The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 24, 1914, Image 2

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    Ui0Mllfil,.KHi5W U ii;J
ami atpygj
Special Trains
Oregon State Fair
Fare From Hillsboro $2.90
Corresponding l.ow Round Trip Fares fain all
other stations, Main Line and branches.
w.f 6 Sgaewtaf
fOM Portlamd atj.y direct to Faff
st irjajr'-rj r -- p
All Trains Dired to Fair Grounds
Full particulars from any agent of the
PurtlMMii, Oregon
6 Loaves of Bread For 25c
Get one loaf and 5 'checks, each good for one loaf of
Bwtd. Buying your bread this way gives you the
chance to save on your broad bill, liemenuVr.this
next time you buy bread. Sis Fresh loaves for 25c
Main Street, Hi'lsboro J. Wolfersperger. Prr.p.
7&L Vftl
With m (wildicn. better ami.
Mat. taHrftal rrouaJ. tmi aaaay a.
dittooe to it faculty, the Vmvtrmrt
of Chvffoa will twgm iia fbtrry-aiadt
yar Taeuhy, Sapttaiber IS.
Special rreiomr tor Bu'lneea. Jour-
maau. uw, :,- icio, I eacniof. U-
ntry ttors, muiic, AKtatectiue,
n imcii inniioi tad tin Aru.
I'TiM and trOTKll uccwruueert
li tCUOflOO.
OTr, cf mm (- W t aolviBa. raa
rB'iM! tlfT'l SaiaMif rally
rte.taaa New ttrt.H AitaiawiraiMa
iu. J.a la tnmtm al tHinKtMM
Tai.ioa Pre lafa,t, tat BMB Mt
Id wm E.r-aa..
to mal- aiai ulirMt) fraoBIM,
cuotNC obcoom
On The
Fast, Frequent Trains and
t nr. omtiiai, a. 0. . 4.
a. f. mertnt, Aa,
- bell BaaMat.
I . Al IAXO. Mlba.
Gnimty Official Paper
Kali!. U tw U-al Ml'til..f
lef the t"vit Lit -
Htf..n, Kx tea t iiti " .
ut rui iir ' "f " .i. .1
Kxlm Kla. I Mini i. - :
AibarnpUtMit tlJO r Iuhm.
FrubaWy it has not escaped at
tent ion in Oregon that Senato
Burton, who has been locally dt
noanced an a buccaneer and i
highwayman tor his determined
opposition to the proposeu nver
and harbor bill assented readily
to a suggestion from Senator
Chamberlain that he accept and
approve $1,500,000 for a continu
ing contract for tht Columbia
River, as well as the $1,000,000
original appropriation. It ap
peirs also that all the Oregon
items had been accepted by Sen
ator Burton, and had found
place in his compromise measure,
As the bill passed carried but
twenty millions, and Senator
Chamberlain gets two and one-
half millions for Oregon, it woul
appear that the Senator from
Oregon has some influence, after
all. The Columbia River gets
over one-tenth of the so-called
"pork." If Chamberlain has this
I preswK? in wwiii""'1 iw umvj
i annpur that it in well w orth
while to send him back w hie
Oregon will proceed promptly to
do in November.
irfm Sf a..
n 0.. f.'tw MtMaS.U
I.. at..ijh. ' - 'P!! Kt- kl " J,4,?vl' 11
rsa Tn uvrrw. iiiww - i nu n i r- t ,
L.u. ol h ri I j,. K.lrK
Ion. I will Mott W. Xh iu " " h. ihtal -ai laanac
rt A. Sl.nt ul l " " I fur IB iwiaitx , .
aaal.alltf Ow Mt ""' i4 l aaaiagwa. --T'-'-
Ham.Mi.tlT Jrarrith'-tt a- !.. K,ul w raia If aa "
H.tiinin al lha " ra -" .M' I i. a w.lar of aatJ H.r Un.aH a.4 t
k. h.......l.rr Ium . tt M" L.J. ........, aad llrain 'wa
arUM I Ut Niv ! Koiart. atlutaitaiur of aaut aa...
Huulhol KaiuattH"!" ' " u'' Mll at t.ritataaala lot aaan In aawl w
aiiwtx Marxian, r imiiIu la' ',, , ,a Mla, tl hlUa lag Jaattltat
il'N.IIMi w,i.lfliaiii..ll" 'a aj,HMl la aa4 aia. ailuala In
v ..u ....... i. ..i ri
t. .ln II ihI rhallK l
ajuitwaai ottwf uf a i ! a 'ta u
.crlhat In HtJ rwiKltsI In l'k "
tKa llsol IWI li.oi hu.l'li
larlw Iratfs UifiK'a m,1t " ' "
M..I If yi Ul llirt i "I IH'4I"
ulu. Hi tract a lM-rO"l ''"
uam4uuiaul l-t am
tavuMia ul ala ami
l.l ul U lit mar ' ' Kl I
.1 .....It..!. u . .i.l..lMtll llfVrf.UI.
r-. - .
lutal at lliim-ur" turifun,
.la uf rittwititirr. Il'tl
J. K. Uwv.a. ..Mllr l ami,f
(.Vunijr, triji'i
l' . I. Afl'l". Il-ul".
Ali. rn.n tur p'a'a"1"'
in. lH.t Ml Tlllaaita. Waiaal tt-r'.
4l iMtttMttlaUX a.tlal at lull.a.
... .
I b. C.ilnaat a"-f ' Ina
inait.t; ina "mm " ,
. . . . ...... . ...... ui iha
uuartar. aud wa f w - i
' . k . ..... mim III k
..n.M laiiCf Shrill. l rata aa
ii Mrl .. Iba Vt lliaiuotta aiiaw.- a ja huialra.1 ami aitlt l"-t-
lr IH Ha iaUt.a f
H..hl Blal batata
Vlil... tl Ma". I W H '
Jixlk-vul taaolf ttwtt l Iba Malavl
L.f Ilia I'nunlV I'l H Bl"'.
a It It Miaaaal ol' MM court , -
M J -4 (to.l.mhf, A l 111
AlUai- -rtaa -!..
Irani) flatb uf abiai"
I'uUlr U karat. f !" H al f .
a4 ttt iMt.U. I'.i4. II. i
allt, lmn ijat tv4a i" i ! IU-l-uat
t'tH" all''"'U "" ' '
laruL tf", et tu a" m ,ai-l ait Mil
al .malaal al ! b .luai I u raab. all '' ' a B I I
al abri ll ri lit. I'l a4 I'm-"! V,
Ma4aH, ha l'a hJ '
Ma. IU. " at ant lima 'irt,
Btthat la at la all 1 1 l. ' .!l..tmt '.a
rlbal ll I'lvt-Ht. Itii-. a-t
Mtuaual In a'l.i' " t ... , !, ,
a4 Mat Mwia aitl : I . tt4
lulluaa.t.1 all.
A" MHillt blal " rlB'l l-l.taat l.El Brl
bt Iba I uW Nia l'i. l tajia (.' an4
bKM llla Ht b Sbaim-l 1 1 i li !
My at Adi'libxt in i.w ti. ..
awurUlaf la la imimI I '' "i-ki I ia
Waabiaiii t umiiy, m m i'nw im
al, (kruil l.l I .'!
bmiI ! Imim Iba f e ' '' '' a Yaii
lMla,"rll I" " '. I "il.U
u4 aalal Iba In"! l.t-li't, ai-l
aara atll ba utlab'l bi l' in''. t
al al4 aal ralnaaa Kial Im lit -r
Utoataaf Iha l'ail aiaiaa t t"?
t.l nllba ih.irt hrtrlu 4.a-til.l
lua llatt a.ul iaiia. ( ' JtUiiwi-t
liaialal 1'ixOa'ul. ! .. tin I. h .! .
al Maftambar A l. I'M I
Juba Miuiiaa'. I 4 alalia al Iba I'Wtlrl . K t ! .. it
Tick :ts on Sale September 24 to October 3 inclus
ie Goo 1 for return till CXtober 7.
Fares to Salcin and return:
From Hillsboro - $2.30
Cornelius - - 2.40
Deaverton 1.90
Forest Grove - 2.60
Tigard - - - - 160
Tualatin - 1.50
Corresponding aaies from other stations. Tickets from
non-agency stations may be bought by conductors.
If you are in need of any hop
baskets, called the McMinr.villei
Planing Mill. McMinnville, Ore., j
as we are now making the wire!
braced and reinforced wood slat
basket recognized as the best by
all large growers; Price, $10 per
dozen. 23tf
For Commissioner
Thoroughly conrrrMtit with all county
road and need. Pledget atrict fidelty
to bttaiMM and economy. Hat tiaveled
ortr WaabiDfton Coooly for man ytr.
inia tar.j
Md kabtli iU WaoU.
Drain Tile
34-6 .-8 inch
An investment that will pay
over 100 per cent. Our
supply is without a limit
Telephone us for prices.
Beaverton Brick
& Tile Co.
Jos. Wilson, of Beaverton. wis
a city catler yesterday afternoon.
Kenneth Robb has returt ed
from his trip to Canada, and is
again with the Hillsboro Mer
cantile. H. G. Luck, of above Moun
taindale. was a city caller today,
greeting friends and transaction
J. K, McClarkin. of La-.rel,
was in the city yesterday. He
and his family have moved to
Portland, where they will remain
for the Winter.
A. 0. Johnson and family, of
South Tualatin, left today for
Irby. Wash., where Mr. Johnson
will try his hand at wheat farm
The Grand Marca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter
smoke on market made in Ore
con, by E. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good smoke buy a
Grand Marca. U
Registration closes October 18.
If you wish to avoid trouble on
election day getting those six
freeholders get to the office, or
your nearest registering officer
and get your name down on the
Wm. Foulkes, a highly respect
ed citizen of Farmington, passed
away last night, aged in the
neighborhood of seventy years.
He leaves to mourn his loss a
widow and stepdaughter. Mrs.
Alice Husulliean. The funeral
takes place tomorrow.
Mrs. Lucinda Billard. a sisttr
of Mrs. J. A. Imbrie, writes from
Chalons. France, under date of
Aug. 19, describing conditions as
she saw them at that date. Ex
cerpts from the letter will be
published in next week's paper
If you have a drop of blood in
your veins -if your heart beats
one bit faster to the tune of ro
mance, adventure, love and mys
terythen you have something
in store so far ahead of anything
you've ever read or seen you'll
forget the best among the rest.
People's Theatre, next Wed
nesdav and Thursday, when the
Trey 0' Hearts is on the screen.
Christian Reichen Jr. and El
sie R. Grossen were united in
marriage at the home of the
bride, Helvetia, Sept 19. 1914,
Kev. Julius Traglio officiating.
The groom is well known in the
northeast section of the county,
and the bride is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grossen,
highly respected pioneers of the
Helvetia territory.
W. 0. Donelson has been at
tending the big Undertakers'
Convention at Walla Walla, this
week; and from there goes to the
Roundup at Pendleton, on his
return home. He has been tak
ing in the Walla Walla Valley,
and has Been some fine country,
with an abundance of fruit and
grain. He says the farmers
there are all prosperous, and do
ing finely.
Talk about your Indian Sum
merout the present week up
to yesterday could not be excell
ed even back in old Indiana.
The hills are all ablaze with col
or, and the rainbow is put to
shame with Irredescent hues of
the vine maples and other small
foliage. There Is no prettier
scene than the hills of the Port
land mountain, and the bright
foliage can be seen as far as the
vision can compass the hills.
Hillsboro Granee liai arrangeti
for a lecture in the court house.
Saturday eveninc. Oct. 3. the
entertainer to 1 Prof. I"'
inir Crab!, the well known
writer and Wturer. He ill
have an illustrated talk on the
Land Product Sluw. and will
also entertain with pictures fmm
thu old world, ptcured while
traveling, lie w a irifted talker.
nd hi "Travel Talks" hav
been the source of much pleasure
at Chautauqua!! all over the
United States. 1 here w ill lie no
admission charged. He come
here under th" auspices of the
Manufacturers and land rrml
ucts Shew, and everyluMty in
cordially invited.
To The Voters
of Washington County
I hatab Blilu-uara a-waalf a, sa la
iMianiir ul ranJbtaia M Ua rt. ul (
I'Minly HatHitil.t at lb. t latin. a l ba ba 4
Niivanilwr 1 I data l-aa raa..Bi at
Wahialutt luuaiy b.f M yatra, aid.
ha.a aav.f l wa baaa raa 'I lata at
lrtm II bIbvbJ I alll awl Iba
. Ihr In ait aorolri, auaaal and nV
Inttl maiinrr. allb tlmltiaaa aad rmirtaaf 1
mail. Vour uia IKilavl
Eil win S. Sparha,
ItlMimoKO, tiKK.
J. It. Krug. of Freeman Plains.
was in town Tuetdav.
I. aiww. It a
a mm m W al M l-
TllurtUy S ,
UmrntofiKa- )
. I a
t rrrnrj
Black Silk
Stove Polish
4 e a t hImh
a b" a aa
4 t .. k. -..- aatal ftanav-f
a, a ata
b. - .i i' i-!
II aM .-
I aa Jl i kM t
I aa alaxi
1 IIV4 )
l t-a.raUb
Kali, gtaattaa. HI aa.i.
m aaB a tan.,
aa I ij.i.. -a.
aa a bw.a. li a.a
a-aw aal ba.
a... aaa i a... aa
ovrl Vrrvua... i
Mr A I. .1. A H.-.1
A '.-at I'Kil.'.ctn.J
Uit am! VOttiillfctp)
ArwMis and J-ittrnal '.'.'
l!ie WitihinifUmfoojtjt'
Ai" utiin i!t mrttiMi
iTtaintd at HilLtUiftvO
f T IKi if 4-mi aitRuaj tn
o i 1 hunulav, Ort LlMtl
, If a 111 ()!rtr uwr
'.a. .11-.- - .
i(Vmimiltt. . i
MLl.St;N -S AX I U.N
A quiet wedding wa. ceiebratid
at the hvangelical l'nrionK'e.
HUlsUiro. Sent. Z. 1DU. when
Lewis Nielsen ami Miss I .aural
Saxton, of near itch Hazel,
were united in marriage, Lev.
Fisher officiating. are well
and favorably known in their
community and have a large cir
cle of friends who tender con
To Portland -55 minutes,
6::t2 am
7:19..: a m
8:' am
9:W am
12:43 p m
3:59 p m
5:44 pro
8:09 pm
9:u8 pm
From Portland 55 minutes.
v ujNUuvuAi u uyww
ma.; yaw.f JtoAjMaar
Rtro Abigail 6cott Dunlwny Iirm the respect of every
and woman In the GtAtcof Oregon vhi thlnkn out htocft?
own opinions. 6hc In uhhiIIccI only ly n minority cl t3
who allow other people to think out their opinion fortta
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
p m
P m
Franklin Thatcher, of Thatch
er, was in the city today.
Marriage license was granted
this morning to Martin J. Van-
derzanden and Theodora Vandc-
Oglesby Young, a Portland at
torney, was out today, trying
out a partition suit in circuit
A. P. Meyer, agent for the 0.
E., has gone to Fernie, H. C, to
take a position with the Great
Northern. ,
Miss Fern Hobbs, of Salem,
visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Hobbs. near Varley,
the last oi the week.
Dance at Bethany Grange
Hall, Saturday evening. October
3. lickets, 75 cents. Music bv
Johnson's orchestra. Everybody
Mrs. R. M. Erwin and Miss
Mary Heidel were at the Trans
portation Club, Portland, enter
tainment, Tuesday evening. I
I hey attended as accompanist.
Alcazar ' ranges are strictly
new. un-to riatr.-t;olonial stv .
typifying simplicity and beauty.l
nignest Quality and mechanic
perfection. -D.Oorwirt. l.'ltf
Wm. Bellinger wes arrested nt
Cornelius the last of the week.
unaer the new liquor ordinance.
He was taking a suitcase, which
contained some beer, to the home
or a brother. Mr. Bellinger will
contest the case to the circuit
court. .
When in Portland stop at the
Hotel Eaton. West Park nnd
Morrison Streets, located In the
heart of the theatre and shop
ping districts with all the con
veniences of a modern hotel, at
reasoname rates. uien Hite,
manager. 4'Jtf
It has baaa brouibt to By niiUoo that i!i Ami ,!.., . ?.,.., it,aia iw tatotUrtJalal
followed la ttery tatnpalco brrriul .ra. i irjinj i.i ln iffh i'f ..ntai-..a anJ lartrriwi;
tons CampaUa ot BDlflllh. No bailia ar-rtwa t.i Ic l.. i f; mil t t- .I'.-'n.-l lulu If Ik I (
bate rvllabra lrtorm(lon that a uiotumi !.; ! w id- I u-i . iU'tt lu ta4tlatCa
mlilM of On Hundred bjr lira. Cr t. Ttl ...n, dir. t r tf i.tjaara- i4 Was!,
l4afU, thai b afl brought lain Ibla aoik by u kh.I r .1- ,in, ir :iu Itial 11 awl
frig aiotatutul and bar duilaa ttould lw iur i fa ih iatt Mlo 1 mula ti-wliKi lkrjaallj
tale. I tlao noiferalaBd (hat Mr a. rtkt-a if mi -...i.i lhai Un b" tllttt4aV
out autborUy. tod la soma (ha lirearia' ,u... so..t. h., n niitunfi ih- funJa. TWafj
tlmDta art absolutely oniroa. Th n lli-riinn n( inn U .t ohSi -iu. .1 I. r pratittat"',
aarretary aa order ad to bate a lotiar arni mil lit f,...n. imn aiiit ill r. I uaderattata
Mra. Talbott. la Ibla purported letter. In ib b M i f s . mi i'ix.ii laip and ihaCwaaiaiii
On Hundred, atalM that aba objmt., ta tkr tauint i t U m lr h-r aignatur at aiwfturf. ,
did tba food lady tblnk tba work tt Ibla . ai.! tt i. I.a . url.. n? h did tbll tr.
Wt, caablor of tba Scaadlaatlaa.Attir-rlran l uil. w t n.HM,Wir4 irMmitxr f UiH la"T
tblnk art would ak tba brawara to ii ap the mm - a-.itrrii:unital7 H . hf r Koatd aKatalK
boat, I bava atwaya fougbt In th oiu. ami i . in wj kuih ...r. and l nil lat
I do Dot Inland to fbanga tba prlnclptr btv.. ! i..-,, r. m r il.i4rl Irom nr kootatltfr,
poaa In tdrVaey of tjual rlgbla for all lb i"j.l- .y i... w Miu.tine amnra for "J,!
rata I bata apast my Ufa to oblalo Iha ballot. Mr ihh-f In in-lr b-balf fcaa elwaj j
awrura for tbim their wouomlc tul-iml nc. aa aiariM iii..i!ir alsliin b' bni. ahkkaaai ..
nabla any woinan to quit Iha bualnat of Marrylnt; I... brluirs or raulim tlrttttWarJ.
The mon-yi eollM-ird ar In tba banda f Tia.iir-r lUiri?! iryi-r. i.d ll n'r aboaiwl
bar recelvad a latter atknoalediilnit rw li t ibrrtMif. Any mm ! liii'K may liejulra ,roBf j
orer aa to whatber Iba money baa uun put In hla band s, and I m iuli aura Im UI a4b ,
recalpt of their donation. If thnra la any omt h h m i...i. iht lr i..-u.. y l"t- tlilt organliatke""
mlaapprehenalon aa douatlon for carrying tm tbU ttotli il.i, b asur. alll be only kmi n'" 10
U la Indeed atranga that Mra. Talbolt thoueht tt.H thirti;in mov-tt.-tit "I"8 Tir
tba Portland Hotel, eugagi-d th dlnlint riMiiu for our flr t Inn. f..r otitahUniloo JJV
tha payment of ibla luncheoa, and ttent o far aa In g t up. ak r i.i tpn-aa tN'lr tl' U-
Tba real break between Mra. Talbuit and myn-lf ri.'a..l mlu n I fuun'l '' ,b,,b
to tha Urawera' Aaaoclatlon and told them abc- rotdd Im ,f fxn nrrtlrn in ibrm In c(innc
Jeagua and naked and received a aalary from ib Hrwcrn ',V,S, :il..ii fii lbr Rrouad Ibatab
ting In her time and noedi-d tb money, on the IftUi of Auciut a nu-i tlrnt "(aj
Talbolt and mywilf for the purpoan of k-H1hk mniieia an iii?bi. n d nut l'foif urllBl .rl.a
organUatlon. At tbla mealing alnlimii'iit wu nlm,- I by imjm" If an prrldi'it nnd Mra. W
relary that the two lettera ant out by mya.f. ua will na k-ltor ii, out ! ! pul1' , jtf
ment, wore approved. Tbla atatement emlud with tli w ntitnio; "After illwnaiilng rnre,'T,"VaJ
of the league, the offlcera ratified all work that bad l-i n u"mi i lo rlatn by iba publicity
offlcera of the aaaoclatlon." aj tajal
I hare lived In thla atate for 60 yrare, during all uf wl.Uh time I have t"H' J ni
people of my atate. and I am willing to leave It to t, Htl il.eld,. na to whether I ''"w(j
elf In any way to any orgnnUatlon nr anv net II. ul c....l,l Im ,,nai na . li Villi IK "vTa
Every one In thla atate knowa Mra. Dunlwny and In r fnmlly. t wlnh further to t ttL 0
alon arlaee and I deem It neeeaeary to go further Into th miitt.-r. t will be K1"'1 ,0 amt
uuuionai facta In thine tame papera not niHn.ti.mry to pnhllKh now,
nml win '"" ,n" .:U.btrti
...... ...... . ' " I " l'"""" ' . . , ftaa
u.oy .riae, ir the Atitl-Buloon Uague, by Ua pnl.l f..i.,n ar.Hnhi' or nunniHiee aj
ininK tbey can becloud tbla leaua by tryln to i!.n(- o the mnd my nam r u'1"' l" "L, &
much mlaiaken. I expect to carry tbla work on to the romlimloti of 1Mb rami'iila" Jg0$
the people to Judge aa to whether we will control our own nffnlra In tho Btulo of Oron
paid agltatora of tbo Eaat to ahow ua what to do. . . ;
I.. lla TinnlcD
wignea; ayiu(t unt "
Inasmuch as the officer and members of the HJJ?
cr and Dealers' Aaeoclatlon of Orcfton fntvc
and collectively been assailed by the nmc (IcsljlnlnJP
reformers', quite as viciously find equally oh unufW-
attack on "OredtWu r.a.A tw.t ..,i." ,v. urrcM LVv
llclty to Mrs. Dunlway's oocn lcttc...a cn o.lcrln60,li'"
traU AamllaHBMt)