.a i it 1 . M ..1 f 1 . 4 V -f . r in r : b j r . -i j,;.;; -'ft ' . Thirty IJinutes Will Land You From the Business Disttict of Portland to one of the Most Delightful Home Districts, Close in to Portland. The Acreage Can Ik Found lu Beaverton Reedville You Can Get An Acre Here For Less Thau You Can Buy a Residence lot in Portland's Suburbs. Look this up now. An Excellent Train Service Is 1 tablished by the Portland Fug ne & Eastern. Morning an I F.vening Cars. You can Live Here and Have Your Business Located in Portland We Sell On Easy Terms Buy a Small Home Where You Can Have Room. Our Terms Are Easy. Go Out and See the Beautiful Houses That Are Now Being Built. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY I02 Fourth Street. Portland. Oregon Best Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros, The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME CSLlt! MILUIK Eslie Miller, son of Mr. and Mr. John C. Miller, of th Arcade district, jasl away Saturday moraine. August 1. lilt at three o'clock, after an illness covering several months, the greater por tion ot hieh he spent in a sani tarium. Hid auction was tuber culosis. For several years he , has been employed at the United States Customs House, whert he iwas a faithful emnlovee. He .was well known in and around ! North Plains and the northern nart of the count, an.) wnrktxt for Mavs Bros, for a considerable time, several years ago. He was ; a young man of exemplary hab its, ana had a host of friend. He was born in the Arcade dis trict, Feb. i 1SS4. The funeral took place Sunday, interment punjr in me Arcade cemetery. Kev. R C. Cook conducting the funeral services. A lanre con. course of friends attended the last rites, and the splendid worn! tributes were indicative of the high esteem in which the young man w as held. His parents and surviving brothers, Charles and George, have the symuathv of a larue circle of friends. This is the fourth son lost by Mr. and Mrs. Miller, four having passed away inside of two years. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our heart felt thanks to all who have been so kind to us during our bereave ment, the illness and obsequies of our son. the late F-slie Miller, and we return especial thanks for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller and Family. Mrs. Anne M. Long, who has property in Montana and Wiscon sin, arrived here Friday morning, from Clark County, Wash., and spent the day with her son, L A. Long, and family. She re turned to Portland. Saturday, to prepare for a trip Last, and will stop a lew days in Montana and in North Dakota. Visitinir rln. tives. While here she visited with Miss C. tl Olson, whose home town in the Last was but a few. miles distant from that of .nrs. Long. Mr. and Mrs. J nhn M Wall accompanied by Dr. and Mrs! Ralph Davis, of Portland, left aunuay ior a ten dava tnn through the coast range to the uuamook beaches. The gentle men will hunt and fish pvrui-t ing to land both fish and loop They take a camn outfit tinmr with them, and wi'l eschew the noteis. Fire at Cochran nn tho 1 I? & N'.. destroyed a owned by the Summit Logging u., in wnich air. Mahon. of the onute savings, is mttrQtod hu last of the week, and did con siderable damage. Geo, Hamlin, Who Was On the RPPnp una aa. verely burned, and was taken wnere he could get medical at tendance. L. E. (!nmnh'!l uno nn twm Scholls the last of the week. He says that Scholls Grange is to have a better fair than ever this rail, and everv pfTnrt u,;n k - - . ... v maue ro have a line stock show in conjunction. Scholls always has a fine fair, and this v..ir it will be held on Friday and Sat urday of the third week in October. Reedville, Oregon mm Lie niiisey Sawmill Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill i miles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E. McCUMSEY Cornelius, Ore., Route I Families who desire to camp and pick hops, to start about aepi. 4. will please register at once with the undersigned. Geo. A. Schneider. Laurel, Ore., It. 1 Tel. Scholls 1531. Will take par ties out and back. 20-2 Wanted -Live representative in.HilIsboro. Advancement to parties showing ability. Steady DOSl t lOn I .(xrif imatn r.... .,.;: " yi uiJusiiiuil, uood money. Lady or gentle men. P.p 400 Lewi3 Dlde.. Portland Ore. lt Mrs. V. M. Jackson returned frOm IIiek:iU. ?1 V Mnrwlou ; sponse to the telegram announc ing the death of her brother, A. A. Phillips. Anvrmp trnniiMnr k ...I abputs of Mrs. J. W. Powell and tniiuren, win confer a favor by writing J. Powell, Madras Hotel. Portland. Ore. 20-1 ForeSt firp3 hnva fioon nnn,.. t v-1 1 IIUI1ICI- , an parts or the county. uut me uamage nas not been very big. T. li Ilaui'a nf t., DI..!- . , " uuiijr i lams, was in the county seat Monday. Sol. Weckcrt, of near Sher wood, was in town the last of the week. Ifpnrv Rrtnrn nf Qn.itL. T..l- tin, was in town the last of the week. Henrv Hrnrk nf amtth nf u , MU.ll V tllC h riday. ocnons, were county seat callers Saturday. 01f Olann nf Hlonn be OW HcaVfl-t-nn win n - .v.if " iw in bun ii omuruay. D. M. Whitesell. of'South Tuaj laun, was in town the first of the week. THE HILLSDORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS ana TKOriTS $?vH.OOO An old, safe and conservative kink, located in the llillslvto Coiumctvial block, S. V. corner Main and Second streets. Hillsboro Coiiimoivial liank. U lb I'lrvull Cuutl f Ik Mat u.. tg I'f4.iu, I'UiulilT M il Will.l.uJ HImi f, Wl,l,, l- . n.lia. I.. II W iighlt.t.1 r WiM In. Hull Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing fnsu the U-st tintU'r in Washiuc,tiu county. The finest Rough and Drossed Lumber kiln 1)rii:d ri.ooRi.Ni; .md kr.sTic always on hand. KstiniaUs tni ltuiUlttts, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil iugs all kinds id timMicd ItimUr for house material. We deliver. l'houc: Pac. States, Gluicoc Central, r PETER MOl-T.WAN, Ujcoiw. Oregon l n foil ') ) ih(i l'l "4 Ill .'llll'llM .lnM In llw ! iil 4 will i.i ,., I..r Mixi'Ur . h ttb J KI Hi I' ll Mi'l ilata Ivliig lb iltstun ..(.ii m!i fim the ul lit , ul'l.i ll" nf Uil uiiiammi, aii4 it you Ui la i'l ut iitsvt i lbsl lit I Uti.liif Ul I'l'lf 1.1 Hi aurt h t,. !.....( I... II. ll. luu.1. I . ii , Ju.lgnicni ,4 tlm nm lut , ,,i ',.( lli uut ul I Mh IMfMl .lilll.rnwl niu liwlir l. I it ; .n.1 the Imilisr mih ul lltttU lib thtfu4 ..I. lb luitii.r uhi ul lit u uli lui I .i .f rul Iimii W.rrh Jl, I'll I. tl ItllllBf Mill l.( M Ul 4UIIf ' Ait.l th ihI tti. .li4ii.il.i uf till nil, ml It. at Hi lii"fif m!ul jr. mi. ili hi, II , II M it.l.i .u l fcilvn il.hl, l.i t i.il.ll.u Jf. I i.i.l I la n, .t,l.. ii, U.. fr Mf a.'a III tim-. l . V4..l,4 M lill.ui ...ui.ly, If uj abl.li baa h u"i-i'l ! i liil.tlaii )a.r . truva l.i Hi i.i.(.t, I tuia.k'.! an.l Mm w l"'l lu.-i liia..! an.l iImoiIm! Illii i.. all I. I !! (Ill lu .Sl.li.u t t4 .1 Hull tial.lmi ll.ilii M aahlliluii in ly. ' r..n, .i .t.l u aaii.lt la i.au.la l lh i...liill(l a abut aialxl M.l II. ai a't.l a b of tixi afl all I f aii i .amiii.a n...lr fu bai ia. and ! l.it. .iaa Iruiu all ml ami I' In Ilk al-.ia itafMa4 rl t. I h a iimntiiiia la alal bboM fun .a .n!.iu aibu oi.laf i.f b Hun, J.l.n i' t ani.lil, )ii.ltai,( iha alm i.l.l i ul, ina-la an.l nli. lb Ii .1 a I Ju t. iv. t. ! ahirburlr il It .1 . ftU liial li. luiiuii.ina lw ub alua la Iba Hi ' ' A tun oil. a k li al I aic ..Mil arrba, ami lit laiu nf lit Btal ii.iijil. ait.m llil la Jul WIL U.a .i ll.matr, All..rua h.f flaltt I ill, II I W, a !'..! , futtutwl, III. 4 WE WILL NOT FOOL YOU. When you deal with us you have tlic asstiram c that ou will not be foo!ed in any way. Satisfaction always or your money back. We want customers w ho a;jre ctatc courtesy, combined with t.muijit service, an.i the right quality, with the tiht price. A miKlitv k.k1 combination to tic too. This comhiuatiou you !s;nc if yon deal with us. If you arc not already a customer now is a goid time to become one. Just a few items below for your consideration. Tomatoes (with puree) ux- can, for s;c h v l.,cu Tomatoes (with puree) No. to can, als. 25c, W. Totuatocs .solid pack, No. 10 can eals. r Tomatoc preferred stock, iSc per can, i'.'o jtVi...-u Lorn standard Iowa pack, uK cau, 2 f r i;c,sc liorit Corn onarja, (a Kimk1 one) Kccau, 2 for sic, 5i..p d... vuiu preierrcu stock, 15c per can, i.(.o j r ili'A'ii I'l.lne . I. . It ... J'" peaencs, naivcs and sliced, 2vc can, 2 for 45c, $2.50 dozen, there is uo kttcr j.ulies t..uUd than these. Pylcs laurel wreath peaches, halves and sliced, hk can 2 for 45c, 1 1 .So dozen Pylcs laurel wreath apricots, 20c can, 2 for 45c Si.S.i d Laurel wreath brand will plca.se y.,n as thev art fine. 1 Peaches, No. ,0cans gals., halves and sliced, u, ?3.75 on. Silk soap, 7 bars for 25c. Vault's biK value, savon soap, K bar, small price 6 for 25 cents. Our 3. cdTcc will please you! VAUGIIT GROCERY COMPANY Second Street - - H.lhboro, OrrK.n Noll. al Slii(llV Uf. ! S..ii. la I.K.I r g''i ll.al lb Olt mm. tl nl Ilia I liy ul lllllalaitu, I If. (on I .1 .11 ili lib .laf wl Jwn. lull. tM 1 11, in aixa imiiiiiix aaulaaa.a lu im a..ti .'1 uU l 1111 lu 4 at-l ul Slnlb Mia I (.nn Ih i n. . tl.iu uf lb Wal i. i. N i.iii nii,i aiili lb .n4lb al.l uf til 'iiM In aa.4 "It if Li Ilia in ( mr -tl.MI ( lb W.al !.!..! .NlllHi htlM a. tn 11. n V.ilii .. ul Mia mil u u l 1 . 1 1 I li wi.. . nt. . u. ul biia u( l i ..... i. lai.'l :kiUii lilmil aa. !! .. a. Hi lu iiaiuaa ul th u l'ia Xmig a. ! a, lu a ill 1.1 11. III.-a I, H..(, t',.l A.l lllloa u Hi I.. 11 1. ..a I if i.f lli.ialaira, lli.gm l.lalii si 1 iuiii 11)4 KIUIiimi I.. i .'. in 1 .iiiih 1 ia a.iiu. i., l.'ia loan i.. I i ..f lluialait.,, Iia..u V k'l a. ..I M I'. .tebr U, i. 111. a a t. ..i,tb l ,aaal AO.Illlun W I l iii,.. ...lu( . alfu. Oirasia J.J. 11 V au.laiaal ai4 M'f ' l 1 a.. I. 4 i. It.o. a t rtuulii l'iaal A l lllln I, III. t..n 111. a 1 ut of lliilaiaifi, ifr ,11 .. .... .WtlilaM Wail-I li.al xi l uaiirta a' l.ulla. lu ami ".. 1 I .i.l. a.a a;i. llif raiavlira al iiiair i'iuiiuai a... I vtibii, all tjr.laia Kviiii a... I allaf lb )( ul ... , ..f 1 11a . ai.l 11 1...1 a.. run.Uurlxl .linn aaiil inn, in li t.ifitiavr I " ! .... 1. i h 1 ilia .! al i. at l""""'l Hi abuiliii iiUif. 11 mi. 1 lr, I,,, h ui.u jio ul Iba I haital ul aaul 1 ny S" I l- : Ii Id tx nMlu. i. uf ""' mi lu oa a laat aula Ir.iui lb i.mi., t'.f l.. ami .l.a-l rutifunu lu la fru ii.m. ..1 ur.iman.-a ., Il n aaul I Hj a. ... roiialiiu liuu ul a .a.l.ii al l aa.aa, anj ai.aU Iw u ) lu lia I" " Iha I U (.i.ltirai ul ai4 I ill 1'air.l Una l h .U; ..f Jufta, lull, I . A. 111.11. I Ilut4ar. Nuliic ol SiJt,r Ofjiaaavt .itll la I.m.hI.m 1 . .. .1... . ...... - in, j ' .11 II .If II,, ,1, 0, UUh.,, ll,g,Hl. - "'T JUlia vi, laat Su ! lM...w ,r..i,:hg .1.1. .1, u, ba ... i( u, Ca .Hi 1. f Klbl kimi w li.al , , llilLbu,, ni ,., Oi.' S. VI f lt I ,Um l M(U ' . I llu..n .i 111 luan miw Dtf of Id. .. ii. u u.. . . ' : - . 1.1 I "I 1 H, . Kiiinh , a.i.,,,,.,,, - "T hi llliialaitu. lln.un it.i, ... ... 1 ... . . . .. , "I mini auulllli . aa..l ai...a.,. an), ,. f ( () -. uaiif iwintf aa (....aa. 1 l b lu GRAND WINNER $16.00 st:t This is the latest model of the Swiss Harness, combining all the Lest features of this make. Mill in 1 th MY HEAVY HARNESS On which I made my reputation can't 1 hcatcn I Carry a Fine Line of Collars. Whip Robes, etc. Repair worK promptly cared for MainStHarnessSho L. E. GOTHAM Hillboro, Ore. I-. I III-. IK.,ull, l'.1Ml AJ!ill.ii ' " ' "I IIIUala.M, Illa0.ui, ,,"'" , " " Man Itmlaaia '"' f'l lu nitialrucl 1. 1 -t 1,1,1 riMlia, .ill.....,.'.. ....'77 ... . ... , - uaj 1 ruin al,..f in. (.aa.,, , Ml.l ,,,, .ili'l tl 11. . ... .......... . , t ' "KIIUI IIM M l ! win. u, I , ,. ,, t r 1 t Hi. .1 ,i. ... ... " - -.. ,nw , r 'i ,;','',"li I""mi i. rw.ii.in ii..lu,i l..rti,f .a. i ut .,.).., i. , ,m M,.up,(N, ,,, '. In I. 11 ii 1. 1 . .. . " - - ....... ...n ,11,1,, ma iiftiu ' i..t.iii,.,. , it , Mll, t. ''.taliiirf r..,.i. .......... . . ... . . ' . . ' "-" wiari al.l I'M'Vlti JI Lilt t 11 a h i,..! - . . I'. A. tl.t, I'll lirninlar, I VClUlof'i Nolkt In tt.r I'.i.ini. I'.mrt.if ,i,, Hl.,B ,.,.. In if.'V'.'f "'"'" 'Mlllly I" I... .ll.u, f , jUwl1 J K '-',.tk II, .ti.fr, iTaa, l-r L ,?, I I r 'T T,mt ., Vl" "f Kl"" '"'' lr-.r. .la ,1, ),...;, .' V . '..""7 Uia , ,,7;::."" rn""'ty M..iiii.i m, Hunk ,," , 'lufj, "I 'inly vi,tin..i. Hiu.t,, '"in Hie ilnl.i iitniaif. I'.l,i ., fH ,.,l,a,. n, 1IH4 V"V Al.r,ly,J' "' la C'filaf, IM tiie u'l Mrv ' ' a ;t 1 m 1 V i ii ,.f ll , 'I'wIliliU.. ., '"al ik. ' lala.,., h. V. ,? '"' ft! !- ban... , WaaT aiaiaa. ..!,, ;"' i a 'l...,. , . ' ""I C. i iiiu.t..,.,,, ". 1 Hum. ih- Ul .1., ' ""'I- , 11.1 ..... ' I III -u. . . 111 . I.. t iwum 'wi k a,, .... u( ( t ... lM.aa, ' H U.i."' "1. AamlnUi,.,,.., N S.m. 1. 11.. . . . "''.f'.u.,, Ik. 'il-. baa l.. , , ,, " n'l IWa. baa ,lm, u.m, - I l.ra.,ln . , ha .. 1 ,,. , " l k. wlZ, IUI. 1.....!.. ' II . ii..,. i.,,, aui.m... '""if iZ; li.1.1 u... ..... Oaluf. " Aluh)tj Piicifh; .stales . NS..p TU,:t I,,,.. T: . nai ub lliajf,:, IUm Ciuai. , , John Vamlenva a"-' lllltaliufu liUILDlNC I am prri.an j to .In ail i:.i. uf Itutldini; ar. l:.Iiair taf4 t'ahinct wurk, ,t.-., Saw-fiiiRt, Sctvrn. ami St,, t Main un, I -runt JtUIN lUi.MTV. 1 "T lour l i re from Fta ' f ki auL : V I a a ''"I ii I.-,. Conlicy My Knocker 11 aa aaa Try h A.J. HART RAM IT MlnUiro . . Oram HOLSIIIN CATTLE Ono hif'r or a airlaJ; With calf or i-tminir fresh: While nr mi ! Mock and white; mmiHllat or il. f. rrrj delivrrr; Cash or ti rnn-1'rnTillighl COAST CATTLE CO. Kt'CKNT, OKK. . U.ficu at tin? K w m i'mmtti l( limiitlia for Sate I f otiso and lot. hi Vatft (llVIII.,a. I ... Jirovwiii'iii- ,mi,; MOm, ,ln f ,j treoH;$I(KJO-$l(x down and $l ttlnonlh- KO. Mitchell? l'OII Tllb Best Fire Insurance PROMPT 8KTTJ.R. MKNf OH L08HKS BKK JOHN VANDERWAL Ajjcnt London & Uca. Mure Fire Iusurance Co. I'..if,c8i.r, PhoiwW4 HILI.HIIOKO Closing Out Sale WALL PAPIR PAINTS, no. Ml OO00S J. MURHOW l.inml Sltl UMMONS. Til im T.iai r'lin'itiT 1'iH'UT Or BTATR OK oitKUON ru WAHJIINOTUN I-OIINTT. Hull. Duikliiwii. I'lalnliir W'.J. Iii'kiiiun, l).-f.iiliil . Ti W. 1, iikiiia.iii, I'm llllllltlll! III Ida nai.in nf II. HUlr nf JT ara lirl.a riiilrwi it l'lr ZZ. lKia lllllpl (ilirl ami ran I f.trt Krl.Uy. Ilia ifhili ili '' "! litch liali mfr !' ,llU.",.,?j nr.n;..i,i.,aii.... ..f im. ' r; .m, ami II jroii iM I i'i"' "l1!rljj f..r waul ii.rrn.ir, ih .iihihI .2T' lo llin Omrl r.ir .l. rrr. rnrnvr 1""n". inviii ih.ihi. (.r iiiiriii"tr ""'.Jl; hrrrt.r.ir ailalllitf Im.iI Jf""l -J 2 i.iimiiiaa irrmuiinii. , .... UMly nf Urn minor hllilrii "I j j liiraml it..rm.Uiil,nii.l ff .ii.h otwr' furlhar rllf Ml-. lli iViiirt ih3T Wirwl all.l rxlllltll. u k.f Tl.la auiiiin oii w t'rv;l "I"' Jr RfrflVPfi frnm iUn IT . ..41 I tit -I (PjaeeYllo. H? f?in about 7 months old. Finder and ranv Ar7l Tr B,ov,! I please notify E. A.Cox, Biaver- Alcazar 3' Iv; , an r!in ton. Oregon, ltoute 2. box 154. and l)Lm ,i Lrht'm- lualiw , , '"'uicr, ience ra h. nd hoards of nil iU-i ' Htovowood enthr Wi Co Die coururv. w ..u .... . llhl.ltl..ll III III IIIHi" " ,. li. vlrlnt of an iinlor of ili '','. VJ a KrajHinar, JikIk" or tli nrni'i i flf Ilia County of WHl.iiit.iii '" .r" tlltl lllillfl.tlmi M Jt.lt Imli, '"'JS lli data of Ilia laal .iibll. ll'in AU , Harry Yatmkwlrk ' , 'i,,, , AtUiniayi f,.r 1'lnlni.lir, ' 0m"m , HullilliiK, I'orllaml, Orrnn. . ANGELA MAY Teacher of r Slnlnrf and Pin Terms orranKed to suit. K0OM4, - BANKANNtt Kewara. - la. win ' ""Km.-ij. (' 18-20 or or can on me. Curl HLnuJ imT..i. 13-lt ro. l'hone, Main 33C. Every Day. 4