The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 13, 1914, Image 4

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    wvr t iim itnrs. AUGUST U. tilt
Slav Versus the Teuton
Great Struggle For Supremacy That Is
Disturbing the Peace of Europe
WHILE tb Immediate nav of ; Austria, Ht'wn af Srv.a
Austria Hungary's attack, on ! Tw s,'rt 'f ,h P" kingdom
Servla ta th demand 1. hvia' la ''
' k...'l.-1 In lv?tt ?st w .u, . , ,1... ..
rtitnratt,i fur th am dec of
tbe Archduk rrnvj Ferdinand ami
hb wife. th liiob of ll.ioenbecg.
lb ultimate raw ar tb movement
lb H.itmri oiflr toward th
stub and tb dVMnt rffttrta of th
Mrflro Srh iSNtkai
iwtiMt aatkmal titst-m
,k . -...
, ' , , , ' '
rnv frwMi tuna la l?3 th Aa-
lrUa kat arvatlllT fouirhl th.-tr tu I
.- 4
uthaard. rtpH-ttna- ultliuatcl; to
nwk tbtr way to th Anaa
th mlu af tb Tarfcfa.h nit Ir. A us-
ini Ilk Kyi&l an u it h.mi iin t..
mall tm(Tr tata ivt ap to oo-
I'T tbe oikld) iCTxmiid during tb l-
Irnala of r5t la brr forward iuot.
tat. aad ao Ktwt of th Ralkaa atatra
of ll.i.r rant Into brlwt
Of th Srt).a rao. whkh la tb
thlrtitb autt fmrtnth ornturtv
mld a tat niMr. rstdiMg ovr tb
"ti'm half of th Italian nlu.iBla
and lit attna coa-4 of tb Adriatio.
.rm-th-8lly H roni undw Turkish
domliMtloa In th altuth tvnturf
For twMitj Tor af tliat rvnturj,
a Unit. Srrla waa undr Autrlaa nil.
ttta) rrTrtd to Turkey.
Th Sarviaa Paopla.
tily a miwmty of th Servian rac
Mv la SrtU anj tti Marvdonlaa tr
ritury tcutly woa frotu tb Turka.
Photo b Amarklin Praaa Anodatlock
rx4H KiinoLAa or acaai.
Nk-hnla 11 , ih cur of all th Kuralaa.
It th autrem ruler of th lamest Slavic
I ui In lUr arurl. and may lie cunatjvr!
! fiad of all Slava. although mtlliona
ot lliii are a.-atterl tluouKh vartou
ruuniriM acul ar ink under Ruuian
aula A Jane pruoorllon of Auatiia'a
ar Sluva. Uormany baa a
arn Slavic puuutation In Ita aaitern
eectlona. mid tlie Inuabitanta of Servla.
AJjuitiM-iiru Kounuinla. tjuanta, lleri
aiuviiia. Uulaurta and lb other countries
of th Haikan ormimuUt aia alao to a
Utrum percaMiua 8laa
MHieiwKn b liibnhited by people th
Hi. ally nnd lluvtilrith'ally the aauie; ao
ri ISwni:i and llerxeiut-ua; ao la
rum of th hinteriiiud of Datniulia
tud lartfe dltih t. In Unitary. Croa
I la ami SlHv.inla. iepled by tbe aaiue
fa. are called the "Ireland of 11 un
itary" iiei-nnm- of tlie alleued erse.u
' ly Uielr riilern A hundred yeara
mt iHrt of tlie Servian M.e waa iub
Jei t l Turkey au.1 part to the Hapa
nr niomiD'hy. Tli port under Turk
duminntln bua won It freedotn;
Hi uther ba not
"AiMfrla'a pulley of repression of the
rVrti people In renpoDslljle for thU ca
lamity." aaid frofesiHir Michael I. I'u
)ln of Columbia unlventity. rumnient
Inx on tbe BH.iHHlnntion of the Aua
HIhu archduke, i'rufeiwor I'upln cornea
ut Servlau stock and typlliea tbe big,
dark haired and dark eyed men of but
race. Naturally be atrotigly ayuipa
thlsea with tbe rSerrluua, and rtewa
fipresaed by him clearly reflect tbeae
iaropbll aentiuienta aud lyrupttthie.
"There are two recent ereuta that
really foreshadowed some dltmnter to
mux one familiar with the tempera
ment of th Kerrijiu people." be aald
Them are tbe atrike of tbe attideota
la tbe Kuverumetit school In Boa
nia and Herzegovina that began aer
ral tuontua ao and baa not been
Hlled. and. aecond. that probably of
arreater tm porta nee. Ibe military ma
Item era or the Aufttrlua army that
liHVe been going on io tbeKe two couo
trten under tbe direction of the crown
I Strike of tha fitudanta.
"The itndent atrlLe leguu. you re
member, when it goreruuieut profeasor
iu the arhool at MoMUir, Herzegovina,
made reflection on tbe Kerb race. Tbe
tiidetita of bis claaa rowe In a body and
naked blm to retract. He refused
They pitched blm out or tbe clas.xrwiu
nd aged bitn rut her roughly. Theee
Afty Serb student went on strike
They are only hlgl. school student
really, boys about sixteen to nineteen
yeara old Ttiey refused to return till
tbe professor was dlKtnlmted. Tbey
were expelled. Then throughout Herze
govina and Bosnia the students struck
In sympathy. Tbe government sent
troops and officers to restore order.
The students refused to give In. Aud
ao tb fight stood deadlocked at the
outbreak of war.
"Nothing could be more calculated to
provoke the people of Herzegovina and
Hosnla to rage than to have Austrian
troot thrown across their borders to
urate maneuvers along the Servian
frontlor. Thar ar Serbs, of the same
aa tha people of Servla proper,
aaw tbe archduke massing
tta faawt la antmle war preparatory
VNt wfckfc aB fate mast coma
I k k ,' ,
Austria ! I SsTt Is With ttw'in films! thvtr kin j
men of lUwul a u.l llcctekTvv ma.
la IS? at IWrUo th (tm power of
Ewtw aottc'it t. warrant th Ualkan
j p-tlnu!s. ami to of thwu trll to
! aatWfr tbtr aniMtlxna f am-lf aik-rma
dlBMH,t. liNKl.t lrvctrtwsl bor old
! r-out"aj to a.ulr t
i traf.mln miliaria Into a KuUn
J x.U-.atid Au-lrts llnntary rt.wd
. .. , ... . .
UnflHUlMllf'B U .1 ! U VUI1 OO
th Avaa at K Until. I aod to ritiHtd
hw AJrtatlo fnmtap In crulilie and
I i a Kuua plan rr drrratnl ty
lb cvtitua and tralor of AU' of
Hattetitur ao.1 Stihn StamlHtKer.
Tb of Anslrta wokm! far wort like
ly to imvml Tb IVritii truty of
tTS ga he tHiiorary iitrol of th
two givat Tnrklb rT lv of IVonla
and llerugo(lna aad also of tlieanialt
t aaii J.i tf Vo lUtar. Ijiiig hftwen
8rTta and M-ntrn.-wro. and It ao abut
rVrrla In among (hr at-ttm a to
atak her almwt rutlrviy dH'n.l-nt
upon AustrU lluncry for cuiiirial
or other Intereourii with th rvt of
th world
Thenwforwanl a rard'nal iim-lil
j of Austro iluncarlna xl(-y wa lo In
dwT HVr la to yield h-r tiHU'petKh'iio
ami heconi a mr prorlm of th realm Aa a long ti toward
tM and An'trl.t llutmry a few year
ago. In allctiM vl.ilntlnn of IN Iter II n
b A. oJ T BL I A
11 ' ' s?
Ona of tha great eauaea of th war Wlnwn Atmtiia hii1 Bervi j. Iha annaia
Uon by Auatrla of Buanla and Harsegovlni. bath largely (xiuUlad by rba.
treaty, forcibly Rimexed the Slavic
tales of Kosuln and Herxegovlna. It ut
In doing so slie overre-iched lifrelf. fur
she lints listened the formation ot
that league which In one of the
most amazing ware on record drove the
Turks out or Macedonia and Albania
and most of Thrace, and partitioned I
nlne fentha of the former Turkish em j
plre In Eunipe among the four mem
bers of the league.
Servian Agitation.
This well nigh fatal blow at Austrian
ambitions aroused the dual rwtlm to
desperate efforts, and through a threat
of general European war It Induced
the other great rsjwers to back, or, at
least, to sanction, its course In Infer
vpiiIii? to take from Kcrvla what that
power considered the legitimate ntsiin
of victory by erecting Albania into a
kingdom which should be under Ans
Irian Influence
All this naturally embittered the mil
lions of Serbs who are held subject In
Austria Hungary and Incited them to
form societies ntnl lo agitate for their
liberation. In June ccei'rred the bshiib
Rlnutlon of the Austro HunHrlau bclr
presumptive at the Itosnian capital In
circumstances which were mysterious
and auspicious. The Austro Hungarian
government followed up the Incident
with a series of more or less direct
charges of Servian responsibility, cub
minuting In a peremptory demand.
Thirty years ago Kcrvla was a cuts
paw for Austria In Haikan scheme,
with Kussla backing Bulgaria, but now
the Servians can count ou ItusHlan
sympathy, for their cause Is Indirectly
the cause of the entire Slavic ruce lu
Its double struggle to be free from (icr
uiGii rule and lo light for tbe heritage
of Constantinople.
Austria's Slav Rule.
Commenting uxjii forcible annega
n'h' provinces
of Bosnia and Herzegovina la 1DUS a
J correspondent of the New York F.ven
lug Bout, writing from St. Petersburg,
I "The Austrian bureaucracy proves It
self a JtJKter, huniaiicr, mid stronger
ruler of the Slavs than the llusslnn
bureaucracy. Bosnia, Herzegovlnu,
CroHtia, lalmatla, not to mention Ser
via and Montenegro, liavii better gov
eminent!) than P.ussia has. The south
ern Slavs ought to cume to Ihe help
of their northern bretbreu. Instead of
ffJfia 2JM.UjLto assist them. It
ta tb tout hern ?lat who are toot
rwrntliripiy suvveasful. ulIMro.-J.
fro. tl th Itushtana who ar bino-
rune backward. nlv4. la Rami
uly IS pee cvtit ef th chlidrea go to
a boot, wbli ta Sfftu, Bulgaria, ainJ
th Slav province whkh are under
Austrian ml tb ptvportkta ta more
than l a a htgh la railing oa bua-
i i for help t!i Sort iW-iit know w bat
they ar doing. They f.irgvt that their
' Inv tt.dWio ivtihl only bring to their
a-istjit.tin-, not to i;uwi.ia pipl, but
Ihif aruhsl wrvaut that bold lb Kua-
ilait tsssle down. It may eevwra
I I'M at to mi tf the Jul
i Inter en a tul tlul in. th asvoud tat
..f the Sect would l rs than tb
! art. but. uufoctuustely, history proves
' this ta exactly what baa ocvurrvd
.10 lb pest.
1 Th Policy at Auatria.
Tr. poik-y of Autr1a la tb ftatkaa
( rv,,n Di" rVrr ' a consistent and tu
to lh St aim if
,h" lwni of k.'un to honi
i ' to nvut It fruju gain
' 'Hh.Jd on th Xli.Utminau
! ,,flt h" f " '( Tur
. ? rniitI to cittau Ita tt
! ,a ' ' 'r-
: h.v.r,.. iM ..-
- - , ... VI IVff MUf
JU7 th torui of tb trvaty of Sou
Sti-fano Wrtv antmlUd by tb raty
of Itwlla to trt-fiit uU frotu ob-
taiulus litiKrtaut advautagtoi aut
t titually tb cutiirol over tb port of
t rtlnj through an arratMCvutvut with
1 Motd. tucro -
,uitrta w well aaar of lb fact
l.uit StTla aa well a Mouteuvgru
aa stitwidUnl t.y ;uwl lu, u cm
!He kyuitby with tli alma of tbe
grvat Mat eni-r. An eiimu.iloa of
St U meant to Austria an tucrvaw of
the dinger th.-vatolUog frutu liuislnu
aiudeiM-y. a u.l Tor that the
e!miM.ii of S. rU hud . Ih tHe.l
To d tUtt rrTevtlTel. Austria waarottl
iJlel to annex ttMili and 1Ien,i:o.
tna. eirntliis K-r la from tit Adrf
Iilirvtl un.l uU ttol by Uu-wia, K-r-rta
bid io oWiln rontrvl of
I'ostila and lUi-j.-foMnn. and ttto an
neistl.m of former Turklitb pro.
Ineta by Auntria wa a great Mow to
Srla' aeration atnl to Cuvtla'a a
rret ptiitM It was llili diHappolnlmeiit
nuire perhaps tli.ui any other cause
which precipitated the recent wars on
the 111) Ik. I n peu:iisiila UiiM-liin Infill
nice has been dominant In Kervlit. as
It ba In Montenegro and In the other
.... 1 1 ... i i . . ... i ....
" " pnnr,,,M, ever
"'"' J' r r:'"'' rthtenre, and
i .-ih-iii.i iikiii is reaiiy oirwtiHi more
j against liifila's scliemcs than BKalust
i Hervla's national liMleH-n leiice.
The Home DoctoF.
i '
j Keep children nway from other
j children w ho nre sick, at least until
, you lire sure that tile sick child has
no contagions disease.
If respiration were nlwaya through
the nose. It Is said, there would be an
j enormous decrease In consumption,
pneumonia inu liilluenza.
The advice to cauterize w ith rnrtsillc
add s only for doctor. No layman
ought lo attempt to use carlsillc acid
II Is far lis) dangerous Iodine Is ub
Mutely safe.
French Fancies.
Murder trials In I'arls are not only
dramatic. illtl-ii and wx-liil seiisa
thins but literary its well. New York
President l'olnnre's visit to Ittissla
Is said to Irritate Ormnny. Then tlie
visit Is even more suressful than had
been planned.-New York Sun.
Hereafter the French army will wear
blue-gray Instead of liety nil trousers.
Now they'll he iibli; to cross a Held
without iH'Ing chiiKed by the bull.
l'hlludelihl!t I.edgcr.
Three Strikes.
! About Ihe most rensonnble thing
about some ampin Is the fact that
j they still Ihe.-Washington Star.
I A ten in In Ihe Southern league drop
ped twenty-eight games In n row. Su
I Cleveland Isn't the worst teiitn In the
v.... hi, , unei ini. i M'iroii rree itcks i
The ballplayers didn't strike, but If !
tliev hud done s.i tlieu fit, til..,.,, .r I -
fan who could g., out ,! ,,l, the !
game better They anunnuce It from I
tin. hiencher. ever, day.. Philadelphia
i rese
vYfrrUM. ' tv "K"'U,J lJi'
i-urv Itna
Jobu lu.j.v ki a tllUw cwHsruU
ao.1 II N kal.t of btui Ul B
was a h..irdork!tk .u. Aa a Better
of fa.t. be i I.i. ikJ to t Uty.
II had a " sa
KluC and tli couple did B.4 cut
Biucb of a ttiur tu tU -Uutalioii of
tb tUUiKt-rv
Tli only child of Hi lU.jro when
thev bi.l U-eu ut-irrU-d msr tlwn
a-ti jeurs a a 'u i4iu.xl IWb,
alt tur oi.l lie WitMit dniU aud B
waa tt4 u-l.l.i.vl uu.iMi.i Ij Mii.irt
luat au av.Mii-e to. If any en but
tmllttnl that be waa gtng to tutu
tb it .vimtv tulU out Is fix b reach
ed tb ace of mmiu be would h
treu Ks'I.aI U.ii as !!!it lu tti bead
Vb b alart.d bs cauvf at tb
brvakfaal tall eie uiortiliig wbeu b
"r'ather. dul tbe iuttn:tig tr atnka
aBytUtiig lu llii'..liU r
"Not that I lYim-uit r." iu th rri'ty
"Uut It a g..ii. Ij"
"How do )"U knowT
"iHrvaUKHl it l.i.t"
"W hafll it hUiU-r
"Tb Mct!iHli-. meet lug bolts It'a
going to utriie tlie sp're and t 1st It
all to piv ii ' . d lluu atu tb U-rvb
"ItoK th cat mil-; h Ih-iu lin
on your atoUi.u'b. "' ner.
who waa somewhat l i prv. d l y bU
"No, all wasn't"
"It ain't w.rtl r !n.!l"i!. jM tbe
fd titer aa be left fie t.l! lo Lit b!
An hour lat.r b-. tti.-t the of
the iburrh oh tlie tr.-,-t a u.l I Ul blm
what young It' ll h 'l tlu-iiiixtl.
"ludttfe-tU.ii." replied the ns tnao
On the afternoon of the third day
ttier'ft'r a thuiulcrslornt .Bin. hit
the vlouds were banking Up tb ly
ram In frutu pUy and aald b bla
"Now you wat.-h. out and you'll
the church stri iT Abd ao U bap
When It came to l generally knows
that th Imiv but dreaumt It. It was
commented mt as a curl. us thing, but It
waa th start of hi rareer aa a drwm
er. It waa a'.-ait two wrvka Utar that
be an id to bis father:
"Fattier, titer ar going to steal Mr.
Enrlk'tit'a black hrsj."
"How do you knowT
"I dreamed It lost night The bor
waa tu a lot, and s straue man put
bridle ou blm and nsle him ot! "
1 hiring tbe day the carpenter saw
Mr. Knrlgtit and toiil him of th dream
and advised that tha tiorw b k kcnl
tu the burn o nilil. Tlie owner
tntigticd heurtlly anil replbsl:
"tNm't let ltb dream that my moth
er-In law U "lining on to live Ua hie."
Two nights later (lie li.rt-so disap
peared and w as never beard of again.
louim Uob ilidu't rush the ilrx-amlnu
j liiuiiiess. It was four wevka later that
"K; her. Mr. Jones, the constat)!, la
i.ulng i ti' hurt."
"I! wV" v. as asketL
"I diedtutsl that a mao hurt him."
"Wlint sort of a looking man?"
"H ii we :ia r.s' llsh. and be bad
bushy ul .Ufcera am! was lu bis shirt
The ctnir' .!.' was told, and he
miitle.l and r. ,
"Iloyi e, do you believe In your boy's
"Ye. I think so."
"Well, to show you that 1 dop't here's
a the dollar l.i'l I II bet agttlnat a Qfty
cent that this dream of bis turn
out to be nonsense."
Mr. Iioyce tUh. d up the coin, aud tlie
wager wus matte, llmt was la t!t
foretuNin In the nfteruoou be dtove
out Into (lie country to serve mini' pa
sr on a fanner, cut w hile I ilkltm
with Hie mail's vl( at tho l or In
waa hit on i!,e h a,' with a club I .
the "lnctluiii.1. v. bo .iLni nil behind
The iiswiuiter bad
builij w
The con-iiili i- '
Oioiiths, aiil i lie
avoid arrest
Till! tlekt ill I
UlHsllllle Villi!'.)
.1.11, h
i i i -i. I .,
y. .i .
!' I I '
didll't slilll t'ie,
be replied:
"The) tlilHl t
to think I t.
III. I h.'.-ll
"But thai I
"Jce In
iIum:im Ii.iv.
come true.''
Two days later
were run over by
the ileainus ro
n tniiii on t'ie rail
This drowning w as miciiuny. It was
dangerous It got on the nerves of
n whole county.
In n!il Salem days llicy would have
denounced that buy as a wizard and
roasted liiui t the stake. As It was,
they could do nothing hut nsk each
other wlint should be done.
It was a llMliliiliig rod ma ti thut solv
ed the problem that puzzled all others.
"I'm not a superstitious uiiin," he
said, ns nil other men any, "hut 1
ilon't want that boy dreaming Hint 1
fell from Hi,, ns.r of a bnru and broke
my back Let's buy the family to
move n thousand miles nwuy nod
dream f.rr some other community." '
A committee had a fjilk wllll Mr.
linyce, Mini In- ngrcisl for the sura of
$7,(NM) lu cin-li to take his family and
go west ns fur ns I he west extended.
The money was raised, and tho family
went, but it has never heeii known In
Hillsdale Just Hhere they settled or If
tho boy Bob kept tip the drcitro bu.
Is "nr.
'i. e!a:'cs , British writer,
hu: a de.eii of l:i,L.a,." 'n
lo lie It iirrnntlv unfair to thn
Itles ii,
" 11 Wlios.. hlieniniUM nctlv
I ll lei'tii.ii in.. ..,.,1.1.1 ...
' ni.i uvu
mention ut Hie least
a .ih, i
an,.,, i
n yle'.ied hH eiiimce at
in .Miiellniii inei-i'tv
Z ', ''''7 '''I'H-ih l I . la,
Win p , ,;" "" XVh"
E, J'' JZ.i ""?iU'
v. nuui evil
avreruuieut nieana
InWiW- tb auW of amity,
The wb4 vf fortune Is (reaasai ay
jr wittHwt b-i u Uke a
without a roof.
To ran live as cheaply aa a who
baa lo pay ailmouy.
Hrr know a wooiaa who adtsilted
tk'r auoa wr too autaill
A brw brvs-ni al clw bt the
trout ! la It won t stay Bw.
Tb b.1 Itgbiutua tvsl for your owe
protntioM l your own (4u.
A lt.-teo hospital auuouna a nm
for baLlmoa. PoMthly a graft
Tb dl. ttmpb baa protnotnt
atcdr.ptllig to a ack'utiOc baala.
tj.ssl Int.lilioiia ktsrp a M of fvllowa
iU tb tetK of dolug auuwtblng.
On good thing about work la that
kn't as-ui pis p:e out of mlwblvf
We should all forglv and forget, but
It's ao bard to do two things at oucs
Lucky U tli man w bo can ont.d bla
t;Hri-tic at th rate b td for tl
Th Brm.'M Isltrtrr lo hrrvslity Is
the fitrnr of aa at'Uormally brighl
t. .', t..i . f ii (irtMnatioB mov
! . -it l it .u.r It bablee ot
h t g.fnd by b
i -.Moot lui to employ
-tier tirtllug rrra
l.- bued bait
r..i im it thing as bop
,.-i i 1. da bopiug agslual
that ! lue nil
It mi i.'r htrd lo admire h auaa
who tut tea a out of What toa
up a a f illurr
Tbe hh;I who ar aatUfled to take
thing a thry com are aBrally
aatutie.1 with rry little
Mavh yii nht hav ltl. d that
wlieo a mm li , i i own pralare U
hardly rut ;,t Mt . ih..r
.. .. . . .. -
ii in-', l.i no or:," rmni otbef we
are ind 1 1 :im.t, n i,-iei'i othrra differ
ftvm m tl..j ,if e..,ni l,-.
lit li, ,r,,in f, 'hint to be
Ih.itiMui i.. i. ii. ., ,,, i , i if ha eh
h. no n. j t 1 1 -nrtr ii St. .
Koine i - . i. ..I li...l.. of Ibeil
o i In il in. in i,,mu aiorriliK
Sb it I'.i ti 'iiliii t olb.ra
Kl I ttonls nr never I.m . uni
a Wuiimii put th.itt In a aud
lrea U to lu-r huaUaBd lo mall.
Walking I on iert-l. but ih...
a ilirrerem- Mwern atmbhttig yottf
legs a bit and bating them pulled.
A a general tiling, the kind of man
who makes bay bll tb sun shin
has miuiclliing aatrd for a rainy day.
Women of the future wl tm Utd. a i riiau . tenlist There's aurb
a '''Iiij i i hi rib, - ii,:. it - .1.1....
' - ...j ...l,. : ,r
T.. mi l .1,1 .i 'tng.-He b ite a grim
f '" ' in Ii lr.ilig for
di-i i. iu , , butchis
l lean l
I l i.l
! mill, r tli Us) fur
t... on,,, lustoiiiary
'I the furniture for
ll III. i
H I fl . .. .
tl . ...ts ni's fang U
! i.i..te so than that uf
i. .'ui. when It atrUea at
d. .. i ...
lint h ii , t
Obe re; u
Kvrry sale uf a f,.n......
. - -- "'- w.i umsier
shows either that the ancients didn't
know a g,.s ihlng r ml ,,,.
em ha found one.
Mitiy a niu n rh.M i,. ,ii.., ...
lalsir. lie liiooiil. I-..-.. .....
oi uia er-
oils. And Innlm .,,...1.
, , ' """iiier nm use
smoke liecniia of his buoyancy.
An eminent lin.i.L lis . .
"m inrrarT frilli
r:' A-. remirt.. . 4
!, bow admit that
-ne,i,i,, rotten n tnm
The newest .
,,i wi " ' " antiuune.
si, win enable mi ii.,r..i.... ... .
liKlll) l'U " f'" l'
The bird rcusua hna .. .
re a hundred on,,. " . ,nw
hr nunmJof'ft'oi:
si-en every spring. Ui
A New York mw.i. . ..
ttlltille ireiiar.ifi.r. ... ... . .
liverblally give,, eredU Tor
The statement .f . .
This community has .oma blue
laws, hasn't Itr "
'Yes But when It come, to aaforc
!n r tli..m most of m, pro color blind "
-WiP liiii:,,,, kUp
A fTom her throat,
.... .I".., hi .tumt. ,, llnsera nast
l.l...,.,,,.,.r lw "b .
Alio v.',, lieis i.sU ,uir feyt "a nU
.ppl.'.'.d,!!'''' h"""W '"",r' foraUn
"Ve- I, i ,t mil rouud.-Baithnori
Amir uu vn
Nr. a. KMinttt
a ls B ottiiuuiilty iulo wLti
vu. were iu,: cwufi, v(
John Itrsdoksw. a n.- t-
Ty uu looked Mtt e a tw m.
Bia.mlgtd that bsietlM-r wiih .
mUbi pnsuto tbry h, , ....
ilr, Mike lonoter miUi iu iu-
It .io o ui. b Mi,! h.m. i,-
hard enough to vl at the truth wtik
a pi
iruaaMtllt to Biudd tb lur Ir
v a dfiid'r to throw au tb amu
aiiKiunt of dual wbo'a m4ud tu .
Ihtou.h It BUT
But kllk bad ao statulli. ii.k .u
roiuiiioutty IswiiW Brs.Ubw, who wa
a Ueg kuaa wilb sa l..js,
BMMBor and at.oia but htt
tlM BU Word erotunl d weigh a
Tb uUk' drfrudrr Was ai.i.J.,!
aiul tl rltH. ua it.uiiiatulatrd ib.u.
arltra that Juatk tbctcaflar w.ld be
prMl for a.vM rwue as wu
I-: in stst.
Tb Brt nn to roiu Ufore tb
court waa Ulk ( iiHOrr hiiuir .
rotdnnry bad brn cvuittllttad la lb
.u lu oiling U boat of a wal. b
ind al..m f io In rurrvuey, It bad
rm sUh.1 12 uVk k at aubb J4
II- kd bcM walkbx h..
ben um on ram up behind bliu.
ma arm arouu.l blm. and a arum.
b4d ri jd 1h mt Was not Itht
nt, aud lUrkneM dl bu er bla a
wUant. who am lbsis ht bold
IVbeu tUtkiir arn4 a b,.m b
'ntud that b bd bsxu rvllvtasl of
iitid wat. b aud bale Slh b
i m b b bad car? b'd In bla i. k.i
rntnl tb biattvr to lb puh
bo a.liUrd hi 111 lo aar Bulblud l....i
tb luattrf f. lb NmiiI. Tbr w... In f.rrtting uu( u4br i-ftul
balllk. ti4 II w..u!. aid th. m If tb
rrtiulltal uHwd that lUikuw bad bl kwe wlttk.ul tvoiKtlitg .
A r.'w Ud after lid Alary wUa
Bb to r Jlf Cuuotvr. txit u.j
Boliig b-r at h..ui. mi down la tb
llvtug ri-Ku Maty bad r ka ara
ad. brartug a (l k'ta. Wondrfrsl a bre
ran. fn,a Jtklba a s. K ....
- - . mum
fouiMl a .:! ai.U and rbla ta a ba
ru ilr.-r
Xllk U:u' a r UUnrf. Uarf
iww U.t tm ik at afford ear
au. b lliii. ) l.s and laikrd abunf k
ttift o br bcUtiUHw Tb ih.LI.,,.1
rvachrd lb nn uf tbe ouiu-m A
arvb wa l of Mlk bom and
lb w.l.b found llarku) wllbut
ballot ..ii t-leuiinvd ll aa bl prupaety
Th I4.i b Imd U-t wr ao louut.
I tin ) . v.i , luj L , tru ldriitial
If tfiel h id lu f.uiud
5. St.- ws aire.te.. a 1st th nuWW
d-f. , '. r raf.d iii.b bim lo lieor aki
he b, .1 . . u. rvpie hi df.U
The LlWlrf w a lnUltg uiau full of
th illM. it . f thn Sw Mas am
blli.'ui l.i .lie a nniuilu. i.l imH la
p.d.11. and l. .,w ., u.ak capital f a?
Bins r ..ui ,.f I'.I. t l. tlr. I raw a' d. f. n.l. r Ulk aaaurtsl bliu
lUt h w i-rrf.-.iiy tuarnt II
bad gn out o work rr earls an
wwuli g a. ram up.n a gold wst. b
and rhnln lilng on th l.b-wslk. lie
1 Ihrm up and !. ttwrn twmi
after hU ill! I Work. alHiwlu 1 1. m
to .U wl.'r aud aakiug her what to do
alsmt t Itrldgis did that lb ow.r
of h wat. b bid il.Hibll.-w dn.isl tl
ui.assr.-s and B.rtUd adrtla It In a
lm noiu tackisi pi a tr or In tb
town t'C, wtil. h would be tu4 lu
a few day ll bad ls-tlrr tm on In
lu-koul f..r u. h hotlc hut n.itbtiig
apM-arrd on tlie tree or In tha (itr,
and Prldgti ..,d M V when h Want
to work n th .Liv uf bl arm.1 that
he V. tutl.l try In Uml (be owner.
1 h pnblle det i(.lr llalrned to this
bitrinetit with suprem rvnlmtC In
lb Brsl plac be did b-H Iwlteva It,
III the M-o,d b rolil.l hoi l.r.iva ll
and In Hi third he pn,RMd 0 show
IU Illtfl'tiUltV In aetttn tils ,-llahl ..if
Ho aske.1 Mike bow Inu.h iimiie ba
hud. and Mike an Id that Itr1dgt waa
hi IsinV.r and be lllVml ah bad
wMoething Ilk j lu a storking. The
nefemler bd. hliu lo bring It to hint
Ml!., he said, "your store would
never go d iw u w Ith a Jury. We wuat
prove an alibi." vilk- .iLin-t tin... au sllbl was, but be Woduced
At the trial the nrlaoner waa aalitn.
Ih to learn that on the night of th
foblsry he waa lu a loan nft h.Ium
dlstnnt ami at midnight was drinking
in the Aihsmbra saloon with aavaeal
Wltnesse t,, iM.r. , ,b ttll,BroBOt
1U ilefeiidaiil made a atroii eaa
stul Ihe proswulor waa much troubled
to tlUpruve the nllbl. 0 talked all
day o unlu time and riurtn H. Hti,t
Iahl mm of the defeiidniit a wltneoaes
flu to swenr that ba bad been tnb
skei, ih ,B, Thla broke dowu
Ihe statement f n, hvr wltnewaea
for the defense, and thn farla m. mn
cotidusiv, against the prisoner that he
"N convii lei w lliiolll tha tnF..r. u...
lug their acuta.
"Michael ronover sln.,.1 s ..i.l
.. v.. iu
tno judge, "Have .,, .nribti, tn ...
why setitence ahould uoi W i
UJM.II yuo
I have," anli! a v.,l, .n,i .
III clerical unrlu nme fur.Ht ...4 ..w
1 l' be sworn. Then tin an I.L
"Hrldgot Coiuiver. the lirlaoner'a w lf.
Jiuo to nm hHei.tly , eot.fimsnd.
"' tuill tun that her I....1 1 1..
- . ."..linn ,n.f
found a watch and chain and asked me
hat he shnuld do t find the owner.?
Here wns rv Ide.i.e that even the
PUIlllO liriSUS-lllnr .11.1 ..... .1.1. I . .a - .
i,,.,., iiinis or r'
bUttlllg, Mills receive I n , I.I..I ...ji
was flcii,iiti,.il bv t tl tb lllM tl... 4 a-.
Ata.l . . . ' "n,
ronvlcbsl 1,1,,, nill) wuit fortn f
Irritable Old Mnn-Rnv A.m ikh ai.
Iwnys make this racket T
l Iniurfelir-No. sir: onlv th...i If.
ruunltijr. ItuiTalct llnpiess.
All funis uml frel and bustle
W niiil (lie siiuuiisr fool,
Vilio ll. inks hu has tu hualle
lu uitlur to kuuu cool
. Judge.
Wliiio-Paw, l a wotimn aa old at
the looks?
Paw-she la a whole lot older If aba
m a chorus ghi, my aouH4u!lauaU
Damf ...
,dj raafw-
I'ltuu- "IW .
"aiii. ..
U. ,1 . llk i
. "..I
east a
-u l Ur,
'W.u ph.hsw
"at . '
l.a ll
Bo rij,,... .
'" -UllB,aJa.
iau.i aai
tlr.,. .. . . "
"l-r.b. liThf'
-..I I. .
"1 b la ' !
-'HUM . .
- u Ui, '
""""Mis- !L.
uu.r uf IL ...
aw ., . . s, I
L .. "S
.vuMm, Ma,
brll.r .1 . "!
okl li,
aW .
a an .a. a
Weil "w.wa
Short Storn !
N ib i uu4 a-,t 'v
1Ut .iuluusn k.- . '
.1 a
4 VttUm
ain, iB ,
f UMh
Tb b,uia hafad f.,. .
. . " a.
'I (..,'. H 1 SIM
Tb ai,-, W,t w fjajaj'
at At trwi artvtt Iti a. .
" na tSt M e,vi g.
half UUr. liHtaaaj ,t j
lu. bra. aud rtthttva lit lag m
half ir bra,
Town Topst,
i' at at BsaaH Sar
on rot - U i tuts ri (
lirnil e t't iii ii?l(aj Cat
Ball b-i uiil, nd Miilal Irjat.
sli f"f hurara -Vl'iil eai ha
ft. Iul ta )Uat:y araaa)eieai
llnsS but thru inrft II ag a
prp4 ibvr to Bute) It ta
W Iwa It ruutrs la ful fLiMUgrat
New York da wst m attat
graul d.sil uu lw..a
fbb-agu Is said la to hst ksset
Bot.l i i city of furtir ta
I Ufa one ne b lasawasii
llllug to Die lb liaaafX
lBt '
Train and Trail J
Mlaanurl r.iinc ratlwsj bib
practically trlnil l tbii wtte)
Umaba and Kiumi City.
Tb llungnrtao govwsaMil
aand i.isi,io on lbs triaBla ;
abkb U UHl lo that el baausatll
Bua liuiwrtaut laUaif Wti
Twenty lour Uilttm wlasb. aa
llty tbrtw lie he lu itumrlrt. batai
a hiroiuotlve recently ruil
PhlladelpliU bk b taUMiaalpf ;
(ul et bullb
llenawed rftorta are Mu asatb
build tbe king Ulacuawd illnrt fiWI j
from Msdrld to s1hkI, aMril
believed, would mk Yilrtrtl m tm j
leaport f Himlu.
Current Comment j
Current advrrtlneiitenU fJJ 1
more enibarraiii7 V""' ,
ever. "Think of your U' m
we notldtl rtwdl-fc'''"1
lord riiH-ldly.-lrt& 'j
lisbycnrrnik'e Ms
io aiilotitohlle; '"
lo nnirt!ge his MM '' i
lire one.-lilruiUu;b.B Ntt
The baby
over the
auown io niorignii io -to
acquire one. - ltlruiiiu!bB n
: . ... ... i Mntl
With lh is.lillliltlon of ttw I
growing at the rate of d,
four yeara It la w wonder IMl w" ;
Uon hna to do soma tail ;
keep up with ciiiiumpltoav-l j
UMilla Nowa. j
Industrial Itemt '
Last year In tha fnltwl
men loat their lives w ,
ture of eiphsdves. 2L'm'i
To leap np with Ibt
sumption of Uie enrlh th
OO.OOt) work people ra cnw
round thut hkk's man - .j. ,
green glass are tlm I"' ," ljV '
eyea from iiltrn violet W1 J"
Itijurtoita light encoiiolrea
aud Irou working.
"Mother, may I " out
"laa. my darling 1,"h''lkla
Trot till you're
"Will you speud yo
abroad r "'.-
"No. My tnesui tre tt lrW'
Baltimore Aitierlcao. (
aihe oropiied hi mimev hrhlfi i at .
And that la what M l '" t-J
Tla hard for a brsadwlnnlnj J ssr- ,
Ta nave a dmiili i"1 t-xr--i
Uolun ires-,- ,