The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 01, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 23
f . . i i
1 1
When farmers not tU
.... " '
ui airaw .k.... -
" -7 ----- - rj are
ending up la smoke plant food
a . a k. m
tw wv vaiue or u lor each ton
burned, according to () A r
uronomitta. They ant also rub-
kliia ik. -. '
.v..- rUaaa4 Z?' ,T"'"U nramc matter
ItoM ! ' inuwouui lend to make them
a.. . . - -
iaiaraav. Oct. to a4 17 light, porous and eaaily worked.
lis o ens
3 FOR M Yd
fine uvestca
WathlagtM Cauoty Inatltattoa
light, poroui and eaaily worked. Near Baavertoa qim OmejtrA
fXX:HTlno43mK capacity. lhee value
ImnuinK rayacuy. mese values rM1.TV .,.
to sad and heavy loila are often nan CBUX W ON STATE UST
M great u the plant food values.
Argus and Oregon ian $2.25
H. C. Peereon. of Iowa Hill.
wu in town Saturday.
New and aecond-hand barrels
at Greer!.
Dane at BurkhalUr'i Hal','
OatnrHaw hmIm Ortnhr S
Hani Rasmusen, of Orenco,
' 0. I... -Uitu I Ik.
wu a oaiuruaj tww iu wic
o B3 ism
Keefcake Jr.Vle-
areai as me plant rood values.
Hf M Fleet! W" thua making the entire worth of Suit ABtvttcc a a Ullk Over TWm
... v I the straw about Is nr ton ltl .
U vm I . r. Iki. ii.Im. .;k
. .. I th Coat of haulin the it raw ami
to Grange. I'atroni oi nus- applying It to the land . and the y The SUU Board of Health, in
M have coropiewo wi aiwiu burn no more straw. Kor iu report iuat
WnU for toeir wnu,, cwuaiedfrt.pathei raw eover- that St Mary's Home, of Bee
rr L"ir -Tr .T. u I .MU verton. had 86 children on the
. a . a a lauiaiBii iinmir rtiiT rrar ia a i
. -A HAlftaawfaia ib'ww vu ieav r .... .
iu KridW -"-7 ehtrw on the cultivation f and W that Uregon paid
4 ...I t7. Tnla year ueitk. ... r....:u..i I thm tnr k iqii k.
oek ehWt laraetiftng a fund. On meadow i and paature liuraof $3,306.15. making a eost Saturday
deal of attention, and thia lands the straw may be applied to the sUte of a little leas than AU, r'
dud horaea. catut, DOga. - ?.L"!r'n 185 per annum for the keep and I Tn t
gU. as w M P0IU7. w , tt from ih.
eood premiums WW 6lunda. it muet be returned in
for winning aninaa in aii tome form to that land, or the
.. i k. tkM wiil be a I land will become unable to Dro-
I, anu v.-. v. Li. " ;.ki. "
lot of Individuals in me u imni.u.
, iv tnouc aaiiRK.
lttadysroilk com contest
..u Mnnaiiiitraiiiw aiTerawn
li this U a , wr. waj now you are uimnea. pecauae i ? evening. Oct 8. Tickets,
carry tne w. u uougiaw iur uijr. ah oiui, iwucr, ffi -j, Ererrbody invited.
.... L' J . r. vk. hit. I Mi.lih m anu mnffh Af Ih. m am II "
men, anu rricuiiiau giremj. imwiw
Mech Hnifl
la Orcatt Ceart
13.85 per annum for the keep and
care of each child.
The report explains the Home
as lollowi: lea. waa
"St: Mary's Home owna and Is owning.
county aut
L. H. Peters, of above North
Plaina. was a eitf caller the last
of the week.
waa transacting business in the Judge Eakin heard the celebrated J
county seat we isai oi we wee. u from Corne-
F. A. Harturr. of below Oren lius, the last of the week, and
co. was s county seat visitor dedded n.t the dty ln th
Saturday. L : u
I mailer wnereiu un onuwu
Chas. Hickethler and wife, of irA.Knir. i ... .mitid thia
Cedar Mill, were dty visitors L , ' nnm9tm n. Kntuw.
confiscated and broken, and the
young man. who wu actios; as
agent for his father, was fined
t2S and a jail sentence. The
to imprisonment was
by the recorder, but
Gordon, of North Plains.
waa in the dty the last or the
Julius Foege. of below Elmoni-
in the citr
Saturday sentence
r.rh white. The state
i-nmmiiwioner will be pres
r . 7....,
I livMitiirk muai M
ihercuUiitit. and this has al
. kn arranged iOr.
f WT- II - P. ,
diiplsy of graasaa, Rraina,
I all-leather-lines
JudifM frmibll rame out Mon
day and dtMtxMed of a few cases.
T7- . . ..
He set the trial or fcunice cvans
Now is the time to think about the comforts of
the winter, which is almost here THE COLE AIR
TIGHT HEATER will excel all others for economy
and comfort. Yon will find at this store a full line of
these stoves, aa well aa many other makes of heating
Is the one Rangethat excels. For the
money It is the best Range ever built.
Other dealers will not say this but the '
person who owns one after using others
will tell yon so. Call and see them.
"The Store) That SatUiW
for women and and flour is furnished by St J. B. Downing, of below Bee- rters must oe mmta lnpmin
Mary's Home. verton, wsa a county saw caueriieiiers ana dun
. A FriUy lededakm. then. It.
SLiirKE .,wtEL"2: Lewis mn.1&Tmt9
l diipisy oi sriw- Ha mt tha trial of Kun ce Evans rr. .T' A .r i! Ahj 7L' Leiavvil le. was in town the mrnnttm h-h - intn the town.
w4rUrMtaMtA Lovgren SL7rSSU provided that the carrier ia not a
rr than ever-aJMl thia to . . . Home , who do not dnw Mpnwt Pmm.Q.- 0t Halve-lnrrUr or ia not earn.
iK a great ae. ir hrou-hi b PUintifl Evans, a "u " "1":"- hi. ,aa a eountv aeat visitor I nr It for hire, and there is no
lhMa gooaaw)w. - IviolaUon of the ordinance. Thia
domwtic science we wow.i a MlUni. . ot jr7Zl ' lmMn& tk that a fanner can
csnnrd fruits, tefetawes, ,Vfmn c,.. or nave m John Loftis. of ahove "ol-TTnT; Partland and carrv
ee. will be a reveisuon I jYTZ, - r'hernr Grove, mi here- PP: 7Z52?T E PW ctme over to we county rrthd a the ntv without mo-1
Tkea la vat another i
the docket which will be review-1
of W. A. Beinnawr.
. ....
uvn ile showing will oe
iLn mvmr. and the Col-
and needle work.
as the housewtvery ena will do credit to the
of entertainment
. . . . . . m
In timhtr land owneraniD inai- . , ,
a . . nninrui reuiri. ana iiuurufw
la railway and ro II figure, the en. . g Mary'a Home
eat Saturday, to take out a I
UreTrt over 1173 K Pater Hoffman, of was
ml luui rfnllara Fla ntiff claims 7"""?. C" ZTT'l i .u. I
Iha'aalnek to the extent of a n!L22!?tr ""
waaw ftwiw . I I I a BIIIBiniliriBlLIUIl. - w ------ r
mo T..i...I iw.k k.M call at Forest Grove.
k.takawaa to set 15. WO for . " "Z. C.V.I I- . tu n n MM tk.l
- -. - - in uwincfl ud m ih in iiivi w. i j. n . ixjiiucu i.iuimv i . . .
k. CK. allMTMl no I - . . ui. am I. ... . - ! I llMMir
ner icni. -.. si hipv'i noma or ibu.02. iimi r tne ani iram a DUBineaai . .
it.- 1 anrl IhBt I . k . JiuIm h'Akin allOWefl a QeiBUK
pari naa um . Tn . mBy be regaraea as proper, trio covering vanoua wirw. w . -.T-1. V n
t .,.rft hmiid tM maae w i. . .l . i ..uki.i.T ... .. k. i in uia nawoi ahw a. ww
ir7f::? ,t Ntin iy ou . ""T? tB"0"' " "" r.h a. newie. and
nquioaie. most of the provisions aa u wee, in. n.rrL "kTIZ :Za vi n
a a III Iv ftVfca ... 1 lumri UVI K amuan SiHiiwwe w i
ounng wepaaiyearwerom
ul"e, ,"J uo to make a business Tha BalHnmr caae ia almost a
i rvAMifiniw Ul LIIB IIVIUlMSVo mm
I affair, and
with the Koehnkel
it will be watchedl
Jr Sarin, th.W tfta.l.f ffiU tobl. In fl "-MSnrt h-
19U. emiHitinn. (U1 ReichOW. COTO6- m.,i HitfAVM tsninftt ChftE
M A tsjaaji tvi ivi - -
itus, nouie i. ..- ig, DaaBaia.
t A, thm Noma. furniahlDfflTih.mnnlr rountv. and the Mena
Virtue of an order or tne liquidate, ine mwt of the provision M it aoes, n.
, . i uii . Nihi n ih. iveimin vaj.. uiv iii..i :j ni h.iiuii rnri
,j court, i win i -------- i. I
it the Anton Krieger fsrm. Injuries, susUined wh logginR
- ABB I. A ... K. A m M nT a
f mile northwest or ve has ten sei w ma .
and two miles north or I Taken un: Two Jersey helf-
it Crave. St tea in..OO. .vM111. 2 veara old. Owner I fitatlatieal Raoort
Vl'CntY nrrmtSR 7. Llu rail nrove DrODertT. PaV rklMMn nmaant Jan. 1.1913 .70
I . 4 T". iy. we4MiiH"i charges ana m""
, bUrk ho, tia, uia, goM ue Valein. on UelCbman Place,
Mlntl. toiril aoies a yeaie.M. rtK ftf f -ur. 2-8
I m in I ol"l aaraaat, ataa I wu
fwj m.1 iioii.ia-w. gottil Hillsboro was dry euough for
milk. co. call at ami ,k. mnat ardent DroWDH-
I (IBM Ol Mlt. ON IO rilMWa JB . V. . ' - .ko
. .... aa.fc. I lAalala BHUinsiW. 1 III liiciw w
krtb. 17: om, apni ;. rtn-iiuniBWi --- - c ,
, 1 v... 1. kfM. 1 1 1 uMinift at tna neaamvc un ww
miu wnnH i". . ,
.;..o;,b: .,ua.'i rS.m. '.Vd the : water line was anUousaisesaesaunng i
i.rj iiaiM.m bail. 1 r. til tabtr- MmmiMiAn awaiting re
Luii ti.rtnrifiis..82l Robt ThomDson. of Cedar
" '.Vn.. i 1019 iiKlum aa in the citv Saturday.
r:VWK " . j " : j-j u. m..aii I. una nna af the
given ui ana pnmwi atr. uimh-.. .-
with homes 87 ranking pioneers of his com-
Children on State list Dec. & munity.
not on 31 ?9 Hundreds of machines came
Deaths during 1913.... ;; g2 out from Portlsnd. Sunday, and
iimrit, mil and waeat la graeaiv;
il raira umoa7, tomm w
Mil. n: Naa ktcCdtalck
, old nvi r, baarkr, nearly saw
l plua, iiikriooili, twiegitwa
inmt. triirh waaea. aM woaoa
m r.Binkll. aalh alaw. 90
lurl.lil. I. nr. .BMW Calll
(titp.nirf aB,t blacktaiHh tool. )
ifS iIoiIi;ob, la4 ruler, aiiia
no t . u ma a: larai w
mt oibn uticloo. Laack al aooa
na-t'JO and under, cub;
3 months bankable sp
note, rt 8 per cent
John K nearer. 1 . .k. ii..m
inintrator Estate Anton Fr"": ;ZZtrt house. Saturday
11 a. 1 ww Atkr
avi, 1 1 vy I'UCU,
IvwuM.a'WMV -"- . ,
Cases of very light smallpox .
Cases of impetigo-
HUMInk aarana Ciddink.
cree of divorce granted.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at the Uvengood
farm, li mile southeast of Keeo
ville snd Si miles west of Beav-
HIVE mn vf hmA tka annnvam of havinff a bill Dresent
ed for osvment twice? Host people have, and if no. receipt
1 - . - - . . . . . . . l 1 . . 11 .1.1. j:z...i.
oaa been taken uere is apt 10 oe irouwa. aii uiw uiuwui
mh ka aniilAl if tka hill ia neid by check. . The endorsement
I m. k kaok nf tka ehack ia nroof nositive that the bill has
been paid. There is no getting sway irom 1L
Amorican Notional DanlV
traversed Washington County.
The roads were in "Pienaia con- '" Reedville and Port
dition. after the rains 1 although f.'KgSat 10 a. m..
they were a trifle rch in places pa R
bone," 1 1 w;h sell at public sale on the J. county court and the duitit at- w bpowB
? cne"p.- i r: ,TJ"2 w7rth ki.rnitkTn. So. after
pairs. Even the rounia o..
which slwsys cause a smile to
Al. ..... tk. fa.tlllVH 01 me "
supporters, were as dry as the
nraiirnu uwuv.
... , . . 1 "" " f. . !l- .....kl. - .11 Lu..,..f k PimHf ! vnm, .'....
Ho-s. Xor isle cheap, wsigni Pj Tarn esie r arm. m - wrney-, u. - . n years oW, weigw nw;
aboot 1560. Write Mrs. a. 0 wcrw .ri.-j -"ir" " :ru Tftt The onlv tJll VM wora animaia.
Kc er, Beaverton. ure.
a aa ii'.ia na
quire or w. v. "nw";7JnTnf- a aerad matters.
n 1am iw w 1 j r 1 n . . ww.. w -
oroa. ow. 1 . ,
r. A. L. of North Plains and 4 milea north Highway proposition, bo. alter TLj 'wk animals. I I
e . or in- 0f lfflsboro. on , the Hillsboro- WMhington isno the only ff!i yn old. riving km NrrtfftVl-'i
a, BorinK North Plaina road, at 10 a. m, on county that has hair-in-the-nose k. aoon;Guern- II Al7aOnLC-l lUU.i JU-...
288 TUESDAY. OCT. 6 over road matters. Mv eow.5 years old. fresh in II r.
um.kAm r.ranire Patrons of Cows: Eight yeara, fresh in The Indemnity for cattl
nSttS wE'to notify the No7 yrs, fresh in Dec; 7 yrs. fected with tuberculosis is
iCi K'bri'.S AMhtal Un?toaitoanltom
Portland 56 minutes.
iuat bred: 3 yrs. iresn in Jan 01 ting to oe quiw an iw
Sf frSh in Oct: 9 yrs. fresh In ty Jxpenses.. The.court jrecentiy
1 - m i na 11 aw a j .a oka laivav at fnairwaw
evening, Oct m?
The Indemnity for cattle af.jN0V.. Guernsey cow. 5 years old.
. "'f-. rk (Weon. 7 vrs. f rean in uec o - miiHoil barrels of cruae 011 uunng v v - - - ...
ipnm w in Jan 10 yrs, fresh now. 7 " , noMn't look . much sewing macniue.v 1
ami TkA heifer calves. n ai . .. . nlj 1 auxubi..
ii - jalmnm tattle! 2 lO-' Sl milK CSUS,!
AlVTi wwawaww - w -a
fresh in Dec.; Jersey cow. 6 yrs
nid. fresh Oct 8: red uurnam
cow. 10 yrs. fresh In Feb;Guern-
.... knifof naW" all OOd COWS.
Three hogs. 8 doz fhlcaens. 8J
fn.k.n ofaimn Oliver chilled
aa,iw;ui ""it " . .
plow. 14 inch; John Deere stee
i . u.wmmb 9 BAAtiAn. new: dbl
1C1C1 U.L.VTii m .
ire.,,... .-M. :r---- . S?nii. auiv---harness: new Davia
(affiliated banks)
T 8SS3SSS JSS "rSW. S aSBKftW. - - '
Combined Capital and Surplus.
Combined Resources
.Ted Schall
warn a....- pr
andUke ssme away
I other articles
I name.
cows iu awwv ------
tested for tuberculosis.
""i.-kawFar. neaveriwii ;i i ..k t Noon. i . .i inaiuc . . - .
.::::::::::::::::::::::?S 'ECS FtMS
thai eomo " T Tk. ...I ,. r..-.n,i. AucliooM
it. : ...u
. j" i v The ex
m thing pa. - f the
n u nnmaliuL Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
trrwrla ttnl f itvIsiKtntTBl ftt
rwvki aa ii v ihi iiiwmiiib - -
than right prices at Greer's.
P mmia wB.jr--"-- . manv of
. . . .P m I , tends, s.i-m to the .,N,nki stock YARDS
ntn ikam siniDDea w lv," ' - i wiv.,
Wr I Msvaaa "-era
pm SUte Fair.
om o.iTt nr emoiy wmc
a m 'Aw ki.kev barrels. -J.
v.ha HtllBDoru.
.-k- o t?rurAar. the Deaver-
joiiii - .nii Mrs.
aa4 Ua Mraw Af ft llAr MflL tier atli-
nun. . Two per cent on iot cssn
on sums oyer fio.
Lunch at ncpn.
J. J. Wall. Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Koehnke. of beyond to" Jtfthttworth. of the same
nir. waa a ritv eallae Lion-1 married at VSncou-
fternoon: " "'wih. list Friday. The
Gaisbuhlen of Route 1, w-'r
city caller Monday alter i their Beav -- rt
The funersl of tw
h'.e: Oregon Giant Rdler Foulkea. took place ia.
also feed ertnder. Call or I at Farmingwn.
?? Layman Bros., Besver , r Bechen.of near Orenco.
. a,a aaar w ibii lui .
tfaetin Bejtiarda. of Verboort
rkrfa. Behlndler wu up from
fjiuwa. j-o I ... In a
M. Kyle, of Bethany, was a Saturday.
vauiT. Saturday, tie naa
ButTi'iimr from a touch of
n a maoime tractor ror
farm plowing.
Inland Empire ne naw
Spokane Fair. Bob says that t
is a great counwy yv "ir
he still likes the old Willamette
Valley the best
vHsiiw'f at i iat Mai nam Lurisou wui atevw
3066; sheep. BH. t . . . 3"wniA thu year. deliver
... ctllr" i.c. Kt at the railway, In seven yTfito Saturday.
lrlared with last week. Best years Jlr. Churchley t -gjjjw j Johnlonf o( w Witch
At?Wai?!Jff SSLiS Mou? hulSSlHvJ:. "towi Honda,. .
corti of wood annually. .MAkil"ai
. , . i. ftk. I . . nl Pnul.nil
free Use oi mwiu. j. a. ,imaieruiut w
part of the husband. They were p,,,,, beioW witeh Huel. was a
r i i inAi Shft mm ihol ,7' tk. nf Ika otAaik.
marneu m ato, civy wiw w " "
has done more tnsn , VanLom. of Centervflle,
county seat, visitor koo-
DanlUBln All luDranches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit
Commercial Loana. Foreign Loans. Domestic Letters
of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Sayings Deposit.
of near
by a
pr Halter has skipped from
Mrs. nenrj ",a,tnr
.. n.-i. uraa a nu ' -
uaa ri
Frldsy. . .
. -I.-., ItAlOW DC ill
0- . c"r,V' v.t the Argus
waa a vibi -
non, and a warrant Is out saturdsv.
.rrest. charging him with T melius. W
S Von t a SO: bulls 4 76.
ally Isrge. trade steady with
M ' i Ika aAala
best stun noma w.
. . !!T.-i . fax heed of mut-
sion, w ' L? .' 1V.- f a.
ton snd ismoe waiw --
? W:. vAimar lam he reach-
...uui in n at uvi "
iff woL Trade cloned on
steady basis.
For sale: Two cowa. fresh;
. M - k.IfaM THan auuai
ana. xour "-'rj ii.l.a -
graded Jersey.- "T p.Ti.,
iLi nainancna. -uaau
; Ti .k. knakanrf look after a
bring ie j;iyuuv-. "-zl ; .t. . rWa
ThaV OWn VBIuauia mui iu , , va ikwwi j.- - -
1U,J .V . VT n A UT a.k I - A AA . l5aildV
SriS. She asks for money tolling, enroute to Tillamook,
w - - . , . .mil . MI..I . ..... ft l -.
wnaaeilM KMB BUIh HU wu-i , iiukftu KAi:tn. ICHTDanT OI
"rTTT I- ftk. aaal Ann I ' aatMw. ."' " Z. I
third lnverem - ; Centenruie. ana rcr a varw y
Danonsl property. J. n"' Kst a reliant ci naar Utanon,
bel Is attorney wr w uumu.j
No Hear Dofloctiono Yith
The carved Toric shape does
away with the annoyance of rear
reflections entirely. Your field
of vision is widened and the
close-fitting edge cannot inter
fere when yon look off at an
Come in and see us about
iISunitL M. HOYT :
- X7tchaa!lr and Jvlr. :
Cradaxta OptooeitrUt
EtaonT Coriiuuiltl.