He :vr mL if Li v w t rt uzSmitXLl Tires, Tubes and Accessories And that mnr.n xlvrt hen; the most for your money. Most miles per dollar and ir.rct comfort per mile. Firestone quality has led the world for fourteen years. There is no argument about it. But because they have t'io largest stul best equipped tire factory, an. I only the top notch men, the prices are n-'ht. Call ami Sc MmSkii Smool TrtcdAll Types AH &et Wilhes Auto Co. Hillsboro, Oregon vou jet Are i yy EXMTTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ami each of them. ytiWoufnt to th ilatos of the Hwution of th Plain tiffs morteaRes, to-wit: ithr March I'Kiit nr iiY.-ii.h..i- .'1 milt iiiu.ii w r. .. . iur riA Aunt "rmt.-w iinr miis-hM. nnrsitrnw ha txn appomieti r.x-, rrs or -.ticumbraneow or otherwise ffutor of the iJist Will ana lesia- i. ham-a nml f , .if ll ment of Rachel Herb, lVivased, anj 0f retlemption in the premise and na Deen coniirmeti m urn ij m , ewrv Notice is hereby given that County Court of th SUt of Ore gnn for Washington County, and has duly qualified as auch t-xecutor. NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims aminst said estate are hereby notified and required to pre sent them with the proper vouchers 10 me at my residence in Forest Irove, Oregon, or at the law office f Thos. H. Tongue. Jr., in the Com mercial Block, at Hillsboro, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, within six months from Sep tember 3, 1914. HENRY DAVID, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Rachel Herb, Deceased. THOS. H. TONGUE, JR., Attorney for Executor. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of St. Johns, Oregon, a national banking corporation, plaintiff, a. L. Harrison!" phoebe Har rison, his wife. ARTHUR 0. H ARBAIGH. DENZEL MOKLL . II ARB U GH. his wife. W. H. .MERRICK, a F. ALLEN and A. K. McWILLIAMS. Defendants. To A. L Harrison, Phoebe Harri son, his wife, Arthur G. Ilarbaugh, Denzel Morley Harbaugh, his wife, W. H. Merrick, B. F. Allen and A. R McWilliams, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quested to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: the 16th day of October, 1914, and if you fail so to do for want thereof, plaintiff wil! take judgment and decree against you as prayed for in plaintiffs complaint, as follows, to-wit: FIRST: That a money judgment be entered for the sum of Five Hun dred Forty Dollars ($540) and inter est from March 1, 1914, until paid at the rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum, and for the further sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) as at torney's fees and plaintiff's costs and disbursements against the defend ants, A. L. Harrison and Phoebe Harrison, his wife, in favor of the plaintiff herein. SECOND: That a money judg ment be entered for the sum of Five Hundred Forty Dollars 40) and in terest from March 1, 1914, until paid, at rate of eight (8) per cent per an num, and for the further sum of Nine Hundred Fifteen and 29-100 Dollars ($915.29) together with interest from January 1, 1914, at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum until paid, and for the further sum of Two Hun dred Dollars (1200) as attorney's feas, and for plaintiff's costs and disburse ments against the defendant, Arthur i. Ilarbaugh, and n favor of tht plaintiff. THIRD: That a money judgment be entered for the sum of Two Hun dred Seventy Dollars ($270) and in terest thereon from March 1, 1914, at eight (8) per cent per annum until paid, and for the further sum of Four Hundred Fifty-seven and 64 100 Dollars ($457.04) and intere.st thereon until paid from January 1, 1914, at the rate of three (3) per cent per annum, and for the further Bum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) attorney's fees, and for one half plain tiff's costs and disbursements and Heainut the defendant, W. H. Mer rick, and in favor of tint nlairtiff FOURTH: That the usual decree! of foreclosure for the sale of all of the West half of the Northeast quar ter of Section Twenty-four (24) in Township Three (3) North, Range three (3) West, of the Willamette Me ridian, containing- eighty (80) acres, more or less, situated in Washington County, State of Oregon, be entered, and that the Sheriff duly sell the same according to the law and prac tice of this Court. FIFTH: That the proceeds of the ' I ' ft - . 1 1 ' part thereof. SIXTH: That sale be made of the said premises, and that execution is sue against the defendants, A. I. Harrison and Phoebe Harrison, Arth ur ii. Harhaugh and W. H. Merrick for any deficiency which may remain after applying ail of the proceeds of the sale of the saul premises proper ly npp'icaWe to the satisfaction of this judgment and decree. SEVENTH: That the plaintiff or trtv othfr nnrty to this suit may be come a purchaser at the said sale, and .rmt tne .vieriff shall issue a certifi cate of sale to the purchaser of the said premises, and thereafter a Sher iffs deed if the same is not redeemed as provided by law, and that the pur chaser be let into possession of the premises upon production of the Sher iff certificate thereof. EIGHTH: That the plaintiff have sucn otner and further orders and re lief as may to the Court seem equit able and just. NINTH: That the plaintiff have his costs and disbursements in this suit. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication if the same m the Hills'.ioro Ar?us. a weekly newspr.per publi. hed in Hillsboro, Or egon, for six successive weeks by vir tue of sn orJrr of Hon. D. B Reason er, County Judjre for Washington County. Oregon, which said order was made and entered on the 27th day of August, A. D. 1914. Date of first publication, Septem ber 3. 1914. Date of last publication, October 15, 1914. PERRY C. STROUD. Attorney for Plaintiff, Fir-it National Bank Bldg., St. Johns. Oregon. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 a m 7:19 am 8:2 a m 9:53 am 12:43 Pm 3:59 p m 5:41 v..pm 8:09 pm 9:t8 pm From Portland 53 minutes. 7:50; 9:13 , 11:25 2:05 4:30 6:25 7:20 9:12 12:25 a m .a m a m p m .pm p m p m p m a m ftttfVMH rot Mist it HUh Orr, Md-Claa hill aWMt. U A. IOSG, Kaltor. County Official I'm per 4utMttHHi; fUM) ft Austin. U!U McRINNKV SILVER MEDAL CONTEST Following is the program for the lounp; Ladies' Silver Medal Declamatory Contest, held at Farming-ton, at the Christian Church, Friday evening, Sep tember 11; Involuntary Margaret Hazel ton. Song, America. Scripture Reading and Prayer. Duet-Esther Emmel and Bes sie YVythyeombe. Patsy. No. 1. The Father's Prayer, No. 2. Solo -Esther Fisk. Who Killed Joe's Baby. No. 3. Jeremiah and his Pa, No. 4. Solo Mrs. Claud Johnson. Little Hlossoms, No. 5. Tommy Brown, No. 6. Whistling Solo-Esther Em mel. Intemperance in Chicago Irene Crosby. , Presentation of Medal. The ladies managing the con test U'lKh till vuUn r;,ma t... sale be applied to the several Hums of i rvmufarnA f K.;... j money due the plaintiff, and that the 1 1 'tr- l hm'K 8 de8cflp defendants, A. u. Harrison, and " ulc" j"iwriy so. iney I'hoebe Harrison, his wife, Arthur G. can be registered, as a notary Ilarbaugh and Denzel Morley Har- will be present to officiate baugh, his wife, W.H.Merrick, B.F. Admission to the church will A len and A. R. McWilliams, and each u0 in .,. , of them, and all persons claiming un- fe 10 cent3 for adults; children, der or through the said defendants irec. .vnitor t hamtufrlain is sti a . t nammennir away on the rtvr and harbor bill -and doinir vt-t fran amice,, when this is parted he expects to reach Ore Kn to fill in campaign dates. It now looks as though the race will be Chamberlain, first; Han ley, second, and Hooth, third. M. Sturm Sr.. of above Bloom in, was a rity caller Friday. Sylvester lVwher, of Portland, was out- to Hillsboro Monday greeting friends. L. Schal ten brand, of near Mid dleton. was a county seat caller yesterday. Mrs. italph taster h con valescent. and has returned from one of the Portland hospitals. Born, to Victor H. leCumen and wife, of Hillsboro, Sept. 1914. a girl. Thos, and Austin Simms. of Farmington. were in the county seat Monday. Ernest Kroner, the architect for the Carnegi Library, was in town Monday, on business con nected with the building. P. L. McKay, of Eugene, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C V. Lard, with whom Mrs, McKay has been visiting for an extended period. Delbert Bridges, of this city was sent to the open air sanitar ium east of Portland, the last of the week, in the hopes of im proving his health. berman Lutheran services Sunday afternoon, at 2:30. at the Congregational church. English Sunday school at 2:00. E. W, Luecke, Pastor. Donald E. Long departed yes terday for Washington, li. C. where he is attending law school at Georgetown University. He has been in Oregon for a month. Mies Myrtle Butler, of lied mond. was a guest of the But lers and Siglers, the last of the week. Miss Butler is down on her Fall buying trip lor her Bed mond store. C. Schoenbaechler. of below Farmington. was in town Mon day, bringing in his II year old son. Stephen, to have adenoids and tonsils removed, Dr. liobb operating. Fred Bulling and the other members of the committee so liciting subscriptions for the Red Cross attending the German Army, report splendid success. As this county has a large popu lation of Teuton extraction the fund is rolling along nice'y. Monday night's heavy rain- anywhere from a half-inch to an inch of water fell started not a few hop pickers back to Port land, as the few remaining days were not of sumcient importance to them to make it an induce ment for them to stay. George Denton, of the Ladd & need farm, was in town yester day. He says hops are picked -.-At. - on me iarm ana the crop runs from a half to two-thirds of last year's yield. Nearly all are fin ished down his way, the Bay vara nnishing at Witch Haze . today. Threshing is over in Washing ton County, with the exception or a lew stack settinirs in iso ated places. Taken all in all the harvest has not been so bad, al though the crop was not up to the l'Jl.I yield. But it has been a good year, and with prices bet ter than last season it should be fully as profitable to the pro-ducer. Under the auspices of the Kin ton Literary Society, Mrs. Adna Smith Flo, teacher of vocal music in Albany College, and Miss Wil ma Waggener, piano instructor of the same institution, will give a concert at the Kinton High School, Friday evening, Sept. 18. Those who attended the concert given by Mrs. Flo and Miss Wag gener, at Kinton, last year, will be delighted to hear of their re turn. The State Hospital for the In sane, at Salem, writes the coun ty court that Mrs. Allen Eraser, committed from this city, is about ready to be sent away as cured. Fraser visited her at the hospital, and was told by them that he should take her away and care for her. He has again dropped from sight, how ever, and they do not know his whereabouts. It is more than likely that a non-support charge will be filed against the hus band, which will mean that he can be placed at work on the county road and that Mrs. Fra ser will be paid $1 per day for his services -whether he works or not as this is the law. t i-v.miiiui in-n- i solemnized at tl I 'f Pr. and Mrs. i K. P'". 'I't- s-! 1914. at 3 o'clock, who?, th.-tr; daughter. Minn-- V -v united in marriiiw t- ' ' : -oh X ; Townsond. of lt'.si. Kov. l.j F.Smith, of Portia-..'., "l- .-'.! The bri.lo woro a v--' 't; crepe du chine wit !i u j thiilon. and a Ihu i i t of I'.n U-!! roue. The bu.l.il caught tip wil'i ora-u-e Im-."ih. i Miss Lucv B'.oyd l n-! -1 rre H i . a-. I oar-j V.i.U a'i-1 ' t : be 1 1 H.H v, ami s.vt maid and wore w l it chine with pink vir riod a Uniipiot of n lily-of-the-vatlev. I.: Hoag was ilowcr v-rl a dresstsl in white "! "' carriei a bask. to: p-tik peas. The groom was uttt .il by C Vinter Ployd. Miss pH-rtha P.;.n.! ! ' - 1 wedding march. The deivratiotw. w r-- in charge of M. I. S- - a Cornelius, showed ,-r n.u taste and were I i : l" description. Ti e I r i s! stood teneath a l At r o greens and Autu-:in ! i the top of which was a large wecldintr i- '. i with white usurs. t- colonnade hung U".i: : ti.- t. of I art v r- . at ..'.d' .ro.l' t'o ' rus of, l- bridal wreath, ,,! were filial with b a quets of fern and i it r. Many beaut::.;! j r.-M-Kt w.-iv received. After the impro ; io c. icy. refreshments vm-h- t-m, I. and the happy couple Ueparted f-r a brief trip to the b- a h. They will make tl.eir fatntv home in Pert! .i d. wi-.cri. Mr. Townsend is in I u-i; r .. Th.Mc Ptewnl. ! a : . it Vr ml M-s V l It -- i ! - . ' , l.ocy A 0'l t,.ith t; t i.. !.. i ',. Utatgr It.ttlri, Vt-t I'l ! n '!( . n ' Mr Ji llu'lrf ma 4 m S.' .1 ','f. Mim !IU n;,r. K ! ! K Hrntlw n, n, '. M Sixlvr. ail -I H it- Ira, .Vn I.Uyi 1 land, M ruin., M II S ur'tviii.i. lRo Sin iV Mi lU-ri out Co. tterth Kt-n;. M . ,M Mis o.m l.r.u; : ToHuvnd, Mr i -t Portl.u.l. I rnk .1 ' Sin FranciK'Si ilil.sboio. U 1' Mi. M V I. th.- il. Esther Bay l.m .. i. I 'h Bay for divorce, nil-ci-.:- L - ft 1 nusoanu nas a-i u;r,: . -rn a-'i. temHr, frtHjuently i-.s-iltir. and; swearing at l r. Me ;as he also struck her o i tb- i ,v ai I their home in Portia . !. J . . v 1 i, 1914. She also sass ho h: and borrowed motiev on fltHU Mu t!i! of furniture hc!.ni':mt' t li.-r. i and the loan wa made with.-;t! her knowledge, .t.e a !o t crce, title to her fnrral -re. ami' the cancelling of a e,,ifi,- m r t - j gage to which she i -t i nt a party. The formal opoiM-. f t' e son s work of the ( ..rsvr. fl.-irchl will be marked by special s.-:ai.vi! Sunday. "The Day of Vi.-ita i tion will be the pastor's V iu ! The Cecelian Choir wiii n r. i r: special music. Special invitation to all memUrs and friend tu' join in a hearty taiiy S tal.n . morning. In the "Fifty Y.nrs A." umn in tins mori'itu: s ( Ir ian H. B, Luce and iln nioi mentioned as passenv -, u) California bound stt'i'e ul 'ortland. Mr. Ltic is the I, erof Clerk Luce, and was n r.ii-1 '-if!- ' are; the! ;on ..tl than likely enroute ta tie ern Oregon mines. Father Verhaatr. wtdl kr.mvn in Verboort, where h-'waa oa-t..r or several year, i!i. i r'-eentiv i'i lolland. He w as a v.i .! priest in the Oregon dioc.' was highly respect, d. J. N. Flippen. of Buxt sold out, and passed throi'.;(. town, thij morning. rriroi,t.. to Cazadero, whe-e he v. ill make his home w ith his wi itor. Jos. Cawrse. of North Tnrda. tin Plains, was in the Iri.it. of i! week. He expects to lird.di Ida yard this week. Known ... and 'rl. L'H Wm. Gitrord, Wm Nelson. F. Sewell and Hal Tavhr iri.-.i their luck at a deer bunt the first of the week. Born, to Chas. Marlin and wife, of Houtli of town, S"pt,. H 914, a son. C. C. Friek is .niivih! Vancouver Fair thia wet k. tl.i m fc, .ill, fitjr. Mr. I'uttuii Ayrtm hud iir(,-l un n few Priiiich pliniHi-n IIiiumIhk Hi.. iitltelier'H nliop (inu day. kIm lniiilr..( If lie hiul tiny "Ixm vlvtint" 'Uoned wlmt, nia'iiinr iinlin.1 the lum ber, puzzled. "Hon vlviint," ropoiiUil. 'J'lisif the Pn-nrh for Rood liver, yon kuuw." -Pblludi;libla I'reiw. Arrow unci Nitro Clu! fM, 0 lkm AA.fi.". 5tol imU.tto lK di ''' ml Ik Tim lt'l A ifM. yfw tat ImU m ' ' t-J - R4 IUII M W -UMC m ; Tfil hi i '"M'M A Rare Chance To Order Your Win ter Coat MADE TO ORDKR 1U.RK AT HOML Wr can mKr llr Con! to !lcir your Ttc 4nil tlt Frier tc plrasc your Fursr. CHRIST WEUST The Tnilor LUMBER At BARGAIN Prices Wc luvc lnutlit the unite m.-iA ..n.uiiiU r att.l Moulding of K. K. WelU, U,Uimy lh, ii,;!,!,,,,, Pl.tiimj; Mills, at Ilillsburo, ami i'..r v .l-tji will it 1 1 viii'.c at BARCAIN PRICl-S i.. iuir u, U,n it ,.. W will sell for cash fr the neat ,Vm1.,v,, . ,iif ,iC stoik lasts, as follows: ' i o-.nnm.tt 2x, 2x62sSau,l zxu, at V , M tShiplajMoind, :;,,,r,?.r l-iuuhl.ymU-rofallkiud.sat fromK.(o v, lr.M. A vo,uj,!eU. Hue f Illntlu;KH at 7o p-r c,.ut .(, I,Sl;;,Tl )I,rI',"'HTntn,r,cv1,o(liKMi,TH. if)"iielL,i,!1Cr.Wl fail , ttI Ulis IPUAMfll! 9 m uunHNHN m uu. . u HILLSBORO, ORECON fUy Ni.l.i t 1 "'-..; IH,. .1 'Utk,. I. V.n,... t- . Im-;.... ... ""' i;t t entii U X Meiu V1U.N T ' ' O Ur.,h 1 l!.l!f PEOPLED THEATRE For Sale ' ! - .!.. ,..!cr Ui H-'t' e ni.l In, J'UlP I'- - ; . in '!Wtii' il t . I lie tity JfaJ I '.:.. , Isrpon. HjBUg;1 l.'t aijtaitj it J1 Km?..-,, t,.r j, fct 1 e; nt t ash or jb.i att ! tttettc fef Kiis' ; ..s ... ' . . .. . t i n (tl CUB3.WIK -' I - MH Curt. Ad 'tt ..f (j!la Milton W. Smith 510 St-ilinrf Builda Portland, Ore. II I IjIH'S .MIKIU MWlf i Kr. j i ; i itr i i;;--t I m r ni o l ...I i. w i: ITrnfKTft . .1 i: .n t 1 1 r.TY. Will I, .'!. . Till. I I V Ult If f 1 Jr A3" "1 1 M Should UseCT V v 'l-l r . 1 1 'Hiterrnt from I iK-m kome mote rani H lal.ni In tlm n,;,l. I ;'ld tl.c IM iti-iiiiU tiu.a ... I liii;li. r ;;raii!. Black Silk Stove Polish "'',';'rl;;l'!",l!,vtK,i''h I., .r. . ,.,,., ,(n, "" "''I'K HI. ,, .1 I , I. . ' l-'H'.r , . . J '".""' '""", ' 'i'iw.l-moqii,hlr, I.ltcU Slik Sov Poliih Work, 'SIX Prr Crnt. MONEY l.omu iii.iv U e.l.injii.d (... nnv .'n... M. m-criitnlilf. Ve) (.H,, ,P, r(,v; (,. '! "IVllrK--., rfl,-i,.,,,-lt! t lli-.t. A. C. AflliNwVCO-MPANV 7.'.". , r'.lrciiii 11 d(. Di i.vrr, K'u'n, ).',' I'litlmi llitl.,, M , -,1,, !,,, t BUILDING I nm prepared to d, nil UhvU "f 1 Siiiltl irijr mid Uefiair work. tabirut work, do., Kw-lilit.w, ScTeellH Iltlil Ssrl-i-.m ,1, V'l,,,,, . ft- , ' II .-"'1... .'l.l..l' at Main and Front. JOHN MATTY. ATTENTION IIOPOUOWI'.MS If yon nre in need of nny hop haskets, nlled'the McMiiirvill.' Planing Mill, AlrMinnvillo, ()r.. as we are now imikinur thowiro braced and rein forc(d wood flat, hasket r'Coj.rnlei n tho bent by all larKO growers. Price, $10 tier dozen. jjlltf ArKua and Orconian $2.25 ' in: why - - ft-u.U V . . i via lit . na M" " T . , ., a ..f m il un J" i ..' ,r't. W.-J ., ! ',,,.-.,i i, . .l.-rr.l t4 " ' ,., .... it ::tiil.r' 't I. im f..'-r f TT l.oi.liff, njfMiMl JUT! .f.....l..t. f..r Hi Ui iji'. i .'"I thrrmn IW"1" . . . m Mil IV (.i e. i-i .I :,..". Ti.m.1 ,..(, ...,.1 ju.liriwot '".' V,m A ..Tf..-k. ! "iTfiig A, l am. f.'r 1) u",f.,.j , ,. ll.rr,..UufMlil,y if II. !l !...n. ".",n;,., u Jrt? NOW, THl-.lild',b ..r.ler ,.f - '"j "7-. It.oul ,v. the ..lh .Iny flv ,.,i, ,l o, Ml -IV? ftl .eu.H.n f,.r u,!i hi I"'"'- " L,wf i e'. . ll,.ie. Hlf'T , .a i liiiin.'IV, i " .aJ WH.oJ K lilll J S,.rlff f W.1,1"-. .1 i!Aci,i'.v llAI!f;;ri,intif'' . . .. Htef The (iraiwl Maf ,,,, i , "two WLft ; on mnrH'r fro... h.v H.'fiWkik' urunti wun: I i