:! it 3 S3eIW DIVORCED. ! ! MD lii AGAIN Jaily Journal n jj Mr, Wac k..icny TclU hrr Trsu- M in C ni Uint in Court IIIMUMj ONCf SIM TO PIN f-str r.-t nil" -urar , The Price Paid For a Wife p llnkt; blake Vitirrd Iliuric I rum Him, Bui Re j Marriid it S, i Out e Limb .ncl Th Weohly Artfu Gnt, Year, Doth Pprr $5.25 Dally and Sun journal and Arjus. One Ycr. $7.50. Do It Now Weekly Argus & : Mm. Uao liiifuwny rm.i conrtmh-d that itnharl to reform a Lad i huiliawl. am! slit! ha entered f ; lit Hi Circuit court imlnntr fur ('-. , l. . ... .. . r .i:.. ...... t .,... , i '""i ,i h.wiv.t iiuiii invai I n itr man, nni- iijai- : rifl in Portland in I'.KK'. and , l.i!e liviM in Portland in 1310, 1 !ifc'away was hunt to the peni- i leiiliafv l"f a felony committed in M!i!tnornah County. i I In I li i i-ii,! j'f nf lK:r iiar Mm S UoL'OAay secured a divorce, but. I ; nx't-iin K nroway after he had K . . ...... . M-rvrii urm tie to a tier re would reform and I a model l.,ti.l. WitV. Iliid liromuo an. I for the Hake of the two little uiriH, Ktu' aain marrieu. mis time in l'Jlu. ut Albany, Linn CotlfltV. 't i .. - .!..: ..n ,. ll,.., -T if U r the sitoihI marriage, he would 13 nni:tin :iw:iv frnm home we-Ws ut a titm; that he would not pro vide thi tiiTi'siHaries of life; that he uvi profane language in the iireKi'iiee of the children, and that many times she was ob- i,i lAi.rli nut in liiwluin hr- self and little ones, a well as to tjke assistance from her mother. She wut.U i Id per month per rnaiH'iit alimony, and the custody of the two little girls. Loaves o? Bread, for 25c Won- loaf ! 6 check, tach h f,,r 0IU laf of V.,i Ci r.viL. vour bread thi way Kive you the chance to mv on your bread bill. tU'roemU'r thin Lt i;n... vou buy triad. Six Fn-bh Urn fur LSic ill - THE CITY Jb Street. HillKlioro - iam:ky J. Wolfi-rsiM'rk'er. Pnp The Arous Fm The Dally. QrcgonUn oncl Tint Arjius. One Year For $6 00 this gives you UQ Arj'u FREE. No Afttnts Dully and Sunday andCtoArtfus $8.00 ""ittl-r," aH I'aul Al lnlroirltrh. "Ill Jii ut Imjr Tall;uia fur mrl W li ri' tt utU r. Tatiana U j tiile I am frv. I mtiiKit luarry b-r nulr tf mitxtfr IH iM-H I"r." - f.-r, u.jr mm," riU-l fntlM-r. 'that lh r.mtit 1U u-t H Tll"ua bv ufr tn uu meu'Iljr it-run ml I a am i II f irun r. tt.-li!.-. tU r una ttiiit Irt.tft.'i iil-.iit tli woul ut tlu Xu. I .to li.t l UfV lie Srat aujr rniirt of uiluu. Hut t l'l Ku lu lilm aint uffr Llm K" lru "r 109 iflrl." Tliat iw Unit hi B I targe pr'- pirtl"0 f ll" iJiiislau lelle ' m-rfa. I'uul and Tntlaua Ima piafi i;Htirr aa eliiltln-n wh.n t!) little of othrr nation re at "''. fi Hti'HtSoa if tb lo-r cla"-a naa twcf Imu M-niilttwl lu ltutla, n4 aflT tli7 n-r '' eiiUi!D m ti,v is. i, tit. n.l the liilliuHrf Ami ... ii,,.t it..., I. j, I ivnrhtil tuarii'iL't' .1,1.. . Ih fart Of Tatluil.1l i ""ri UmiiiwI uu Krwit bnrrltT tMte4-n thi.iu AiaiUr. I'aul- fatlit-r. eonut. -J tip t,,iii, unit fiiiiml Ur BtraiiiliiK a iiiit ... ...... i.i u-.ih. r I lam rul.li-a Uu M i .i' i U ,.!., IT and tetr buiutilf tld him of lli aOei tlun litw-wu Hi boy -i .i.i .klni.' hi 111 If tir auii mr a 1 " would not nuk tliein bappy by n-lllng I ). i..ri. xi ihnt thvr could be mar rlrd. "I will lv tbetn a alien olf ut furm." b ml'le-l. i"i. n i r i ui uu vim l.OiaJ rulilf." "1 raniiot auore TatUim." n plK-d tb i i, niuntMta iicl br to V1 '1. tl W . " Hp.. Imr hnlr.1 Tba rffuanl came a curtly that the rf.ml mil miraiiu ttie matter. ii. .....( aiut told lila aa tlie re mit of hl Bilaaloti. I'aul wan crumbed lit tb ww. for Id Ituiaia the auto cratic ayatt-in baa tirvvalled for ao ..,mrl. ihnt the weak Ulllll Iuinii - it.. r..rillllllllU did Dt tUllIK 0 rw:i: canadi vn momlstlads ilruni. ,., T.lUlM il.. uiu.ii L-lven for n-fUnllig to IK'll Whv pay &) to he located? Wekt .! baU i I a ...a.ui ih. .-..in, i. hi hair. ,ve vou lull inlormauon wnere - - (rU.0, the 1,1 land.- are in ni rn T;ilBM . tta muc-u Wed. All Canada and Ilntisli Udumuia t) e world oVeg ,oVl.ri BuJ their caw n. it un rliisi' to railroad anil I ...,... . ...i of avuinatby. A jtuAn; name of uuide on the U.w of tll(W who beurd of the caw ik'Mund; full directions to get clubbed together to add to the price niaiiH ami plals iree now io uu inn A.eam-r - - - ' , . .- ...ii.:.,. I.i una i.r them went to the lomeneeKers UCKeia, eerj uiion - . . . I. ,. , .... i . Ln.iw nnd Iwate couut and aked him If be wouui not you need to know ami hhuic ! yourself, all for 3.tW. iwrnu " Ull,lkinl tM, i amount hy I'. 0. money order. omiortunltj to c.-t a ko.1 and we will send you the corn- j, of mtMJ fr wUnt wna not worth p'.i te information at once. lhe rrty B,UD t0 im. ht replied that If Canadian Homestead tympany. iifM) rubtet wenr orrereo ue ou.u 7;j I'.th Street, Portland. Ore. ceptthem. . . tl . L- u.. ir..,t .-.a mad to mlw 4.000 Kur reterence. Jlierniiii i "" . for rtieriiii.i. I .i,i,.h am the amount re- zint. t ompany. iu i -" --r ,".,.:, fl) whll, Aiexami.-r lildK'.. l'ortland. Ure. P IUlt ,hrn; , ll0 great -ih In UiiKsIa except BIihidK those Al'STIN K. WATSON connoted with the (foverntneiit. ana .1... ...I....I- i.ttim mine ill rut u i.u... 11117 . -. I ...... ..... a... ....... nn ll . Btiu- Austin K. Watson died "ffLri WHt far Mw what re fnmiiv home, at 11K hast Jtmi . . Street, Portland. August 8, 15)11. Tbe nmtu.r uk.u1 hH!ieM wheo ..f. ... uirriiiif fur some time i..... ...,. ,i,iv to do un work mill CTiiiv.,,p, I i au, - - - , with KruhfH disease. ll.wii . , urr"f n.-.'.l till vears. 4 monins buu i or tue mouw aui tni iio, ... h I..,,.,..,! nUnit i ove affair ivs. lie leaves a M""' , Tatl.m were um.le Wntson. and tne ioiiowiok .,.. menu . . l - ... . r ., , n m r.iniri . i I'rank. lna and Mario waison and Mrs. Harry Miiuri. an o. .. .i I ,.n.l Mm. 1 IV C00I18. nf Seattle The funeral services rU.,mlofr ,oM rui that he would Uud were held at the Conservatory Utm ,i,e uu...e,- ..t the we inter wtrt in 1 1 ., . WytL ,.i ...... ..it I ... lunu tu eight t l.apii. i,iiiii,"K in I niai rn h ea yenr. and Alder. Mont ay. .vuijusi . , - -: - ..V,,,,, grate. ,t..rmint leirnr in me iut. own. - , , . . . ,,. lhlit ruuj auu mui .-emetery. . he WHS wl,iy tl, tuiy Tnttana. pay nc Mr. Watson was a native o 5000 ni)ltw for hor (-otmt Koriotr Missouri, and as a tmy was wel a ti...t su much money uMiiainted in both lUwne and hBVe rUHl for such a pur- u drain counties, that state. po-e, and it occum-d to him that, aft He came toOwon in the early er , pjuch had been tR. i er. a llt l" ... i :.. 'ol, n.rtnn n.U-hr he added. He re in, nml m'llieu IO Banning" i iiiiib u.u.c d.iy. ami atuitu , a 10W use for County, where lie nwd- ner miwh more val- circle of friends. !.., ,., mir since he did not wlnh to Mr. Wataon was a iovihk ---- . - ht.r nu., .B1,i Aiexan- hand and a kind and ,lnd.U,enM drovltch. he would complete the bar- f a I. . itai.l 11(1 H I M it I .1 fcUVi Under charge of experienced nurse. MliS. CHAS. GARDNER, from Portland. Solicits patients from all phy sicians. Mt of rmr. K-abl frttf fhmw, Mai tM rciR ciua Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment f3rvi)i1 w.irkmen " i Paths m connection, ana a Kine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A triil u ill ntracf vnn. 11 to. .. ... J JAMLS ANDERSON, Pvthian Bldjr, Hillstwro. Hillsboro FUEL CO. 11. 1. Scbaieltier, frop- Headauarters in H1LLSI10R0 TRANSFER & FUEL wf 1 a. cos . office in wasninjfwn Hotel Bldr. Dealers in Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood and Coal. Phone Main C02. Will You Build ? buitd this Spring or Summtr, see J. 8. LORSUNO. for pricta on building and excataung. r.atiuiatea given f'ee. AU wotk l goarantftd. No paymeoU nntil work i. nminlrted. J. 8. LonODg. aOOlO Thiid Strut, at 8. P. Track; Tele phone Main J4. Hilll. Oregon Give Me a Trial I. . ........ n....i h,.uf l . l..iirl..imli.l nsi.ti ...... mw. . i. -. l-ii-k 1112 nitoKetner 01 ic uiu. .. - ... ... ... fund to buy Tutt.iiui. ami ram "u "" it ... tl.al rubles (S-Vkji liteu aiou 6 Per Cent LOANS ii,ii.,al.l to buy. build ortimproTe farm, ranch and city property or re iii.i ini uiiihrance therelrom; JP"""1 Privilevea ami neonoi Kur pmpixiitlon. auniw: Dept., I.rc7 , Buacn uiug., '-. FORD VhQ UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share in Profits LowerPricesonFord Cars t-a--..:... Atiinisi 1. 1914 toAuzustl. lOlGani guar- jrjIiCVbl v Ii""' aateed aRainst any reduction during that time: TourinRCar - $-19 Runabout - 4i( Town Car . - - tx;o F. O. B. Detroit, all car fully rquipr'1 (lathalniUd Stair tf Anwilc ) ... ' .ir.'.nv it. cur fnorv Vattlvr will be able to ooiain m m - -- - ' L;r.nd tU..Bi ti pu'cb.rK ai d V'1' pfooeopw, mu . fcf bttrrn the alove Ul. .hoaid nach thi product! " VI ,h 1 Be, ? .'h"e Who pWbeTa new Koid ear between Augnat I. iv4 -.1 Au I. Forfu,tbefpartlcnUr.regdlg the- lo, frkr. a -..1 rtofith-ting plan, aee toe aeaieet Fold Biarch or Iali r. Wilhea Auto b Garage Company Third Street. Hillsboro. Or. The Majestic Range Is the one Range that excels. For the . . money it is the best Range ever built. Other dealers will not say this but the person mho owns one after using others will tell you so. Call and see them. Fine Line of Shelf Hardware We carry a fine line of Sheet and Build ing Hardware and no one can undersell us! If we ha ve'nt what you want we can get it for you. The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street OREGON W .Hlilnnton SHotelMonday. Wednesday and! Friday Dr. Gcrtrudeyhillips tuienpaUiic PbTaMan- DtHee bourn, I to m. Hoiiw Jcal.a. i W la. in.; I The Oregonian lamer, unu i" . .. it.,f in h s home life. Hreui i... --- a . ,h i ... ,..,.nfni vonrs lie wua in mercantile business, do in ut Motinta ndale nnn v.ien, a host of friends in North Washington County. Help MaKe Oregon the Cleanest State the Union Unclean idea In regard to scattered btoa.lcwl by ll K1'n",nl Inimorallty, ilineaae and mBciIiir ' ,n"tH' ' W, wl.ole.oute information help l,ro'lmC ' ' " CnjittUle of tlcher unci niore tiaeful pnnipltl" 8r cducmlna ihonM be provided when posdldc In lhe 0' Send "1 he ae.it fro, fur men and women, by . , 0lier per- " cent stamp and itnte deflnllely aK' o"'1 "rm C" oiiii for whnm namtileta are Wlllltrd. Addreia THE OREGON SOCIAL HYGIENE SOCIETY . .t DmMMI ... ... K fuut rtililes. Hill IVI v.."'" . .....I-. rfi.r.i.iiiiiiiint wita au ne I Hill B ''l'l , . i . ii.. uniit to Motirlenslerr eouiu win, - ... . t with team In bis eyes to tell hltn of .... ..n. .... we iiuinio. . .h -It would t of no avail." aald the ...l llllrt tO I0I10W BOl'U '.. .i... of his nrtiea. It man i - ..... .... awhile. . . .l -1 me uiiuitTi .. When in Portland Btop at me raul tot)k tnii to mean tm. Hoto Katon. West Park indLw s the gin he loved ,.d Hit l....t.t in thol ...... ...rrnn fill. Morrison b rec . h" : 's after this when r.ui heart Ot me iueai.it, """"- . .,d messenwr n rintpl nt from Count Korloff came to hltu and veniences 01 mt... . t tlie nnt had tteciaeu to -- .........H.id,. ratea.-Glen Hite, MWtnni raul 1 1 no. - Mf ee u - -- Manager. " spiled that he aid not kd..,, u . . i.t n,iw iw fort hMWitng. but nr. W. IX Wood. BUM aena- "ey - iimllrU,, , dld 90 fllr. Thos. Connell. HilWDoro. - ,n ronertlIl), tUe mx W. Stilt. P-eaverton. a mi u, w. (t ... i And n Huxton. rorest , ., Countv committee un v.v Rat onal ix 7u ii ivin which is uk the fUGOO tax exemption a elec. voted on ai . , -.- .l, i on The Ass'n. claims that & measure is &j single tax it BhOUIG ue uv.v., Do not foriret to ask fora Schiller when you want a Rood 10 cent smoke-no cough dust i the Schiller. Wm. Nelson and Jos. H. VVd- Hams have returned from their hnJt over in the Nehalem. They hunt OVtr i I . - ,pa report all a stranrei Call for Warrants an ti;nr.nrn pit warrants on iodos other than the Oenetal Pond, mara.ru "Not Paid For Want 01 runa are now payable at the othce of the undesigned, and interest will cease after April 17. 94 ft;-. TMMnrr r j. orwru vhj Hiltstoro( Ore., Apiil t6, 1914. t W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER Calls'attendedjoight or day. Chapel and Parlors. HUltboro, 1 . SMOliE He Boast Defender !iG "The Best in the West" Come and looK over the BEST display of the BEST tobaccos sold. I will tell and show you all about them. You re welcome any time. These Cigars are sold very place where good ciofars are sold. COME AND SEE ME M AHE THEM CHAS. F.McFADDEN Boom 11 MiUnboro Notionol BlocK : f -1 1 ; Administrator's Notice Notice Is hereby given tb said Hi'.poiiitmrnt being made by the IMiinty Uirt of the Stale fOrwJ He i'ouniy or wasinngioii. ..i...t..i.irtnr nutliVI IB iiuatiueu aaaui-u .......- -",, Hiven that all persona ," t sn.l r q .irod o.prrntsa,,,.. Prope'vou- riiern, 10 me " ------ ",,h ... Wall, in Hillboro. Oregon, within sU '""'' ""'r-'Lr'Z.T. nUtr.tor of the VerlHjorti Oregon, July to. 1814. t nut nisi aa no about to mart with It to the count a ornn rode P vr, , waa and wattored niltit.xl Copies of a uknue of the war. Paul rend one of them and threw hla cap In the air with a shout: , 'The Little Father nns irewi i i ..it i It was thiit umm ioi.u. eclved nothing for Tntl.um. She -wm free to mnrry rnm. o 7; "1 among, thoa. pec'Plo ?nM nh pi-cater rfioieiim" ..11. ' w... uau. ftaen Them. Said the magaaln. man to tho niagaime Aa they met In the underwear pose, The Slat waa etlngy; with you. lm nut"rmdhd ho lcta me wear my hoae." But l m a" vVRslilngton Star. e.ll n(anaa i - : ... . ,iio imist lo a man i ininio-o in h kwu - r ..oanf Snipplla corsets not sold in stores. Will call at i Mnnaar una uu iiic fittinp. and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor- i .. .A.ma,anKi rur-SKta. iii- eluding the latest front lace, with N" - a!AH maiAA an experienced conuer;i. . --k V.on hiorh class COr- COS!, IlUIIItiif . i .mi.iiwui in arans.'-'iuio. SeiS yuiviicovM. n-en, M. E. Caudle. Hillsboro. Fifth and Jackson Streets, Phone No. 584. w" n i. ninKn?nrul In the market" J3tSt Oiaunwu ... w..- . -t rn Poll nr Summer de- nt-orv See me first All kinds of wood. H. D. Schmsltzer. Maprw ta the most - I lie tiiai.v. wholesome "two fora quarter to tne uiu ot p- 9 faithfully, out Mr. Buck was together wo w ijr .-. .if defense It's very UllHeuir, wnuo gon, uy ""'r' .t. L.',, , Vuelllsh. no; unite easy to a man ; indulge n a good Smoke buy an liiiva rn nil rMMH mippsi. . - m kill itnvxmm' " - uiianu All new goods-no shelf -worn , t' kw. eo ta your hrtt . Md journal 12.25 AU neW KWu I .i.ui,,delobJ BtWI. GO TO TillaiooalCounty Beaches The most wonderful and interesting journey in America. Easily reached by the way of Hillsboro. ; - Landscape Mountains-streams-f o r e s t s and the crowning glory of all the Ocean Miles and miles of smooth, shining, silvery strand. " ; Train Service Just Right Two fine through trains daily each way, with w Parlor Observation Car on the afternoon train. Morning train leaves Portland 8;5o, Hillaboro 10:27. Afternoon train leaves Portland 1:30. Hillsboro 3:00 p. m. Special Low Round-Trip Fares Full particulars from nearest S. I . Agent, with copy of handsome i lustrated booklet describing the var ious Tillamook Beach Kesorts.- PorCamd, CrS : aaVaa J LM,.M.aaMaMaaaaaaaaaai ' . . . i ,? Si' goods on sate at Greer a. Oepf. r. 7 fO .MIn