The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 17, 1914, Image 1

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I HI 1
no. a
WiiH Sirl'l:t and V.A yn
i p in rm CUIHKTION
k Paily Journal. Tur
vivrH a very tmi'y ne.
int v(
imitingor HiI!iiro
. ... O ... 7 1.M
i ill .... iirniirlv
on. '"' 1,11 ' v"" -w
Cunin Str.. t, Ili!lntmru, and a
r . .. ..( i.m n wiin one of
tomriH -
C. parti' mentioned, anl A. U
Gplin im-l fninily werw the
C. .... i ,. visituM Wi re the
Vhrnflt.'-i-'. 1,11 pm KW
F A I. .
Lk ttfc-o m ,H rut , tn-
Lit for S;m I icgn. Th tt-r
'Tin-arrival eterliiy amr
.. i .. .., i ui ,r ii,. l.!i
'lay hi
i.i ..,..i..ririicU lirini-inif Mr.
4 Mri. I. K. nchmeiwr ami
ughu-r. Hazel, ami Winnie
,pi..r hi.ti-rof Mr. SclnnelUer.
(vwnht t.ithcr Hovcral oM and
flrfn. n. ! ho were a'l neigh
,ni in IlilWlwro, Oregon, and
ho are n reHMenn oi iur-
k, .Mr. und MM. A. U Mrip
tl ili.-ir children. Karl.
wry an. I liltlo Mi Vera, anil
ird S. I.vona. AH engage
nU t u' declared ulf at once
idtlH'Strtin home wamnruwn
n M timr old friend and a
nuiiH M time palaver was en-
i-d by ail. U ia possible thai
. .. ...:il ...i.l. ...
r. NhHH'ii.iT win m-iiiw i"
ilornw and hi old friend
turaily would hk to we turn
111 in Turloek. 1 he auto trip
the SvhmeHrrr purtv ha boon
mit r !iiarkaiU into ana as an
in-rt mechanician and driver
... .. . . i .i.
r. Nlinnllcr niu niauo
nj rf hriiiKittr over the
nuntainii tho largest motor car
lit Iuh ever mirceodi'd 11 t'ot-
nit an i ml th niotintain can-
. and mm iiK two ttiousamlH
kt hnnilri'd Hiindmf lar:nro.
Uxlv uf tho car M Hpooiaiiy
nWuid th' u)-tod:tte littinH
vveitionro and comfort in
th ' iravflinir and caminif.
ike it a uuxh-rn flat on whool.
raiit.M-luh of Oroiron m al-
dy iiliuincd to present a ailver
D to Mr. Schme tzer In roco-
ition uf his auperior kilt and in
ikinir the trip without accident
dt'luv ir mi v kind.
ii iti.ic s.vt.i:
hi' unil.Ttijjned will Hell at p"h-
jc dale at hin farm, z) milex
lDuthwi -t uf UdUltoro, eat of
fe Julms Axlmhr farm. Urpin
ti at Pi o'clm k a. m., on
- i. H vrnn, frruli IK-C t; row. )".
Ill tvtrni, i-ow, h vt. frrl l'cl J',
Mn nm, JiH It, t ycm-olil
llrllrr. lu-Ui .in; hrlfi-r, i yi,l liriln
!lvr, u im.; lieifrr mil, J in . "
Wrru,.tn; tinKul I
Shnnlt. 1. 1.. hii hiiiw, in Vrmt. I,.V,
. ! . i v i A llii'h Mllt'll I wi.
un limit vtit'Mi, Yluinptun liiomcr, o
lumi' hiv take, iiliiKl'H'l limmw. I
""III liHtruw, 1 Itiiiiwj Clllllviltor, ihc
'!. I u liull wnlkinn Ji'iiwh, I h'i'W
(ulllm.ii, Urk, hnyimk, cut
Jt. t .. ihnlm, critin lion, ("'"
'in mm niUiviii'ir, 6 iii-(tnl iiiiik "
"'''K lve, mm lilokciiK. ncmlmi!
ii. i'ii I ititurr. smti kle. IhiiiI' ml
pi'li in I wil. in licl'l; new rt iiii
'. iiuh) mill miK1'. Il'
lur niul liiDmlcr, vUtittle ' tM'
,"nwy mhrr nrticlvii. l.liticU t Noon.
Terms of Sale: $10 and under,
cash; over $10, six monthH' time
n approved nolo with interest
t the rate of 8 per cent, per an
num. Two per cent. otT for cnah
n Kiitns over $10.
A. 0. Johnson, Owner.
J. V,. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Jhn Vanderwal, Clerk.
K J. Williams is ,n y tj
da liiniun i.rn. tuiuai... ,
U-iwi. and Kn far I,.- I, . ,
t cans of tuiiiiitn. -i, , , .,; .
I. "t rutin i,f corn. ui ;,;.
U vm i,( i;rt i n U at, !. , i
Unik'ht the Hurl ili ITnti i,!'
matiH-H, and lini.h s rani..i,;' ti.i,
week. Mr. Williams , . i
iniitall a plant that ta ,, , . ,
of three tllii.-S tlii ), :tr'H ,
'ally, and tu l
have t'ii acres uf Ii-ani,,
to care for. He is u- ii U,.- i
-I can, full nie, and tl i ; n
added attraction to the n i m '
If hin plans do nut yj awr, r.,
season he will havi- a p'ar.i ! , ;
will turn out 3. WW cars i'.:,.,.
lie recently receit'd a t
from the t Wvailis i xj . 1 1, a
inr that the William;' :,
U-rry output was oiie of it. 4- :
that has U-en test'-i at tl.
On account of innir 1 1 alt h I s r.
forced to ae or lra!.- a 1 1 r -u
hotel. Would consiili r t ii ;
propi-rty. or Rome huuiIi far;.,
with halance canli and t.'i t . i r
will nell for cash en ea-v t .
-IVx Til. Willauiiiia. Or. 2i
Karl Fisher, of l!eavert"r.. '
in town Saturday, lie l a i
the lleavcrton 01 to a I'.r.
Hick, formerly of Stei4i: . ',
Ore. Mr. Kihher took In H 1 1
the 01 a loiijf time at'u. iml I - -cause
he was wanting t' 1 1 the ncWHptiper vu',n I .1
Ims'suho he wanted to m " ! i
vi rton on the map. I'ltln'r q i t
Hit? patcr with many fti." ,. j
ami the new editor has the i , " 1
wished of that section, us a.
from the Arus.
Alcazar ranifen are strat ,
new, up-to-date, (' ttvie i
tvpifyinir aimplicity and ln-a aty.l
hitflicst quality and mech in ; -
H-rfection. - IK Oorwin. l 'tf
Oavid Maxwell, the siU'. i ;
year old Mn of Mr. and Mm. 1
II. Maxwell, passed awav Fri.lav
evernnir. (P-atrt ensuing' rront i:
injury received hy falling downi
an elevator shaft, at the Ma-i
well hop house, the mid lie of tin"
week. The yoiwu man btrick a,
iH-iiin, and h if alomach was s,
hazily injured that he ha I hem- i
orrhajfe after hrmurrhat'. He!
was a ipiiet. indiwtrious yeu'..'i
man, and had many friends in
and ahout Mountaindalo. Ilisl
parents have the sympathy ot
the entire community.
I ; I , i i I ii
l-Lll II
i.-aut StUM.ii Will Oinrn
i oifiK d 'Mohcr I
i''k!ll) (it in: PLtMIHl
Arirus and Orejronian $2.25
Chaa. Herb, of Greenville, was
in Monday.
K. C. Mulloy. of Laurel, was a
city caller Friday.
Win. Broaden, of near Sewell,
was in town the lat of the week.
I'eter Jacolen. of West Union,
was a llillsboro caller, Saturday.
II I'uliols. . of West Union,
wan in th cit v th last nf tho
"n i miii, one uay, and Kajweck.
r Scu Siralithl Diy Kmmett Quick. Forest Grove.
was in the city the last of the
tuore iay ami those ween.
t ! . I nil ,f killinir and A. T. I'.uxtnn and wif. nf
re of eatinir the Mon- Forest Grove, were city visitors
unt w ill he afield, for MnJay
a. fi Ik i;ins Thursday Ira F. Turdin, of alove Forest
Oit. 1. The law, of ('rove, was a city caller the first
rrri.-s the same pro-
Sherwood Leads With One Hun
dred and Thirty Loads
ii.ters lalsired under
A person can kill
! ;. and ho must not
in any one day. nor
.' seven consecutive
of the week.
John Kriefter. of Verboort,
was in town Saturday, on pro-
oate business.
I'eter Grossen. of Helvetia.
was in town Monday, looking af
ter his tax valuation.
Georire Vanderzanden. of the
i rum ail parts or the lianks-Uoy section, was in town
that the lurds are the first of the week.
pi.-MHUI IMS Reason, C.r f nemermann. nf fthnva
tanilirur there was hunt- nn.t. i'-,i,.
' .... I &aill9, nao III ivinil l liuaj, cu-
wut. lhe rains were - i..
. ,, . , , ivuic iiuiiiu iiuin a uuouicoa hii
i,i-i oi-iii-k. m.o me t0 i'ortland.
m was very iavor-
i,i,r i, uhil.. airs. 5. i. Linkiaier ana cnu
rs survived readilv dren are home after three months
rr IH It?W Chilling I V 1,111:11 UUUIHICI IIUIU VII MUi'
t.-rs are out now, ev- Mrs. A. U. Todd, in chanre of
ami they get real the Kueenics contest at the coun
tin- farmer as he is tv Fair, was down from the
hut it will be di tier- Grove the first of the week
" u'i3' ... . II P r-.Klung nf PViriaflo
that c .":" . ::
oiaiion, near iv-y, was in uiwn
is no eamo turd
;f(aii Nkiii.iii nun- ,. ,a attonAina IhofWHav'a
w hi'ii it comes to the I J't ,.i:...t: u 'j
tr il t,f tin irame. Mr,
.i i . i it r , . i 1 1 " .L ,
i I l!-asanl IS mere. IL I iiorse ior eaiu cneap. neiKoi
sas he never ate any about 1550. Write Mrs. A. L.
0 it ean touch the Moniro- Keslcr. Jk'averton, Ure., or in
int and he has hunt- quire of W. C. Lvans, Boring
irom India's Khininvr strands Hros. Store. 26-8
.i i ... r.. i i . -r v- l
lw llLL III ill 111 1413 III Jttlll-I . T... - k.
rur nuic. iviu wuvji, mrou,
r" e-n ef 'ave., traded Jerseys and Holsteins.-
iiook uus iieucacy, mer,. . o.i
. u,us oeu acy. d () , , h R ,
l,o,nr set for Octo- Sution rneliuSi R L gg.g ..
separator smells,
i,'. ell..- (ifiiinin Giant Kolli'i'
III (.,! .-..n . .
SherilT Reeves wns called on by
? representative of Or. J. A.
Maker, of Gaston, late lust Thurs
toy. and Deputy Apple-gate K've
all of the liquors which hnd
"eon coniiscnled by tho state
when tho raid, was made many
nioiith.s iil'O. It enmnrised 8CV-
erul gallons of whiskey and some
heer, and made a nice little load,
lhe Gaston liveryman came after
me. cargo.
For sale, in any quantity, 20
jnns oat and vetch hay; also 20
Almko clover, mixed with
timothy and redtop. All baled.
t'dn lll'livill. n kn orvl at llllCe.
Hay til Witch Hazel station, on
a. r.W, H. Uolton, llenverton,
icoute 4. 24-0
. Jas. Loudon, of Iowa Hill, was
io wn Fr dav. He says the
i s of lust week were worth a
at deal to the potatoes in the
1 saw cordwiviil, f mlos llt ill 1J 1 l:tl
inches in diameter, fence rai' .mim
and boards of all kinds, intu
stovowoil lengths. Will o,o into
the country. Write, pimne or
all on me. arl Skow, Ilnls..
r-. l iioiio, iiaiii .j.ju.
Or. Marshall and wife. K. M.
( alef and wife, Mrs. Mnyliie ami
W. House returned home
I'hursday evening, from a t n
lavs trip to lielKtuip Spring's, mi
the McKenzto. I hoy mat
trio there hv auto, and the heme
coming consumed two days ol
easy driving.
Marshall l'.aker.of Lann-I. wa;,,
.i i.. .. ..r i... -.,., .- , ,
in town ute him ot mi- "" i-ai i
fiirshnll was not m the thresh- ,,r:i,
ing lists this year, and he says xt-m
u has nlKiut forgotten now -iiiv i
Atiuust Hellebuyckeand sister.
Mrs. Miller, departed Saturday
for St. Paul, on the Hill lines.
and will visit in Wisconsin, about
il li L I . m .i .
n tsiviu M win sen ai pun- so nines out oi tne Minnesota
i.t the J. l McClarkin metropolis.
, .i- r i i ... I
mueeasi oi uiurei, w.- Tain 1areav L0:f.
, ... ... I unvll Ul'a M. rw J w V- J J f
at io a. m.. on . . 2 ,j Owner
SAM -kl'AK Sl.l Ih.Mld'.U J nicase call. Drove DfODertv. Dav
uiaro, (i years, 15tK), with charges and take same away.
ay mares, about 1J yrs. Mr. Volein. on Deichman place,
i ,-h: oiMid Imstd sow, i)
; inch Mitchell farm wagbn.
al .i-' -l new: old wagon, set new
( , ;r v Karcess. set plow harness,
, ,1 l.a. k and harness, new bug-
,i ii I. -j
.'.V !'! n'S t iuonpioii u.m.i- i ,oa ..,, h ftk cup.
lampion "'III , f WiuWsMnv vpniniy
one mile north of Laurel. 26-8
The funeral of John White, o
Middleton. took place last Friday
White was 23 years of age. and
resided with his parents. He
I . J .... ,4
r. lii !'"im order; v
i !,, I imm i : sillkeV
!;;!!. u".' milt, ii-incn uuver
p'lns, springtiHtth harrow,
",i l. if'l irun ke ttli. ha v fork, asks that all exhibitors for the
and pullevs, cider mill. 40- coming Fair get their exhibits to
n r. i ciiler vinegar, hand the Fair Grounds on Tuesday, so
' c. dar. o 10-eal milk cans, they may be entered and listed
r. Z m J. wood, last Wednesday evening,
hay rake, disc nlmMf .
I UHU MlltU ailiivaiN iiioinuvijt
Thurston Iiuxton, of Forest
I 1 II! Wma.a u,nd it fMtn f a Jn . ITa
i row, Kino roller, cuiii-iuiuc, moo m wn Biummj . v
mill, also feed grinder. all or
address L'tyman I'.ros.. Heavcr-
ton, Route 2.
I',,,. I Lnnihiuer. of West Union,
was transacting business at the
clerk's ollice, the tirsl oi me
Dr. James Withycombo. of
Corvallis, was in town Saturday.
meeting his political suppmua.-..
w !'. Johnson, of North Tua
latin' I'lains. was in the county
seat Monday.
The undersigned will sell a pu
li -sale at the J. K. Vnw I' arm.
2 milos north of llillshoiu o"
ii,n Morth i'lains road, at 1 p.
Vliv ' - -" '
ftt.i on
'rilKSDAY. SIM'l. u.i
Graded Jerseys as follows - lei f
.r 2 yrs, bred June 15: hotter, 2
yrs. fresh for three months, not
Ked; heifer, bred Apr . 2g cow,
3 yrs, giving ned M-n , .
or. 18 months, bred bopt
. . I I J.. ! - L I
.-a AS, spades, shovels, an ana reaay ior me juukco.
u.vhol furniture in first- a v Oenny and wife, of be
condition, and numerous ow geaverton were in the city
Mr llpnnv 11 froit in
. , . i"iiu(i j --------
I t i in ? ot haie-K-iu ana unuer, spect0r for the county, and next
rasiuovcr ivr m. hiuuhio year win start ms campaign oi
Cedar Mill ti Taalatis are Next ia Pre-
dacliaa Bcavertoa Ntxt
Washington County's onion crop
will this year total about 314 car
oad3 and the product is very fine,
owing to climatic conditions.
The gale of the entire crop this
year will pass through the Ore
gon Confederated Onion Asso
ciation, as organization generally
means better prices.
Sherwood is the' banner dis
trict, turning out 130 car, loads.
while Cedar Mill and Tualatin
rank next, with Beaverton fol-
owing in fourth place.
A. J. Fanno. well known near
Beaverton for years, now a resi
dent of Portland, is president of
the association, with E. E. Berst,
Beayerton, 1st vice; John Ny
berg, Tualatin. 2nd vice: John
Gal breath, treasurer; and the
following from this county on
the board of trustees -Ole Olson
and E. E. Berst. Beaverton: Ot
to Wohler and R. E. Harbison,
Hillsboro; J. L. Barnes, Mulloy,
II. Foulkes. John Galbreath and
M. Conzelmann. Sherwood. W.
I. Swank is the sales agent for
the union.
The following estimate is made
of this year s county production
District Carloads
Sherwood 130
Cornelius 26
Cedar Mill 40
Mulloy 26
Tualatin 35
Scholls.f. 25
Gaston . 5
Beaverton 30
Oldtime producers say that the
1914 onions will keep better than
the product of many previous
years, because ot the extra dry
on tipproveu mue wmi iiuert-si spraying; and better iruit early
at ti e rate ot per com per jn the season.
nmn uincn at noon.
J. R. McClarkin, Owner.
,1. V. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
Oscar Fonti, Clerk.
A 11 IT
23; heifer, 18 months
1'P 2 7-monina uum-is, "
ngl not bred; registered Jor
1 .. O on nnd ) months. Al
Sed and found free from the
diRoTlinR 10-disc harrow lf-inch
su ky Plow, and other articles.
Term io 'Sale: $20 and under,
cash' over, six months time,
Ikable note, at 8 per cent in
terest. Two per cent, oil on
cash over $20. Bjdweli(
ft P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Green Zumwalt, who lives in
the Pattison-Moran Addition,
came ud from his Eugene farm
the first of the week, to see his
boys started in school. He ,re-
turns south in a lew aays, ana
his wife and family will remain
Ii aI 1 a. iL a mUaI
.... i i .if i noro Tnn miriiiiiii. rut nf.nmii vem.
i e l: n. 2:wh. on nan .
v, .
mile track, winner in tie t io ACTION SALE
, , , I.... ,.... nn.i Tnu , - --
el'iss at loriiuiiu onu hi.
..I.,!,! nt i hi' Southwest wasninir
ton Fair was bred by J. C. Bu- h will sell at public auction, on
chaiian, of Cornelius, Ore., and the Hoover & Connell Farm, 4
o.,n nf a . D.z:ui . aam mi M norm oi miisuoro, anu ii
Mid ot hv Lovelace zva), seconu miles soutn oi iNonn riaius, m
i... U r Alfamnnf I n n nn
, im iUlllaiui, uj i.,i,v..m4;u,, in.,-....
tl;,-,l ,tinn Daisv. by Kisoar, 4in SATURDAY. SCitT. ia
.1 . , T Puill I . . ..-..I
tlani l tie lUlHMUO uiaiv, j " jllllack torn?, II J", I45i T iiojse, u
lones. JC U UUS Deen trainea yti, 40o: bay Uoise, io yrs, 1450; grey
1 im mist vear ov r rea wooucocr, nire, u y. -jj". , 1
1 .110 ."'. "J, . , . . . honr . VIBl ,veo: brooU mare, 1400
who raced mm in uie ioci m- - M btooA mM IJ0O ?
. , ini'i ,.. , Via mna Qfipnnri I ' . . a . . - kii.
Ctllt in lel,, "iicn hv. ytg. 6WCS uiare, o yrs, ijw, ui
.. i'u iin-tr tirst at Vancouver. 1, iu. nime ana norsc, ycaruiiKB a nun
til iv4.i.v.-..f I 'T,... .l t.u
Wn Inv 11 g to go t nere in z:it 3, icnws, 4 i--su ""
n., ikiwi k iu t, . 917, hcifers, rang ng from 6 tuci to a yrs; 3-
(irst at I'oroat Grove in 2.171, J,, Kn C0Ws testeo by Dr.
tbird at, l'JUgenc, vmru hi. Rmn. A fine lot or milkers.)
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale at his place It miles S,
W. of Reedville, at ten a. m. on
Sorrel mare. 6 yrs, 1200: sorrel
mare, 10 yrs, 1175; 10 high grade
Jersey cows, tuberculem tested
3 of them fresh last July, one
fresh this month. 2 of them to
freshen in Oct., 2 in Dec, 1 in
Jan.. one just bred; 3 grade Hoi
stein heifers, 2 fresh in Oct. one
in Feb; grade Holstein heifer,
yrling; Berkshire brood sow,
pigs at side; 5 shoats; Milwaukie
mower, hayrake, hayrack, Stude-
baker wagon, 3 in. nearly new
dbl box; light wagon, top buggy,
set dbl harness, single harness,
plow harness, collars, steelbeam
plow. 2 cultivators, garden drill
grass seeder, sickle grinder,
pitch forks and other tools; U. S,
cream separator, Babcock cream
tester, 2 five-gallon milk cans,
1 10-gal, and 2 8-gal milk cans; lot
baled hay; household range,
heater, washing machine and
numerous other articles. Lunch
at noon. Terms of Sale $10 and
under, cash; over, six months
time, bankable note at 8 per
cent Two per cent off cash
over$10. P. E. Almquist, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer,
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Ccfe Air-tight Heaters
Now is the time to think about the comforts of
the winter, which is almost here Til K COLE AIR
TIGHT HEATER will excel all others for economy
and comfort. You will find at this store a full line of
these stoves, as well as many other makes of heating
The Majestic Range
Is the one Rangejthat excels. For the
money it is the best Range ever built.
Other dealers will not say this but the
person who owns one after using others
will tell you so. Call and see them.
"The Store Tht Satisfied
Percy Long
because the greater your success in business the greater
will your account be with us, and on the other hand, the
more attention we give your account, the less worry will
you have in your business about your banking arrange
nients and will therefore be enabled to dispatch your bus
iness with greater ease and profit. We are serving some
of the best business and professional men in this city.
Will you permit us to take care of YOUR banking as
well? The benefits will be mutual.
American National BanK
TMraf Xfs., Hillsboro, Or m
i,., - ehiss and fourth in nii P. Iiuffnlo-Pitta traction engine
' . .V ' tu;j u,mr ha final Ri,.ul Drain separator, XXxPii, run one
UU I H , rT,Hr ta and ac tS I ke I wagon, water Unk Sand-
won both his starts ana acts iiKtj hny pres, ,7,1J; 7.ft Milwaukie
a very consistent performer. j,j1Hier, champion mower, Osbome mow
Pacific Horse Keview,
Ailnnce a it ft buck takei
9 tV Mitctiell inrni waHons, ia usid
waiion, a seat Mitchell spring wagon, too
buggy, ltoosier grain drill, a springtootb
harrows, j-suctiun steel harrow, 4 plw.
...iiiv.tnr a acta team harness, single
. i . . - . . . . i ii i
'seven room muuern iiuiuo uii narness, inn"
C-H'4.11 ... , . . ..i k m at noon
. . . I ... . . . Ann nr 1 1 1 M iwnl numcrui a um.i ,.. .... . -. .
t i., , , a inrn. nn cr linn iprmsui ctuic. iv mm unuvi,
to Portland. Just the place for cash; over, one year bankable
etirod farmer. . Aaaress t. v. note, ai o per rent.
l'.verson. owner, ai iiuamwn, per cent, um coon
n Lron 23tf A. Lunow, Owner.
UltgOll. , .......... I tl 11 r-4 II,,- A..nlr.nw
. . ii i -1 r4ii.
... . ... an n; Jfinn BJIUUWB1. VICI&.
Arjjus and Uregonian
The wedding of Miss Susan Hays,
of Baker City, and Virgil Cooper,
of Portland, was celebrated at
the home of the bride s mother,
on Wednesday, Sept 9, 1914,
Mr. Cooper is well known in
Hillsboro, where he was with
the Washington-Oregon Corpora
tion for several months. He is
now in the piano business in
Portland, and he and his bnde
will reside on the East Side.
American National-Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus ..$ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
; DenHintf in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
Cephas Eisenhauer, well known
as a resident here years ago, re
turned from Nova Scotia, Friday,
and after a visit to Salem, went
over to Tillamook, to join his
sister, who is spending Septem
ber at the beaches. He says
that Hillsboro has made some
wonderful changes for the better
since he resided here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Merryman.
of Portland, were out Saturday
and Sunday, guests of relatives.
They contemplate coming back
to this city to make their home.
Mr. Merryman was for years in
the collector's office, in Portland.
Tories are handsome, light
appearing and quite inconspic
uous. You should choose your
glasses as carefully as you do
your clothes. They are just as
important to your personal appearance.
kvUtt. Let me tell you more about
TORIC Tone Lenses.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Graduate Optometrist.
Hillsboro. ' Oregon
'' uisiricta.