UJBOKO AtUr'fEmVDK I?. 14. 0 ! tatttrtMM, IV. Mcr 15, rvnn c stkiU'I'. Atterm y fur llaintiff. r"ir-t National I'aek li!t , t. Jihn, Are you a member of a Fraternal Organization? Do you enjoy the benefits derived therefrom? Have you an exclusive clubroom available for your entertainment? von JikSrtCCt0d inwca3r0fnp. or JW family protected at your death? Would voawnt world over? Do inii1 Do you want to elevate your standing rSSS'tooS81 IISt m0St influential eternal Organization in Facts About the Loval Order of Moose SIX Trr Cent. MONEY l ean tnav t .(-iiiml lu ant ihimomv &.ilat! Ir! K.IaI M'ut.l tit.. rial pmiirKr, roficiprtBihracs otieltrd, A. CAUliNCY COMPANY Jl .., Hrctitc HM IVawr, iV.v BUILDING I am I'trparvd to do all kind of HuiUintf and Kcpair work. l"alin't work, ttc, Saw-lilirnr. Jvrwna and Sorwn iWr. Shop at .Mum aiul r runt. JOHN J.KATTY. ATTIIM ION HOt (ik'OWCtrH tf you an in ihhh! of any hop haakru, fsilitJ tht McMinnvill I'laninir Mnl. McMinnvilfc, 0n aa we an now makinjr thfwirr braivil an J rvinfonvd man! !at basket nwirnkt'd a the lnt ly all tarj:. grower. I'riiv, $10 ir 'len. Uf Do you need uy nfWTrjc . IX you occd My Dry Ct, Iw you nerd any SWs? Do you need any l-Vcdr Will youlWl any lUn,ltn,Nlc WiIlc.Hyi:arutill4 . M,,rc Spicier, Clliutttr ' IlUl- tl. - I 1 f tf ...... j.. . ' Emmott and Ion,1 Qco. Phono Main 5t,aJ Ma i I law The loyal Order of Moose initiated more mem bers in 1913 than all other fraternal organisations in America combined. The Supreme and subordinate lodge assets ol the Loyal Order of Moose are three and one-half millions. The Supreme Lodge recently purchased 1000 acres at Mooseheart, 111., where a vocational and in dustrial school has been established, also a home for the aged and widows and orphans. The sun never sets on the Loyal Order of Moose. A large percentage of our leading citizens, includ ing the President and Vice-President of the United States, are members of the Loyal Order cf Moose. The Loyal Order of Moose gave the sick, dis tressed and needy, over $2,000,000 in 1913. A correspondence school will be started shortly at Mooseheart for the benefit of members, and the lodge rooms will be.converted into instruction rooms, where traveling teachers will give special instruction to pro mote, by education ami orgauircd effoit, a higher pub lic spirit and better social ami fraternal order. Mooseheart will train the hand as well as the mind, making the boys and girls nu-utally aud physi cally capable to cope with the Kittles of life. We welcome any white inau of good moral charao tcr to become a member of the order. Do you know that we pay a benefit of 5 kt week in cast of sickness, with free medical attention? ' Do you know that the HilLsWo lodge has paid out more than $1000 benefits to its nicmk-rsduring the past year? Do you know that our hxlije dues are only $2.50 per quarter?' Do you know that the initiation fee is now reduced to $5? Be a Moose. ORGANIZATION HEADQUARTERS, HOTEL WASHINGTON E. S. LoCroix, Deputy Director Yoman's Liberal League Or OREGON Will give an Excursion to North Plains ParK. Sunday, September 27 Sous will be rendered by the Helvetia Sanger Club of Portland. There will be good music and speaking in English and German. Races and other amusements. Special cars leave Second and Stark Sts., (Portland) at 9:30 a. m. Round Trip Fare 75 cents. The Committee EXECUTORS NOTICE TO ClIKI. ITORH. Fine Residence For Sale For the purpoj vl settling au Estate, I otter for a!e a House and Lot, jkoxi 36 ft., situated at S. E. corner of K.nck - j,j Walker AJ. dition tu the city ofEotct it rove, Uregoa. ik-ue aud T a iAi appratcti at $45.10. K filled for $2H tr momli Terms cash cr tuit cash ami mortgage lor balance. Sale subject to confirmation oy Louuty Lourt. Address or call on Milton W. Smith 510 Selling Building. rortland. Ore. NoUct if hereby jriven that th undersign! haa lieen appointiMl hl. ecutor of tha Ut Will anU lta mtnt of Rachel Herb, IkTea.nl, ami haa been confirmed a nurh by the Count Court r,t Ik. f ii I - w v. .)Ml.v VI 'HI'" - iron for Waahinirton County, und ban NOW THEREFORK, ail r,,,i, . having claims ajrainnt mi id estate are hereby notified and required to prv aent them with the proper vom birft to me at mv rai.li.n... in u i Grove, Oreiron, or at the law office of Thoa. II. Tlinmiw lr in Ik.. i - ------ - - - - n - 1 ' t ' ni7 ''in- 1 1 mernal Block, at Ilillslmro, Oregon, wunin aix (B month rrom the ib,t I of the first nulilir&tinn nt t Kim to-wit, within nix month from Jh-ii. tember S, 1914. HENRY DAVID, Executor of the Ijwt Will and Tt-Kta- ment of RachH Herb, Di-ream d. THOS. H. TONGUE, JR., Attorney for Executor. '" 1 ' n;-air' I thi. .t. f aHiI"i lit lulki,. "JSfr ,n fuv,,r of th THF I IFF rPFPM TUIKD: Tht . wiivwuix of Two Hun. t,.rfTUm ' t.N, 1. in- (!iU ril f..r th ..f f 11 ... - - - -"- "I . HU ,IU dre.l N-viinly iMlur (4-'To and in- ii-ii-...1 inereon irom .Uarrh I, IDH.at iii'iit (s) (..r rent j.ir annum until jmiu. dud ir ihp further tum of l our iitimiii'.t h ifty iH'vcn ard (U I'M IMIUr ll,,7.t,il ami i,lr-i ti..r.i,n until paid from January 1 i ..I .. .i ... ..., at iiht ion- hi mree nr I'.Mij i.m .. - I I .1 . I ; .imiMi, urn lor me further -u.ii cu une iiunilre.1 Ikillar I $ loth iiUoriii y's fi i", nnd for one half t,iat,t. in u mnl iliHuurneiiienta ant! "i - i ii,i tlirffiiilant, W. II. y.cr. , . !." ravrr of 0 plairtiff. r''i i v 1 1 1 : iB.it tha iijual .1 .. Thl h lit Mi!, n. ,f the HUMCOllBIE rofty.,Uih Svbool Vear Opcaa snpn-nm-R 18th, i0i4 K'-lHiJl lltCAMUR." and M Cat Ut fOitUlitlnt full Inlomsti,,!,. Dtgttt Comnn Ar,KtCiarUDS J 'Mi ine imia! dei re f V """'r.flnimai iiun4fy.lilfyHu. i f r..r.Tkmrf for th U of atl of n ,rV' ' uH'y lluihandry, Mtb ultur. the U,-t half of the Northeast iiuar- ,Ark,ll!l" Trbw. rOIH-SThy. t.'l- i.l i:..'li,.B T ...... I , I LtXidlNli IAI.I1.I unit . - . ........,., , n. iujr-iuur .-u in lowmh.p Ihrec (:t) North, Kanir, A Rare Chance To Order Your Win ter Coat MADE TO ORDER HERE AT HOME We can ma he the Coat to please' your Taste and the Price to please your Purse. , ,;1 " ' CHRIST TOST The Tailor SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THF. STATE OP fiRPruiV IViO U'jcn '( INGTON COUNTY. fiaoi flAIHMAb IIA.H, or .St Johna, Oregon; a national banking corporation, I'lainilff, a. A. L. HARRISON, I'llOKIti: I. RISON, hi. wife, AKTIII K . HARBAUGIf. DENZKL MOKI.KY HARBAIGII. hia wife. S. II MERRICK, II F. ALLEN and A. i . ST "'"''""MMi JlerenUanlx. I To A. L. Ilarrixon, I'hm'lw llarri jjon, hia wife, Arthur G. llarbaiiKh, Denxel Morlejr Harlwut'h, hix wifp, ' J?.-..Merrick h- v Allen A. II, I McWilhams, defendantK: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ; OF OREGON: You aro hereby r,- quested to appear and aniiwcr the complaint filed ajfairmt you in the above entitled suit within six week from tha date of the firnl publication of this notice, to-wit; the Kith day of October, 1814, and If you fail so to do for want thereof, plaintiff will take judgment and decree aain.Ht you as prayed for in plaintiffs complaint, as follows, to-wit: FIRST: That a money J udi'ment M entered for the Hum of Five Hun dred Fortv Dnllnrt C1ln n.i s,.. f " T I it. imri' est from March 1, 1014, until paid at mo ruie oi eigni (8; per cent, per annum, ana ior me runner sum of Two Hundred Dollars t$oo) H at torney's fees and pluintiff'H co::Ih nnd disbursements aguinHt the defend ants, A. L, Harriiion nnd l'lioelie Ilarriaon, his wife( in favor of the plaintiff herein. SECOND: That a money Minltr- ment be enfjirn.l tnr ih ....... ..r . . . nuill ui l ive Hundred Forty Dollars ($540) nnd in Urest from March 1, 1914, until paid, at rata of eiirht l hflN r.a j " . 1 ' V Jiik F:r nil' num. and for the further num of Nine fXUlKWIt lnn.IL.. ...III. 1... . . . iT KnliC iiiierewt irfini nuary Vl14, at the rale of hu lhr; (.!) Wet, f t, U illani. li.. ridian. ointaiiiinif eii.hiu ixm 'More r Mtoated in Wanhington omity, Slate of Oregon, be entered, and that the .Sheriff duly tell the ...,,- ..r,np to inc. law and prac ti' of thiM Court. I lITil: That the proceed ofthe ale he applied tn the Keveral of money oue me plaintiff, und that th ii ii.i,i:.i, A. u HarriMon, an.) noei.e narriHon, his wife, Arthur ii 1 1 . 1 r It:l ( 1 ' .. ttn.t .in... l( ....l ... . ; , money nar- liHUL'h. hin wif.. W II M..-.i.X li i. Allen and A. It. McWiiliams, and each """. "i nil persons claiming un. tl. r nr through the nald defendanU " Hiem, uhseiiietit to the dal.' of the execution nf the plain tiff M mortl':lfei In.urit. !!.... . r;, t.m: or November .1, HMO, upon .inn premises either ns purchas 'M or iniuiiiliraiuers or olherwUe i.nrre.l ami foreclosed of all equity of redemption in the prcmihes anil .( i''i i i inereni. SIXTH: That sale Iks made, of tin miii.I prenui-eH, und that execution is "111! IH'filllul 111. 1 .1.. C. ... I .... I .. A , . - ' .'ii'imii.j., j, i, llanisoii and I'hoebe Harrison, Arth- ... .,. iiarniiucn snu w. ji, Merrick for iinv ili.ri,,;.!,,, ., ...u:..i. , ' , : "" nmy remain alter iipplymi; all of the proceodn of moe oi uie nam premises proper v .'11,1.1,, ,1.1,. , il: ... ... i ; ' b'''1. ;MilNt -"'MO- HuMfe fcCO s; lio"itU V lrK. JuniMlK Art te; . -OM.HlM.li. rHAkMACV, "'""I'Ull. AMIS. V'thatioH&l rrtunr.. J..l,..l. ... t. Home M i!.ffi' Courw. InJutiUJ AH. hoffy, l!,r,e Slwit Courtt f umut 8 n,.u Ca by Mail fnm. p.MSlo., "' iti Best Fire Insurance ." ''"Mir sfvrri.i:. Mi'. NT oi' LtlSSr XV u JOHN VANDiCRWAL Agent UJudon & La0ca. shire Fire Insurance Co. Pacific Statu VhuiH HILI.HIIOUO DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Anna Nlm hn ,..n .... .. . Ilia fnHv.u. -.er ,eael. to th maisfaction' of UhiHds. ' l (O.) Mrs. Murirnrei i l''"ulsoa b : ' ' "Id. Native of Ireland, . will ilrlve h,.r .. ..... ' eoiii ...i,!. .. ..... . - 1 ' ' "''me. n.i , . '"" "l,,n "t"'l to ly Applicable tbifi iiidi'lnert and SEVENTH: That the plaintiff 0f any other party to thin suit may be come a purchaser t the Raid sale, an,! that l,e Sheriff lihall issue li cerlifi 'ate of sale to the purchaser of tlu s:nd premises, nnd thereafter a Sher irt deed if the mime is not redeemed as provided he Inw t.n.l it. - . ; , i " ninw ine pur- at n fi.ui I'haser be of nio r.,,uu-,,i.. . " "nl premises upon production of the finer L i - , ' ,,""",,,t "I'lHMirwl In '""ZU r1" lhrr""(- A 1 ! iT.? ' t i ,w '''' '' hi... buaUt fro!" r.H.lllll: That, hn i, a nl iff ..ii.i.ii. ttl.eii hem, I . SUCh nthee ...l f..ll,... i V" Coillilfy Hl,... . . "" , ''"'I .iiuers nnt re- . . .. cimeii was mm lll f Hi ni'iu t ,t, i . '. Of the .in il ., tu, ' . , '' l n seem enuit- '""hms p oneem nmi iu abeam in ' Seven v.yi 1 " 1M J....... NINTH: That, the plaintiff have m, .iiKmirwments in this Hull, KifVirf tf rhia Diiir....nnn i i 'Pon you by inbli inn'r ill tt : ,, ' " Tel., new.pi.per pnblinbed in HillHlmro, (ir fllll.J 1U "'" '"'"""'"-i", f. Vim, for mx Hueeessive weeks bwir- 1 l'"ulM ""nnimir. till' of tin iii.l,,.. .,r ii.... ' , er, (nunly Judjre for Washington Fl.i t.OUIltv. f liwmn uih I.l. ....I.l .... ' ... . -..,, .,..,.. ,, ii,u oruer was ' 1,1 ntrtid," , Mii":".!"'!" I- A,e.,., "Venty-HU years ,I reeei.ll.. .. .... ... , ' '. Wen . 7 A' -!wk, 7X Mtpr ST. MARY'S INSTlTUTr Bl" This plaf laatltaihHt. r.Wi.4 t,,"! "H hmue. tl U .k.lwKif.11. ...Ir. . r". . 1 "'" Ui. " "'. Th wis .wi I, pt71,.7m . , tr A flow HHmnJZtIVr. t p4 " cover, a p.fto.1 o lw,VMI.. I.T".0,T.V faiahe. lalufmaUtw, o, "L ll&2 I WASHINGTON COUNTYFH FAIR GROUNDS. FORF.ST CROVt ORE.. SEPT. 1914 OYER $2000 IN CU PREMIUMS CovrrinK Product of Urm nnd Orcfctri LivettocK and Poultry, Domiic Selena nd Art. Full Lino of Juvcnilo Eihibifc. Monster School Pari Reduced Rates on ftll Rtl C clr c .tops mt tfato. P. E. U I. ont-fouri mile distant Tor Promlum List nd otbif Information address J. S. Buxton. Secy., Forest Grove, Orrtfon. Help Make Oregon th: Clconoot State the Union Caele.B Ideas In regard to Ms scattered bfoa.ba.t by tbi liw limi,.millty, dlaraat sad MSeflag atuoiig ibe Innureat Tree, hnletmi Information helps to prod cWn, health!! capable of richer aad mors nasfttMlvaa. 8i tdiiratloa should be provided when posiibl in ib horn tp will b sent fro for aa4 womtn, boy sad Ritlt "f H P " "P ttat iMflalttly aft aw) tts of childits a K wns fi whom pampMa art wsntttt. AiUIicm THE OSEGCJ SOCIAL HYGIENE SOCIETY ' - - j2 ciif ftVT 1 uuw , tv .1... h iiint " Mali altoM friend you 5? Ash Mm about It Ut Mm .h T""J IMMlisWi away irom 7' ".7 . 'H-ms"" bmuL,SmU Take-down, H""- f.i 1 1 ..i "iZL SB&Eaust'' ; It sMlaft Awaa-Uatoa) Met."'' C,rtJ lllm mm oi two nun- ' Alt Ilia - - - ' ' l" flnei to