The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 17, 1914, Image 6

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    J0' -V X -" -- , . ... ... . .
. -. .. -- iiihi
lilt Mo ft.
. 1
gMC3" in i '' J I ?. P. AND r, li. 8 li. I
Thirty Minutes
Yiil Land You
From the Business Disttkt of
lVithnd to one if the MoM
IVli-litful Home Districts,
Cloe in to Portland. The
Acreage Cau lc Fouud lu
You Can Get An Acre Here
Tor Less Thau You Cau Buy
a Residence Lot in Portland's
Suburbs. Look tliis up now.
An Excellent
Train Service
Is l'stablishcd by thejPortland
Kug nc & Kasteru. Morning
an 1 Kvcning Cars. You cau
Live Here and Have Your
Business Located in Portlaud
Ve Sell On
Easy Terms
Buy a Small Home Where
You Can Have Room. Our
Terms Are Kasy. Go Out
and Sec the Beautiful Houses
That Are Now Being Built.
Pourth Street,
Portland. Oregon
Best Bargains
AIL except the P. l & N, traif.S
! are electric, and Stop at the de
pot on Main street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:4? a. m.
McMinnville Train 7::U5 a. m.
i Sheridan Train 9.fWp.m.
I I Train 1.'Ul It m
; rvim vi t v v iui...-a...'w f
' McMinnville Train..
Forest Grove Train
iF.uiren Train
! McMinnville Train-
! Forest Grove Train ;50 p. m.
I From Portland
Kuirene Train arrives-8:13 a. m.
.9:42 a.m.
..2:15 p. m.
...4:15 p. m.
..4:5S p. m.
..6;$7 p. m.
II tt :n .
UC.UIIIIIt llll'
1 l ...
1 1 r uivai tivc
tortst Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
A 1 1 trains,
trains, stop on
" .11:59 a.m.
" ..3:15 p.m.
" ..4::wp.m.
" ...6:37 p. m.
" - 7:15 p. m.
" .. 9:00 k m.
" .12:15 a. m.
except Kuirene
t!a at North
Range and Fir streets and at
I Sixth and Fir streets and at
Tenth street.
Steam Service Old IVpot
To Portland
P. K. & N. Tram 1:37 p. m
From Portland
P. II & N. Train 10:24 a. m.
Receipts for thftweek have been
cattle, 1593: calves, w; hotrs.
4401: sheep. 4973.
A fairly liberal run or cattle
for the week, with irood demand
steers beinjr the strongest sinitle
class. Best irraoes 10 to lucent
hiirher than a week am Hulk
of choice beeves G 75 to 7. with
several cars coinir at 7 10 to
7 25. Butcher stock steady.
Heavy receipts of how. Prices
eased otT 10 to 15 cents. Best
light stock 8 90 to 9.
Sheep and lambs strong,
Week's run not large enough for
buying demand. Best lambs 6
wethers 5 25; ewes 4 35 are top
quotations, but they are being
picked up quickly at thes
dinger Bros.,
The Reedville Store
CAPITAL $50,000
n vik- .in 1 umM.-rv.Uivc
looted in the UilUlHHo Coiiinictvul
Mock, S. W.eorucr M.iiuaud Socoiid
st nets.
Hillsboro Commmnal Hank.
.IcGumsev Sawmill
Dimension Lumber and Timbers
Rough and Dressed Lum
ber of all Kinds.
Mill 1 miles from B. P.
Cornelius' Pla
Will Deliver.
"rytimber delivered to North Plains
Cornelius, Ore, Route I
The town was crowded. Satur
dav, with hop pickers returning
from the fields, and getting
ready for school week. Hun
dreds from Portland came in and
took the train for home, feeling
that the vacation was a good
one, and well worth while,
Wm. Hronaugh, of Portland
was out Sunday, greeting friends,
Bronaugli had been a resident of
this city from the advent of the
Oregon Electric, until this Sum
mer, and he has many friends
Virgil Weckert, of Sherwood
was in the city Monday. The
Weckert farm raised 8 acres of
onions this year. Mr. Weckert's
father has been in the onion
growing business at Sherwood
for many years.
CD. Faruham was in from his
North Tualatin Plains farm, Mon
day. He finished his hops Thurs
day, after seven days picking
and says that the crop was very
light this season.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Wilcox
and son returned to Newport.
Saturday, after a fortnight's
visit with Hillsboro and Kinton
S. A. D. Meek, of above North
Plains, was in town Saturday.
Steve is in no campaign this year,
and can sit back and watch pro
ceedings with no anxiety.
J. C. Buchanan, the Cornelius
hopgrower, was in town the first
of the week, on business with
Sheriff Beeves.
Wm. Josse, of West Union,
and J. J. Nusbaumer, of Phillips,
were in town Monday.
Supervisor John 1). Koch, of
above Blooming, was in the city
W. E. Boucsein, above Moun
taindale, was down to the city
Edw. Naylor, the Forest Grove
breeder of Angoras, was down
to Hillsboro, Monday.
Jos. Moore, the merchant at
Roy, was in town the first of the
Harry Kline, of near Laurel,
was in the city the first of the
Sam Moon, the Centerville
horseman, wa3 in the county seat
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Scholfield,
of Cornelius, were city visitors
Monday afternoon.
Alex Gordon, of North Plain?,
was in the city the first of the
Fred Belplanche, near Schief-
felin, was in town the first of the
John McClaren, of Gales Creek,
was in town Monday, on probate
Miss Minnie Morrill departed
Monday to take her senior year
at Monmouth Normal.
Keinhald Schwanke, of near
Schieffelin, was transacting bus
iness in town Monday.
Hugh Moore and family were
in from Roy, Monday.
Argus and Oregonian, 2.26i
Hoffman's Sawmill
is ;..iv. itiij tii-m the lot timUr iu
Washington county. The tiucst
Rough and Dressed Lumbor
always on
hand. Estimate u
' It . i ' I
ium'.incs I' looting, Kttstu, veil
ings -,t!l kinds i I finished liunlvr
for house tnatcti.ll. Wc deliver.
1 hone: p.ic. States, (ilcucoc Central, 37
PETKJl MOP I "MAN. Bjcoru, Oregon
In h ltril "I laa Utala vt
( .f u.Miii.. 'iHir.
A III M.ttvuU. fUlMltit I
l.ail A. " 'T l"lt'll 1
T '! A. " IU !.
IWltl.lAl.t t
la " wi ' U "t tNwi'Vu .
r hrohf ..i'lll III ' aUii. li.u .1
.litllill' lHl biii.i t,u
IH U t'lll I l"l
bvtvt jr l4lra H' I
tiU WMIM ' lilt
,1 Hi 1'im .ilil-. m l. I i-l
,U I'll' .11. Htm-I , I" Hi ! Im
lh l!'U ll"'1',
.,u ! lillO'H lK.lil'l iu.i if ! I,
ki .I'l-.r t"l ' ! infU i i
iiiih Ha iiii. i ! iii i "
,.,M ""l tlvlauU I-1 I Ivlul i.. L.
I.k ul li rti U. 'iiH.'i.l Hi.
ll p( iiim i" III I'.' h.l,i
IUt lilt .i tiifvir. iliu IU M nl
.l.'l'l'tf l.ilii'l toll Ui
.i ilitrt ,i.l u. i,l. i.l li,; .
i.,M4 ! .u,. I'lnliit mi'l
II) ! H'l'.l ilcfnil'Unl, I lot .l.'li
luitlo' iIii -nii iin n
lb l. H' il'i"ll u .,f II,
'iniMuMt la TlMIl. " I 'll,
an.l lb. ll iuU.iii lii I I" II hi.
r. IwiH.ii.tir I ."!. IU. !! "....
ratillili aal .UiMiw.Hi l Iw I 'lt i. .cl iaa ii"Mi.iwiy i-t.'.aMtiiig ii.
I4 1h Jf l f.'im'"f. 'U
I III. ( I' i.,I.ImJ l'f n.. i.
lb IihiiI I' It. Itat'ft. ,i.l I l W I'.mitif, In .
ut Hi r.W I Jul., i.
at'wmi li. in UiU.mii ( Hit II ii.i. m I
nt( h.aiiitf Iwh In Uia I ,'lti
II..IH. A ,
Alt.'ii,, f. a 'i.. 1.11:1,
MittlMi o mnliuot lot tUltuN
Tj T-aa ' alilf,l.i lulf,
IKviilli . ! Ia.f) gn.ullial II,.
I.vw.l ul .(na.'H4 M Hai..ii..ii
i .i.niijr al l im mi W.ui.Ut V.i
I'M t at Hi ."ill Imm in i,tal.ti I"
a a.l l'gl"" "il"l Hial la. tlr I. I
V ii i.i In Kai'l. l I ' aii'l i '
,t.,.t.lal I'f l.a .. ..i' ,i'l i ai. f.a !
w.ii"t ti't i.i aa.'i "i'i . r i
an.l r..fmi ail i""H iii ...i.ii .n ,..
.1. a-f t ..M ut ijuaiili' lail l. I"l "l
4I-. .ti,nia ' U la Hi ilHi ! i
aiul' lmtal.. u i a al ! Ilm.
au.l iiiai'. a-ai;.'i a".i m i i r-.i
.i .a l la.ul ul i,"' i ni.m ll'ii i '.i-1
ai "T lanl, l"a i-t i.ikat ii-..i a
aaait, lAattii In nam .! a ii
,rii na.Hi. nM UtU0t ! IN "
aaM. ml"f ft l " I Ma tan, in
anf i.ia. ii. l ' i lli.f 1 1 t, I
tw.'l aal.1 Ni I ul ." .a'.k .n !.
in. I. Ik fi. ti...i
Mat I i .la!l, ..f W !.. .! I '.'U ! J . I
I I lr
i i , 1 1 1, , it;s.
ii .
J? Full Mil
. . "a.
V tinkrv't M If. i
ni 1 11., i
Our Aim is to Please Our
Regular Customers
Our dcsire i"5 1' Kt New ones. Aud iu order t
do so we invite coiuparisun comparison dctirntiuc a
reat many tilings comparison f eleanlines id a
store, sat i.if.u tion nlerviec, tjtiali'y, reliability c( goods
and reasonable prices.
It looks as though the b' ICuropeau War wa
R'in to make sum: i.f the .staples nuu li higher, among
them will k- TEAS ai d COFFEES. We arc well
supplied with these itrnis and wc arc going to sell the
well known bran I o( TREE TEA at 15 cent a pound
iu Unculorcd J i!i", English l'rcaklast aud Ceylon
and India. C. S. Circle P.leud roast coltee at 30
cents is a real bargain anytime.
Canning sea; m fur big fruit is here and you will
need fruit jars. We have lots of them aud are goiutf
to sell them at the foil wing prices:
Mason ju, pints at 55 cents quart. at 65 cents
and half palh'tH at .S5 u-nis jer do. (Joldcti State
Mason jars at 5t.t) p r ii . regular r .25. Economy
jars, pints at S5 cents, quarts at t.oo and half gals, at
$1.40 per d .
Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Street
Hillsboro, Oregon
N. I , la l.r l a (ttra llial ill i'm
fit.! Iiaa tint ! ( il i.l lil aa
.,.il --l ) o.ri ( Man: la M
llaoil, 'lin.t'l ' Ilia O.a ...i,i,'.
Jai't"lki Muiolai, II. I ilat
iMM,iiait. A l . I I. al 1.1 m'-I i'
III ,.iiu.ii n , I it j uii. ',!
lit r.Mi'rtv .".'i ' Hi
In . la a.'v, ((l,'U I n" .i."i,
a Id l l I f I .a ii'rf ! ul mti'Uit I
final a'.Hl au.l aa il,a-.u
mailt ul .! .i, il ai. II rit t
1.i., Oi, .Mi Hat I .'i...i A l. I U
J. . .i.i.
. ui. l,
t: Ii "r,,,. i.'it
iitui: ll. ailtllMttr.
Niilli-a la Itxlrl't ( mi t'.al
a "! !, ni"l I f l" itl n-
Hi nli'.l
-tHl III I-'
1 .11 )'( I I ti . ! i.t... an,
l,( I T li'Uil "It Hlai it,,
f,.l tl,. 1 l, .,1 M .lil (1,1 Ku.l VI . 1,
.lay. Ilia .'ill ila ut hi 111 '. I 11 1 a
Ian iVla III,, I'f taw 4a , Hi l!i
Cilllil ti'iirt ri.'i.i, in till .laf... It 4
a ll liu.r a l 1'iar.i liit 1, 1.4' I ' a' "' )i
' I'll, a In i,l Anal anMalil. an.l Ih
lliial aMIirmi'l Oit.if
Mini,, A !''.'iai.,
A l.l",.Ua'li ,i( ilia .i.. ft T
li'lial. I.-.!
II a 11 u ,i a Ian I (tatu, All.jli.r f
luf A 'lint
IIiII.Inmo, Oi.yiMi, l"itl ,t. "ll
5' .im I
...... . .
1 n :
im.M'it OjtT-,'
' -' IV
I . V
" rHi,
" t
Ii fcaiil, it,
""I U Ha .'
' , ,,il toali,
"s ' -I mt
1 ' - mmn.
- .h aat
! aaat iHm,
' ' Id Mai ,
1 hi un a I tt aju
'l,., a m n
I ataaa,
" I laaMHat,
1 fcai n at ak
i'-fi a4 aua.
"' ia Ktutaatt;
I' l.a a ljft
' ia twit taj
' 1 aialniaaatlai
1 I .ut I, Ht
' I I In I2 J
' '"-in A ataitftauai
f !,. f ,H Hhava 4
" liui,w (
I .r. l au I
' I ii .tln (
, ' 1 j
I lrtM .1
' 1 I' a(,l . laf
. t ., ..i rlaH
in KM.uturtnt
IS 1 ,1"
. ! U
$16.00 $16.00
This is the latest model nf the Swiss'
Harness, tombiuing all the host features
of this make.
On which I tnn1i lilt' ri'hlllal I. I I
- - 'j -I'notuuu eaui in: ocatcn
I Carry a Fine Line of Collars. Whips
Robes, ttc. Repair work
promptly cared for
Main St. HarncssShop
L. E. GOTHAM MiUboro, Ore.
For sale: 2.(XK) cedar iicsta,
seven-foot. Good hauhnsr. Imia
Kufer, 5 miles south of Corneli
us, on Iowa Hill, 40 roln wi'Ht of
Iowa Hill school house. 23-5
In lh rir tut i'ufl of lh Hial l
Ofr.,n f ..f V .l.iii ', I'uuntr,
OlUa K lUitii .an, f I',
f. It, lljtl 1 .11. -f-.i .1; I
r on- t,.iii.,i Oi H(,' i.f 1 1-. -ti toi.
am tir-'ty fi.-iirr i., ai li a? ' I ai,., i
I ti 1 niiij' al'ii It rl a,-..i; m in Kir
I.,. litii. 1 i.ijM. alt'l r. M utl I'f li
: f'f K'l.l . Il. ii,'... 1 I l'i I ami if "..
tail In i a'.ai ai'l ai,.asi II, I ,iiui'
fur a an. lli.'ia l a hi ai 1.1 iiil .n(,.n
il.i ., 1 ',j 1 it,, I, ,,,, , ( I
liprnliifiiif ai.. I .11,111 f ar.ii v 11
iil II. I'Uiniilt, amt fm 0,.. r.r, ru.l.i
atit M, . it, It, i,r 1 Iii U'ii i'l '!
iiarii.a. ,1 ..f Hi rrllxl ,ll l"
I'i.ll) !,)' I'lllliilllt llll I'. Ill Ol ")
tilltlml I iinrl, 'I Iii hi, mill, .in la I 'll
llalml tJ linlnf ill Hi ln. . 11... in
f, Jilittf ill Ilia I "limy I null n Ilia MLI.
ul llii ,.ii. lur h l ulililf ul A aalini ud l'
ami aai.l ul l.r m,ln an l ilaiil "i.
Hi li'li ilaf i.f Aiif'li, I ill, il l It ali
aniira ul lh Ir-uU Ju.ln fcmi lli
li'Kli.ll I niiil.l I', il.i ul 0,r ):
iulill.'l in ,,( ihla H'liuui un la ItiU'a
'la! Hi" Smil 'la nl rf'ial, ;. I, nn-1 in
ili(i'l Hi la.l ,iili!,r iii in a I'liur'lay,
Hi al ilar ii o. inlwf , 'l 4,
Ijiln HI' lianl...ii, A u.ifur, y lt i"niu
lift, ftl I liamlwr i( I'liniHirri' iMt ,
l'i, Miami, Uii'fiu,
Nultr llxrnl.y oivn, llml Mi unit' r
IkiiimI , Id limy iiiinl,l iiiallllnil ami
turn AiliiilMlaOalur of Ilm natnla ul
Maltlllhi.lill.Hir. iln-raamt, li nlixl.lii
llm fininl I'linrl of Ida Miain f li..ii,
for Waalili,l,ii i.iinl. In llnal ,.iii,
III aalil nalaia, ami thai aai'l l inirl lm
fl i1 Mmiilnf, Id '.Hili tin of Hr.if"iil"T
A, II., :i. at Ilia liiiiir'il I" ii't liHa A. M
of aaul lUy, In dm I'niiniy i:iiri i.nni l'i
WaalilnuUiii Cuiii.tjr, Or-K'Hi, at lhi nil"'
ml . fur IhhiiIiik ul J,. lU'lia I" ani'l
IUUhI tlilt aiih day f .iiin.l, A. I".,
forhal A. Mi', AiliiililUlratnr nf
III Kaial of Martin h.'Un.iiT ilivail
'I'lma , Tuniiii, Jr., Ailufiiiy lot
Norn h tii rnf.iurii.
We an. went for the following
voH-btcii.r & Kerr Btovi-H
u ranfH: A mini
Alcazar and Hritrlitnn vi;.:
, - -r." i.iiiiilt
Diumond ranges .I). Cor-13-tf.
In Ilm Mil Hit i.f tlin K-tnlH of (loirun
Wiwlllll-r. Mrai,
Nillrn a lirmlir lllvdll, that Hi llli'li r
IkiiixI linaliaiiti ..hIiiIih iiiliiilnlairnlril
ul llinUIof llniru Wtiiillnir,ili'i'iiimii'l,
ny inn J nilyn or thaaiMiv court.
All M-riii Imvlnii i'IhIiiiii Birnliml until
cataia am rninrn In irinil llii'ir i'UIih"
Mi mm mi I ho HilUlHini Aririm, Hillnlinrii,
Ori'Kiiii, tl ii I y vrrillml will! (iriSir vnni:h
era llirfiir, wllliln al ii) nini'tlia from
IliniUt ul Ural nililliialliin nl Hit llolH'i',
Kiiiiiia CUhm,
AilthlniatrKlrli ul Ilia KkIhIh of (ImirK"1
Wiwllnar, iliu'fjMi'il,
Wiinriiilln A 1 1 mil, Aitiirni'V lor Ait
iiilnlaliAlrli, 2nl 6 Nioi'k Km lmMaH lllilit.
t'orllaiiil, OrnKoii
lHln nf Ural iti hi Iftit lot. , .Int ilny t
HuttUitii lxr, IHH
"Hum of ImmI iiilili!ittluii, nt il'iy of
Outulnfr, llll I
ArRua and Journal $2.25
-t i -
,-i i
.1 :
o l,
t- l A 1
I i
i' oiuwxmi:
I ot Mt . !
' ..:.r 4 U W
f j
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iiuaiaf oHft,il if
i , f. Un u4 air
. t) 1.1 'l!f
I I. iJ'M, lb! a'tT
. 3, l..iUa, I it: I
; f a( lit! if"'
. i .! ! '
i tUttlit
,;. ; i lala.l!ll
t WiiMa((
i.t t4 S
U'l ! ! Iki
:)-. '.l"A mf , l
(I i:i.n. d S
si IM oairtrt
, . ,v mtt"
t., f l"a
(. ht Ins
.! e .nlh halirti W
(cA In Hi J
,! ,-, 1 R"- a.
a Hit
!l;,n rl W J
U"i ftortH'
' ;.ti fad toll-'
h ! of
,t lei H If
K ii dr. WW-.
,.rnr T i
. i I- tlwMt
' ' " - .... i
I m. l I""" ,
l,r, noulll W ,
' MlS?i
.,. M ". i
, ,..,ri.rr; ,1
i ""'"i?;
id. Hurt" w,ut
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1 L' IM 9 9
falil "-7 .
. , i i.. tht (!(.
uivinr nmj
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an .
S ('M i
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kmli.Hu!. lion
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ti,H,i. ink'
j i ft v x iH'rra nii"' , i
AIM- l'-SJaTf
rtom-, -rr
I hn i If
Worth, 1 .Ta. niK
. i.i:,nit'n
L'ri. ." r
Mmv Jotfifo.
luv oi ,
xll 111 MUlii'
i .. miii ran". . .
iilli-H'lnl l T" B,ni
MV1 aK " . IV
;i(ratn" i
' . ii ii
Mltlill IVI!'
lattil itl,v?
' toih dr"
t f It a
nmo i-rc :i j .
ll- ,wjJji:
ma-li liimfflf
i..,i tin'
loivi hi'"'" K.ppiiti;
Will I"'
(,, lh,. Kami'.
" j . . .
h.-riMioto wt W "j, ll
f ,iii V.'i'ri" nl
AiikhkI. ,:)14, K0'
r rvCi-kofW-f;
"',,: 'JluUS