The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 20, 1914, Image 5

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    to a, BSiEwr
frwB CrkJ IJtf "
0. 5cJ t
, Ntrerl, aooin vi m-
. I...!!..!!.. Itl n
. . k ).
wg gutted by fire yet Wr
.1 I 1 ...... h I r I ft it
.Mn lhr " ami lour ur"" '
C Wann. who MW"' to
C.kf m th ''ht "f ln
' . 1 ......
Kqrt and hal'iiiM to "rn
.!mi. (ing l m laci
ihf ntru lur wa tinder
th tinfe tin lir-man reached
ne the entire building wtii
,iid in I h TfcVM
frame or w v-i n
tnd the interior rcprcneni
til a iwoi.
Th Kerdan millinery Mock was
, ., I ... it. !.. .......
ij-niuii'i iioor, mk iiui
wi i,i ihe alrwt ami saved.
i alio lb painting
rormlinu' at.-k f J. Murrow.
f building occupied ly Mur
, owned y Mr. Imogene
in, damaged ronnideruble.
..nriiiii a new nf. Thmall
'iJmi.'. iMiulh of thr dtrtH-turv
mW ov the. Ieruan, in
,h Hallar.l low a ah' repair
Hu!f-ri 'l Itut bUI damage.
.mi, i-rmif Hi limit 01 me
imr. ami the nature ol l he
ilding it H'i'ily a wonder Clint
group wa4 ma entirely
Inn Cil.
llr 'ia $'Vrl biS'iranct.
Wirf .y the MCMinnviii rin
llWirf AH-iation.
Tb V-t.Ibii hav U-enaway
ko hoiiK' t'ir iwo wivM. ani
(Ki Htayinsin thtt (mild-
The ll:ii tnil have atari.
1 jn the rear, and whHhi-r it
iifif! Iy hiih m nmlmt
W the liuil'linir, or by a abort
Wuilof wiri'H, not known.
run tc sm ir
ill .-!! at iib!ie salt at th It.
I IVihImh larm, II milm
Vthwi'St North Plain. U
Win at H o'cliirk a. m., on
mmir, 1 1 rfnM. r'i;tit 1 1 to
"!', ! '!. ri;lil M'k
i.k'vl hut. 'i rr ol.l, rljhl t4"
I, Kit wir, (ft jri ill, wrl;hl itt
i tub l i'l; trtilniK lillr, r'""l '".
ib r .11, I ) l.rl I k I Ull'k .
lMl.k. It lltf lU (lrlrt ttMMI, Hi c
I all wl c, C'.ttrtmrjr I'M I. timv
tl)rM ol.l, 9 lirt ! Iu,, i
4 fna, ll ir ih jnwy Kt t k ,
ll anil iyti Kmt h (I,
jnn; u ft. hv inlr; ll Inl'lri; lc
i, lif htin.w' t l'ih hr
m, I 14 m ilkiiiK ilni; lilrn
jhlMN. t liaMlli IH to (;' M,: I''
kml y ii i lm il bav in lin; Im
ImIi, M.-u h .1.1 fmniliur, II) f--'k.
IB I pullrtt, (tfll, lmvl, Mllr
WolWt clirir lu nunwiMii to Piimi-
Term of Suli-$0 and under.
h;ovr $10 nix months' timo
B approved not with interest
1 the rate of H ikt rent mt an-
m, l.'uneb at ninm.
0 i: Hunt. Owner
B P OrneliiiH, Auctioneer
Juhn Vatitlerwal, Clerk
iturduy eveninj?. Aunst 15.
jfiKhlkirs Hpent a very iileuHant
jenini; on ituesta at the home of
it, and Mrs. Ja. J. Invrram, of
r Farmiiinton. Music, card
J"1 jtanieH were the featurt'H of
he evening, and lunch wa
rH at midnight. '
I Those present were: - Mesn
M Mesiliitne J J Ingram, W J
,niram, A V Injrrnm. V H Kenr
y. Una Kemper. Jn. Church,
ohn Jack; Mra Kmma Adams;
)wn IWn Ingram, Nellie Rob
won. Helen Scott, Delia and Ki
le Jack; MeHsra J T and Christie
Sorrison. John Worthinjrton, Kb
J and Alton Ingram, Francis
Aearney. Walter Kirkland. Kay
wnd Way. Oliver Church and
Wty Jack.
. II C ...... 1' - - 111 'II!.... .. ....
r- ... luuiiM-i Xl , H I IIIIOm, WH
jenatreii a surprise Amr.
t his home, Mr. and Mw.
(Isrtman Stausa entertaining,
ell-lilled baaket brouuht by
r Koosia mHde the day a
?aaant one. Mr. Staim, the
?uest of honor, urn. celehrntini!
ifi2nil birthday. The visitors
jfeparteil jn the evening wishing
m many returns of the day
ihose present were; 'J 11 Stauss
'lid wile !u..h nii.l
i ,'tin rllllllM llo,
Mitnrhtor. Mthel; llartman Stauss
na wife; Kdna and Karl Stauss;
r"PHt Malum and wife; h Nicht
"nn nn, I wife; Mrs Kd Mizon;
-rum and lewis Stauas.
L" you want to buy a Rord
i"' rough bred Shropshire buck
J?" on, Phone, or wtite.Ferd
OT'r. Hillsboro, U. 2; phone
P'-une in Scholia. mi
K. Grabhorn. of Cooper
nntain, was a city visitor
L ?iT.H- n- Sm'th "Pt Sunday
with bis tarri,t4.
t'l.ri t
ri,n, of I't-rtLi,,,!
. ', 1' .l','.r. !,,y !
r rn!.,r.,i i . i
at the J. .1. l,n'r
Kloreoee S'-mlii-M.
a KUit nt th,
Home, jim r,i.,i..
' :it I! - V..I
;.:ut'i f-.r
rl h :i a, .
I'. b.:-:4n...
who hj4 U'rn vis, tii.,'
J. lnivra'n ho:ti.. ,i.
I'lirtlan-t. .S in I n. :;
etwniinrnf.l l.y M- . A
- Wihiiut t'lnirrli
t . ..I ...
mil i nun i nrii;ih., .Vimi.i
of Jaiiu-i Chun Ii ami v.
i". a.:
Ivt'OfliTM. Hlio J,;u .
at the K. ;. Wan i,',
II t 'UWu;' ;
...i w i ... I i ,
- ,'Jl'H'NV III O III I'l.lfMl
Tburiluy i-v-hiMi, Aiis-'i-t :;
a ( ;
vi ry t.-a at.t l.iv. n ,rty
held by tin- u-;i.' i,!,,.',. ,,;
Karmiiiftiin bud viriniiv, nt
Ibmi-Un,), , lioiiu- ,f ,,,, ,
.niini'Tioun uu w if. , (iuni-;,
aniUH,.iiiiiit uti. n-fr, inii iiti
W'er the lealureHof t,, v, inii. ,
l'h(we ,reu'rit ,r-, ,M. -k;,m,
.MH,Iami-K J.ih , nun. rfiiU'i. i
II Kearney, A I' In .ram. I J J i.
I'ram; M-,i.n!n s Oh K'-mi - r.
Kmma Alitn.; Mi lri"
ifruni, Miilin it h'.iA, .N. 'i,.'
K'ibitoi'lti. s,-.,!!, .
John.'.nti, Klvira unu Sa.ln- An !i r.
oo, Mary Ni(.(ii, ,.u; N :i,
and M.iIm-1 .SiihIIi. At-a (',, mi-
la. lla'el Murpt.y and Amy Sr.i
der; Mi-rn Wm t!.iii;t'ii)i
Orrie Oi-hmiin. I'rat k S'h.n..,
Franeii Kfartiey. U l y Inraio.
Kn hih! Ibirwv .1.1 k. Jul. ii :i:,
Kd South. Mam'i K ,l.iM"it?, Al
fnrd Keinii rn. S n r hirlhnd,
Waller l,an, Ki) unm.i Win,
Arnold llhrif.
For h:i!': Two !,!-ni;t .ur,'
bred JiTsfv eurt.4, fr. -h in S'ji-lemlx-r.
Al o a ii-rti!., r of im
bred lli-rkshir,- pi("i. Iad e.innih
old I'arl lli-rt'vri-ti, lit'Ut i,
Uoiiti' TJ; r"id'fie on" tin!,- i a t
of North I'iaiti. near hoksu-i
srlninl li'i'H''. Ti 'i I'hiHn N'ir(h
I'Uiiu. I Till.
The i',i,!e of On-ncD and ir
riundintf nmntry fonn'J a Chain
Iwr of Commerce Tue-lav i-w-
ninjf. for the Mir'Hi- of enlar
nig the eominenia! activity ,f
that territory. Initial step wire
taken toward Ktartiej; acruvM ry.
A meeting of the I, i:;in s.4 men
and fanners ii ealie-l for Tues
day, Am?. at the (Irene.) City
Hall, and leaker will In- there
from Portland, n well m from
Oreoro and tributary. I hepi o
pie there remrt success in their
A.'K'iation which has len mar
keting product. This method
of marketing will be iL-''.-h---:.-!
at the coming meeting, and
Oreneois bnitid t-i get jntotmidi
With b'UHli'- S that is hie in. -s.
Taken up: Ke I Jersey heifer.
aUttit 2 year old. r j
pri-rty. pay charges and take
name away. Ceo. Me.icham. f
mile alxvve MounlaitohiU', on
rut Fork of Hairy Creek. Tel
ephone, Ninth Plains.
An Italian hocm:iker and
photographer o f lieavertoii.
named V. Ma .zeie. gave a H.'oW
bond this week, alter spending
the night in the county jai!. The
defendant H charged with at
lemiding to commit a statutory
offense, the coniplainii.
being a little girl by the name of
Coddard. The prisoner g;ive his
nrother. well known in Heaver-
ton, a surety, and he will a'-swer
to circuit court.
Those wishing to pick hop
will please register at one.-. - Jos.
I 'nl-,lillS KillltlV 1. I eh
ephone ;!l -'' -
Cunner lU-rggren, oftjleneoi
while working on the Cmtivi
!,., niniiid. ran gains'.
gate, Tuesday mvht. and cut aj
wound ttto inches in lengni oei
.- ....... ...j, mi,) 1'iiine
one oi ni eye.-, wn- -....
clear to the skull. I'r. l-aney
attended the young man.
For sale: Jersey cow. I years
ol.l in Fall; gentle, sound; tests
per cent ; I gallons oaiiy. i me.
Sll. U to hWM': l.euv'ioM..
Miss Dora Farnham. daughter
of C. D. Farnham una win;.
turned this week niter n iie.iK. -
ful visit of three mourns ,..
Mrs. Kliza Seoggin and lannly.
at lvng Creek.
t.v, rent: Seven room bouse;
up-to-date pluinbuig; tr
,,,'onth. Apply to Ihos. Heir.
Odd Fellows P.I.Ik'.
Harry (lotT. Mayor of Forest
drove, and J. A. Thornbiirgh. of
,V.Ki nt(!nv National, were
in town Tuesday, attending me
action against the vmmc man
JhSed with cuttiml the hnirof
a girl in n Forest Drove movie.
l'iekera wishing to work mint
yard of the undersigned a e r
posted b) register at once-J I
rViriilar pickers welcomed.-Wm.
Itagley br.
ii r nionle nnd lVlia
united in marriago in t h a y.
St the homo of the o h.
minuter. Kev. Ww. A. Ibnns,
August 17, PH I.
Kmly employed vvou h ike
nlensant home for self and lo
SSifr il child. Will Hhantwork
. m- nav noioo.
ami e.Mietwi".
Keferences. -Address
Alien ArgllS.
IUvr Itoft.i Ko,.g
on. of r,rt';i.t i. ,
J.W. Goodin. of North llain9.,any onfl
...'s-i.rt o tv vesterday. i'1 ... .
says h br ok work on the new
K?1V II11 ha,f cmn"
I.1.I...1 Are Uinmt
ir..iin, in lUIKium Territory
l' H. t attiit nid RrsnH-Uia baa
rv' ol Biin Talcs
t tin
t ili-patchi H from the gent
Ivirupean War tell u that
many is steadily raining
Vt i .'i'l. They now have absolute
d . miration o -giitrn and con-
' railway leading fnmi
C, rm.iny, m '.heir big guns and
eippii-s can i-otno through.
I.iegi' has fallen and expert bayi;
)'iv( ti mi Ha- t-ity of Prussid:.
Nothii g ii niinirig through those
la,s. excepting that the O-r.
mat s keep advancing to better
P'HitiiMi. Theanniesof France,
lai;:!an. and lUdginm are to-"othi-r.
iiut (iermany is playing
Irately for a position that wid
mean dieisivo battle In-fore
I'rench Hii! is invaded. When
the battle comet it will bo on (if
the bl'Miiln-st the world ha ever
At hii there have Leon no
nigral victories for the entente,
the Hermans playing the bide-
and M'.-k game.
I he Kaiser disclaim any sever,-
losses, ami nays he ha over
a imlU'iu men en route, to France
n,m hiihling Itelgium. It
would not he surprising if an
other Waterloo was fought out
within a week, and it may be the
iiiriting ioint of the war, one
w ay or the other.
At 'CI ION SAl.ti
lie undersigned w ill sell at putt-
lie sale at the Wm. Adams ranch,
o'lo utile north of Moiintaindale,
it ten a. m., on
Cray mare, 5 years, 1150; saddle
pony, 8 yr.s; black colt, 2 yrsjlt
buggies, 1 new ruhlier tire, 1
r 'inaUiut, nnd top buggy, steel
tire; 2 sets buggy harness, heavy
teirn harness, : inch half truck
farm waiton, nearly new ; 3 inch
wavon. 11 in wagon, nearly new.
I A IKY COWS - Three A-l Jer
sey cms, fresh this Fall, 2 Jer
sey heifers, with calf, 7 cows, in
milk. 2 cows, 1 fresh this Fall. 1
to freshen in Winter;2 yr heifer,
bred; 2 yearling., 2 Spring calves.
Three cultivators, spikotooth
harrow, 2 horse disc harrow, 11
in breaung plow, shovel plow,
dbbshovel plaw, set heavy work
harness. 20-gal iron kettle, gar
den wheelbarrow, garden culti
vator, grindstone, x-cut saw,
axes, sledges, wedges, peavey,
Zenith range, nearly new; heater,
bureau, stand, rockers, 6 chairs.
2 iron beds, extension dining ta
b!e. Kitchen Oueen. lounge,
washing machine. 2D00 7-f t cedar
fence nosts. Numerous other
articles. Clinch at Noon.
Terms of Sale $10 and under,
cash; over, six months bankable
note, at S per cent, lwo per
cent, olf cash over $10.
A. K. Willis.
P. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
I'age Gardner, Clerk.
k'tcc -noims
A uuiet home wedding was cele
brated at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. ilobbs, of Varley,
west of Hillsboro. at 1 o clock,
Saturday. August 15. 1914. when
their daughter. 1 herniate Al.,
was united in marriage to Hoy J
trice. Kev. Mevers. of the Hills
boro M. K. Church, officiating.
l!.ih bride and grmnn are w
k nown here, and are deservedly
popular. Tno groom is n son of
Mr nnd Mrs. K. M. Kice, of
Hillsboro. and is now located at
M:irdiie i . Ore.
Those attending the wedding
were: Mr. nnd Mrs, J. A. llotms
Mrs. F. M. Kice, Mrs. Southard
t,-j I'helos. Mrs. Jas. Huchan
Misses Kern Ilobbs, Alma Kice
Crace IVichman, I'risciiia hoods
m.. Long. Mrs. Tomlinson
Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Hrock, Mr,
n.i Mrs. C, rover Combs. Kev
!.n,l Mrs. Movers, and Melvin
A dainty lunch was served af
ilw eeremonv. ana ai six
s A L' VI I'. llltl lUICI.
1 I. nn.l M lK
Kice de
parted on the Klectric for their
new home at Marshlield.
We desire to extend our sincere
thanks to those who nave s(
ted us durincr our re
cent hereavetnent. the death and
obsequies of the late J. S.
Steinke, ami we return especia
thanks for the beautiful floral
tributes. .
Mrs. J. S. Steinke
and Children.
Hillsboro, Ore., Amr. 18, 1914.
TUn lniirfat S hinmentof ranees
from the Fast ever received by
riea or. v. wwm.
and Mrs. John Dennis,
g "this morninn.
ti in extended outin.
Ibrry P.rock whi in from
South Tualatin, today.
Kichard Hoyt kft Tiwshy for
a week's vacation at Kockaway.
August Poire, of Farrnington.
wa a city caller yesterday.
J. C. iVchen, of beyond Oren
co, wan a city caller Tuesday.
I)r. Cha3. Pollock and wife
sin nt the week-end at Parvk-w,
Peter Josay, of Helvetia, was
in town Tuesday.
F. A. Ketzt l. of near Laurel,
say3 the gra3.shopjers are get
ting to be nuisance nut his w ay.
Strayed -Hark brown yearling
heifer; natural muley. C. D.
Kimherlin, Hillsboro. 21-2
Deputy Sheriff Applegate w ent
over to Tillamook, Saturday, on
the Artisan excursion.
For Sale-Six II. P. gasoline
wood saw.-F. V. Cady. 15eaver
ton. Ore. 21-3
P. P. Weik and sisters. Misses
With ami Iois, visited the Tilla-
mook b'achi?s over Sunday.
The Arcadian malleable, non-
hreakable ranges are made to
last a litctime. 1. Corwin.
J. Ii. and II. P. Downing, of
M-low Heaverion, passed through
to the Wilson, this morning, on
fishing and hunting exix-lition.
Karl DonelHon is taking care
the Combs furniture store
during the proprietor's absence
at the beach.
liOst. Aug. 8. at Kinton, watch
find fob. Initials. F. Is. G. on
face of watch. F. P.. (irabhorn,
P,eaverton, Ore.. 1L 3.
Peter Zuercber, of near Kl-
monica. was up to the city Tues
day. Peter raues prize apples
every year.
For Sale: Thoroughbred Hoi
stein bull. 4 years old. Kegis
i-red. Centie. A P"nz, Hills.
ale, Ore., K. !. Ho 82. 22-4
Thos. Tucker came out from
'ortland yesterdav, to visit with
his daughter. Mrs. U. G. Gard
Anton Corrieri. of Lou3ignont
tke. was in town yesterdav.
le sold 57 head of stock to K.
W. Haines, this week, for Octo
er delivery.
Correction: German Speaking
Society will meet at the W under
lich Park, near Centerville, the
ast Sunday in August. All other
notice is void.
Kmmctt Golf, who owns prop
ertv south of town, is over from
ishcr. Lincoln Lounty, ims
week, greetintr friends and tak
ing care of business.
For sale: tour young cows,
resh and soon to be fresh
Solendid milkers. H. E. Grab
mm. Cooper Mountain, lieaver-
ton. Ore., Koute J. --J
Ferd Hartrampf finished in
stalling a water system for the
W. J. Gregg Place, this week
The plant enables Mr. Gregg to
have water an oyer nis piace,
and at both hop houses.
Miss Jennie Deichman, of Bel
ingham, Wash., is the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. u iv
Deichman. Mr. Deichman am
daughter were Kockaway visitors
over Sunday.
J. T. Young came over, from
llarview. yesterday, to remain a
davor80 on personal business
His family is still at the ueacn
nnd will not return for several
Kev. Messrs. Harris. Myers
and Valandigbim attended the
luncheon given at the Portland
Hotel Tuesday noon In the inter
ests of the A ti-Saloon work in
the state and nation.
Motorcycle For Sale: Machine
in first-class condition. Will scl
verv reasonable, on easy terms,
Keason for selling, am leaving
the State. A. A. Asbahr, Gome
lius, Ore., Koute 2.
Mr. and Mrs. VanCleve, of
near Napavine, Wash., are visit
i ii i
mir at me n. n. ureer nume,
Mrs. VanCleve is a niece ot Mrs,
Greer, and will be remembered
by her inenas nere as miss uaisy
Some boys about town have
been in the habit of making
chalk marks on window fronts in
the business sections, and many
of them have taken some steel
obiect. marring the class, draw
ing the instrument clear across
the front. 1 he matter nas been
taken up with the city authori
ties who will try to put a stop to
the vandalism.
J. W. Cochran, of Ashland
Wisconsin, ownerof large timber
interests in Tillamook and Wash
ington counties, and after whom
the station ot uoenran was
named, died at St." Augustine,
Florida, last January. His wi
provides that the Oregon Timber
Lands shall be held for a period
of six vears. as he thought they
would largely increase in value
by that time. The will was re
corded here this week.
" Shoemaker Shafer sustained a
Potts fracture of the leg, early
Wednesday morninsr, just as he
Btarted from his house to attend
the fire. He lell from the porch
steps, his lea crumpling under
Ur. a. n. smim, wno was
! at the blaze went to t
and attended the injur,.
to the house
lrv hirtanbotbam Shuts Out
OakUad Yesterday. U t 0
Hs PiltW 21 Wias mm! 12
Gsiaes, aa4 Geiaf Fnk
rve Higganbotham. the former
illslwro pitcher, yesterday
tw Tried against Oakland, and won
his game by a score of 13 to zero.
ig has pitched 21 winning games
this season, and has lost but 12,
and this gives him the highest
percentage of winnings of any
pitcher in the Pacific Coast
eague where any number of
games have been played. Hills
boro fans and players always
take a lively interest in the big
tellow, as he is well known here,
having Bpent two Winters with
his brother, who was a resident
this city, shortly after the
twirler pitched for Denver. Hig
ganbotham pitched several games
locally, and was always a favor
ite. He is .me pitcher when
he is koing right and McCredie
has held to him for a number of
years, even when many were
trying to get his scalp.
It would not be strange if Ilig
did not go East next year, as it
is said calls are being made on
McCredie for a subtraction from
hi? pitching staff.
The game locally, in this coun
ty, is off for the year. John
Wunderlich. who was down from
tanks, yesterday, says he can t
get hi team together, and the
series between Hillsboro and the
bankers is as dead as Huerta.
Carl Larsen and John Johanset
hare taken over the Hartrampf
''eed Store and Chopper, and will
hereafter conduct tne business-
Both are well and favorably
known, and will do a good bust
ness. The stand is a good one
and the new firm will make ev
ery endeavor to keep up the
good reputation of the place.
MizJ to II C Hartw'ir. i. to a
ri as, in I Iloaie, Beve ton I500
I) J Inleclux to Bulger Lumber LJ
I.007 blk J Garden Tr-t . ... 10
C-iroliue (ilraaer to Kobt Alexander
t lota West Tars F Grcve 4$
T bo Soutlera to Nancy Ana Roles,
o n tec 27 1 1 1 r I w to
Anna Qiiinn to North Plains Bank,
a lots blk 6 I Plains . 10
W V Wiley to Cirl Laraen. lot 4 Wl
Jas G Lee to Wm K. Lee, 40 a sec 15
t 1 a r s w. lo
D J Utile to R L Ewald, 4 lota blk
10 Garden Tracts - l
Jot Ingram to O M Taylor, 8 s sec
1 1 1 1 1 r 1 w m
K 1 Newby to G O Frost, block 8
1 norne ad Hillsboro 10
lib) Ganlen Tracts to K L Ewald,
4 lots Garden Tract - 10
Carl Gritmer to F J Wirn, 160 a sec
2Q t 1 u r 4 w 3 73
C J lliiiUcll to Wa ter Roell, a yrs
lease 141 6 a sec J 1 1 llli w Ijoo
H Scliroeder to A II Gattt, S s
Rut ler donation
l'mte C C Kushit-K to Chas Tatnoe,
lot in rinelan I Terrace u ion
Vi.t 1'uiok to J J Meacham, land in
soc 11 & 11 1 1 n 1 1 w. 10
1) II U,uley 10 W S llailey, so s sec
ift t 1 s 1 j w.....
,1 a Cowanlock to R W Gowanlock,
M int iu 110 s sec 17 t 3 a i w...
A II Withrow to II M Lichty. t lots
Knob Hill. F Grove 10
Aug Lovegren to Alfred W allln, tr
11 L'liertf Grove, 1st addition 45'
Orvilie 8 Jines to C E Wolf et sis
it, os s sec 33 1 1 n r 3 w
John S Steinke to Mary Steinke, 119
scies at Minter binl(e
Jos Dh Coltette to Cbas Corpena.
17 13 a sec 5 1 1 s r a w, noisooro.oooj
Oregon Nursery to Julia A Uitcn, a
lots bik is Fliat sd to Urenco
Julia Hatch to M McDonald, same
a above.
F. 0. Stevens to Psul Frederick, 10 a
aec ti 1 1 1 1 1 w.......
Aug LoveRrxu to Cherrv Gicve Land
Co, 8.47 a uouaid McLeoj a 1 c. .
Aub Loveeren to Cherry Grove Land
Co, 26.91 acres st Cherry Grove, '
sod the water lysttm, liitht sys
tem ami telephone system 10
Earl Tapper to cstnerine vsnuoy,
6 lots l'nrdy'sad, Dilley t2$o
W K S1111U1 Jr to enss fcmooiiy, lot
in Nichols ad No a, Garden Home
Lewis F.niith to Jno N Mitchell, a
lota Pinelaud Terrace
H. Mclnnis, charged with
threatening to kill Carrie Ras
muss, complaining witness, S. E.
Brown and wife, her parents,
and her husband, Chas. Kasmuss,
as well as her brother, Albert
Brown covering the whole fam
ily, practically was lodged in
jail the first of the week, and
gave bond in the sum of $300 to
appear later and defend the
charge. Mclnnis haila from
At the regular service of wor
ship next Sunday morning the
pastor will preach; The Religion
of the River" being his theme.
This will be a Summer way-side
talk, on the three types of re
ligious ideas represented in the
tcrent. the pool and the river.
In the evening at 8 o'clock the
Union service will be held in this
church. Rev. Mr. Myers, of the
Methodist church will be the
preacher. All are cordially in
vited to these seryicet. Edward
A. Harris, Pastor Congregational
I Judge Smith Tuesday heard'
Wm. Haskell's defense against!
ithechargeof eutting hair from!
the head of Miss Anna Freeman.
while in amoving picture show
at Forest Grove. Miss Freeman
ieaiisiei inai sne wa:s siuing in
the theatre, in the wait row cf
seats, and that Haskell, who is a
young man in his early twenties,
was st ated behind her. She says
she felt some one tugging at her
hair, and reaching back to
straighten it, found a big lock of
it cut, and to substantiate this
produced in court an exhibit of
hair the color of which is a beau
tiful, rich auburn.. She say 3 no
one occupied the two seat3 next
to Haskell and she also says she
turned and saw him close what
she thought was a knife. Has
kell denied the act when he went
on the stand, but Judge Smith
fixed bail at $500. which was
furnished by Haskell's father
and J. C. Smith. Young Ha3kell
says he had no knife -a pair of
pliers being bis only possession, j
tXDrs. Lowe & Turner, the
C"well known eye specialists,
of Portland, a!30 have been com
ing to Hiilshcro for years, will be
here again Saturday, Aug. 29. at
iotel W ashmgton Parlors. Con
sult them about your eyes and
glasses, tye strain not.only in
jures those valuable organs, but
disfigjres the face and expres
sion. If your occupation is such
that imposes much work for the
eyes, you will find properly fitted
and especially good glasses, as
furnished by Drs. Lowe & Turn
er, a great convenience, if not an
absolute necessity. Their charges
are always consistent with their
services. They never sacrifice
quality for price. If you consult
them, your eyes will be fitted
right or not at all. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Kemember the date.
Scores of references.
B. E. Baker, a deliveryman for
the Chisholm grocery, Orenco,
says he was attacked by a high
wayman, one and one-half miles
southeast of Orenco, Tuesday,
about ten in the morning. When
the robber told him to halt. Ba
ker says be jumped from the de-
1 very wagon.grappled with the
thug, and threw him otf the
bridge into the creek. Baker
then returned to Orenco, and
when he jumped from the wagon.
ouna a revolver nammer. ne
thinks he must have caught the
hammer in his overalls when he
jumped. Baker had $36.50 in
money on hi3 person, and con
siders that his hasty jump saved
the grocery firm that much
Now is the time to install pri
vate water plants on your farm.
Let me sell you an engine one
of the best made - and then gas
oline will pump your water sup-
ply and your- pressure tank will
distribute it all over your place.
Turn your faucets and you have!
all the water conveniences you
would have in town,
See me
and let me ten you now it is
done. Ferd Hartrampf. 22-5
Dr. W. B. Cunningham, for
several years practicing physician
at Orenco, died at Sierra Madre.
Cal.. Auiiust 13. 1914. after an
illness of sever?' years, his af-
fliction being tuberculosis. Dr.
Cunningham left here last year
for the South, in hopes of better
I L!. L.-I.L Jl J -1.
inir nia ncs m. am Ltr. r reuericK
Anderson succeeded to his prac
tice. Dr. Cunningham also con
ducted a drug store at Urenco.
nnhhV nffnira Ha harl n hoar nf
va a,vrv i sail uvki'v iui 1 vt) sis uu
friends in the nursery city who
are deploring his death. He
leaves a wife and two children
to mourn his loss.
Los't: Between the Skyline
boulevard and the Cornell road,
lady's hand-bag containing sum
of money, and card of Mrs. O. G
Wilkes; also box ot Temeo shock
absorbers for Ford auto. Finder
please notify Wilkes Auto Ga
Why be bothered with two
pairs of glasses? Call at Hotel
Washington Parlors. Saturday,
Aug. 29, and let Drs. Irf)we &
Turner show you "those new dou
ble-vision glasses, which have no
unsightly lines or seams to catch
curt, strain the eyes or come
apart One light solid piece of
glass, which looks like a single
pair yet answer the purpose of
two, enabling you to read or
i i j , . .
close work and see distant ob
jects perfectly. Don't fail to
see them Saturday, Aug. 29.
Ten Dollars reward will be paid
for information leading to the
arrest and conviction of any per
son or persons scratching, mar
ring, or in any manner interfer
ing with windows in front
business houses, C. Blaser,
Chief of Police;
For Sale: Thoroughbred Buff
Leghorn pullets and roosters;
hatched this Spring; cheap. Tel
ephone City 547. or call at Harry
McLauchlan's. on Washington
Street, west of the P. K. & N.
Mrs. McFee returned Monday
iBKKori miiu ivikks lamiues,
Netarts. Being there
Being there during
the lowest tide, Mrs. McFee was
enabled to enter the Lost Boy
Cave, one of the interesting at
tractions near there.
S. S. Barnes, of McMinnville,
has been a Hillsboro visitor
17 a ItAlicv is s
r A iJi-0 V, M. IX
rkyiirlaa tad Sarsreusi
! office: t'pauirs la Schairira
and MnwdlMiMa
PIhkim, crftir, i u, rwriOsarMHf ass)
R. M. ERWIN, M. D.
Aatgnm P. P. R. A 9-, f. f.
Oiuce in th. Tamie Blcck. TkiH aa.
Main Streets, Hillataro, Oreavtt.
s -Olfice
lr-- to is a. as.; to p. .
Toeailay. ThnrsiUy, Silarday a to la
Cails answrred day or aight. BntM
pbonra. Office ovet HilUboro Nattoaa
i'i'iV'iVlATiAJ-M. J
J- O. ROBB, II. D.
OFFICK-L-airsia Scbalawrica B d.
I'lioNns-OUice. City 1S4; Res. City St 1
Physician and Surgeon
Office boars 9 to 11 a. m.; a to 5 p. ai.
Calls answered day or night. B0H1
phones. Office la American Natloa il
Bank, upstairs.
eft.ssv K . '
Hoot-. 1 tod t KhQf BlildiBf
HILLSBOltO. . . OKKeo.1
Offices upstairs in SchnlmerL-h Block
'"''' 1 T'r 'niwyijin. ij
Up-tair, A. C Shale Bldg, Main A srxl
Omcs: Main Street, opp. Court Bom
0ffice r-i in Schalawrkk Block
HHlsborn. - - It-
' w.-w
I Telephone office Main iot. Rcaidaiira
Main lo3
Successor to Dr. Llnklater
Office over Delta Drag Store. Resides, a
Riseline, between 5th ami 6th StS.
Hillsboro, - Orejjou
I Frederick KnCznzz, M. 0.
1 0
- 1 successor to Dr. Cunnt.ikuam.
office and Drug Store.
1 rirnti i-m
uttt -JtUSUON
Telephone connections.
Sto. J C4asM
Xrsi)kRraM Vksstetra, M
aafaltal as Mams
Ontrat-fttattoanat, BMhattfaatJf. "Mb
matttrn. Xritaaicitit. UrhinSsa ak a- slta
tttten anrnimdr suferfkill. M -a
tea ta wuiupa Mil anfttea rtataa
VtsmWi sa sllra sjniaiHllii
Kmnlnnrnfitaftra. Ililiiliaiisaasa
trttnflel aw annea WMtna.
statsrrataakra: aajtksa -9 BM
ask saf BttsMrtaw.
Ielepim: SlarftaU 100: B-Khrl -
Kuisxeusan: wiata asss an wi a
obsaift 00 04 etjaattt sf Isisiw waft
do office up-stairs over HUIhIiom National
i i
of Tmista Bldg,
. RooraaSaadt
Main and Third. ' v
Upstairs, in Linklater D.:u
Building, Main Strtct
HlilAoro - - Or
ai i
bowman a VAUArr::r."3
Attorneys-AI'Li ,
Commercial Daks Ciii
. ,cttri.-a ' H
Hillstsro T C.:-