I i t 1 i .1 ii i . 1 i : 1 v r in" Thirty Minutes Will Land You From the Business District of l'ottUud to oue of the Mvvt Delightful Home Districts Close iu to Portland. The Acreage Can le Found In Beaverton Reedville You Can Oct An Acre Here For Less Than You Can ttuy a Residence Lot in Portland's Suburbs. Look this up now. An Excellent Train Service Is !tablished by the Portland F.tii;- tie cc Eastern. Morning and Evening Cars. You can Live Here and Have Your Business Located in Portland We Sell On Easy Terras Buy a Small Home Where You Can Have Room. Our Terms Are Easy. Go Out and See the Beautiful Houses That Are Now Being Built. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY I02 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon Desf Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Reedville, dinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Oregon SH'tK Y.lfcU? lleeeipli tor the week have Ucii cattle. IhlH; calve. hotf. ! 1542; shv, 0S0i V attle liquidation lias txvn oi fair vo!um this week. The market is about steady. Ton 'steer telling around . cent. Cows 0: heifers 6 2T: tops on bulls 4 50t Extremely lijrht mvipts of hons for the week, business active, outlet broad. IVmand exceeded supply and the market Iheld the highest position of any other American market. A comparatively small supply of mutton oilerinjr. A thousand 'fancy yearling wethers selling at was the outstanding feature. Ewe trade sluggish and quality of the Iambs otfering was medi um; they brought &. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that taxes for tre 1913 tax roll will become .l.lmoti.nr m mill ftr JsVnU'm- ber 1st. 1914. and on September 1st. 1914. the tax rolls will be 'closed and the delinquent list I made up and turned over to the jsheritT of Washington County , for collection ot said tax. togeth lerwith the penalty of 10 pvr 'cent., and the costs of collection as per statute provided. llillsboro. Ore.. Aug. 7. 1911. E. 11 Sappingfon. County Treasurer. And Ex-Orfieio Tax Collector of Washington County, Oregon. CARU OF THANKS e desire to express our sincere thanks for th manv kindnesses received during our bereavement the death and olwmui'a ot our mother, the late Mrs. Herb, and return especial thanks tor tf.e beautiful flora! offerings. Mrs. Lena Kohl, Mrs. Matilda Bennett, Mrs. Anna Codekas. Mrs, Elizabeth David, Mrs. liaitie Boos. Forest Grove, Ore., Aug. Zl 1914. if n tr-i ii THE Ult.l SBOnO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL S50.000 SURPLUS ml mOHTS $25,000 An old, a!e an I conservative hank, located in the HnlsWi Commercial block, S. W. corner Main aud Second streets. llillsboro Commerrial Hank. irtatoa Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing f:'in aslauU'ii the lest timltcr iu i-ouuty. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DKIKI) l-LOOKING aud RUSTIC always on hand. Kstimatcs on iWiildiiiiiS Flooring, Rustic, Ceil iugs all kinds of finished lumber tor houe material. Wc deliver. 1 houc: PETIiR r.ic. States, Gleueoc Central, 37 HOfT.NUN, Bacona, Oregon U ik Ciffnii cw f iki halt t iw kii "). t .. r , iiiia 11,11. Wil(MJ UWn r. VYtliil.l. l" laujaw.t la th taut ul ! fit i"W " 1 aia ami im ni-'i i'"-" a-a4t mi I Im ahuaa IIU l ) wtJ ' i'M 'ii tMwt Immh lit da l l' l"M i.M n i4 IbM uwmimm. hI tl "! Li to l" " !. 'I. .ti.t It ill H,, '" rrlwl (XrS h'f l U riilil Hi, M II 1 Ut JwlHit nl liaat ll.t tH(lli Mim t i altl mtrtmt l alt tr il ! I Ir I, liirt, imI lb lutlhar uih il IU Ilk iuil 4 aj t f rxtil Irum I i, li I. a lit furtiw uiu l t M lll t l ! lw Mik It. lM:i. i;ta luithat aui "1 1' U lli-int'a kiiil lb lnJ Ji.l'Ui. "'t nf tin ult. ! lhl lli l.i"'g .'H. iwi,IMmiiM,II iuIii m I l"H I', Udahl. Ul I lillllUn Jt. I !" bl l U tt' i'l. IU Urn 4 lf I'' ' llta lt.xt il U'iHw " hliilu uuulf. Ili.'i". lil U li Ikcii b lh .Iii.iI', M K'ip.1. w. no p1iH Mult(a .lw lll.l llirtr Ih, Iu wtk, Lu H llll ! Nuh.u't Al dti.m ! tnlii II .-in. til iif ii luulilr. I 'I'd-hi. In l I" tlf li JaHMil l In lilitUl '' yl ! luu h " " I""1 Am viaiuiiti uilt ii Hart. I vl l..r l...l 1 1. ui a.l l i: an I InlsnaM lit l!fli4 !' "" 1 hi uiunuiii la bkivwI U--ii ! i putiliralkiH .jr nlc l h H'. ! ( (toll, jiil nl tli i'iii.. unit. mi. ami lra-l ib V h .laf 01 July, mit. I lil.-b .rtOcif II la !' i4 thai i' uiiuii.ilia li full Iim la ! It II lali n ' ua nu a a li'l l a m- nal la, ar.l (It .ll nl III ll'al iullialii"i IbXMil la July .'-. I' i. U b Jt iin.ar, au.'iii.i. fur ini III. Jl! h a (i Ult , Mi4. Pad fin I it lit.jiaHtT t Ciiiijoi, lolm lllil.l.,.!.! Vainlcrwai LlcCymsey Saumill Dimension Luiiber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill 1 miles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E. McOJMSEY Cornelius, Ore., Route I An auto driven by a Mr. Frost containing Gu. Hunter oni wife and-Mr. Pur.lap anil wile ami children. North Plains, turrud turtle Saturday morning, near the Glencoe road, just t iming out of town, a quarter mile west of the P. II & N. crosinjs'. Mrs. Dunlap had one rib broken b.j.'ly I and two fractured, and putfe-vd! some internal injuries., Ir. B;ii ley attended her. Gto. Hunter had an ankle sprained, but was able to j:et aloni; with crutche- and K?t into the Odd Fellows parade. The four year old son of the Dunhaps sustained a dis location of the collar Ixme. The other child and Mr. Dunlap, and the driver and Mrs. Hunter were not injured. After all it was rather a "lucky accident." For Sale: Twenty head graded Cotswold sheep. Registered Shropshire buck niven free to purchaser. Price S3 per head. -A. A. Pike. Heave rtnn, Ore.. II. 4, Box G. Phone ool line 4 Ilea verton. . 22 4 Dr. Erwin was called to re duce a fracture for Miss Carrie Cady. of near N'ewbertr, who fell from a waon, w hi!e erointf to a dance, one evening last week. She had started to pet out to tix the tail-pate of the vehicle, when the team pitched forward, throw ing her out. She was in com pany of her brother and mother. The dance was postponed. . For sale or rent: Ranch of If) acres with 6 acre3 clear; 100 fruit trees in bearing; good onion ground on quarter acre; pood pasture; all alashed; house and barn and chicken house, and on ion house. Runninp stream through place. Good sprir.p, and well. Five miles S. E. of llills boro. on river road. Terms. J. Q. Johnson, llillsboro, Oregon, Route 2. Virgil Davis lias Hold his farm in Shady I 'rook, and will look around a while before investing again. Meantime he may po back to Portland to work ut his old trade. He was in town Sat urday and Sunday, greeting friends. J. A. Vandehey, of Center ville, was in the city Monday. He says that threshing is prac tically over in his section, and that by the end of the week all will be over 'excepting a few settings of stacks. C. E. Koontz was in from Jolly Plains, Saturday. Farming is agreeing with the boy, and he looks as brown as an Indian, and as hearty as a lumberjack. For sale: Eighteen head of Angora goats, mostly nannies. All young. II. P. Strickler, 2J I miles S. 10. of Scholls. Address, I Sherwood, Ore., K. 3. 21-3 j F. M. Crabtree, of Laurel, wa3 ! in town Saturday, taking out hop supplies, lie will begin picking next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. New ton went to Seaside, Saturday, for a Sunday's outing on the beach es. F. B. Clark and wife, of Farm ington, were in the county seat Saturday. 1 am rv par. .! t,, of I'mlding tll, j CaUiM !., Screeiu and S, r. . ... . ... .11111 nriii f r,,,, ' lit.,!, JOHN l;' XI IV. W 1 k , H W Aft. xa V v lour Aniuut t'- fct I tonkey's Ry KnotV Our Aim is to Please Our Regular Customers Our desire is t yet New ones. Aud in cider to do so wc invite cim.uisotj comparisou dctirtuiucH a jrcat many things voiujurisou of cleanliness ol a More, sat isf.11 lion of service, quality, reliability of gonds and reasonable prices. ft Ionics as tlumgh the li Kuropcan War was oin to' make sun:- f the staples imuh higher, among 1 hem will be Ti:.S at:d ConfKl-. U'e are well supplied with these item and wc arc going to sell the well known brand c f TRKK TMA at 45 cents a pound iu UiK(.!oud Japan, l.nglish Break last and Ceylon and India. C. cm S. Circle Blend roast coffee at 30 cents is a real bargain anytime. Canning season for big fruit is here and you will need fruit jars. We have lots of tlictu aud are going to sell tliciu at the following prices: Mason j;us, pints at 55 cents quarts at 6; cents and half gall ns at S5 cents pvr do. Cohleii State Mason jars at 5i.oo per doz. regular 5 1.25. Mcouoiny jars, j.iuts at 85 cents, quarts at $!.( and half gals, at $1.40 per dr. Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Millsboro, Oregon GRAND WINNER $16.00 sxS' $16.00 This is the latest model of the Swiss llnrncss.corabiuing all the best features of this make. MY IIliAVY HARNESS On which I made my reputation can't be beaten I Carry a Fine Line of Collars, Whlpt Kobes, etc. Repair worK promptly cured for LHarnessShop L. E.. GOTHAM Hillboro, Ore. Mrs. Loia Mitchell, who has lived in Idaho for an extended period, in here for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Bowlby, at South Tualatin, and other relatives. I XNUH I IK Itrrull 1'imfl ttt Oi (! Otfu uf .iitiim t unci A Hi M. Oi.'l, Plaintiff 1 I'Uailra A. !'. IVI.n.l.lil 1 To I hall A. 1 , Ok !' uainl Laliulan In Oi uam uf lw ui il Oivaji.n. tun i blf Moiilll Ih.l Ih ii." (ila.nl.lt iaRi.l a .i"inl a'.( hi Oi ab.it anliOa.1 I imiH au-l i ' liMal t .,iulr. I-1 ti iMi an.l .i.i Mill niiiinitl m ii.ii lb Ut lt ot Ilia liiu iraa(ilM bf ut.t ul uubilrail.in btf, ! ua lI .n th I'l'i da ' x iii)ii, I'M Vnu at tulllirt kuiU vi Dial ll a.-M I. aiat ami aa II r..i.,. hi liriu ut i.l IIiii.i. lb )! mill iit rauaa tiur Ulauil l.i tit(f.l ! lala taa nl IIm I .-.iO !.. iumi.'1iI lit. r4t irf hr in ti Mt.iaiul bcvlu thai la, hit ila. ra I el i.iii nj lavlaitlig la.lnlrlf lut.l II. i.un niafft. Mitiif. mal aii.l uii. iuu be) lb aUi nitv. tilaiiiliit au-l tit !. liai.l .1.1 ..I .i.l. ... I (.. a .m tuilh ( . I i I i.i.it ( ati HiM anil tMl'l( In li fofls, I It il.m ..I lit lwi miu0 m ( Hi i unintu la llitlixlaf , ilii.t 41 In I nil lb Ul nU.i ail.ni hM. it 1 1 ui .!, fV.(rn.i. I Ui, IWU, Ih .tix rittitntf aaul aitiniif ma .( lt ttl.Ulir.l fif l. ca ImitiiKliaf; lflif!g Hit aal-l I Hi ilai ! f.i l.i..'-,, 1 bla aitttiftiiitia ..i.l.b. i-f i.ftlr ttf lb liilHfbl i It. l(Mtit. I tttl JIHltf ill W tailing t.itl I'tMit.lf. Or '.t.i lur lb im..i iiiai ln I n. ult iu ,i t.Mil frt.ui tftl. .-.ittttlT at Oil OiitA .! tit! bavnif lwt iita.iui lb I l.ni! u Auiutl lib. I'll ll-iliia A Ixabam AUna bil I'Muiti1 NotkcoJ Shrrlll'i on l ore- iloturt. N"0' la llaralif (ill ..i, t, ,1 I f t-'tif an tat'tiii.m, iiio'i an. ... ,i i. n.t. iaanr.1 it.il t.l an nn..f lb .,f i;. i it run I .)iltl .f Hi Ht ilr i. Ui.rf . I.,r II r I'iMiiitt bli.ytnii u- n h ila l ul, I 'M. In .! i.f la. i, i .. jr.. r rtnidii nl II, l i w , ,! ft m.il ( I . ran. ;r ,nr.,r. I lainiifl an. I ..-anutt him.. V. Ki.la. Jl Irn.laiil, in Ilia .urn i.l ) n ,, ,,l,r.i i bi n .ii a. i b ia' i ! a r ni. imt an iiiiiii lei fi lb , ,i., A hi. I'iJ, ami in imiiiM aimi uf mui AH niitf' !. anl lh luillKf aim, ui ; an, ialiiilniciil, .t ,, i!i,r. m.1 aii, I , llri ami riii,ui.ti,it, i,i i i i.ialt aa ii in ira ,t,.itl I,!,,,,, ., , ,, nii I lil Intiol tilh.H , , ,4lt I. I, II, ,11. ,. f r ,,,) ,., l ,4, ill ri.iiit.la, ii,. f,t, ,( (ta,,i,ll!Bf inn i in a.n'111 il,iti, in t . , url IIihw in in i.,ni. W ki.in I ., ii.i t , ii,r,( I Ibr I r ui III ui:,a A ( .,1 nat. win at .nl.:r a,i, ,, i,,r,r,t mini, r mi ia.li lit baml, all luv l.il.,ln iiNniw.i t.ai t,.wttr xluat H'Mli iiKKHit iiiiiii, orriii, t.i ail- Ilia N,.iil,..i ,,,,, i,, H.nilba"t ,iiaririi nM-uoi, . T-IM ltalt.it , Si.nli nan, i, ni , MMlillais lb mil! .t aall.ry Ibn hitirlntwl.,; ala . l antiia ami ihartatia ainl n wiia ,.( ,. mi in aaul ill; ,i. aal HI I. .u.i hi rnrn, i, M jf Ulitl i. .ii r.iiit, iirr,f.it, lbil.l at llllialHiiu l,, , ,. i,f Alt: I .. Ur., h,r,t ( Wlilifl.M, I i.lllil 1.. " J, I'. A,ilal, Utiiinlr, ltala H IU,., All.nii. f,,r hamuli We arcairpnt r . n . -8 Kerr BtoveB and ranges; Arcadian raS Alcazar and Brighton" Sity and Diamond wniw.il7K Wln . 11-tf. moiitt oi hcrll Sale n Pure t. In urc. mir U Mnr-1. lllrt.,, llil (,y vlrlim i.t II IM-lu d,-, B, ,,,, , Ml iwtuml nut n an i,,r ,IB .,, , B , ,f r:"i",'"'rl,v.'.""HU'""' "-" I oiilily uf W ablnt,ni. mill. n. nf Jul urn ... iM.r.ilrt ; ",""' "i i-ni minim i.li 'a w ''' 1. A l. II, lf..f, ii. , , Z i ' M llr.iait mi "llllllTr.t l,r...ll , . yf' r".1 rr""'im rr.ii ll.iiih ,, l.i .. . r.' V. T" ". mi.l tint lurllirr ." '"' """ ami HiniiiirviHriiia. , n.....aiu-r .l.-a. rl. J h. vV , I !' ''V1 .. .. Jri." Ii ' .i " ,1 " '! " "alHMUjr ih.. i . . .. '"""-f ""I. Mm amitlt wli'i" V'" iKIl.lH.r,., w.i, ,,, ,,,,, ,lf Hl i.V.i..T . '"." l'i'Mf r..r . , ' "'i mi n ii.; ilmi'rllmil .ii...''.r.'f.,,,'!,',''""l'lf 'f l-.t Fit. r.,i :. ." . ,",",'"'M",",""' A.i.iuii.ii . , in ... ' V rS" " I'lllafairii, Orn al ." "r" n'm," l-l l ; :r. . z.r. ",'" 'n .1 1. al . a ..I . . T' I'""" " I"" ..f!;,':i.,i",M,,,,'OM, Jy . i). A..iii7ti., pfi,i,iVi "'"'"y """i AU..ri.y , rintntllf. Patterson Undertaking Company O. A. PattiiHon, Mur, PUNWAI, DIKKCTOIOI ANII KMBAI.MKHH Free Chiibli-j,B,ly AmI.Iiuu "vrr ItHUWo I'umtture & MWl Mlit lid 8un.l.. I'hoM City iS7. fawn Main 77J. 31 ' . i ,i. ..... , , , . Try It If. lh) Jml A.J. HAKTk ,;i'T ItllbUifll . I by, hoi si iim aim (ii f st-s ft r ir b rar!.l, With Ca'f ur i .rt.ui.if frnh- Whitf or iiun l i .:' k Bt,J h:i- .nmt'i'iiitf t,r ,!i :. H.-.l ii;;...' t'aihur tt : -,i - I'm ' COAbT C ATT IX CO, (Vimf llosuuj Out Sale WAtt PAPfH PAINTS. HO. AM GOODS ' J. MUKROW iii i ll.iut.t and provtmtiti trn; f a munth. $p.l 4i-r io ific llitf fruit n and tlU V. i;.MitrhiL I'ox tiif. Bost Firo Insurance ASH ramirr Mi-Nr fH i.o- SKHIH SUMMONS. IN JOHN VANDKKWAL A,:cut it'tui"U !x Unc , Jthtic Fire IiiMiramc Ca iVlIM- Mlr. flit .nr H Hll.L'WM I rmw ci.rd AiviMl, .!im up to 12 tnchpH in duiiiii ! r. ft-nre rtiA and bianlH uf nil kiiuU. mW ritovewiiod h'tinth-i. Will go into tht country. Writi. phtm or call on mi'.- Carl Skow, llillib n. Thotie, Maui X'u THK CIIU'I rr i ht or J81 htatic o' nitKUtiN mil WAHIUN'iToN t'OI'NTT. Unlit lbtkina.ni. I'iaKililt va W,J I.-kin.li. I..M Iii , T.l W, t. IMi-kliia-m, lb" tt"" ..'ll.lnl: In tb I. mi. i.f lb l l "1 ,"7,-' hi art. lirlia riuif,M' ' 1 II lt alH.iiiHli.ir-iiM m. l '''7',"JJ it.rt rn.Vtr. h h ''l l.i.,,l.iV-K. a.i.-r lb Z n..t (..iimn-ii i iii '""lllZ .mi, ai.J if y..ii mii . .in";- " J' lf fr want ll.i.f, li." V "'nlij. in IIm I imrt fur ail-' ' "TvA liiirtba iMin.la nf iiiHit.iM.my it" l.rl.,f.,ia iul,iu l-l"' I f J? .,) iilah Ulf til. Hi Hi" Ki"i''"l" ".Jjww. I..IIIIII, III HlH.-lli , l " hi. Ui- .,f u.m iiini.il "'I;'""' '''i'jLvU ml .ml ,i,.i...m.,i..i.i ' ' r'J,, liirtbaf rt'Hrf M Hi" ' ",ri ' ntwl mul iHiiiiialiln. hf r..i...,i..!.i w ' "7VCm .ul.l.atl..ii In llin llill-l'"" 'T I Urtiiaorait iinlnr ut H" ' " ' rt & Um I'mtlll til WaaiilUKi"" M (I Ori(.H, ami mi l i' i" '. J h.ii, WW it,. i i.hI, i. uiiiiii m jii r i" " .. . tl, tlaitt ol lliu bi.l mtili-'"'J" 1 lli.ltill , ll.rr. Valll'kwli'il A II,, rni, v fur I'litHiHl'i liiilullnit, I'.irtUM'l, "" ' i Alien ,,. y, IIHHIi tin imm"m NOIIt H to riintiw"-' Nmlo ) humliy k'v..i H' ""'li'afw .i....r 1..1. iiii i 1I1.1 iiiiiIi'I'Ik'1 IU.I. I llll III T i 1 1 J i. .nM n-i ttv n-iiiipMit . . lMl whip" Ti'ntitnitui Tlmriiliiri i, ll Hir..n f.,Ml liiraiKliml, Hi I.Ih , ' .ii l."'11; Hlmrliinii, l. ll ,lul ill Mil" mitti. Wliinl) alil il" llrrtllOII It JUiy '" uf NaWi, ' . i .i w .... ii,. ..IiiIh ami "TL. ml T-HU.iitn.it of WZtiSl Orwi. wi'ii ".,,7 -,,,,1,(11 Hi" nr ,i'" ; HMiMif ItlWI