The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 24, 1914, Image 5

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    !.iUl IRAili Mir niiuiUll I
Diinia m muy.
ri.t imp iriT
1 ItlSI DW
ifi8 ricnvv uw.tMi.r i.i r
iiat t'rUejr evfHlr.n tftJ not Iff I
r nt 1 good steed a.iilifrttf from
attending the College Concert
entertainment at the Kmton
High Sthmil. given by Mm. Adna
r Smith Fto and Mini Wilma Ww-1
I I'uitf Cm' IUi'M- grner. of Allmny. Mr. Ph ha'
. ii uwllL soprano f remarkable rane
L, 1W 1 ' and flexibility, ami at all time
r t 1ft . . I . . I
rtu li unuir HTieci control.
She sang Selections from ora
tortoa, opra. and modern iumif.
Ifrr MtShte presence remind one
. I3VI - - I a at I i I .. a 1
. , oi iifraujin" rarrer. anu ner
F"' rm1 rendition shows that her training
j it Uuuion, where she sjent a
L .!. ('.at Condensed great deal of her time in study.
J'"1 Mt.rt.-.t con- ha given result. Mis Wauife-
rumrn ... . ..;, fif Im. mr. alay a favorite, played
ntui in """- ' It-aseand limh, while ax an ac;
cnmpanftl sue i unexcelled.
Mi Waggener, well known in, ha hud two years
with Jonas, in iWlin, and is a
tinUhcd naniHt.
I represent Spirella corsets-
not sold in Urcs. Will call at
limne on request and ilo the
lUling, and tenth how to adjust
. .. ill ltai-a a
M .. 4 Wit'
P . .... l nf rt-
jlllOJ, IHO'"-
Zi tiling. Th fun.ta-
the Tuitmun
Around Ortjwjlift
est tirov. w3 ifa town t"ter
day. on business.
iKnni vour Brrocery 6i"dert
arlir anil they will rCre
Mr. Ixna Dudrry Alkt lor Tblr- oromut attention. Greer'i.
date, was greeting xnenoa in me
HtSBASO kill! 0 l r. t. K WD KJ Monday.
Anroui customer at Oreer i
trial and VOU
W C R,i.i.J r- I'.iua CI.'.. II wi. "
ri.c. .-.-.i , l0Vm hl room. niann! S7 oer month. Tel.
Mrs. I.ena Dudrev. adrninigtrator r; -7'A 2C-8
of the estate of Uuia M. Uud- Th. Hiii-horo drutr stores will.
rev. deceased, has Buit,f-r October 1. close at eight
aaamHt the Southern rarihc o clock evenings.
lUil way and the V. II. & N., ask- v(r Baie: A six year old cow.
ng lor p:,.m) damages for the just fresh. Ztna Wood.
d.-athnf her huHhand. who was boro. ure.
acci.lentally killed hile sleeping Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, oi
in section house between this Helvetia, were county seat vis-
city and Wheeler. Jan. 'Zi, VJlS.
tt . I A. .11 ... i.4 I U A
me complaint aueKea uw vetprdav
Vi VJ Vv
iri aiiUuiii cinnt wi cuhumi
fl i 4 si a dat of DfAJef for
nMrp h President Witaim. will
- i , . .. rl
be recognized ty me peopieu
i p l'V,nrfh in il
feopie s service wnM.ii riiteAntb oon-r n-atu.
Mrufu iv ni&nnea io meet uic in-1 .a Hamad tttnaUk
i Today Is County School Day terest of the patriot at 11 o'clock j puowod cCUy m wrtJ.
.. . a.. rMM h on that day. a aneriai program. I '
nwn'.iud rowardinir servica
T0H08K0W IS BILLSBOlus a general invitation is extenaeo
I .11 In nhsprve it with US.
1 Ul !! WW
WWiU Mrc. Bear mlUW. Preparatory to that ,serv,ce the s. a P. P aN.r. r-.r.
I aa aa II 1 Hut MlltliaV ilHJt l I ' . . a
. .1 '"ih r.vfumuin ui i . . . . .
ing, pew . . 1 I Minbtreeu,nui. vren .
u.,av anri it Problems. I"J
. .....4- -i a Fnrest . nM.T Whv do VOU? What
inerouni, i..r- ..,, r in
r.m vMterda w th a good- do you pray ior; - iixhkjhM. a-"in - v'
fky-tiriaa sad KargM
R. M. ERWItf, M. D.
itors Tuesday
Alfred Erickson, of Mountain-
... . , ... ,u- morning.
Our tailor- m,nK Hneaer lor. l,uurcJr- "
ntPM-U. n- woraea on me section, inav wuuiu
Best Device
IsDrayer for peace
Our best etioro are
. a r1.. uuit mm uuvs it
Sized CTOWU. UUT. 1 ;MKla?
Today eommand is helping. to
i J . - J -awnral hnnnrf (1 1 . V mualmni-rfl-
scnuui uaj, au -"-'" i solve mm; imi "
nnnlls. teachers and parents at-1 wrd A. Harris, pastor.
tended from here, with repre- lf you w,nt to buy a Rood
t .nv pruiniv I iLAwuifrttKMn shroushire DUCK
MnriT Vl!l I 1 1 II II 111C.1I J w - - rf I LllUIUUKllV,vta "
Ortke Hour 9 to n a. m.; 1 10 j p. im
Tek. TbuiwUT, Saturday 11
Calls aaiweted day or night." Both
phono. Ofiica wret MuWoro Aaumta..
call on, phone, or write. Ferd rVrrWAWswMrW
Tomnrmw L, Hillsboro's day at Uroner. nn.sooru. - J Q ,
ng an
.. .tation "
""--. ... ... M.
. t I .i 1 I h.i I a. - l .
i.t.ul that in imhi" iana wear me cor-i.
1 . .... m a I I 1.. ....,. .nun
of thlfirui1" .... ,i,,.. f.,, i,',. u,;.V,L,u.l .,. Th allPiatinn is WM . " l t. - Willarn ac. U. RihilitiM. The SOUad l,o ,iIm1 Auir. 25. Mr. As-
l f;ai.ia. am. v.uu.ok .'"",-! ' r . T.Vl '"Z " t , ureeunn m irmc. . rni h I.rel M. iL?J pV ! that he
an exit-niH-iti mrw-iHT iTivr, l inai uiu -inuaintances. ins mnr wnw m - .- .
555-line 16 Scholia.
... . i . C..k Tnala. I
son has a drilled squad of twenty Jo"
k ot ennnter- 18 8t,U .S5??S.,f i .ii Pho, Cilice. Cit, 384; R. City S64
men wuw wm iu.v.. inrmanw. navinK me no tnm
the fair, and Chairman Wm. Nel-
. .. , . . .. ....... Vr,u""t '-',""".".V... ..J IHfXSBORO.
ti':n: 4 .Mnn r port inn. 1 march inn nisiriDuie iiicioiuim:0 viaitinv w in man 'ca i.v.
niiua r.. - ; rvir fKo . seat VV?Yr ir. itPlatad Aug. , .Mrx
m vrvurn Miinuiv vrvciiiiiaba 1 iiiui'iiiiiic uiwu : y nnniiK. aia m a-v- . - - - - -
ti.avMiitude wf,.1".1
of the Pythian MiliUry wa3 about to start on a trip to
. aaa !. 1 miMi mi imirn 1 11.111 iiilcii m. 1 - 1 11.111k i 1 uun as iiiv a aai v m . 1 . t a a. umma 1 nui u w v ,r am iu auuua v a . . .
ure it api--." ' flllr,.t,Bl4,.(, u .rML Mrs. arth. IJasting. and falling timer ways , me r llnk ,d the boys will do credit v9riolia ints in Germany, wim
-rvativf ium-. n;nui-.r.v i-ifiv, ka.i lnn..neH the earth mercnani ana tKomaoivpa They expect w. Joins expressed no
lf'S ; l ktaSl IWNa to that extent that a gale caused town ytofdv. on ous.neaa up tnejr organization and ijearg but what he would have no
lo add wi' '- &t. r,(nf a tree to fall acrws the building, me courvuuOC. pgrfget -,n anu ai me iw trouble, at all. and says ne
"kin n' i ., ... 1
,j Ui, plant U being rn.
atrr supply. nw
twHiif . also U-ing remod-
4d made larger.
I lig rxiN niHiuiT -
l . m.-iillH Mini iiir "
the com
the court house. Ik v-ft in drill at the Rose ...t.ia at all. and says he is
I. 1. 1. ;u..,i mi 1 r 1 1 w. nvh onn i.pinan 1 1' ...i ...i vnnnv : s maiiriir niJnL hiuiik.
A. U lloUomb, of 'many. i th foreman. I 4 1 united in mar-l uniuhnmwill irive the Fair a u vw-ta to come home when
was In town Tuesday. . He and -"" r ' " . - 1914 . "".Indance tomorrow. Ik.tVhm visit finished, but not
Mrs llolromb derte,! yesU.r. "re are tnree minor chil- judge 1). B. Keasoner officiating. fSre.
day for Kertnan. ta L. ht Mr. i(J y UuU & tl?d wa3 , pt BUC SALE f Mie-some fresh and
it iih nniiaiiv 1 ri m 1 Liter nuia vir 1 .. . 1 aj iiAtkaiiti tanri
Un thebeKt for a year or so " -
A I. ha leen a resident ofl'T.V
livr b the fact that W.HhingU.n Omty all his life.Ls.r.H
. .1 I . . 1m i niiwu iiiuim. v.. r .. . . I . . . was in
Wo 1 " " .,,,r tn " " and nasmany " " " Dudrev is one of Portland a Dig l visor 01 oeiow Dew.
l in the Nortnwwi, I w sh him a compiew rewrau"n
1, nit. aim attiii. f 11. lit ttid Titrtnr u ihi iiiraiLii. . uv
- ...1.. i..i.iu '. ... .t. .1 tui. aum uuuiii . i I .... i unvnAY ociuur.i. a. r "c.:- r--.,na
u ai recently iii win vin iin-m . Tho cnmti mini is 1 1. .:ii:.Ma anri ramiivi . . line rair vjiuuhu.
Cliy Ciller uw VI ....... l loniera w un" - . .,
He has leased his Bethany ranch The undersigned will sell at pub- Meyer, two miles south of Cor-
toCH. Freer. lie auction at ine uvewiwi neliua, on trnes. ivmu3u.u--.
i i .ci,niir. the road super- f arm. 1 1 mile southeast of Keed- Comelius, Route 2.
-t ....v, - - iiu and 31 m es west 01 tseav- . . p.-m, t
Dudrey. is one of Portland .Dig visor 01-., Reedvi)e d 6. "erav. to take
Room 16 VVaaliiogtoD Hotel
Dr. Anita E. Dohnsaok '
Otteopalhic I'hy.tcian
Office boon 10 to 11 nt-t '"MP
Kaoau 1 and t hhaf BaUdiaf
E. B
r. . K,Slus s&ftw-sr r-
1 atr saver.
IH p.l.lC SAI.P.
virtt'e of an
...1 . r..i,ni urn now on I. mituiav enmnanv Bil up anu
mvies. iai - , . "-'. r.T ' , L....nn
5 notice, wm. w.
attorney for the S. P.. will
1 .
rail and look at our samples.- defend the case
order of the ,-hri-t Wuest. the Tailor. Phone
m 1 1 rAoh an 1 - . w-i
nonn. isev cow. o ycaio icurnng rir.
1 1 r a am 1 m 1
r. xi Rradlev departed Tues- Nov. ; Uuernsey cow .o- The Women of Woodcraft win
Wa ' n I J In flPUUV I'l I II w i a . - Iir Un I I
-r. r. fnr San p ranClSCO. I iresil in wcv., . I riancA at w. u.
inav minuwn - - - -. , , , , -, nrnam ikc " - . ....
1 . 1 mi . n TatiiAm irmn ut:L. o. i - , ,.
. ... .1 . ..LI!.
,ty court. 1 will sen at puuuv
at tlie AnUMi Kriegcr farm.
half mil norlhweat 01 -er-
w a'Hi 10 niu" iifi.ii
Ut Crove. at ten a. m., on
Vhs:kiAY. OCTOBKU 7.
a a
Karmers have been watching
.l.. k..r avmntnms coHely.l. .xrutlv wedding was
r .- iku n ni un to me i at the nome 01
the week were sufTicient for k'fKW aiKj Mrs. Sundermeier, hendent
Fall plowing, ano m"j ." :v" ton. Wednesday, ovvu
Ir.ttl.. where
days or a lortnignu
ciw, 1U yrs.
Oct 8; red Durham PVn. Mt of Ceto Mill. Sat-
" - lf. .11 antvi PAWS. luruaj .s....r.t , ;
..... aar nuiipr im i . aatai a,v w - . a a t mrn iiiilii i
m ff lf :....;tlA .. . f iai Al I7K MniS IfltliajlllK awaaw , -
S S. BameS. 01 Mcminnn. TKwx hncrs. 3 dOZ CnlCKens, o ' . . . r. Z Ttwwl in v ted. 0nc: Mala Btre. opp. vn. w ,
been in the city this week, M.;;v,, - . 01ive, chilled midnignu , ..Un .aaoRD orbooh
.u" ,t nf his son. B. W. iftKn Deere steel W. E. Smith has gone oaca mi
viio n"v - -- , . iuivw, ai ivm, - - . in . i. ia Wooninirl ...
Harnes. county scnooi suuu- awpPh arrow .2 section, new; ooi hjs rancn, wnere uo r" " rrrVMw
- w ; i a i a ii arHaa aa d nn
short time.
a ! '.- - - . I --I . .1
k 4 . U". 1 weather for clover nuiiing. t ji(jh Noon, when im
L.iM. teams were afield the first L Hla Louise, waa
r J nil", of the week oyer the m&rrmt to Fred .D. Be
Cj;;Vn.r n.-i.a earth for Fall wheat sowing li mmm. Rev. Berthold, paawr
rj Jk; to., r,tl ai m.w; , Van only gt 1' fo of the Cornelius German Luther- ways.
hum- r; o. w ,.r., -.m , 4tH;ainj. Rn l)Unua.H Chlipcn olllCiaiing.
W. U.i. i-. mw. Afill .. r 1"""" . . w .....r'a nilV- f ".:...i MMmnnV. MlsalfiateS
frt?. W"L K..I a. wing W "UU.;: aister' of the ger.'
. L...AHH mats? Mavin I hall fnr
i.diea suiU from l!L.whin.:6chtidiBlia he gets. hismH?back on H. TONGUE, JR.
I' SrkraSISorkJSnihiP al- nitUre. axes, shovel. sPadesand buyer cone uded t Wock
other articles too numeruua uianu.--- - ;
VV. 1. nas un : HiUsboro. ; - s - i yrcs"
., i . thai name,
foweil, worainK u. TM.m.ftf Sale
L.....I ii.. .imii liU. i H ',-
L tr..t.ll l '"' V.
W,,, Al l"l Hiiin; "
iri. tMtl tr' N' McConitUk
L -. ..II H,rlAl
i.a t.l,.. .fikelnMlh. atnioteUO b
ulant, lost the tip of a fin-
this week, while rolling wr
barrels. Dr. Hodd auenueu u
tir. r.n
a .lr. mui Uuntr. land Hillrf,
W ii. i ii i
Whhii itdtri mllrlea. I.natch at "
K-rniH $1M nn.l under, caHh;
fr. II months bankable ap
veil note, at 8 per cent
John Krieger.
rtilminmtiBtor Folate Anton
rieger. Hi ceasiil.
L Uaymond Ktnscr and Kathryn
t.urn w.-re united in marriage
the White Temple. Port ami.
fcptemlier 19. mi, Hov. W. .
niisoii dllic'iuting.
i il I " . . 1 !J
. ...... v.u t.l Vll.lll. I . .. M limdllflmH II.
rule means a grwn.. of iBirtf.
nn llelvetia-llillsboro lima .
ia". i , ,lu oi,nti honor, ueoiao uv. - . vjerniao . .
road which passes by Wist officiated as grooms- L d afternoon, at 2:30 at the
ach.H.l house.. iJy W : L !ryMiss Inez Miller played ?. 'gational church, English
march from wen- c,iav 8(.hool at T.W. c-. w.
hile the bridal partj ' Luecke, Pastor.
abeautiiuiarcn-ou Eniscopal ser-
i.iinrf h . under wmui .i rvnarao-atinnai
uniumn - l I uioeS in I II e vwiiia- ,
ceremony was performed. , 8i next Sunday, at 8 p. m..
The bride was oeauu u,-- r--- rhamber8 officiating, aii
hjaSgOOQ tiniehnm.'
mtn I ....l I , lilra orottiniT 1010 1
1U BHUUiiuci, linn now iwn . I '
M.k. nv-r $10. six months' time the harness. It isn t oiten mat m
on .proved note with interest a man gets a -to
at the rate or o per cent. 5Jr present oi w Mamtos
num. iwo per wuv. .w. - wm take contract ui vuv w. ai waa
t..,,. i.'a M " black velvet, beaded. ,nn,"K th wedding
um f.mtu..u.k pia.. m f money, and other arti- inj
rupati .(.to (M..r..iy i."-i'. e.l'i " u, d(.r wilj uae leave at delswnn. wn'11' t.-U.j rl'. i."u;L..i.neKame. LostT marched to
V. ...... .m- nr tihnne same. 1wer
uW,.t I will my uut(u
held a
it Tuei
U'ing in atwnuantc
on sums over $10.
Lunch at noon.
J. J. Wall. Owner.
B P. Cornelius. Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
for the Win-
Successor to Dr. Linklater'
' V t....j. liyht. overaaj ,mwn of ivory satin. mi.u-- . . inv:ted.
meeung urm,, ...p. ". r- K and a iuii '
t.08" trTn7r Farming- S7.Ti. -Weh took place to-
tne lira ii ure 7 i ms .L.u . n
. i. .ii : r.j... Cnntomher . m. ant Mrs. ADDOtt nreiaucccasur w
. an.tii .i. a.;i taiaa urrPHL cu "iv ptpo j . t vn . vni ,,rtMA
atte t-SS SffiS-x sa trr".
one iouic Atier ine tciv.Vj ,..i"'-- . , nmaaed tne Diams tu vic- ---A- . iaoi Ke-
wood by the cord
ter. Must be near, nuiawr slore rBe.uienc.
By . two sober, reiuiine u. Ktween Jlh 6lh stfc
Box472.Hillsboro.Ore.v 27 Oregon
Mr andMrs.UoydGilnettand llistjoro
t Jn little sons, of North Bend, ,aWwiwww
... noiuc. . ... ..
Joseph Jefferson Jack aieo at Portiand to attend me iu. physician CSC surgfo
rtr rnnniiLham.
dav -Mr and Mrs. auuuk. outtcui w
day. rnu "J ... , Uttlel riK n.Slnn.
"'" IJIllCe 1 U A-' I aaiw-
Orenco. - Oregon
Tlep! conneotiooi.
rsliii) than any
in VVashliiKton vuu.iw
Alter tnc ivi..v" -- . i
dinner was served, in. - Prof. Burtt has .taken j -gg- near' Farmington. te3i yo
re the recipient . o. principalship oi m ftVoarents were John Jack ana
na. a.
. i .in. I im rLiiiviit ' - " - nPinniimiNiiiii ul hv - . i a hiami .inn ii .1 m iv biiu a a
For nalo or trade, a fe ; tiful and valuable present. and has already Q are aertising 1 54 w ABEL & LaJrtOCnE
v 1 iiim ann nira. iii"1 i . hia miriPH. un. 1.. . mi. i.nir urn mar-1 l ...u.i t.ip inr ikl xv. i
un 1.1 ... Da-tAnlthe s xties. mi. "t. "l meiranuuw ata Jiiwiw!
w,77w ..k BaiaM.
the 'rhSiiui.( n
loro. lwute i.
1. H. Maxwell, of above
will sell nt public saloon the J.
:TaniieVu. Farm. I mile woin i. ii. ,t, first
kNWth I'lninsand 4miU'north tnindale. was m v
t .. . . . i llillulm. vuook. lie Mijo
I nniw..r- not M yet
orth Piama ronn, at i .. 7 ...naiirn of
TIIKSDAY. OCT. 'w'r4lf T as b
r,,,. i.'i.,ht vears. fresh in Wl i .'knv will be
i tmi rirvi
7 yrs. fresh In Dec; ra. ,. 1 .... districts,
im CTtamww
?.n7J 'U John Boe3e.W H sales
ist bred; 3 yrs. fresh in jan;o- , oflt 8eed. Tunafrd WHamelmann. and
ru f..,ot. i.. n..i. fl vra. fresn m Knr Sa e-l" o,l Uieisiei .---: ,, ., u Mover. Pr ekson vs
mn in Nov h yrs, iremi mi I'vvt MnorooKi "j - ilillsboro, it. I ,,, " a Kunn ng, faui oec
I yrs, fresh in Nov, 2 yrs, rreshJ$o,A. K. llna"XyA. " "0f IUlla- rrirkMesdames B Ca
iow;:t y,s. Ircsh in March;2 yrs.3. 31 iwU'B northwtst ured H
are confident
beat effort afc,. STttlt
ever made Ujei;a
nhnwingwhat the
..-HO til" " "1 .. i
section can do in tne way - Mag.
w.t.k tha Artrua next I aMaaMdia:
naw- , 77; ' laa ul amiteMaa.
. nf the affair. I . n,r!i son-, a.toaf:
Rri the whole family into 'SfliA7immm
widow. Greer's, and fix them up witn 9. ORE
. . 1 ur. atncinnm. aiiiita.
nMMrrr tc7 You will surely save
:.i..L: tui k is money.-Greer's.
w.tvhoi 3 ' A band will be
25-7 Vr'.kTrt wedding trip tova- urcuit, u r. -kiM were'
"5-; srtffflire a pwsaifrj! aesesBW.
nrvi u h. or nuiuc vw i , .. Tanhont unuer iu-1 i. mnnino rn iiuiiic m"i
a , u.w. ..-- iTscnana. cT,,,, .f "' "TT i , is,-t Port- on the limsuoro. n wee,. - vtt 8t8rted Those present: "T'r L'- i; -wife given decree, phoebe, who died Dec. z,
Tartrin UeVHOldS VS ElhSJ
una "I.-. . JJ
under ; era, ;-"r Prt,-na. iw.tvhr 3. A band will pe
HiUnboro NaUoaat
I lAliff MS UHtfumi're""' lUi""Y-' . . Alkxt
. . V't?Z?JrrtnMna for the John Jack, farmingum, in -,7 , offl0. uuir ovr
the neauniiuu t--.--.--r. - . , . caUy , t mMendinnerwiii v; Bau.
r ( 'ameme Library, anu ..v- -- - tcca , tk. usual races anu oi. TT f Qonnn . .
I " a Lama haain I IE i V"-
ti range ciBiino v"
better iairs raw j
inge in, Washington
Lunch at Noon. .,
IVnns of Sale: Kight monina
Thni very freaheHt of fruits and
.l.-nnMul tn the market
M. fftr Fall or Summer de-
o ..- u, ... V!"17J7".i- Woakinirtnn Kek ",v . ' All Irinds
.kftn. ii.ntue uu '-- ...... ..iii" . fjrover veara 01 resiuentc !"""::" 1 iuArv. see m --
Notice to Farmer-- ple and the 1 County wM marked by a fVn. D. Schmeltzer
;ith Sat- Kveiyn otrauu. :r- - atBer r ;v:0 BtructUre will soon Mess and wormy - rr M N Ponham. of below Lau-
. a 11 in. asiiu aav-r . 1 1 . . j f . a , aia nnnwwi w. mini av w.y a iui . . . i. 1.
Dor. TO- CTdf to recelv. 1 to.. , hoot r. ."" .yih. world r.1. i to "SE
!5 wjf-f5 SJr:.
1 a Mikinnnv yym
1 m.. oi u ..,. .in inturem. ui- ncr t tv
it of 21.; cenfor cash. Saturday, conune . , L. tric eca.
Motei to annrnved. urda.V, oil"" - 26-8 UrM.-. ":-" M
Tamiesie & Jossy. Crwnl. . d WB9 son, H Geo.
H. P. HnrnLliim. Auctioneer. n. Rhoades, of Shrwan, Hienry
John Van.lewul. Clerk. ! th eitV the last oi est I.
IlKMdiiV. .
This iA thA timo of the year
that heavier clothing is in de
mand. Therefore, investigate
Greer's pi ices on dry-goodB and
Ami Wwirtman. Fred Ber-
wr ami II. H. Findley, of near
War Mill, were in town venter
day. cnnferrlnir with the county
hoard, as was also fclrwin Hitter
of bulow Bethany.
Her- Bethajiy have Deer - Hfe.
r . l.i i. n on un ir aiiu ij
An Jr. John tion wo . ,-:m kfl.
ieis now enjoying rant,. ... -r man Wist, rdck near The
the next cum., v,. Hftmelman. Henrv plMir,shein, hauled clear irom
Good cows, in- - V." celler9, Max Kboro and with decew
" i .7 . ii ...ill ui worn
weatner mey ' 1 " 5 "1 Th.
uwnniotMi in a lew
vegetal, es are kept at um:. -. ,e: UOoo cow, " V" d .,- Cellers, Max uenui, -
T. II. Fulkenberg, of bo.o L,i Aljfl, Bowl- Huhma. Albert Cummins.
Cornelius Pass, was a city caller 90W9i t0 htter soon. r. (;oetteiman. .
by, Cornelius,
r urna in tuc
UCl ...... - . d. a lnB mov -- -u,l.
eitv from wou"v"" from '
. t.
of the wees.
The Arcadian ma
breakable, range ,
lastaiiteume. r :
01 uanao.
til LallA Q
Ha will n
hia f 'm
: t ...
town Monaay.
public sale At
To rent: Small house. 3 blocks
10 Te.vrii. o-i,nni Inouire at
s corning from the quarry
iT the southeast Jrt of the
. a.. atrtn innrn uviuii
county, '"lzM .kimnt
bunkers at .sw ' -
was made w tn--, --
ai a..M rtr nimi ui av mw
ine Strew , vi ----.a n
caftnmized 18 one oi ,
thltKionin the Winter time,
S3 1 Kll be an improvement
that wUl be appreciated. .
SKTSa and Scholls. this
. . I "e" r 71. 7- ni0nt
t. n Nrt-thmn. of near Banks, Winter, ana uy . ."r-" -1
Trtnieiw BW. RooniaSaai
Main anil ThlH.
"drTc". liTpQUeOCS.?
Upstairs, in Linklater iL a
Bttilding, wain wu
IU!l1.U,m - -
i aai iwm.',-
H., , - Li- .m
i T aat roller yester- as the scnooi ciu-e tu -
day morning. , yy- , , - . . mon. ftf
J. W. CommA made iH SESZFyZto by
trip to niiamooK, deleft -D. Corwin.
today. .1 . iiJ-L ' ..A'-aitfa ttava re-
Paul C. Long, an eng, & VALIA.
has been tjeest of Jis broth- ys-At-Uw
er, of the Argus. "HrW Farmington. . ;
Claud Clolnger. wniie wora.i. M, Rmrera was In the ewj-ywivu"- . .
for John Hritaf. Laurel. tSW " . nWn
wuuu . i. . nnii. I" -
& vALiArr.:r )
.. .