HH.USliOKOORKCON, ALT.UST 27, 1914 . N(J 2 r . I nllin llllir I A.l.lil. M.-:r....F ..f I' - At ..... j .. , j . . . . - Viriinin PITIIlDI P low it will iTi.-an a dt t m-l, ....... ;,. IT Tiir nnm mum uinuM ".'. :;ai nt vm mm Cjr three ! I-"" Ll rS BUI. 011 Span .. .. ft . ft . ft. M . . - I (gglf.l. I III " fractal " Uii.d" fo'inty vv.re iii Co, lniii'ltv'li HlroK. Sat tu nii. ii'l tin' all county M yii.N of Motitrxuma I of the county seat The a thre Motm in Bn, Mtii featured . ft ll uflil I firia iltlll (.:. ..,.1 .him lif which the nity i j""tl' ItimuI. Tin' brought their IwakHii. profrum wn rendered V Sh'HH Tark. Ir. J. IL UI rilled Hit MfiwUm to or t luTf pray r .. i i .? ....... i'. KrV. J. lfr. . i . ll ii W in 1 1 1 - ' i "y J i tn. r ...-..' a ft . IGrov-; i- r ngnrn. ugarti; kr, N Ik'IU; Kohl miia. OH inli-r, iwut ruins; ,! WuJ. Gaston: Mm Mul Kiifil trove; mm ll I .S,-lwlU. and Mr ICW BiiU N'fclic were mag lv sd r Wm Galloway, K grand HiTrrtary, and Aheclcr. grand rcire"eii la ta t odd Fellow, ami by Wr, wratul sccrs-tary, and it.. .. irnii.l irftftliilftiit district deputy grand ii given io rrciinun North Flam, fwr hivinp ifiiwl ihtci'iiImk in In IhI. th altar rar tol.iclon for lh Br'teiu t iin !0 rat i- r ranru ilk inn. hi. military tiriiHliM. I,v r Maohall: Curl Hanks. L'iiJ, lhiitlL, i Blai-V lurn. nt) Soiin rai'i - Mrtnrit r iiruvf. iumri. by I'liiiruiHcy: Writiot m, hi. mirror, ny ir YirJ D:,Hh Jm H Wr.l. , Iravi'llmir Imif. irovr k Slur,. i lU lm. Tigar.l. VlV, W (I Idilll'luiill. iirJs, K. U-kah me -Mrs VCorm liiitt, silk umbrcIU, Mmiri', MnAllrn. hiwit jffll i am', liy Or lttinu Iran'. I' rank Kny, IIilM. htnir r-il. ly K l S'm; uiuir.lliil ,Uiro, tumor mi t. lirand llaci'-I'aul I'uul- urlli I'luinM fiimilaiii tvcn LMi'i'uriiiirk; II T HiHrtt, k. ikM I'rll.iws culT (ml- WEI KurallL Orivinir funti'Ht-MrtC! II n, ltiinks, tint iron, bv Owl M Mm iMtuhr. North L ptTcolntor. hv IVrcy Urn. I Kan' J MiTiurney, wa! junchinir Una, by Neldon faro; (ilaiUin iKiUKhty, I Knife. I.v J II Finite. Pit button contest. J K llillMlMiro, cliH'k, by HolT- UrHurncv. (iurttnn. iiniok- i. i ... . ' MHV (J llMru. Man h Uaic. l'aul'n. N ' 8l !i. by (Ireer; Dr Kr iviriK inuir. by Julius Sor rft)iit'st Hfttlid by Hip of war IlillHboro lost. f war UeltfkahH. Ililla wkulm won. 'all t'liint' was won by " to Z The IlillHlmro WtTi': M(Hr. catcher inti'in-i" i ii Huffman. 2b: 0 J Talma- '3! Dunn ('.i',Hir !H li'.fuj , " n; JuliiiK SWenain, A S i .rimr a.r i. .. iirovi. tin- iiW-.I a n v r.iiHf fur uivorri. ami if a (l.-cr.v hlll f! low it will m-aii a ilihlurliamv in marital allaiM that Mill . W(irs.. than tlt -riitifi of ,Jt. I,a m n. j 8lw av that lu-r lni:.lian f..r '' yfar l.a r.-fiiH.-. t,. ti ll lu rany. thinif aUmt bin tmiiH X4 alfair-; or aiiHWvr uin-htioim aUiiit real ami iN-rwuial .rn rty. I lis, in tin aniniiiH of th comiilaint' cnmititutcs mu l and inhuman trfatim-nt. Mi n who are mrrf. tivi aUmt tlu part of t lt-i r m-ini-HH will watih tin- cl.Tr-'i' with intiTi-nt. Ilurm1' K. TlniiiaH, wi ll known at rorest liruVf. Whrn In fm-. iio-rly r-sii.'. ami attin.lf.l . U., W how t'lty t'.htor of tin. Or- ifotuan. vio I lark I, it.-r. who han rfNikfiif.l to taki t hur.. of the -uniiainrn of llanlfv. I'Mlfri-Mive ratnliilati- f..r Ii. S Senutor. Mr. Thonia-, ban I n with tin' On-k'onian tnai.v vi-arn fiT illie lie li ft Kt b.M.I. hm lMen the e.bior of the annual liumlnr for tin p;nt M-veral yearn, uiul it a lini,li.- inwia-M-r inan. Ttie(4mnly rourt Irimubt a new rin k crimlwr Iml Thiir-(l.iy. ami it il liOW Ix-iiltf Ki t Up ill the l. ley tliKtrirt, for furnishing ma- tenal to tnaeailam ti e n:. Im. tweMi Ihlley anl tiast in there U ioij a hlrrlrh of a half mile or over to till in to make therm k roai rouinlele dear to toisdm. li e roal iii iiiiw in realmei for laying, ami the crwiber h.n ul remlyntnrl.il. 'artof thiiwork ih ilone by m-i'ial lax itiel part by the county. Attorney Martin, of I'ortlaml. wan mil Kri'lav, iiivestU'alini; ti e shimtinif of M. Wnoili'iH'k, b Karl Mel'oy. now in the ietiii ti tiary. Martin will try to mllect from tbi father of the Uiy, who ih a iiuii'ir. ami the attorney Has the obi Keiitleinan kIihi1i at le;iM have hm aorvieal fxjuMiseH am! losi of lone iail by Md'oy S'niur. Mayor II. 1. liaidry Akrl SrnJ lhrr Dclreatct to I If. i(lN ni.lICTKlC TKAINS prtlnnil55 rainntW. P Portland a m a in a nt i .. i . .a m pm ......pro pm ...'.pm .l7...pm -55 minutest. am a m a m pm pm p m pm pm a m i . r ." . -n. t-pSeven room house, uncoln.- Kerr Brou, J.ihn II. II uiniihre) i. of WihuI- land. Wn., came ou r the last of the week to atleml the (,. fel lows' iitnii'. J. II. caiiie mar aiihtaimtiK a erion i injury a few week a'o, when a Initio limb fell from a tree ami struck a ir'anrirnf bb on hn nhoul.ler. lie returniHl to Woodland, hun- day. Atfiiea Maon hart sued t'hai. L Mason, mkintr for oivorce. nient. I bey were weihled in VMt. She c harden cruel and in human treatment, ami sa he called her vile nameH and e'i-tlH-tS. and refused to li.e with her. J. A. I.aniontauno b:H sued tht Si'iinn Hill Land Co.. asking for $.HH) a.i damajreM. The plain- tilT ayK be i entitled to a water riifht and hai been deprived of it throuKh the sale of a spring to Mr. Snialley. ('inimissioner llanlev reports cutis on bin ranch as iroimi :i husbelH bi the acre which is nrdtv iuhhI for this year. The t.fft.in.i.i Li I In north is aliout f( bmhelsi. rani'inu all the way from 10 to UI bushels. N. I Oakerinan. of Portland, came out Saturday to attend the Odd Fellows' blowout, and had a urood time with bis former Wash hmton futility neinhliots. For sale; 2,0iH) cedar sl.s. 'ven fiwit. UtHMlhaulimr.- bonis Unfer. 5 miles south of Corneli us, on Iow a Hill, -in rods west id Iowa Hill Kchool house. l!:bo lVterAlnnjuist.of below Keed ville. was in town Saturday, lb' has leased bis farm to (itm Kemp fcr, 'vbo will take poHsession in October. Mr. Alice Foonl returned tin last of the week from um.uum. ami was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Alherl foora ami child. l .1 k'eehs. who has been Ui vi n'-'i . r...ndmir the Summer lit Kocka K . . I.'..: I.... f,K n r.iio way, came over nmaj .-I - rf I t 11 . 1 ..... day stay in iiiumhoi-o. Mr. nn,1 Mrs. G. N. Tannart ------ ..... ami fnmilv returned Y riday noin - - . . ..... ...i . i... a two months slay hi incuu i-- -the-sea. - W. J nines, of Vai lcy. wrs ti-anuapiinir bosincsil in tilt? city the hint of the week. Mr ami Mrs. llenrv Uavid an dnnirhtr. of PilVI.I mil, wc.e in town Saturday. W. C. Jackson, of North Plains, was in the county seat Saturday. Frank T. Rice, of Portland, is visiting with his son, north ot the city. Wm. Huberts, of a.Htve Tim ber, was in the county seat -bat-urday. J. J. Weiaenbpck. of Kecdville, was in the city Friday. CHXHi: I OR A TKIP Til ATLANTA I trry Slilc Ctmmiiu U U t)f i Al- Mayor II. T. Uagley hm iH'en re 'I'lented by the Hon. A. 15. I'lctrher, President of the Fourth American Uoad ConifreiW and State Highway Kunineer of Cali- fortiia. to name three delenates to attend the HiHsion of Con- trress at Atlanta, Cinirgia. during the week of November 9th. Forty-Keven great organiza tioiH are taking part in the Con gress under the leadership of the American Highway Association and the American Automobile Association, in his letter to the Mavor, President Fletcher calls attention to the fact that prac tically every mate highway com missioner will be. present ami take part in discussing the im Mirtant problems of road con struction and maintenance, and that Some of the foremost men in puhlic life will devote their at tention to the great question of Federal Aid to road improve ment, in an endeavor to work out a policy w hich may lie sub mitted to the Congress of the l ulled States, with the support of the oreanied road inovmient of America An iniMirlant muve bearing tin state legislation w ill be made at the session to lie held under the auspices of the American Par Association, at w Inch a joint committee, appoint ed at the ltl:j Congress, will re port progress compilation and suggested revision of state road laws, The creation of a commis sion participated in by each state to work out a revision of the road laws will he urged. Tie National Civil Service Reform lMgut' will hold an exceedingly important session on the merit system in roa I administration. President Fletcher urges that the city and county be officially represented, as the Congress is in reality a training school where a very great amount ot useful information can be obtained Ibrmiiili attendance at lectures with leading specialists in road and street work, and the collect ini? of the many instructive bul letins which will be available for distribution. The hen ioiiarters of the Con- cress are in the Colorado I.uild- imr. Washington. 1). C, in chartre of I. S. Pennyhacker, KveiMitive Secretary, and the exposition is in charge of Charles P. bight. Husiness Manager. SACk'H ICI; SAU! S'vcn room modern home on Washington, one of the best stru ts in Ilillstioro. on car line to Portland. Just the plce for iviired farmer. Address A. C Kurson. owner, at lillamook. Oregon. hi Frail P. AND P. I:. & H. All. except the P. R. & N., trains are electric, and Rtop at the de pot on Main street. . To Portland LYirest fimve Train b:47 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:.K a. m sJliem an Tram lUs P. m. Korest Grove Tram l:mi p. m McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove train . . -4:i! p. m. Kugene Train-. 4:58 p. m. McMinnville Train t:.w P. m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Kugene Train arrives.. .8:15 a. m. . .y: a. m. " ,11:59 a.m. " . .3:15 p. m. " . 4::t0 p. m. " ...6:37 p. m. " ...7:15 p. m. " .9:1)0 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. except Eugene flag at North streets and at streets and at Argus and Oregonian M25 Hillslmro's public school will U-gin on Monday. September It. II. G. Luck, of above Moun- taindale, was in town the last ot the week. F'J. Demmin, of South Tuala atin, was in the county seat Saturday. ' Mm. K. II. Smith hai returned from an extended stay at Umore Park, with the Imbrieg. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Shirley, of this city, attended the Hoosier picnic at New berg, last week. . II. R. Dauchy. of Ranks, was a county seat caller the tail of the week. Largest stock of -wall uapers and decorations in the city, at Grover Combs' Furniture Store. M. C. Hewitt is rairintr n rsi. lence for Mrs. Ro.:cra.V.f Forest Grove, this week. i iJeni. Tidball and tHe Misses Gladys Hill and Steveni. r,f Port- and. were hunday guests at the home of Mrs. N. Ferguson. Mrs. K. K. Ling, who in con valescing from a week's illness. is at Salem this week, w here br lusband is runi inir AeJIs-rargo. Alcazar ranges are strictly new, up-to-Uate, Ulonial style, typifying simplicity and lieauty. highest quality and mechanical perfection. -1). Oorwin. 13tf J. A. Kbner and wife, of Lenia. Idaho, recently mived to Port land, were in town the first of the week, guests at the home of W. H. Reiling and wife. First-class oak and ash wood for sale. Oak, $5 per cord: ash. $1 -delivered. Mary Holzworlh, Hillsboro, Route 1. Mail orders promptly attended. 23 5 J. N. Flippen, of above Rux- ton has sold his place, and s now living at Cazadero. lltiwa-. in the city Saturday, cruetinc friends. ' ; i The Pharmacy has takisfi the agency of the Kastman Kodaks, and will sell its Ansco cameras at cost to make room for the nckU suh-r, up nnscu w iuwrue you at the prices quoted. Wm. Feldt, of Ruxton, was in town Monday. He says the dry weather is causing the potatoes lo suffer up his way. while pas ture has been rather short for several weeks. For sale or tnde Handsome hay gelding, out of Hal B. Is six years old ami weighs about 1075; broke single or double, and will work to load. Fine road ster. Rissner Ranch, Cornelius, Route 2. 22-4 S. J. RatTetv, of Mountaindale. was in town Monday. Mrs. Raf fety is now in Minnesota and Wisconsin, visiting with rela tives. She will visit with her father, at Madison. Wis. he now being in his 9'ind year. For sale or trade for small place 80-acre cmst farm; 75 river bottom; 12 a res in grass; the balance woods pasture. One mile from Siletz Hay and ocean beach; one mile from cheese fac tory, road ar 1 water to place; also 5 head registered Holstein cattle and other stock; have sick wife and must get awav from the coast Come and make me olTer. Liberal terms. .lames Farrin, Taft, Lincoln Co., Ore. Brakeman Galtoway, on the Tillamook line, fell dead in the car near Strassel, Saturday after noon, while the train was re turning from the coast He had a hemorrhage of the chest, and lived but a few minutes. Gallo way went into the toilet and was heard to cry out shortly after. Investigation found him pros trate, and covered witn blood, rushing from his mouth and nos tri s. He was carried to the ex press car, where he expired in a few minutes. The body was taken through to Portland. OLD RELIC TELLS BIG SIDHf OFJMS HGO Almanac of IH63.' Published in Portland. Has Much of Interest FOUND IS EFFECTS OF LATE FllPPf N Raise! la Ortfoa ia ISSS Sold at SI Per Poaad ia Frbca J. N. Flippen,. formerly of BuxB ton. last Saturday, showed the Argus a relic found in the per sonal effect of his late father an almanac published in Portland in WS. The old book is full of interesting facts, gives the coun ty officers of that date for this county, and has many things that will make the old pioneer smile. The treatise on fruit cul ture and sales is exceptionally good, and is: The NIowiuff Uti(tic relative to the Frtiil Ttuta cl u k, i complied from icix.rl riirnisu..! by Ktupp, Uurrell & Ci. li tie Oregon Partner: The first t;o li J ot culliv .tel fruit in iirongtil o. :.vi Fratu tco market from Ore Kon. liy Mcr. Meek & Loelling, in iSjt They lrou(ht errnqt four buhcK ii nlwiit loo pntinHt, front tile tle of liith ther realueil 5jo. la 1854. the wtiir pirn'e bron;ht to market about f fi- lnnlif l, which ther contracted on .nivil nt 7&ct. per pound, realUing nbfMit fi.srio. In 1855. the reeelpti from Oregon ntimtimr't proliablr lo mme 1,500 boars, piii-e raiiKtriK from 50 cents to fi per I'Miml. Iu 156, tlie receipt! amounted 10 irvrml thoiiMud boira, aales rao(inK fr. 111 J5 to yr, renta per pound. lo 1S.7, the recent could not be lets thin i",iro boTes, jiI -a rangiug front 5 to 5rrni per potiu.l. In is kS, the ieceipt amounta to S9.190 t-.ixra. ,)e ranging f om 7 to 35 ccnlt )H-t pumt. in 1.1, oie receipt! awounteil 10 a lillli over 71,000 Slf tangeil from t 10 35 ceuia In 1S60, the receipts -m milled to aliout 86,00a bote. alea aiu'iiK from j to 19 centt r pound. Of the ciopj of 1861, the receipts are 11 follow: hc. BS. Sales Arerage 5J9 3C 1 . p: - -3SJ 3 " ww. 3.300 x,e " Nov - 14.113 3l7fe. ".e. lrc....r.".;.V.I.- ai.6Si i(6o. 4c ' 1n.; 3,St S(4c 3c. ' l' 't 5.41s '3C. " Mir .... 9 131 aitjc sc. v April 4.447 awSc. 5c. ' MV 334 4 10c. 8c. ' June too 61a 12c. 10c. " Total 75 394 The amonnt as given above i souie- Mbnt unri 01 tlie actual receipt! as s ronlleralIe amount was sold on the wharvfS by the owner, of which we have been unable to get any account. We have made no estimate of the amount of tales in dollars and cent, hut pribably it would esceed half a million doll.,. s, and the great bulk of the fruit lia.-i licen ok mined in San Francisco. Tniiu the foregoing statistics some i tea ol the importance of the fiuit crop may I formed, as lint branch of tlre(ion commerce is annually increasing in ex it m and pecuniary importance " The county officers were: Judge. Hyer Jackson; SherilT. R. E. Wiley, father of W. V. Wi ley; Clerk, W. 0. Hare, father ot J. C and W. G. Hare and Mrs. Henrietta Morgan and Mrs. Grant Mann; Assessor, J. B. Kel- ogg; Treasurer, Wheelock Sim mons; School Superintendent K. lanner; Coroner, W. Adams; Surveyor, Wm. Geiger Jr., father of Mrs. S. B. Huston, Portland. W. Bowlby, known as Wilson owlby, represented the county in the state senate, while b. w. Conyers represented us in the house. Washington County was quoted as having a population at 2,801. with G83 voters, and an assess ment of $1,044,7(50. The late Senator Mitchell rep resented Multnomah in the sen ate at Salem. The Majestic Range Is the one Range tint excels. For the money it is the best Range ever built. Other dealers w ill not say this but the person who owns ouc after using others will tell you so. Call and see them. Fine Line of Shelf Hardware We carry a fine line of Sheet and Build ing Hardware and no one can undersell us. If we have'nt w hat you want we can Ret it for you. "The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street OREGON WORLD le! rutins McMinnville Forest (.rove Forts t Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains, trains, stop on Range and Fir Sixth and Fir Tenih street. Steam Service...... Old Depot ' To Portland p R. AN. Train 1:37 p.m. From Portland P. K. & N. Train. 10:24 a.m. William IV Walker sues for di vorce, alleging mat, niiv'. UI..U.O. w hnm he married back in Canada in 1884. has deserted him. If bv chance the holdup man who was ooerating in the vicini ty of Beaverton Thursday night, reads this account of his activi ties he may be peeved because he failed to get $40 in the pos session of Michael Ritter, a ma chiniston The Journal. Ritter visited his farm at Beaverton, and about 10 0 clock in the eve ninar started for the station. Time was short and he cut across lots to catch his tram. A3 he stenued onto the tracks a Hash . ... t . trht was turned into nis iace, and his hair and hat rose. A lonsr look from the holdup man was the only demonstration made and Ritter broke speed records when the stranger ordered him to "beat it." Reaching the sta tinn." he caught the train am; with a sigh of relief sank into a seat out of breath and clutching tightly the purse containing his assets. Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE A Swenson Stump Puller and all necessary equipment Will either sell this or trade it for pigs or cows. Call or address Rosedale Farm, Santa Rosa, Ore., postor- hce, Beayerton, Ore., K. 2. And it is incumbsnt upon you to carve out your own destiny. No man ever became prosperous without laying the foundation of his fortune in partnership with his bank. It is the bank that instils the craving of the capitalist by stimulating the imagination of the small depositor in the "day of little things." Safety and ser vice are the watchwords of this institution. American National Bank Third Sis., HUHboeOtO, SHUTE SAVINGS! BAM nisi American National Band (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00 Combined Resources .'690,428.81 Banhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. Frank Heesacker, of north of Forest Grove, was in town Mon day, greeting friends. J. B. Imlay, of Reedville, was up Monday, taking out his ware house license. His warerooms are rapidly being niied with grain. . Sam Paisley, of Buxton, was in town Friday, greeting friends and looking after his campaign for representative. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olsen, Miss Gertha Olsen, and Carl Olsen and wife returned from the Al sea country last week. IL Tober, hopman of below Roods, was in town Friday. He will begin picking hops the last of the week. Theodore and Thomas Nissen, of near Scholia, were in the city Friday, getting tne latest war 'news. Buy That Watch For that boy who has a birthday coming. Did you ever stop to think how much "man" a watch adds to a boy in his teens? It makes him more than ever realize what it means to be a Man arid it helps him to appreciate time. A splendid birthday gift. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist. Hillsboro. Oregon