The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 03, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 21
'Mill A M P HflKUhS ,,aT'liw,r,,iai' nin nnrniin
uncno uflu btitbUb
ire ML U linillLUI
, ,.! iii nil SKtHun
u..rl,l Urll a
II. jl hlul itf
i . . t 1. 1.' Il'.it ilflll
ihinvrt-" Monday
l,1)v,i on thai nsif.
.1 I, iL 1111 5:it.
L ami T
nill soon
miay. ami the 1'U I
U' housed uiil
.murk, t H ""' I"'
Ljl! ir per hundred 14 he-
Mi. nrvh.r mi.! u.e
krt fr ll ' 't dm not
lad. -w i llMiiitrl a war in
t . ...... I i. l .... ......
annual li"t littfr-l liu-ans
- .1 I
r , . i . f a 1 f , ...
.in,U i'i dollar in torn mt
n, ii m -Hltiiiatiil inal
SimI iM-.i.If art interested
w . i.
I, ft ! Many
- .. .... I... I ll...
I'll ill Ilsf IIHUIK. " "
Ur) i-ii.lit w nktivH
oniiiai t. M it i-lirtiui i in
(.jrvcts K mmr, cioii.inif
,Jt,y; money for t lui h;
MkrfllM ir i'rk to
). t ul Ill' !I"S HtiiiHM V
llu1 wilue of n ilolitir,
M I dl' i 'l I'l'Olllt'KH'K,
. I 1
i ... i
nl aii'l iii:i ni nunii
d f..r t! N.miiiT t ht i- at
l prso- ..f hup" ai ar !.
ktilfi'i. t ir rlioiiv iiHliii t.
not Uiniu'lil thai ll.' for iv'ii
till n sin In if 1 1
I, tut tin . f wurii rcni:iitis
iihsti) i ii.l(.rilM'ri,l m- itli
Iffcanr t .vlimiUl Ik? tii)fr l
Irof tu i'fk i'f
I'l IU IC SAl.ll
umVrfivr " ) it ill ftt p'll
IiId ul hi4 hum. niiU-s
H . . III) . . I
.tsi hi iiiii4inin, vni i
JuIiuh Al'uhr farm. l-in-
it 10 o'li.rk a. id., on
, i . i, i fi "Ii I rli ift. II l
, J III rdl J .11 I , i ! -.i'l
l.f.l, , I,. ,, ki, I In I. '
II Iii.m. I, ,rt rU. I III 'l
lllHU l.i.i.r, lilt mi 1 1 yi. tl
'k .t; ii i Inn, i. im iii.ioi , li
hy f .kr, iiii(j.H tl hii, t" V
hin. i lnw in lihl-l, ii i
I M Id: h v t i ii u it uiW, tmiw
l'ui. In.k. liviik. imt
Holm, in nli-f liinntl. fw
I I" liniil", tt.,ll Ih. I'HiI. Ii
M l. tt. i, l. i'k'.il milk i' hi
ft l"vf, Mn, i Iii. ken, ilniii
il iln'i; i, in., kilr. I.iiii mimI
Jul I i:i i,r irw rl wihii
o.Uii; ;,miii mi. I aitKi r, tin ll
wl l.n. ,,1. r, vti;i tli m Ii mit
ilinmli, :. , I.mi. Iiil N.mhi,
rmsui sii) aminn. it.
i;owr flu, h iii onths' lion
)l'miv.', mid. with .inti-n-Ht
v r.ue hi H.f tviil. imt an-
, lwi pi r t i'iit. oit for cash
MOJS 0iT fl).
A. O .Inhnsnn, Owner.
U Kuraili. AlU'tlilhflT.
fin Vantlrrwal. (Mtrk.
'. AM) V.. & V..
PW'Ht tin' P. Ii- N . trainx
f'tru'. ttrtil Htop at the !
n Miiin Mr.'H.
To I'ortltind
ii p ... . ..
rivimvc i ram ii: J7 n. m.
.'ynvill.. 1 1 .in . 7::t; a. m,
('""" ii .ii 'i u.fis n. in
Hirovc Train 12:5(1 it. m
mnvill,. rrain m
t ( Train. ...4:l.r . m
IP Irani A-M n. rn.
""villi' rain C;W p. m
w.mvi. ra,, 9.50 r
1'i'oin Portlaiul
ne irjiin 1 0.1 r. .
iinra...p,lil u, ill
' . u. 111
uy in u.f iicntli ovtr 'JiMi
tir'4 lam- m t-urn . 1'rastit'ailv
'"'K'i ' n litntM-r hux t--ri i.-Htrjv'-l.
thf tirm tl ni.t part
Iwnjr c-onrmi'l t olil brn.
114.4 of li-i'tmi; i-iii,t,lt.rit haj
Im-i'ii nimtaiiii-ij jn a fpw ia4'.4.
llii'iii'mt I'li inion raiiK of fir,.s'
is ri-jMirii.1 tn I.- t-ariUH-r ami
rarirluT tuirninif HlashinKsi.
I.H'htniiiir hi .1 lim ,.n ri'Kin. f.i- M.irn. firiM. country
i4 vi-ry Mnmky in num. loralitiin
ri'n.lrrin- H. ImikouU 11ti.-l1.44.
A a r-4-i!t ri Mirt4 that hunters
WiTi- t.-uv m! farnp lir.-4 uni-x-tiiivuinhnl
ami Imvuih f tho
hfiK ilry n.'. Cuvrrm.r Wrut on
Aut'ii.-t 17 ih rlari'il a cl.141-1 4i.3.
u .ii .... L.. ... - ... ,.
. ii -rn liuiiuin: uniu ran ram4
iHVur. Ihi r.' an- approximaMyjlaw-thU timi' down at Iw An-
i 11 me, .-nan ami iiovrrn-
mi nt war in4 LMiarilinir t hi an-:
oudsiili' ti. National Kori'Ht.i.
l'or Kali' nr trait- fur
plan KUa.-ri' farm; 7.'
rm r Uittom: 1' ucn-i m iian'
tln lialat ri- womU iiahturi'. Om'
mill' from Sil. t Itav iiinl oci-an
I'farh; oik tnil from t'hi'f4 fn.
tory; art watir to .Ihm"
iIho f( ii-a, rt vtisti ti it lioUti'in
ultl"' an. I other Imk: hate hick
vxifi' n 1 1 . 1 nuist eel avtav from
Ihi'i-oa-t Coine ami makt nu
oifi-r. l.iU-rat tirni.4. JameH oiil'l-w hv was several months
Into ! 1 1
t (.rove
rt Grove
t Grove
P stop on
P ami Fir
1 1 ninl Fi,
h Street.
r"L,Yii' pui Dopot
. To Portland
P. fct r.i
01 1 nin .1:37
"n Portland
" .ll:r.:)n. in
" . .3:15 p. 111
" . .4;;i() p. 111
" p. m
" ...7:15 p. 111
" ...9;()0p. m
.12:15 a. in
pxcopt EuRfiie
at at North
HtrtTts ami t
Btrt't-ts and at
p. ni
l AnKclr 'arr Say he U in
he Tu'U ol the Ijw in the South
ViMMlcr Hk Wi P.roltd Cu t (
Straight mJ U la Limb
O-rhanl Tholen, who worked at
I .mlier a year or m uk, anil who
iU4 ronvkteil of cashiriK a lia.l
check. Frank Jens.n. of this
city U-iriK the complaining wit-
nes.4. in awm in ttio toils of the
He. Tholen wa jailed here
lattt Spring, and when hi case
came to trial. tiU-aded Kuilty.
!! was tortunati in having his
relatives come to his relief, and
they promised all kinds of re
form. The money welched from
Wahinifton County people was
repaid in part, and on condition
that tie lea 1 an upright life Judtfe
Camphell yave him a parole.
Tholen went out into the world
and went straight as Ion as he
Kiirnn. Tuft. Lincoln Co., (he
W. ll llin.'. of South Tualatin,
i" day l:tit w'.-ek noticed a car
c r .u'iiiti on (us i!ai i, rarrymtr
uMHaf... lie ea i'ht the turd
im! I k fr miii it a ineMiaifi' which
,14 written on the Sti-amshii
Ui'M-1 ity, Auv'. I i. at 1 o clock
10 I h veiiiiit'. '1 lie words, "Oil
'olumhia Uiir l.ihthiti. TJil
inilifMin Portland, t), P. Kan-
in, Commander." (In the re
ere ci.,. were the names "Mr.
II. M. Niulh: .Mrs. I . M. Snath:
Ntri'iiiia" Mr. Iluu
:r, 4 that if tlx- lir. lias an own
r anyw here m iif lo re he or nhe
an tet it at any time. He
thought -rh.ip4 th:.t it minl.t
h.lte li-. n taki si from this rutin
tv. ami turned loose from the
I-".-!. Mr. Ilmz resides on the
inner Tenni4 'y place,
l-'ur :! i r trad'' -Handsome
tilV V'ei.lini'. out of Hal 1'. Is
tix earsold and weighs almut
HT.'t; lir.'le sinj.'l' or dmihle, and
Aiil work to load, line roau-
t.-r, la 1 m r K.mch, Cornelius.
Koute 2. 22 I
Chrit Wuest, t h e Second
Street tailor, was last Ihurs'lay
granted a dnoriv from Mrs.
Wti't. A riihT, who was
1 witness. le-li!ie,l that hJ and
Mrs. Wuest had auree.l. prior to
her marnavre with the tailor,
that hf was to marry him and
net his prM-rty. and then leave
him. Jo. lire Met linn warned the
man not to marry Mrs. Wuest
after th" d.'eree was granted.
md had that made a part of the
le.ree. Kisher told this story
under hard ressintf. as he hail
Mil it t. tot hers, who were relta-
tie, and wh) were ready to K'
.11 the stand.
The Pharmaev has taken the
. . . I . L'...I..L d
Wiley ol me I'.asunaii
ami will sell its Anseo cameras
at cost to make rinmi for the new
4lock. The Anseo will please you
at the prices quoted.
The old almanne, mentioned in
ast week's issue, and whieh was
tmhli.shed in 1SU5. kivm mo re
in reiiients ol Hie premiuui wwm
horse m est;illished hy the Mate
t,',.ii "1 he horse 01 au
work must ! 1" hands; lively,
1 .... I 1...I ...... .n
mi.-.- iiiih oroau mm""
eves: round harre
well up m
K. N. Shane, of near I'armln;,'
ton, was in tow n Friday.
Krvine Hurkhalter was in from
South Tualatin, Friday.
Alex Scott, of aUnc C,aston,
was in the city Friday.
J. A. Imbrie went over to Hi
more Park to spend Sunday.
r. h. Almquist and wife, of;
near Keedville, were in the city
Largest stock of wail papers
and decorations in the rity, at
(Jrover Combs' Furniture Store.
(Jala Kssncr, of alxve Moun
taindale. was in ton the first of
the week.
reier tvtule. 01 ijaslon. was.
down to the county seat Monday anithin about
Mrs. J. K. Reeves and Miss
Angie Harrington went tt Kl
more Park, Saturday, for u Uo
weeks' Btay.
Court Thinks of Putting in Appro
priation in Annual Budget
experiment Thu Veir Show
Money I Wintly Expcadcd
II. 11. Hall, ot Shady I'-oc.k.
was a city caller the last of the
The experiment of oiling the
roads of Washington County this
.season has satisfied all who know-
it that it 13 a
factor in road buildinj? and the
county court is seriously think
ing of putting an appropriation
in t' ( annua! b idet. Wherever
th.; dii t roads have been oiled,
aftr K'radin', the roadbed has
been smooth ai.d free from dust.
O'l ri
, " vivmnii uilll n'l-l""'
4 N. Truin 10:21 o.m.'Banka. Monday,
Hhnrt loins;
phoulders; deep
hested; sipiaiv tpmrters, ii.h
1,-ys; Hhort lietween unco
ulsters, and hock ami pusu
,id h'K's wdl under him; Hpct'tt
1 i.O .vil.oi mi hour on the
ei uat 10 n uiot .-. ....
road, and at least :i miles on l(,e
plow; witlt sullieient WhI to en
sure spirit iu" endurame.
Firt class oak and ash wood
for Bide. Oak, $5 per cord; ash.
.St -del vered. Mary 110 ... t..
llillstioro, liouie 1. ."
nroniPtly attended.
W 11 Morton, of tlio Hillsbo
ro Cree.ihouso. has
that shippmut out of r
Kranee. isn't the most expedi
tious matter in this world, tl
hm some bulbs si t.jMpl 't J
,h(1 t-Veneh capital July 2u. On
.... . . ,i,ev were re-shipped
out of New York, l.ein days
in transit.
Alcazar ranges are strictly
new up to-date. Colon.a -tyk.
ry'pifyinjrHiu.plicityiuid bonuty,
ffi est quality and , ..u'chanu' il
perfection. P. Oonvin.
John Miiddinr has sold hw
nl'ice near Yamhill, , and has
SSlid tick to Uillsboro tore-
John LipiH'rt was down from
lie first went to San Diego,
where he cashed some bad
checks. Drifting to Ios Angeles
I e again went into the bad paper
business, and issued two checks
on a bank wherein he had no
District Attorney FreJerichs
issued a warrant tor him and be
uas bulged in jail. Hewiil have
his trial in a week's time, and
that he will plead guilty goes
without saving. f his Oregon
record is investigated, young
1 Tholen w ill get but little leniwnry.
and it look as though a term in
San Quentin is coining to him,
land that he will certainly draw
I his htiine.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lie sale at the J. K McClarkin
farm, J mile east of Laurel, tie
ginning at 10 a. m., on
Sorrel mare, fi years, 15iX), with
foal;2 lav marcs, about 12 yrs.
11UI each; good brood sow, D
pigs, 3 inch Mitchell farm wagon,
almost new; old wagon, set new
heavy harness, set plow harness,
good hack and harness, new bug
gy and harness, Champion hind
er, in gtHtd order; Champion 5 ft
mower, sulkey hay rakp, disc
drill, fanning mill. 1 t-incli Oliver
chill plow, npnngtooth harrow,
drag barrow, land roller, culti
vator. 30 gal iron kettle, hayfork,
roie, and pulleys, cider mill, 40
gal barrel cider vinegar, hand
grass cetlar, 3 10-gal milk cans,
x-cut saws, spades, shovels, all
the household furniture in first-
class condition, and numerous
other articles.
Terms of Sale - $10 and under.
cash; over $10 six months time
on approved note with interest
at the rate of 8 mt cent per an
num. Lunch at noon.
J. U. MeClarkin. Owner.
J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
Oscar Fenn, Clerk.
Seven room modern home on
Washington, one of the best
streets in Uillsboro, on car line
to Portland. Just the place for
a retiretl farmer. Address A. C.
Kverson, owner, at Tillamook,
Oregon. 23tf
aid much less likely to cut up
J as. MeClarkin, of Iiur.l. was i into nt holes. WhPre the oil has
in town Saturday, and cail. d on j ,, ,, s, en roads already laid
the Argus. lh nA. thl experiment has
K. L Mapes. of Laurel, and ' m' than a expectations and
Peter Crossen. oi Heiveu:. wen ' bf rock has been
city visitors Saturday. tu ru thing, the bed ot
ilheroad being in as good a con-
beo. Jack and wifr of below ui i t ion as it was before the oil
rarmmgton, were in town tl.-.-l whs snrinkled.
J .iik'e Keasoner says that it is
economy in every way, and the
court feels that the money can
last of the week.
ISud Watson, of Forest (
irO'v e, :
was in the city Friday, on btni j
ness with the county court.
Fred Narup, of near R-iy. vls:
dow n to the county seat. M-m-'
day morning.
Albert Friday was down from'
Panks, Monday, taking out Ik p
Frank Keamis, of near Cre. -ville,
was in town tho first of ti t
Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair, of
near Orenco, were city visitors
Geo. H. Meyer and da ightc r,
of South Tualatin, were in town
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Larrett
returned from an extended slrjy
at Kockaway. Thursday Kenirifr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Southi rs
mid children, of Marshfield, are
here for a short visit with rel
FiiHier P.lack. of Portland, was
nut tho last of wt ek, on business
connected with the Washington
County Catholic property.
Robert Johnson, of near Cedar
Mill, was in the county seat
Saturday, a caller at the court
A. C. Shute has been spending
a fortnight over at
if expended in no better way.
The t:me for oiling for the best
results is in the Spring, when
r.iu ls have been graded, and if
the dressing is then applied it
means a hard. Icst!es3 road for
,1 .. ... . C ,1 ct J
rest vi in! summer, anu,
vih i roer gradi.ig beforehand,
a much better roal in the Win
t. r. riring the wet season.
Heretofore the county has di-
ii'.ed the expense of niling with
!,. districts where it has been
r.j-plied. and lioth sidi'S of the
transaction a(JP'ar to be well
s-.tistied with results.
The Majestic Range
Is the one Range that excels. For the
money it is the best Range ever built.
Other dealers will not say this but the
person who owns one after using others
will tell you so. Call and see them.
Fine Line of Shelf Hardware
We carry a fine line of Sheet and Build
ing Hardware and no one can undersell
us. If we have'nt what you want we can
get it for you.
"Th Store That Satisfies""
Percy Long
J. C. Buchanan's horse, the
pacer, has been making a great
campaign this year. He made
2101 in a win, at Portland; and
won at 2:1 U at Centralia, on a
half mile track, and is in tine
condition to fill out the Fall races.
He was trained by Merrill Bros.,
of Cornelius, who own two full
brothers to the horse, one a 3-year-old,
and the other a sucking
Hal U
COIl. J- V" ii. 10 a o-i.
out of Midget, whose father is
For salej in any quantity, 20
tons oat and vetch hay; also 20
tons Alsike clover, mixed with
timothy and redtop. All baled.
Can deliver or be sold at place.
Hav at Witch Hazel station, on
g l w. b. liolion, ceaverioii,
Ore.'. Koute 4. 24-6
n p Hurst, who has farmed
the B.l Cornelius place, beyond
Mrih Plains, for several years,
has gone to his own place above
Miuvfinkie. in Clackamas County,
where he will remain permanent
1.. Mi- Hurst is a good farmer,
and has done well over in this
county or wasningion. .
Argus and Oregonian $2.25
and is now home, ready for the
Fall and Winter campaign. j
John Km rick, of above Tho
Dalles, arrived the first of the
week for a short visit with his
daughter. Mrs.. A-lolph Sirgrist.
W. N. Smith over to the
Nestueca, the of the week,
to look at a st ck ranch. He
went in via Sheridan, and drove
from there by team.
T. G. Meaoham. of above
Mountaindale. was a city caller
the last of tie? week. T. G. is
one of the boys who always
brings a buck home, every year.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Delsman, of
Tillamook, both of whom are
well known here, hat! their baby
girl in the "better baby" con
test at Tillamook, at the present
county fair.
On account of poor health I am
forced to sell or trade a 4 1 room
hotel. Would consider town
property, or some pmall farm,
with balance cash and terms, or
will sell for cash on easy terms.
Box 272, Willamina, Or. 216
Frank Weisenbeck. of near
Oregon City, wa3 over to Uills
boro, Saturday. He sold Fiia
place the other dav, and has
taken a position as manager of
the Mountain Ash Dairy Farm.
near the Clackamas county metropolis.
Ben Saline w, of North of town
was in Saturday, and says that
Thos. Kerr has nothing to the
good on him so farns twin calves
are concerned. Minnow was re
cently presented with a pair of
twin heiler oy one 01 nis cows
and the youngsters arc high
grade Jerseys.
Manager McCredie has signed
up Wm. Martin, the. former
Hillsboro pitcher, and he' will jro
to Ballard for the balance of tho
season. Martin has been down
to Portland the past week, trying
out, and getting a little coaching
from the baseball e'ntlmsiat.
Martin has everything that a
good pitcher needs, and he is lia
I he undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale tt his place -1 mile3 S.
W of Keedviile. atTcTf il."
Sorrel mare, fi yrs. 1200; sorrel
marc, 10 yrs, 1175; 10 high grade
Jersey cows, tuberculein tested;
3 of them fresh last Julv. one
fresh this month. 2 of them to
freshen in Oct.. 2 in Dec,, 1 in
Jan.. one just bred; 3 grade Hol
stein heifers. 2-fresh in Oct, one
in Feb; grade Holstein heifer,
yrling; Berkshire brood sow,
pigs at side; 5 shoats; Milwaukie
mower, bayrake. hayrack, Stude wagon" 3 in. nearly new,
Kockaway. idol box; light wngon, top buggy,
u y JIA J
Every energetic, ambitious man works beyond his strength
sometimes No man has any right to overwork without the
financial raft that a bank account offers to keep afloat on when
the old snap and elasticity deserts one and long-sutrering nature
For your own good we want to greet you next week-end
and have you place an initial deposit with us. We'll guarantee
it will grow. It's the start that counts.
American National BanK
Mai wuf IMrtf Sto., MtffsAwe, Ore.
set did harness, single narness.
p'er.v harness, collars, steelbcam
plow. 2 cultivators, garden drill.
grasps seeder, sickle grinder, j
pitch folks and other tools; U. S.
cream separator, Babcock cream
tester, .2 live-gallon milk cans,
1 10-gal, and 28-gal milk cans; lot
baled hay; household range,
heater, washing machine and
numerous other articles. Lunch
at noon. Term3 of Sale $10 and
under, cash; over, six months
time, bankable note at 8 per
cent. Two per cent off cash
over $10. P. E. Almquist, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer,
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
To Portland 55 minutes.
8:28 -
12:43 -
8:09 -
a m
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
.p m
From Portland 55 minutes.
7:o0 a m
9:13 -
11:25 .... - a m
2:0j pm
4:30 pm
0:20 s p m
7:20 pm
9:12 - pm
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus ? 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banking in AU Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit.
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, . Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
The Grand Theatre has install
ed a large number of new seats,
and the playhouse is now enabled
to accommodate 100 more patrons
at a sitting. A portion of the
front, to the rear of the admis
sion window, was taken out to
pvc more floor space. Mr.
Phelps is nringing back his Rock
away show, and will use a por
tion of the apparatus here.
John Matthes, of Chehalem
Mountain, was in Monday. He
says that potatoes on the hill are
filling nicely, although a good
ble to be in fast company before (soaker of a rain would mater
very, many years. ially help the yield.
. fi
A Cordial Feature of Scout Superiority
A dainty fixed focus camera made by the same
artisians that manufacture the leading professional
photographic instruments of the world, -better de
sign, better material, better finish, better inspec
tion, everything better, and it costs you no more.
Seneca Scout roll film cameras $2.00 to $6,00.
Vatchmaher and Jeweler.
Graduate Optometrist
Hillsboro, Oreia ,