened a law office in the Shute Buildinc, up stairs, adjoin in z the Wall offices. Mr. Mkhelet will conduct a gen eral law business. " The KInton 10-pieee orchestra will sive a midnight dance in Artisans hall. Scholia. Saturday evening, Oct 3. 1 6 1 -oaves of Bread for 2Sc i Get one loaf and Specks, each good for one loaf of U,i, ; Tuyin your bread thia way gives you the ' 4mk to ave on year bread bill Remember this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 2Tc THE CITY DAtlEIlY J Main Street Hi'lsbonju.. , ,., J. Wolferspergtr, Vn ,'.. 2 : .' i ;:it -; ;j &&Hm L -5" iLi!4L laivitsiTf tf tat so a I L ' I IUMt wmm I 1 X. -JU..1 L. I. A. MSO. Kdltnv. ,tkuuty lUTicial aper evbvnpuua: $1.30.. pur Annum. V -BT- Ll0 MuaiRMCt Jupiter Fluvius is retting ready for his Fall campaign, now that the Fairs are over. i a I The European war at this time appears to be a deaiicck-with iTh. Kintnn ln.niPM nrrhwitra I neither side gaining ,a ditinct will give a midnight dance in I advantage. Artisan halt. Scholls. Saturday I e-reninj, October 3. i. i hi tht mother of btvrtty. Tke wfcMt t fortuM la grcut4 by Uf wttboat wlthoat a root bopt U Ake a boo Two emn live cbvpiy u om bu au to pay alimony. Ever know a womin wbo dmlttvt) ker aboca r too a;lll A new broom -( ela. but tb trouble la It won't Wjr new. Tne best llgtitolnn rod for your own protection to your own iplne. A Boston boepital iDOouncea for baldDeaa. rouibly a fraft a eara The dictograph baa promoted area aavaadropptng to a adeatlfle basis. Qoofl iatentktoa keep a lot of fellows oa Um verga of doing ao me thing. Om good thing abont work la that It keeps noma people out of tnl !.1 f. W sboald all forglre and forget. bu tfa ao bard to do two things at oo-cs Lucky Is the man wbo can onload bis eiperieace at the rate be paid for It Tha tnaest batterer la heredity Is tb father of an abnormally bright boy. Greatest of au conservation more meata la that to conserve tte babies of tba poor. Tba man wbo la go?erned by bin conadawe rery aeldom has to employ a lawyer. Xiio Bu:uurons other startling crea tioos of fashion, tba bright bned balr fad died early. There la really no such thing as bop lng against hope. Ifa hoping against tear that la meant It's mighty bard to admire tbe man who makes a anccess out of what you gare tip aa a failure. ' Tha people Wbo nr.- xsitlsfled to take 'Dungs aa they cuuih are generally atfcfled with very UUJo. Julr iL. 0. Stevengsi was dowu from Ga!ts CreU. todav. Argus and Oreonias. CX2S. Adrian Dant was in tava Irom Reedville today. K Born, to Harry KicharJ and wife. of .Kinton, Sept 1914. a son. - : .; 1 Hi B. Collins and wifetwere Salem Fair visitors the middle of the week. 1 ' ; C. A. Peterson has been ai pointed postmaster at Buxton, to succeed himself. Mrs. J:hn I. Hess and son, of near ueed vine. aepanea icr Bellirgham. Wssh.. today. Mr. and Mrs. John Olden, of Morrow County, are visiting with W. C. GitTord and wife, of the Hitel Washington. Thos. (J. iMeacham came m from above Mountaincale the first of the week, and. went to Portland, where" he was a wit ness on a homestead proof;"" Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Imbriere- lurnc-d yesterday from their cot tage at Elmore Park,-where J. A. has just finished a seawall in front of his abode. The Missionary. Society of the Congregational church will meet at the ehurtb parlors, Thursday afternoon. Oct, 7. 'Members and friends are cordially invited , to attend, i Dr3. F. A. Bailey and J. 0. Robb were Fair visitor at Salem, yesterday. . Dr. Bailey states that there were several hundred Washington County people at the big demonstration. About 35 ladies of the Pres. Church dined at the home of Mrs. H.. Harrington, yesterday, Mrs. Harrington being assisted by her daughter, Miss Angie, in entertaining. A transcript of Treasurer Sap- pington's books shows that he has collected taxes from all sources for 1914 in the sum of $529,965.32, with penalty and in- terest at 12,610 58. This includes all taxes, special, school special. road specials, and city taxes. ' PEOPLE' THEATRE Last Cbace To-nijjlit to see the first KposWc of the THE TREY HEARTS it is the serial of serial ; Tomorrow and Saturday'' ALLAH 3311 a drama of A -1 venture1 at d Intrigue in 3 patts. Next Monday and Tr.csd y i The Spy Hpreiae (Etei of .KSSt Opinio rnC!! STATU OP Jvs s. (STATE) W. (WIDE) PROIIISITKW -i t a r .4 w MMS- Grtctfafj: in 4 reds In or.l.-r U vU i!v .'um n-intr te fart 'that t'"" Theory if 5Jto- Wide Pro! ii"ti! is MtiiU ard Ujcitly5 !!' -ihU-, the i-.tc, aftrr tmnciuK-u vT ;t,l ul n rcti k-u-l m Jt!j JIwumimm ilw JuMUrf vt S. r. Pnihi'iit!- !-.. i tru ! 4 .kkr. Uui kMr the vi tct ki tlrrat. It i t!u t'-wuc 1 .. lite l'r.nu r of S. V. IVvOtilm that tliosc who tu-.e Ui!vrd in hint i Vjttn StVe ami l.w hi tcf ord, KI rrfis'rt frm !H;.trt'll.n furi!K' the oirvr ! Ii inland that iHMh'liiM- to.'itcv! ( V iV c v.!. hue fiit th.Vkuh i hk in OiT.vt aiul vth in-ty Uvtu-.e w infant hc ilw cvkIcikc against hi:n i- itrn.'u.T'l. Tm IV-t-i: ni (Virr t- nuke an ru .lviiwrtt bt tl't t ffcvt ,Lu'all'U!i'-'.'',l it-joaNtntr'nim-d ( r tW h luve lr up)cricjvf -s-V.', I'te! tl'.'; n -itiuf t i IU arrct an-1 f-r lU. wild have bcisl tit hi M the Jirclitniisary arranmnit. Thr IVwU tion 1h1,I t'.U sui.jatl.y and n -;x t a it U frctly avhnittcd that S. W.f Prohil':tt'n U i vrry clwcr man. '11.C In.u of S. V. Pu liillsiwi iajr a-i;;i n anint tht theory oltht prvwed t-tte-w ilc aim mint nt au I n w attack ajinl tlw Stij'j'Ortcrs of Xhr ilin'ry ulmvc in-M f (fi ! nil i ahove rcpntaclt. . . OPENING STATEMENT Ladies aul Ci'nilcmcn tf tlw Jut y; The Ovfvii!.iiit, S. W. Prtiititkn lu tr j.U-1-d on (rulontlic rotnpbint of 1.U Drfftti Il p l inmra wl armipt him tn the ful- lowin charge-': ,) ferantt. Obtaining K,Pnitipn I'nitr fcCse Vtrtfnttt: Fringing into tht State of Origin W AgitJtott for the fitrfttf Ctrmt f llyitftia. Off frit f?t Oi-c'taaff i Orr jon hrvktn iWrwi rtjfxitj by 15 nut tJiJ "ear ytott pf bilUr tsftrunct. ,illittit IJ A'6 ltdsftJt CvmmmiuMt t'f Ort(o of tktV jtt.-mftiHt fj KSl the hf Ytu Imv hcanl rharjjrt atvl now I will laVc thnn uj utu: by uw ami intfoiluce rvulrtice ! n; riXHluuvrly th tW aHititiNt made in thi rmij-hlnt trr true. (At thU 'it S V, Prt4tiLiut Utroujjh ln ftt'ificy lulmuitrd a nKititt taytiig fr a lan ol vrntie la a court in the State ol Kantat. J I'lXH: W!SIX)( - TiwamiKh it thi Si a juott hi t dcci-lrd try the ti'k of Orrgvut nKHiun l drtlwd. . (S. W. I'rohibiti.Hi thryntglt hii attorney then tcihcd t!i t'mn tlul a.lj.Hinumit U lAru until after Nomnlitr lite lliird.) Motimt Jrned. Ccnirt adjourned f.r the day. N. II, Tht trial will rucmt from day la day. EXTPACT3 S. V. huJ-JL.. ... ) Mated Iluifc-Bj"': milfst it... k- . . I j';v nit ai . " wast Jutl to Utt ir " , t A f!.e frirniaflti trt mh ntthtttaaiqli t irtf I ROM. . ()e tf th Jttfortoc' tlui i! I tlirmEitraSt ic hrt lhr trWdtfl l.itln m t.ik(iyi if)"; linn l.LHjklt' him 4 Rut AFTEtWC A twitter of hsrat ( jf.Hirwl hf CiwtlWtl r4tiU.'.ti infaracs . (Hat lie woutj naxt Kt: CAht tried in tuft A ymme l!y tfept a Nih i'rrunt hffi Ttiirt lle iftn ait here die cooM fsttil BIMHOHS. if'' aCaybe yon also have noticed 'that a man sings bis own praises hi V tver gets an encore. : r- a we differ from others we an l&Mual; wherein others differ rrom aa taey are eccentric. la looking aroand for things to be thankful for Mexico may note that she baa 00 militant suffragettes. Some person need troubles of tbeli own to divert them from worrying about tba troubles of others. words are never lost unles woaaaa (rata them In a letter and flvoa it to bar husband to mall. Walking la floe exercise, but there's a difference between stretching yooi loja a bit and baring tbem pulled. Aa general thing, the kind of man mho makse hay while tbe sun thlnes km ttmwtht"g saved for a rainy day. Wsbm of tha future will be bald. mb omui arfentlaL There's such . VoeartTjJgttla aqua tlty thing In tb Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon for Washington County. UliTonipklns, PlamtirT, vj '. '..' 1 William Tompkina, Deffnitsnt. r lo William Jomlns, above turned dr. fitt.dant i ' ! In tlie iiamfili8tat9 tf Orison you are hrrwby required vtpper and atiswer t ) ( ompialni ftf-d agsinat you In tha a'Kivr entitled unit on or Ix-fore Friday, ilie 13th dayof NovwnBer, IH14, and if you fait t; ko appearand aniwer the Flaintll! (or want thweof irlllappiy w the Court for the relinf raj( I for n hr Oxnpliant on file In the above euttfUvl Court, to-wit: For a decree dhnntviiiK ttie ttondaof matri niony heretofore and now existing- be tween the Plaintiff and the defendant and for mcli olhr and futlior relief ai to the Court may hooiii pie-t and (Hjiillaliln and aniiraytd for in 1 1'laintMl 'a Complaint. 'J his Sumuiona w nerved uoon you by Frl)llcati sariqulrod by law and tha tame ii imljll-hi'ii in the Hil'ahoro Araui of HillHliofo, Urejron, and tliedat) of tbe date of the Arat publication ia Thursday the latday of Oct ) r, 11 4, and the date or tbe lant publication ia Thursday the 12th day of NoVembor, '414. and tha Or der of Publication wai made and dated on the .'"Jtli day ol Bepumibor, iylt, by the Hon.l) H. KeiMoner, Judve of theCoun ty Court of the Htate of Oregon, for tbe ( Minty of Washington (fn the absence ol the Circuit JuJko fiom t Waabington Co. Clydo Klnhardson,' Attorney for Plain tiff, l Chamber ol Comwtros Itldg., Portland, Oregon, NOTICK OF APPI.KATI ' (OR VA CATION OF MAI'i.l'. KTJtn-T IN HIGHLAND. PARK AIH!TI0S TO HILViMtlU) , Ncitiee la hprehv riven that !' 1'itr t,t C 4 Conden d Milk C mrf ft.i'1 i r .lion, has AM with the City H'-.r-.r of I'te City of IlillilB.r ) p.'-in mi , a I c that Maple Hlrwt upon al tt-.m Hi . a Uiif. Highland Park Adi'Ui'Mi t tthe i m Of Hlllaboro. Oreaon, oe4-rll)d n f-'lluwi-! Beamning at tha Houth.t en wr f Int Nine, of and ir Hlock On, t and n Hlthland Park Addition l- the iown f Hillaboro, Orrgon, and rnnrdna itiwite Weat to tba Hon th weal yrnr of I, Tn of and in aaid Block ; thence anuth W ' thence Eaat to tbe Kaat line of aaid !!! k One, thane North J feet to the p'aiif besinntng, tba same being lhwi -n on or Maple pireet arroaaaaiu r.w-k Dm . Highland Park Addition to titel iiyi i Hillaboro Oregon; be varated and rttitf thereaaona for sueh propoaed vac.i-. and the nurpotea for which aaid vac i-! treat will be uacd, and attached to whi. t petition ia lha written vomant of tint owiiera In fee simple of the majority f the real aatat fronting on iotu erne ol aaid Ureal so propoved to be van it"l. i ntj fronting upon an attended line 10) U t from each termini thereof tc'H up in Hie fronUre npon aalJ street pr p .wl l i I vacated. Now, therefore, all pemon In'fri"' therein are hereby notified that th" i'a aifloCoaat (Jundenaed Milk Coiiini-tiv. a corporation i-foreaafd. will pr-.)nt to u City council or the cur or tinnier i, f, r action by aaid Council, the aid pttiii it, eonaent of abutting owner mr! ir of .1 notica on Tuesday, the 3rd d:iv of Kovoin. ber, IVI4. tha Mint being the next reirul r mouthly meeting of aaid Con mil loiinw lng four weeks publication ot thia n t":, and altaid lime or at inch othnr time I whiob aaid matter may be rmionil ir aaid Conncli. the aaid petltioiior i ll! .k aaid rity council for a vacation ol ii .l pinion or atapie ntreei iinreintrore par tiuularly described, and all twra n a ioitr- sited are further notlBed that the I' iili Co iat ( ondeueed ht Ik coitibanv h eseculed and deposited with the c:i y r,i nnmooro acniTeyanre conveying a al t V foot (trip of land eeroa aaid Hlocli Onr, Highland Park . .addition to Hill-b.'io inimediatelv south and ai,uttlng ti(ri said Maple Htreat for atreet purp m, I haa agrewl lhat It will fill and lirinx um ame to giaile and maca'laoi aal l t.vr.', t and plao the same lo good u inilition for foot and team travel. Dated Ibis Wtb day of Heptnmber. 1914 Pacllic Cnaal Condenaed Milk Company,, By K. A. Hluait, l're.. IViitiont-r, Bagley A Hare, AUornrye for 1'ntltl mer Hamp jhik I rVONOaVCtV i -H Fi. xrl n? rone. fir .5a l Mi ill III - . V At.S IGUSSI in COINO V-V A IOWDY PAP" Andrew Kostur, of BuxU.ri, was in town today. ; Dance at Bethany Gransre Hall, Saturday evening, October 3. Tickets, 75 cents. Mimic by Johnson's orchestra. Everybody invited. ; Clerk Luce and Deputy Kurat li have been more than busy writing; huntinK licenses this week. Hunters from all parts of the county are out after the little piece of ' paper that gives them the right to shoot at , the game old China rooster. Are you a member of a Fra'.c 1 1 il Orgiuw itioti? lK you cojoy the benefits dcriveJ therefrom? Hir exclusive-clubroom available fur yo ir entertainment? Are you protected in case of sickness, or prov ctccl at your tlcaili? WuuM you like to become a member 6T a Brotherhood whose influence isBti over? Do you want t uning with livcwirc men? Do you want to elevate your itauJinK in tbe co Does the largest, iivelist and niost itifluuitial l'ratcrnal (Vganizatiou in the city appeal to yon? Facts; About the Loval OrirJsr of to: The Loyal Order of M.mse iuiiiated more mem bers ill ir)l 3 Ilia n all other fraternal on-anizatioiis in America combined, 1 The Supreme and subordinate lolc 'assets of the ' Ukfk of arc three and one-half millions. , , I Lc Supreme Lodge recently purchased 1000 acres at Moehart, III., where a vocational Rd jn. dustrial selHKd has hem estimated, a'so a home for the aged and widows and orphan?. The suu never .sets mi the Loyal f )rder of Moose. . A large pcrceutagj of our leading citiaens, includ-li-gthe Piesident and Vice-1 resident of the United btaUT, are members of the Lt.jal Order of Moose. ' " 1 he Loyal Order of Moo e Kave thc sick, dis tressed and needy, over 2,ooo,oco in 19 m A correspondence school will be started shortly at Moosehcart for the benefit of ...enibers, and the lod rooms wi.l .be converted into instruction rooms,' where ' traveling teachers will give special "slrttCt!? mote, by education and organized effort, lie spirit and b.Hter social and fraternal otC We welcome any "white nun of go j ter to become a member of the order. . . Do you know that we pay a ,K'D1CDtl;Q ' Jn case ol sickness, with free medical twr( Do you know that Hillsbjro fJflJS? more than iooo benefits to its members , past year? ; , .f r . ... A lira are ""V , 1 uoyou Know tnai our ; ; per quarter? 1 1 : Do von know that within a PP&fJ : furnish free a physician for yourscll gwr' Do you know tliat the initial c " ; to $5? HE A MOOSE. , RGANIZATION HEADQUARTERS, HOTEL WASWD' v(v.:.,f!r: LaCroixt! Deputy Dircctorn Jv