The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 20, 1914, Image 1

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    NO. 22
IM I'urr! wv Mrhl
1 fcf H..lVtMn Ii'.iP.
tturney """" "
I drove, ha UI n,,
AAuh Marshal. . W. Wat
and Frank lU-.r. fur
- ... ... . .
1 they arrtiueu
. i. .....
using rointJ u''.
. i i .. . . :..
er, lined anl IM I""
M rrmitt-d during good
vkir. Hoffman ay n
u,w profane language, ami,
U ulattil. ha t witness
ho ill " u,u ' ' "
upliint r.n.w.
I hat i rrr n.
,.,n County. Ungoii, tn rtiitf.
I'Jl. I U'l'nilinHi wiiiuot.
lawfully, with aiui wn-
til. ........ I... . ,..liiji,.&al
i -... 1- iail tif
city of hwt Crm. afore-
d. mil deprived nun oi m
riy for a iK-rlou oi one-nan
. ... . . . .
That ail unprittonme n a
LoiJ mik extenmvely circa-
M mi) publUhed In th city
. .. . i..... AH. I tJt(M..ttilttt..H
xinty. Oregon, and lfrtt pul-iiyraum-J
Hit ly rtanof the premise
plainlitT wa injured In hi
)non m.l a prevented from
Htwlituf t hi wwinttm. aurtVr
Igrrat humiltatliMi and injured
hMtfikd reputation, all to Ins
Vagf i i th kum of $.riU)0.
jWhrrrfurr, Hi laitlilT ry
iiroftil aint h ilffmlaiit
Wh mini of Vm) n.l hin
ill in J iliiliuri(cntnt4 herrin.
II. I. lUKiy.
Attornry f r I'lalntilT."
T.t.H ll lii nil Ititf rrnii thia
what not lf n bad in Wah
)ton County. Fall Rrain haH
jrwdout wfll. anJ evt-n tin
jring ijrain has nut don ho
Jly. pxreutinr. of courw, in
JtiJ raxcH. Oattton upland,
W M buNhrU kt acrf. anil
hiat from 25 to :i"
i in ome rasrH 40 liuahela, isn't
Wonw," althounh it i not up
l yrar'H tnidurtiun. Hut
jt year was exct'pJior.B'.
'altr lU'inick. of the llck-
w. , niiiuiiiiiii? mat
, lupt'rvininir th work on
city atiffts where hU com-
1 is making repnirn.
uiruat T-s and family rv-
i honu' from a month at
arts, and say ft the llillHixro
?y ovpr there reveled in kockI
Xi to va.
o Portlami -65 minute.
a m
a m
a m
p ni
"m Portland-65 minutes.
p m
..... ......p m
-p m
,.,.....,..... am
r Rale fw triwto tir uiunll
)-Hl'ri pnnat fnrnf 7S
'bottom; 12 acres in
wiance woods tmRture. One
from Siloty Itau
one mile from cheese fac
It l81 anc water t0 P'ac,,:
& hPBil r(rianj4 llnlataln
f1 and other stock: have sick
f and
"st. Come and make me
lilhoral Lornta JaniPR
lart. Lincoln Co., Ore.
1 1 r v f :i rim;
unj h t' H'k l.ri-.l r in ttn- utat.
Afli-r rallinL' atl.-nli.,.! i
Lr.lo.1 Stmk Ytr(i at torth
roriiunii. i ..,.,. ml r 712, ,v
av: 'Th Kximsiiiim ii p'ir.-iy
t ituralhitial alorikf livisUM-k linen
thrre U-int' no "Wild W. ,f i,r
ollii-r attniH.-m. riU f,utur.H ami
Uuniinif, in that it will ,ay ov-r
$1..)ik in rash prcnii.inn 8t,,j
nnknt no rharit.t fr , ntry f,.,,
Ktall ruttii i.r admissinri. l.ik'
the liitiTiiuliotiiil r.f t'la,;!, t1(.
iVitic nt.Ttmti.iii:it of r.-rtlurul
in rwuijiiUfd as tin- nun t i.f
rHort on tin- IViO Vn-,
rrrmium lints , H. n,itii,.,jn,i
all Itrr-rdiTH who In lony t i U
diir.Tint hnt'd asHunat nt
ntl.iTU vM.o i.snf i r,,jiy ,,,'
irure aame by u-H iuwr to tlt.'
K'iTal m:ill3t'iT. Ivirly ri x.rls
indicitc fiK iMTccnt. Iarir
trifH limn lat war. uu nun
mrrrial oraiiiaiionH all ou r the
country will In- u.sUJ to ro oper
ate wiin the rail mailt m forming
"priial partii'S to altt-nd '.
ahow. I'.anlu rs, an wi-ll as ,r. ,.,.
rri. art takimr a k-i n inlt-r.'xt in
tin and Uiv icn.Jinir
tin ir vrry tu tni- Hiipport."
Mr. and Mm. M. M. i:rid.t.
of iVrtland, ur rmw uniiirur and
travi linir in tin' Kast. and l id
nrk wiTfut Ciiftondal), Man.
I I ry went Ivisl on the Caua han
Caiilii. to Montnal, and win
"i'Vin dayt on th" trip, btoppiim
aioiijf B;i thry Wfii inclini-d. M,
M.tMiv Canada h roiiaidi-rably
excited over the war in I'.ur.ipi,
and F.ngl&rid lit U-inif riniursiil
without n't "rvalion. On the Hlh
of A u if uit, Mr. and .Mrs. Ih-idoi
were with their win, hrn-,st.
Tin vUitor K.iy that owim; to
the war the tli-nt ral KliH tric has
laid oil Hrvi-ral thuintand tm-n m
Hhipiui'iitit to Ivimpe ure in
jeopar.iy. rurreHi. nowrvrr. is
at work, with it forre undir him.
Kroui Maaihus"lt.s tin I'.ridid
return WVt via ChiraKU and
Minm iiMiis.
For dale or rent: Kanth of C
aen-H with ll aires ih-ar; 1k
fruit trees in bearintr; i;oh1 onion
ground on ipiartrr urre; jjikiiI
pasture; ail hlasln-d; house and
barn mid rhicken house, uud on
ion hotme. Kunninir Htreain
thnniKh place. (!ood Hprir.r. and
well. Five milex S. K, of 1 1 I int
boro, on river road. TrrmH. J.
(J. Johnson. Ilillslmro. (Jreiron,
Itoute 2.
The Artisan excursion mcr to
TillaniiHik was a bitf sneeess.
four cunt-hen out of Port land lie
ing mpiired to carry the crowd
on the, HHcial Those ntti nilinir
fnm here were: J. C. Apphrate,
Messrs. and Mesdames TIih.
Kerr and W. K. Montgomery:
Metnlami'S (JlaseiH. Sample and
Sorentton, Miss iWaieStippinKton
and Miss (eH-lter. The llill
Uro excursionists report a kiukI
time, with a Ut nam oufce at
the close.
K. M. Oablree. of Laurel, wim
in Saturday, enroute to rortlaml.
lesavsthat his hops are oeuer
than they were last year, and he;
han Home that will go 1,-jh
laiundd to the acre. With wi,r
prices n pr.pect Hiis sounds
(icorKe I-ennon. o f bevond
North flatus, was in town me
astof the week. Rir. i.enno"
mi imrntii one dav last week,
UUI II " i t i
iku l.invM ratidiinir from u forest
tire. He lost the Miium
rontents. and there wad
Carl I'falil. of almvr Kloominff.
. . . . i .. II.. .,.. j nT'iin
wan in paiurtiay. n- f
turned out very fair up on the
hilld. and that the potatoes are
still doing nicely, notwithstand
ing the dry season.
I. M l!!d..r relumed the last
of the'week from Caldwell, hla-
ho, where he has Home p.oo.-i
. . ' . ....... e ...,!... mi to Ine
ntw mm
in mm cuss
Ihrtc I'.i.v ni;cr k'uadntrr and
nvt-l'awngrr "Si' to Line
cvu riricrs aki: nhw lqwikcd
Impruvrd DiiiKa inj MinufaJurinr
MuhnJ AiIJ In Value
Im-h! Studihaker representa
tiei hive n ci-ivcd formal noti
ficaiion nf the details of the n-w
Stkidvlakrr "hmr" and ' Six"
cars, in addition ta rnanv im-
provenirnta in design, the news
i ; of esperi il interest as it in-
ilw.s a radically lower scale of
pruvi than any thing heretofore
Hiked for cars of cuch quality.
Keduci d weight, greater room
iness, more powerful motors and
attractive lines arc othi-r points
of th' announcement.
Additional importance at laches
to the announcement as it con
tained the fir.t intimation that
the Si udi baker Cor(oration has
added to ils li'ie two lie- bolv
tvpes-a five-passenger "Six"
and tt three pa.ssener "Four"
Uoa.h ler.
The fix e passenger "Six" is
listed at tl.oH.t and the aeven
passenger "Six" at fl.l.'iO. in
te:td nf n.7" us during the
jia it season.
The new three -passenger Road
ster is the moiit striking depart
ure from the conventional motor
car design. The body is unusu
ally wide, seating three persons
comfortably. That part of the
seat reversed for the driver pro
jects forward almit four inches.
I he rear deck, which is covered
ilh aluminum, provides plenty
of space for a trunk or other
baggage. This new model Bells
at S'.K). which is the same as the
figure placed tin the standard
live-passenger "Four" touring.
Williv Ml ti!fp uiiiif tin- Iwmc or mtuke
f rutin Ihr lorn nt i r) r iitutur
siiiilrUilrr rm;ilicn line practically
il.lnl hIhiiiI i'i r rent. 1 1 tin- ismi r nf
f h, Tli ilur liv inlm-iin; th-
x.iht r( llic CiH llliont moolicli j
Mlrulll. .lli'l I'V tli llc l( Ulgcl V llv ,
oi liiii'inicl rihniiM liimiil "I'I. Cfllc :
1 1 if lil. Inn illiiM sll.l Imlllrr iHlirtl foul
ciHOirctiiii; r.l.
Timluii liciinuL'; urn! full ll "BliiiK
rrnr ciiiliiiut-as u i mini lit tVt'irn
ir. Sln.l l'Vrr comirinniiii'. Al! inixk-li
imw rmiy ciowiu' l f.-tiitc a ami over
nrri. Willi vuVlv It. 1 iu tile rear.
1 lie t,nii iin nt mi tOl m.Mlcla oicltiilcii
tin- W.uncr ci iate Mini atarliiiK anil
lulilll l! itllll. FiWlilllC Kitltl.t'. 'lull
inn i' nii.i liiin-m (i liti'l liulit". nwitclt
ulini ilfvicc, a nl mill lf K'"'"te
Iniik in iliivli, in nnl fciiilcm, Mu-lili'l
ruil.iir. (iir an.t -n nkil lire on rear
To liMite i.reiiipl ik- ivi rici In jjicate r
,i.. ntilio llinu cvtt Is fmc, Imgoitiiil
..l.lin, he l ii n iiinilo to Hie Simlc
Imli i .nitl ill iMrmt unci Kniilll Hcml.
- I . W. Hi ieT, Hill; Into. "if.
y has taken the
16 Pharmne
Cy Of the iWmun VT.uloLu
al Hell itrt Anuiut oamurna
J5' to make room for the new
P- lhfi Ansco will please you
a UOlUU, :
PoIIai nnd nl
Ken... ,
equipment Will either
"US or traHa U fr.r nla or
; or address Roaedale
inu Rota, pre., postor
Merlon, OrtTlt. 8L
no in-;
The New Sludcbiiker Cars
TmiVtrit lii-iiiint:.
Full I'i'HilitiK ,,r Axi'''
Crrtwitnl l-Vinli'ta.
N.ii. aVi-1 Tlic en Kcr.
VVuKtii'i .-H-gnoil l int SlioliitR and
I. filling..
Iiiiiiitunu Head l.ii'ltl.
Sw I.wkinx Iwice.
11. t J n il le.l C.iilmie or.
One M in Tyi Top.
Oumm.p Tires.
The New Prices
(I'.o li. Pet. uit)
rliipr-PasM-iijiri Roailslcr f Vs5
Imv Tt etir "Full" Tow
ing - VR'
Imvc- 1'hssi niter "Six" lunnng..., 1.1S5
S, ven fn-wuger "Si" ToioiiiR 145.1
Argus and Oregonian $2.Z j
L V. Krnmott haa returned
from a week's stay at Newport.
S. M. Chapman, of Varley,
was in the city Monday.
County Clerk Kl. Luce spent
Sunday at Seaside. j
A. W. I'ike, of near Ileaver
ton. waa in town the last of the
John Lippert. the Kanks car
penter and builder, was down to
iillsboro, triday.
W. II. Jtjtw, of U-yond North
'lains, wai a county reat caller
Win. Jotse, of West Union.
was transacting business in town
the la-st of the week.
William llobb. of Cer.tcrville.
was in town Friday, a guest at
the C. A. Haniey home.
Mrs. I. L. McKny. of L'
n a guest at the home oi' C. F.
.ard and wife, tin week.
Largest stock of wall papers
and decorations in the tit v. at
Grover Combs' Furniture Store.
Anton Hermens and John
Vters, of VerUiort. were city
visitors the last of the week.
Wm. Thornb irgh. who owns
one of the classy farms above
Hanks, was down to the city
John Templeton, of the Grove,
w as in town Saturday, enroute to
his Groveland property, to look
after Borne (surveying.
A. A. Morrill, Don a-.d Clifford
ng and Lawrence Taggart
went to Cipole, luesuay morn
ing, to run lines on me iiiciNuity
N. J. C. Christensen.'of near
laurel, was in town Saturday.
He finished his threshing li st
week, and turned 2200 bushtls
into his granary.
Alcazar ranges are strictly
new, up-to-date. tOlonial style,
typifying; simplicity and lieauty.
highest quality and mechanical
terfection.-U. Corwin. 13tf
ll T. Simpson, of Ileaverton,
is up at his mine hast or the
mountains, and writes that he is
working shifts to beat the band.
and his people are taking out
some line ore.
Rov Latham writes from Ger-
vais that his lather. 11. 1. L.atn-
a n, lias nought me nmiring muis
at that place. The family has
moved to Gervn'.s and " are now
operating the mill.
At Their County Picnic Naxt Sat
urdar, Anguat 22n4
Every Three-linker Straafbald
Parlkitate la QalafJay .
He is thinking of gomK up to the
Gem stale tor peiui.uo-.iv
a a 1
Alfivd Guerber, oi in mv ...
w a c ty c h;r, u,
says spring gr.... v . . -
els to the acre on m i-
had for a dry year.
Miss Matlie Norrow. of Taco
..I 1. 1 o itii.wt nt lie
ma. wasn.,
home or Mrs. ueo. Ciium"".
J. T. Heard and wife, of below
Witch Hazel, were in tho city
A complete line of wall papers,
the newest palterns, at Grover
Coinba Furniture Store.
H. L. Flint, of nenr &hoUe-.
was in the city the last of tin
week. R. M. Shaner, of near -Farm-initon;
wan a city caller Satur
day morninK.
For Rent-Seven room house.
Third and Uncoln. -Kerr Bros,
ri,n iindersitrned will sell at pub
lic sale, at the Grabel farm, 2S
miles northeast of llillslvoro, at
10 a. in., on
Two colts-, lf months old; 6 cows,
four (d them fresh at time of
sale: 4 heifers. 2 years, will be
tresh in a nionin;.! neuera, io
months old. bred recently; 4
heifers. 6 months old; 2 Jersey
hulls. 8 months old; 4 new 10-gal
... ;IL n.ina " '
IVrms of Sale: Ten dollars
and under, cash; over, G months
t. ner cent, bankable
note;' 2 per cent, off on cash over
I'aul'Oilormalt. Owner.
' .t C. Kuralli. Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk. '
I). R lleasoner and family re'
turned from a week at the till
amook beaches. Sunday night.-
i. u Vidwrcr. County " Com
:.oi..noe returned from a trip
to Tillamook, Sunday.
Miss Grace Deichman has re-
turned from her inp w
lowatone Park.
(). Phelps has quite a moving
picture show over at Uockaway,
having a generator for his elec
tricity. He will bring the engine
over here after the season, and
expects to furnish his own power.
The German Speaking Society
of Washington County will mett
at the C. I Wunderlich home,
at Centerville, Sunday, Aug. 23,
1914, at ten in the morninp.
Members are rem; ::ted to be in
attendance. 21-2
Mrs. Silas Ch "it totTerson, who
has been visitir. t with her par
ents. at the I'.i sner ranch, left
Portland todav for San Francis
co, to join her husband, who is
now aviating i t the South. She
and her friend. Mrs. Cook, sailed
this evening.
For sale or trade Handsome
bay gelding, out of Hal B. Is
six years old and weighs about
1075; broke single or double, and
will work to load. I,line road
ster. Dissner Uanch, Cornelius,
Route 2. 22-4
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Emmott
and Mr. and Mrs. Hay Krnmott
and Pete Lorsting have returned
from their trip to Newport and
Jumu-Oll Joe. lhe ladies re
turned bv train, while me men
came back overland. Going over
lomer's wagon tipped over,
throwing out the passengers.
but no harm was done.
Geo. Biersdorf, of North Tua
ntin Plains, was in town Mon
day. He says that grasshoppers
have taken live acres oi nis corn
and that a band of them entered
i . i j ii..
one corner oi ms nupyuru, me
Inst, of the week. 1 hey eat the
hop foliage, and even attack the
hnrrs. lie has seauereu oran,
snnked W ith ParisGreen, on the
urrnnnd. and hopes to lay the
r ' i it
Kansas pests low, ana win re.
port, results.
If the Hooker factory keeps up
nt its nresent selling rate It wil
.------ - .
hnvrt to. tint on a iorce larger
than ever with the beginning of
thh new vear. Their reea ana
veiiiotv work, as well as rattan
is. irnincr at a rapid rate, and it is
hard to keen ahead of the orders,
Ma Fruudenthal. the traveling
salesman, is sellinpr the product
nil the time, and finds a ready
market for it. If things keep up
this way the Boeker factory will
have to find larger quarters.
The Odd Fellows expect a big
crowd in the city, Saturday.
August 22, at their all-day all
county picnic. The contest com- j
mittec now have their program
arranged, and all Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs, or members of
their families are eligible to en
try to the . I
The grounds are beinjjr put in
readiness and Shute Park will
teem with hundreds. The list
of prizes to bj awarded follows:
The awards of prizes will be
as follows -
Potato Iiac, Boys under 18
1L p.ue, military brushes, of
fering bv Dr. J. ll Marshall:
second, flash light, offering by I).
h. Hlackburn. and Spoon Race, Girls un
der 16- 1st prize, camera, offer
ing by Hillsboro Pharmacy; 2nd,
hand-mirror, offering by Dr. K.
M. Krwin.
One Hundred Yard Dash, Free
for air Odd Fellows 1st prize,
leather traveling big. offering- by
Grover Combs Furniture Store;
2nd. cigar case. V. O. Donelson.
Fifty Yard, Ladies' Race, free
for all Uebekahs 1st prize, silk
umbrella, offering, Moore Laun
dry Co.; 2nd. jewel case, by Dr.
J. P. Tamiesie.
Shoe Race, Boys under 15 1st
jointed fishing rod, by R. L
-sears Garage; 2nd, finger mitt,
pi me donor.
Past Grands' Race. Fifty Yards
lit, fountain pen, engraved.
by C L. McCormick's Music
Stor,'; 2nd, I. 0. 0. F. cuff but
tons, by E. I. Kuratli.
Ladies' Nail Driving Contest -
st, choice electric nat iron or
thermo bottle, by Owl Electric
Co.; 2nd, percolator, by Long's
ardware Store. -
Sack Race 1st, punching bag.
by Nelson Hardware Co.: Znd.
pocket knife, by J. H. Foote, of
the Tualatin Hotel.
Men's Button Sewing contest
1st, Eight day clock, by Hoff
man, the jeweler; 2nd, smoking
set, by W. G. Hare.
Fat Man's Race 1st, pair 14
!ioos, bv Greer's Grocery; 2nd,
0. 0. F. shaving mug and
brush, by Sorenson's Tonsotial
Ttig-of-War Hillsboro versus
the World.
Ball Game -Hillsboro versus
io Universe.
Ball Park, through courtesy of
Moose Lodge, of Hillsboro.
ColTee will be donated by
Ward Brothers Red Ribbon Gro
cery and Board's Cash Grocery,
All the prizes are on exhibition
at Grover Combs Furniture
The Majestic Range
Is the one Range that excels. For the
money it is the lest Range ever built.
Other dealers will not say thisbut the
person who owns one after using others
will tell you so. Call and see them.
Fine Line of Shelf Hardware
We carry a fine line of Sheet and Build-'
ing Hardware and no one can undersell
us. If we have'nt what you want we can
Ret it for you.
"The Store That Satisfies'
Percy Long
R E Bateman... Forest Grove, Rl
Carl Berggren. Hillsboro R 3
lobt Berst Timber
rank Bigelow Timber
C E Broughton Timber
L Brown Laurel R 2
?ord Converse Timber
Fleischhauer . .... Gaston R 1
LGrotf Cornelius Rl
R Hay den Gales Creek
FHaynie Forest Grove
John Herb Banks
Ienry Hesse. Sherwood R 4
J MHiatt Forest Grove
Gus Kaufman Beaverton
lobt Kennedy Hillsboro
J J Klinen an ...Hillsboro
J D Koch Cornelius R 2
J W Kyle ... ..........Gales Creek
N C Lilley " '
Ben Bateman
Wm Williams ....... ..
E Lilly Glenwood
Grant Mann ....'. ...... Cornelius
E EMayo ...........Hillsboro
John Murphy. .......... .
Ed Stevens.....
Moline Reedville
Edward Naylor .....Forest Grove
Ed Ncth Buxton
CKarles O'Neil ...Dilley
Albo Peters. ............ ....Sherwood
Alfred Pieren ........Hillsboro R 1
P 0 Toelle... " 1
J J Wismer " -
J W Prichard Gaston
Dick Taylor. ......Laurel R 2
John Trachsel .... Beaverton R 2
J M Vanderzanden . . . . Banks R 3
Fay Mead Banks
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis, of
above Mountaindale, were in the
city Saturday.
And it is incumb:nt upon you to carve out your "own
destiny. No man ever became prosperous without laying
the foundation of his fortune in partnership with his
bauk. It is the bank that instils the craving of the
capitalist by stimulating the imagination of the small
depositor in the "day of little things." Safety and ser
vice are the watchwords of this institution.
American National Donli
American National Dsn!i
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00
Combined Resources.... ........690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loan3, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
. posit. Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
I want every Odd Fellow attending the big I.
0.0. F. picnic on the 22nd to register his name at
my store on $econd Street
Mr. Killen has written two (2) numbers the
first Odd Fellow registering under one of the-s
serial numbers will be given a $5.00. 1. O. 0. F.
watch charm FREE. The!second I.O.O.P. res.
tering will receive a $1.25 solid gold I.O.O.P. em
blem pin. Remember these gifts are absolutely
free. Prizes will be awarded at 6:00 p, m. Aug.
Watchmaher and Jewelxr. ;
Graduate OpIoraetrUt
Hillsboro. ' OtzZz