The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 13, 1914, Image 1

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ini.LSi.OUO.OIUX.O.N, AUGUST 13,1014
NO. 21
" ... nurn nnilMTV
All uun uuuiiii
..1.1 All r
i i -
UMnf Mean ,,rkt
I-or Ha!. i.r rent: Kan. 1. of if,!
acrea with I". urn-, rl.-ir; p
fruit tree, in (tearing; yo.i onion
ground on quarter a r ; pM
uasture; nil nUh-il; h..u,-'... and
barn and chicken I, nine, and on
ion house. Running i-tr.-am
through place. "! -prit . and
well. Kiv ttiil. H S. F. of Hills
Intro, lift rivi-r roail. Terms I
77.. ,. cHitvriiirl' Johntou. IIiIIhUmo, Oregon.
U I'. ill I
Roy Ravi, who ha the J. ('.
Hurt much, south of town on.
jdr lease, foiiniH in i-1 in tiriv
the grounds down at II. Oi l
.. lion rnm i"""""'f ""''. the da,'.
,hing"" , . and will put hi picnic t-roiinl:
ri .I.I ..f
. i- i.ut thi (luaiiiv i .. .... i i,.... ... .... -i
Singing S in hicgo unj Camping
by Dale and Stream
SUIM !ll K Nil. SOI dkl.U TIM1
Will be ia RiiDi-burt Tomorrow I H-aiar.
I ur l agigciiunt
lie Sa'.i'in Capitol Journal, in an
'' lu-t v.. . I,;. the following
.rt I I Ml I !
, harvcitn. oi. i uy lain unAii ii li,.- liti"' " " in.iM.M.i jn-vyi
ilum make up J.r lt lieml of the luulatiu. n.'wiiliwiei t:trt.-.i ! .r a ifornu, en-
" .: ...ill ........ 1 lo.... tl,H III' no (.. -. I. t. C .... I .. :.. .1 . l :.,
!A,r..nlta..Jtirimmmf T, f'l-"'-. Am., Truck. lU
tMlt ...T.r,nJ"'"J"v tr 'twill, o!.l N.-,,.L.. .
..atlmi inri" " - tune mi v i.l.l tun-. A p'..ic ol '
. i .... i Kin rxiM-ctfu I it.. a LI...I i4 in, I. ,,,;..i ,.i,..r,... I l.uir .,rU. am! am Kiiii in
iitifnintf of tW lliiw lonif IWn a n-.-l l-r.-. ;tn it jail lh" 'rim' t.iiH l'twn
.r Jiiiv niui nriiiii'i I'.o.i- i"'i"o.n , .'"J. i li,'.," .I'M, nil-, .liiioriiia i uy. im
H' ... I .Id ......... I ... it I hi. ia lit...
U yarJ fr' n.iilUT.riK fli
iU inr')ti'u. his h urn' of t In
flin'iit lilaivs hi. mi? tlif Tualatin.
L ,d th.'rf.
I . f .w.r.'.l I.M'ttllllf lllf
U r marly up to the nvcr
V. but tlif I.uuhkt cn o n
r , . . i.. ...... I Hiit run.
tkrviitiM all un i w
l.v rann1"' nrr ntnttly
new, til t' ilat.'. t'lil.iiiial ht v !
Ul'ifyiHk' ft it 11 i it) ainl ln-:iily.
hittlii'Mt iiiahty nnl in". Ii:n
HTfv ti'HI. - ). I'ot ill. l llf
W. K. Smitli r. liini' l I ri la-,
from a t.-n .lav imI at i i ll,
lu Y.IW. nJ the ortaif SoiiIIhth O.vk-on. l.h.kmk' "v. r
. . . 'i ... . u r.l.f..rnii I thi t'.iiiiitrv with a i-A of (
"I ., not beinln thin mir hat that .Ttiu h for .i-r-
. . . o .. ...... I... I lii..i..i,l r..i,li-n.-i- Ilfiis tin-
,! Until ttlOl . .. - -
there are some r.U Uui-nt of l,m Shuliii.Ti. -h. and
i .ill ril-m fewdttearllT. H.ut d' ". H the l-romi h.s.
Llnd i.i.ker re utronnly a ouiiit ' ''
Udi-ine thi year, ju,l.ntf U.rn Ul ".k lh.H mak.-n
V. the- romintr to thre t d.-.-r at S luilm. n.-l, s
V inerl. anJ Ihcrt will 1 U i ho dry that It m imii;
r11 . t ik hi. lit htitit with u'iv il tfrv oi
wiu art iiri ti lie i. tia. "
.kfR till in H e tmuauon u itr
ivorahlf one ami It tne crop y. . I r. nrlt. or Ontario,
bruvrd It will mean thou- h.;Hern ()r,von. was in theroun-
Vjiof dollar for the ctwini). (y tj, at 0f t ,rk, ao.i
, ma,lo Hillslor.i a call. W. II
landlord Miller. f the ThirJ 1" in the cmera! ni.'
Ct HMllimnt. hat been e- humnem up in the hik' rar.p- v-
CTL a ,1..1.1 chicken, tion. While here hevisited vm h
" -. , i . i... ..i i d u in
:b n nan own aeepmu in in- ? .
f.. ... . oral ilitv I II lie I III wih-ii 111- - i
ibac furs drummer to come owner in in uauu.-i. ......
it certain drummer nameo auhwh um.
i fn.iiila.n thai, who Iway i L of wail pmihts
fin imx-tile for chicken. The L.,i' .lei-oration in the nty. at
W'wticohl to Miller bv the 'irutir t'onil.s' l urnitiin' Str
Wtt 4 ;n; ne ,;in,.n,,ri of north of
Prr-V" " I a Saturday.'
amide.. J flir ,ir(.simk!. e says
Urt thetr eir, na re- ;--(... .., IV:1, lllt
ed then that It M gn ; :.,t var'a crops, an
Kiny lorai.a. Li.mb IhiH Spring ulsoMio
io the day Oeiyre looainsrovrr - r . . . in
iff l aillow ana reeu cnaim. - . ,i, nv
then roiulvcd to hold It for iw r V . '
. ....:...(- ...I..n,.n 'I IUTI- I " o.
H hranche.1 out from the J(,in Met 'laren. of ,al.-s ( rn k.
I but mother Nature wu not wg!l ,Un to the county Heat l n-
W,.l ir, it m it in nnif.i amall .lav uflornikiil. ol) pl'iihati' lnll-
...... I i ii,,.M b.oI linsl .....a Mi- s:ivs tliilt liilliu rs
olentlfll til) HI 1111
ItauimiB, .lv .111... " I II , " . . . .
I I . .1 1 . . nfll' l ... I' t Ui'l-llllll. Ullll 1 1 1 ill
Ivwu uurMHjiii'n a ii n, v, iviiiu- . .. .
M8nv from the center of Unit few kilU have U-en ina-l
I back down to the end of thel L-,,rtii .l..i.:irtid for
.a tiiv""-i
l&.i.a.Mt. rM.ttii Wash . i n!ii'
UfUmiur nil U liiismess trip, n
went into the interior hy the way
of i'jisco, on the NrUi l.anh
M N. Honham.of iiearSi hotl-i.
i.Vi.1 ii' llUson-iiv
wan i" i""" f 1 1 i j
l. If, .n. .it luis solo iuh
IkI hiif run of cattle for ..i...... m-ur Scholb. and has na
week nlxiut KTi ram beinul... i..ui..rn Orecon on u trip.
I ----- w - ' - - ii a ta. v
Jki'ted. hut prices held wel.. ,1;.x,.ra desirinir to pick m
WliKht .Jr. 7 GO, tog euwt "fJK5l J
Vd C 'AY hulln 4 to 4 75. bc n,.. farm, or
lint to weight; top light veal Jitwier v y j w l5i
k luiuiJntion was Unlit for l,l,nw"' f
I Iukiiii .1.... ....!...! nrli'MI .. .. A II I'.hu'KOtinl, Ol
HuaU'd coimiderahly, a every i;rownsvill', i visiiim: h. r mm,
k ki . i. ... I . . . ... , . I i re I nl
marni'i in me country nn k Hiai'Kuurn, " -.-
. suliject to advances and de- wcl.k.
Dut the Tort and market , a iM,ivh . ( ale l ,Tni
i . i ri vooi' ...
.with a Btronir come the citv I rui;y.
tendenev and best litfht . . ' ;n, il... eoiiiitV court.
I.. i. . . . I UUaincna
Ea uroiiKlil K. .f Var .'V. was
mmw receipts or sheep anu . ; ai,t0,
Sh. i,. i..... ...i i.u mior loan in hi n'W -"M ""l
Sk. Prim uuih.ra i Ml to the last of tlu W 01 k.
o. tiri no. !i nr. in 4 1 ... .. .... Aiwimi eameros
Kumwea3 25 to 3 75. Sorinir '.C. m ...v. full and set
. .I......
.... ....
in i i (ivvn irom
Ark'O'' and Oreironian. i2.2T.
Sam Moon, of CenU-rvi'ie, wa:s
a city caller Saturday.
Chris. F. Hess;, of Sertoli.-.
was up to IliUsboro, Friday.
Henry Miller, of Wit' h Hael.
wa;s a county Beat visitor the last
of the week.
l. J. Ilarrett. of Cornelius.
wa down to the county seat
F. S. Smith, of South Tuala
tin. wa3 a county seat visitor
LL M. I'fbe. of Springfield.
Ore., was a iruest at the Hotel
Washmtton, tnday mirht.
Mrs. Alice Foord departed last
week for an extended visit with
her sop, AlU.rt Foord, and wife.
at Umatilla.
A eomolcte line of wall papers.
the newest pattern, at (itovcr
('otnhs' Furniture Store.
W ill Award a Fine List of Pniea
Far Contest Winners
Three-Linkers Will Make Tais Ike Bif
Frsleraal Evcat at Year
The Witch Hazel Pch-iol house
Montezuma Lodge L 0. 0. F. i3
very busy these days. Kettinft all
in readiness for the bij? all-county
picnic to be held in Hillsboro,
at Shute I'ark. Saturday, Aug.
22. the occasion to be an all-day
alfair. Merchants and business
men have donated a fine lot of
awards to go to the parties who
will excel in the field cvent3,
Do you need any Groceries?
Do you need any Dry Goods?
Do you need any Shoes?
Do you need any Feed?
Will you need any Land Plaster?
Will you need any Farming Implements, Mower,
Rake, Manure Spreader, Cultivator, Spring Tooth
Disk, Hinder or any thing in Machinery?
If you do, call and sec us. Our prices are right.
Emmott and Jones.
Orenco. Phone Main 593 Oregon
art i 1.' nays:
"When th'' ltiw' Federal motor
ti'uk. earning the "Choir
liiiN." on th. ir way from I'uit
lain! to San llii-pi, arrives today
it will l,au- as driver Miss Hazel
SvLnn, tin I7-ear-old or
v'uriit and musical director of
the party. The "Choir Cirla"
l,a. e i.tted on the Ihl' truck an
to apartment on wheels and have
all the c.mveiiienci'S of a well
I.i. ..l.v... a a um . k- v i .w..v i
in alfiut completed, and i-ainters such as running races, tu$r-of
will soon have the building ready War. and contests of bkill and
to turn over. strength.
For sale -Tony team, harness The committee in charge have
... p. . a&nui auv-va ifiai. cvcijr iuukc hi
aounahs. Call up l'hone City the County of Washington will
1M7. 19 21 lt well renrpapntpd. as i?verv
The l'riKluets Co. h run- O ld Fellow is taking an interest
.:.....!! ii... ,.Unf ,.n in the bur occasion. laocal Odd
Washington and Ninth, and the rellows have put in much time
..:n i.. :i.,...i u visitinir the subordinate lodtres
M'llSIMI Hill l.'C UUIH..U l ".fl ,, " ., .. . . , ..
fiiih ut evtent a" over the district, and results
. - art? fol owinff.
Sergeant Lawson Mcturdy. ol l,,,)... C.allowav will make the
Vancouver, accompanied by his 8rM.ech-he being Grand Mas-
.. ' f - .!.! .1 I I. II.. I... a, v at-iliiLll M
w ue, visiieii at iiiiiMNU'i mar i.i.i
if the week, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ovid Iramhlev.
A. L Holcomh. of IVthany.
VinU for the wi'ck have Uen
W. irn'll; calves. 122; liogf.
2. sheep, IV.W I.
ii... i 1 1 i,Mi j t ,-,i ti n.ii "m. a'm in town aau ruay s iiTniiii,
makes lor all the comforU feeling a little indisposed as to
r.-eiil.tled t'at. Cooking nnd
iihtini' hy eU t tricity is only one
o! the llp-totheliiitir attacti
iriei.ts nf the hig ,-ar. F.ach one
of the parly has their allotted
work to ii i in the parking and
to i. :n Mm' and ii'iltiiiif toi'i tlnT
a in.i'T i"iii uiv -..iii-.i i ii r
i 1 1 ., .tj rti.t . hen f h i savH iu ana n s am
1 Il "HIT ". I in blii ill i sail -
.. I It. ....... 4 . . fllt ( oil
uusls. heheMiM even thing hap- uy expeiv whim i. n.c iu. v.-
'.in fur the hest. and no one is 1 loruia
.,..,.1 I,, li .i... ! ".'fdiieli-' lo it....:i I a..l.,;.. Illsa
,i...i - , - i ii:iiihiii. ..uiiiiin an..
iiiile and he happy is the dan I Manuie i?rown were united in
if every day's travd Mrs. ...,...:.,.,., .. the home of Ddw.
"Man d" Sehmeltzer i-i the ma- p.r,n.., Tualatin. Ore.. Aug
tron and chapa-rope of th" party, j.jj j jeV Henry ' l'.lake oll'iciat
and as a doini-slic si ii-nee vm- .
. ..... ......
lii-t.1 IS a past Vian-i in isier. T,,0 ,!,n ehn,- Soeietv
Ane. i M iv is l ie star Singer a.. ...... - aainer iravciuiK uuk.uuciiii
if the "( t oir Cirl act and has of Washington County will meet G rover Combs Furniture S
.... le . In ii miisk'il cir- at the V,. V. Wumlerlich home. 2 d cipar case. W. 0. Done
: An "nt e u n ne at Centerville. Sum ay. Aug, 2A. fifty Yard. Ladies' Rice.
I.S. An i H.IS-. "uni , . ... .l,0 morning, t Il l)UUh..1ai nrlp
rr HMho r.timma i aiiiornia v , , i . ; '
v .V. . I m oneninr Members are feipiestod to lie in
Aposilion at .m Inego, opt ninj. , 0
;im,:iry l. l'.U:.. makes the long attendant. a-
trip possible, and gives all tr.e William C. roote, oi r.i-per-
ti.wns on the way a chance to ance. New lorn. arneu in
and hear the ( hoir I. iris in Hillslioro the last ot tne week.
what thev call the "Act I'.eauli- for a short visit wun inenus.
ful." Their route takes them to Mr. Foote was out here several
Ml.anv F.ugene. Koset.urg. t ol- years ago. II-' says mai since
tage iirove. Cnmts l'ass. Med- his last trip to HillslKiro he sees
ford and Ashland in Oregon, then evidence of much local improve-
. . . . , ...i : i. . .......
over the mountains iuu v amoi- meni nere.
Ilia." .. ... Tk. Un,.rl,t3 nf
The Sehmelter lamily. lelt , ...V";' , .
n.ii.hnn, Am. 1 ami the list of iiniiw. w ,-u?
from here were Mr.
Pvthias. at
the other
in Supreme convention,
ter of the Oregon three-linkers.
The awards of prizes will be
a3 follows -
Potato Race. Bovs under 18 -
1st prize, military brushes, of
ferini hv Dr. J. IL Marshall:
second, flash light, otfering by D.
h. Klaekburn.
Kgg and Spoon Race, Girls un
der 16 1st prize, camera. olTer
ing hy Hillsboro Pharmacy; 2nd,
hand-mirror, offering by Ur. IC
M ru'in
One Hundred Yard Dash, Free
for all Odd Fellows-lst prize,
eather trave intr bag. ottennjr Dy
ire store;
far nil Iteliekahs -1st nrize. silk
umbrella, offerine. Moore Laun
dry Co.: 2nd. jewel case, by Dr.
.1. P. Tamiesie.
Shoe llace. Boys under lo 1st,
jointed fishing rod, by R. L.
Sears Garage; 2nd, finger mitt,
Gnmn nnnnr.
Past Grands Race, Fifty Yards
... i
1st. Fountain pen, engravea.
by K. L. McCormick's Music
Store; 2nd. 1. 0. 0. F. cuff but
tons, by E. 1. Kuratli.
Indies' Nail Driving Contest -
1st, choice electric tlat iron
' l 1 " J
The Story of the Bills
BILL SMITH thought he had paid a certain grocery bill. The
grocer thought otherwise and demanded payment, which brnitn
was obliged to make. Even supposing that he had not paid it
twice, the doubt, which he could not dispel, caused uneasiness.
BILL JONES also had a grocery bill, but when a duplicate came
to h'u notice, his check book quickly showed the facts, both to
the satisfaction of himself and the grocer. See the point!
American National DanK
.... a c mUmboro. Or
RMIII mnu tmrmm
..... :.. O.,.,-. ,,,,. .nneenrinn. I ., k.. n...l rL.irt
frsmi here were Mr. oay. in :' -, ' mermo oouie, yy vwi tjicniiv
' i ;V '. r him Itzer nnd voted to come to urcgon n io. Co . 2nd, percolator, by Long s
and Mrs. I.lm r Niinn u.i n' M ,..,. i liavis. of Eastern iinrHwar store.
. lUvr m'.v!v whV, l ave -en Oregon, was elected Supreme Sack Race-lst. punching bag.
Louis Mehwi . who haw h n Pvthian Sisters. L Kaunn Hardwnr- Co.! 2nd.
!!::! h theaMn, Davis, has a law number ' k t knife. by J. H. Foote. of
. , ........ i nf oersona inenus in nmsuoiu thp Tiia atin Hote .
Itnancial success ami a k.i"i u." , r.mve. who contratu- mq'0 unn swntr rvintpst
;,f Chas. McFatlden. AmwoT Crandall gives notice nian inejeweser .-.u,
- T . . n another column nai me uoaru M"',1 ceisf pair 14
,)onil,, E. Long arrived home of humiliation will convene ml f Man is Race JJ. PJ "
from Wasliington. I. C. where Hlllsl)oro, September ;4 to ex- - r ahinir muir and
e isattemlingl.eorgoiuwn u y- anune the assessment rous. cor- - r Tofisorial
orsity for a term of vears. lie m.t errors, and to change values brash, by borenson s lonsona.
will remain on t ho coasi i wluro lM.01k. can snow i ' w: fAVnr-Hillsboro versus
lirtv .lavs, and te nacK ioscuo.ii that thl assessment is excessive. tr. d
.; i tr ... U.trk pf l. I r.n in.! ifj cmr f it Wilt" i ul iu.
,v bepiemo'. r i.i. o. n le puunc t-itn n-v . j R ., name Hillsboro versus
...'e Opens. iiev.iuii- ,... yvm HUeiHl
w sale or trude
S80airo ortnat farm: 75
rT bottom; 12 acres in grass;
for small Llv"' '.i ... the week
UUSlOn 1 1' i"
-55 minutes.
' i i.' was down
ii. r . ...
lance w ckhIs pasture. One the Grove. Friday at ternooi.
rum .-Mieu uay ana ocean ...,, tuvins
:h; one mile from cheese fac- nul-llON Ul.l;t 1 KMn
v. ..... - ----- -----
r ruan anu water io piace;
paneaa registered Moisten Wlittna
fl and other stock ; have sick To 1 orllnna
"m must get awav irom t:-.
ftinol I' I I. . .It.IO
r-vuiiie hiiu umnc inc i.
lr: Liberal terms. James 8:28
Inn. Tr i i.Anu in n,. hn47
' -w... UIIIIUIII VVtl VIWI I " ' - -
N.of the Eastman Kodaks. 6 ;
;" bch ua Ansco cameras "' v
m to make room for the new ;,' ' ' ' . n,iutes.
. Th A no .-hi i-aun.i Krom Portland llllu
I" ices ouoied. t.mi .. ...
i, .. . i""
"enson stump Puller and all 2: i
""ryeiiuipmcnt. Will either :"
tills n I..J. U nla ne I fi'2i
? i'all or address Rosedale 70..
. a in
..a in
..a in
...a m
,. p in
, . p in
...p in
..p in
. .pni
the Northern route-llio t anadian
acitic, and will go r.asi on mc
.-.t ii ..i... r Cnfnn.
Henry v.nauaconiiK, ... ;y" copper wire
is. was a couniy seat Ptavort
P. AND P. I:. Ii
All. except the P. K. & N., . trains
are electric, ami siop in. m.
pot on Main street.
To Portland
r.....wt r.i-nve Train 0:47 a. m.
MeMinnville Irani
Sheridan Train... v:
Foivsttii-ove tram t... i. ....
MeMinnville Train f P;
Forest Grove Train.. ..4:1. p. m.
A .::. 2::,'? "
fVio ITniuprsp.
J H. Daoust and J. r , Luuer-t Uall Park, tnrougn counesy oi
. ,, . . . . . . n I If .... I . J a. M . 1 1 c hrtW.
niann. l oriiano men, uc m- jwum: uiukc, uuwwiu.
. ! .i... ... ,l..v for Rlonlinff PrtfTpo will he donated bv
resieu me ou.v. ...... " -:.t- "
from the a. v. to., ward uroiners uea uiooon uru-
'...iinrinn i riev iiieaoeu I eerv hmii Iiimru a aasii vjiajvcij
Ut uea. . . v., M. r t - - - - t - ......
...:h i..,f,.,... in, hre Smith, who All the prizes are on exhibition
i', .....I iVmnsr s it . ana uuuer- a i urover turau b luruuun
man n, $25. Daoust appeared to Store.
i... ihe eh ef oltender in me iar-
1 - , , , i,m .. . . , , . al
eenv. anu ijUoermaiiu uiuunni 11 r. triCKier, oi ueiow
ceny, anu uu.ia. ........ ;"""---i n, i. ohhmcii w. "
letters to show that he hitherto kcholls, wa3 in the county seat
has borne a goou repuiauuu. satuway.
Another year and there is-no D. H. Willers and wife were
reason why Portland should not over from Oak Park, Saturday
be connected with llilisDoro uy morning.
two macadam roans, i ne bnort . .. f Wegt
stretches between me wo p,a,e ..r- the , t
-one on the Canyon uoaa ana ".""ry
lone on the Cornell Road -are so of the week.
MeMinnville nam r short that with a special tax in Born, to Mr. ana Mrs. Amen
Forest Grove Train U:5 p. m. lhe roU(, districts along the line Foordt 0f Umatilla, Ore., August
I.t.. ii,.,.,m,.vK for,, ennld be made y mil n nrrlfA
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in AH Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit.
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
IMkp toYov
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives... 8:15 a. m.
MeMinnville ..9:42.m.
Forest Grove . ;'' "
Fortst Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
All trains.
iKi.iini Ktoo on
1 1 aim.
Ifamre and
Sixth and
.3:15 p. ni.
" . ,4:.i0 p. m.
" ...(i-.o? p. m.
" ...7:15 p. m.
" ...S);(H p. m.
" .12:15 a. m.
except Eugene
ii ir nr North
It'll streets and at
it'ir- streets and at
1 l ' '
p m
p ni
f' vtan or aaaress iwseaaie pm
Santa Rosa, Ore., poster- 9:22 atn
verton, Ore., R. 2. '12:30
-ii drop .
' k"e Old Depot
Willi! IV-
To Portland
n i A N. Train 1:37 P-
From Portland
i. p. w Tmin 10:24 a.m.
t . ft. Oi,
Hie rotiti ui.t'ii,u . rutiru, ui uiiiovioa,
the thoroughfare could be made 3 l914i a daughter.
K'M Wanted: Girl to do general
that by this time next year we housework, in family of four,
shall have rock roaas inrougii w w "-"
the Rose City. r""10"""
Lack of rain at an opportune Miss Lena Goodin, of Portland,
i .!... I tin violil not tn Pfirndlilia Mlindav.
time nas cut uo o a-. .-iaao .... .w .. . . -
Snrintr oats, and the product of J attending the funeral of the late
Washington uounty win una mrs. o. ii. wiiuenu
Kar not be anywhere near a itiii f . .
a Ai.;r..v inin nnmir. i nn 1 a .
crop, a ...m...K with- 40 acres cleared: 7-room
Fourth ot July house and barn;2 wells and large
EJi ffiCJffi o oaSSe light- running stream; balance of acre-
"I".. , .Kf U anva age naS IOl nne iiwreiioniyw
est ior Mmu- Six m easouth of Hills
i. antir nr mi mm r l"MV, A
III1TII1.V VFl lr"l vwa.. - I.
there is a
f,nr t . Sab es on h? with the buildings.' Price. $150
fine y, but veget on the including stock.-A. L.
nw and appear to be mucn in L. 9 iq.1
1 r M.n.dr.ira
neeu oi uiwioa."
Year Book
A limited supply of the first edition of this
great Photographic Annual has just reached us
and copies of the book will be given away over
our camera counter to-day to all enthusiasts who
call. Better come in and get one. The new book is more
comprehensive than ever. Brim full of the latest and
most accurate information in regard to every phase or
picture-making and all photographic matters in general.
New Fresh StocK Films for all MaKea of '
tlodahs, also Paper, Cards and all Sup
plies. ' - :" ' '
WatchmaHer and Jeweler. Crad
uate Optometrist.
Hillsboro. Ore.