The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 27, 1914, Image 3

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I fVV 'TaX. VMJ mmt'f '.eJe ee !4 1 I
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, VZ-7 ' T Art
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' IMH -rT.L,rL!
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H larmera tt jfni
llu-ir Lthihilt
Daily Journal
J Coming to H.llsboro. '
UTE of St. Louis. Mo.
Will pay their first visit
to Hillsboro, and will be
bt the Hotel Washing
ton, Saturday and Sun
day. September 19 20.
two days only.
and The Weehly Argu
One Year, Doth Papers
$5.25 Daily and Sun
Journal and Argun, One
Yrar. $7.50. Do It Now
Weekly Argus
j Loaves of Bread for 25c
Get one loaf ami 5 checks, each good for one lmf of
ttrvad. Haying your broad thin way kivcs you the
chance to save on your bread ti!l. Krmoniher thw
next linn you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for iSVe
win Street. Hillsltoro J. Wolfersperirer. IVp.
S.hl rird IBj s(lo Eihjbju ife
to be I caturrt
li e ollWn of the County Fair.
i.ih win f,,,,i Weiliwsday!
Uurrl iy an Fri-lay. September
-', LM ari l z are making every
jetfort torn.U. the. fair even more
f U'toj this year than it was
a-t. Sun-cm in this direction
j Hi' a-iire up m the Kupport that is
limen the HWt by the people
1tl.nj.ihuiit the county.
A j l', (ip!e shouU riot hesitate to
ji-nno'it th.'irpnxiacti thisyeir
herause it has t)cen a dry season
,J(ati. tt,.-y may feet that products
' ' are not as ooil as usual. Kvery
' ; one is aiTteted ttie amt by the
-.season, no no one has any ad-
V vantage, ami premiums will be
Kj' pHhl jiiht the same, on the best
h ! priMtucts the miason affords. .
Y: i A the premium list is arranged
Bi 1,1:1 l''ar there is (.i.uirtunity for
fs1 every exhibitor to win a cash
Pi premium.
J The Oregon Klectric U. U. Co.
: i otlerini: a valuable and hand
y j so me bronze clock as a lirst pre
jlmiumon Individual Farm Kxhib
i j its. This is accompanied by lib
1 era! cah premiums.
K' '1 he Southern I'acillc has also
' ! t;, .,,. ..I :...,: t
ut:nn hU-rally to the premium
tt H.e Tucinc Coast Condensed
1 1 Milk Co. offer a valuable silver
1 ; cup us first premium on a (trade
1 1 dairv heril. to consist of a pure
I ; PreJ sire of one of the dairy
3 j breeds and four females, ranging
5jin ak'e from a cow three years
Jlold or over down to a heifer un-
a oer one year old. tiood cash
If i nzis ore also Riven in this class
I? and it affords a splendid opuor
tunitv. Tor some of our dairymen
to show the quality of the dairy
stock of the county.
Another very interesting class
should be the tirade draft horse
teams, (iood rash prizes are of
fered for the best teams weiirh
inir over liSOf) and for the best
teams weitrhintr under 2800, to
be hitched to trucks or farm
vwi irons.
Oil is nopeu ine laaies wilt mis
I year brinu out uooi exhibits of
jeliits and canned fruits and veu
etables. Nothing makes a more
attractive display than these ar
tides and trooU premiums are of'
fered in these classes.
The H'.uuenic Haby show again
oroinises to be one of the big
features of the Fair. Inquiries
are already cominR in and the
'classes in this department wil
! undoubtedly be well tilled.
In addition to the tine line of
exhibits and the premiums otter
ltd, the management has also ar
, ranged for a big list of attractions
that will amuse and entertai
those attending. This feature of
i the county fair is important and
, the committee in charge promise
a program for each day that wi
be all.
Under charge of experienced
from Portland.
Solicit! patients from all physicians.
Baatof can. I. Mtta
rho-w. State SM
This Ma aa Attarttslaf Trtt
Introdno Ttis Vtw ysUsa.
They Will Gto CfiosUtkaa,
Xxsminstion, Advise tad All
Treatment Mi
plete a Core 1
ft ) k to tat P m mm "
nrm iir anait at afcy m a ate aWrHal
iim. irtlMlli at t
MUM takttf wuUD at ak) aaf Ha
to IMr rnaaai Ik rMaHa MakMa' ky
Wmm f ImML Thm M i-L SIMM
ot chkonk puham ADS nwinmai
N W fry wI4mi Um a -
m h a .m m aaiek wimkMat
j. at mmmHim aadk Naaaaal aatdalaMa,
tomh aMul .llwami M Ml a raa.
IUimi mi . llM r Ik taaaM at mm
kalab. TMfi !!
nn4 ar aoi.
rout txo
Berber Pertors
Courteoas Treatment
Capable workmen
Baths in connection, and a
Fine Shower Bath
Newly Furnished Shop. A
trial will please yon.
Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro.
it i
akMir fm mm ta
b aankta aajy VIM
The tans Free
The Dally Oregonian and The
Argus, One Year For $6.00
this ives you TShQ Arus
FREE. No Agents
Daily and Sunday
and Gfta Argus
The Qpenonian
m: If annUt taaf
as la anlna faat ilf.
tut knl mtm T aa mOrT mm
MM a.4 kiU la ill" BaT
at riTAIKM la aU tto WIIB roUia
nra4 a K awar all) ivtara, f ktamaf a
Ik M4 ntrki.f rttmci r Um a)aetral aa
rUoa .r Btida. It fal hata ak laaai
a. Ml la a. a.. Ml ui
Tf hi aiMMarf al ikwtui aw t
tltintHf la aaraljals, tea, at " ttaai,
rtmcuiiM a4 all at lb awiw ta
laa. toclUiaj KPILteST. I a Oat-ana t
Ua4 u4 at Ik ajanatoa mum lkl ar
Mm atarU4 iMnw Ikl mnt m- am a aa aa
H. D. 8rkaltter. Prop.
Headquarters in
cos, office in Washington
Hotel Bldg.
Dealers in
Sand. Gravel, Cement, Wood
and Coal.
Phone Main 632.
'sSr?S Will You Build?
kr WtaK ITBB. Bw a I .
at tr aal aw aaa af aa aar- at HMiaw la awH attltoa aMttolial
al Ntllaaal npulauam.
aif "f awsida
DBtml ar
i Ifm kr WtaK ITBB.
a la. trail OCl'USI. . "Ilk ki raark
bl. 4larr. asrai H IkaM amrit4 a Ilk
fklllag .TMiihl. MUrarto ar taltoal alia
mi. Tb kiia toaa ar a-w
ar imKbihI N .la-rla-toto. Coaw tad toal
It fir mwrwlf Rra nawUf lanal aaa Inatea.
ALL THli l ram or enaai.a.
L anrrthln. ta kal hliat MAM Tkr
t,r TrMlauaU kir Ml a Altaalrfc Ik
ri4tr af Hiatal! la attat aula aai Ato-
L. ... aiu-.ral Ilk. BBaa I Of U.
Tat aorat in. Boat atubbsra caa at raawa
Uaa. arlri. a-UUra, fcnla. aarra. katrt aaA
tpmtl wM. I u tt throal UwiWai. Wood
.1.1. r. i. prli altoa. Ami dm, ate.
tki iaMM, llnr. kidntf, Utadar. aMack
4 umaaa. aitOMal Ulrkl Ul MBI-
Milr ratia.aA) lii uaiuaana ip
.irkMt ran I Ik aarlA tor AlLMWTt Of
CralikM UM aaa I kM'liai aralrM at
lkM all ktx kM tat tna. tlnr at
mm te akatrtkai. Iitrattlai tar aaa.
rial t tfc Raila araN IraalawatA.
IU actlrltr InalaMBk) Artra 1eai fraa
raur kreia and flUiia arwr aan. m
a.i. .Ht iiMi.iaaai aia rami a.1 1. nw
lH-Uwr thrill Uw krla aai koAr allk rail
Mranftk 4 riullir. awklaf alA talks raaA TMJ ran smsiuoa in IT- -
r. rmn !. saA (tear as lull. M-
Alad brains and audr. Wkta your Ihotuhu
lurd tout aiasclat sad aarras to aask.
tad roa fasl s If o wtr "VmIbi roar tn.
Isdia Inaiaianki rsaaa raar Brr tan sad
hm a.fh -our rlstir sad vtox
Tat kT arrfatt aifaauoa. aarran nma
Malta, atar
If yon are goiag to twild thla Sprtag
or Summer, ace J. S. LORSUNG. for
price on boilding asd cseatotiog.
EatimatcA givca (tec. All work if
guaranteed. Mo paytneat witil work
it coapleted, J. g. Loraaag, aoarth
Third Street, at 8. P. Track; Tele
phone Main j4, Hillaboro, Oregoa
iGive.Me a Trial
6 Per Cent LOANS
Obtainable to bay, build or improve
farm, ranch and city property or re
move iDcuuiDrano wereirora; dmcui
Prtvilartea and Kaaaonahia Tanua.
For propmitron , addraaa: Flnaoee
uapt., isa , Dutca mag., imjiaa, lexaa.
Ilea, aarfarl knaHA
axxtdrrful ktdl Ttwrspr ral tk tlhlllrs-
uu ihnll .1 routs-auks rrarr
ftux-il. la roar body fsirir toaai tad Bat's
Hk nra forr tad Ansrgr. Trtouaf.
aus rroat ratios snd Iksl llrad rasllaf
li s trraunml at tsdls Thsrsat.
I, try rua down. arshMtd. urad-aat, jtrvaaa
aarsoa is lariiaa w out sua vj sm m
-SW.11M mi, MM lot swiil la 01 world est
Uuu a thins I t II. snd but aa. aarsoa dslsai
It I Iks Irutb. It Oua sol follow tkat tka MUtea
uaitrrds at Mart tt 0,111a cUlltod tkat
Iks world wat round snd rsroiraa. a atuioa
nllat him t n,m,r. Krsr th nlddl
WaahlngUm Hotel, Monday. Wedneaday
aod Friday
Dr. Gertrude Phillips
Uateopathie Pbraiclao-
OfBoo houra, 1 to 4 p. m. Home calif.
to 12 a. m.
r in I f
m 1 1
Uat natun lions Slid thst II wauM bs
iB. tn a mm,m .rrr a win kv bmwi
larttltltr A lllloa Mum niai a iraaa,
la nt ewe U tsld Iksl wea tfc asaad at
Ik kiBU retr. msld m Irsnmlttsd froai New
Ten I Asa rrsnrlsr.. snd Ball was branded
y.rruni'i sradtrtloa that a ks-
CahK saurl rould m nsthrd orer th trs
i Bliss f sts rpsrstlnt Jsaaa rrea laa
audi. aHlKout Win. WSS hSllsA a tfc HI
at tk ranturr Thoas was talk Vtara af at
sstotootiias ae4 nadi aaa aatri i
Ummm MM MMllaS
Was at rtekl tad tsas, est MUtaB At
Altkoufk th atuphorssl Makatat la Mm
staaslraTr ear I lump ssd J
last la tk mstisaal of throal, dltVall sad
teat ttaadlsf rstM. H kss aerar befora seas
telraAured ta Iks WssL Tea raa aot aaN
arartenk th'i rotultr rrt waJL
VAtirOAl TAUiB cuaai.
Bansajkar this tlhsrsl tr kl hekjl
era) elr sad sol as, rest wlU k sarredfe
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
I far
all Ik TtestMeat resulred t awk a rmaa
aaM rurs af sU tkoat asaiBescUki kritkaaal tn
m irat natl.
a . - a tiBS a. nv
Tell Your Friends
Remember Dates
September 19 and 20, 1914.
Colleire courses of one year each
may now lie had at the Oregon
Airricviltural Colleue in airncu
turo. htinie-makinir and dairyinjr.
While shortened and simplified
to meet only the practical needs
of scientific industry in these
three lines, these courses are as
comprehensive as they can be,
made and are entirely complete.
Furthermore, they allow consid
erable choice in electinK special
courses for major work. The
scientific features are the ones
most curtailed, and a correspond
ing increase in the training is
featured, students spending from
one-third to one-half their time
in actual work. These courses
are ideal forgiving voung men
and women from the grammar
schools an insight into scientific
methods of the various indus-'
tries, and for training them to
make practical application of the
science in their life work, which
must be early begun. They are
in no way a substitute tor the
regular degree work, nor are
they preparatory to taking the
tlegrco work. But for girls and
boys, and men and women, wno
can alford but a year for special
preparation, they otter ine Desi
possible opportunity.
When in Portland stop at the
Hotel Eaton, West Park and
Morrison Streets, located in the
heart of the theatre and shop
districts with all the con-
modern hotel, at SrhilW when voU want
reasonable rates. Glen Hite, ! 10 cent Bmoke-no "cough dust"
intr i reiii i at
in ine scniiier. a.u
Call tor Warrants
All Hillaboro city warrant on fundi
I other than the General Fund, marked
'Not Paid For Want of Fund." are now
payable at the office of the anderaigaed,
and interest will ceaat after April 17,
'914. .
F. J. seweii, mtv ireaaarer.
Hillsboro, Ore., April 16, 1914.
I represent Spirella coraets
not sold in stores. Will call at
homes on request, and do the
fitting, and teach how to adjust
and wear the corsei. uur tailor
ed made-to-measure corsets, in
cluding the latest front lace, with
an exrjerienced corsetier service.
cost no more than high class cor
sets purchased in stores. Mrs,
M. E. Caudle, Hillsboro, Fifth
and Jackson Streets, Phone No.
584. Wtf
German Lutheran services,
Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, at the
Congregational church. English
Sunday school at 2:00. E. W.
Luecke, Pastor.
The Grand Marca is the most
wholesome two for a Quarter"
smoke on market made in Ore
gon, by E. Schiller. When you
indulce n a eood smoke Duy a
Grand Marca. tf
Mis9 Goldie Whitmore return
ed Friday, from an extended vis
it with her sister, Mrs. urneips,
at Rock away.
Do not foreet to ask for a I
a good
DwfFrtMit MoteWwL
nmt the difference betwwaa
phtloeopber and an optHnkitr
'Well, a pbiloaopber taken thmg aa
toey come, while aa optluUst. It they
come with the dark aide appannoet.
tana tat-m over." Boatoa TrMacript
Th Futile Rainbow Chaeor.
Bill met ttia maiden tat a ahower,
TW raltn aplattar, apsattar.
Bill thel kd bar tor bait an hour
AM pultaa that "rain bean" patter.
the ttrtle emldi "It Ualaoa Bne,
But hera'a an awful facer:
Rare torn that harebrained oona a
And ne'e a rata bean ehaaar.'
-Mow Terft ataO.
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1.1914 to August 1, 1013 and guar
anteed against any reduction during that time:
Touring Car $490
Rnnabout - 440
Town Car - 690
F. O. B. tkitroit. all ctr fuliv iquii pr.
(la the Cnttid Sta'raif Amtiut icljj
Farther, we wit able to ob'aia tt e nisx n um i D"crr rj in tnr factory
prodncli"o, and the minimum rosl id ioi a ct ..-i: if sr it tales iltrnrt
cnenU if w can teach aa ttuput of J,x.cicri Ut.rt n the ab ve ttstt.
And should we reach Ibis pioriuctitn. we ' tn f-iy the I njei's .bare
from fan la 6o jer car (oa or a I at Auyoi I, iiij) to tvr irtsil lujrr
who porcbasea a new Ford ctr bttwe.n Atictt i, 1914 atd Angnst 1,
For farther particular rrgaid rg lhre lew tit ami j.k ftl-tl)nng
plan, are the neatest F01U bratth or LXaKr.
WilKea Auto L Garage Company
Third Street. Hillsboro. Or.
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags.
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Eteaver State Flour
The Dest Flour at the Lowest Price
Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 15 15.
- North Plains, Main 263.
0 Coast Defeniiei'So
Ross u
X IlV aVOt AAA lltv
Come and looh over
the DEST display of the
BEST tobaccos sold.
1 will tell and show
you all about them. You
are welcome any time.
These Cigars are sold
every place where good
cigars are sold.
Room 11 Hillaboro National BlocK
Jit A. A
Manager. JU
An Illustrated German Maga
zine of the present war. givin.j
details and descriptions and pic
tures of every battle, can be ob
taincd of Christ Wuest, The Tai
lor. . . ...
Miss Viola Glascoe is visiting
Best slabwood In the market
get prices for Fall or Summer de
livery. See me first All kinds
of wood. H. D. SchmelUer.
Greer" will solicit, and deliver
groceries to the Jolly and lACkey
' 4'sMIJt S9MenVi
Vacation time baa eon, bar be.
aaaatare and eunbarna and
And many a nan
With a trying pan
Bast It up from the nlalna.
Into the mountain, as b the
Where the blatant akaatara and wood
TJOaf arow,
Where the bsyAjeat weed ttoka ayawt
vacation ttra ha eoma, fcaar-bo.
Board waika and Aunkaya and bfia.
And many m man
Hooka what be eaa
Aad beat H down frora the bala
To th aaltad aanda wbara the 1ttia aa
Aad a aquare meal ooeta tea dotlara or aa.
. - Hay-no,
tea, eoat tea dollar or .aot "
Vacation ttma ha coma, hay-be,
Boattar and ehatter and roatm
lM every naa
: Do what ba aaa
To beat H away treat home.
Re win wear af Ala tammy aad
Bat what a ta ateranot tUTa
tk a
Tillamook County Beaches
The most wonderful and interesting journey
in America. Easily reached by the way of
Landscape Mountains streams f oresls
and the crowning glory of all the Ocean
Miles and miles of smooth, shining, silvery
strand. "
Train Service Just Rig'ht
Two fine through trains daily each way, with
Parlor Observation Car on the afternoon
train. Morning train leaves Portland 8:55,
Hillsboro 10:27. Afternoon train leaves
Portland 1:30, Hillsboro 3:00 p. m.
Special Low Hound-Trip Fares
Full particulars from nearest S. P.
Agent, with copy of handsome il
lustrated booklet describing the var
ious Tillamook Beach Kesorts.
r.-7 . soon, f.
Mrs. F. C. Wal
City, this week.