5 THE GERPJL'I FORCES ,tuw Arrolea Sf Inta a it J krt lklum in lrat I ImI UUl itiMIICr H NO IIMHMi f0aff ir !WaJ at Prkfa Hi foot ImIU in4 Ccat U I'. . tin' frtunfH f wif th u i.avr Ihtii with th (!ir nun arm'. ami it i ,at.Ml that thr Kair tiai nvi-r a niliioM mnr-liint tn tin JViMirh frontier. ih ( rm.ttiH luvt 'ril l'U'lily forward, ami tlx' utlt'A ml itt falling tack, jlu-ri hitvt Ixvn no riotalji nt a lu:hH durint? tin u"t vnvk. ln only nfw olr to conditioim i4 tli fuft that Jnp in Im do flanl war on (U-rnuuiy, and ha ti.-nt a force t attack the (Jit ma" iKiHioii! In China. Tur kiy i sii'l'arrntly iMting paly t.niil'-r tht fight on the vili of C.'iniany awl UtlHik Aiiirir.iii ari getting rcu'ly ,ho international liiuiv? on a hiif Hrult'i and tlnrniiliiMii have a l rrtWt on price. Wheal went t 1 M visi.r .iy. in Portland, and Wit a-W M.I.I at that llur.. with ,ri.tii U f it Ki"g hiuhi-r (UUKtililat I'JX n-r ton, tin l.ilM -t in t ) i'.ir. unl Miih llic short crop in Oretfnn it is ex mm (.-. lhi will hot tit hl.i-rl t,f ; ur 17 M.tHi uri linn at H and is I. aiih )rtajtcl4 fr a rai?u. ACCTION SAI.I2 The undersigned will sell at pull-In- :iU at thr Win. Adam ram-li. ii'.i mil" north of Mnuntauululi', al ti n a. in., on I ItlMAV. AUGUST 2S Crav mitre, 5 J car, W; middle u la. H yr; black fill. 2 rn; iii(v;n". I tuMmt Jin. 1 runaUiut, ami top buggy, Htcel tire: 1' aU hmfuy harnrt. heavy t'ii Larue, It inch half truck farm waifon, nearly new; .liuh ak'n. 1 1 in waon. nearly new. . .IIIY COWS -Thry. A 1 Jer twy rii , frfili thm Fall. 2 J-r-w hHft'W, with calf. 7 row, in milk. 2 row. 1 frrnh thit Kail. 1 to frhr in Wiiil'r;2 yr lunffr, hre.l; 2 rarlini5. 2Sjnnif calwt Thrrf iMillivator. fipikt'liMilh b.irrH. 2 horxp time harrow. U In hri-aking Jilow, kIkivi-I plow, i tlM-nhov plow, Ht-t ,i-avy vsmk liarnin-t, 2 ttal iron k-Ult'. Jin whi'i'lharrtiw, Karili'it culli Vator. irritnlston', x-rut naw, Kliiluen, witlf iM-avcy, Zfnith ranKi. nrarly nw; hi'ati'r. imn-aa. Htaml. riH-ktr. i chair, 2 iron In , i-x tctition tliniiik' ta blf, hitchi'n tinft'o, loiinKf. nashinit machine, 2"Nl 7-f t rcilur feflri pools, NnmentiiM other rtkl -i. Lunch at Noon, Tcrma of Salt $10 Mini iinih-r, mh ; over, ix months h,inkali!o note, at 8 pT cent. Two per cettt. oiT cash over $10. A. K. WiHk It. I. Cornclim, Aiictioneer. rg tlarilner, Clerk. M:V HOP I IMM Alln rt Ilartrampf, after several Vi-art ronneetion with the Ilar trampf Kt-etl Store, has nohl out. nm he am hia brother, Otto, ami Frank S. Johnson, formerly with the Scavey Hop Co., hnve enter 1 a pai tuerrihip in the hop ileal m himinetH. with ollicei in the Worcester Hl(M-k, portlaml. They ill operate all over the Willam ette Vnlley, anil as Alhert knows the ropes, the new firm will have the Hiiccess that always K'MS ' ith effort. Mr. Ilartrampf has miule a ii'wt of friemh in tlm countv, l all his frien.ls wish Tor the Hi' firm a hearty surcess. A (Inutile, surprise party was en J'ned nt the home of Mr. ninl Mrs, llenrv Harris, of Oak Park. Auk. 22, in honor of the birthdays f their son Will Harris, iiued 11) and .loHeph Werre. aired 22. The evening was spent in n$k and . Kiunes nnd at a lato hour lunch wns served. Those present were; Messrs nnd Mosdames Henry arris, ,)os. Werre. Will HukIios; MiHses KiizainMh, Bertha and Henrieita Harris,' Dora and Min- I J. tiuhman. Mane Van Ackere. Minnie Otipenlander, Klizahelh m Martha Schuh, Myrtle Units. .una iioKrore, Hertha ami Henrietta Keincmer. Opal Mit fMI, Leona Klinjr. Martha Wil 'rs and Shirley Hughes; Messrs "ill nnd Kred Harris, llerhert hflmlmerieh, AUred Hepse, Will n Henry Units. Will. Henry nil Albert HtrKert, Kred and Huhman, Max Behlinir. Vfnry nnd Johrf Jacobsmuklen, Athrt Uenderlinir, John Oppen lander, Mmil and Albert Van Ackere, Arthur and Mnrcell Vuyl ekr. Walter Willers. Ilenrv ' '"1 Howard Oluino. Arthur and Miewter Wohler, Arthur llunhohi. loi3 and Adrain Uuu'hoa. l'rl at , t . i .in r i irrci M ir'.rj i,rt.nt U,,L af,..;;,;' the si..,iahter hou-. v.,-,t ,.f town wh.l.- ha-u-,m. a H,.f which he h;t, j-4t kiHe.. IV,, M..it wai wor!.,,,. wi, aii.l 0,s,. was Munit- ti ,. ,,.f wh. n the rntcht-t h th.. vm,:i,h miiMi O'll. Wi-jht f U'l-fil ine witni,.-nH t,, r ;'lve. and t handle I'UUL'lit lirt I.I., f ih,. i:..; ,., Carl' l.fi ham llTi'flk imr It... "truck him on th,. (,.! f the heaJ. inlli-li,, a fl)l,r inche in IrntfCh. and n nd-riritf him H.-nsi-iMi W;H ,r1lfjt t; town and Ur. ily,!,-:,!t,n,,, the iiijuri.-s. ,. U;H (.rv ,t j of Tii.-lav nijfht. and id first it wai iho-i-ht that h.. meht mif. fer Coni iHSloil of tl. ,rain ttutH-ars to !. n.f,. frm this however, and may h nut in a few days. He nut the home ot his pari nts. Now is thf time to install pri vate uati r plants on your farm. It me ki-11 yoi an engine-imt-of the hi'Kt ma,,. uril n,,.,, olnif will piiinj, y(,ur water Hup. ply and yi,r pressure tank will distriliute it all on-r your place. Turn your fam-Hs and you have all the wati-r convenier.c.-s y()U ould have in town. me and let me t. il y(1 how it is done. JVrd Ilartrampf. 22.1 I he regular me tinu' t the W. ('. T. V. was held nt the Chris tian Church. Am,:. 2! The pr. s ident. Mrs. Lucy Si;'!er, e, t ,. devotional. Afl'-r tliu r.-;.ilar UiiHineHS Mrs, KeUey was re-e-ived n a metnl-r. After oth er matters of importance wire attended In, the l.ilii-erH fur the eomiiiif year Were e'.ecled hv hal ot as fi.llows: Mrs. Mal. M r ton. president; Mrs. (ucv Sh'ler. uce president; Mrs. Miner Shir ley, reeordiiik' secretary; Mrs. l'-ra Mason, correspundmn Hecy; Mrs. Curnline I.iind. treasurer. I he Hiiperintendenis of the vari ous departments will he appoint ed at the next meeting. - Cor. Taken up: lied J.TK.y heifer, about 2 years old. Owner prove prM"tv. pay charges and take same away. Ceo. Meacham, .1 miles uUive Mountaindale. on Ka it Fork of Hairy Creek. Teh ephone, North Plains. 21 15 1'aitor Harris oifers the la-t Mimmer sermon or ins seriex next Sunday nmrninir, nt II o'rl.K-k. It will he on "The Call of the Sea." The interest in these preliminary morning ser vices has Immui very yratifyinit. We are nil lnokmi; forward with pleasure to the homecomiutt of or frien.ls and to the time w hen we win lormallv open our rail work-season, which wilt ! S in lay. Sept. HI. We will join in the Cnion service at the Kvnn kjeliial Church next Sunday eve niiur. I.ady employed would . like pleasant honn for self and two year old child. ill share work and eienses. or pay hoard. Uefercnets. Address L l. care Arirus. 22-1 J. II. ILnii. lornvHyof Scat- tie, is talking of putting on a Saturdav horse and cattle saltf In ca.se ho does he will have an announcement in the next isSMe. He thinks the time is rip? fur this kind of a market, and lie ex pects it will expand to immense proorlioiis under proper man agement. For sale: Four young cows, fresh and soon to he fresh. Splendid milkers. II. R Crab horn. Cooper Mountain, Heaver- ton, Ore.. Koutell. 22-5 Maud Meihus married Frank Mcihus at Vancouver a year ago veslerday. .lust one year after ward, yesterday, she swore to a i'Jlfll nlniht. asking for divorce, alleging Meihus frequently told her he did not care tor lier, ami left heron August It. For sale: Jersey cow, I years old in Fall; gentle, Hound; tests ,1 per cent ; 4 gallons daily. I rice, tSO. -L (5. McNew, Iteaverton. The Missionary Society- f the Congregational Church will hold its quarterly meeting and lea in the church parlors on Wdiies il.iv. Sept. 2. nt p. m. I ho subject is Africa, and a very m i '.diiuf i. roe-ram has been ar ranged for the members and their friends. Cerman Speaking Society will meet nt the Wmnler lieh I'urk. near Centervi e, he lust Sunday in August. Allotlur notice is void. W N. Hat horn nnd A. C. Mul oy, of near Laurel, wore in vos Uday morning. They say they will iHwniiH-kintfnoxOVwImv day. hops being a litllo lato in their yards. For Sale: Thoroughbred Ho!- stein bull. 4 years , .. . - tere.l. Cent le. i ,i 'V dale. Ore.. IM. Box l 22-4 C R Wilkes has gone oyer to Mt. Kainier l'nrk. which is a fwonty-tuile square mjrg correct a corner. VV d W.Ikes went over the middle or the week to assist him in t he survey. malloablo. non breakable .ranges are made to lastalUotinio.-D. t"'win Ceo S.Oainos,and Donna h. been granted license to wed. 1 INJUNCTION SUIT IS FILED IN Hi Ml-'fiwy Ueo. It. UagUry Atkl Thai GilUxtU,,, be prrainej Sl I Kit AS PI.1V IS CCISclitM b H Pid thll Ta. Marth taml, nJ TtJrr Rjlaiuc Ihe fir-t gun against the new tax law was tired Tuesday when (ieO. U. I!;u.ey. t, wt.y g. Hare, i,., a suit in circuit court asking that Ireasurer Sapping tm and Sheriff iWes he re htrained from cmWinir nenallv and interest on the residue of a tax payment, and further asking that the iiLW law bu declared null and void. The idaintitf re- cites that on March 31 he paid l-T ii.. hi nair or the tax on n r, ,rU of land in the city of Hillsboro. wu August 22 he tendered $117 as the remaining half, and the treasurer refused to issue a re ceipt in full for the tax. and in sisted that penalty and interest were du" unuer the law. The complaint sets forth that accompanying it is the $117. for payment in full. is made that no proceeding be Tiiugiii in enforce collection on any tax where tat h lid luion paid. Section XS2 is cited as authority for tne half-tax pay ment. As tiiL' tax is collectible under delinquency on September I the restraining order Is nsled at once. This is in line with the deci sion made by T. J. Cleeton. of Portland, who from the circuit IhticIj declared that hiilfof ho tax could he paid, ami that the new law was null and void. ATTENTION HUP (jUUWCKS If you are in niml of any hop baskets, railed the McMinnville Planing Mill. McMinnville. Ore., as we are now makinir the win braced and reinforced wood slat oaskct recognized as the best hv all large growers. I 'rice, $10 per lozen. 23tf BIRTHDAY On Thursday. Aug. 2D, veteran B. K. Haines, living on Fir St, celebrated his Siith mile stone in life. His wife surprised him by inviting in some of his friends. The day was spent in visiting, lie received some beautiful and elegant presents, pne being a handsome rocker, the gift of his wife. At one o'clock the guests were seated to a six course din ner. Mrs. Magruder presided at the punch Ixiwl. The party dis persed at a late hour wishing Mr. Haines many more happy birthdays. Those present were: Messrs. and Mosdames B. K. Haines, A. Culpnn, J. Killgore, J. Crow, K. K. Simpson, Nettie .letters. J. P. Magruder; Misses Nellie Cnlpan, Millie Peterson, Amanda Killgore, Klla Magruder; Master Sam Magruder, I'l I5I.IC SAI.I; The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale, at the Merrell Farm. 3 miles south of Ucedville and t miles from Boaverton, on the Farmington road, at 10 a. m., on SATURDAY, SKIT. 26 Black mare. 13 yrs. 1000; buck skin mare, 11 , years, 1100, with foal; buckskin colt, 2 years. DAIRY COWS-18 milk cows. Jersey and Holstein, all tested for tuberculosis -seven of these freshened in July and 11 will be fresh in Sept and Oct; 3 heifers to freshen in Jan; 2 yearlings; 10 Holstein heifer calves, 7 to 8 mos; Holstein registered bull, 2 years. Five brood sows to litter Octo ber 1. Chester White boar; 28 shoals, 4 and 5 mos; some chick ens; Mihvaukie mower, hayrake, Studebaker wagon, 3 J in; new iron truck, now hack, springtooth harrow, ,ri0-tooth drag harrow, milk cart, Great Western cream separator, 2 steel beam plows, hayrack, hayfork with 200 feet rope and pulleys, lot small tools, udioollmrrows. feedcutter. 17 milk cans, buggy tongue, grind ct.uw. Muslin scale, lots of cram PLV'UVl ........ - . sacks, 2 sets dbl harness, buggy household furniture in first-class condition, and other articles. Bunch at noon. Terms of Sale -Sums under $20, cash; over 6 months time, approved note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent, off, cash over $20. Frank Goemans, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. ' v iy. Pi'..t.a.4 Dunnan unA lOril, to lutuai u v"v wife, Hillsboro, Aug. 23, 1914, a daughter. Chas. Mertz, of Forest Grove, was down to the county seat the first of the week, on legal business. Those picking; hops at the Jol ly yard, or either of the Lackey yards, will be able -to get gro ceries every day, as we will so licit and deliver every day. Greer's. KV and !,;,,. ;3 at Greer'. zili John Sinclair start pkklnj? hops Thursday. Sept. & Groceries of all k i n d s at Greer's. jjJtf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heim. of Portland, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates. Do you neeil groceries, phos or dry goods? If u. try CreerV. Oliver F. Hilhamand Kva May Stout were granted marriage li cense this week. The largest shipment of ranges from the Kast ever received by any one dealer. D. Corw in. Krnest Mi'ler is under bond under the charge of giving liq uor to minors. H A. Eddy, of Tualatin, wa3 greeting friend ht the county seat yesterday. One of the best sticks of shoes in the county w ill l found ai Greer's. 2Jtf Wm. B. Jolly, of Portland, was out to Hillsboro Tuesday, on business. . Supervisor Vanderzanden. of near Boy, was in town yesterday on business with the county court. Mrs. J. W. Conr.ell and chil dren and Thos. Counell and fam ily have returned from Rocka- way. Henry Hogrefe, of Blooming, was in town the first of the week. He is almut to erect a nice residence, 32x3S. For Sale: Eighteen pigs, six weeks old. -Herman Kochnke. City Route 4; Telephone Farmer 3SI. 2:15 Louis J. Pranger. of Cedar Canyon, above Banks, was down to the city yesterday, visiting with relatives. Hop picking will begin in the Gregg hopyard. Leisyville, Tues day, Sept 1. Pickers please take notice. Herman Henky, of Boaverton, is out on $.100 Imnds this morn ing, charged with buying liquor for a minor. Rue! M. Baker and Miss Kthe Lew ton, of above Forest Groe, were granted a marriage hcens, the last of the week. James Porch, aged 4fi years. died at the county farm. Mon day. He had been at the farm a week, coming there from Whtt ford, below Beaverton. C. C. Nelson, of above Moun taindale, was in town this morn ing. He says that Mountaindale has completed a nice lot of rock road work the past month. J. A. Hobbs came near dis locating bis shoulder the other day. the result of a fall in a hay mow. Dr. Hyde attended the injury. The Oregon Electric's change of time is in another column. The running time on the trains in and out of Portland from here is cut from 8 to 15 minutes. Ray Koasoner lost a leveling tripod between Hillsboro and Scholls, the other day. The finder will please leave at the Argus office. If you want to buy a good thoroughbred Shropshire buck call on, phone, or write. Ferd Groner. Hillsboro, U. 2; phone 555-line 16 Scholls. 20tf H. E. Thompson, who recently bought the llorraday place, near Oak Park, was in the city yes terday. He is from Portland, and ihinks thi.V is the favored section of the utate. Henry F. Price and Jennie C. Rasmusen. of Forest Grove, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's fatiier, Jas. Ras musen. Aug. 25. 1914, Rev. H. L. Bates officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tupper. Willard Tupper, Roy Tupper and wife and Mrs. D. E. Blackburn went to Troutdale, Saturday, the two senior Tuppers -returning Sunday evening. The others re mained for an extended visit. Thos. Kerr, of the Webfoot Realty, is the happy owner of a pair of twin calves, which com menced dairying last night Thos. is now anxiously awaiting the rise of prices in the veal market. Miss Alice Smith Tuesday eve ning entertained her classmates of '13. Hillsboro High, and a few intimate friends. Music and con versation werti the features of the evening, and refreshments were served at the close. Hon. Fred Hollister, of North Bend, was in town this morning, in the interests of his candidacy for Congress. He reports that he is getting many assurances of support all over the district and confidently expects to be elected. He will spend several days in the county. Edw. Benson and Clifford Long departed yesterday for a two ..)lm' ofov nvoi' noai IIUJII1.IIO OfcWJ v. . . ....it. Helens, on a geographical sur vey. Their objective point 19 Castle Rock, Wash., and they will get their supplies from that place. They go with the party that has just concluded a survey hen for the gover ment and state, Unfit L Wl'M i Tnin I I UIU ll 1 1 III Mis. iMtm Jackson Accompany - Inf Mr. and Mr. O. CJ. Holmes Till OF THE WG WAR ABROAD ......... . Armtl ia the St Uwrnce R.ver tl Fiftecalh Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Holmes, of Portland, and Mis3 Lura Jack son, of Hillsboro. have returned from a trip to Continental Eu rope. They were in Europe when the big war broke, but managed to get over to England with the first to make their way through the lines. They sailed from Liverpool, on the S. S. Vir ginian, August 8, and made the St Lawrence on the 13th. Mrs. Holmes says there was much ex citement among the Americans, and that the ship was crowded to the limit with home-comers. Miss Jackson said that London feared trouble from the Germans at sea. and there was much trep idation about sailing. There wa3 no trouble, however, and the paige was without incident The Hillsboro-Portland party arrived in from France and Switzerland about the first of Augu?t. and their anxiety did not abate until they were on Canadian soil. They report that thousands of Americans were still in Europe when they left and many of them were in interior points, where getting away from the mainland was a matter of much trouble. Miss Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Holmes were at Parliament, and report great British tense ness at the time of considering the possibility of war. MRS. RACMAEL HERB Mrs. Rachael Herb passed away at the Forest Grove Hospital, August 19. 1914, after an illness covering several weeks. Mrs. Herb was born in Coshocton, Ohio, Dee, 15, 1845, where she spent her girlhood days. Her maiden name was Rachael Doll, i'fce was married to Frank Herb, in Newark. Ohio, May 6, 1800. Living there one year, they moved to Appleton, Wis., re siding there several years. They settled at Greenville in the Win ter of 1830. Mrs. Herb lived there constantly until seven yj'ars ago when she moved to rorest Grove, making her home there ever since. Mr. Herb de parted his life Mar. 18. 188a Seven children were born to their union, five of whom are living: Mrs. Lena Kohl, Appleton, Wis. ; Mrs. Matilda Bennett Mrs. An na Codekas, Portland; Mrs. Eliza beth David, wife of Henry David, Mrs. Hattie Boos, Forest Grove. Mrs. Herb was a member of the Catholic Church. The funer- d took place Friday, from the Forest Grove Catholic Church, Father Buck conducting the ser vices. Interment was in the Verboort cemetery. Mrs. Herb was a woman of lovable disposition, and bore her sufferings patiently. VAN l.OM-MORRISEY One of the most beautiful of the season's weddings took place at St Alexander's Catholic church, Cornelius, Wednesday. August 26, 1914. when Marcella, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mor rissey, was united in marriage to William VanLom, Rev. Father Buck officiating. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Mendels sohn's wedding march, played by Anna Laura boodman. The bride, leaning on her fath er's arm, and attended by her maids. Mayme Susbauer and Anne Morrissey, and was met at the altar by the groom, who was attended by Charles Wunderlich The nuptial high mass was sung by the pastor, and the of fertory, Holden's O Salutans, was sung by Miss Goodman. The bride was charming in white crepe du chine, cut en train. Her veil was caught up and held in place by lilies of the valley, and in place of flowers, the bride carried a prayer book. The bridesmaids were attract ively gowned in pink crepe du chine. They wore Juliet caps and carried shower bouquets of white sweet peas. After the ceremony, about six ty invited guests partook of the sumptuous wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. VanLom depart ed ior a short wedding journey, and will be at home to their friends, in their new home, after September 15. ' Hop picking supplies at Greer's. 23tf Dr. A. B. Bailey was out from Portland, this afternoon. J. S. Lorsung & Sons have just completed a fine lot of cement building foundation blocks. HILLSBORO GIR Mr?. UnnieCtrUfrtland. " th U(,st of Mrs. Myra Mil- li. I-. t i c . riuajr anil oai- urday. She Was enroute from Tillamook to Gales Creek to irive ; Readings and an address at the ! WafiinKt0" C" Christian ! Lndeavor Convention. She is a lecturer and dramactic interpre- I tor. and Oregon State Secretary .f the Vounjj People's Branch of (the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Cart will j be in Hiiisuiro Tuesday evening. s,t. 1. at 8 o'clock at the United hvangelical Church, where she will give several readings and an address: sjcial music will be rendered. No admission will tie charged, but a free offering will lie received. Everybody invited. A rich treat ia in store for all. as Mrs. Carl is an excellent enter tainer. - Contributed. Thi3 question i3 asked us many times. "Why is it your ice cre3m is in such good shape, and your ice cream sodas are so much bet ter than those we try elsewhere? Even in Portland, at the swellest places, their ice sodas are not as good as these." The answer is this we have long passed the experimental stage, having given nine years of careful study to this particular line. Try the Den of Sweets kind if you want the best. M. C. Lincoln, the veteran of the Civil War, departed yester; day morning over the Hill lines, for Duluth. Minn..'where he will take a steamer tor Detroit Mich igan, and attend the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. He will visit at Kelly Island, in Lake Erie, where he has relatives, and where he was raised. Returning West in 30 days he will visit Kansas City and Omaha, and then go to In verness. Montana, where he will visit his sons. Clyde and Albert. He expects to be absent about 60 days in all. Wanted: Man and woman to work around sawmill plant. Woman to cook for five or six men. Bishup Bros., North Plains. Oregon, address Banks, Route 3. 23-5 Timber fires have been raging on upper Gales, and on Rock Creek, rear the Nehalem. and some damage has been done to the DuBois timber, on the latter stream. An east wind appears to inflict the most damage, while north or west wind rarely leaves any great destruction in their paths. Another big dance at Beaver ton, Saturday night Admission free to dancers. Round trip fare only 25c via the Oregon Electric. Tickets on sale only at Henry kroeger s. Best Portland or chestra, large hall and good floor. No offensive dancing tolerated. Under new management Leo Schwander and son, Fred, were down -irom Mountaindale. Leo says his father is getting the Florida fever. He also states that B. C. Hollenbeck and wife intend starting for that state af ter hop picking. Christ Wuest the Tailor, has leased the store, across the street from his place, and south ot the K. P. Hall, and will move in there after the first of the month, or as soon as the repairs are made. For Sale: Thoroughbred Buff. Leghorn pullets and roosters; hatched this Spring; cheap. Tel ephone City 5-17, or call at Harry McLauchlan s, on Washington Street west of the P. R. & N. Fred W. Tregaskis and Frances I. Rutherford were united in marriage, Aug. 25, 1914. at the home of Rev. T. L. Duke, the officiating minister, in Hillsboro, Marion S. Taylor and Freda Moore, of Forest Grove, were united in marriage in that city. Aug. 22. 1914. Rev. Ashley of ticiating. . S. F. Goodwin and Jed Nicho- demus have returned from oiling roads on the west, and started out to the Jolly Plains section the first of the week. Thomas, the 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shea, of near Scholls, wa8 operated on by Dr. Hyde, the first of the week. having his tonsils removed. Dr. E. H. Smith went to Gold endale, the first of the week, to attend the bedside of his father. who is reported very ill. Adolph . Schumacher, of Mt, Angel, i8 over today, greeting his oldtime Washington Countv friends. Mrs. Franklin Everett and sis ter. Miss Myrtle Grabel, return ed Saturday, after a week at Barview. J. A. Imbrie came over from Elmore Park, the first of the week, to be here during hop picking. Hop picking gloves, hats, and groceries can be bought at Greer's. - 23tf Born, to Wm. Humphreys and wife, of South Tualatin, Aug. 22, 1914, a sonv E. M. Rice, the contractor, is convalescing from a very severe illness. Paul C. Long, of Portland was out this week, the guest of his brother, of the Arguav r-nonaotcKat, k A. BAILEY, M. IX rrirlaa sad Morgva OrSc: l'pt.trt ia Scfcatarka Biera fo-atdeuc bouth turner BMattna ad wl Mtnvt Pboor, offic CUT SKS; rwiUcBrv.fky gn R. M. Ii RWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON SorKm a. P. P. K. ., r. c & fc. ' Ofl in th TimiciH Bfca. TW aa.1 Main Street, llillihoro, Ungoa. ELMER H. SMITH M. D. D. O PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OSTEOPATH a m Office Hoar 9 to 1 1 a. at.; I to $ p. at. TnmUr, ThurmUT, MatunUy a to If Call onweml lUy or algal, frith phone. Oifica orci Ilillslmro Matloaal J. O. ROBB, XL D. PHYSIC I AH & SURGEON OFFICKi-Uja-.iriln-SchuliiirticB B il. ruoMEa-ooi,. City 3X4; Rm, City S6j HlfiHBORO, . ORKGON DR. B. L. SEARS Physician and Surgeon Office hour-? to 1 1 a. m.; a to 5 p. at. tain answered day or Bight. Both phoiiM. Office lu Ameilnin Natiouai Caok, npnUira. HILLSUOItO, . . OHBGO.V. m. aajr ML . ( D AO LEY HARX ATTORN K YS- IT-'.AW ttwime 1 anil i Kant" Bailitlof HILLSBOIiO. , . (JKiUMtji 'AViTi'iYiriAAMfDU E. B. TONGUE - ATTORNRY-AT-IW Oifire np stair in SchalmerLa Block w t . . . tiiYfAiyVl'Ulj JOHN Al. WALL ATTORNgY-AT-tAW Upstairs, A. C Shute Blilg. Sfaia A MM diUJiBURO. - OlitUOH. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNRY-AT-LAW Or net: Main 8trrt, ojip. Conrt Houa tfIU,?BORO URIbQOM HOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-IAW. Office, upstairs in Schulmerich Block lillsboro, - - Oregon Telephone office Main 103. Resulear Main io3 DR. L. W. HYDE Successor to Dr. Linklater Office over Delta Drug Store. Kesidcacv Bi eliue, between 5th and 6th Su. Hillsboro, Oregou rederick Andersen, M. 0. PHYSICIAN 8c SURGFv- i Successor to Dr. Cunm lkliaro. Office and Drug Store. Orenco. Oregon Talnphniie oonnoctions. . a f 4aM m.9. SCHNABEL & UROCHE Xraiiafetritrakc IkMtam, an aaalBim aafe tatM. Ifrtfritl.JtritiiStfdiiii, ahftnrtm-VratBaa, Vti miuDint. iftiamuite, UclundcR n all art li.ttn ttrttiiftiltfe auturfkill. MrVtawluH yea ta uiouo Mil anfrtrs rtttam ftvtttflwn- rfH sa allta WcrMlMMra BFIHMI. puctnnuci mil uninra JHUawa. alrak-CsiMflaakts: Ha a a Bat as aaf Snaartkaa. telethon: SKarffciU 200: HMOrf; fcn-eieim: Via a MM l aim art sou u atairt H PORTLAND. ORE. DR. W. E. PITTEtfGBR Dentist uince up-auurs over nuiaooro national Bank. HIM.HBORO ...... ORISON DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tftniesie BUlg. Roorai 6 aad a HILLSBORO, OKI. Main and Thlnl. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main Street Hillsboro - - Or eowhian & klwz:zz:i Attorneys-At-Law Commercial Bank Z'jzz HiHsbcto - C.