The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 17, 1914, Image 2

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U420 AMU Mftfllf It
Special Trains
ro rwr
Oregon State Fair
Fare From HiHsboro $?.90
Corresponding Low Round Trip Fares frvm all
other stations, Main Line and Branches.
staff, to
tralmm thor mrilt to Special
trom Portland Hatty direct to Far
at kttormadiato poimta
All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds
Full particulars from any ajrent of the
tt. SGOIT,
Portland. Oroooo
noticd pf utf or tea nurmv
Puhth aotbt la LeretiT tSrm that
and alter MantiT. tvtohrr St. let. I
Ut, I ram ilav hiJiMl mi fft) in tha)
Poet-tmt Hulkling, la lh Ot of Port
land l trnf on, -( fur aal .and wilt k
t rtvete Mi and lo In high bKIr
br ,-ah, all lb tight, titi and lute
est a bu b frank, Kwhet and Kttgeut V.
Ru-ht h Bad (Ml tl Ma lift if
Mt. lsU. at mi lint eraatftat.
either m or to alt of th flk alius ia
crined rl prrH, Win;, being and
attuated la e-hi"-ttta Cnuaty, lm(t,
ami Kuf imtr particular! deavttbad aa
Mkl.l wit.
In undivided half Ihtrreat la and
trt the Uta X Bothered ttren (T) and
(Sl In Bwce. Kumnored rare (Si ol
Mverm' AoVitttm la Kevdvitte Htttnaa.
a 'n'rtlp to th recorded plat tbfrta
W adititftoo IVunlT, in h Mate ol r
' ffO'l.
t tMVHy III Iw aiiltl t i fra
: an.l rtrar ftna I ha orat'Mj J a certain
' j.ttlmnt In lavtr ul tha I'nltail Htaiaa
au4 aval not ihaatitl Frank KI-txpL and
tnr tm tumtahiil U tha ixirvhatar
( ai mil aal a raiaaa aifnad by U rniar
; ortiruf th I'nlud atalaa I aw Ht a
I a t o' ruirty hvrvtn ikamhad frunt
i tna lin and orat ot aalil )iltnint.
iati ai liiat.i. tHvtua, lba da
ot Soiulr 4. IK lslt.
J..ia Mnnia. I nllad Platra Manhal
(Air tha ltUlrt ( t'fr'O. Tt
Kiwot 6 Waahingtoa llofart
Dr. Anita E. Cmkmamok
0t(i(thtc Fbjraiciaa
Oilic hour tdtoila.ta.lta 4 p. ro
Oaims allowed for the month of
August, 1914.
A Schlecht, 19.00; Boland & Huff
. man, J-.J0.05; Johnson Lumber Co,
(CO; CopeUnd A McCready.5.04;
J Gaarde, J4.25; J A Lemmon, $25.00;
J Gaarde. U5; Adam Wilkin?
12.20; Adam Wilkins. H 00; Gordon
A Gordon, $2.00; H F Krahmer, $1.20;
Goff Bro. $1.20; John Nyberg. $10.50
J Gaarde, $14.10; A A Parks. $2.00;
J H Cogan, $6.00; Gordon A Gordon,
.80; Huber Mere Co, 5; Han Cor
nils, $12.00; Valvoline Oil Co, $4.50;
Haulenbeck Bros, $21.00; William Is
ensee, $2.25; U G Gardner, $175; Geo
Taylor, $9.00; Eugene Wahl, $14.30;
Nelson Hdtr Co, $47.48; W N Barrett,
$270;Sam Andrson,$13.76; F. Kliner
$288.45; Beall A Co, $2012.00; Hills
boro Transfer Co, $17.00; L M Buell,
$42.75; Groner A Rowell, $7132; E
Wenstrom, $11.75; Rice A Fhelan.
$10.45; Geo McGee, $5.00; A Zweiner
$4.95; Ed Boire, $12.50; Turner Merc
Co, $1S.48; Kerr A Pickins, $1.00,
United Shop, $1.90; A W Wilson,
$2.00; M S Allen A Co, $7.40; Tuala
tin Mill Co, $109.30; Hillsboro Lumber
Co, $201.92; Julius Christenson,
$.10.00; Coast Culvert A Flume Co,
$106.59; Coast Culvert A Flume Co,
$46.08; Buffalo Steam Roller Co,
$24.95; Beall A Co, $99.30; Forest
Grove Planing: Mill Co, $2.94; The
Banks Iron Warks, $1.75; Pierens A
Guerber, $465.84; Fred Peeler, $15.00;
' A Guerber, $6.75; Carnahan A Oakes,
$3.47; Greperson A Kilburg Bros,
$5.05; C S Reynolds, $14.70; Rowell
Bros A Co, $5.25; J A Sewell, $2.00;
It D Calavan, $1.00; T M Kerr, $6.00;
Joe Saunders, $4.00; A W Hoffman
$6.00; C G Reiter, Dep Co Surveyor.
$54.90; McFarlane Bros, $43.74;
Honeyman Hdw Co, $3.00; Willis Hdw
A Implement Co, $10.30; McFarlane
Bros, $19.60; A A Morrill, $J4.60; L E
Wilkes, $14.60; J M Hiatt, $9.60; A i
Roy, $9.80;; J B Trullinger, $9.80; C
S Reynolds, $7.40; C C Nelson
$5.68; C S Reynolds, $18J0.
McFarlane Bros, $134.73; J Spittler
$45.00; B H Tupper, $87.91; Roe &
Bacon, $7.91; Roe A Bacon, $6.92;
W S Hahn, $5.10; Honeyman Hdw Co
$2.35; Johnson Bros, $59.95; Johnson
Bros, $92.97; Kerr A Pickens, $9.75:
Beaverton Hdw Co, $3.25; F P. Tucker
$10.00; C C Nelson, $1.48; J H Cogan
$1.44; Anton Unos, $5.18; B Inger
brigston, $47.00; Dave Wenger, $10.20,
C S Haynes, $5.60; The Banks lror
Works, $25.05; Buffalo Steam Roller
Co, $10.06; Reierson Machinery Co,
$2.50; Charles E Potts, $60.25,
Stevens Bros, $4.80; D Gorwin and
C H Exp, $24.65; Hillsboro liven.
Co, and Co farm, $11.60; Percy Long,
Arthur Wahl, $2.00; Alex Wahl,
$3.00; Charley Wahl, S L Wahl, E A
Hall, each $1.00; T Bani3ter, $3.00; S
L Wahl, $8.00; Arthur Knox, $4.00;
Arthur Knox, Sup, $11.25; V H
Kindt, $22.60; G W Neep, $18.56;
Robert J Rufli, $18.28; John Bledsoe,
$19.41; Charlie Easthar.i, $18.84; C C
Harness, $18.56; J I Hairis, $18.28; V
H Kindt, $32.50; C W Neep, $27.00;
John Bledsoe, $27.00; Charlie East
ham, C C Harness, Jas Buchan, J M
Bridges, each $27.00; V H Kindt.
$7.50; C W Neep $6.75; Chas Eastham
J U Bridges, each $4.50; Jas Buchan,
S Bishop, F E Straight, each $6.75; J
A Martin, Geo Hawley, each $2.25; Ci
E Meacham, $78.75; W E Rice, $21.37;
Wm Roy, $75.00; L S Klineman,
$13.50; Jos Klineman, $27.00; W II
Lacky, $22.50; J E Price, $13.50; H 0
Meacham, $12.37; D Degroes, $42.00;
J G Klineman, J G Klineman, each
$16.25; W E Rice, $27.50; James
Price, $1.00.
Melvin Crow, $8.75; L S Klineman,
$4.00; Less McClarkin, $17.50; George
Conzelman, sup, $10.00; H M Moore,
110.00; Chas Roberts, $12.00; A C
Duley, $2.40; A Blank, $19.00; J Ny
berg, $14.00; J Jurgens, $31.00; Chas
Geiberger, sup, $18.75; J J Shevlin,
142.60; J J Shevlin, $4.50; John Wolf, Monday.
$41.63; John Hoover, $15.73; J J Shev-
in, sup, $13.00; Peterson. $11.81:
eorjre Peterson, $7.31; A L Martin.
T Ospelt, $H7S; Art Kinne,
; $32.34; P Tucker, $16.31; Ed Wolf,
fcSO.OO; L A Wooton, $!S.2S; E Len-
aeher, ?.?2.b;5; J Howell, $29.25; H
Luck, $2.25; II G Luck. $31.78; C C
Nelson, sup, $41.86; II G Luck, $7.8Jt;
H Luck, Eli Howell, each $9.00; J
Howell, $4.50; E Lenacher, $4.50; C
Harding. $5.00; C C Nelson, sup,
$10.00; A L Martin. $2.23; T Ospelt,
$3.37; Art Kinne, $7.; P Tucker,
$7.M; Ed Wolf, $23.73; L A Wooton,
$16.73; E Lenacher, $21.75; J Howell,
$23 ; H Luck. $1912; H G Luck,
$2T.78; Eli Howell, $15.75; C C Nelson,
,-jp, $27.81; J A Zimmerman, $4.00;
J Q Johnson, $S.00; Victor Nord, $4.00;
J Q Johnson, $4.00; J A Zimmerman,
$26.35; J A Zimmerman, sup, $10.00;
F Burgdorfer, $6.73; C Harding,$.56;
C C Nelson, sup, $2.50; Less McClar
kin, $64.24; Henry Schombjrg, $10.00;
Chas Schombeurtr, $23.90; Tom Mur
phy, $37.24; Jake Schlicht, $39.77; G
P Essner, $23.83; G P Essner, $33.53;
I P Lenacher, $12.75; Pat Murphy,
58.50; Walter Willis, $12.75; G P
2ssner, $12.75; G P Essner, $6.75;
V Ospelt, $6.75; Tom Murphy, $6 75;
Bradford Fowles, $6.75; Jake Schlicht,
6.75; Dewey Schmitke, $4.25; G I
Sssner, $18.75; G P Essner, $14.56;
tlenry Kemper, $102.50; Fred-Dancer,
ju.ov; jonn Jar.sen, J.w; 1'eter
V'andecoevering, $46.00; Harry Ford,
$24.00; Hugh Ford, $24.00; Ralph
King, $26.00; W Deachler, $28.00;
Jtto Stromage, 5-'6.00; L Van Gruns
ran, $34.00; M F Heesacker, $41.00;
S W Orr, $10.00; Henry A Heesacker,
iOO.OO; Walt Buckley, $12.00; Walter
'anDyke, $5.50; Theodore Bernards,
$2.00; J Hee.sacker, $86.00; George
lermens, $2.00; John Heesacker,
J4.00; Btn Hoesacker, sup, $36.25;
Kostur, $60.00; Ralph Hannan,
54.00; S H Stowell, $20.00; F
.'etrzilka, $33.00; N P Nelson, $20.00;
Afalter Fiher, $10.00; Ben Cummings,
ilO.00; Geo Cled-ioe, $14.00; Harry
Jroughn, $2.00; J D Craig, $4.00;
3ollish $10.00; Jesse Meyers, $29.00;
X H Hiddink, $16.00; T C Burgholzer,
516.00; Tony Burgholzer, $8.00; M
iindhart, $7.C0; Moses Watson, $6.00;
Will Watson, $16.00; B F Riggle,
54.00; L H Thomas, $1.00; T B Jones,
56.00; Joseph Steinman, $4.00; A
Kostur, sup, $40.00; James Devlin,
42.50; R J Eastwood, $1.25; James
Jevlin, C5.00; Orville Prickett, $20.00;
ftrne Dysle, $23.00; Alfrad Schindler,
520.50; Martin C Larsen, $12.00; Paul
Sitter, $16.00; C C Wismer, $1.00;
Abe Stoller, $16.00; Henry Kagler,
514.00; Fred Townscnd, $12,00; J J
Wismer, $11.00; Paul Zurchcr, $6.00;
Arthur Letchner, $6.00; Chris Schind
er, $8.00; Joseph Saunders, $3.00;
?red Pfister, $8.00; J J Wismer, sup,
17.50; W F Hoffman, $21.00; C
Wilkes, $15.00; T W Hoffman, $15.00;
J M Bridges, $2.50; Herman Kruger,
$22.00; Garfield Raymond, $9.50; El
mer Bennett, $10.00; Wm Vandcr-
zanden, $16.00; A Lennett, $10.00;
R Bennett, $10.00; B Marsh, $6.00; A
Barkhurst, $20.00; W Raymond, $9.50
Wallace Willis, $20.00; G W Boyer,
$14.00; W M Parey, $10,00; Will Van
Dyke, $16.00; W Sohler, $16.00; Al
bert Vanderzanden, $10.00; R Vande
hey, $4.00; Chas Hughes, $2.00; W
Hughes, $2.00, A M Elliott, $17.50;
Frank Elliott, $15.00; Dan Way,
$40.00; Frank GuHtis, $5.00; Harvey
ChriHtensen, $40.00; Arvine Orndoff,
$40.00; Joe McArdle, $45.00; Wm Rob
erts, $10.00; Chas Wedberg, $7.50;
Frank Minto, $50.00; A Lott, $12,50;
A B Spittler, sup. $37.50: D L Smith.
$46.50; Frank Genzer, $16.00; E C
Wilson, $16.00; E O Kleinman, $16.00;
(Concluded in ntxt issue)
C. A. Nutt, editor of the Rain
ier Review, was in the city the
first of the week, the guest of
C. C. Frick.
Mrs. J. E. ReevPH nnrl Mica
Angle Harrington have returned
from Rockaway.
Arthur E. Dailey, of Laurel,
was greeting friends In thecitv
To The Voters
of Washington County
I haraby aniHmnca aiyaalf aa aa la
liMHittiit ramltdata for tha ultlca vt
C unt Katwrdvr a tbaalaetion to b nd
Nov in bar 3. I hara lrn a mtdanl ol
WatlilnKton (Vinily fir SI yaara. and
haa navvr Iwiura ixwn a raudidat (ut
vltti-a. If flartad I will etimluc Ilia
m in an aunmlial, hoaaat and IB
clriit niaum r. Uh ilndaaan and eourtoay
Wall. Your vota taMvtfu!If aullcilad
Edwin S. SparKs,
Hitmioiui, oar.
tee M
gmnmi mm
Oltmm brfTiUnt floMY thhf llwV
do not rub off or dost pit ttit
anneal l th Iroa thl tuts ImUT
time tu long mm mnf ottxf.
to In cmm bt trif. It
tutffuilt niaul and raatU
Iluta tiUP maUraJ'i.
Ta It M I BM Bfea.p
er rir m ut rnpa,
lf !, ftajf ot
I a 4 $omm
A quiet wedding was celebrated
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Phillips, on Oak Street, Sat
urday afternoon. Sept. 12, 1914,
at three o deck, when Miss
Georgia Phillips was united in
marriage to Arno Pickens, Rev.
O. L. Duke officiating. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Phillips, of this city.
and the groom is a member of
the well known firm of Kerr &
Pickens, who operate a shop on
inira street.
After the wedding Mr. and
Mrs. Pickens departed for Port
land, and after a short weddintr
trip have taken up housekeeping
in this city. They have a wide
circle of friends in Hillsboro who
wish them every happiness.
A quiet wedding was celebrated
ut Hie home of Mrs. Sarah Bowl
by, South Tualatin. Wednesday
evening. Sep 16. 1914. at 5:30
o clock, when her daughter, Lois
G. Mitchell, was united in mar
riage to Frederick Bohlson, of
Rupert, Idaho. The bride is
well known here, and in South
Tualatin, where she has resided
all her life. The groom is in
government employ, at Rupert
The bride was beautiful in a
hand-painted gown of white
Only relatives of the bride
were present at the ceremony,
which was performed bv Rev.
Myers, of the M. E. church.
After the weddine suDner. Mr.
and Mrs. Bohlson left for t hoir
future home in Rupert, Idaho.
Mayor Ba&rlev&nd
have appointed the following n
a board to select books for the
Carnegie Library: Dr. F. A.
Bailey. Mrs. C. W. Rollins Mm
B. W. Barnes. Thos. Kerr. M H
Stevenson and S. C. Killen. The
ooara will meet in a few Havo
and organize, and then proceed
to the selection of the first
of the library.
Michael Partiniln and rl,:
Merlo; W. H. Banke and Eva
Vanderpool: and Wilber McN.itt
and Bessie Eberly have been
granted marriage licenses.
Harry Rasmussen and Mim
Sntasad at taa raa-aa
Qranoa. aa aaniad-alaa wail maita..
I . A. 1AMU. KdUoa.
Coumy Onicial I'-trvr
uUwtttlii: II. V Aaaum.
Iaaad a.a Tharadaf
Turn out t the wunty fair
next wtvk, and e what yinir
neighlws can pnxluoe, and what
they have in the way of hrrds
and tlocks.
... to
l J Ililla to Matgarrt tttuilcVaktr.
tt s Wk lUttUa Tract ...$oo
Saa to C I' IVacll. ) Wt tlk
tJar.Ua Tiacta . t
Mar? Marh to FintChiwiun S.wn.
Hat Church. It la lot jd kS f li-i
AMcC.ill toTaeo K hiUr.. 6
aai J.tToco - to
Ruth Raalt to Mi(irrl Mtv, M
It blh 4$ N Tain - 4)
O V Fair ioMS Woo.lm.Mi, i;t :;t-
SO ft at Ratiit...
Kutcra Is Co to W I (ewM, 4J
IIK4 ti l I ,
Frank Ktchct to Juhn M it. tract
la Mjrl' ad RravWitl ll.ia
O Sipprtll to I A rUi. l if a
& otbet laaJt arc u t I t
Crro Koalalaeto Kmnrth O l. k.ii,
$ Ha RrJvia -
M M Sayra to Sana KbuaK it a
tec 7 t l t l w
Hattl 8 KfVBolds to Suua H kra.
Syboa near Or.Wr Mill
II I. L. Clark to T A r uui, (tact in
Aliliich Ac(.. ...
Jo Atkla to i f L ii. ihi jo ft
blk j V t'.iov .
S P R R Co to Till A T.u.t Co.
147.1t a tec tint 6
kU Guibr to Tatted Katltt. 1
jjja at ILItrlu tS
Jobaa Oedlich to A $t
tMCritjiii .. JIM
Alf C Oltoa to MrKart l .u, to a
arc 10 t r I w H
Atf tlolcoub to I.atrt IUrltlHrr. S
a r Wt l uion ..,,. 3
Mas Brrf to Mela llit. 10 a 4 t
lift w ....... iyo
htllth alaatrrs to Mmai Unl, 50 a
rc tj 4 1 1 a t 4 la
il A iK-buslcr to J II Futirr, ibo a
tee 11 t ) a 4 w jono
UKla aimpaoa 10 Ad.itu nmMn. tr
IBarC4laBt4w I
Fiank Caitnack to N R Urown, luos-
loo fi blk 9 K t)to . . 5011
Frank Prank ton to Cm, a
arc 14 I r 1 w jvw
K LStulih to .N L tvfp, 141 trc it
t 1 f J.. S61J
W I Twictwlt lo Itcrih. Oilman, i.v
S a arc t) t I I I I t
Uarxrrt Trwhwt lo John T'at hwl,
$ a oeat I'hillip 1
All parents desiring to enter
their children in the Eugenic
contest at the Washington Coun
ty rair, at Forest drove. Sept.
Si-Zl, will please forward their
names to any of the undersigned
committee, at Hillsboro, and en
try blanks will be sent The aire
limit-over one year and under
Com. -Mrs. R. M. En in.
Mrs. C. W. Rollins.
Mrs. J. P. Tamiesie,
Mrs. C. E. Lytle,
Mrs. R. C. Vauk-ht.
Mrs. H. T. Bag ley,
Mrs. J. A. I m brie.
Later: Word has been re
ceived that babies between six
months and five years can be en
tered, and will be scored, but.
only those between one year and
lour win be eligible to prizes.
We desire to thank our friends
and neighbors who so kindly
gave us aid and sympathy dur
ing our bereavement, the death
and obsequies of our son, the
late David Maxwell.
Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Maxwell.
Mountaindale, Sept. 15, 1914.
Of the rt mlitloo of lb HllUhoro Com
mercul IUuk. at lit Uboro. In the Ktatr
of Oregon, at the clot of buiintu
September It, 1914
! snd ilitcoutits lm te it.
Overdrafts, tecum) and hum
cured t,
Bonds and warrants.. w, JW r $
Furniture and Snare 3,365 77
Due from auvovtd recrve
hsnkt ii 17 01
Checks and other cah iienit.. 110 oM
Oitb on hand 17,0 66
$J'".79 39
Capital stock paid In 50.00c 00
nurpiB inna .,., o t0 00
IT..Ii..i.u.l . '
.iMiiviiici iircnn, irtt e.
pentet sbd laic Mid 1 ftm r7
Depoaits due Slate Treaiurer . n n
Individual detxwits tubiect lo
check ,. 111 ftcA A
iwmami certincales ol denoait 11. A
-' 1 list, 1. .... . ttn r n
Time certificate of depoiit.,,, 3,15417
vnuB uc(uii Qlt
fj 1.079 39
State of Oregon. I
Utunly or Waihlngton, ("
I, Willis Ireland Caahier nf th
named bank, do iilemnl
Above Utrment f true to the bent of my
k n.tilaslw aM,l l..ii.i '
aaiwa.iBv BBUI1 lTTIiri.
Willi Ireland, Caihler,
Corrkct Attest:
K, II. TotiBue.
J W. llatlty,
. Director.
nuwcrirxcl son sworn to btfoie
this t6th day ol Septemlier, iqij.
P. J. Sewell, Notary Public.
The Washington County Veteran
Association will meet and be en
tertained at Hillsboro, Oregon,
for their semi-annual mpoiinrr
lrar,n mp iL "'?" 1UI "K,r .Hemi-ani
.v...v ivvyuiHui:K were un tea in nn rhnraHo nt 1 tnu
Kei'nhTte.??S:.f??, S"1 l.Pr.t.-B Orderof U
is TiiK riRiTiT iwrr or thk
C. W. KedmotiiL rUiBltfr,
Mary A. Ian and
W m A ;rTiik. IVfandanU
That btrtu of b ataetitiott. Judf
nwnt, dr and order of aal. duly
i.iud out of and Uiulrr th aaatl of
th aho entitled court, dated th
11.1 . Atiut. lll uiHiri a
juitirmanl rdrd and ntrd In
J court on tha JMh day of Aurt.
mi. in for of C. Kdrnond.
itiamtiff. and again.! Mary A U.
defendant, for U "" f $5 !".
with Inter! thron from tho SMh
day of Aufuat. I14. Bl th rat of
pr cnt. per annum, and tho furth
er aunt of Ul 5. cu and dwbura.
mnt, and Judgment la faor of
W m. A. Irfrrruk, and afatnat Mary
A. Un for tha aunt of $24 l, Bd
a La tha roU of and upon Mid writ,
make aal of th following dWfibod
real property, to-wtt: All of l
On til of and In Work Fivo l$itof
and in Oak Urov Addition to thtlty
of IlilUboro. trgo.
taid i-utwri, judgment, decreo and
order of aal and in eumplianco with
th command of aaid writ. I will on
Monday, th Mh day of tMober. 114.
at th hour of tn o'cloik A. M. of
aid day, at th south door of th
Court Hou In th City of IlilUboro.
Wa.huigtun County, Oregon, aell at
public auction to th higheat bidder
for cah in hand, all th right, till
and intereat which th abo named
dvfendanta or either of them, had on
the date of th mortgag to plain,
tiff herein, namely, th 2nd day of
June, IW, or hav ainr acquired in
and to the above deacrtbed teal prop
erty, to aatlafy aatd necutton. judg
ment, decre and order of aal. In
terval and coat and all accruing
Said aal wilt b tnado aubject to
reilt-mptton a per atatute.
Dated this Slat day of Auguat, tti
Sheriff of Waahmgton County, tt
Ity J, r. AppUgat. Deputy.
Attorney fur Plaintiff.
Caataa l-'laa. a A-luiiaiairairl nf llw
aaata vt W. H IMm. iI, I U.mIiiI
S. M. Abtaa.U ail . ' t, A t
kmlr kia lr , S.I....1.
Id K. M. Alelaiwl.l . SliH. aj,
A let , ttw at e m.iimi iiwu,i .
In I S' H 1 Ma Hi Hi. ...
Vm and 4 ....,
iaait"d ax-l rwuiil lt ( 1 t in Um
aau eautet uti im 11. . .una. .1
MM and eM ltM i-n.' 4".i I. p. I
afaiaat ) eeln tu iff tm 1 . u,. , ,
nltetHHI "f ai.ll IM U II. r
Brat fut't1"" t"' ! I"i 1
wm ut lu.ra a ' -I I !.. lati
and It "H I' Inuii.Mui
anaaet llaluli H a j i.l.,i,..,i
aaaliut m lt M' V " '
aud illl'urw'i' "I a 'btn m l I. r
IM aal of taa n.lU u ! ri
ufett aituale in nl,ii t'unli
I , vM. aud Orardlap-I aa ltinia, iu
IbalCaat hail l !4 III ul
that t in at ! 41 In -. 1. ...i
(iwat r'lj'ol IlilUUm., IHrjim, lr !
ra aliarbel In tbe ! iiiiI . '
M the ant ft lb at- bui.-I I'lii .tl
tuaamre ll ariuul f li i l-
I ul'lam In tlw a''e nun I
aa aite a ball 1
nera I"" "I thla u'i.i i i
tuti b HiUb altou In il,. ids .i.rf.. t ...
puxaaut Ui an wlr ! th 11. . l i
K lla-iwr. ..uulf Ju !- .1
two I'aiani. ireii a.att.i ir. I vii
ul Mt4etlw. I 'll .11. Ii ..,i,
l,allu In Ilia liai t .....
aak luf alt mmni hu "i. U. I
tutllalkiu lle. lli Hi ." i ! .(
W4Hb, I HI, tl' U,l I ,1....,
Iberl eetiig Ifce Krndilat l tt- I'll
Ma l A liar I J M wU4 ,
Alli'tueta l I'lau.iul
URDay "5a1
at.. Ik
The Grand Marra is th rmwt
wholestmie "two for a quarter"
smoke on market mad in Ore
gon, by E, Schiller. When you
imlulge in a g h1 smoke buy a
Grand Marcs. if
la lb I 'In- II Cull ut Ika Hi. I. .t
tHaaoa ti-t tVir "t .B
tat iiu tit. hiU, I'Uli.tirt
1 a
T. A ki Kr-I.
f a T. A. llnhat, llailK 1. .. r. ,. V.l
In the name nl i Male ! tlfrHi ui
ara betel tilrl t. ai'l" an. n
tba nUillit Hlnl ih.I m In thai
aba entlt'etl anil ' !'- t ".,
lb M ol mt.-lwt, n;t a.-l II .
latl Im au ep-er ! a.r o. I'
(tfaautlifl a.ll .t I-. Hi. I .,.i,l
luf tha laluf Uihi.iI In l.r 1 ...itUi.
I part Mil
. Trr O Hert
i ......... .
iiit Uaie
on Ble la Iblaanil. l.i a H r.H
onBlein Ibtaaaiil U. all M I,,,,,,.
dtaaadalKg I..I..I. .l f hrta ,u, tb.aU, itli w'''
W.l.tra au.1 rt.rtii.g - H. ,!, ,i , , ,
I'laiblia and ..l n fh J1,. ,.,wl V
ait." other an. lu'Otet im, a l. t imt , cut ' """ata
t hi4 mar ai iiot ael a,ititatlai
Thla Btiifii.t I i,! tM n a,,ii ,v I
PultlirallxM In Iht . . . .. Aigi, ami I
aaUd ofl itf .il.iict:.-.t a ait.l
ttatatl on lb vh .! . .n,,.i.,. t it,
lb H.HKWaMa l It It , it, lu Ig 1
t llha t'ltunlr t'uurl ( l! Ma ,f Ur.n,
I l"t lit I uuiily 1.1 tt '!. 1 1 In i,
t I aii.i
Un I (
i.ti'R ainui.1
"I 1
VrM J-etay. of netr Ha.
u. ufia 1 in-nii tiude iti.f(.j unt in tn Mntivliy,
Ask si!rs(Eif
If These are Not the Alain Reasons
Why You May Consider Prohibition
Worthy of Your Vote. Read On.
at a a m
1. you nave been told that Prohibition will iitop nil cvItetU.
can be laid to the llsir 14 flit f f r . tu t?t
2. You may be swayed by the iiKucpttori tlmt the "Church",
undivided In support ot thin rcnt rcuicdy".
3. You may believe force through Ktntute con regulate cc
science rather than education nntl tr!ht lolc.
4. You may think that to defeat Prohibition will open crct
cnt "dry" arean controlled by Load Option Luw.
1. It Is nnfortanaU Ihst laudabln thnory -eklng t. i.,:...f,,.ir,. htitd t Inf-d TrohlWttei"
lor tlier la no eM'lartalhm in thu fart tb .i lifi. ,, uu ., l..ird lh rtirlttsl I
irom on to ftfty-tbr years and ha to r- ..! It, 1., h;wiU any pruhlew llirr l s
b" Ihoork-s applld h.m any 0ii of tl.tii. haa l..,., r.n.i,. a..iu.l.a.
In thorn fifteen state It required ih tallt i,f t.. t's t..fH,i, nr,, a hlf peoP1 w
a,.7 "'u'. This wa done ri,.r a jrt,r Mn,j ,, ,.,.! , wilh (,,.., .ji..,.!!!.
Although th theory a etplod-d, rurtdln fitliit, l.,f, h 1..,,!,. rn.Ual out ut ilp s.
tneot lo continue advocating the .!, In ih !....,. ,.f -rofiirtH."
$. Many clergymen ! accepted I'n.hlbtiin,!, ,mm A lo '; .r rrcdnllty hr th.w swUH
7!.i, "J 1 " lia It Ms mi-ami ll.'y I.. ll..v-l I thef
urdv"l?.bnf: Rf,1,.Dr (rorllnnd. Mn); li.y fl. rrki Csrlmas (Br-
Vam.a.i. t.. L op..?,,,"r Tenm.; Mumh-m,r inuUm tUoIynke. !: Hth M
thJ t ,1 A,Hi VS""n'" IMh-hll; ImrKom I New Vorkl.btHl Mth.p Nty
its DKnIunckuT l,BV" l,rt'B",, J 11 ,M,ve '""llu', U: '" KC'r':DW,,4
' fMitj! ,,,,r,,, M""' ' Mind In mltirallnn." Mir, nnnot le$Wj
U ,th"rc,, tt Hiiralloti. 11m ir pownr r. at In thrlr sMHty lo IM
ron rfh. rhh?4."';1 ' yM K lh" '" "f 'AN l9 Mud. to. lTohlUltlutl l.ksi
irom tbe Church and places It In tho civil Law. .
KLh1.!n0f..T,.'.OU""n,,,.0f Ih.1.1. ChrUH,,,. r AOAlNSf
co moll. a, ''l-'ovd to tm. hut In r'AVoti f what ns nt nnn llm Ih.h..I It woold
THIS Awoplatlon ti riot moi-tlnc tn hvni,.n fBhauiB, ..m,. uUvhxa nnon l
... nsnillH Oil IT 1,1 irVNt 1 lit 17 A T tf U O I l
The Hop Farnmrs
Ire nut cnminili.i,,,, 1.. . . . ... . 1. .. .... i,.,,n,iilillii "
VotlTl In KMnw i...i .1 ' " " '-""T 11 J riincimunil "11 tiT " , i h.
lifs nn.iW."J,'iibey. U",n '"" r h fii'iln '-t forth In coutrmllct K
thnlr ludu. r h. .h 1T"TJ T1"'". """ "'"X llk f,,r l"B l"""""
H.OOO.OUO titi tt imlly t tin, MiiUs.
E 333 X NQ
"v" """-ioking, , , vommiiiee.
(Tald Advt'itluoiiMjiit)