The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 17, 1914, Image 3

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    iuuKao aioci. MrriafMa u, uu
- 'iPI M " -. Mw 1
t f , 1 u-l'Xt In M la. wily. th. tlal.MMn I
.r Orrf'Ht will Wt H. k.Mw.a i I
jjHt (SrJ A . ' j , . u I
lilTt,,--'. Ji r-' f-f Uninn. t I
ivrt if'fl w... m. AkriJr rl
. , .r ; VJ 1 nmtmt tmi 1mm Am 'I
I 5 45.'' i; ' ! 4ttaMi4 I
l,7J f it L I Uhtttt tfl !. I
i m t V I i .-t I
I 4, Till i..j. .i.... Ufa, hw, I
1 I 'rf-.j -''- Hiiw
l ri ,riiiii il -. i
ILlrC ' il M 'I '"" - mmi tw, I
,J7 I Vi.vfi ... I
''y''l eimsitf oi etttoa I
nm ran
Daily Journal
uml The Wt t-hly Argus
One Yrnr, Doth lepers
$5.25 Dully ond Sun
Journul unci Argu. One
Year. ST.'JO. Do It Now
Weekly Argus
The Dally Oretfonton and The
Argus. One Year For $6.00
this B1ves you CAtf Artfus
FREE. No Agents
Dally and Sunday
and CjJ Argus
Loaves of Bread for 25c
tJi-t wr lour and 5 clccka. racli voa for one loaf of
l!"'!il. 1'uyinK your Iron I thia wy nivcs you the
fimh to wave on your bread MM.' Uomcmbcr this
iuxt time you buy broad. Six I'Ywh louvi-a for 25c
Jain Stio. t, J. W olferspcrjwr. 1 rep.
Wavhiniclon Lunly Alone Will
y in NclchhorhiMxl ot $J,W
0cr t itl Vcar
If th State Tat ('ommixxion
fixtm the WanhitiKton Cunt
Valuativn at twenty-six millions
of dollars - which would be but i
tritle over the valuation it fixed
'or the county on state tax in
1913 -the sovertiirn county of
Washington will pay but $18,200
for the two state universities.
Oregon Agricultural ColU-Ke and
the University of Oreiron. If
the two Normals are sustained
by tioiiular vote as to the legisla
tion irfected and pa?sed at the
VJli session oi the l'Kilature,
then the county ot Washington
will tiBV t'M SIKI fnr ihi nnivi'mi.
titu and normals at the next
vt-ar'n tav mnnln Anil w it
retnt-mbered, this money must iro
rrom our treasury, wnemer or
nut thirtari H'lin(innt laypR.
This budget should make the
tanavni of Waiihinirtnn fVinntv
do some thinking, and that
should make them chary of their
votes to sustain such wholesale
dcDletion of their Docket books.
1 his year s assessment nai
hfPn tAlmtated at 1 19.735.115.
and it will doubtless be reduced
somewhat by the board of equali
utiun. As last vear's county as
ajttmtnt ttm aver S1H.IKI0 000.
and the state board nxea our
values for state purposes at over
tu'pntv.fiv millinna it is Onlv
ftnv... ... -' .
reasonable to suppose mat me
state valuation of our roll will
this year reach the "26" mark,
ir it ahall An thi thpn the twen
ty thousand outside school tax
il I taken from the Docket-
books of county taxpayers. .This
will mean 75 cents for every
man, woman and child in the
county a condition that makes
the hiich watermark of taxation.
Taxpayers should beat the isor
mal law. and should intently
consider the proposal to vote for
those only lor tne legislature
u kn i& ill nledtre to work to re
peal the two university bills, and
untera ahuii in aiHO consiaer ine
election of a Rovernor who will
i a.
not veto a repeal, ana aiso eieri
man whn will not stand shoul-
der-to-shoulder with the univer
This last straw is too mucn.
But it is up to the taxpayers to
put a atop to it.
The summary of the tax roll
now under consideration by the
board of equalization is:
i.iitt.ViL. in kit tS.ou.66c
A Ctrl a..n-tillabl. 343.749 3.930.!
Impmwmnudeea i.oai.j"
Tiniltr- I.93O.740
Town and city.... . 93.7
Imp 00 Mint
Imp on landi no! dteded 1 1.79
Sa Ka & Mfu Marh !5 7o
M.Ik A Stock in Itade 74.7
Paim luipltmetilt, wagons,
buKgtc. etc. .95
Mont. '9;
NotciJk Acrti 3'
Kharciofitock I7 475
HW 73- 4b
Motet. 78
Milch co. 1 1657 ........ - 3:.43
vi.. .ml berf itock. 46li...... 1 759 '
Sbe.p.43.7 'X
('.,.... .bSn 'nS3
Hwlne. 47ol 34.oo
"K'.W3 - "
Inlnl (II " '"'
LlbtariM " ,IJ0
.. .. t.i.i.i..1 nml nmcc. bar-
Mom, ........... &1 Hln
ber auopa. piciure ravm .v.
This does not include public
service corporation.
A pleasant surprise was Riven
Saturday evening. okVu -rr
"L ' m BA-Hnand wife.
of below Ueedville, when friends
Mthered in nonor 01 wio -
of Mrs. John Hess and son, of
Bellingham. Wn. Luncheon , wm
served alter an evenm
Iv spent in music ana
Messrs aim -- .
den, J A Zimmerman, Carl Stow,
a J..aa lAhH HffHH. J M. IlCfVli
M SoUard. Geo Graves, Emma
Adams; Messrs Thorgny Holmes,
Walter Heard; Jonn n
lan. Genevieve ana o
Adams. .
Harry Solprard and ueo. urayes
returned from their hop pickm
trip up to Independence.
a !.- tiVMav and Ed Morgan,
of Banks, were in town Tuesday.
Best slaowood in the market
get Prices for Fall or Summerde-
iverv. Dee mo mo- -
of wJod-H. D. Schmeltzer.
1 wnresent Spirella corsets-
1 u .AWi Will call at
homes on .revest, and , do he
eluding the laws
I .. tlinmltic fr dluntr oi rn-
ln Iib tii itl-bMi 111 rang
Ktfpf.ltiK tu luatrunirnt. 1 beard a
vrrjr iirwt fruiiolnv l" aay:
U that lov. Mr. rmlMfrtar
"Yr, I'm IVmltuU."
Tou'rv t lw at tli rornrr of FUftith
and Walnut tt.ta rtrulng at 9. Taka
ihm rati j.iu wl.l And tlwra and"
Wlio ar .uT I anked. fit aoof
atmidiiiK all thl t.ilk.
I'd Km Ptrna. Yon wOl I dri-
tn to tlia rk eutran. Go to tb
(uuntnln. wlu-ra you will And Ml to.
Carry a r lu Ob, bearua, aum
one la fuuiluur
Tbora aa a cil k and tbat wn the
tid of tlt-e rruiarkaltla Inatrartluna.
It eM'l.i.t tliat tlM-re bad bran a
i-all lit mixnm on bearlnK niy nam,
ami th clrl or the traoa
railing or aome one bad mad a lula-
Now. I mould not on any airouat
tak advantage of at b a Uitndtv to
amtlfy rurUwItr. Ir Into Otbi P
plf'a nffalra or for any otlwr purpoa.
Hut 1 tv It It InruinlMUt on me w eor-
in th rror If nuaalbte. Tbla otbrt
rfinlH-rton would not act the naraaag
Int. mil. 1 for hlui. the drtTeT of tb
cab nilKbt wait all nltcbt on bla box.
and Efflo nilk'lit crow ao deaperate aa
to drown brraelf In Uie totmutn. It
hitlinntnt ma in tu mattera rlsbL
I rallvd up tha tclvpboue omca ana
aked who bad kItph Die tbe taat rail.
intuit aa well Imte ankcl tb op
era tir to tell rut bow mauy gratna
th.-ra are on an enr of corn. I look
ml In 1 he (llrwtorr for tha name IVw
liert.Hi. but nilne waa tlie only one
1 here m mrfhlns for It but thnt
.hniilil l'o to the rurnrr of Klifhth am
Wttlntit atreetit. bike the ruh. prweea
to the fountain and tell Kdttb thnt ahe
ntt-dn't wult any loiiBet In-t-aui tne
rt-Hl ber real-reuilwrton had not
Wn Infurnied of tbe tueettnit.
I roufea I wm aotnvwhiit rurloua to
know w hy a conveyance bad been pro
vided and what waa to be tne upwnoi
of the But 1 relved alm
ply to atate thnt a mUUke bad been
made and nak no queatloua. I thought
It ueceaaary to carry a roue In order
that I abould be moenlw-d for tbe
other fellow or I might aa well atay
away. 80 on my wuy to the place
where I should meet the earring 1
atnped nt a flower hop and bought
one. The cub waa In tMwItlon, and 1
owned the dmr. The driver nuked If
I waa Mr. I'eiuherton. and I told bin
flint I waa. Then he drove me to tbe
park. I alighted and went op tbe
walk to tbe fountntu.
Two glrla were standing looking at
the drltitdns water, and one of them
on teeing the roue In my baud left
her friend and mado atraignt ror tne.
"I bnve come to tell you," 1 aald. rala-
ii.ff hit hat "that there baa been a
uilMtake." 1
"Good gracloua! What' gone wrong!
la It all oirr
"a teletihoua rupnwiee came to ma
tbla afternoon from a Imly whom I
dou't know.
Vertniiilr rou dou't know her. Toti
art not exiiected to know her.
"You aee. I'm not-that la, there's
only one iH'rmin of my nnuie tn the
telephone book"
"You're Mr. Pendleton, aren't your
"Certainly I'm Pendleton. There's
no doubt about that hut "
"Come! It na burry. We'll be too
tnte. Maud tld me thut If I fulled her
It would break ber all up; ahe wouldn't
h able to Bet tbrotlKU With It"
If tbla youug woman bad been a
lorwriia or ausnkluua looking 1
inUiht have attempted further exphtna
ti.m itnf ihn wna as pretty as a
tNch, and If ahe wouldn't give me
nhanM It Mm.d tO lite tllUt I WM
xeiianble for lettluu her have her way.
Putting her arm through mine, ahe
hurried me to the cab. We got In,
and the cabman drove away without
any Inatructloua. .1 pretmmed he hnd
hn fftvn them before.
"Now I'll explain." anld my kidnnp-m-
"Vou Maud Furusworth atid
Ned Dlglea have been dead In love
with mt.h other for a long wniic.
Mand'a nnrenta think tbey know bet'
up whom Maud wants to marry than
ahe does herself., She and Ned are to
be married aecretly, and you and I are
to be the witnesses."
Oht Thnfa BUT' .
"That's all! Why, um't that a good
"But please tell me what I have to
do with Jt"
"Why, Maud hns mode all the at
rangeuients. She osked mo whom I
wnni.t tike to take me lo the parsonage,
and I said It didn't matter to me; nhe
misfit And aome one herself. She aald
alio would nud made nil the arrango-
n,j.i,t n
I leaned back on the cushion ana
"What amuses you?" nsked-my com
"I tried to tell you that a mistake
i... wu,n nmite. hut ton wouldn't listen
to me, I nin pleased to learn that no
harm has been done. On the contrary,
1 hate made a very pleasant ac-
1 h.iH i...r th whole story, at wnicn
ahe was greatly amused, remarking
that It was a good Joke on Maud. At
the parnonase Maud started on seeing
a stranger In me. but as 1 was only In
tended for a witness and she was very
mneh rattled nt the step sue wnt w
i .1.. ni.l notMnir.
And that's how I met the girl I
Pat-Kehoe gave ft flcrmntologlst $30
for chauglug his pug notw into a ura
dun noae!
llbu Itn rildt
P.ftt. didl Next day CaUahaa
knocked It back Into a pug nose ag'ln
fet nothing at all.-Kansaa Uty xunea.
Under charf of experienced
from Ported.
SoliciU patients fwtn all phy
rlai tJ Hi
ratM. UttoCM
Barber Perlcrs
Courteous Trcattieat .
Carjable workmen
Baths in connection, aad a
Fine Shower Bath
Newlv Furnished Shoo. A
trial will please too.
Pythian Bldg. HUUboro,
H. D. Seaawltsor, rrofv
Headquarters In
Hill8boro TtANsru A run.
cos', office in Washington
Hotel fA&s.
Dealers In
Sand. Gravel. Cement. Wood
and Cos!
Phone Main C2.
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1,1014 to August 1, 1915 and guar
anteed against any reduction during that time:
Touring Car - - $49
. Runabout - - - 44
- Town Car . - - 690
. FOB Itrott, all tra fully fquippr
- ' - (In the t'ntt.d S'a'.es ff Ameiica oayf
Fatber? n wll he 'aMe to obtain the Btai!nmm tffic-twy in er factory
PffOaVClHID. . D'l 111 - r - - . -
MBit U csa teach aa ontpot of 3oc,oocn ttwrea the abort dates.
Aad ahoald we tench tbia pioiluctk o. we VJ h baytra ihart
. 1..- . .1 n 1. onsi i 101O tocv.t letall bojtf
waopwliateaa iiewI'otdcarUtwetii AB(iurt t, 1914 aid Aogaat I,
For farther ptrtlcnlara wgatdiog theft low prices and pto6t-baiing
plaa, set tne aeaieai roia oic.u .
Wilhcs Auto & Garage Company
Third Street. litllsboro. Or.
Will Tou Build?
If yoa an goiag to baild tbia Spring
or Sammat, att J.S. LOEsTJNO. for
prices oa boUdiag aad txeattxiaf-
Eatimatea grtta bcti Ail wort la
gaaraatetd. No payaatata aaitil wotk
la eoapkrtod. i. S. LatoMg. asanl
Thiid Street, at 8. f. Ttak Tela
phont Mala tyi, Hlllsbaso, Oregon
Give Me a Trial
6 For Cemt LOANSv
Obtainable lo boy, MM vr laaatwto
farm, raook aa4 altr ptoMtty orro
mott meoMtrajatlatratVcnii fwaalal
Privlittaa aad Baal soatila lotsM.
uuu. AA
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro. Cornelius a.nd North Plains
'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Dags.
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or .
rolled ot 'any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius .
Beaver State Rour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Price
Washington Hotel, Monday. Wadaaaday
aad Friday
5 l!VIt. ' .f: r m ' ' PnrnpllllS. CitV IC.IC.
nillaUUlv, lucuu 1 . j j w
North Plains, Main 263.
Dr. GcrtnidPhlps
OOco bours,lto4p.m. . Hosaa sails.
. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Call for WerraaU
.11 tTIILttM alt
nil iii.www " . . . .
..b.. tiu r Vaaa. saatktd
"Not Paid For Want ot Fomb," ara warn
payable at tae oOco of inoaauaiti bmu,
and lattrtet wiU oaaaa after Aprd 17.
T, i Of WWII, ur trwmt
Hillsboro, Ore., April tS, toil.
ge Coast
f ... , 3 1
tt.V . ' '
'The Best in the
Come and looh oyer
the BEST display of the
BEST tobaccos sold.
will tell and show
you all about them. You
are welcome any time.
These Cigars are sold
every place where good
cigars are sold. 1
! Boom U Hillsboro National Bloch
One, heifer or a ecrtoad;
with ralf or cotninf fresh; A mixfld hlaek and white;
Immediate or deferred delivery;
Cash or teroa-PricasKSat.
Office at the Kusae Creamery
a Hhii Dlff.r.not,
"You always advised tigulnst specula
Uonf .
v ntnmed Mr. Dnstin Bias.
You never played the market roar-
Patterson UtadtrtalU
A a - -- - "
FoMaaat Dmacnaa iaAuraas
Fret tptp-iy -jw.
tum, Hillibaeo aJtat ft tUw. CO
Special Round Trip Fares
TO we
iw AsnmGTON county fair
' September 2i3-45
Tickets will be sold from all S. t. stations on West Side
and Yamhill Divisions. Portland to Corvallis Inclusive; also
from points on the S, F. C. &,Wt and from WU lamina on the
P. E. ft ERyi September 22-23-24-25. Final return nut
September 27. Full particulars as to fares, train schedttj
etc. from any Agent or tne .
-Ko, tlr. 1 Ber played It 1 weraei Kkkt aad t T I s O Kh V