aiiLRBoao Annus, $rrte.sniRM. tn ftVft M 111! WMk Uw V ring t, U... L I i mums,. I mm u. .u. . . - 1 fc.V4 "rai s iiiunim a....... I ltfJ ,)..... r "" ..Mr, fflMkflH omcoa SAFE CRACKERS WORK ON GASTQH BUNK Daily Journal ml The Wrt'Kly Artfui On Year, Doth Tapers $5.25 Daily and Sun Journal anil Argu. One Year. $7.50. Do It Now I ntrr Vault by llbming Two Sett kI l.x.r. Itut I a I at Safe I XflkllNCIO Ml Ms lilt THE MTKO IkNikikt. M.Jc Ifccir I Vase Wild Haiti- Car I rma Nurih VwnhiU IhfCastoti State Hank was en t r ( by saff crackm Munday mjtht or Tumday morning with the net lm ln-intf damaKc done to two s ts of doors and i com tiination lock on the inner doors of the vault. The workers were evidently experienced nafe crack ers for they waded into the vault as easily aa if it were cattle in a kale natch. When they Rained the inner vault, however, they found what they had not antici puted -an uj-to-date safe, which rutro can not force, and nothing but the new German chemica can burn through. The robbers went to the Kra mer blacksmith shop for their tools, and evidently were not long in souping and blowing the outer doors to the vault. They then proceeded to blow the com binalion to the inner doors. Two explosions were heard, one by Sam l-nnox. shortly atter mid night, and one by another party, a few minutes later. The safe was intact, and had not been tampered with. Sheritr Reeves went to Gaston early Tuesday morning, but found no clue to the attempted robbery Back From The Dead hf mini V. po ,S "Oh. Mar siii'l ;"ri;l! Trevor. What " you lliinkr ! I llili.W? Wlir. I think bjjt Utile ImjJT lnU h.iiiy atw.nt "1 mw inuititna In th ( i k T A talu-l -Xn-M"ii ':iiiu: i.n-r tht father's fn. II! if.-. t!n- liiotlicr f ty. H:i 1 it-al m yir. The liill nt Hi- time t'" J'niiii U untlert.'iii(l tin- unt'iri; of il.Mtli ti';! hiid Wn til tint !!" moil.r fi;;i rm way n'l woul'l not ronu- i..nk to blin. Wtli-U tli" f:;t!iT r-ovfrnl from hik Mh wm lia'l gl .! Iiim be mild: "Vou were ml-takt-n. Y'u roillilu't buv 'U inuinii u. for li U In heaven. Vn, I did. Wblli? Naimy mul I mrr wnlklus In the park I caw mam oinnlttlriK on tx-ii' h fy t'' fonti;iln. I ran up ! Ir "i"' ,',' T here liav ymi l i?. nii'l by don't you vome IvtwY" "And what did iimuiihi mxT' "Why. klwwl a if und Fiild, 'I cn't come to yu. '' '"' "'n I nd tn nt my home o t-Jil'in:!!'." Then l ak-d lu-r wl-rf fli't an. nd lie nll. Til tell yur uur'. aud lit ran brliiK you.' " The fattier t I'l I"'." t' Mirm. biniat him and. tiiitlintf lilm dou. flit for tbf IHlrHe fllid quest lot.eil tier. Kite told lilm tlmt ttif bi.ty .niru'le k..A .fumat n Kim I tie llliriae "I till kwt wife: Hint li b-'d Inminreil tlie tmy lid hnd clven ber mldiw. nt l"e m. lm telllllU her t!i:'t file (nielli brliitf blm to ee ber if lle 'mikI li 10111:1112 for ber. TUe next day :ert:l "i-k'il t tw Inktm to we hi "inatiiina. mm me 0 .1 il... .. .tl,.r tii PKIVAIC KOMI fC3 SICK Under charge of experienced nurse, M IIS. CHAS. GARDNER, from Portland. Solicits patient from all phy sicians. B-t of rmra. RwbI1 prion Kbon. Mala Bt rClKJlCHAlX Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable work men Baths iu connection, and a Tine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will please yon. JAMES ANDERSON, Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro. Mm I with time iluriii In visit ) waa about to exi'luiii to lum tlmt be wna imt bin ni'ihr. Hint lie bud made a tnlMoke. but th:it be illicit run alder her a miih. und be wmiM love tbe aiitne as If fbf vM-re . It blm tier Weekly Argus 3CC 2C l'h men mowt HUpIv mrnit thfirl ki. .,(.. Hllli r.-.ii-l hm its-nt. 1niU -nti nn d rmnHnflf u'hirh thpvl ti.A tit au ttit lm!v. MUs M Ji rtilll V W V VII BJ IIUIIUVUI TV IIIVI IUV UM' -' .- - - - - - hriiiii'i-it f mm ..a V I -1 1 U'l r-J,.- I .ntulv Htiil Hi'lil htm h'Htii' l":tt mi miiimiii i iitri a .i mil iii-li ii i j - tha luut faront. Many train, late at night, he saw lights in the Yamhill station, and it is supposed this was the light of the yejrjimen, who were then ready to leave for Gaston. On Sunday two men were seen at Wapato, and Sheriff Reeves found where they had camped, and where they had cooked their soup." which was to crack the safe and help to loot the bunk. At 3:30 Tuesday morning a handcar passed through the Uuithlin tap. enroute toward Vamhi 1. a farmer having heard iL It is the car that was conveying the robbers back to Yamhill, disap- oointed at finding the little Cor iiss which defeated their attempt to eet easy money. The bank had several thousand dollars on hand, and it would have made a neat haul. Hillsboro FUEL CO. H. D. Sthrurltirr, Prop. Headquarters in HILLSBORO TRANSFER & FUEL cos', office in Washington Hotel Bldyr. Dealers in Sand. Gravel, Cement, Wood and Coal. Phone Main 692. 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c ll.'t ono loaf and 5 chocks." etu-h gd for one loaf of 1! Mini. Buying your hroitd this way gives you the liiiince to save on your broad bill. Komomlor this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 2." THE CITY 1A1U:RY Main Street, Hillsboro J. Wolforsporgor. IVcp. Dm ill it Beelliefl at Hire in"ii Identity, and It ws evident m u ne would only pln Mm by nettina blm rljcbt, bu he coiUrt nm iirms nerwu to correct hU ernr. W li-n lie i-nrted fnm ber he nld: Wby don't you rome Ihiine. m.-itnmsi. and sc pium? He l' i """"X cause you went nwuy!" MIsh Illll found It ni'tre dim. nn to of the other. However, she w:i n prudii nnd yielded to l!ie iiik t ssiliea supposed that this is " . nuitLrUm. ,,,: ...jViie mnecd that was conveying the ' -,)lufort ,t)0ve ii eNe. Will You Build ? If you arc going to build Ihia Spring or Summer, aee J. S. LORSUNG, for pricei on building and excarating. F.stimkUa given fiec. All work ia guaranteed. No payment until work if completed. J. 8. Loranng, aonth Third Street, at 8. P. Track; Tele phone Main 134, Hillaboro, Oregon Give Me a Trial 6 Per Cent LOANS Obtainable to buy, build or Improve farm, ranch and city property or re move ineuiiibrauee therefrom; Special I'nvlleyMi and Keaaonable Terms. Kor propoaitlon, addreea: Finance lpt l.v.T, bucu Bldg., Dallaa,Texaa. IE The Argus Free The DUy'ancT.The Aq(us. One Year For $6.00 ths gives you Ufa Argus FREE. No Agents Daily and Sunday nnd fShQ Argus $8.00 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS AlireSrwrll to Jut A fcrwell. lamU to Srwell ritate lu fee liuiple..... $1 J. A Sewell el ui to Alice heartll, teal uioiirrtT in Sewell eat I Iii r r.ircn to n A purlln, 1 41 a rc 3 t I r 1 w -5 K Weill to I H liucuanan v.o, luuiliet ttock in Itillahoro 953 ittti Realty to Frank Kalach, lot 4 blk 10 Wilke.boro 1050 V. keevra to Chun I Smith, ibtl a ule of 1 lota 1'ine land Terrace .... 9i nvettiuent Co to II W Moore, J 46 I'eilar llronk Farm -laoo W A Sluw toM A Keiabaw, one a Rnv-Ktedville 10 II H Rtdtoiit lol ied J Willlama, S 57 a Kilg'0"' Addition. jooo Doia I, hinoca to ueo a naney, 1.5 HCtilMtm autiject to lite m- teret of Suaan Smock Freeman.... 500 Kd Schuluierlch to S C Klllln, Sox. in it in lot 1 blk 1 Morgan'a ad... 10 Omer Moore to Hatel I'etetion, lot t blk k Knob Hill F Urovc 10 K bhaver to 1 N Robinaon, I y, ec 14 1 1 a r t w - V J Siowell to Pudley Siowell, too ft ntuare aec 4 t r 4 W O lionelaon to V, Y 8ia, J lota blk 6 Highland Park Hon Fmncea V Hrown to hlwa umg anrt MarKaret Mottia, 551100 li in lot j blk aS F Grove .... II Jonea to l.orena McRevno'.ua, IllHClllllll w Fu-d Vetter to Albert tkhulx, 7.00 a near Cedar Milla A W Yatea to Coia McUod, 80 a aec St n r 5 w Mirl l'oid to Geo II Johuaoo, lot I blk is Meitaer Acrea 10 I) R Wheeler to W ri Keynoicia, 5 a 1.. 1 i liM.Keeilvtlle Win lluldink WW K Wt!l, 10 a acv 1 1 n t a w t i ii...t in M S Woodman. IS. 73 aec t J n r 1 w.... ...-49"5 Joacph and Silver Bell AUtna to J T 1 . tL t. t 1. I.Ik .tt U Ci l.owry, 1011x150 11 u i j" A C RIUrty to Mary wueeicr, y-a- 1 jo (t blk 4 NayUir ad F Orove....Moo 8 0 llrowo to Oairie U Hunnlngton, 50x100 n blk turiiaaa r urove.M3 The Orenonian 50 10 to 10 10 10 10 nwood in the market eet prices for Fall or Summer de See me first All kinds of wood.-H. D. Schmeltzer. When in Portland stop at the Hotel Eaton, West wit ana Morrison Streets, locaiea in uie heart of the tneaire anu oiwy atripts with all the con of a modern hotel, at -" '-r . nt un reasonable rates.uten Manager. mju I represent Spirella corseta not sold in stores. Will can ai homes on request, ana uu fitting, and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor ed made-to-measure corsets, In cluding the latest front lace, with ovrmrienced corsetier service, cost no more than high class cor ..1. nim.hnaprl in stores. Mrs. STfS Hillsboro, Fifth and Jackson Streets, Phone No. You can brliiB pupa to ! no it you like." abe anlil "And then w ill you come home with uar The Indy klRsinl blm nnd a:itd Ihnt alia couldn't do that, nnd sht ooiildnt Mplulu to blm why. but doubtless hi father would understand. 80 when ii")n;lf' fi:thr ramp home thnt eveulni! the lx'.v told him tiint mnmuia couldn't come home l blm, but be could K' to ace lu-r. One aftoniiHui Mr. 1 revor innite n cull ou Miss 11111. He v;ia struck with her Ilkoiu-SK to bl lost wife mid wu not surprised that (itwule hud mis taken ber for hla mother. "1 would hnve I'lMimlit Ceorsle with me. lie autu, uui 11101101 ui.u t had better first nrrnuce what weslimild tell hitu to aatlsfy liiui, that our morion mny nut disii(;rw." I fenr that I nhail have to iviy on you to tell lilm that 1 am not bin moth er. I fear I have not the heart to do 80." I will think the matter over. There ia no need for haste. 1 am not cure that we could umke lilm understand his mistake even If we tiled to do so. Fur the present we may permit him to remain In iKiinranee." Miss Illll made no reply to this. She knew that It would be emiianassim; for the child to continue In supposing that ahe wua his imumim, llvlus In nu other home than theirs. Mr. Trevor also realized this, but he had thought of a remedy. The moment be kiiw Mlsa Hill he was aelxed with 11 desire that she should till the pip left l.v the wife lie had lost. Indeed, rrnm the time he thmtsht of this possibility he became different "n- Helm wid ower, he knew, how to lay siege to a womnn'8 heart and realized that his motherless child had opened a way for him. When he arose to leave after his first call ho bad formed a definite pur pose that would In-init him a compan ion nnd his boy n mother. He becnn by semllm: trifling Rifts h Ceorule when he went with his nurse to see his innninut. principally flowers nnd books, following tip these by Invitations, which at llrst were such as mluht include (Jeornle. '"rom this he stepped to Invitations mid sifts of aneh fremiencv that his ttltlnmte tu- tentlotiH were ohvlous. One day he made his boy dance for lev hv te'lllni! him that "inainnm" was conilmr homo. "1 knew she would come some timer' cried the child, clapplnit bis hands. "When Is she comlnK?" "rnpei is Rolng to take her for a short Journey, and w hen w e come back she ... . ...I .1... Will be nere 1111 u' mne. Georcle never knew but that he had found his mother, who for some unac countable reason had gone away, but hnd come back to him. ine Koyai sox. WaahlnKton Hotel, Monday. Wednesday and Friday Dr. Gertrude'Phillips Osteopathic Phvalcian- Olliee houra, 1 to 4 p. m. Home calls, to 12 a. m. W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER tit Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlor. HtlHboro, Oregon Call tor Warrants All Hillsboro city warranta oa funds other than the General Fund, marked Not Taid For Want of Funds," art bow ivab.e at the office of the anderairned, and interest will cease after April 17, r. J. Swen, tiHT ireaaurer. Hillsboro, Ore., April 16, 1914. " Kins Alfonso, says a Madrid dis patch, smokes twenty-four cigarettes an hour. Klnir George of Kuplimd and the war of llussln look so much ullke that one cotild ulmost pass for the other. Prince Abdul Mejld, who is a fine artist, was kept In confinement during twanrv-otsht Vcni'S b.V MlltttO AOOUI Hiunhl. obtnlnlng his release only who the latter was dethroned. It was dnr- Ins this lotig incareerutlon that he took up the study of painting to while awa thai tlm. Fashion Frills. FORD tjhe UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective firm Astist 1. l'Jll to AtiRitst 1. 1915 and guar-antet-d against any reduction during that time: Touring Car - 549 Runabout - - - 4t Town Car - - 690 F. O. B. liftroit, all rara fnllr finiprd. (Inlhcl'mud .Sta!tsf Ameiua col)) Further. we b ab!e to rblain tti maximum f fficVncy in our factory pro-luctiiin, anrt tht minimum out la cur joicUir and aalea iltpart menu il can itach an tm(i-ot tf 3,' oocars tttaren the abovt dates. And itou d e itach ihia ptf-loctk n. we ' to fay lh bayei'a lhart frftn I40 to tt car n or atx nt Aiust I. lyij) to tvr irtail bn)r who parchawa a mw Ford cr Ixtwern Aiijjnut I, 1914 atd Aognat I, 1915- For farther particular rrgard eg thee low pricta and piofit-ihating plan, sec tbe nearest Koid Prarch or lx-alcr. Wilhes Auto Garage Company Third Street, Hillsboro, Or. It requires no small amount of to gcnulty for a man to bide behind -his wife's skirts these days. Washington Post. Fall fashions for men decree clothes molded to the form and "shapely trousers. The tnllor'a art will still be to provide the shape to go with the style. New York World. It is claimed that the youug women of former days dressed no more elab orately thau those of today. But they dressed more completely. Nashville Banner. A woman mny be compelled to wear the same dress she bought four years nio. But that doesn't keep her from uu tt ins lu four houra a day reading the fashion dope.-Clncinnatl Enquirer. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro. Cornelius and North Plains "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at anytime Lumber, Shing'les and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price Telephones! Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. IIOLSTEIN CATTLE One heifer or a carload; With calf or coming fresh; Whte or mixed black and white; immediate or deferred delivery; Cash or terms Prices Right. COAST CATTLE CO. EUGENE, ORE. Office at the Eugene Creamery Science Sittings. Light passes from the moon to the earth la one and one-quarter seconds. According to a furls surgeon, radium emanations are valuable after opera tions to destroy stray diseased cells thnt the knife mny have missed. Tests have shown that as little as a quarter of 1 per cent of sugar will prevent cemCnt settling, wnite trom to 2 per ceut will make It set quickly, but later disintegrate. Dr. Uottlluger of Munich says that gravitation is absorbed In traversing a medium, so that the Interposition of a third body between two others ef fects their mutual attraction. He of tbe opinion that the attraction of the suit on the moon Is enfeebled when the earth comes between them,, when there Is an eclipse. . SMOKE ic Coast Oef ender 3g "The Best in the West" BEST tobaccos sold. 1 -will tell and show you all about them. You are welcome any time. These Cigars are sold every place where good cigars are sold. COME AND SEE ME MAKE THEM CHAS. F. McFADDEN Boom 11 Hillsboro National BlocK tv V YiTU THE LIFE CAREER "Schooling In youth should InTurtaMy b rwitd lo piepore a person in the best wy for the best pi-rmnnent occupation for which he is caiab!e.'' President C W. Eliot This is the Mission of the Closing Out Sale WAU PAPER I PAINTS, ETO. I ARtOOOOS I J. MURROW I Second Street I 1 3 Fortysisth School Year Open SEPTEHBER 18th, 1914 Write for Illustrated loo-page Book let, "The Life CAREER," and lor Cata log containing full information. . Degree Ccurse$ AGRICULTURE t Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, DalryHus bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, Logging engineering. Home eco nomics: Domestic Science, Domestic Art, ENGlNHERlNGt Electrical, Irrigation, Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining. Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Vocational Coar-M-Agrlculture, Dairy Ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. School of Music ?&xo. String, Band, Voice Culture. Fsrmeri Biine Courst by Mail Fr Address THK SKOISTSAS, (H-7-15to-() Corwllis, Orga FOR THK Best Fire Insurance AND PROMPT SETTLE MENT OP LOSSES SEE JOHN V ANDEKWAL Agent London & Lanca shire Fife Insurance Co. Psd&e States PhcuP4 BILLSBOUO Patterson Undertahin Company O. A. Psttersori, Mgr. Fl'NKRAt, DlRKCTllRS AND BMRAUITtlt Ftce t'lianels l.1y Asiirtsnt , Over Hillsboro Furniture & Hlw. Nitfht aud Sunday FUoue City 157-. W 1' hone Mailt 773- I . . For Sato 'j'0',::- House and lot, 99x200; sewsr im provements paid: some tine frnlt trees; flOOO-SlOd down tad .month. F. G.tiitcte!U ... J 584. uvu ,