The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 20, 1914, Image 2

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    T- 1 1 " n 1
t if
4 '
'1! -V i
Scholls Roller Dills
Wm. HANSON, Prop.
l:lcmr and Feed, Aetna Brand of Spray, Custom
Closing a Specialty, Poultry Supplies,
Manufacturer of Whole Wheat Flour,
and Wheat heart Flour, Graham etc.
Our Prices always Reasonable
TRY US the Next Time
R. F. D.I 2,
Hillsboro, Or.
Low Round-Trip Fares East
"7k KoHk Dsnk Jtoaaf"
U Spokana, thrvMKb the Canadian l;.v.ik--lUnn
OUarlar. tVigm nr. th !.. ar.t Sowik- ...trl.nd
ol ih XHik. iwiumlnf na VatHxu-r YMnnti
a ol PiigM bound. A iur no r Inrt.
Via iiUofcr or VHWka
trt,sth tnaTr.
Ronton and return ll"00
ChU- and . . . 7i.ii)
KutUlo and return WO
Washington ami rU ru.... loT.Si)
Utniaand return 7U.C)
Philadelphia and ttxmn
New York and rMum ho 5U
MinnrapoU. Fu Tsui ami re
turn cow
To oitinr jxinta In prnrtki(i. Tte
tj.a.iut daily till -pi a.
Through Canadian
VaHrat'lrvk INwiHwaad Jthipovrr
Portland in pot ana, tlicix. via
MarlMfcl, rUnff, taltfaiT, Glu-lor.
returning vl 8urua, or Vaacouvrr
and Victoria and Vugrt &unl.
Tickou hl Ji1t liU ipt. SB, ailli
return limit Oct. SI. IH
8pkam, i Arrowhead and
KmUftiay I-kn, ttt-reWlol. ate,
117 .SO. (Side trip to Bant! III) ad.
dttiouiU )
llinerari for Meal (tight ain
twre glad'y luruiehed on application.
4. p. mcrtnt,
m. h. ettoaem. . e. p. a.
Fmrtlimd, Off.
rrtUmi Ticket Oiti , Ki.lU and Stark. Ti'k4 old by OREGON KLK.C
Bartfett Pears Wanted
We wish to purchase Bartlett Pears, including culls, in
quantities of 100 pounds and upward at the rate of $1.00 per
"hundred pounds. Small Iota solicited.
We alto wita call peaches tod cull applet in Urge quantities. V
want Italian and Silver prunes at market price. Daring the Fait we wi
need many tons of ouiooa, beets, carrotts, celery and pumpkins. W
parcaaat in amau io'v
Food Products Co,
Do you need any Groceries?
Do you need any Dry Goods?
Do you need any Shoes?
Do you need any Feed?
Will you need any Land Plaster?
Will you need any Farming Implements, Mower,
Rake, Manure Spreader, Cultivator, Spring Tooth
Disk, Binder or any thing in Machinery?
If you do, call and see us. Our prices arc right.
Emmott and Jones'
Orenco, Phone Main 593 Oregon
to the
new head
quarters for
Tires and Accessories
where you tret the extra Firestone
quality at the price of only medium grade.
Tires, Tubes and Accessories
I. Extra Quality at only average price becouw Firestone
biiildcia ore 'fire Specialists and the Firestone Factory is the
largest in America wnere ouiy tires are made, come in to
, day and learn why Firestone emciency can give you
Mott tor Your Monty In Fint Cost and Final Economy
Willies Auto Co.
Hillsboro, Oregon
frile4 atU failo a UlUakv'r
lrvn. aa at..! vad niuu,
U . l.tUQ. run..
(bounty Dlticial I'Mpcr
cubrlrUi: pr Annunu
Ka;n m haillv ncdcKl far the
potato crp and if the dry spell
holds two weeks longer it will
mean a short crop.
Oregon should this year pet a
crack at the present millaire bill
for the Universities, passed by
the last legislature. Enough is
enouch, but too much is a burden
and the money now being taken
from taxpayers for university
purposes is a calamity.
Notkt t -4errer
Thu lietfisteret lVreheron ftal
b.n, advertised fvr sean by J.
DtU in this par. make
the Fall scswn, Uinnmi: M
gust 21 as follows:
IWaverton. I'riday.
Hil!boD ivaturdd.s at Svond
St. livery.
At home, H nules iit ol
rek Mondays.
Sherwood. Tucsvlay evenm:
and Wednesd.iv.
Terms -$15 to insure w ith foul
Ueo. Chambi i-s, ()wtu-r.
The rrospocts for the eKt'tion
of Senator Chamberlain to suc
ceed himself are more than
bright He has Portland almost
solidly behind him. and he is
gaining every day in the state at
large. His wide experience in
the Senate, and his devotion to
dutv has made him a towtr of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson, of
No. 70S East Taylor, Portland.
were host and hostess at a birth-
jay surprise, August 12. the
guest of honor being Joseph
Verbiske, the nance of Miss
Helen Nelson. The evening was
enjoyed with music and dancing,
and refreshments were served
at a late hour.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson. Messrs. and Mes-
dames Fred Kllin. Frank Ver
biske. H. I). L'merick. A. Taylor,
Miss Emenck. Miss erbiske,
Mrs. Voegel. Miss Helen Nelson.
J. Verbiske Sr. and Jos, Ver
biske. both of Portland, and Miss
Burns, of Spokane. Mr. Ver
biske was the recipient of sever
al nice presents.
la tha Circuit ltrt tf Ih titt
nrn fvr Wakmt,n ivunijf.
OIW K lUrlunii, t'la tiiul.
t. I. IvlW .I.V.
In .-I ;' ,. ' i-'"
b-M n-iuui w i -s,f a
I lh l'oiiii.ln i -! . i ii't l ' !w
l at' niiiitl 'i in;, t" i n "'
for tnuy. V'U.i.r i i.( l i t. a il
i ! (il lit'f ii :., ' '"I"
t hrK.f' it i.i l t-
1 ami lit IVa'utilf. awl !' Hi . ;, J
I lil .i .( kl mi - ' I'-"1' " ''
in.rt,. and l't ll f""' I"" I ' "
i t'Ulut'K' tVimp.ilul ! I innil'i'
uti'l-l i Vurl. Tun imii- ii' l 1
Iwttnl I t uidifof Ilia i-i l I
t f, Juili td trtmmni i'url th
i Ida l: .lav u( Autfxit. l I i
bihiiI ih irvuil Ju.l-'o !." Wah
; iiiiiton i' luiiltl aij il an ' 0- iif'
. ill i'l .hiii Wilimll '
i ca IIWiKh 4 iM U.iit, l;'ll l "
i d(il tl.r ial tuli.i- i .i i thirlv.
; lha 11 JT of i.'Uilr, It 1
! !il Kli'llarUi). Jl ;:.rn tt I'
Probate: The McNuIty estate
has filed an order asking the
court to authorize the paympnt
of $106.33 with interest since De
cember, 1907, at six per cent, to
the state. 83 inheritance tax, and
to distribute the balance of the
estate, the total being over $11.
000, to the three heirs. Thos Me
Nulty. of Ireland, and Mary Me
Andrews and Kate McNicholas.
of the Eastern United States.
The estate of J A Foote, deed,
has been finally closed of record.
The estate of Caroline Wagner,
deed, has been set for Sept 21.
Mrs. Anna Quinn has sued W.
J. Quinn for divorce, alleging
cruel and inhuman treatment
and failure to provide. They
were married in Seattle in 1911
and have been residents of Ore
gon for over two years. Olive
L. Hartman has sued r. 13. Hart
man for divorce, alleging that
the husband has called her in
suiting name3, and that he beat
her. She has three minor chil
dren over which she wants guar
Services at Farmington Meth
odist Church for Aug. 23 Sun
day school, 10 a. m.; liev. Hazel
ton will preach at 11 a. m. At
8 p. m.. Dr. K. H. East, of Port
land, will speak on his wtrk as a
medical missionary in Indian. He
13 a forceful speaker and gives
vivid pictures of his 20 years ex
perience among the Head
Mr. .Downer, of Tnalatin,
while crossing the Oregon Elec
tric in that city yesterday, at six
o'clock, was Btruck by a passen
ger. He was thrown out, his
arm broken in two places, and
sustained internal injuries. His
buggy wps demolished, but the
horse was uninjured.
Mrs. S. J. Raffety, of above
Mountaindale, leaves this week
for a trip to her old home in
Argus and Oregonian J-.i"
Mrs. Ruth Ulair departed this
morning for a couple weeks' stay
at llarview.
J. J. Kuratli. one of the pio
ncers of the Phillips section, w a
in the city yesterday.
I. H. Smith, of Forest drove.
was down t the county seat
yesterday afternoon.
Miss Edna Cilkev. of th
clerk's oiliee, is veiling with
her parents at Corpuile, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Camp
bell. of. near Laurel, were in the
city Monday.
F. A. Harberg. of West Cnion.
was greeting friends in town
Mrs. J. C. Applegate and
children returned this evening
fjom their trip to Newport.
Kenneth Humke returned yes
terday from an outing over at
Rockaway and Neahkanie mountain.
Mrs. A. W. Raroer brought to
this o.'hce. this morning, one of
the largest apples yet seen this
season. It is of the Wolf River
variety, and weiarhs a pound and
three-quarters. It h some apple.
John R. Bailey, of Ruxton,
passed through tow n yesterday.
enrouie nome alter a trip down
tor pipe supplies for his prune
drier, and clover seed to sow on
20 acres of slashing. He say
his prune crop is fair this year.
Fritz Mills, the little four year
old son of .Mr. and Mrs. rav
Mills, of Shady Rrook. took a
fall of fourteen feet from a hay
mow, the other day," and broke
three ribs, crushing one of them
badly. Dr. K. 11. Smith attend
ed the youngster.
Peter Nel.on nnd daughter.
Helen, of Portland, accompanied
by Jos. Verbiske, were out the
first of the week, in the Nelson
auto, looking over the Orenco
section. While out they called
at the Frank Inibrio ami J.C.
Rechen honit s.
Wm. Nelson Jr., Gk n.i Taylor
and George Kelson recently un
covered an nyster bed near Gari
baldi. The erustadenas are as
large as the Eastern oysterand
a little larger-and a sample of
some that they sent over almost
caused an exodus to the beach.
"Wlmt kind of nu npnrtuiiJiit hoiie
are you living In now V
"Very MMr. You emi't Imrrow c-nmiali
lu IT In tilt- entire ImikliiiK to give
rtl-ctiili!i.' (i-a ."-I'ltiNbnrKh Tout.
"Mioolltif In youth hoiiM InnrlnWy lw
4rrrtr l ptrpsrc p-rnti In Ihc U.I w.iy
(f the br( prrmiiirtu omipntimi for buli
M it oimU.1' I-rtsiitmC. w. Wwl
This Is the Mission of the
Forty-sUth School Year Opens
SEPTEHBER i8th, 1914
Write for Illustrated rco-p.iM Book
let, "THE LIFE CAKEfcR," and for Cata
log containing full information.
Degrti Courset AGRICULTURE !
Agronomy, Animal Hiisbandry.DairyHus
bandry, Poultry Huibandry, Horticulture.
Agriculture for Teacher. FORESTRY,
NOMICS: Domestic Science, Domestic Art,
ENGINEERINGS Electrical, Irrigation,
Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining.
Vocational Cfn-Agrlfulttire, Dairy
ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial
Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course.
School of Afusu-Piano, String, Band,
Voice Culture.
Farmtri Buiinni Court by Mail Free,
addnia THg KOI8TaA,
(tw-7-lttoHi) Corral Ha, OrtgM
Urn wll a lmr innn'f fallhful friend,
Ami ,i Hums Kl'Huriy puil my
Ttmt you wilt n,i him m ih tnil
The Hurt that tut ami run away.
- WanhliiKlon Blar,
r.lll-Ttint mini Ring hn a quite rr-p-crtnlre,
ImMii't lie?
Jlll-Oh, jes; he hue all clilldreo.
Yoiikcrs riUitcNiiiun.
Man WBrili lit 11 1 ) to hor Ulow.
Mr ahxulii lie .lUalleii.
Tliut Im cxac'tly wliut tia ta,
An cynkt lung hava crltxl.
Hpiikuno Hpukeainan-Kcvlaw.
Wlfo-T-tn, (kurlo. 1 ahnll wrlta
before the cm) of the week.
Hulmrilt;ooi gmcloiu, Allcul Voo
DiUft iiiiike thut check hint Ioiikw tban
tlmt.-ltotoii 'JrHimcrlnL
A woman'i mlKhty queer, you'll find.
Of tier you cun't keep track.
Her clothe a in lway on lur mind,
XtiouKli t,vy Ure t,i her biu-k.
-Cincinnati Knqulrar.
Tencher-Whiit do wo lenrn from the
Ions Hlecp of l'.l, Van Winkle?
.Timunfu-'j'ho vtilne of ulartn clucka,
YouUeia hUiteiiiuu,
liar a fly M3tmmm . . ... u.... Ui altt. atfmla
rhl. ry
koM. i ki kifo i '"V cm , M ro .... 1. u.
ul.hi ui.aio. f..ctaa. A Mr a7PFF
HUUboro. Comllut nd North fmn
WholeaU mnd ReUll Dler In
Grain, Hoy, Flour, Feed and
Grain Batfs.
C.rlouhlppora of POTATOES inil
ONIONS. Crln chopped or
rolled at any tlmo
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornoliu
Beaver State Hour
The Bttt Flour at the Lowett Prlco
Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 15 5
North Piaiu, Maiu 263.
mm the urn
The Washing'ton-Oretfon
Announctt Rate ReJacttous in the Water Tauff
The Newly Ettlmated Rate I
First 3,ux gals,, pcrM 33 J(
Next 12,000 gill, icr M ao
Next lo.otxi jjals., per M 15
All over that amouut, x M , it)
Tapping Charge Eliminated
Uater the Laivn
Help Mahe Oregon the
Cleanest State the Union
rnc!rn Hraa la rt;ri to r.ttrt.d l.fwukaat by the iKnoraifit can,
immorality, dlwaw isd aufferlDg union g the Innorval.
True, wbolraome Information help to (.rodor clean, liMillhful clUrena
capable of richer and more uatful live.
Srt fitucation ihould U roiiM hrB In the home, faniplrl
will t arnt fraa for mea and women, boyt aud girl of alt agea. iWnd
a cnlaunipand.t.idennlulyagaandiai.f rhlldrco ami other mr
wm for whom pamplets are Wintr.L Addreat
0rf. r.
7M mtttmm laMlba, PmMtmm.
"Man la a norm," tha pruachar lalth, J
... ..v.JIt iiuvR nrur'l.
All, yen! And h might alio add,
'VVumnn'B iha nrly bird."
-New York Bun.
"Are tncy mnkint; auy cbangea In
tlmt broom fnctory'f .
"Oh, yea; sweeping ouea.n-DalUinora
AiuntteuL ,
Eiecalor'i Nolle,
Notli la Hnfuhy Olran, That tha tin
' ernlMl baa liri-n ,n.lnll ami eou-llrnii-il
KinmiUira of tli laat Will and
li-ttamnnt nf Hoiiry Muhly, dal, h
lit liounty t'ourt of WanlilnKton Cuuntr
and h.v duly uualtlM ami anturwl uiion
llm rlnti'liHrga of tlialrdutloa a aiich,
Now Tlierfoia, all pariona hattnv
rlnlme aKlnl tliaMUlaof llanrr Muhlv.
ilecrawtl, ara ht-rahy riilrwl ti pma.nt
tliatama 10 Uia undoralgnail Ktw-ulora
at Iha U (nm of Htmlry A Hare, In
Hiil)Kir,Orrron,totrttlier with
vi.oc 1. r, wlliin aii nioniln froiu th. dale
orttiin Mitti.
J)Htd thlt flth ilay nf Anguat, 1014.
itFM,r!e? .""m Muhly and Krnaat
""!i' J')'''t fciaeiiUirs ol the Uat Will
"ald ,t"""'1 ""'ry Muh,T-
ori,B,,y "'' A,u"nJr f"r KieenU
Arirus and Oreuonlan, $2.25.
A. V. I'.rown was down from
I'orestOrove, yesterday.
' Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Kerr, Hillsboro, Aujf. 18, 1914, a
Will Taylor and Harvey Bach-
i ar art?.?Joyl.n a weck' hunt.
in on Wilson Uiver.
Dance at Helvetia Hall, Satur-
lio-if Uanc,nR until mtl-niirnL--(!mmiu
i. ,
Fort. w u ?
Nellct la Preperly Owacr I
l-'ridy and $lntLy ,
AdoruhU rior...
by Mmi Moo,tj
Heart String
a h)K ii'iiscdy bit
IN TIIK l lltl I IT llH ttQfnj
m Ait ur tniKiiox. rouf
INUTUN t in Stt, 1
hiua !.. :. i),. '
a. ' I
1 I. r. - tm aaatl '
I II .Mil ( I! !,u afilu.
lit uuti' .ii.i ad .
tloi. utit.cvt I .mi, mmm 4"
' " b m iihm
UI, al.ivt, . , , o t , Inn, M
InatUlaul II, l t,i '.lJJi- j
Jay u( Ju . I'll illl,Mk(
'I'M ami ....r, tb I'aul tt tm
tiMWMrf a I.I n'l ! IWtWaku
J I" ihuuii ,., iKWaaiWawaa
auU ll, I'lsniiti! . ibi wi mtmit
lull i.t m u imit ui 4-
a m miiuii u.i m r'4 Mar
im rtMin-
Tbt. fx u t taUiiMi ha
u( lit ll-M. I', a IUun, il
I IMKlf I U' Ik VW Hi IkM a
tla I oukI i ..I i -l,iirii taihaai
! le. u htm 00
lwntt I l u ak a
HIMwl i. t't i ' 4 Ut aiil.m.
dtiwl !! ili at Ut Nm
U mt aw.-. uk ka
A'fMi, ii I I u UH M Ha
twli ) l. !' t4 ia wt aWa
,J II, La DuiuiMutit taulldat Uailtat
ui Hei,-i.i , i i
l I, it i. ii..i . iuiniii
till, pi , ua ' M,
'iUihI, lift, .
l.m.iMi'i Netki
k.ji.. 1. I . . : Ihd la, MBS
aliw-t ! Uon b lh. l"if i"'
Ui HUM -l iW """
l uaiy. July n""'l asl
). lautr rl li il aill
Mallian i, U-laia, Ji t, a
July n'iai.dr-1
(lua, liwrlf, all jarwai MT
iMaliu. a;iH.i " tt rttmt
lMlln. l I. ara ! lr
ttl lilaw l Ilia aailt I" "''"
Iba Ia IHUf. i. Html i UtKim
mn Hnk IUiWi'.l'
r. Ut, aMlnf Hf"
ra, Uhlii itlm '
Uiia lll.
at u... J il, . ! , . .
U.,t-rt l',W
KiM-Ut, Of 111. MM. l4 T
IUM.I ut atl.i 1 '' "'JV'Iii
A ui'fiiy. Ma
With tha mHTiirraiii of Iha CiMinrll, I
rlMtra t nmh, t nillj MlJ ,,.n, a,,!
Jo the brmmrtr owriBra ol HlllalMiro i
liini"llauir rMiiralililHlralilial.i
nJ lilana tha aame In a nnndllion fr
travat. An mnnrfitwy a a lata ami llm
tllf mar hm i-allMt nH.ii at an (line In
Mf large lulvnitita fair ilamagw ami
aide fruin tlila it la n-nl. ilir.iVia
iUU thai ualnlrl.... .1....1.I 1 u...l..-.l
J labia tu lnur.
Atlantlnu laoallml Ut dry ala ami
a abHi at tlila timaara araal turn'
anJ lialiU it rajiaa ill.aMrotia rtra.
I ahall vmvaia tha (hiiimill In aatra
tiaaaloiiMiUin'iuih inat ami will advlaa
Uial all alilnwaU. In iimhI t,f raiiair and
m j r"l1''l I'l tbel ilata la eomlMiinad
1 T ...":"t'w 'MU "w alUawalfca nnlarMl
ImiIH aMl tliat aueh maaauraa Im takMi
1 With Rifaran,ai L. il.w ....1 u.i-
may be Mrtwr, aak the m- operation
f all roKirt ownra
11. T. lUglar, Mayor.
Paitterton UndertaKln
G. A. 1'atter ion, Mgr.
Pt)NRlItagcTim ani Kmai,wkr
. Free Oitl-jidy Aaaialant
Over HllUUro Furtiilute H I Id w, Co
MUl and Bnaday I'hone City 157, Day
rtwna Malu 773.
Artrtu and Journal $2.25.
nnor ITurm.
Inotnn. IUU rraintw uat allaa
NoiKttrKl,a j
Nollre la heil f t'-.
uiryr..f a.lili.l"r4
baatllnl in lh ill J ! TZ
of aalJ e..niiir nJ "rJ7l
.... .,. ,.i in eunlia"
M.imlon lo a''.T..
uiiiil raJ Hi toe. JI, -r
M and .or ?JZFS
aauie llbm l V JflTl
tha Itral"",
i.ltlra ol Urn " "
nf Angual. I'Ht. ..r-latk. 'v
t'oimiy will ' ' " irM w3
W;i....lti.m' "".tu't
t,nvi.i--l by wwRtr"
i,M.,,...i roll. l d,rrSa"l"i "t V'lTu&Sii
and pla.ii rM'i'' Ik
ara any l'l. l'
aaaaaami mm -.aioa. . -
...ak Hi- l-ror- Vu, Vtm , -A-nr
a. I.., at. B Mai f UinF
ind re iorl In '"'.Si
u.iIm U linrrliV
l.aa till. liU
av II""'
Olain.' ; ";iml,t,
noun in """". " the
dMlgnaU-d W.hhU. "rt-J
Hitrnilr. , .' t ijaV t Jli
tl.i foran.K.n of anbl ' lM
In H.llhlmro, a-bi yrf
an Iha lm fr '' ' ,d W
ttnal aeo'iiHit "'! f' ' .ikirt'a'
E. T. Turnon the U :,
chant, was In towntb