SEPT. 24. Kip HUB lair Manaerr Will llnvv C.liilHt Cat I W IrtlrJ I rve SilKMiL vs IX BUI. um fiiira More NnuM-ruua IkjM lor Si hoot PiuJe lrr Thursday. J'I'l. -Mtli. hm Im ii ivi.alfl a 1'iil.lti- m'IhhiI tla at tin rounly fair. 'Ilia w tn , . I A - t-t I m rirogiiiiil hi om- ( ht tiv'V't Hlfai' 'f tin kiln rvir u!li-'l ( r in tht cuunly u-iva-i4-l iri:t'. will U ttT-r fur Ui rara-li' Oiih inr nn it i tli ulit that with thi'i' rii-rui' tif l;r t ':ir it will ivrtainly 1m-a 1 lit HH(H' Uf Hl lllKll ('llilil fi-iit' V li 1 1 t linn Ihm'II him iic a lia nt.rfc-l aii'l intiTi-st in t mhiHti fair u wariiiiiij- up. Coif llariUaro ('. of IWi-xt Unm have huntf upa linr lnthv . i i . . i to Im' awitnn'i in un w i r 1 1 1 1 i vr Dcliiioi I'Hho lull tram ihi (mlilii ih-Ihi.iI .lay. Other H.rM in th. rare. ''-. i"- li i'ik' il:uni'il This n I he 'free day" f,.r th. rliil.ln-n itnl il U liei tu niakr it h m inner. Kialiinjf tit importunee of tin1 dairy industry in th enmity, tin' management of tin fair has i.Hi li'. tu make u further i lforl .i im'nirut;e th"' hreetler dairy eat lie ly h LIiiii; u f.irounir heriW t. llv Imt of i.ri'iimniH already nrrature.!. YiMllttf hlTiH will ouuist ol bull wmlr two year ni'i. two hcifi r one yeir nn-1 tiii..-r two, ti heifers under ont year, l'lu lnzr w ill lie $M, f." uimI S'J.Vi, tin' nauii an for ued herd. Mh attention of inti-ii'linif ex- Jiil'it.rH of cuttle or mi e:isi-t ih railed to the atftte law in reyard la th" I ulH-rt'iitiii ti nt. Anyotu disiniii: t ehilit rat t ! that haw in'l Ihm-d lifted within mn yar prcviotH to tin fair, xliould notify tli xt'iTi-tary atonee, pv iiitf tin1 tui m I of rattle, ntu lmu!d arranee to have thorn on lie fair uro'ituU ly ri'ton of Sep. t int r 2Z. tln il ay In-fore the fair I'lx'iirt. The riiannner of tin fair will arrant: to have tin t'il in u done without cost to tin' cvhiliitora. I'lan now to attend the fair IIih i ar. It will he hiver and Ih II. i- lli in i-v. r , " IU1H.IC sm i: Tin1 uixI.thu'iiimI will Ki-ll at lu! lie Half, at tin- Mcrrdl Kami, !l null's Houth of Ui'fdvill and I null's from li.'avi-itnn, on tin Karniinvrton nnul, at 10 a. m., cm .SATUUDAY, SKl'T. L'. l'.lark maro, 1:1 yrn, 0tl; lnuk- skin niaro. 11 yearn, Uix). mth foul; liurkukin colt, 'J yean. I'AIUV IOWS is'milk own. Jfrrny ami lloUtnn. all tsti'd fur tnlM'rciloiiH-iJt!vi'n of tlu-Hc frvHhi'itdl in July nnd 11 w ill ln frt-di in Srpt unit Oct; 'A ln-if rs to frt-di.'ii in Jan: 2 yrnrlinirn; 10 llolMi in hfiffrcalvi'S, 7 to S imw; Ihil .Ifin rrvristfroo1 hull, 2 .vnrn. l ivi' hr.Hd How to litter Oclo. It 1. t'heKter White Uiar; L'.h Kluiatx, und 5 idoh; soiiio chick ens; Milwaukie mower, hayrake, Stu.lehaker wairon, ;) in; new mm truck. nw hack. Mprintooth harrow. .Muoth ilrajr harrow, nulk cart. Ureal. Western cream Hciaratur, 2 fiieellM-am plows, hayrack, haylork with 'Jim feet ro' ami piilleyH, lot Bmall tixds, 2 w li.'. Ilmrrows, feedculter, 17 milk caiH. hiitftfy toiiK'iie. (.-riml-"tone, lieam urate, Iota of Krain Racks, 'J sets dhl liarness, IniUKy harness, household furniture in condition, and other articles. hunch at noon. Teruis of Sale -Sums under cash; over (5 months time, ai'l'roved note, nt S per cent, l'wo per cent, oil", rash over $20. I'Vank (Joemnns, Owner. j. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. John Vamlerwal, Clerk. CONVENTION 'lie Seventh Pirtt rift of the wiishiiijrton County S un d n y JHiool Association, met nt the Kinton Hikrh School Huildimr. 'I't. C, with the following pro urnni; J'peninK Service, Kev. T. J.lla zi'llon; The "IVen Aue l'roltlem pllow Solved, Mrs. S. W. Onus J'y; Special Music, Laurel (Jnar "'Ue; The Ct.unl v Sunday School Association. Prof. F. C. Taylor, oiinly President; liound Table, Mrs. S. W. Orimiby; Uasket. Din ""r; Praise Serviue, Carl Keitz; Mation of the Sunday School to J, Church, Rev. II. Albright; 'nrniinKion M. K. (iuartet; Ore lry. Prof. S. W. (irathwell; K'ports from Sunday Schools; Ml'Hie Kinton Orchestra. Reynolds p,n)Sii jn business nt JinilaiiHlale, were in the city luesday. Mis. k. k. Llrijf deputed Sun y I'venhiR, , for an extended lait in California. HUnSDAY iLfr ylr a-i.m It, ii. i riavi' ri-iK.ri...i . ""I .1,101,. , .,. 7 " 'iaim.-ij enri:. . nvalu. in,,,att,.r,,)f . lnr urn iin.l ..i. I,ru- ItiriUc K...-- i ... i. . . - -'-''-uir larient iM-nt-fit r..r.l,,,K r Tb'd.tch i.m.p, , $-pJ value,,, tu, !lm h-m-U owda.tis. party 1 dr.'rlairn.Kr.':it,,.0f aill, in i ne pnni.'. Now is the tii,. ti irmtall vat-nt.T ,,lar,un your farm. . r .i i . 1 . "Kine-one im-hv mane and then Ka " ei ,,,,, yourwat,.ru t'ly and your .ressure tank will i.Miie u an over your plai-e 1 um your faucets and yu ,av in nc wai.-r conveniences you -"mi nave in town. S-f me t i'i me t. ii Joll j.ow it i!4 l trie. rem ilartrampf. C rliard Cm te, of l:i,rain nd Han J. Ilarrett. of Corneliiw. , miiumiinK IFietliSi'lvtll mat lin y w,.r.' tint mixed Up in nasty wr.-ck. Tuesday, while toimiiKiriiii ,imn the Jackson I'. . .1 . 'hmiii irmii' KOiiri nf tuiLw, A man with a team wan Irivin.r iui, wniit i.m-tze and Harrett were mmi ni north. The team .i .. . -. . . . . : munir south was indulKintr in a ninanay. Cmde wait harely idhsimI ,y the friirhtened and llarn-tt thoiiKiit he had het" er in i out of his auto, in rase I he (cum struck it. The runa way just missed the machine hair, and Daniel breathed easi ly after the team had swept into the distance. The animals ran as farm the Koy Hays place and were anally Htonis-i with m lamau'e. To Hxchanire; A lot and 6- r.Mm niiclern Imnualow. in ILIIs. h ro, Oregon; nearly new ; clear if inniiiilH'rariec; rented for $1. P-r month. Would exchange for acreai!i' or stock ranch. -Ad- Iress I'ostollice Jox 'JDl. Carl- ton. Ore. 2 G Ada Pannals, nf Portland. ha.s sued I'has. K. I (annals for di vorce. They were married in August, P.n. and one child was rn to them. They separated n St. l'atrick'a day in the morn ing, l he wile complains that the husluind has been tayini? too much attention to another wo man, whose name is unknown to h-r. She asks the custody of the little inrl, and wants $20 per month alimony. She also recites that hrr husband would jjet sul ky hh'IIs. prior to their separa tion, and would not speak to her for days ai a time, even when they hud company at the house. For Sale - Household Roods, consisting of dressers, Unlsteads, hairs, 2 heaters, couch, Daisy washing machine and wringer, and many other articles. h. L Wells. Kir St, Wtween Third and Fourth. 2T5 Private: C C P.eers confirmed as executor oi tne nisi win ana testament of Mary Ann Beers, who died in Yamhill Co. July 2(5. '.H I. deceased for a lonir period ha v inn been a resident of this iimty, and leaving an estate worth $100; estate of John W Titus cltised of record. IM) acres of land descending to his widow, now Mrs ponald lliunins; John hornlmrnh npptd executor est W I'lupin, deed, and C 0 Kih. I IS Johnson and Ceo C Pater- son, appraisers. For Rent-Kik'ht-room house. modern conveniences, located on h'ir. between Third and rourth; partlv furnished, or unfurnished; nUmt Sept. la.-K. K. Wells, hone M. '.).. 2l- I'rcd Phelan. deputy sherilT under Turn Word, passed through town Tuesday, en route to Port- and. with two blood hounds. which Mr. Phelan used in tracinK and lindinjr the body of a Mr. Walker, who disappeared in lnm- in Count v. n tew days ajro. llie miincls were iriven a scent from a pair of shoes of the dead man and immediately went to the timber, where the body was soon ocated. Wanted: Man and woman to work around sawmill plant. Woman to cook for five or six men.-lusiuip iiom ii nina, Oregon, address imnKS, Ion tell. A new feature of oilintf the enimtv ronds. besides the saving of wear on the macadam, is the discovery that the ttrifltfes wnicn ave been oiled do not silver up ke they did prior to putting on the lubricant. This is more man noticeable on the bridge to the west nnd the lonff driveway to the south of the city. ir .-mi wont to buv a Rood thoroughbred Shropshire buck call on, phone, or wrue. rem (Jroner. Hilisboro, u. t i"" 5dine 16 Scholis. mi nf Haston. and Miss Hose Wilcox, dauRhter of Mrs. John White, were united in mnrrinire, in Hillaboro, bept 8, 914. County JudRe neasoner oi- ciating. Argus and Journal $2.25. 15 L TR6 BUXTON SAFE Take Over 1 hoUaj Udlara in Cah anl a Mki In Cbetka Ka COMBIAriON Of THE SArc V . Store by Rear Dmr Kohliers entered the Creerson & Killmrir store, at Huxton, gome time during the niifht. or early this niortiinjr. worked the co-nbi-nation of the safe, and took about one thousand dollars in cash from the cash box. and aa much more in checks. No at tempt was made to blow the safe and whoever did the job knew something alut the way to ork the combination on this articular make of safeties. The burglars made their entry iroiiirh the back as forced. The robherv wa rfruid..,! . SherilT Keeves early this morn mir, and he at once started for theacene. In the hnmn nf r..i tin a Pieedy start after the criminals the sherilf's ollice tele- ifione.j for lorn Word's blood iounds. and thev fnm Portland Sn an enili'ni'di" tn pick up the scent It is thought that the same peopl who did this piece of work were the same who failed to crack the Gaston bank. The fact that the notes were taken is nrobablv extilained in th tho. ory that the cash box was taken out with its contents, in order to make a 8eedy iretaway. Some insurance papers are also miss ing. If the job was done by locals, t will be easy to locate thecrim naia, but if professionals are in volved, and an auto was usml the iierpetrators could have been in the state of Washinzton bv daylight. The store always kept a big lot of money on hand, as this was aiwut the only place that mill hands could irct the bitr nav- roll cashed. All banks have been notified not to cash checks and to renort presentation. AUCTION SALE I will sell at public auction, on the Hoover & Conne!! Farm, 4 miles north of Hilisboro. and 1 miles south of North Plains, at ten a. m., on SATURDAY, SEIT. 19 llUck Luiar, li ytt, nsn; liny lu.rsr, u ytt, 14W. Ijr Iioim', n yr, ujo; grey awre, 11 yrt, 1350; Iwy mare, 4 yr, 1350; liar home, 4 yt, 1350; lirood mare, 14110, 7 yr, roll at aide; lirjtxl mare, 1300, 7 yri; lilack mare, 8 yr, ioo;j lilark roll, mare and hone, yearling; S mil la owl, 4 frrli, otlieri finh toon; 11 heail lieilrra, raii(iii I rum 6 11111 to 1 vis; 3 mo bull rail. 111 cows tentetl by Dr. Keanati. A fine lot of mllkera.) 10 II ! Ilnllalo-Filli traction eneine; RpMel grain aeparator, xxxfu. tun one eaaon;iletl wagon, waler tank, Hand wirb hay pre, 17111; 7 fl Milwauki binder, Clmnpiou mower, Oibnrne mow er, AiliUnre hayrake, l ij ft buck lakei, 1 n Mitrliell farm wkoii, 3 '4 II 11 11 waguo, I seat Mitchell aurlnft wkoii, top buviiy, llooler jraiii drill, a ipiin;tooth harruwn, 3 nection (leel harrow, 1 plow, cultivator, 4 aeta team harnni, iii;le liainen, faint toola, houwliold goo,)a and nuincrou other article, Lunch al noon Terms of Sale: $10 and under, 'ash: over, one vear bankable note, at 8 per cent. Discount of per cent, on cash over $10. A. Lunow. Owner. R P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. SURPRISE N A number of the members of the Past and Corps met Tuesday. Sept. 8, and tendered a surprise to A. V. Barber, the occasion being his 71st birthday. The party was held at the Barber home near the city park, in the afternoon. Conversation and recital of other times were the features of the party, and Hunt refreshments were served at four o'clock. Those present: Host and Mrs. Barber and Messrs. and Mesdames B, K. Haines. J. W. Vedder. J. L Crow, Eli Walker and wife, Port land; E. r. Sia9, Franklin Doujjhty, Mrs. K. K. Simpson, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Nettie JelTers, Mrs. Ma- gruderand Mrs. Marlin. Cor. LUNOW KRIEOER Henrv I.nnow and Johanna Krie- o-ir ware united in marrlatre at the Parish Home. Verboort, Sep- tember 1, 114, Kev. ratner.Le Miller celebratinir the Nuutial Mass. Both ae popular in the Verboort and worth riains sec tions. Do not foriret to ask for a Schiller when you want a Rood cent 1 smoke no eoucn dust" the! Schiller. 12tf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foord returned to Umatilla, Saturday. Mr. Foord is a hostler in the Umatilla yards. Geo. W. Bacon, of Yamhill, was in town Tuesday. EXPER HE Mtiiiiirl irin3 k a-1 . k il ... ; " 1 1 I'liicb, of IlIy viik ww 4 city caller yesterday. SUick bruxi DtiwK for stde with litter. Call Hilisboro Main 331 24-5 Jn tttfr rkf f WL- (L.I. was in town yesterday. He says me uiiiuu vrm 1.1 1 air mis year. To rent: Small house, 3 blocks from High School. Imjuire at Owl Electric, or phone City 872. George Saxton was up from imiuw iewion iuesoay alter nxm. Itegistenii Dun Jersey brood sow and sire, for sale. Call Hillsljoro Main 3.1 L 24-5 Wm. Gomlin. of near Varley, was a city visitor Tuesday after noon. Taken up: Black Imar. weighs aliout 80 pounds. -Walter Zetz man, Cornelius, li, 1. 23 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clark, of Mow Farmington, were city callers Saturday evening. The Arcadian malleable, non breakable ranges are made to last a lifetime. 1). Corwin. lister Campbell was a city visitor today, boosting for the coming Grange Fair at Scholis. The largest shipment of ranges from the East ever received by any one dealer. D. Corwin. Neal Emmott and wife have returned fnjm their homestead and will spend the Winter in the valley. For Sale: Eizhteen pigs, six weeks old. -Herman Koehnke. City Route 4; Telephone Farmer .!. 23-5 John Dennis, of the Mercan tile, is quite ill from appendici tis and may have to undergo an operation. Fresh Eastern or Olympia oysters, any stvle, at Millers' Kestaurant Will also sell retail. Prompt service. 24-6 Bichard E. Wiley departed the first of the week for Seattle. Wn., w here he will resume his studies at the University of Washington. For sale: Good cows, fresh in a few days. Also some brood sows, to litter soon. F. H. Bowl- by, Cornelius, Houte 2. 25-7 Loren Jackson and J. M. Mil- ten berger and wives, of Hilisbo ro, and Geo. Hancock, of the Grove, went to Vancouver Fair today. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. will hereafter be held Friday afternoons. All please take notice. Miss Minnie Abbott came out from Portland and remained over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. h. L. Abbott Pigs for sale, six weeks, two and four months fine growing condition. Call Hilisboro Main 331 24-5 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, of above Manning, were down to the city yesterday. Mr. White reports considerable rain up his way the other day. Dancing every Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday evening, dur ing the hop season, at the Witch Hazel Yard. Dances, 5 cents each. 24tf The German Speaking Society will meetattheWunderlich Park, Centerville, this coming Sunday, to confer and report on Bed Crass collections. "Those who hesitate are lost" but those who buy Hesitation rolls at the Den of Sweets are made happy. Fifteen cents per pound. The family of J. A. Imbrie and Miss Lucy Weatherred re turned the last of the week from a summer sojourn at El more Park. Lost On road between Port, land, Phillips and Cedar Mill, bundle of one dozen umbrellas. Finder please notify Jos. Moore, at Koy, and receive reward. County Judge Keasoner states that the county has received 400 carloads of rock up to the close o f Monday's business. This means quite a bit of rock road. Tnnirn rnnd vthe riftwoaf suroot out; liked by everybody. By parcel post or delivered in the city, 30 cents the lb., at the Den ot bweets. Supervisor Heesacker, of Ver boort, District 33, was in today. He has just completed over two mil.a nf mnc.idnm. nnd nf thin 2100 feet was laid by donation work. Miss Ella Jones, a returned Missionary from India, will speak, in costume, at the Advent Christian Church, Friday eve ning, at 8 o'clock. . All are in vited to hear this speaker. The Social Circle of the Cong. Church will meet at the home of Mrs. J. C. Lamkin, next Thurs day. Sept 17. at 2:30 p. m. All members are asked to attend as there is business of importance to transact Our new Fall and Winter lines fni Inrlioa eiinra Heosaoa anrl skirts, consisting of 60 different styles, latest ianrics, are now on dianlnv nt our new loentinn unnfh of the K. P. Hall, Second Street. Call and look at our samples. Christ Wuest. , , III THE COUNT, FAIR Commertuli Club Choose TrlJay, September 25, lor County Seat W.H. NELSON, ClUHtvu COMMITTEE Lait Day ol Bir Fair to be ftivca to Hilhboroite Mr. CofT. of the Washington County Fair directorate, request ed Hilisboro to name a day as "Hilisboro Day." and the Com mercial Club has designated Fri day. September 23, as the day when the county seaters will make the Fair Grounds their Mecca. William Nelson ha3 been named by President Wall as chairman of the committee to confer with the management ot the Fair, and if wanted, see that a program is arranged. Last year Hilisboro turned out in goodly attendance, and it i3 ex pected that history will repeat itself on the 2.jth. PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale on the H. Taylor Hill ranch, better known as the old Harrison place. 9 miles north of Forest Grove, and 3 miles east of Banks, at 10 a. m., on MONDAY, SEPT. 28 . Ten head dairy cowa, mostly Jersevt. all freahn before the first of the year; 3 ueilere, Jersey bull; 3-yr old Jeraey bull, uhject to register; the whole herd is tu berculin tented; team work horses, aliout l5oo, 6 and 7 yrs; team hornet, 8 and 9 yr, !4on; matched team, grays, 9 years, 1300; a bay colta, 18 aud 6 mot; 3 Chea ter White hrond tows, 14 shouts, Cheiter White boar, 6-ft McConuick binder, Sle Cormick mower and buncher, McCor mick hayrake, Studebaker wagon, i Old Hickory wagon, 3 hayracks, iron truck wagon, 2 wood racks, i seta bay planka, 3 or 4 horse drill with clover seed attachment, H-ft corrugated roller, land roller, lH-inch 4 horse disc harrow. Os borne springtooth barrow, J section peg tooth drag, riding plow, 14-inch Case plow, 14-inch Scotch Clipper plow, i4-:n V and O plow, potato digger, 5 toolh cul tivator, 3 aeta heavy work harness, t sets single harness, set light double harness. Chatham fanning; mill with bagger, hog rack, 3 rolls barb wire, wheelbarrow, milk cart, ball bearing grindstone, Stude baker top buggy with pole and Whipple trees, 4 10-gal milk cant, milk cooler and paila, 3-way pump, new, with 38 feet inch pipe, 8 bbi water trough, 8 ft water troughs, pig troughs, tso feet hay rope, double harpoon hay fork, hay knife. 6-ft 1 -cut saw, wedges and sledge, hay chain wagon jacks, set pruning tools, a cythes, pulleys, fork, shovels, garden tools', clod masher, scalding tank, cedar barrel, 1 oak barrels, household goods and other articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon. Terms of sale: All sums under $10, cash; all over $10, 8 months time on approved notes at 8 per cent interest Two per cent off for cash. James Lane, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. W. O. Galloway, Clerk. FL'QUA WILL The will of John W. Fuqua, late 01 forest brove, has been filed in probate, together with the pe tition, which sets forth that- the real property i3 of the probable value of $20,000, with a probable rental value of $2000, and that his personal property is worth $15,000. J. A. Thornbureh was named as executor by the testator and the will provides that Victor Ivan, son. gets 25 shares of the Forest Grove National Bank: Chas. Hardin Fuqua, son, half of the Hoffman building, Forest Grove: Nancv Gates, daughter. 25 shares same bank stock; Bay ruqua, grandson, half interest in Hoffman building;John A. Thorn bureh. trustee, to hold nil other realty in trust, net income above expenses and costs, to go month ly to Sally Vernon Ward, daugh ter, during her natural life, and the property at her death to go w ner neirs. the will states that the widow has received DroDertv in the sum of $5000 and all household furniture, and the will requests that Victor, Mrs. Gates and Sally Ward shall each Day her $10 monthly hut Hoes not make this a lien upon their legacies. Peter Schmoker, of Helvetia, was in town Monday. For sale or trade, a few cood milk cows, for youne stock. Also 2 16-months colts, to trade for calves or hno-o-v hnrsp. Vurm of 100 acres for rent Paul Oder- matt Henry Grabel place, Hilis boro, Route 1. 25-7 Elmer Johnson, of the Wilkes Abstract Co., returned Saturday evening from his trip back to Omaha, Neb., where he attend ed the national meeting of the abstract men. He also visited his narents at Oakland Cnl Mr Johnson says that Nebraska has a Dumper crop ot corn and alfal fa, this 'season, and the good prices for stock, grain and hav. are all that producers want He sava that Nehrnsknns o-pnomllu endorse Wilson's policy, and that tne Mississippi and Missouri val levs are as nmsnerona na nvr He encountered some heat back there, and Bays he is glad to get back to old Oregon. HILLSBQRD Mrs. Mary Dick. Littitrlafid entertained at the Henry Dk'k home, near West Union. -Sprit .6. in honor of her mother's sixty i second Dtrthday anniversary. The rooms were artistically dec orated with a profusion of au tumn leaves and yellow chrysan themums and the table was cen tered with a huze bouquet of American Beauty roses, fern and evergreen. Covers were laid for seventeen. Those enjoying Mrs. Litherland's hospitality were Dr. and Mrs. Henry Black, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Simonson. Mrs. Lou Kassabatim Miaa Fa ther Black. Mrs. Sarah A. Lith- riand. Samuel Black-. Portland- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dick. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bower. Mr. and Ire. Conrad Dick. Cart Dick Mrs. Litherland. The guest of honor left on the evening train for Hood Kiver. where Bhe is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Schuler. The story of Samson and De lilahthe story of the strongest man in history, and the most treacherous woman in all time will be staged at the People's Theatre, in six wonderful reels, one night only, Friday, Septem ber 11. bamson s name and fame is known wherever the Christian Bible is read -and children and grown people have marvelled over his wonderful strength, and how he lost it through Delilah shearing his head. You will miss a rare treat when you miss this reet Bobbing around on the bosom of the Pacific is the first ship ment or uregon peaches ever sent to Chile, South America. The fruit is aboard the Colusa, will reach Valparaiso in 30 days. and will be placed on exhibition. The shipment was made by the Western Oregon Fruit Distribu tors and is being handled by the North Pacific rruit Distributors agents for South America. The peaches were picked as storage stock last Friday morning at the Dalles. At 2:15 in the afternoon they arrived in Portland. At 5:30 p. m. they had been loaded aboard the Colusa, and at 6:05 the boat left down the river. The shipment will be carried in refrigeration, with a recording thermometer attached, and on their receipt at Valparaiso will be sent a record of their condi tion. Eastern and Olympia oysters. any style at my restaurant Will also sell them at retail. Supply constantly kept on hand. Will also handle clams. Try our chef on these delicacies. Telephone us your order for retail sales and we will have them ready for you when you arrive. Miller's Res taurant Third Street 25-7 The contract hast heen let far the Rex-Tirard road, and th crew is now at work on prelimi naries. They will get a large portion of the rock from the Ny bertr auarrv. who will make no charge for the material. The county allows the state to use the crusher at an expense of seven cents per cubic yard with the agreement that all reDairs will be kept up. The state high way commission expects to fin ish the entire strin thia Fall and it will mean 5.87 miles more of macadam for the county. Farmers, you should investi gate the Pacific Feed and Letter Carriers that we will exhibit at the County Fair. For dairymen. it is a necessity, and our low prices will surprise. Margeson Bros., Gaston, Ore. 25 6 David Maxwell, the 16-year old son of I. H. Maxwell, the Moun- taindale hopman. fell from a dry kiln this week, and at a distance of 18 feet struck his stomach on a beam. He was badly injured internally, and lost much blood. Dr. F. A. Bailey was rushed to the Maxwell home in an auto. and administered to the young man, who is in a critical, condi tion. Wanted: A team of road horses, weighing from 1.000 to 1.100 lbs. and not over 9 years. Must be sound. S. H. Clark. North Plains. Telephone North Plains Central, and call for Clark. It St Matthews school, on Fir. will open for the Fall and Win ter term, Sept 17, with a corps of two or three teachers. An at tendance of 60 is already assured. Primary to the Eighth Grade, in clusive, will be the present course of study. Children of all faiths accepted. John Sinclair, of near Orenco, was in yesterday. He states that he finished his yard todav. and his 80 acres produced this year about three-fourths as much as in 1912. The product however, is of fine aualitv. and picking was easy, as the foliage was very sngnt COWS for sale some fresh and others to freshen soon. Fred C. Meyer, two miles south of Cor- 1: r . tr 1 1 1 ueiiua, un crnest, rrausoia pisce. Cornelius, Koute 2. 25-7 Wm. H. Hiddink. of the Ruv ton Section, has anerl Minnlo n Hiddink for divorce, alleging vio lation of the marital obligations. He asks the custody of the two 1 1 v... a ucj werei mamuu in thia county Dec 20, 1SG3. F. A. BAILIiY, M. a ; fbyiiidan an t Morreoi , OStt:-Vptiit in Srhultnerlrh ) iwwr-thiu!w curt, raaalli a . Poonea, offir City vj: rmiden. Cli. mm Lrtaaru.i R. M. ERWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURCEOH Tgeoo . r. v. K. & s , P. E. Jk k. Office fa the T.iU.,e Blk. Third an.l Main Streets, li.llshoro, Oreiroo. LLMERjll. SMITH M. D. D. O I PHYSICIAN & SURCEOM OSTEOPATH Office Honrs- to u .. ,.; ! to j p. ., " niurnar a to It lalla ntw.r.d A . : . . .. . 7 mgnt. gut tl Dhonea. Ollice oyer lliils! wo JUtiooa . 1 AiyiAoruuu J. O. ROBB, K. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFFICE: Upa-airs in Schulmerlcta Bldg. PHONES-Oftce, City y.4; nel. City 864 min ... . l....u. DR. B. L. SEARS Physician and Surirwn Office hoars 9 to 1 1 a. m . ; . t to 5 p. a. Call answered day or nijht Both pnonea. Office in American National Bank, upsUira. HILLS BOKO, -. ORI-.GON 1 1 i'i'iirrfYvuajw av m. Bmatov ay. a. mmm BAG LEY A HARE ATTORNHV3-T-'wAW Jtooms 1 and 2 Kiiu BnildJug HJLLSB0J40. . . OUKWOa '""" VlV-aVrlAlVSJ' E. B. TONGUE ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Office up stairs in Schulmerlch Block JOHN M. WALL ATTORNSY-AT-LAW Upstairs, A. C. Shale Bllg, Main mkI ttlLioUolW, - ORJKUOa. "' ' a a ... -rtvvYvvtfvtjfcji W. N. BARRETT 'ATTORNKV-AT-LAW Or nee; Main Struct, op. Court Hoot H ILL? BOKO ORItOO 4 THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTOR NBY-AT-tAW. Office, upstairs in Schultnericn Blocs: Hilisboro, - - Oregon Telephone office Main 103. Resiileuct Main lo2 DR. L. W. HYDE Successor to Dr. Linktater' Office over Delta Drug Store. Keaiiienca Baseline, between 5th and 6th St. Hilisboro, Oregon, Frederick Andersen, M. D. PHYSICLK & SURGEON' Successor to Dr. Cunni liiliamr Office and Drug Store. Orenco, Oregon Telephone ouuotiona. M'WWWW' a a c4mm m, t. 0. eiai SCHNABEL 3c LaROCHE ttar4rmniki tai(a, WrarlaaWUl, eMteraMte4!4dnat, Hliitralirifraiunt. Sell a&im r .it. ,..... i. ,iP,...M .. .1 iT ..I ... Ii4eit MttenftUde auitirftellt. rtrfttikoaMuii. w wuivpu nu unirrra riHrnctl frvmsyow prnirn. Hv.lB. .f laa tU..Itb.tfM. - StaiftailenfAaMen. Uel'miruqunan. SMla) .', ihi. uniririi Hinrmni, arf(a)ftaara: ?mfM w1 BM ait taf VnaarrSaaa. ZrIrD(on: S.'ailtall 2iH); U-l&il; Kin-ttlrii: IHaln iiit4 una UWi Slaaut 00 bV naatkn t tmmtm PORTLAND. ORE. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Office up-atalrg over ililhiboro National! Bank. ' HILLBBORO - - - - .-. OKBOON DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Ti-miesie Bid). ' Room f and S IlILLSUOItO, OME. ' Main and Third. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Mam Street Hi llsboro - - - Or cowman & vALuiac::ui V. Attorney s-At-Law Commercial Bank Cocs ';-. np-stairs - A;-' Hilisboro C. i J !