:: TEST HmXSS' Kjjjjs. pXX! HILLSP.ORO, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914 " NO. 27 flYFR OF SC0G6IN -' uiiMnRPn nwn I '1 a mmi Jllfc" " ' Iktd'-M l...u ... n- - I IIIU 1 1 tf II fill! II I1III II iif at ir.iL r 1 IIIII.II 111.11 I I ilUlin.HIIl . . . . ....... ,r, rituiiiL wviik,w w a-u i i iv. ii. it iiiirn. an jmrti mHH.MUiiia l. ii t. iiiiiiniiiiii I GETS LIFE SEIIIENCE aH4tMt-ll. wlMiKHIrd Avrry SiXiin. ,M,' M"'ll",,"v I, MtKKUD IM HIII5IUIKU t(B ka Here Trly Years II .tft.ttfta.lt IK Ifl'l... Miry l h i "'' (.r w:H l0'M I . . . !m I li . Ihf.i.t.. tin Uttr. I he two " ' Vm'Kii'jf f,,r Hi'MTUi wicks. C contention ling over, Seng V wife After a night of r . . o !..! it-ring N-tween iH"KKi'i "u wife, McDowell being the ,JM-t matter irwir irui.n ,,in a roue the next morning ,-nt into tlm inning room. IVmt'U h"t Fm th tl.ut man. Mclk)Will was iirtlmlfiy arrt'Hlfl. ami made Avlw.M' that ticoggin had LgU'iiitl him thro'iith jealous). dKm.il received a life len- , . i . .. i ... .... r, Miiuroay, nn nm- 1 p the enitentiary thiri tvV G. Scoggin was well kn in inm roomy, nnvintr M in Sco'in Valley when a nn. I Mary Iteil romter married at the Hutrl IliiU- Jan. I. Judge Rudolph nJall rfonninir the mar- j cvrriiiony, AfUT thfir ire thf ScoKirins w rt to .k County, w'hew tht! Broom t into tin t.tajrt-line tiUHincmt m Nnt'in wan wrii Known (lilrt I'm k, and nhe i thf ifhivrof thi'Iato IVrry I'oint- I .ri'l!. r oi tin iau m. litct. ii:ii founty tn-antm-r ( hinit'tun diiinty. hf eMilrnri' at the trial M tl at MclMwrll went Into ittnimr room anil uliot Scotf fnim the rear, while the vie tan Hf.itft! at the break fait W old hotrl buililinif in w hich Sona'iiH were marrietl burn- y-y nv yi arn nn(. ami in the iiVji lost hitt life. I't Ml IC SAM; lumli rsitriifd will Hell at pub- uli ul hot lare, a quarlcr wi st of Liurt l, at 10 o cUh K V, on M( )N HAY. SKI'T. 2 mn li.-a.! of Cattle: Seven fri sh ami due to Ix at time ftle, 1 in milk now, 3 are hiith I llolsteimt. all heavy milk- Hirad of heifent, 1 yi-ar oltl upwanl, 2 JcrKevft and f hih llolstcimt. Gown tuberni- twtf.l. y horse. 1 yi-nrs. 1:5110; bay ','J rtt, II.iO; brown coach H.r.. Ii:, rolamltlhinn H A!t. I yr; 2 mnall hoj!t; h truck, liuht wavton. buw'y, pi disc harrow, pcnttnith har- upririKtiNi h harrow. 14-iiH'h !' Ih-iihi chilled plow, rollirik' 'r, &-shove cultivator. 8inule ''I cultivator. H inch hon mul panl plow. Rot work harncMS collars, biitrirv harness, nl fl new; I 10 cat milk can.t. rlHNin Imvfork. crrain truck. Pform HCfiles. ciiler tirott. nil of Hinall tiMtla, jriindstone; ii rariK'e, 2 heating stoves. Kti'inls, chairs, dressers, ta- all in A-1 rniulitmn. and iy nthcr articles too numor- to mention. All cattle and niicn fnr Inannetinn nnv f liffore huIo. Lunch at noon. rmsol'Sale; $10 and under. nvcr .$10. six months' time IIHirnVeil tiA. u'ilk (ntorrul I'o rate of 8 per cent. er an- r- .-...,, vuv, uil 1UI innii lurtiH over Sift l' llvincck, Owner. I Kuratli. Auctioneer. J"y ileineck. Clerk. . I AN(IB l.l-CTURE 'sWo (! ran go has arranged n 1.... . t .i i-' Murein the court noiwe, flnlav (vnm n,. !l llw l , - - V Ml ... Fnaincr to bo lrnf. .Ins. Irv- Crahl.e y't and lnotiiwiiH lln will !,,1tti ilhiHtrated talk on the t'oilucts Show, and will entortain with pictures from "III WOI'IH aniMifnrl while L li " " - 1 MVklll l.'l "PK. He ia a rifted talker. "in "Trnvol Tnlka" hnvo P the Koill en nf mnth iilimunre Uluit illlMiina nil jrctt it li i "i nil u'i i viiv. r'.Mutes. Thero will bo no ihhioh charged. He comes aider the aiiKjiices of the irers' and Land Prod .yXy and everybody is invited. "in Van imt 11,.. 1 1 r. i.f S.l.vi,. wh-.s.. ,rm hai Ixmw't t hops in U,iH rintnv fr twenty yarn, in U inir u , it, a lnn l.m d. t.M.ti.m ca.., IH ., ,;,.r main py. Ur,t. a i hi m known here, m very wealthy, am! the l.ngli, h anthorili.-H Fav that he ree!iT., :i Uil r,,u.H, I,,,,,.! a aCi rinan nlien. and he u.na.-. cor.lmly hi l l u a rw. iUm. I'ri smnan Khhn. of San Fram i- et. win-re llorht nU-iv mr.L.- his permanent hum.-, is trying to g-t ll'.rst released through the elfortsor th.-Slale Department, and Mr. I'.ryan ii making evry emleavnr d s. i-ire Im ri'leaite, at h.nt hai American citizen' ship pa. r. lie Knuiyi u.4 y t have n fuied to let him k'o. When in l'..rllan 1 atop at the Hotel Katun. Vi-4 I'ark and Morrison Strecb. located in the heart of the theatre and h hop ping diHtru ts with all the con venience' of a modern hotel, at reatonahie rates. - Hen Hite, Manaeer. 4Jtf The Unrest car'oot merchan dise that ever entered tin? har Ur of San Francisco arrived from China and Japan on the Pacific Mail liner Manchuria last rimriiday, and by morning was Hpccding eastward in bond to New York im live (special South ern Pacific trains. The cargo conmts of 27') tons of raw ttiik piece, and 27iiO pmsof tea, mat ting anl other Oriental mer chamlise; the total shipment re luintik' over liiT cant. 15 of which are of an especially con structed dcnik'n to meet the re quirements of the niik. I na .v cord wood, poles up to 12 inches in diameter, feme rails. and boards of all kinds, into Ktovrwood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, plume or call on me, Carl Skow, HiIIkIm nx Phone, Main Ml!. Walter Jackson anil wile were here Sunday, guests of Mrs. Jackson and Ii. ('. Yaught and family. Mr. Jackson went to Pendleton the lirst of the week, to get ready for the big Pound up. He is with the Pendleton Woolen Mills, and has wen at their Sesde store nil Summer, when' he had a great business. Taken up: Two Jersey heif ers. aUuit 2 years old. Owner please call, prove property, pav charges and Pike same awav. Mr. YoJeio. on Ih-ichman place, one mile north of uiure.. 2t- Wilson Turpen. whose father 40 years ago ran the Tualatin Hotel, and later conducted the iHtoi farm, arrived in the city lie last of the week. He has lcen in the Klickitat and Yaki ma count rv fur several years lie nays it is 20 years since he la.4 visited llillsUiro, and he hardly knows the town so much improve nit nt is here. For sale: Two cows, fresh; and four heifers, fresh soon; irrndcd Jerseys and Holsteins. Fred Dclplanehe. near Pauley Cornelius, lw. 1. .o Pel-gen and drover Combs have received their paten; on their lire alarm system. The hoys are feeling good over their invention, and will soon have il...ir Kvsiem to work in Hood Kiver. its well as llillsboro an. MnMonieilln Thev are con stantly adding now features the plant. Homo for sale cheap. Weight aUmt l.Vit). Write Mrs. Kesler. P.eavcrtoii. ure., (pure ot w. i . iw, Pros. Store. .! H Wescott came down from r:..ui,.n K:itnn av. ami weiu oci Wolmlem'for a lishing ex on ii" , II ... 1 Mm li I ion He returned moihiuj n oermit his son. Charles Wes colt, to go to Portland us gram: iuror in the federal com v. Ai.mne ranees are strictly im.tn.date. Colonial style i.,.,if. mir Himiilicitv and beauty, v,ih,H. .malitv and nicch anica perfection. -D.Corwin. wtr It f u 1 ! ii nil A. Hiizhard and hornthv. and Mrs, W 1 -.-o f-ithor. J. 11. Robin IUI.II.II o o ....- . -- , ' inst av for bt, son, in , ' i 111 whore they expect remain for a year or longer. They will g the Southern route, For sale: Oregon j-'nnt mill, alao u-eu gnoo' .. address Layman Pres., ton I ion to 2. Nets Lnrsen. who has a big Summer's campaign in macjm road work, was in from below Newton the ast of the week Ho has put in more rock road ".'nHunihersuoervisorin the . ni .luring the 1914 season. - t Mnn Itrick & Tile of nno brick, and $f for the product, Victor b. Kan dies ia manager. FOR USE III VALUES Lands t'ndirCwIlivntion in Cdar Mill District STINT KLLED WHEN PKiCE RAISED Got Oil Wron(, First by Li)ioj Ei fhea Si Error Bic J. S. Miller, of Scholia, was in the city Monday. K. L James, of Varley, was a city caller, Monday. Henry Matthes, of Chehalem Mountain, was in town tho la3t of the week. 11 ir Geonre Zetzman. of North Tua- Jonn Lesley Jack3on. ot near Hiding in the Cedar Mill section latin Plains, was in town the last Glencoe. ha3 a hen that knows have been cited to appear on ' the week, her busineBS. or thinks she does. Saturday, Sept. 2I. to show cause T. C. Johnson, the South Tua- tor she is breaking the record by i ... . . 1 1 .. .ii . : i. . .. ny their valuations on the l'Jll iaur mi 1 man, w in wwn ine laying two eggs daily, or, at t'Millf SCBITINV OF THE TAX BOARD Kojril ol roual.ulion Will Hear Cauu m Splcmbcr 2k Over two hundred taxpayers re assessment rolls shall not be raised. Service of the citations was made by Deputies Thos. Km rick and Jnhn Wismer. and it was no small task. The bone of contention appear to be the val uation of the tillable lands, which f'.Ltrtra I fainaz-Lr nf nam T an. has been assessed at f rom $70 to rci waa in town Monday, en- sizc in her nest ni per acre. Like lands in other route home from a Portland trip. sections oi tne county nave been put on the rolls at a higher val uation, and the board feels in clined to raise on the assessment. t is either a raise in these cases or else a low ering of other as sessments. The Hoard of total ization wants to get an equitable assessment, and concluded to serve the citations. Those cited may appear or not, as they feel inclined. Station, W. V. to 1 in- A or Poring 20-8 Argus and Oregonian $2.25 W K! It-lL.,,,.. .I t ...J ii. ii, jiabiioiii vi liauivi, una in town Friday. New and second-hand barrels at Ureer'a. Itt--vr trruAa a rwt t n mi uVi t -n twa nil Uwner, Lays Two Cjrg IVr Day last of the week. J. W. Jackson and son, Frank, were in trom Ola lilencoe, fn- day afternoon. Z. M. LaPue, of Forest Grove, was in the city the last of the week. least, that is the supposition, as she accomplished that feat the other day, without a hard try. either. When the price of henfruit went up the hen tried to help out by depositing egg3 of extra Mrs. Chanti cleer evidently discovered her (.eorge Robinson, of Farming-L ,.i,i r ..... rv wa l invvn ka lao f ka K!' V1 v.. v..v .wt "- dozen, than small eggs, so she Henry . Bogc, of Chehalem laying two egg3 per day Mountain, was in town Saturday When the breakfast was being morning. prepared the other morning an m nkiin r Tim;n egg. which was rather good .. .. . .. atari nrna nKAiif rn ,r Lrolnn ifr was a city ailer the last of the .v .,,. was remarked that this particu- nar cacKieoerry snouia oe gooa Carl Pfahl and wife, of above fuP Wo volks. When broken ami The complaint is made that ''looming, were in town me nrsi ready to deposit in John Wes tillable lands there are assessed 01 ine wceK ley s frying pan for his break- it from 110 to $20 lower than to Mr. and Mrs. Perry. Stream, fast, it was discovered that there the westward, and the claim is of npar Orenco. were in the citv was an egg within an egg. The made that improved rmmertv Mondav. second edition w as about the size down there is just as valuable as vv u- tho of a robin's egg.andwas per s uo on the Un ted and a so rectiy lormea. J. vv. 13 now he Oregon Klectnc and Southern i'acitic. lar hen laid that egg. and when The court w ill irive all a hear- E. L. Mapes, of Chehalem he docs he is going to have her im? if there are av number who Mountain, were in town Friday, sent to the patent office and list nm wishimr to unites t airainst a pleased that their hop crop has led, and then send the madam rajs,. been harvested. back to Bill Bryan for a present. 1 Mrs. W. B. Cote Air-tight Heaters . Now is the time to think about the comforts of the winter, which is almost here THE COLE AIR TIGHT HEATER will excel all otheis for economy and comfort. You will find at this store a full liue of these stoves, as well as many other makes of heating stoves. The Majestic Range Is the one Raogethat excels. For the money it is the best Range ever bv.ilt. . , Other dealers will not say this but the person who owns one after using others will tell 3'ou so. Call and see them. ' "The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSDORO Second Street OREGON Pt ltl.lC SAM; Dolan and little son. of Portland, were in the city the last of the week, the PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale on the guests 01 tnend3. . The undersigned will sell at pub II. Taylor llill ranch, better r. ;.,r r i)t;-0 p.uaorn -fj lie sale, at the Merrell Farm, 3 - " " I amitk Uaai, Li nn.-l returned Friday from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Wade Everest, at Tillamook. IlLMliimilM know n as thp old Harrison place, miles north of Forest Grove, and 3 miles east of Banks, at 10 a. m., on MONDAY, SF.PT. 28 Tn hr.il iUiiv conn, montly Jry, miles south of Keedville and U.miles from Beaverton, on the Farmington road, at 10 a. m., on SATURDAY. SEPT. 2G Black mare. 13 yrs, 1000; buck skin mare, 11 years. 1100, with foal; buckskin colt, 2 years. DAIRY COWS-18 milk cows. Jersey and Holstein, all tested for tuberculosis seven of these For Sale: Span mule3. weight about 1S00. 4 and 5 years old 11 firt,iiti ifoi ihf iitt if iik yr; 3 Also set double harness, in good hfif. Jtwy iuii; jyroM Jewy bull, condition. Gus Keichow, Corne ui'jTi (o t.K (c, . ic ' iua K0Ute 1. 27-9 iTkmi, 6 ami 7 ym: U-nrn hor-, s ami 9 Vr;"sr6"w;Vo aoiithortown. Mt Tuesday for freshened in July and 11 will be Adams County. Wn. They have fresh in Sept and Oct; 3 heifers Whitr Nwt.ft-ft MvO.nuuii Wmii r, Me traded the r farm for an Eastern 10 iresnen in jan; e. yearungs. iu Cmmirk mowrt ami Imiwlit-r, Ali tor vvahinirton rineh I Holstein heifer Calves, 7 to 8 mOS; mirk haviaki-. wi.li. haaer on, - Ho ste n registered bul . 2 years. V, 1)1.1 lli.koiy wnuon. ynityiBi,iii.n r p Mm f (u p. . , . ,. . n - .1. ..... . i,,..l .m.V ti -a hnv I v j w r av ui vvrv-a uu u u nvv-! vvvv nuiik i .ir iii.Hscihiii with clever t.t neer druggist of F'orest Grove, ber 1. Chester White boar; 28 aiiarhnimt, H-it ronutiatr.i toiler, lami and W. A. Bellinger, of the O. t. shoats, 4 and 5 mos; some chick- roiirr. is-imh 4 i" narrow. u- terminal city, were in the city ens; Milwaukie mow er, hayrake, luinir mu.(..--.. j i r Mrtnilnv. StnrlPhnkpr wniTnn X I in- nnw t.Kiih iIkw. ruling r'W. '4-tneli . r IrX ' i. :.' '" , i,l.w. ii-imi Scutch CliPiwr plow, li-m Mra I. m lv V tm.in has pnter- "" i". " a-Jio'Kiooi" i ami t i)low,.,,' ' I'1'' ".' ed suit for separation against ...wiii. .;,,. . i liirht .loni.ie hainfaa. W m. Pitman, lhe allegation is Chatham funning mill wi'ii I)kk.-. ben cruel and inhuman treatment. ia.k. j toil t"ri) wire, wheriimrmv, amj failure to contribute proper- iii k cat ,twll iK-anr.t; (iiiiusioiii-.J-iiuir- . . fnm;iv sunnorL l.krr l.m buuBV with iwle ami Whipple ,0r l"e am"-V ""PPO tier, 4 u'-ko milk can, milk oiiUr ami v and Mrs. Henry Kuratli pail. J-y pump, new, wun j-i i.ri in itoM-ch.. piK tr.-ut-h.. 150 f.t hav rotv, farm near Cedar Mill. Mr ku- gacks, 2 sets dbl harness, buggy ,lo.iir hmpnoniiayfota. tay knife. 6 ft ratli brought back some of the harness .household furniture m el. aawi wfiiifca ami ui. iiiic. iy i nnesc rung appies yei, sec" " first-c ass condition, and other season. articles. Lunch at noon Mr nnd Mrs. A. E. Sicott of Terms of Sale-Sums under Forest Grove, have returned cash; over b months time. frnm the r Kastern triD. Mr. approved note, ai a per cent. Scott states that Oregon looks l wo per cent, ott, casn oyer harrow, 50-tooth drag harrow, milk cart, Great Western cream separator, 2 steel beam plows, hayrack, haytork with 200 feet rope and pulleys, lot small tools. 2 wheelbarrows, feedcutter, 17 millr pnna hmrtrv trmrmp prind. t q.. f Ua VA n.-olo . . . . . : r i V" m-n ii,,. 8 i.i.1 Wain irou-jb. ft w.ie, i'- uu.j- - - - sione, Deam scaie. 101S oi grain i;un jack, aet pruning I.m)I. cythea, m,l 1 va. furk. IioTlt, Kanlt-n lom, cioii iiHsh'rr, nciililinx t". wilnr batrel, t .mk harrrln, limiH-liolil Roon nnu ouicr artirlra loo nuiiirroii lo metilton. Frre lunch f0011- Terms of sale! All sums under $10. cash; all over $10, s monins time on approved notes at per -..nt interest Two per cent. olf for cash. James Lane, uwner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. W. 0. Galloway, Clerk. AUCTION SALli better to him every time he makes a trip to the East. G. W. Baker and family were up from below Beaverton, Satur dav. Mr. Baker has struck an . a a underground stream on nis larm that can easily be converted into a fine water supply. State experts are now working on the books of the county. They Frank Goemans, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal. Clerk. REPORT Of the condition of the Bank of Beaver ton, at Beaverton. In the State of Oreoti, at tht close of business Sept. IJ, 1914 RESOURCES Loans and discounts ..fio.jSj Si Overdrafts, seemed and unse 443 77 nd wanauts 1,300 00 The undersigned will sell at pub- started in Saturday, on the books I cured ii.. o.o Bt tho .1 K. Price Farm, of the sheriU's office, and it will Bonds ai 21 miles north of Hillsboro, on take them several days to make twtnre & fixmres.. 3,50000 the North i Tlains road, at 1 p. the rounds of the various offices. ZX 1 m., on to Call or Beaver 20-8 because the greater yonr success in business the greater will your account be with us, and on the other .hand," the more attention we give your account, the less ntirry will you have in your business about your "banking arrange ments and will therefore be enabled to dispatch your bus iness with greater ease and profit. We are serving some of the best business and professional meu iu this city. Will you permit us to take care of YOUR banking as well? The benefits will be mutual. American National BanK Main amf Third Sto., tLlsboro, Of SHOTE SAVINGS! BAE American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00 Combined Resources , GD0,428.81 Banhiiitfin All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit. Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. Have vou ever worn any shoes banks...:.. . 3,612 7 TUESDAY. SEPT. 29 1 lK)UKht at Greer's? If you have cam on baud.... - 3. I MB 1 1 . ' Graded Jerseys as follows-tleil- not, try a pair. 11 you nave, 11 ToUl j64 447 ep 2 yrs, bred June 15; heifer, 'I know you are sausnea, Decause i tuniuTiEs VN fresh for three months, not carry tne w. 1 uouRiasa wr capital stock ptd in io,ooo 00 l '1. i,;fi. hrnrl Anril 27: cow. men. and fnedman & anemys undivided profits, less ex III a 1 . I IIIV I a im ..r w l 3 yrs, giving milk, bred April 25; all-leather-lines for women ana cow 3 vrs. giving milk, bred children. , Aug 7; heifer. 2 yrs, bred Aug Motormen on the P. E. &E. 23; heifer, 18 months, bred &ept ftPe more . tnan careful these 13; 2 7-montns neiiers, o jem- day8i while crossing second ana nnf hrwl: registered Jer lilies, ' . - 1,1 iiiiiu uuwi ---o sey bull, 2 yrs and 9 months, ah tnrougr, town. Their orders are these cattle nave iR-t-ii uuici-.u.i.. t0 be very caretui aDout acci- tested and round iree irom I dents, and they appear to be oD serving their instructions, Wm. Schulmerich returned Friday from judging the live pensesand taes!pald... ..... 1,056 38 Postal savings bank deposits... 737 28 Individual deposits subject to check .... 34,835 t Demand certificates of deposit. i,8?a 03 Time certificates of dep sit... 11,966 7j Dills payable for money bor- . . towed 4,000 00 Uniiino- Ifl-disc harrow, lfi-inch nd other articles. Terms of Sale: $20 and under, noah- nvor. six months time, hftiikable note, at 8 per cent in -nuf Two ner cent ott on iCl tow - - I cash over $20. ' G. H. Bidwell, Owner, B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Total 64,447 54 State of Oregon, ) County of Washington, ) , I. Dov Grav. Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the abova statement is true to the best of my many inim JuK'" "'r knowledne and belief. Stock at the UlacKamaS county - , poy Gray, Cashier. Fair, held at uresnam, weanes-1 . comtitcf Attests day and Thursday. He says the I rninS irreatlv interfered with the nleasures of the Fair, Dut mere i was a cood turn-out notwith standing. f. w. B, K. Llvetmore, Denney,-- .... ' ' . , . . Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me thta nih dnv of Sept ., 1914. W. IS. Pegg, Notary Public. YOUR TR1ENDS WILL ENJOY , The Music of the Victrola The Victrola is a splendid enter tainer for every home. Whether a friend just drops in, or you are giving an aaarwe oio. atternoon tea, or no matter when you want it, the Victrola entertains to perfection and all with hardly an effort on your part. . Why not get acquainted with the Victrola" I'll gladly play your favorite music for you and ex plain how you can get a Victrola from $10tto $100 for your home right now. . . LAUREL M. HOYT VatchmaKer and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist. IlUUboro. Oregon