ULIJIroRO Atope, r-r-pTrMnKa ., 1914 1 IV '.V WII tSxi.. -j-tSSn HP':; 1U BJM.a I Wff" "HI kia It. I eat Tw4vjntn BtMCaal IMlai.. L- tit-IB T li " . "'- .it I nBitA4 aaaaaa. j. a. DAKtn mm CONFISCATED LIQUOR 1 aBta M'llMl llii,n H s 1 ' aa !-. a '- ) II Ill J mviitiiT or ClfCQk Daily Journal Coming to liilUh oro, SPECIALISTS From the CATAPliOR- c.,.r, ,,,, Wrnltaf shcr. c MEDICAL INSTIT UTE of St. Louis, Mo. W Cittern of a qaston IAID Will pay their first visit Utr Kijy in be Swrtdert4 l to Hillsboro. and will be CeiUf puiaiiii at the Hotel Washinrf- Circuit Curt has awarded sever- ,0n Jfc,uraay ana un" a! l-:rtvU of whiskey to J. A. day. September 19-20. a rai.l was made by the state of. tW d'y9 nly anh some months airo. The h'Cree Kive8 Mr. Hakpr an nnW recover a fifty gallon barrel ":!LDe full of whiskev: 10 nr IT. crallnna v - v pa, Ml IUII4 PKIVA1E HOME fOR SICK Under charge of experienced nurse, MIS. CHAS.GARDNLK. from Portland. Solicits 1 atit nU from all phy sicians. I'.-l of ear, hnajwinaiile print Phot. Main KVt and Th Weehly Artfus One Year, Doth Papers 05.25 Dally and Sun Journtl end Argus, One Year. 57.50. Do It Now Weekly Arqus 111 a llftV L'allon lmrri.1-9ii r,l. oris of i Hack berry Cordial: 2 bar- rels full of .part barrels of -My .Maryland" whiskey, and a bar a! about two-thirds full of quart l)tt!-s of whiskey, the bottles not being labelled. I'he liouor has been in the cus- tidy of the sheritf for months and months, and is ready to oe lurni-tj overturn demand. Baker tiiead'd guilty to the charge of M'i!in liquor at the time the case came to trial, after confisca tion, and he paid $5XJ on one in tiutnurit. and was fined $TjO on ..'u.U 1 .1 .... a kf t a . ...v.. HMjiuuinil irom i0. a 10 TW i. wrt .b-rWnf mM t .no. rj. wittl M 1 avs nn parh nf. trnf la hw. " "". " . I letiSi the lines and lail sentences lBtradiiM xnia new ETi enu They Will Giva Consultation, Examination, Adric and AH Trtatmaat Necetsarr to Com plat a Cart FKfL nn U IMl M Uwr "' MMit teklM ki-iaUc t IkM ! k IMl fttaa Ik IMlto !! r uvtr NMl f IwHnl TW- Iwl KIM Of CHROMIC MflKAftU AXU IKIliRMITI Kli H la tars aaMaai thai a aMBMHr atto w4 u Km m la aUtca U hu Iba at til at af aaaaiililat aach nain-i aiMili-ta, ka an la naaiial aiuaauca la mit aa tm. iaaaaaa your caaa. lta F' Ua twin at Okii tonalaaia. TlMr la aa aiaanwaulmi ar ark. Ia UI aa tal akatur a aa raa ar aat If ru aaaa a narabla U. Bill Iraal aaa i If kjcarafcl Uaf till tta ri aa-ua aa la arolaaf yaat Itfa Tka? Iraal aWfiiaaa k- aa an Ural f rm alkaa. a kaarla I rural la aaaa CATAaBU la all lia AWr.O KihMrt aana aa H aa-ar alii raura, br kraakioi tit Ik aaM lcaJt lana-acy kf IU aUrincal ak aMBUaa af aa4ela. II r kata aaa teat a ol rail w k auatiiiaa. rCLR CHAIR Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable workmen Bat lis in connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Newly Famished Shop. A trial w ill please you. JAMCS ANDERSON, Pythian Bldg, HillsW r huvinit been suspended during yood tx'havior. v. n. iteumona was given a I foivclotiure order against Mrs.M. A. Lane on a $100 mortRage. on property in Oak Grove Addition, and it is to go to sale. Wm. A. Carrick is to have $21 10 from the proceeds. nuui iMCKinson was ifiven a I U fault order and IL R Kunvon will take evidence as referee. In the case of Nettie Steves versus lnest Kroner there will lie no new trial, as the court has lenied the motion. f 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c - t 0M kat and 5 checks, each good for ono loaf of l!"td. Baying your brj;ad this way Rives yon the oiaitK lo save on your bread bill. KtwmWr this neil tint you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for ISo THE CITY BAKERY Main Strett, iWlsboro J. Wulferypercer. 1'rx p. kf.AL I.STATU TRANSFERS flpgus Free ft B ."4 Th Daily Oreonian and The Artfua, One Year Tor $6.00 thla fitves you Cftt? Argus FREE. No Aenls " 'Dily and Sunday . .adC6aAr(us ,06.00 Tlio Qregonian , - . , i ai all alaraara tl tha kamoa kra. kMlu4i-4 RPtLKFaY. la a Gnil aand la aafarlaf kuaiaallf. Madinal ana arlmOAa aw aua4 aaaa at tha taaral'ia curaa Uil ara kM aSartad akarafar Uit ariUa la baina la Uiaaeaa. Thotjaaaoa aha ka fiaa up all asaa af aar kala( aurad aaa ka aa ttr tatailf f a liratlau la ammlt aknlad aparUI'tU af Nallaaal raawtaatoa. tMwnbar trxlr kiioal aara af a4lela aMklaa4 aith tl-rini-itr (ia Ikaai aaalrol af luin'- Ihtl ih-ra aa m 1 1 1 i i f ja kata WEAK (Vr.. hu aa4 aaa Ika awl OCTUdT. Ha. auk h a rmark kkla (la-oMfr, tara all Ua arriin4 a.ik taillaa rsl(M. aaiararta ar fuarttonal Wln4 aaa. Tka blind ktada la aaa br Ihair mtlrrO aa ainknai Na aipariaiaoia. Coma anil trit lor rwiraalf Iraa alpartlr ''' an4 UnaUo. Ul THI la ri or HRilt Wkta aYrttM tlaa kaa fiiM lUdl Ttiar aar Traalaianla ka aanl a ilitoafk allh tha rki4iir af DiMniaf la affartnl paru an4 a aaia ka alaapaaarad Ilka amnka In tba all. Tka asrd aaa anal atuMmre eaaa ot rtmrna Uaa. aaralrala, atlatlra, kraia. aarra. krart and ataal alaaaaM, tunf and Ihnial tr.uM-. blonl fManlara, katku. aaiarrh, !!. aVafna'. Hu, akta f - Dm, kidntr, bllr. aiuiuarh aaa aartoaaaaaa. aatsta quirklr aud aarma aaallr rallmtf kr Ua traaimania. Alvi U talrkaal la lha worla tor AiLMLXta Uf MSN AND WOMtN. C art kaa laM aaai kaaaflni iratltufa at Ikaaa aaa kaaa art fraa. laarr af aaa b) kkallikaa. Iaraitln far MM (Ma to tka Raat aa IraataaaU. aal actrrtljr Iraaliaanl irira (looa froai aaar krala aa4 TlUllaa ftrr karr la your aaia artraltr Iraatawnta ara ml narra nul laan tha thrill tha bram and body aah Ml Hranfth and rlUliff, naklni aid l"lka aaala. THay rama ambltma and eourira non lira hill dran aKmi. and rlar dull, mud Cad hralaa and 3j rVntri your thouiho mm hard, torn tauarlaa and wrak. aad aaa Im4 aa If m war "loaina y ur inn." adw traaUaanla raaaa) nur aarra furra and brine bark roar rur and nn. Tka kw af aarfwt diraaUna. arrfarl rlmili la aarfart iwalik. Irarr karra and aterj kar of roar ahola bndr aaibana Ihrnuih thla amadarfal adia Tnararrf. ! Ua aihllra Uaf thrill af rmiih maka ararr muwla and raarllaa la aaar body fairly taaa and Unla Ilk kaa Fan and ktnarfjr. Trmbllnc, arry aaa aroatraUo and that II ml feattuc ranlth aftar lraatnil of Radio Thyrapy. titty rua-dowa, aaabanyd, U ml out. narronj araaa n lariiad I call tna try aaat rraa. NONI AM M ILINO AS THEV WHO REFUSC TO (CIl tara aaa oaa billion hoopla hi thta world any tall Uilnf la a II. and but aaa atmon tllm Ik lha truth. 11 doaa nut follow Ihtl tha btllloa ara mht" undrada of raara am Oalllra claimed thai a world wai round and rarolrrd. A billion Mllad klra a maniac. Noar lha ailddla of tt laaj eantnry Moraa aald thai II would ba ii IMa la aaad autn orar a wlra by maana ol alartnclty A killloa rallod him a fraud. Urll to aar wa Um aald thai anon tha anund of to knai tolra could ba transmitted from Nr Tart k Rak rranrlar. and Bail waa brandrd k draaMT Mirwn' i prrdiruoa tlut k tale ara able naaaaaa could ba Haahrd orar tha tra.-k laa aillaa of aat arparatlat fapan from Baa Vraartarw without wlna aaa kallad aa tha yu af lb raalary. Thnaa who Ulkrd year an af aaaatkllaa tad eatjl ratdt tad alattrla Irac " wart aaxtlod at Wka wm MM tad ata. to killloa at tba aaa Baal Allhoturb tha cttanrmraalt bnatmont It bttni iaaalyaly aaad la kuropa tad throiirhoul tht Hillsboro FUEL CO. H. I. Seliiin-liier', I'rp. Headijuarters in HILLSIIURO TRANSFER & FUEL cos', office in Washington Hotel Bid. - Dealers in Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood and 'oa!. Phone Main C02. ' Will You Eutld ? If yon are (!0'"K ' ',u'''l '' Spring or Rummtr, are J. S. LORSCNG, fur price ou liuiiilinu ami excaratiut;. Kstim.ttrt Kivtn fee. All work it guaranteed. No paymenU ontil work it completed. J. 8. Loreting, south Tliiid Sirril, at 8. P. Track; Tele phone Mtitj 334, HtUlnrro, Oregtm Givc.Me a Trial iV!anlr Snow to K Snow, 4 Iota blk 15 Mi itfi-r Actra i C 1' Haul, to M W Ilrppetly, 14 89 K r jupiier it I e 4500 li I kmaiii to W K AMinuer, 7 y85 t Kaat IIIki oo O Jolinaun ! I'eitf lKlniirll, J - Wim Ijliitta 9600 Aliie Ailkiiu to J C AtnulroDK, 37.- K,i a arc 7 ji jo a tr 6 1 1 a r 4 w 10 J a Aiulrtnon 10 W C libble, lb.ll 11a 1 1 UriHik I'arm -3500 Uia 1U cue to D ira Glae, 70 Hid lot 1 ec 4 t J n t J w 10 vleu CvHiwlutaa 10 K K Dlckerton, 10 a arc J5 t 1 1 r I w I S K .kl..uKl to li W Klrod, 15.16 aec 5 t Itri w I Cliaa 1. 11 An to S Brrdtu, It in blk I M irKtn'a ad IIIo 1000 U na ur K K H ooka to Alnilra llrnoka, 4 a arc 1 1 r 1 w . . 1 R J himw to K A Moore, lo aec 15 tj"'5 - If !; A Mooie to Mar M Kui((ht, atme na above 400 K II Colrnun etux to California Home H.uliU-rs H Iota I & M td llho. ..5960 Sliuic biivint! to Thus Stlniaon, lot lb Hoiwick Acie 10 V trrt. O egon Trutl Co to John C .SirrtiM, ir JJ ir(inU l'lace (lea ?! HCir) US I, M II t to Mrs M J Uiadley, tr 15 Nt wli i. Arte K 0 initi II rk wllli to Johanna Fucht, II tr( Id t I It IO0 II J Gft ll 10 AiUi ph Sehumachar, 3a mrcist 1 n r 1 t 9 1 kc 36.... I Urrmi n Mrti;rr to Jennie. Paiker, lot x hlk IS Metzxer Acre 400 llrmy I'rnnk to 1) K Fituk. 1 j aec 3 1 jj 1 1 1 r a w 10 juo Frank to Same, tame a above.. 10 Ivii ibetlt Funk to hame, .7S near . kirtlvilie, to 0 ,U' k K lo S .me, It S blk I R'd'v 175 liu li hr.illy to J Btiley, n Iota 1 it 1 1'lk ii t'laim S Anna Wilkin to John Wilkint, 40 CI as l.r w is tl I C FnrnilliKlOll.,, . 1 tuned Stk'fa to R C Fair, 160 aec M t t n r 3 . Patmt L A Pikslly to 15 J SkMinort, t lot ti k tT sOad IUo I Aunt ilrrtlcll to Nieli Hnnaen, 5.10 n tu Cornell Road ....a S ... it ... . ti j k Kecvra .0 ua..m. a ""'''!""..-. I ranrMPnt Snirella enecAfs- al.ll .Iceil to 100 atec 33 13 n r jW3o7 , 7 1 Vir-ii n , Iii-Rvtitonisiange to Harold johan- not sold in stores. Will call at m, Kit i blk 17 Bmvertnn .... , 10 homes on request, and do the lliMiimii WetiRet to Grace Stem, lot flttinfft and teach how to a(Jjust Same to Ueitha I.hiiiicKt, lot 6 blk 6 Per Cent LOANS OUainahlr- to buy. build or improve larm, ranrn and city property or re move iiiriiiiilTwnrw llWelrom; HtwiHl I'riMlnk'fst and ltraNniialie TrritiH. For pr'mitiiii , adilrfw: rhiaiicn l.''t.,i;i-;,llu-U nM(.,lallat.TeiaK. ! Wlilnton Hottd, Monday. Weln(day and Fritlay lha IraatiMol of chroalc. dirncult and laaf ataadlat etaaa. M aaa arar brfr bM tomdiiiad to lha Watt Taa eaa not afford w aaarlaak thla arnortunlty lo aat wall. TARICOSa TRINR CVRRC karmaaaalir to a 'iJkMbtr tola tlharal ar to for thla tint Ma taly and ant ana raal will ba rharrrd for aM aha Traalaa! required to naka t pama- ajaaa ear af all Ikota eoauaeaclul iretUaaat aa atolrtottoll . Itaanaya Dr. Gertrude Phillips Onieopalbic Phvxivian- OiHce hours, 1 to 4 p. 111. Home calls, to 1 2 a. in. W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKKR tit Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. 1 HilUboro, Ofogom Tell Your Friends Remember Dates September 19 and 20, 1914. Call for Warrants All Hillsboro city warrants on funds other thnn the General Fund, marked "Not Paid For Want of Funds," are now payable t the office of the undersigned, tml iuterest will cease after April 17, I9U- F. J. Sewell, City Treasurer. Hillsboro, Ore., April 16, 1914.- ' Recent Inventions. An nsb ran to which n tuimlla pan ha Z and wear the corset. Our tailor- attached to convert it tuto a lawn ,, Metier iso ed made-to-measure , corsets, in- wlk'r pateoted. JohHima Fucbs to 15 K Mnnn, 10 cludinir the latest front lace, with In ut'w lueuoator tho eggs Rre so rc 36 1 1 r 3 w .1500 an experienced corsetier service, uppwtea unit tne uioveiueut or a lever f mi f'.. 1.. U.i.i ti.roitiin H I " .... 'I ......... ..11 i . H. M .. . iinri.iuru. a - Innot nnmuro thun hurh i na nnr. u i WW iiroper alhucl H ook. Fhmii. .............1000 wj. dit.inee to prwlnce the best results. vv i) Roditi)si!,:h to Provident Trust sets purchased in stpres.-Mrs. ,,. u . i,ni Co, lot Portland H(lits Ho a.... 10 M, K, L-aud e, HI ISDoro, r ittD , . , J " I ' . . I IfllltilMlvr tll III, ll..,. Iliirtlil, . u-l.lnk I 1..Ui,nn Ktwulo Uknno M n ' - !" ' " rtnu vaLr.au.. ""l. limy be towervU with a rope for trim 1)0 not fortret to ask for a 0M' wu , nilng street UshU without the use of Schiller when you want a Rood Dr. E. H, Smith and Clay bidder. in rent, smoke no coueh dust 'r Freeman have returned trom or mstemnR metm to wood were in the Schiller. 12tf Goldendale, Wash., where the 111,8 i'0 Pteuted a galvanized meei . fnrmor ntfpnrled the berisolo nf M" "'" ,u aprenn- Michael Cantwell. for several x.ta ru- tt,on ;n '"S to exclude moisture from the hole J...I - tf liwiawHi J '" I .,..11 .....1.. vntira n rpsini'iii 01 near muuii-1 " " fainrialo. where he owned the The Grand Marca is the most hind on which the Bishup Bros, wholesome two for a quarter" Pert Personals. miii ho heen oneratinir. died at smoke on market made in ure- t,,a nf his niee. riMr Con. by R Schiller. When you London bns lO.OOO 'poHcemen, and i a,i.ilnn in rioplramoa indulore in a Cood smoke buv a Pjlvla can back them all off the board. "l ti"j s- iojo .. . .. .rr ii i:'. . .... Now that it brief run Is over we was norn n iieia.iu m .. rnu iinzer, weii Known nere lnnv refor to Uuertn-a aa the clorvthat A A a.i rtrt UirtAN 4B tlAllnrf 1 A 11. - I T Ml.-l J I " --- w nmo to Atneiik'n nncii a juuuk a3 manager ior uio nuisuuroana I grensed.-New York World, man. tie o ?'" r orest urove eonueusers, came , u be doe8 not wln 0De this year Sir . A. 7 4Ua fMaial AaWajk I !. H 111 . Al-.11 av .r? L J was a veteran oi nio viu mver irom oeauie me iirst 01 ine Tuomns Llpton may coticliide to boy ,. ' . . weeK, and nas oeen Kreeting him a cup of his own.-Chk.-ngo News tost R anWOOU III lUf llintuci t;nnA ahnnt fha turn tnuvna fir - . . . , a , I il ICIIUO OILFWi. . ... w w . 1 . ' v pet prices ior rail or oummerue- Beveral day8i i- Htof All Irinnal livery. occ nic . tsrL J UH-.I a r ,.innA If II. Sehme t2er. nen in ruiuauu myo i uic ut yyv. - 1 tT.,l tf Woof PdI, ont i iulci uaw i vrv.au I ui n iiu Miss Manche Lanjrley, of For- Morrison Streets, located in the est Grove, was down to tne city heart of the theatre and shop- Tiiesdavon evral business, ane n ni districts witn an the con- has just returned from a vaca- veniences of a modern hotel, at tion at the AiiiamooK Deacnes. , reasonable rates, uien nite, n-,.,!ii .niiVJr. and Oliver Managen mi i0 fn tha Jnliv and lAckev J. I. Pnckett. of near Banks. U III! t.I ITukS V llktw wvotT W 1 . - . I a Tr 1 ma. .'.(. rlMaa a f tha rk V f" t ' Oil fi f Dm III hui varns lie BUrc l-nu mvo woo uvwu w m wuuvj ovan l.li i urauiia Wlllintu Wnldorf Astor is understood to be wining to sell bis Londou papers. the rail Mull Gazette and the Observ er, because the newsboys cant Bos ton Globe. - . A Hard Bump Coming. uer ina ijocs tnnt young man you've been keeping company with In- tend to get married or to remain sln- Daughtotv-I think he's on the fence. your orders for them. .E&Ct3ei FORD Uic UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective frcrn August 1, 1914 to August 1. 1915 arid guar anteed atrainst any reduction durinjr that time: Touring Car . -Runabout - Town Car ... 6oo F. O. P. Detroit, all fart folly iquipped. (In the I'nit.d States tf America only) Furtrwr. we ail' 1 ab'e to tbtaia tht Bitiirr.am rfTieierey in cor factory pftmwtKm. and the niiniirinm coat is oar j mca-Mri jr and aalea depart aienta if we can leach an i tttjnt of jno.nrorart I eta re a th a hove dates. Aad shea ! e reach this pr(Kltieti n, e nKyee to pay the bayei's iharo frtm ( tu to r'Viiei car (on or atunt Atgaai , 1915) lo eet retail liayer who purchaact a new Fotd car bttweta Anvoat 1, 1914 atd Aagatt I. "Sl'J. For fuitber particulars regarding the-e low price and pro6t-ibtriDg plan, tec the traiett Ford Eracch or Dealer. Wilhes Auto & Garag'o Company Third Street. Hillsboro. Or. 549o - 440 C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro. Cornelius and North Plaina Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bag's. Car lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at anytime Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price Telephonesi Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. SMOKE Og Coast Defender Oe "The Best in the West" Co De and I00K over the BEST display of the BEST tobaccos sold. 1 will tell and show you all abouf them. You are welcome any time. These Cigars are sold every place where good cigars are sold. COME AND SEE ME MAKE THEM C HAS. F. McFADDEN Roam 11 Hillsboro National Dloch 1 Co ?V f HOLSTEIN CATTLE j f One heifer or a carload; With calf or coming fresh; White or mixed black and white; Immediate or deferred delivery; Cash or terms -Prices Right. COAST CATTLE CO. EUGENE. ORE. Othce at the Eugene Creamery Closing Out Sale WALL PAPER AIMTS,CTO. ART aooos tawaaRaaaa J. MURROW Svcond Strat THE LIFE CAREER "Schoollne In yoath ahould Inrirlabtw b directed lo prepare a pmga la the beat way for the brst permanent etxupatUm tor watch b it capable.'' prcaideatC W. Bliot This is the Mission of tha Jl FMislxth School Year Ooeas SEPTEflBER 18th, 1914 Write for illustrated too-nafe Book let, "THE LIFE CAREER," and for Cata log containing full information. Dtgrtt Courses AOR1CULTURB t Agronomy, Animal Husbandry,DairyHu bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Hortkulturt. Agriculture for Teachers, FORESTRY, Logging engineering. Home Eco nomics: DornestlcScrence.DomstJcArt, Engineering: Electrical, Irrigation, Highway, Mechankal, Chemkal, Mlalr Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACi. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Vocational CowriM-Agrlculture, Dlrr Ing, Home Makers' Course, Iridustrtai Arts, Forestry, Business Short Coitrse. School of Aaw-Piano, String, Caai, Voka Culture. Farmer! Bin!nu Court by Mad Pram . ' Addrraa THR RROIaVrRAJk, ' pw-MitaM) CanaJUA. FOR THK Best Fire Insurance AND PROMPT SKTTLK--MENT OF LOSSRS 8KB JOHN VANDERWAL Aent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. PtdfitiBtataa n EUJLECy? Patterson . Undertehht Company c G. A. PattenoRk Mwf. ) FUNRRAL DlRHCTORS ARD KatiALMRRS Free Chapelt Udy Aafiaiaat- Over Hillsboro HamitRre ildw. Co Night and Sanday PhoM City l$J. Day - rnone Main 773. House and lot, t, rtrrr f provements" rrli; trrae f.ns f . - - - naaactist a aanatu