IULU80IO A MCI. aCCt.T an. Pju) .H) I ..us r" I wmJsssz t:i An. ' II eeeiawai, II I IKIVliUTf ir ok to I -a -J NMMIBS GET MRS. JOHNSON Woman Wile i, ilatl iWin I'riwincr Patting Mill, at Jail IN Till: CASI 1 U,,v' W (ltd Dhu-r "Bja Tell. HUrrJ Story l Daily Journal and Th WeeKly Argus On Yaar, Doth Papers $5.25 Dally and Sun Journal and Argus. One Yer. $7.50. Do It Now more serious Johnson hui a daughter a cn-aMr - and the Mr. I rank Jit.fisin. f..rrn..rlu .f ;K.ircHt (Jrov... !m,.r,,f rtland, jan.l th-narchhl.-ntof Califr.nua. tak-ti to Portland Monday neninK ir, r.-HH.ns(' to a call from tin Multnomah County of li' iaU. Just what the chaw 1h against the woman in not known, but it may l.; for tnnt.-m.t tf int? Juvi-niiv Court, ami it mav i .t . . sorm iiiin r am I'liarf. Mrs twrlv y.ur hritht littlf If t.l I- .. I . . I I . nut inyii laht-n ovt.r iiy iura It' -tJ larl-r. the Juvenile Court oflirial at Forest Urine. Mrs. Johnson has (mscd as the wife of i'mmner Mills, iti the county jail, an. I the ollieiala Hay they have never Uen married. The fhiM hat Urn physically mat Ircaltil, and is in a horrible con dition, ami the little tfirl Bays the mother is responsible. A janitor, of Cortland, in under ar rest on the case, and other ar rents may follow. lie woman in question has U-en making life a mis-cry for the hhen:!' oliice for several weeks, tanning admit the place in order to talk with Mills. She is now in care of the matron at the Multnomah jail, and what will develop later is a matter oi conjecture. Coming to Hillsboro. I SPECIALISTS From the CATAPHOR IC MEDICAL INSTIT UTE of St. Louie. Mo. Will Py their first visit to Millsboro. nd will be at the Hotel Washing ton. Saturday and Sun day. September 19-20, two days only. TfcU Mac sa AefrtrtWaf Trifle Introduce Thil Mew fyttOt. Thy Will Qivt Comsltattos, Examination, Advice aaa AH Trsatmsnt Vtemuj ta pltts a Curt TlSi. to eta.rta af ail PRIVATE KOC rC3 SXK Under charge of experienced nurse. MIS. C1IAS. GARDNER, from Portland. Solicits patients from all phy sicians. Bast of ran. aUeeoaaM prtaee Mmmm. Mala CM rOUt 09A3 Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment .Capable workmen Baths in connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will please you. JAMES ANDERSON, Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro. ..Veekly Argus oaves of Bread for 25c jxw loaf and 5 checks, each good for one loaf of A Buying your bread this way rives you the M to gave on your bread bill. Kememlier this time you buy bread. Six Fresh Itvaves for 2T THE CITY BAKERY X Hillsboro J. Wolfersperger, Prep. KTtLIC SAI.I; I w ill .sell at public Hale at the 1!, I'. tormlius farm. 12 miles northwest of North l'lains, be- K i n n i n if at 10 o'clock a. m., on TUKSDAY. AUGUST l Uiy uiarr, it veaituM, weight Iim ll-i.; Itia murr, H jmn ulil, vriulil 141K llm ; luni k lin-r, ." vrirtutil, wrlijlit 14 jr !).; lUv mir, 16 yrnii ull, wriKhl IJM' 'In., with fml; tmtlliig (ill), K'""! our, Surkllttf cult; IV lr'l milk cow. II ill mt'k. n'lin to fir.lirn ihiii, llirw ir nil kmm1 fi, CutrnM-y 1m I, colli 111K lr rf olil; 9 lirml l thciala; 1 lumxl !, ill itr the JriM ir Krlln V 1 (arm wKt..itil nc ll(hi mi: ,'1 ft. intmrf. 10 rt. liny itkr, llnylnl'icr; )tr iilow; Ih.ch.tiow: i o- lilli lmv lint n.. 1 14 ill. ot.kniK plow; t.iiiilrti , ulnv.ti'f. 5 IihiiIi; IS io-i., un.k cum AIhiiiI v ta 40 ton n( hv in Ixitil; b ol tut., HiMitrhuM fuinilurr, ll.tfi,(k. nuc nii'l pullr, ftki, liiivrl, wli u I mhri .ilii'ir. to nuilirtous to unuir Terms of Sale - $10 and under, cash; over $10 six months' time on annrovetl note witn interesi at the rate of 8 per cent lor an num. Lunch at noon. C K Hurst. Ow ner IS P (Cornelius, Auctioneer John Vamlerwal, Clerk Ok'IN SATTi:KLI:l: Orin Satteilee (lit d at the Kober itein home in SiOk'tfin V-ltey. rwraa , Unil rd t M llMf M la MM wibi iih. w4 a win to Mllttli Ukln. idrllUM at ttlls to iui ri4 tk rwulla emmm wj mmw TM-m t lra.li.Mil TUt ,rt aLt KIKM u i nionh: imiiia aKt Dltoaiunia u4 iiitawit akvh Iitc hM Nw ha .r. la aiaiil illailh.rl la WWIt m M, li.fiwa. fwt raaa. lra rm Uw at OmU tnl4(. ThM M nymMMatua WB a.rk f.ia am k. t.14 IMM fm mm tm in4Mit If fw cm. to cwnkta Uw tiu traat tm : if larvnbto tmf wlU fm mm 4'lra M to laa faUt III Trio? ual tTittm wf aamr Mbi4. n4 kMrta to ttt'f l.TAkkH la iu v aaiaiv ira4 H " will ratkni. f anana 9 Uw mI4 nu-hint iMHkmrt mt Uat alaitfickl kk- K.riioa ar waiiriM. II ra ak aaM Man a. o fall to k. .ualaM. Tk. a. Ov.f.rr o tkMrklaa awauaw) wt alarlrlrllr Ik HtilrM. laM af flaw, rh.um.iuw i til iMa f tk aarNw tj im. lacMii KPlLRPkY, to a Oa4-kaal to hHI kvmuitlr Mal ka4 ktUaUac Baa I4...4 a.w4 ito mimtow carat ikkl art fctmi r?tnl wruratar talk to kkraf Ik lrodun4 Thawanak t hktk fla kf kB kuar. uf m tomi n4 vm kk-t kk wmm iMmtr 4 IiMim la coanH kklM kaaUllaM A N.iloa.1 KtMiuitoa kiwaah.r thrlr kMt St of auit.etM Mkikak witk ktortncllf llttk Ikaas tualral af (MM Ikkl athMk ad If row lut. WEAK ITU. aaaa kM M. lb. iml UCIUST. H. alia aia warn- tl. 4aruri, ra kit una krawiM wna 'ihr.j .Mlhl, nlirvll r fnarttawl NH4- Th klltok mum m mm ww " 1 " il. N. tiawlkwatk. Can kk4 Hat t f .t mrarlf Km .arU toto4 kk4 Mato. i.i. rum in rim or a. Mkra vt.rtikini Im kak f.itkk aaaw Tan- vr TrtilnraU kit ami a iaktrh alia Ik r.p'4'i? af lihtnin( to nak aank kka au to k. iwnMra li u awn m ia. . r. ...rd na bmi attiktofw Ckkk or ratuu iiaia. a. rail .it. trUllPk. kralk. km. aakrt kk4 a o.l aimax. lunk kka urou nwn. lll.n. .ul.rn.. tawrrk. yltok. aaafa-M. Ilk. U diMan, luar, kuliwr. aaar. ktowuk nd iwrxwumk. arMMrlk ooltklr k4 mumt aroilj rrll.iMl br Ut. tmtoMBta- (" Uto uirkMl run In th aorM for AlLMBNTt Of MKN AND WOMk.t. Cr.t.kM um toakotoM frantata at tkn . ktv ktaa mi Ino. Matarr af ..M h kkaiukai. I.lrwltto tar kaN rxik to Ik. " ktMM ktolaakto. rudto t.titkr irMtmwU arlra taaa fta four kriik ka nuiiH atajj Barra r . ... ttiili. .rtitnr tmuna kra raai mwm niai-n-lh.r thrill th kralk tat koa wllk rati Miwftk ina tiulilr. auking M falkt ruaf .tain Thrt mm uibiuaa u4 aourar what uf. Ivtl 4r.i lan. kk4 rlamr a dull. tlri brain. ta4 fcudr WIW IWW tnoufkV) h.rd. rnur anurlat IM mrm fa aau. tn! ra Iwl If im ar "toMat raar an. (.dm inMimwt imiw roar aarta fort taa kriif bob nmr .lr kk4 tlto. Th. ir.. of otrtxi dirvMKia. arTan n.. Una, arte hMlik, Iar kr d rrarr bar ol roar alwl. bodr aatbaat Ihraufk tklt anadrrrul Radia Tbrapr. r m. .inmra- Itm Ui nil af ro" k ""' runrtloa Ik roar boar rinj wwa aaa . auk iwa r.rr kka Cnkrry. TramNlaf. ar mi. tr.iratloa and that Iln4 faillM ,tM a Irnlmwt of Radio rwrapr m ikiaa vmIiwimL Uradavl aarana It Inritte to call an try rUdl. frak NONC ARI M tlIND A THtV WHS crutc TO sen "BM-auat mt billion kaopl la talk world rat Ui.l a Ih.ni la a Ha. and but ant a.raoa tuiaa M la th IrulA. II doat tol fulloa Uul UM blllwa ara nhl" HunJrtih of nrt ato caiuaa ciaitMa wai Ih. w.iM at round tnd roltad klllloa railed him a aianlkr. Naar tht aiiddia or ua law nntunr M .ra. Hid Ikal It would to ok albl lo amd awMaa or I wlr b ntknt af tlactrirllr billion rallM him a fraud. 111, la our oaw um aaid trial auoa in nnw US human nlr (ould to lrnittHa froai Kaw fork la Kit rranclaro. ! riru waa rnnaaa drair klarmart aradicuok inai a aaa- iraphic mwam could to "a.h orar t uaca lau mllr of aM arparattnt Japak froai taa Hillsboro FUEL CO. U. D. H-.Diflt.fr, Prop. Headquarters in HILLSBORO TRANSFER & FUEL cos, office in Washington Hotel Bid. Dealers n Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood and Coal. Phone Main G92. Will You Build ? If jroa are got tig to build this Spring or Summer, acc J. 8. LORSUNG. for price on building and excatttinjf. Katimatea givea free. All work la guaranteed. No payment ant il wot k i completed. J. 8. Loramig, tonlh Tbltd Street, at 8. P. Track; Tele phone Main J4, Ilillaboro, Oregon Give Me a Trial WaaMngton Hotel, Monday. Wednesday and Friday Dr. Gertrude Phillips Oalanpalhio Phraieian- Office bourn, 1 to 4 p. m. Home call. to 12 a m. 3 Free fHe Dally Ore-Ionian and The Aus, One Year For 06.00 this glyet you C55a Arrfu FREE. No Agents Daily and Sunday and tyo Argus I . i i. . mivo liasion, inursuay iiihih, August U If 1 1. Uf w ould have been IK) years old August 2. He i ia horn in New Vork state in 1X'I. nn.i in the early days cmi L'rnted to Illimiirt. ' Later he moved to Missouri, and then to Kansa?. In 18SS he came to ur 1'ifin. se ttlinir first in rortland Hp then moved to wasruneton I'mmtv At the lime oi ms ,i..Siih he was visitintr with his niuhter. Mrs. Iaura iooer nti it l ie io owinir ciuiuieu Hurvive-John and Arthur, of (iaston; Kdword and Charles, of Portland, Mrs. Mary t'eooiea ana Mrs. Laura Koberstein. Gaston. He loaves 27 Krandenuuren, r. A. Fverest, deputy recorder, be- Inn linn n( them. The funeral tooK piace ounuuy , vim fh Kvnnirelical Church at 1 1. Iaston, and interment was in the Transcript Hill cemetery. 13 it'onoman rranrlww allhout ainw waa hailed aa It. feka af Ih. century. Tbott who talked raant tfa ar automobile and cable roadt kkd alaclrtt tra tlont war Mailed at waa wat rlkkt and taa. uw kiinea ar aaa manf hi ,.k taa Mt.nknra.la Iraatiaaat M tlteatlralr a" la kuroat tad Ihraiiiaoat Uto Kaa) la Ih Iraaunaai ar earoaie. aimcui. aaa lanf aundln kktat. It tot akfar wmaj lairodiK-ed ia taa Watt Tfa eta aat klari r otarlnok Ihlt onanrtuallr to r walL VaMCOBB TBlnB VUBSb aaeamaaauf ai a 'T i.u at-i .aw to fat ad feat rl aalf kk aat aat etai alU to atortat fat tU Uw Itattratat retalral tot Bak t ifMfav aaal ear af kU Itoat taaBirttal araaaaaat ta OCace aean; f a. a. a Ti , fa. ,iity. Tell Your Friends Remember Dates September 19 and 20. 1914. Daina Wll. Box-How are you making out on jour resolution to eoonoinli? Iilx-Flue! I ve got my running ex nsiii alowetl down to a walk.-Bottoo Triolet of th Bad Memory. I don't know your name; I remember your face, t lay It in ahtme. 1 don't know your name. It It Aft-net or Mama . Or Mabel or GracaT I don't know your name; I remember your face. Detroit Free When in l'ortland stop at the Hotel Eaton, West rare ana Morrison Streets, located in the hoort nf the theatre and shop- ninir districts with all the con- veniences oi a moucni ui .nmnnble rates. Glen Htte, .,.. 49tf ' Turn About niuiium-. ... . , Aam. mh-, th. rutn Henricksen. of above ... .... ,mUa ..m th old V7 1. VVT .."aaa IMtlr Hlltl tUtJ UlCHiOl emwwaat w - North l'lains, Daaiy cui nm tamivr. ...iK n ffoss-eut saw. me uwci i.u-uin" lair nnil before he knew it he nur,t.08e I wu to do a little kick- ,. , .i..i..l l 11k VI. . ... ....1 .mi, an. had a badly miecieu ten. ing aoout yuur aumeo A. Bailey attended the wound. petiter-Kaiwas city journal. ,j onva if it nau nut, rcccivcui and says I" " it m!(Tril have To Praetieal DfOmPl BUCiin"' ..-. -k... ,o.ln ntolnraa now create COSt the man hlS limu. Strange ctmnBet, both In word and weight tf..., Rnirrl is BtilTerinff from Jiw ru.e u. , . lunuiu -- . i inai lira ia juo. a r' --- a frnptured arm, thO result Ot tn nimy land-and thlt teema hard alFfL.e an nnto owned by La- They n,e.ur. kltte.; by th. : yard , Favette Davis, in Portland, the Arriving home he eatfln' niiite ill. and Dr. El mer Smith attended him. Do not forget to ask for a Schiller when you want i a jood in f amnWfl no COUCh QUSt In the Schiller. Pace Gardner, A. h. Willis and 0. F. Hardini?, of above Mountalndale. were in the city Monday. Mr. Harding has leased -Cleveland Plain Dealer. Laoal Majty. ' 'Now tell us," (-ternly demanded tho vnnnii! lettnl lUtuintiry wuwae uivw overhiinn Hko tno nacK or a -uuiiu. turtle, iidditurdiig the cowenng wre II aaa. "what wa the weather, If any, unon the atternoon In questlonr- Puck. Har Adder. There wa a bookkeeper named Drake, Whole wife' Pt namea iuu ache. - 6 Per Cent LOANS Obtainable to buy, build or Improve farm, ranch and city property or re move iocuuibrano therefrom; Kiieclal Fritrilea-ea and Keaaonable Ternia For proiiOMitton . aililrewa: Kliiance Dept., 1WJ , ttuach BMgn Dallaa, Teiaa. W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER tit Calls attended nigbt or day. Chapel and Parlors. Call for Warrants All Ilillaboro city warrant on funds other than the General Fund, tnatkeil Not Paid For Want of Fundi," are now payable at tht office of the nndenigned, and interest will ceaac after April 17, r. J. Seweii, Ultv Treararer. Illlliboro, Ore., April 16, 1914. Admla'strator's Notice - Notice la herebv arlean that the nrirfar- algned baa been appointed adinliiiitrator of the KataU of Anloue KriaTer,drweased, aid appointment being made by the County Court of the Stale uf Oregon for the County of Washington. Having duly qualified aa aueh aduilntitratnr notice It given mat an persona navtng ciaini. againd aaid estate ara requested and re quired to present aaine, with proper Tou cher, to me at th law omoe of John M Wall, in Uilltbnro. Oretron. within six month from data hereof. Joan a nearer, Admlniitrator or the Batate of Autone Krieger, deceaaed. Verboort, Oregon, July 16, Wit. FORD Ue UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1.1914 to August 1, 1913 and guar anteed against any reduction during that time: Touring Car - - $490 Knnabout - - 440 Town Car ... 690 F. O. I!. Ilrtroit. all cut fully ii-ipf-i (In tlie t'nil.il S atrt i f Amenta 011I; ) Further, we a ill I e able to obtain tbe nitxircum efficiency in cur factory product i n, nl tbe niinimnm c at ia our j uich..ir ami aalea iltferl nientt il we can kirh an output of J.Kj.ouocar brtaern the a Ik at datet. And aliouM we reach tbia pruductioii, we nnirt to j .y the La;ei't thare frrm u to V yet cm (on f.r alxtit August I. t ' S to ever retail lu)er who xircuaMt a n w Ford car betweia Anjmt 1, 1914 nil August I, I,J. For fuitbrr particoiara regarding there lew price and jrofil-tbkring plan, are the ctaittt told Branch or Dealer. Wilhes Auto Ca Garage Company Third Street, Hillsboro. Or. .- I 4atiiAi. 122, "CALIBER RIFLES When too buy your 22 calibre rifle reoeater or tingle shot be cuided bv the example of the crack- mhoU ami the crowinz maiority of rifle users. Get a real gun a Renting ton-UMC Go see the dealer who displays the Red Ball Mark of Remington-UMC. Your sign of Sportsmen's Headquarters the Remington-UML arms you want to own, and the ammunition you ought to have. Ta kw row ewe cW.a.a ami lnWhafaJ ritkf n Raaa Oil taw aaw aowaar ear. .at, rwat Braaawaatwa. awd taa kaaricaat. Refaungtoa Anu-Unioe aT,-. . McUlik Cartridfs Co. i'"-"- 5 XM tWaaeamy. New Tark e SMOIAE c Coast Defeniepii I reDresent Soirella corsets not sold in stores. Will call at homes on reauest. and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor- ed made-to-measure corsets, in eluding the latest front lace, with an exDerienced corsetier service, cost no more than hign class cor sets purchased in stores. Mrs, M. E. Caudle, Hillsboro, Fifth and Jackson Streets, Phone No. 584 50tf Best slabwood in the market- get prices for Fall or Summer de livery. See me first. All kinds of wood. H. D. Schmeltier. The Grand Marca is the most wholesome "two for a Quarter" smoke on market made in Ore gon, by E. Schiller. When you indulr In a good txa fry at' 'The Best in the West" Come and I00K over the BEST display of the BEST tobaccos sold, I will tell and show you all about them. You are welcome anytime. These Cigars are sold every place where good cis'ars are sold. COME AND SEE ME MAKE THEM CH AS . T. McFADDEN Boom 11 Hillsboro National BlocK , w ? J GO TO Tillamook County Beaches The most wonderful and interesting journey' in America. Easily reached by the way of Hillsboro. Landscape Mountains streams f 0 r e s t s and the crowning glory of all the Ocean Miles -and miles of smooth, shining, Bilvery strand. Train Service Just Right Two fine through trains daily each way, with Parlor Observation Car on the afternoon - train. Morning train leaves Portland 8:55, Hillsboro 10:27. Afternoon train leaves "' V , Portland 1:30, Hillsboro 3:00 p. m. ... , . , - .... v j, Special Lov Round-Trip Fares I-aO lw-i 1 ti 1 f Full particulars from nearest ,'S. P. 'Agent, with copy of handsome il lustrated booklet describing the var ious Tillamook Beach Resorts. Mm 1