The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 17, 1914, Image 5

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a. at t 4 .ua&Battttit
teU l " "
tj I hi Awa Salfie
1 I A .
ll, man j y"K
, wtili'-d. while other
,!.,!,. ten. There will
.than l'k,,' ,M' " K,'n,'ral
uf the valuation on tilla-
, ill K MIH' WTllulin, riillK-
in m $. per acre.
. ji, some cwf "ktf
' i t . ... tiui r...
Wfit t huiiK'i .1 in.ui .- if
land ami J.l I'r norilllia-
w$;r. f..r tiliubi..
nontilluble .hi
V (Jr!i'ii.
mid $20
J J NuHktumtT.
t.ii. t Yl"T rvnmoair,
UraiM. i: Un.l Pavi.l Ku.
Mir-'ai. I NUfg. J II una
.. .. . ci.
f 1 V. , I 'i l.t.itl ill k'..f.
Mill 1 "
I,nr I.HU. T.
Tt wants reduc
from J'"1 ,0 !,s,' "
tn r.rriinlin tt-sm-wi-
Smith. I. II l.umpbell anil
t Vhti Ai re:tgo ak for re-
A cm valuation.
i iNay lor want W acre-
V,nl lowering T town loin,
Wrt tlroM".
ii Sn iTiHt anl AH red i.u.t-
ym liittih reduced from
,n4 P. to ?." ami
5 WiuhIihuu ak to have
mi'nt reduced, claiming
1 taxation on Uith mori-
inj inml. In havtntr laaen
and cancelled tntge.
Vaii.l.-I.i' claim f lew
tmJ than a rc mm.
a .S-iii-aiit want timber
Wnt reduced from ft) to
1 1 in r M,
a.,... lin l, llllni'ln, r
ten. I i.. -,:
. U-I Ullil allllOtf l.l.ll
, Im .n. .. Ill HIW V.
I I -l ..U'-!!, . ..I JollO r'liriff
.. i l and I lm .l I.
H..i..i r rUmia It M nrrr
lliia ( fr.iM-tiiin (nil T
Vl lri m, ) ll I iMMMil till
ul til l r. (i.r !, "I I'rlOIW
fc. sti li'i-l H Hll r'mnili
kl l- ul .mi II ulhnia ml
m w '! it jfiattlr I
M ' oi.l a i In ullr-r'a I a lllili'll
ftiift.t-iii. h 'i I t I'. ml Ml Ml
aoitUftii i iliMiliia.
f J le' -I ill, IVrri"H, Hi
liliw Anw.titKiil la I Villi Iimi lili;lt
U(( ai mlmi-M" 'f Hra -ili'l
hHiuaill lr!M (VlrlUi f I'jwl, llll
km liU- n. J M V lill'lilrl
I'll-mi ! sU rn.
IL.. tl :i. t,,r ..I rv.lil-id.ll .
EN K IM.,,, r.l .ln 1111,1 Klu kll"
ltiin li.f."ll 1 aUi!f linl llllitl
aainla iiita iiliiiiaiillal H'lur
I't ill IC S.M.IJ
imli iMi'ni-fl will Hfll at w
. al tin' Mt-rrfll Knrm, .'I
fciulti of KiM'tUillti mui
! from rii avi-iton, on thf
nirtim rua.l. nt 10 n. m., on
Ui:i;ii,Y. si'JT.
marc, 1;! vth, l(XHl; Imrk-
Iniari', U yours. lllHI, with
puckskm cult. 2 years.
IUY t'tiWS IS milk cows,
I ami ll.ilsli'in, nil tiHtt'l
llHTCItloSIH K'V'I1 of thoSl
mi in J til v and 11 will lu
in Sent ami Ot t: II hfifi'M
fli'-ii in Jan; 2 ycnrlinirs; 10
fin hi'ili'rnilvi'H, 7 to 8 tnort;
fin ri-mstfreil liiill, 2 yours.
F '"""oil hows to httor l)cto
I I lu-stiT White lionr; 2S
1 . 4 ami o ihom; Home chick
lilwaukie imiwer, linyrake.
inner vvuu'on. ;l in: now
rick, new hack, mirinirlooth
, fi-iihih drair harrow,
r'""t. t'lreat VVoHtom cream
l,or. 2 stoelhcam plows,
?W huytork with LHX) foot
Jul pulloyH, lot Hmnll toolrt,
HlmrmwH, fi-edciitter. 17
ans, hujry tongue, urind
l iiin kciiIo, lots of Krain
illil harneas, biitfRy
hiitist'hdld furnituro in
1'oinlition, and other
Is' Iiiineh nt noon.
r, "f Sale - Sums under
'i; over (J montlm time.
'"'I "'te, t 8 per cent,
"'f fi'nt. oir, cash over $20.
frank UuemnnM, Owner.
' iiirthes, Auctioneer.
1 Vnnderwal, Clerk.
In Kil ter, secretary for the
r" ' . wim n the e tv
fy. m himinvHa at the court
Judf Smith Tii,.ti i
Ja,4. Ia Jr. f to mi "w;nu.
r. Ion l.n.lhi r. $L0, t,rlgr
U'inif aMaiilt,n J.,hn M, !,..,
'h.'rry Crun- ,t, rnan
luim r.t..rv i4 that . w, tit ,
...nfi-r wuh th,. th(.
l.ur.t lull .,f ,. . ..rkiriM'
r tho b .H. a, that Jan. b-,-limtBtrmk
him. nm that Wil
liam th.-n t.H.k h hand, h th..
mel.'o .Milton ,n tnick with
some initruni.'nt, the nature ,f
which Miltnn mm he dM-H n it
know. Swlluo u.Hav M.lton had
a badly mutilat.-d fa, '. and !r
1 1 yd- iirt. d up a iln.y ntix k in
patihitii? hnn ui. Afi,.. from
the hue the paid th.. mir
on bill i.f a V, 'I he !,,..
i-l.iim that Milton ram., up look
ing for trftul.l.', ttd that th.-y
en. tint ho mm h to blame. I t
m iHii,e that the I,. ,nily
tile a rharge of atault a.-altiHt
.Miiioii, lint the matter ha
v i t ronic to a head.
New Tall ami Winter lines of
men's rUithi-H a well an la
dim' unit, routs. ilreHHen and
hkirtn. cofiriiMtitiur of 01 (iilfereiit
lvli H, latent fabru'ii, are now on
diMi!ay at oar new location south
or the K. I'. Hall. Second Street,
fall and look at our namplen. -Christ
Vuet. the Tailor. I'hone
Main Ml't.
The first Hhipmentof mcrrhan
line enruute pi HilhiUiru thniiik'h
the I'anuma canal reached Port
land I'tH-mlay. It wan three
craten of linoleum, and it wa
coni'ne. to (Irovtr fomliK. The
frvik'ht charues. canal and all,
to Portland, phw freight chartres
to llillHlxiro, were f I. OS per hun
dred weight. As the freight
charife by rail from San Fran
ciwo to llillhboro ii4 over 80
cents r c-At., it will U noon
that the canat H a money saver
when it conies t tranHiwrtation
K A. Sn!k'raxs han iMinh t
the Morton & r'reeman (Irwery,
on Third Street, and has taken
jKKes(ion. Mr. Snmlirrass re
cently came to this mi-lion from
t'ortlaml, and Im-.ijfht a part of
the l)fhman ranch Ik'Iow UimmI's,
lie Bold the place a few weeks
uk'o and moved to the county
Notice to Farmers - Feed chop
per at Itethany will run every
Saturday, commencinvr with Sat
urday, Seplnnber 11KA. L.
fr-H-'ni. 20 8
t has. Miller, rcsidmir near
f.dar Mill, has been arrested
for killing a calf U-lonnmif to a
neitrhlMtr. Miller savs he was
passinir. and noticed that the
calf was KUlferinvr. ami that he
prtK urcd an ax. knocking it in
the head, and then cut its throat.
lie was placed under 500 Inimls
to upix-ar In-fore Juilk'e hmtth at
ten this morninir.
When ordering candy sent by
mail. te sure in w mo your name
mui address iilainlv. This will
insure prompt delivery. e pay
xwta,,'o. The lon of Swinds.
H. Wescott. of f.aston, pass
.. i . ... .. . .. i.... ....
ei inrnuen lown yejueiu.ij .
route to Portland. He reMirts
thi.f I be new Pvthian Hall at
... . ; .. .i . . .
l :itim wi w ileilicaieti win
2l, and the Uiys epect a tn
crowd to help them warm their
handsome new home.
To Kxchank''': A lot and 5
riHim modern bunnalow, in 1 1. lis
b iro, Orek'on; nearly new; clear
of iiicumlHTance; rented for $lo
tier ntiin th. Would exchange for
ru-ri'!iL'e or stock ranch.
ChWl Imtimrr MaUtriar and I.
C. Klnrr in Cily Ihit Vk
Biniiisa uj. AT ostr ntm
IIMI-hnr, H 'ruc a Map.i!iirm
Cfalti lur a M,n Suppta
The Pacific foast Condensed
Milk Company has at last iier
fected plans to enlarge the Ilills
Uiro rondenH. r. and P. ('.. Kin
zer. accompanied b y Chief
Knk'imer W. N. MacP.riar. of
Si'attle, made Hillsboro a visit
Tuesday and Wednesday, to look
over the situation, preliminary to
the expenditure of from twenty
to thirty thousand dollars in
making the local plant one of the
largest on the roast.
The first unit of construction
will start at once and be com
pleted in a few months, sons to
be ready for the Spring How of
liiltshoro has long leen recog
nized as one of the best milk
centers in the Northwest, and to
save haul, a greater capacity
here was essential.
mm an increa?e oi milk sup
ply each year the present capaci
ty was not sufficient to care for
the product, and for several
months the company has been
hguring on adding to the posst
bihty of output. This is a red
letter time for dairymen, and
will mean a great deal in per
fecting herds.
Mr. k inzer feds highly elated
that Hillsboro is to get the in
creased capacity, as it has been
his idea for some years that
Washington County eventually
is lobe the banner milk producer
of any of the company 8 tern
The big era of macadam road
work has been a factor in help
ing us to get this improvement.
and it will not be long until the
vast stretches of rock roads out
of the county seat will mean that
milk hauling will be an easy
matter, as it will mean banner
loads at a minimum of expense.
;Ha!c: C.ood cows, fresh
".".vs. Also gome brood
0 litter Hoon..r. II. Mow
p'lius, lloute2. 25-7.
rl famnboH wna here
" Hel.tini? en huh tind Oftt
1.-1 " " " " " r- -
docket ready for Judtfo.
Astoria, who will open
"uirt here next Monday.
H "r Hale - anmo frfmh and
tp freshen Hoon.-Frwl C.
lw nil OS south nf Cor-
n Krnwit Kraus old place.
ua. uuute 2. 26-7
dress Post.iHice P.ox 2tH. farl
ton. Ore. 2-M5
. Came deputies 0. R Parker,
of Yamhill, and George Ilimswll.
of (Jastoii, were in town lues
day. They nay that the report
that the grouse season is not to
open Oct. 1 i n ,rrlr' lhe
season for the grouse is the same
as for Chinas.
Cicl wishing home for Winter,
to attend school, please en or
nddressutOir-Fifth Street, I ort-
and. Or. ('an help a uuie uo
1 !.. I".... .11.. nf th
houseworK in liimiijr v...v.
Louis Hcrmens. of McMinn-
. :.. eecilnrilnV.
vilti WIS II V"" -
it.. ww. n rarming up nvi
lie mm
McMinnvillo for neven years,
. ii... I'Mimtv sea
iimi miivs u i no " -
here fl much improveo .
was wont to visit it when he
ived at NerlMMirt.
If you want to buy a good
.. . .....i.i.m... Khrmmmro ouciv
inorougii"11" ... t,v.,i
..ii .n. mono, or wnif.
(Ironer. Hillsboro,
r,M-line 10 Scholia.
Jack Killin. one of Wal
ton county oi.h. me r ;
who has been mas i.ik m ""
atWoodhurn, orsevera . .u
n'msed through town
Uu. vve k .ir hi old stampmK
gnninds. Jack i-i honorary may
or of Thatcher.
i.v,.uh Knatorn or Olympia
nvsters any ftvlc. at Millers
luJan Will also Mll rjtgH
Prompt service.
t p Cuwrso and Mrs.
mrn. ' -V ' ...... .U,im .
Uay Harlow unuoTwe,.,
nnl onerat una at Dr. bmun
Both ore dointf nicely.
Want to buy 60 or 100 White
Leghorn pullotn. 3 to . 1 iminUj
M, State ago and puce. Mrs.
Fred Vetter, Beaverton. ore.
0 K. Koontz was in from
Da via Plains, Tuesday.
PCm iC SAL!;
The undersigned will sell at pub
ic sale at his place, a quarter
m I I a. . . . I.
mile west oi laurel, at, w o ciocr
a. m., on
Fifteen head of. Cattle: Seven
cows fresh and due to In; at time
of sale, 1 in milk now, 3 are high
tirade llolsteins. all heavy milk
ers: 7 head of heifers, 1 year ok
and upward. 2 Jerseys and 5 high
irrade. llolsteins. Cows tubercu
lin tested.
Bav horse. 4 years. 1300; bay
horse, 0 yrs, ll.'tO; brown coach yrs, 12o0;2 Poland China
brood sows, I yr; 2 small hogs
farm truck, liirht wagon, buggy,
10x20 disc harrow, pogtooth har
row. snringtooth harrow, M-inc
steel lieam chilled plow, rolling
cutter. f-Khovel cultivator, single
shovel cultivator. 8-mcli hop an
orchard plow, set work harness
and collars, buggy harness, a
most, new: 4 10-gaI milk cans,
Harpoon hayfork, grain truck
Pint form sea es. cnler tiress, a
kinds of small tools, grindstone
good range, 2 heating stoves,
V I . .1 ,..,ia,1 A
leilsteaiis, cnairs, uiossiib, w
.les. all in A-l condition, and
manv other articles too numer
ous to mention. All cattle and
horses open for inspection any
time before sale. Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sa e: SIO and tinner,
cash; over $10, six months' time
on approved note with interest
at the rate of 8 per cent, per an
num. Two per cent, ott tor casn
on sums over $10.
U. F. Heineck. uwner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Koy Heineck, Clerk.
2; phone
Fred Stetler, of above Moun-
taindale. was in town the first ot
the week.
Wm. Itobb, of Centerville. was
transacting business in the city
the first of the week.
The largest nhipment of ranges Mn. Todd Calls on PI!boro to
mm the hast ever received by Tnier Cutest
any one dealer. I). Corwin.
The Arcatlian malleable, non- run imf MFTHotK nc thp rTBiF:
tireakatile ranged are made to
I.-ikI n htetimp I) t'orwin
. ii.airici none ai noon oi wcaacwaay,
jaKe ftiune, oi iNorin luaiaun t
Mains, was a ritv puller Ftiesrlavl Mpiemoer L
To.nt- Small hn.m t i.wir. To Mothers: - Don't fail to enter
from High School.-Inquire at your child in the Lugeruc Con-
)wl KUitnc. or phone City 872. test at the Washington County
Chas. Schornburg. of Moun- Fair. Forest Grove. Sept. 23-21
aindale, visited in Hillsboro the Children over one year and un
ast of the week. LW four vears are eliiible whose
W. V. Wiley has bought an in- parents are residents of this
terest in the Tualatin Brick & count v. No entry feea. Entries
i lie works.
The banks of Hillsboro will
hereafter close at 2 p. m., on
Old fashion Butter Scotch-the
school children's delight made
and sold by the Den of Sweets.
Mrs. E. G. Cox returned home
ast evening from a summers
visit with relatives in Indiana.
For Kent Furnished room,
with piano; $7 per month. Tel.
City 372.
Nich'Jiti Spahn. a lfyear old
boy, working at the t?uchanan
hopyard. was arrested last week
for assaulting a nine-year-old
boy, Kenneth Brown, by name. rajciaa a.i .xarjeoa
Judge Smith fined the boy $10 office: r.tatfa m Sthuiwtrich tc.
but suspended the sentence upon
payment of $10 to the lad forjhis
doctor's services. It apars
that' Spahn was measuring a
horse-shoe distance where the
boys were pitching quoits, when
some one hit him in the back of
the head with a melon rind.
Spahn turned quickly and blind-
y threw the stick he was using.
and young Brown was the ob-
ami r"oui Hrrtv
Plrunr, mrCity rwhlervn.,Clty :
R. M. ERW1N, M. D.
Sori S ! P. R. 4 N , p. K. A J.,
OfFic in the Timcm bta k, Tbtrt mui
tin Streets, till. o., Oitgi-n.
ject struca. Spahn says he did not aavsrvwirV1 wwarW
intend hitting anyone in partic- ELMER -IL SMITH M. D. D. 0
ular, and quickly repented his
act. He and h a Darenta eame cuimuan oc SURGF.ON
outfrom Portland, and as they qstkopath
are hard workmtr people, the
-a . - t.i I avtr. .
coun aia noi wisn 10 make me ;o i . m.; i w 5 p. m,
offense too much ot a hardshio. A'f.- XUu.. iuUy 9to
positively close Sept 23, at noon.
Parents in and aboutllillsboro will
give their names to any of the
following: Mesdames R. M. Er
win. C. W. Bollins. J. P. Tamie-
sie, C. E. Lytle, IL C. Vaught.
H. T. Bagley and J. A. Imbrie.
You are requested to apply as
soon as possible, in order that
the management may have suf
ficient time to arrange appoint
ments for the examination, and
parents will be notified of the
Ho o rt rl Virtiia acx 1 1 it fh.l-
aa ti-'ti 11 t L J 1 uaj HJ iivui .jv. v iui vim-
A ihaniuawiieaioore nas oe- dren not presented at the time
parted for Arizona, where she
will teach this Winter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schulmerich. Sept. 14. 1U14, a
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Meacham.
of Banks, were city callers the
first of the week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. C,
Gardner. Keedville. Sept. 14, a
A. C. Carstens and daughter,
Miss Elma. were down to Ilills-
txiro, Monday, from Banks.
i'nxr Udet will Annn tha Wofih
VJUl, I1CO. T. .11 I...V. . , . .
f',.f., .1 l'nraot piomas lu eacn unsi vn.K winner,
1I1KI..J11 UVUIIIT tail, fc , . . . . " , , ...
f!.. nvt wnuartav nnH i ana a ceruiicaic loeacn cmia ex-
1 Mnv in I I lri It H I H If I IM SS I f. Willi
Mrs. J. L Crow, of East Hills- reference to the contest, will be
boro, fell from a ladder, rriday, mVen by
assigned will have to wait until
such a time as is convenient.
All prize winning children will
be expected to be presented for
exhibition rnday afternoon
Prizes as follows:
Over 1 and under 2 Silver cup
2 " 3 ...
3 ' " 4
Over 1 and under 2. .
" 2 " "3..
" 3 " " 4..
Two medals to two highest
scoring baby bow and girl. Di-
. Silver cup
and broke her right arm. Dr.
Smith reduced the fracture.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krebs and
laughter Louise, have returned
from an all-Summer stay at their
liockaway cottage
Born, to Carl White and wife,
Mrs. A. B. Todd. Supt.
Forest Grove, Or.
I will sell at public sale on the
II. Taylor Hill ranch, better
North Plains, on the Tamiesie known as the old Harrison place.
place. September 16. 1914, a
Albert Spierrings. of near
Greenville, was a city caller
Mondav. on business with the
. . 1 a 1
equalization ooaro.
G. P. Martin, of Tualatin,
was in town yesterday, on pro
bate business, connected with
the estate of the late Isaac Ball.
The infant daughter of Mr
The lad departed feeling that he 'oJT
would control his temper here-
Farmers, you should invest.- J- 0. K.OBB, M. D.
gate the Pacific Feedand Letter physician & snar.Fnw
Carriers that we will exhibit at bFFicE-.-L'wriiaScUu.uwrichBMw.'
PuoxKS-Oi5ce, City 3S4, Ret. City S64
the County Fair. For dairymen,
it 13 a necessity, and our low
prices will surprise. Margeson
Bros., Gaston. Ore. 2o 6
Physician and Surgeon
The Washington County W. a
T. U. held an all-day session in
rorest Grove, Tuesday. Dele-
gaies irom various sections 01 lutuce Hour 9 to 11 . m.; 1 to 5 p.m.
the county were present Officers Cn oiwerei da or night Bota
elected for the ensuing year: phone, office m Aaieticao Nationni
Pres., Mrs. W. H. Hoskins; vice
pres.. Mrs. J. IC iteynolds; cor-
responding secy.. Miss Jennie
Armstrong: recording sec. Mrs.
Hutchins; Supt L. T. u. Miss
Elsie Walker; Supt. Y. P. B.,
Mrs. James Andrus.
IL BmaJ; W. B. Mmv
ftoom. 1 and t ,Simt Bclldin
Officea upttair in Scbuirueiiuh Block
For sale or trade, a few good
milk cows, for young stock.
Also 2 16-months colts, to trade HILLSBOEO.
for calves or buggy horse, r arm
of 100 acres for rent Paul Oder-
matt, Henry Grabel place, Hills
boro, Route 1. 25-7
Wm. Nelson, chairman of the
Hillsboro day at Forest Grove,
says there will be a big delega
tion go from here to the Grove.
A large number will be robed in
white suits, and they will carry
literature setting forth Hillsbo
ro's advantages, and the squad
ron expects to pin Hillsboro rib
bons on all who visit from this
Lost: On Helvetia-Hillsboro
road which passes by the Shute
school house, a lady's purse,
black velvet, beaded, containing
sum of money, and other arti
cles. Finder will please leave at
Argus office. or phone same. Loser
will pay adequate reward. 2b-7
Supt McKay, of the Hillsboro THOS. H. TONGUE, JR.
.11 f.eahn befo.e the first of the year; 3 ow,u",a.' ,;Vk iqi 7ho .-m,,0 T
h-if-,. hnn-,.vrni.ij,r.; iH.11 ment is 586, with 131 m the ATTORN K Y-AT-LA w.
subject to resister: the whole heni i tu High, and 455 in the grades and
berculin tested; team work horse, about primary. He 8ays that Miss
9 miles north of Forest Grove,
and 3 miles east of Banks, at 10
a. m., on
Ten head diry cows, mostly Jerseys, cuia -onnrra that thf. onrnll.
Upstairs, A. C. Shute Bldg, Main A aa.1
iiWsiJCi.O. - OK&vrON.
Ornca: Min Sti opp. Ckiurt Houia
aArVa 1
Office, upstairs ia 8clltllInerle,"
I.-ioo. 6 and 7 yj. team horse., S and 9 Bjc,erti wh0 will have a Position Hlllslwr, - -
? rooTb.v co l; .3 Sm che,'. in the High School, did not leave ' ' V -, ,
Twh.te b Liverpool until Sept 12. so that rSAAAr
White boar. 6-ft McCormick binder, Me- she was unable to arrive here for Telephone office Main to. Residence
and Mrs. Marion Neilson. of near c?11'?k m?"er .,T.chLt, McCor" the opening of school last Mon- Main h. -
Keedville. died Tuesday irom inA Zn .',;; V h.; rk. i.on day. . DR. L. W. HYDE
Cholera infantum. truck wai-on. wood racks, 1 sets hay txt-.t oatla have, bepn flvincrl Sue.sur to Dr I.inklatr
Walter Grav. the 8 year old gj the past week, and office over mud store. Reaidence
uncimt, uciwccu 5. a anu o;a oil.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray. roiier. is-inch 1 horse disc harrow. Os- this is subDosed to mean an early
was bitten on the cheek by a bome spingtooth harrow, j sectihn prg- Winter in the far North. A flock
dog. Friday. Dr. E. H. Smith drag riding riow. u-inch cas. of them lit on the North Tuala-
cauterized the wound. ftoSKS tin Plains, the other night The
t c:.u -.,llJ - no- livator. t sets heav. work harness, a sets TOUte along the Columbia HVer IS
Mil S hv n , ae : a fracture ,inle'hrneM' Ki "ht douUl"e htnS now thick with the birds- Koing
iVft.S.1"- Ai57rCi ?.blniff.JBliL 1.Lr-5S, to the Eastern Oregon grain
Hillsboro, Oregon
Frederick Andersen, M. D.
Successor to Dr. Cunni ikiiam.
Office and Drug Store.
pump, new, wnn 3s net i . "- - "'
inch pipe. 8 bbl woter trough, 8 ft water IS Over, C8U ai jonnson S Oiuaio yimnw, UKUUUN
Tiiiopaime connections.
ui uic ien iw iuu j. . .j mck. 3 a paro wire, wwiwrrow, . .. . . . . Ant..m
I 'l'1-.rt l.i. i til trnm O in. m . m.1 h. hp.rlr.D IllltllU nnp. MUHe- v. ..v... "
1- I baiter loo nuirev wun poie ann wuippie
-y.'e ir. a in-trnt milk run. milk cooler and I .. ... r , . .
Ross Shrove, wife and little PK P-nvpuH e h.1
, , T'llnm rr ara in I men pipe, o uiil wnici viuuku, i ivj v ' v-i , v.. -.....,. -
daughter, ot imamooK, are in ,r00(ihti pi troughs, 150 feet hav rope, for Some good portraits to dis-
ine City, Kurew ui mc 1. . . aouoie narpoon nay iota, nay Knue, o u tr,hute nmonff VOUr fnendS.
1 ... n n nn.-l I I kruho rami, t en. aai... w.iriB and ali'due. hav chain. 1
ltluiuii niiu u. w. nivio ......-.- p, ..... . ,
aron lacks, set tru-uiii. toois, 1 eviues, .in a. r.. n son. wno niia uet.11
millevi. fork, shovels, narden tools, clod D;fj Ki Mnnn ranph fnr
Plnnilrt I. nwrnnee. while butch- masher, acaldina tank, cedar barrel, J f , . u .;.
orin." neTr Scho Is Tuesday. - barrels, household gomls and other several weess, w
ering. near ,&ul an ,rticie, too numerous to mention. Monday, greeting his former
oiuiiy cui ins nam! in u.c Fr lunch at noon. county seat friends.
1 1... ...;ik a KntoVior" Irnlfo I . . .. .1
me imi.ii, TprmanfRa e: All sums under t: k -j-ftoinn.
)r iri Ih drpSSPfl the WOUna. I.T . T. n .1 XruiK juui jmvnu-au non.m
r. hmitn dressea me wounu. 1 0 . al QVer g months . tot fnJ inhn9nn' Studio be-
F. A. Reitzel, of Farmington, time on approved notes at 8 per fore Noy. 1. if you wish to make 3K 'SSiSSSSlK: uf? 2
was in town Monday. He says cent interest Two per cent u3e o them before toe holiday
most or me crops m oi u i". voou.
have been harvested, and the James Lane, Owner,
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Bv virtue of an order of the
'II .It .k ....l.K.n
county court, i win sen at i'""n-
sale, at the Anton ivneger m in,
..hif mile northwest of Ver-
boort and two mile? north of
Forest Grove, at ten a. m., on
lllark mate, 4 5". U"". wj,k" s,nK,e
double; black horse, a , r.y., k-'
work animal; aorrel horse, a years, un-
. !.-. ...u. all, I n 11 linrilt-fl.l. livnil m
llTtlRr, lien .
da Jersey and Holateln-w, RCkhI
f. , ,.lf al alll! t If
ll)W OI lllllKi
r ...i i.... ,r aalr: nne to fteshen .Ian
.." : ! Anrll 4;o.,e,l'eb
iS' 4 o freshen in .Innunry ; a heifers, i
Jk slxnmnllui yesrliiiKS. a11cl.VM:
l slered Holaiein hull. 3 '' t,,1)cr-
cu Un tested; oats and wtieai m .
1 . i,oi..,i liinoihvi.lohn Deore
hinder, nearly new: New McCotmick
niower', old tnower, bunc her neay new
(. 3- f naM
s. e.
Snt4(arnti(abc r.auiUitii, MttiMM,
asalaicai ail tNatatt.
necal.flitialiLijt, 4! iimltn.f taiuni, Boll.
yield has been fair.
Geo. Vanderzanden. of Wilkes
boro, attended the meeting of
W. O. Galloway, Clerk.
Dance at Bethany Grange
Hall, Saturday evening, Sept 19.
Tickets, 75 cents. Music ny
Johnson's Orchestra. Everybody
Wm. Smith, of Greenville, was
in town Monday, interested in
the county board of
Mnniinu t.orTf owns one OI I '
...... ...-j. r.- - -- . , n , ,,. th.:ii:.
the finest farms in the county. jonn scnneiaer. oi runups. ... differential correct-
. i tvtto a nrv pn or I upsnav morn. n: r. ,.
For Sale Vetch and oat seed, - ed on the tax roiis.
mixed, ready for sowing, and Chris Grand, of West Union,
thoroughly re-cleaned ; per Gwt, . was in the city the first of the
Fred Bergevof Bethany, was
r4Ce aa allra (tiniditintsrea irltHi.
KiutluHciifitiirten. Ui'ti, ttraqunaii. ivUlliUfl
Stictiir(JiiI mil uitfrtea HlierrtfB.
teat-rttiiaKra: Cic( aa 8 I Mia
aaa aaf ltlraaa.
ttltHBoit: SKorfDall 2no; K-1027;
aut(I)an: Wdln W4 snk Utftt.
Aiaiari U0 Dili eianlcr l Iniatm .
DR. W. E. Pir'
walkW P". aplketoolh. smingUo;h
disc harrows, truck wawon, old wsgon.
plalfotm scales, niiimiii, .m.;
panels portable ttnee, spray pump, culll
va o , carpsiitrt and WackamUh tools, 3
Iron Kales, grindstone, land rol cr,
cans, 300 Pie, 3 ' 4'l f-m tools and
nmnerous oilier articles. Lunch at noon.
Term9-$20 and under, cash;
over, 3 months bankable ap
proved note, at 8 per cent.
v John Kneger,
Administrator Estate Anton
Krieger, Deceased.
Camile Duyck. of Forest Grove,
was in town Tuesday.
sa A. E. Hanlev. Hillsboro, K.
' ' ti.ii
3. 3 mi es northwest ot tinis-
boro. o-o
The Moose Lodge will have a
big class for ihitiation next Tues
day night, and. a large attend
ance is requested. A good time
is assured, and all Moose are re
quested to turn out
Lost-Female fox terrier,
white body, brown spots, right
eve. on eft side and on hip an
avuprs to "Trixie." Leave at
Sixth & Railroad, with Mrs.
Baker.and receive liberal reward.
With the advent ot rains there
win h orreat sDort over on the
Salmon herrv. Nehalem and Wil
son rivers, fishing for jack-sal-!
mon. Pete Lorsung and Drotn
ers are already thinking of get
ting busy on a trip.
Fred Schmidt, of near Laurel,
was in Monday, and says he has
started baling his 6 acre9 of
hops. He reports a fine quality,
but the usual light crop. He
novo thnr all vards have finished
out his way. Otto having wound
up Tuesday.
t ...Ml -.11 . nUI.'. nnl. nn ttia T
RTiSito Simile south transacting business in the city hillsboro
of North Plains and 4 miles north
of Hillsboro, on the Hillsboro- Ed w. Bav lee. of West Union,
North Plains road, at 10 a. m., on waa in town the last of the week.
TUESDAY. OCT. 6 and called on the Argus.
Cows: Eight years, fresh in -j. Kane was down from
Nov; 7 yrs. tresb in uec; yrs. Forest Grove Saturday after-
just bred; 6 yrs, iresn in jan, o noon greeting friends.
Nov.Tvrs fS and family-
tiJRjt&to&U Portland, were out Sunday.
6 yrs. fresh in Nov; 2 yrs. fresh guests of home folks,
now: 3 yrs. tresh in March; I yrs, rtonv Rirrian and John Dennis
fresh in Jan; 8 yrs, fresh at sale; Lre again ab)e to get out after
i yrs, iresn in uec, o yra, cau a eges of illness.
"."r;-M"i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ritter. of
isiereu uucmocj n , .
These area fine lot of dairy n'.,
cows in good condition, and all aay evening.
tested for tuberculosis. CP. Wunderlich, of Center
Lunch at JNoon. I ville, was in the county seat
Terms of Sale: Light months Monday.
?!a" ? PouJr V at Hillsboro Hall, Sat-
mX; t" k urday evening, September 19.
w Yesig & Jossy. Walkers' orchestra.
B, P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.. Sam Sorenson, of Reedville,
John Vanderwal, Clerk. was a city caller Tuesday.
Office up-aUtir4 ovar ili'.lsboi-o National
Trmieaie Bldu. lioouia 5 and 4
Main and Third.
Upstairs, m Linklater Delta
Building Main '
Hillsboro -f
BOWMAN ft YAtLrtilWH'O'.wlr.l
, up-stairs
Hillsboro OttZ