8 ,019' n 10BERGU11S uvi vim mm;& ewd clerlnarlitti iVrfi.rc IS" AUK! w:!iiT Af IV.Ui ttliklMl tilt' Arg I'l-lV to I!. . i 1. If i . .a 1 1 ' I v..t . f ... ' liv.Mt f tli' ,.Mto l" f"i' V ,;, l',4-M' i.i,.- !. The Pn f the legislature- i.!,! ui-iwtl,: that my l-.vii" boieg '.. . ..Mimty fair i""1 ,H-,V;at i:.W ofi ined f"r tubercul.M wttrl m (air u i,.t itrv can i iHMCBSA! muAoaci aaaci Rrnatcs saw HUM NORMAL till H Nte I rum iheOiiu f he Superintendent Bid school ma uv W. W Kva'i. of K"r.t Crr.v j in I yt-ti r ay. ! H"li picking supplies at 'intr'-i. v;;tf II. IL lMija-r. of Bethany, wa? a citv caller yesterday. NY ' .and f cond-hand barrels at Greer'?. 2itf August Rossi, of lleavcrton. a a in the city yesterday. Cneeri.-s of all kbids at T. ' '. Johnson, (f South Tuala tin. Was in town the first of the hingtnn County tea, hers who week. It'd tll- SilintTH-r H.-Siitl al II. v..ii neert .rrr....r;ea cl,a orimouth Normal are; nn or irv l'-kmU? If wl trvCrwrV 1. Mm. Ilnd.-. Ja. II. Jack. .). ) J,.hnsr, back from a lro; Jessie Greer. I "Sor.ic-1 t.urtmvr and fnhing trio down on the McKeni" river. J.l'l. FUGUA PASSED (in ; Strung AWAY IN PORTLAND Prominent forest (irevcCap'talift Buried at the Grove, Tuesday HAS BfT.N MASON FOR 55 YEARS 0f 0,.. ((. !. until n rrrltt't.VA presented, mgn.d r-'mi-'") 1 r ranees l'arkr. Amv With IVhin. Kor.-st Cruv. 'r MuolM-rry. Annie Morrn l.....l:.... . i i. -Fi m-iius, itiaijii i.n'iinan. Wht-aton, Sherwood; r'!,i it-avt-rion. .iiarUi'i i piCKinir (In.-r'h. vriov-s, hats, and l-i! bought at 23tf Came la ica l im, tni SetllH Near Thilcber ia IK9 ' Th Gprman Speaking Society lot WashinKton County held a I very tnterestinsr meeting at Cen- terville. last Sunday. The at tendance u amaller than ex pected, owinjr to error in an nouncement. Several speeches were made in favor of assisting the Red Cross Society and a col lection was taken which netted $113.51 Of this $105 goes to the Portland fund of the differ ent German Societies of Or? iron. F.A. BAILKY.M. a PkTDiriaa aijd 8argm Otfct UpU.i ia Scbatatrich 9Ut Knitlrac boat bmmt. eonwf lUuviiM ml tMhwnti Htrta. Pfaoim, !. City 3; riilnu.CUy M O&c ia the Tmirw Btu k. TTjir.t a. Uun Stmts, Milittioro, Oiixi. 1 1 v It i ifi.nnan, j -nl nnd lurli that it l'l''f-' t' 'l f.wn'l lr" f"-'"" V truc wf the ais.-:... 0f t.H-k tt'" r'M-. "S-l l-llttll- ItOl'tl'lll f ii" ' i i" herd or I'.irt of a lu rd .f tl.ur niima!- tnt.'iol.'d for l.iv.- I - vr Puiihw" hlifill l ll-I ,''I't uml. r tl"' f",", 'f Ir-mail tin' animal oil. r-d i iali hav will1" 1- '" ' t'" or to nal.'. l- l -v.ii.nuit. .! t a titt-r.'vt tent and t- -(,,. . p.iii!iran of Ita tli lr" u - - firm.-. ("or tu l n-ri i fly. i-lcrl i ii Vvath. Tualatin: Kil.-n Sie, V: IVarl lu-ed li.,mt-i ' 11... ... ........ V TV f-if M'IMt V'. i. a t.a u .11 Mil It' . - v i "'' "r awe n.l wan attended l.yn.arly Mms Klinor Wilkes Uran wr.rl Clark, of Knnut in the I'ln.L ..t L',,.,1 in Ihil Snlu.r.nl..n I.., I'., ..It... i .i.ii n. hi luimir" V i1 1. 1 1 1 3 lMlll:', " Iva C. Cok. of S'pt. I. itKceeilinir Mm. H. s-ie nualili'-d ' -tiTinunaiu Any r mi who xlnl'itf or jx-riniM tin xhihition of nn Bi.imnl in !: lion of Hif i.nniMiMii of tliii .e. turn nhull I"' k'oiity ot h n ! .!. m..mir and fined tod le l lS. it' tu.r nii-re tli i' 11 ,.-tIe io.lil' )'Ui i.- .iif m far have I e i rwitr,!yiiitf ill. h staMtf md lr. Kf:';:ii I ' bn iiior. than t'iy mi.c' the Fall ml, MartiiJ. i t id ic svi i: . Ai:i"lv '-!.ii.t.fi?t tan in a II n'he. a ill ni tktJ v r !!ei'e City. ' terof Ora Cook. Simon, who will atten 1 1'. U.. r.t Ui;irriai.'e in thin Forent Grove. 'JUl I. Kev. My- Supt. 11. V. llarnes and Super t'ruum in an visor ja. u. ja-K auemii-.i a t. .......I.... .1 1 mm.linu nf IIia VV'..l,i . . i,.., I , . nill'IIIJ ii I f un.nii,- uni iiuii- Ilam'.d and John Halvorsen. of KHnnmjfton, wen city visitors Wednesday. The Arcadian ma!!ealilt, non- r. -ikahli' ranges aro made to 'let ri litj.t'mn - II (V'.riiin J. V. Jamieson. tf Karrrinjr- ton. wa.i tr tnHuctm business in (own Wednesday. v The artret shipment of ranges from th.' Kat ever nceivd by any om; dealer. IJ. Corwi.i. Herman (ilaskL, of Oanco. was in yesieroay. lakinif out iu younitj home in iy rair nirecuirs sioinuv eve ninif. at Forest Grove. A better fair than ever will U held (hi John W. F'qua. a prominent capitalist of F'orest Grove, died at a Portland hospital. Sunday, Aug. SO. 1911. after an extended illness. He was born in Ken tucky 7G years ajro, and moved to Indiana when ad 11 years. F'rom there he went to Illinois, and thence to Kansas in 1855. He was a resident of that state, of Nevada and of Washington, when each of these was admitted to the union. He had been a Mason for 55 years, and his pall bearers, at the funeral. Tuesday, were chosen from that fraternity Messrs. Fi. W. Haines. Mayor H. J. Gotr. J. A. Thornbumh. C. O. Uoe, Clarence Bump and J. W. Hujrhes. He came to Oregon first in 1888. living in- Portland. Later he vent to Kelso. Wn.. and then moved to near Thatcher in 1890, R. M. ERWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to be sent to the Red Cross fund Sargeoa S. P. P. H. A 5 , P. E. k K in Oermany. r red Bulling. Oer-1 , Ry. hard Goetze. Adam Beil and Wm. Schendel were appointed a com mittee to take up other col-1 1 a l iecuons not on.y irom memoers ELMER II. SMITH M. D. D. 0 ui me oucieiy, uui irurn any wno wish to help the wounded sol- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON diers. widows and orphans of OSTEOPATH the Fatherland. The next meet- . ing will be held on Sunday. SepL 5M " r-9 1 i . a..; i io $ . .. It. at the Wnnderlirh Park fn. 'nelv. ThuitaT. ttunUy 9 tu 11 terville. and al members ot the phoaci. oificr over Hiiuhoro tiona Lost-Between Forest Grove 0. ROBB, II. D. and'McMinnville, a lady's gold PHYSICIAN' & SURGEON watch, basket weave design with OFFlCE:-Cp iiaSchuimrichBdk. initials of "Fi G." Fob attach- paoaas-o&ce. city 3.S4. Re.cy8. ed. Reward. Finder please ad- hitasboro. oreum dres3 Mrs. - S. M. Armstrong, Portland. Gen. Delivery. Mntrpn JpnrwKinn whnnp rla. DR. B. L. SEARS tives live in Portland, was badly injured in the Peter Hoffman 1 : J I 1 M I lOKKtng camp one aay ine imsi 01 office hoora-9 to 11 a. m.; a to $ p. u. me weeit. ne was caugni oe- cuu aotweteJ Ar or aight Bn:. tween a log Which was being phooea. Office la Amciku Natioanl nauiea oy a don key engine, and Physician and Surgeon lnnher for farm improvements. V10 nearj"anerf,"i- another stationary log. and one inLLsnoRO ... . In 1899 he moved to Forest Grove. nf v;. ' i-ji-,-.ki "wRO, lUok, npstoira. One of the hest stocks of shoes m the countv will oe lour.a at Wa '.t d: Man and woman to w.-rt aro'ind HAwmill plant. Wi'inan loc xik for five or six .11 ?i IChhuii Iiro., North l ..u , Oregon, address Hanks. 1: i-iti' ::. 25-5 and Mr?. C, N. Hale have r. tirned tu their home in Port h'i 1. ftfter u delightful Summer ' 1 5 1 1 r home nt ll;ile Snrinir. i h.-v e.oii. here everv vear. and our school system t ,e "nariii n';t.in ha no terror This year the state schxl su f. it 1 1 em I hev hnvn nne of th- lenntendent will supply each m.-et placs fiir n S'imni"r rest county superintendent with suit in tl.. enniiiv iit.,1 ihiv alwiva W placards lor school rK.m.-i hue plenty of rumpany. year at Haines. S.-t. Z, 21 and Greer's. tf 25. School Day id U Thurs- u'm C,,Wk with the Southern day. S4'pt. 21 Various plans of standanlm rural schuils in the Btate of Ore iron have Uen put in operation by different counties during' th past year. Success in a greater or less de-rn-e has been attained in the counties until the plan seems to have gained a place in i.f Kee.ivisl.' 1'i.djF'ir. I t-Aeen Third and Fourth; ventilating, etuipment, library. iiii;siM)ro Main' 153 I'.eaverl in, on H e p.irtlv fnmishi'd. or unfurnished; etc. arc to be brought up toacer- .' . ... .ad. at Ma. m.. --i. .I'-tit Sep!. 15. H. l Wells, tain BUndard. Length of term. Alfred lieren. iv vi'i-r - M. ;".. 215 attendance, and school work are uHTvwor. was ITheuii'lerMi-ne,! will Hen at pu. LKmite ill (he Metli'ii I in. I ImilH tulli 4 mill" rt.tn IKsrniimftoii roai SV ' V. .11. J" 'Hljuk in..;.-. J t r. 1ik: U :eH Vkin mare. II yearn. 1 lh Willi Ifoal. mrkl.iii e.l(. 2 -t. j 1IAIUV COWS iiHlk eo Jermy and llol tein. nil (li. W tul ritiliv.n seven of t! -5frh'iied ill .loly and i W;!t he Irwh in Sept and Oct; .'I h ife ta freshen in Jan: 2 yearlings 1" Jlulsteiu heifer cnlvi'H. ? to S m -; JMiitein rei.:itered boll. 2 ye.v.i. Five hr.Hhl sow to litter Oeto. I. 1'hmter White Umr; 'Js wat.i. I and mos; jtome chit - m; Milwankie iiiowef. hay rake, Studehaker uau'oo. 3 in; lew iron truck, new hack, Hprint'sith Mrniw. ,i(l loolh drag l.arroA, ailk rart. (ireal Western ere:i,i eparator, 2 m eel beam p!ows, yrack. Itavlork with 2l l-'t ipe and pulleys, lot iiki!1 too!-. ht'elhai TOWS, feetleuller, 17 mlk cans, bugy torutin. i'lii d- Mono, heaai scale, lots of i rni i rka, 2 sets lb iiarnesi. W.;w.y armss. hoUMelmld furniture in Jwt-flas'i eonditiuM, nnd oth r jrticlfs. Lunch ut rKi!i. Terms of Sab - Sums un.l r A cash; over il nioniht tuii vproved note, nt S per cent. f wo percent. 01T. cash over $:'M Frank Goemnn. Owner. J. W. Iluvhes, Anclioneer. John Yundcrwul, CU i k. Pacitic Co., was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. To rent: Small house. 3 blocks from Hinh School. Inquire at Oa'i Klectric, or phone City 872. Pete Vandenlcrg. of P.ethany, vkasin the city yesterday morn- in. Stock brortH sows for sale - with litter. Dr. Krwin. Goo. Stevens and giving the requirements for a Dr. Marshall went over to Cen standard school. Certain nhvsi- tralia. Sunday. Fiight-room house, leal features such as grounds. i..;c,.,fl n,ir, .lr0u brood sow and sire, for sale. Call 531. 215 1 vu rtrri and has mada his home there . iti3 IiabIe to always give wwvvsvvvvvvwwrvvM . nmAA la VkBt A M II m VIA AT . T a Crr biiil-c. ' tui nullum- i l tm,,hla Ha n-a hmimkl I . - ,-., .. - down to ur. E. H. Smith's or- the Forest Grave National Banks. fice and hig injuries ,ttended Sirce coming to the coast, m Ua j n mnA .hfl imi. when bo settled in Califor- 1 5 T7m 7 f. t nia. he made the trip back to hi Kansas via the Isthmus. Mr. Fuauawa3amanof strong 10 fcxenange: A lot and o- character, and had many friends, room modern bunRalow, in H.IIs- He leaves a widow, his tnird poro, uregon; neany new;ciear wife, and the following children of incumberance; rented for $15 to mourn hi3 loss: Victor L. of per month. Would exchange lor F'orest Grove; Charles H.. an at- acreage or stocic ranciu Ad- Mrs. I dress rostomce box su, uan- 24-6 BAG LEY A HARZ ATTORN KY?-T-t, AW Room 1 aod t Mbot Baildln HILLSBOUU. . . OKKH0.1 E. B. TONGUE "? ur - c. tnmv of ILivmond. Wash.: 1 taiMiiiisw.ro wain j-- G j tni' Un, Verne ton, Ore, Ward, of Portland. Tor Kent mod. m eonveiiieiiecs. locateil on buildings, rooms, heating and ORFAJON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 - - ATTORN RY-AT-LAW Office up itaitt in fcl-.ulmettjb Rioek JOHN M. WALL J ATTORNKY-AT-tAW attendance, and school work are i.i... . 1 . ..1 1 1... .1 . 111. . t 1 1 ninu lu ur uiwri i nv iiiu iiui-i- rin liurKiiaiier, 01 l-aurei. . , . , .':,,. . :. 1 11 I . .1... I.,., T, I lllirnueiii unu ru n-i i iii in nr in llilNlsiro yesterday. Oiel.,. ' ..1..1.1.. I uesday Mrs. V. I 7-19 the Helvetia g;28 a citv visitor 0.53 12:43..... ,M ,'llN,V it iting Hi-hDols. One commendable U issell and John. Portland, were 5:14 . . r;H-K road soulli from this city to f J fif thp , u UW K1Mt3 ot MnJ Max Cranda, 8:09... ."! . !! :r, ' v. .,5 Jl. 1m regular attendance, and Supt 15. this week. miv!i. nno i.rvine says u vtiu l.e a iN'd fend to the farmers in tii it sii-tioii ihaI Winter. Work tt the eru-dter in the Laurel sec tion will continue for two weeKS O'.oiV, ut least. Imp Sale Household goods, eor.-istingof dressers, Unlsteads, ch.i h, 2 heaters, couch, Daisy wa hiiu' machine and wringer. .... I ..II...M nli.l.,d 1.' I' 111 II .HM lll!l- mill ... o t- II I.... 4 Wei;,, l ir St.. between Third vw & Unnell Farm 4 ., i, , h "15 miles north of Hillshoro, and 1 " 'l l"mth- . . . miles south of North Plains, at IM.-ert l.. rnaris the ;' t,.B . on km.wn f anner oi .mc.m nnv ue. SATURDAY, SKIT. 19 .e. in :: nUck Low. II in. tl5; !" Ii tr. U greeting his many friends, lie iti un. lMf imw.( , y,Hi ,4S; Kr Aits rrilieil to yensHirt to ine ,,, ii yn, tiv; i'y matf. 4 us" .ed'iid. of his win. Herman, who I . .1.. Ml .tlT.,vtn ii reen m riousiv in, iniunnin W. mrnes has arranged to Rive i,or gao: Kighteen pigs, fix suitable diplomas to pupi.s who WPt,j.s old. -Herman Koehnke. are ihticcI in attendance during ,'itv i0ute 4: Telephone r armer the coming school year. Rules 23-5 governing the attendance plan will tie supplied each one. AUCTION SALE I will sell at public auction, on Tt.os. Sain and Arthur Knox. of nliove Gaston, were in town yesterday, before the county . i ir..:-. c itirt on roan nuairs. K. L. Johnson, of the Wilkes Abstract, will om be home, his return being dated at the first or the middle of next week. f The Seventh district of the Washington County Sunday School Association will hold its next meeting in the Kinton High School building at Kinton, Sun day. Sent & at 10 a. m.. lasting a m until 4 p. in. Speakers from a m Forest Grove and Portland will address the meeting. Special m music has been provided, and a vm basket dinner will be served. pm The public is very cordially in- l"u viteH. n m You must try that Tango and v I :: A .. T. : From Porfland-55 minutes. ""'.l " - Wilis lift. 1 - - pa wwv I - . . . . 7:50 am or have il delivered or mailed. 1 HUb. ti. iUMiUK.JK. 9:13 a m for 30 cents per lb., at the Den 11:25 am of Sweets. .i.varai-w, 2:05 pm t r; H. ck:.lAW I Office, uputain in Schulinericli Black m l Ajlbl.ic luioo luaij kjui i it j vcic- I pro i1 he5 eleventh birthday. Hillsboro, - - Oregon Upstairs, A. C. Saute RUI, Ha in A at W. N. BARRETT ATTORNKY-AT-l,A' Urnoa: M.la Blrurt, op. (.Vinrt Uou uaUBOuo uaar.o 4:30 6:25 7:20 9:12 12:25.... pm last Thursday, by entertaining several of her little friends. -p 111 fmrnaa .A1.a r.laoA4 fmm lin i vjmiiico ncie uiajiu .w.w M.w ui. .aiiii.-t r .nn l. . i. .r.U 111 u.W u tlutR, wucn iciicau ments were served. Those pres ent were the hostess and .Gladys TTr.At.aef Vifila Vncrala N.Apma Fresh Kastern or' QlympiahVe desre to express oar sincere Colpin. Loriene Morrow. IVeld.0.!! Brt v-ura nnv Btelfi nr. Miners .V i r .l . i.-j I .nd t CARD OF THANKS Telephone office Main 103. Residence Main lo'i DR. L. )V. HYDE Sucoessor to Di. LinVlater Imv how. 4 vt, 1 ! hriHt.l itmrt. 14 , 7 yt, coll al tiilr; brxxl nntf. IJ 7 b uck tlUtf. B vr. ison; urn, . 1 ,, . - ; ' .1 1 are rcuuesieu iu pii h.-ad. I he voung man is better c-m. f.r.h. ott.rufrri.il s.x.n;ijl...l invited ,, ;,, heifrta. ransiim f,Bi 6 nu t- vt: j- all otht rs are inxuw. . mo hull caw. 111 cowii trteiMy Dr. i)'incing every Tuesday, If von want to boy a good k A Ce lot f niilknu.) c.,turdav evenin ,;,..i.i.r..,i miro.wh.re buck n r uuir.to r.n. irci.. r..Kmo, day and &. '".' ttnin :,!! ,.. .hone, or nle. - ird , J w UllV SHtll, , Y , nances, 5 con iro. er. Hillshoro. IL 2; phone wl(.h h,v ,ltriWih ,.,. 7 f M.iwmk.e , 24tf Imio Hi SchollS. 20tf bimlrr. Clumpioti ttirr.iMMriie mow ' . . , -,. ,i,iMiciuv.kr,i.iftmk,Bvc., Mrs jj, a. IWU rcturni Pearl Mulanix, the expert , , Miiciirii frm i, Vi im Tmis.i,iv from :n extended vis i - f ...... u tth at;. ...... II ixttiiif umiioiii t11 ' t'U j . oysters, any style at Miners thar,ks r0P tne many kindnesses and Lylas Kqeber. Helen Mason, ' Restaurant. Will also sen reiau. jna our bereavement, the Mildred and Lucile Shirley. " ujsooto, 1 rompt service. death and obsequies of our broth- if Vnn are iroinff to do anv Next Tuesday the W. C. T. U. er "and uncle, the late William hnildinar or renairinir. don't miss will meet at the Lvangeiicai Ihompson. the bargain sale of Lumber ad- rrederick church, at 2:30. All members Mr and Mm. kodu inompson vertised by C. B. Buchanan & Co. in this issue. from li vision of blood to tr.ei , mtn tnA horr, vrnninK; s miin r.nuested to be present, and I and Family. h. nl. The young man is better ,,,. f.r.l.. o.l.rr f,r,u i''MBi, lh" nvited. Cedar Mills. Aug. 31. 1914 3 I Thnrs thoroughbred Shropshire iick ' , " ' v. .. , ; in,', the hon season, at the Witch Tillamook ttas morning cents M. and Mrs. John Dennis re turned Monday from their New- returned port and Waldport tnp. v'slt Marriarje license has been is- B4eliar, between jth ami 6th 'Sta. Oregon arMrXWWrWWiw yjwt Andersen. M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGKO i Louis Ennes came over fromruv1 . near lacoma tne last oi me ai,u -"uh oimo. week, and was in town yester- Orenco. Oregon day. He says that the sawmills Telephone oonnei:lioiis. over on the Sound are pegging! away on full time, and that he helped build a big mill about 201 Argus nnd Journal $2 "ft Hcsilation rolls and Tanu'o outs ?e the names of two new niece I Cindy the De'i of Sweet b:ne Jirnt'il out. They miv Hiiro the Wis. (The young ladies of Punning J" and vicinity will given Silver pal Contest nt. the Fiirming- n Christian Church. Kridnv, W. 11. Program next week. Miss Margaret Roach, of Hani-' rM. Wis., visited for u lev ya with her cousin, Mrs. Sadie use, ami mfant won. ut the of Miss C. K. Olson. Rr. J. f Mnmlmll nnd wife. M. I'alef and wife and L. W. wo nnd Mi Snvlhe aro at i . . , i, i . i i i ir it ii 1 1 ii i iv nun airfiiitin. stii niitv iivn n. ..,". i . ii! i ... i.t .ik h!ia nr. I !ui..i. lKMMiirr ktiiui nnii, .iiuk""'" 1 I d again hi i ct.."n alee! hw. 4 plow, rived in llillslM.ro nnd agiun j 1mmi lmrnt.v Mtl(,!t. i n n liosition 111 Christ UeSt 8 ,..,. r.,m tlKl. home lml.1 R'H) lt ml i.l i,.. neros the Street. nu,n,ri u othrr atlicle. l.umh al iuhmi III R . ... .1 ... . . ,, ! .,, I.. i u il be g ad to meet Turmanf Sn e: S10 and under. . . , . . . . Unbnl.in roturne his lormer inenos. ea.sn; over, one w , -." vfoniiPl ..:! wit.h the hV aaT-cksn it.a. note, at 8 per cent. Discount oi -r - - - - , - - - ... or Mie: t noroiignoi e.. , -10 ,,amSi l)Vt.r Ul KMKl3 , ,, mnw,., mars oh . KCglS- - I" ' ' V , - - - - n i nnn ui a u. i - . I la. n. mil"'", y iiiiin i r, ..,, , ..:,, ,,,..,1. Ii. I . y.orneiiu,.niiv uunu John Vanderwal. Clerk miles from Tacoma. being asso- .... . - n is i i mauB. VBunuvn - " ' av I a. - J : 1.:. l.Hk.AM I - m aam . with her daughters. Mesdames sued to Henry Lunow, North V,rt.u ":n 1" .,: " Frank and C,,-p. Keynoidj. piafns. and Johanna Krieger. of 'f. 7.'! " I? HZ SCHNABEL & LaROCHE stein bull, l years tered. Gentle. A i!nU Ore,, County. lenz, 1, llox 82. 23-4 I.V.l.t K rmrer nnd family have "to Pendleton, where they ii III m'lko their future home, ii ,i i h is been in the Kastern for several weeks and his family went this week to join him Attorneys J. A. Strowbridge lulll im. Me.Hlenhall. Mrs . Men- ,!,Mth . and ivi. v aiupoeu .. u ' ...'i 1 VI, 1 r., 1 ' fa , i v. f Portland, were guests Vweok h-t "oek at the J. I?; lmpwn d... ' , homo above. North nam iae iewion. n carpenter, who formerly hil.. n carpenter. , ,. vmh!ll Countv. working at UrMge .1. on ! ; -,,( in illsbo,-o. iv N.. this week. 1 (HI il " -. . r !... nmoiur . . . . . ,l,ul II 111 f lit IlliaiV iiin'-'n ....... . .. . . ' . '..... , lUl I ' VUlllHir it (ill with 1111 tt( VA. i "in , ... .,,,. .i . - i.:.. i minus in in'" r I'ltu'shre lof lloRh kept no. ...... . . . , hop rtlm.,1 i .. . i .. ! . I He'll. 1 II" n . "in hit nun nenii' e ei - , Dm thi. r.. ii.. i.'-..,:.... 1 1 nicking m ins secuou 1 toe on. niul iii.nl Neu'lnn lo Alnv 1'hinos. a well-known inr- ! Pnrrliiii.t i..,'.. :i. i ... i.... .... . . .i... Mcnnlntf section, was - ..nn ininiiuil iu lJ o '.meroi me i'i.i".i-"7 ' -- , while. Ponnty Foat visitor, liioaday. iWiVamlervohlon. of Roy, N ' ?n t-nvn Monday nflernoor. 1 " neighborhood. f. , Jiwt returned from a 15( 0 The (Moo Chin win m "trip over Oregon, Washinn-! the Comnicreial Club rooms . bat C an Idaho, on business, and unlay afternoon. Sept. ft. jl cro.iu i i. aii ninmhers are re- r in e ni.iiu 'l l.ue op- o CIOCK. " f country. Wheat turned out' quested to attend. ;nd the ul fulfil peel ion in iioirman. of th? Racona fcs County H givinga l' ,ln 1 . wllsT'town Tiu'sday. C - : " V . " V ' ,U! ; .,ia...rod nt the Washington r v "iiu iuni's iielint blown up l"uriieu Ut) n I he Inlnn. h 111- Pe IWI registerei 1 Mrs. A Rirn to K. II. Northrup nni' wife, Shady Brook, Sept. 3, 1911. a son. Chas. Lazott, of near Ruxton, was down to the city Tuesday morning. Dr. Via, practicing at P.uxton, was down to the county seat Tuesday morning. Mrs. H. H. Boge. of Farming- county seat visitor Tuesday morning. Dan Ennes, who will have charge of the picking at the John Parsons yard, at Center ville was in towi Monday, get ting ready tor tne narvesi, At the Cong. Church next Sun day morning, It o'clock, the pas LJ..,iii nmneh. His theme will i.. Tkii ifWhnntmont ot the I U4 a iiii a."' Near Future." This will be nn introductory sermon to hia formal opening address a week hence. S" .11 i.m lth. The music hereafte t will be by. "The Cr celian Choir." This is a newly - '"Ls. nhnirof young lames X ' w Ul Btuay music together w j fn 119 Sundays. Wo MvYiaH to thank for our new cn.m. Wheeler, and Mrs. bylvia lUCK- yerboort vi, ok v.a... . rvi not. forcet to ask for a Miss Alice Sowell. of Sewell, Schiller when you want a good LlVj TjS n rhfV36 ' LpvI Satnrdav. Mav we have "" l the pleasure of serving you? Mrs. Thos. E. Cornelius, of Miss 0. E. Olson. .-.oi.im.en i nhi to be on the P0T"",,! i 71' Chas. Mcraauen, tne cigar vui.vi. wun ner son, cawm iiorgan, street arter his severe accident and wife, and her many friends, of a few days ago. He is get ting along nicely and will be able j. T. Kooks, of yinelands, to resume his duties as soon as above North Plains, was in town his hand heals. Monday, on a business trip. Chester Bridges, of Oak Park. While in town he called on the getting around on crutches Argus. these days, sintering irom an Postmaster. Lamkm has re- obstinate tendon at tne Knee- ceived word that Hillsboro 13 en ioint. titled to city mail delivery, and Jake lMtis. of Gateway, ore., when the town gets its houses enmedown from Crook County, numbered, with a map or the Saturday, with two carloads ot walks, it can re installed. during the long dry SpelL trattrrnk aiMlaira, arlaMU, T ntoct ntvloa in Autumn habl. I OflMcaUJlHtMadnat. Mbiitaltca(llaitt. !. w- I' I WA.fcl.M l.llnm.Mt. IMnnlua ... .11. .!.. auiatfttllt. tt(4iaaaMuti. unlcten ttteiNa HvrNWurk Mil Kit. VmeHi a aura Wntataiifta atfaati. Riutkincntitalirn, UcDrmagungtn. SMfayr ttcftnAfrl mil unfnra Mltttrtra. MraaaicaikaMea: Canftx a a at. aak aaf Vnattniaa, Xtlmtoa: WiarlfciU 1U0: m-1017; auVZH(tiin: Sialn 24M ank aViaei. Slaaut 80060 fai l taaiaMm PORTLAND. ORE. IS cattle for the Portland market The Farmington entertainment Jake came out to Hillsboro the and 80cial a(jvertised on the last (irst Ot tne weeK, u n.cc ... DaRe flf tn,3 ,S9Uet wag called ofr oldtime irientis ueie a.iu wui Orenco. ' ' ! A. V. Denny, of Beaverton, fruit inspector for the county, was in town Monday. He has made arrangements for gather ing a display of agricultural and .horticultural products , for the Portland land show, this Fall, and for Ihe Panama," Fair, and has arranged to nave storage n.nm nt Kerr Brothers real estate nir.eo All farmers , and iruit growers who wish to help out this worthy proposition are re manufacturer, is working over time trying to catch up to orders. His Coast Defender has proven a popular brand, and the calls for them have been away ahead of expectations. Ole Dalheim will come over from Woodburn in a few days and help him out PigS for Sale, Six weekS, tWO offlce Up-BUlra over Hillnuoro Natioual and four months fine growing Ba.m. ' condition. Call Hillsboro Main I hillsboro - - - - - - orkoon 334. 24-5 DR. W. E. PITTENOER Dentist DR.J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST just as the paper was going to press. The postponement is due to the hop picking, and the new date will be announced later. Probate: Personal property estate Rachel Herb appraised at $126.50.-Estate J. A. Hazlett closed of record, legacies of $8 having been paid children; bal ance of estate, personal and real, going to the widow. Estate Mary E. Hinman closed of record. John M. Wall and family have returned from Roderick Falls. The other day while Mrs. Wall Kooiua 5 aid HILLSBORO, 0KB. Main ami Third. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hornecker. I who recently returned from their trip to Abilene, Kas.. are more than pleased to be back in Ore- iron. Mr. Hornecker was in I yesterday, and saya that he is satisfied with the old Webfoot state. The Oregon Manufacturers and the representatives of the Live Stock Show will give a free, il lustrated entertainment at the . i . l i couri nouse. nexi monuay eve- TT . . r :Hntr.r TV1. ning, beginning at eight, under vFaiaua - the auspices of the Commercial Building. Main Street ri..w Aii.s-Hj I u.uu, nu uc iiioicu. .. . . I Hillsboro - - - vrt ii you are going 10 ao any i . - - - . uuiiuiiibj ui a .aaa aiaa uuu a iuiod DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Remember C. Shut and children i , KUe mPetmg h... . . ------ , , r.'"" causei : nv.inu bniihim In nm MISS mai n. " " ...i C'tit to Home orKunization home, Sunday, after an exie..ue(j nlghtr i tn leftvo their exhittits lUVfM v 1 Tk.,1 I 1iH sUi.rrl. aK llmM l.rolb nt the above nameu p.av.. aim uwo uui;. "n- o mnkp ns trnod nshow-1 inc a larce buck ran past them. tho Rtato and there J. M. was close behind them, but is r.o reason why our light should fortunately for the deer-ror for the bargain sale of Lumber ad-1 COWMAN & VALlAvJ. vertised by o. o. Buchanan . & I Arrnrnv.At.' CoMMKRClAt BAKi,, Co. in this issue. Harold Hansen. Dilley's pre mier machinist, was A business IWI bMliaavvij ww a vi ava. , mmm v aaaamaai aaa ww aw ajaa ww ( be hidden under the traditional Wall, as it was a closed season visitor to the county seat, Mon- ..... . imm .11 - no nnn nn mm nav. nnnno nn. m r tsL ' " " pusnci. ,. ,. w ,f , ----. r w. w.'s. I stay atRockaway