a- If i Will Prasi yii IS PAYING $1.55 FOR JULY MILK Testing' From 3.7 to 4 Percent Did the Pacific Coast Condense! Milk Ct. (Carnation Comlenstr) j;ive you a sulc clutk of about teu ccuts jer hundred for your June milk? Their Mount Veruou sliipiers got fi.,;5 per hundred p.miuls for June milk aud a sidi cluck of 10 corns t;r haulred extra. Isu't your milk worth as much as the Mouut Veruou Dairymen's If so, demand f 1.45 for Juuc aud 51.55 for July. Do you waut some clean legitimate COMPETITION at Forest Grove or Hillsboro? I f you do we would hi pleased to start a factory in your territory, providing you will agree to gic us a reasonable amount of milk. We pay all of our patrous the same price, no side checks. The keen competition of the Mouut Veruou Cream Co , at Mouut Vernon, Las forced the MILK TRUST to betray their Forest drove, HillsWo, Mouro?, Kent, Chchulis, Kversoti aud Stinwood dairymen by piyinj this; ficto ics 10 ccuts 1 p:r huuJrcil puind-i thau they d it Mount Vernon. Think what better treatment aud price you would get if the Mouut Ycin.m Cream Co. were buyiug milk in your territory. We agree and guarantee that the Mouut Veruou Cream Company will pay more (or milk for twelve months than any coudeuser in the state or 011 the Pacific Coast. We have recently sigued a cou tract for a $ioo,ix.oo factory at FcrtnU1c,and nrelkin: for other good locations. MOUNT VERNON CREAM COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Read the Law of the State of Minnesota protecting the Dairymen against Trusts and Illegitimate methods. It is time for the dairymen to have protection in this State in lihe manner. "Any person, firm, co-partnership or corporation engaged in thebusiucss of buying milk, cream or butterfat, for the purpose of manufacture, who shall with the iuteutioti of creating a monopoly, or destroying the business of a competitor, discrimm;ue between ditTcreut sections, localities, communities, or cities of this state, by pimhasiug such commodities at a higher pi ux or rate in one locality, thau is paid for the same commodity by said person, firm, co-partnership or corporation in another locality, after makiug due allowance for the dittercuce, ifauy, in the actual cost of transportation from the locality of purchase to the locality of manufacture, shall be deemed guilty of unfair discrimination and upou conviction thereof, tlull be puuished by a fine, not to exceed five-thojsand dollrrs, or by imprisonment iu the comity j ail, uot to exceed six months." The States of Iowa and Wisconsin have similar laws to protect the Dairymen. David Smith, Able Seaman By LOUISE B. CUM MINGS Captain William or the United State navy baring brnl quite loo term of sea service wa ordered to the conituaud of otic of the finest naval tat ion uu tbe New England coast Hiss Nellie Williams was in tbe hey . day of youth, and visions of all aorta of plessurv danced In ber bead, tbe princliml of wbkb was flirting with tbe young officers wttb wbom aba would be tti row a into contact. Her mother rejoiced tbst she would be able to Introduce ber daughter Into society, which sue could not bare otherwise done because neitber ber basband nor berxelf bad any fortune, aud sua was obliged to live a retired life. But no sooner bad tbe captain as sumed command aud bis family been installed In tbe best quarters at tbe st a too than 11 las Nellie must needs apoll It all by casting to tbe wlnda tbe most sacred tradition of tbe service. Of all tbe officers at tbe station. In cluding several inldsblpmen of a suit able age to Interest a girl of seven teen, not one succeeded In sufficiently engaging ber attention to save ber from bestowing not only It, but ber whole heart, on an enlisted man. No one can tell what a girl between fifteen and twenty is going to do, and wben she doe It no one can atop ber. Tbe difference In tbe navy between an en I in ted man aud an efflcer can best be Illustrated by comparing a bramble busb wltb a pine tree. There are In these times many fine young men among tbe United States tars, but tbe graudson of a uilllloiiaire can no more overstep this sharply defined line be tween officer and enlisted man than can tbe cook in tbe galley. A girl of seventeen I as easily caught as tbe stupidest nb that swims, and no oue can tell who will catcb ber. site William one day went aboard a blp docked at the yard. And there sbe saw tbe young man who caught ber. What It waa in him that caught ber no one could tell. True, be waa a pretty boy, but there were other pretty boy who wore officers' uniforms, while tbe young man in question wore tbe sailor's cap, tbe blue flannel shirt wltb broad collar and tbe trousers tight about tbe blp and loose below tbe knee of a common sailor. Now, Captain Williams, who found bo difficulty in commanding bis sta tion, consisting of many strong men, found himself unable to discipline his daughter. He threatened. If ever sbe waa caught speaking to tbe youngster gain, to send ber away. Bbe made promises, but tbey were uot kept He would bare ordered tbe sailor Da vld Bmltb wa tbe name on his ship' roster-sway from tbe station, but atlas Nellie' Infatuation bad become known and ucb action would be con sidered using official power to serve private Interests, and tbe captain waa very eeneltlve on such a point More over, be feared that If be "put on tbe wltb tbe tar. This would not oniy tie ber up to a common sailor, but a deserter. ! How, wben and where the tnr and tbe captaiu ' daughter contrived to bohl their meetings no one knew At leant no oue would tell. The; hud many adherents among tbe (tailor, hut none among the officers or their 'nin nies. Finally tt becsme apparent to Cantaln anil Mr WUIinma th ,i .n- thing tunst be done, and oue morning "" mnmr uiu Ulm Nellie was Informed that shews. 1,1 '"""J Al''rt '" " A MISTAKEN IDENTITY Bv EDITH V. ROSS to be taken bark to the quiet home walking aloiiii beside n wall over which There was nothing to do but snlm.lt I h' '',lr''' ,lrKruuu,i I and what bad promised to be such a One thing for them ended In disap ! polntmeut Aud all this on account j of Miss Nellie's having fallen In love ' wltb a common sailor Instead of an ' ! officer. 1 , One day Captain Williams received ! ' from Washington tbe discharge paper Suddenly he heiird a voice en II: To r n I ii ic. be saw a girl dressed In a dainty w hite costume coming down a lle She was looking Intently St him. no be topat and waited for her. "When 1 mw you ctimlin;." she suul. evidently much agitated, "I supposed i irum tiaauiuKion me uwcuance papers . . ' . . h . j i. mb,, : J""' '""1 niade up your mind not to of a sailor named Howard 8 ugleton. I ' , . ,, . . , I ft. ... i . . . ... believe thnt malii-hius sti.ry and wer Tbe discharge bad been grunted by ' , . ,, . . ,. ' . . " . ' Intending to te me so. H hen I saw tbe secretary of the navy at the re- ' , . I r ,.L ni-i. t... ; ',u J sank. Do cmie lu ! quest of tue British minister. The case was brought to the coumiander:s attention by the officer having the care of discharges because there was no aucb person as Howard Slugleton tbe station. "Make Inquiries for him." said the Captain; "be may have enlisted under an assumed name " ! Tbe officer retired and soon after re- , turned wltb Dnvld Smith, able seaman : Tbe captain, who knew him well, bar- j ' Ing bad an Interview with him con- , cernlng bis daughter, looked at btrn In I i astonbihttieot j "la your name Rlngletonr asked I Captain Williams. It Is" Are you a British subject?" "1 am. My father In Fir Churles Sin Mr. 11a ijiiltou was young; the girl an very pretty. Sli hud evidently Uilit!lLiti lllfll fur uirna ul u. lin.K. . .. .... , ,.,- ' ahly ber lover. Surely the likeuen I iiiu.it lie soiiiethlni; reuiarknljle. He n alMiut to si-t ber right when It oc ; curred to hliu that be could do so a few moment Inter Jutt as well. Us MtiNx) lonking at her wlHiout KiKiiiklng. "Jn come, lloh," she plemled. "I rnn explain the mutter to your satis, faction if you will only llxten to me." Here U a girl, thought Uutullton, who has Utii mall'in'il to her lover, tie bus got up ou Ills ear and gone off lu a ImlT. ijulte likely I mujr be of serv ile to her He mounted the wall aud entered the ground. Still undecided j as to JumI when be had better iiiuke i tflotfin kl.llil.lllhtur tl.A flt-fl.. In ! I Scotland He builds shl,m for the Brit- i blmtt '": "U,J "ot 8ct"" Isb navy. I am to enter hi, service. I ' ,mrt "" "' but thought It la-tter to learn some- " w" u"1 ',e nt'" 'r' fvl,,,!Ut thing of warships l.y serving awhile ' ' B'tat""k ''" on one of them In the RrlUsh navy ! ". ; "'.listened with tears. I could not have preserved my Incog. " Mu' wo,"uu " u,a- so I chose the United States service." Ahem! And you go from here to ligulty that h.iImiiNIiiM IiIiii He reslMted it temptation to take ber ! Scotland to enter your father's works?- ,0 U r'' "U'' her UvT ! -I H p ff, nu wi.ii explanation uh purfei-tly satUfiictory. my father I shall return for a pur-, f1"' w" "training a point of podM biinor in llHteiiliiu to a Htory Intcmlwl "What purpose?" tor Htl"l'"!r ,,B would lie expected to "To ask the hand of your Aiughter." Htow H curv '"'"''J that "Um." mumbled the estitHln "Pfle. 0,,";r- He M f""- "!) i haps you'd better see your father about ,,'rfu,' ,u wl',r ,u UV,M lol"tf hla tfjHt inieiiiiou neiiig 10 iniie Huvuuuige or Singleton went borne, returned and tbe K,rl " Mi,ttk l'"et her. More took Nellie Williams bact to Scotland oyt,r' he 1llMV,,,l luul'l her wltb him. better In his present poidtlon tlmu un der his own Identity. Turning to her, " - he looked her In the eyes wllh a rens- ShOrt StOrieS. i ur,"K " kl,l(1y expression, und uld: I "I believe every word you huve siild, Seven thousand women practice med-! b"t th"re Hre rm" u ' eaunot Hue iu tbe United Htutes. explain to you why liny outward n-c- All over the world sixty-si-ven people' 0,"'l"",l,", a1'""1'1 ,101 tnk 1'"" die every minute, or 11,480 every Uny. i " at l,rumM" It b, officially estimated that there nre 1 ,W,n "? 0t!"!r team ",nD IWWOWU leal negroes iu the world ' tl,nt "" buve pl,t Uer '" my pluce a"U , , ..... 1 don't feel that you rim be untrue to It Las bceu estimated that the earth hw lllltil ,1(lve h(.urj ,1(,r t(J 000 ,im n total which will be reacl,w Wllt ., ow kM f b t about the year 210,, t the present 0vt ,, fllr h,.tIr rvllma than ue lute of Increase. , r()u(, r- UiyM lMf Ihe Inuama fuclilc exposition bus Ncveithcl.." be said. "It Is ouly eatubluuied a clearing boue for lost (he form that needs to be olerved." cnudreu and relatives and litis com-; -When shall I sew you iigalu?" munlcatiou with the entire Sun frun-; .t ti ,0(J e4rpry ,1(.e. lH)Wer and Cisco telepboue system. j ,ruui, , le pilt.kf IK.muug tb. Juy " " " - 'joker," nil wh.it ii ri t. c :n' j.-tiiiunil. glltu liU twii l ;!! i ri -.iirc and li'kliig up nt hliu trii-.n ..ii i. u fui . lie reitioiintiil the h ill nn.l dmplr to tin- ldi ii!W. Turning, he saw rr thruwlng a kin. w hi' h hi Ciiuactenre Permitted hliu 1 1 rt-turu in kind Then. j pntsliiif out of nU-ht. he .tlil to hint i "Ity J.ive! If f.,U to bring the W- low round I'll lotw my Identity lu bis ; Slid ib till the l.n eiiuiklllg llij iclf " Mr. II. unlit. in m.tde the ncipmlntani' of friend' uiiitii il to bl'tim-lf and the mrt! ruin'eriicl. keeping blllielf ill the Imrk ground Thie ho saw tihil were aMoiilihetl nt hi likeness to Hob j Mi-sere.in. the recent Dance of Ml i Leila Itartholow. Through thetn Hniu ' lllnii triin-uiiltteil III e'liiliiithitu ( tt i turtuiiutely It iin.e loo late. ,W ' reau. uiikumn to .Mls lliirtlmlow, bail ; been dividing III Httentlon tx-tWevQ . her and the girl who hud traduced her ; and hud gone I.hi tr with the latter to withdraw. He proved to le a Wi-nk man. and it I ipuitinHlile If be ilitr.i) withdraw Her Intlueuce was strung nimii:li to hold lilm , 1 1 ii i 1 1 Mott now i-oiiilileriil how be could U'coiiip Meitereiiu's sulMtltuta. He had found a Mts l.'verett, a bosom friend of Ml iVrtholow. through whom he had sent his ejpinniitlun, ami with thl lady he consulted. She fully exonerated hliu fur the part he bnd played, and after the fiillure of ber efforts to iimve Mescreau assisted him In extricating himself with the lady I whom be hud sought to betietlt Miss ; Kverelt volunteered to explain hi ac- j Hon to Ml Itiirtholow. I All t tin I paused lictween the two friends was never made known to Hamilton, hut nrter a time he recelv- 'cd n note from Mlxa llarlhulow thank ing Mm for hi kind Intentions townrd her Ijtter .Mis Kverett went with him to call on the Jilted lady, and whi n the latter suw him she studied his face, then admitted that she suw a difference, hut wu nut surprised thnt she hud not seen It under excitement lljuiillti.il' fir! tlxlt was not til liint. lie had Miirmled (tint bis llke nes to .Mi'Kerciiii would he an advan tage "illi the lady. It proved the n vere. for she had turned bitterly sgalnt Iter former lover. Ilnmlltiui had not only to win her anew, but un der tlil Imtidlmp. However, he sue ceeded In the end, the Iniiidlrnp Imlng iifft-t by Mli lliirthulow's npprovnl (if what she wns pleased to consider his hunornlile conduct when she mix took him for a nuttier Current Comment. As ilHiinl. the newest battleship un to be the Inrgcst In the world, but be fore tbey are completed liirgcr one will buve lieeii pliitined elsewhere. I'lttidnirgli Mi.piitcli. Kverliody seema to he down on the iiiivul phieking liouid. mid It now Btiindrt u very irood chance of being plucked ItHclf.-HiilMdclphlu I'less. A t.'lileago profittsor person gives nine reiisiiim "why boys go wrong." They don't, coinuiotil.v, else tlm world would he un workable. New York World. It l line to have n bumper crop uf nl fulfil too. It Is true, we don't out ill fa If it. but tie creatures we cut will eat It. which 1:4 much thctmme tlilng. t'leveland Main Dealer. The Kind Of Government He Liked P MUN U IARMD lu any rut the ro s prim nuui.1 not be npu"d." sshl Vwn ! (.In " hl b aiesns tttst I tuuat k arlf llw world" The r ply s iuKd by tjut Kslee ho?T cit IV r"n bd twea fuuud a ! k f siarkvtl rsrds. A prtjf of ;ouug not k-uien and the prime bad hvn plstlug txttvarsl Ills roisl bbhti.-M Irnd kt beavtly, and Ktrtsr b.'fT had . In order to fof-e tbe latter to return bis winnings lite pt '.! tHl Ut iHNir th WtuiMMT, Sllp- .-l the marked sck tutu bis purM stid then iivuwd lilm of bsltig wun tt tii.-ti.-y ty chestlujt To rve bis Si'iiitlen h detnandrd rbal ataterboff r sri ht aud lbs card were found. No one was decetvvd. nor ws tt b tn,.-. (hat any tine should be ow-te rd The heme wss to effect the r turn of th n.otH-y t!i prior btd kd to rtrih.!f wlth.wit the bctr sppsreul Ix ltig ih!li;i-d to llrlUMD btuuwlf by . .-.I ting tt as a gift "Tt,.-r U a way eat of it If you rho.e lu stall youraslf of It," said IWrteln. "X bi say!" ';! up what you aave won to ths prime and the matter will be busbsd up Tbul would be te arkttowtrdk-s my setf sul"y. I prefer lo apiir guilty to the world and prsaerve tuy owasolf repw. I NiiiM-ue, count It is our duty o pn, r Hid soveretgtl from m'r'" lie tvloiigs to be people, l-t tbsia ke tiii(l.ei-e la hits aud what ful lows? Ansrvby." K-iferbulT P1 Brut He was el clttdnl fMUl tbe princes at co the gruund that Us bad used marked rsnU IK- k his wtnulugs lo tbe ponf, bl b wu tutisidervd a pruuf tbst M run, lew S bad In lbs f ud got (Us bef ir of hliu t'ndi-r the ntti of I'ttit j.lrrbff be went to Auwrt. a. Ill family elite bad brrn kt by bis fa tlier, siul It was bis ambition to ntak tu-x.rr and rvdwtu them' Twenty year rulld by. Tbe cross I r-.n. e h4l Iwt-vme king under Ibe Uths of IHrnr VIII. lis bad rvma ItMd a gnnl..rr sod a aiwotltbrtft, thouft) tbe 111 lumn to rrtMUp bis ksuvs Wltb tVunt l:trrboff bad kept blui froui trying iKb a m-tbud agsln. I'urtng the two ih'.s.Ws that bsd sloes SMd b bad become H-rwo(itlly bsukrupl All tint saved blot wss thai tbe w. filthy nobility, frartng that if be cok tannd bs would carry tbs -vmnt)t and theui down wltb blot, kept blm afloat A wealthy American came to tbs capital and took a residence. He was utuiinrrivd and lived tullrvly iton Nulxidy knew wby be bad coins, why be remained or wbat bs did wltb blm eif. ihitik.r knew that be bsd brought with blm uultiultsd rrsdlt fMtu America, aud tt sevinnl to tbvin that tbs uioiiry be drw wss slpsndsd for suLui'thlii. though tbey did know what one tljy tbe king relvd eutlre frm a lawyer that on of his not wUh h ws due must be paid st our. !,r fi'rwarde.1 tbs not through bis cbamUriaiii to a noble who bad been s i-.liiti j by th other nobles to taks cam if th king's debt. Tbs amount ws pid. but other similar nutlet cum (-Hiring u mi fst tbst It wis found liniMRHilbl to lake car of thaw. Ill iimj.-t; was tiiforinm that ttwrs wa d.iiigi-r of a public ihbu.UL Many of lheo iliiim wers fur itiutu-i a,t um. id tt liietfltiiust purposes. Tbs kliiw" lukrtl who wss prrwilng tbem sn.l w.i loid that an American niulti- iiiiniiiiialre was upowd to be at th bottom uf It all. One iiioriiliirf th American revived a colHtiiiind" to l.-r st ths ila.- He re; lli, tit tie bad no wlab to tUlt the king; If the king wtahrd to Sc blm he would Ond blm st hoiu. The next day th royal cnrrlaus stopped at the AmiTliuns bmiae; the king alliititm! Slid wna reeclved In h drswlim I have railed." said t)-sr. "to learn the uieniilng of your bavins' bnuuht no clnlm ucnliiat me and pressing them tor pay incut Tertians your majesty mar raiuem. Ii-r when you were cruwn nrlms alio. dnK a pm k of marked cards bito my las-bet." "Your pocket r "1 am nun t Ksterhoff." The kuz hhiticheil. "I lisvM kept those fards." eoniinni EsterlH.ff, "and would like to sell th.m to your umjesiy " Haw much do yon iak for themr Iminlnd (He nr after cnllet tlng hi fn. tlllll'S "Two hiiudriil thoussnd Ah...h, dollar fur encb card " ifeut hen ven. man! tiienn?" "I menu thnt In nir tnuth I lii under a ayst.-m wherein the chief .... and women found It to their ttilen-st to upp.,rt InJ.iMtlce. If your tieonl. .Mil 'eel the anme In this matt. It ti,.,n nil,. WAwm anil buy the cards. ....hi your notes to thnt i,.,i the ii'ites will go with the cards." Aner a great effort those tunes depended , ,l8 atni.m,. of th Jfovernmeiit rnlsMtt the amount As fM the money .time In tbey would n-ileem ,,.. or more card , HlM.tidi.Mi nnu-n till ,1) were taken an. i.-n . Mertmrr lliatend Of redcemt, . ftnn Iv A i. . " j oouiiura vt,,,t i.n..i. A. . . ' s Ko.enitiient eXn., ,)f ,,. . 'I'l ml for the people. Whnt du you to use for Flippant Flings. Archery Is becomlntf r.l.i i.i nalu And just w,c the eugHts tllo.lKlit .. i .i,,,,,,,,,, ," H" t . am,,!- New York Ku l"" "Ul KhKliind points with nrt.t.. ... ... . "'t taut anirraJb.,. . Z"'" i' t .iared to nttnek that lust ntn iHla, r Man-Cleveland 11 iM'tiicr, cheer Cornell, fru, ,,)BloD he iiiiiii m h.iirss of wi t." caslly nunibere,!. A hospital it Ike Hub sh 'utH-vs cure faf Imh kvaa. Hut If It winks who la la wit hereafter In tbe froot row at Ibe twee tstMW?Nw Yet World. Three Strikes. tVrtslniy there I rouaa la Cbicsgu fur Ibree liawtsill peuusols M'bk sgo .News One lu aw bile an umpire ap(r who luskee b fans wish a few udll taut .urTrsgi-ttr would take sa lulrr et In Ibe gsn- Vsblutua War. Tbe baarbal! war has k4 made any iMte any n her ani oaa i-swcni t V d kets of b courts It ou(b is be railed vff -4'levelsnd llsla IteaUrr The Cookbook. rled f""d ahould nut be alUw4 U bsa-utn chilled lfre serving To nuke rsbtwge digestible, wb half boiled lHir of? be wr and pls. In fivh Isdltng wster u teatlng Ibe uvea for sk baking rmuiUr that gritpr beat I rulrd for a rake lked In layers I baa fur a aUigle loaf. If rf(s are to be stuffed by klUat tw pul Into told water ss auou a lby sr taken fru h stuv. Tbl wUi keep In wbltrs In Utlrf abapv Vlalt.if-W h bs you put two but walrr I. -tt Ira lu my bed. HrklgsO Hrklsel ut. UtUUt, Walt of IbltM ws Mklsg. sud I iIbIu I kuw which. m iU Uib lu to lusk sure - 'urrb! llUl'44. "I swl UtosMiMi ho if ssaia." suul l l.(i tit l luu. hl t..ltut un ai A..4 m4 4lu h 1ol4sl(.kts i4ae kllatrraa I hat's a ttkvly made dr m )uu bs mi. Jane ll Uk Ibe nw lrlottianra, I ut I It? Jauv Is ikw atvldcbl of lb fa.i.k.o . tal.'kiri 4iU. ... ia aui. Ibl U nulla a dKT.rn.t irr(..u I'uu. b TS Ul.f HvaJ li4 lu h IMl4. Iitr !" tu .h t liji ah Waa K.iM U l.i., ha at ff wtti.4 .-I ."u.i 'IIIJW I Is lv -Mr n:i.r h fin duiHMiit.Mi, ba.ii I )' ,i i fH ou with ber bus band ! u t h I 'iiwkt'd. ) ttbr. b Would get un wltb i.il--t.' l..i.t i.d laf l Mn l. IM- lh.,rl.a g An4 l4 a K i Tti.ti 4 . (wtiva, i aiat.inl iwiajifc. 11 a aw. a 4 lb iuittat Aew rts tittle llMUf lUt tw'd kla )um If I Wt tt-u t h.tx' Mtr V i uMltiit ,! ;u away lh a vrf) luiuul IVnu htat I'n-tb TK ikuti in 4 am Ukm s (lute, p. I tn ll l.iti Ml .m. kl-14" t lwiis s la ! li.sf akl.l. UI SI M ti MU "Hef. wsllrf " "eab "YU ask! uu bad sum fTeab, dW Iwrrirs Tbe ou brought are over i'u WrrUs" ti-kti,.. w ' .. fa, rj c t ll. I - k sa .1..,, , ",,; ltu lOf U4. ,J Kla 1 1 ha ii J). tai rmi . a i . an tiT I "a us .."Vk irw, lr well ai.ui i, W t" S.,M I ber a t or met and It. flr.t "Wb ttuw fv' 4 ut. ,!, fMf A 4n.a l auwat nam, kek tlfca' "'kr. Hutu. I nalla 41 Uiul W 'l aj fa.- a an aibkui isum ' ItiiiaJi-fci 14s TIUl file" iptolrd b Sag "lea" repllnl th fo.d lm b U'l ctsiy enuugh lo bM.p tb luu), tike eoiue of lb nioab-rn dhf Omlunali ICu 4julrr ' ; , ll Wsuiiful h U ,Mr I bJ lit ln.t uulfiua aiwtl, A-l iI II tr:. fmmt to ma, Th flMrt-'.a (1.1. uul qulia sa adi. - ." tu nun. "There ain't h-thln' bad alul m. lady." ssld tbe Irsiup st lbs dour ".Nr ssid lb H.Ni.m Isdy with the e)rslaar "How too yuur gram insrr-Vuukrra Mslesiuan la. hudor atul uUi itu loaiiu. u A . .,t tout uii.,i,g i.Haii,s' run inanr a t.fia. m n,Hlftf ami t,., bmws Wh.a ailhlly .ha4 te data ksr bubbr'S I" kin -J.t,t "I don I know wbat lo rail Ibl new runner ws'v .lani. " "Wby ml call It (he Marathon vine?" -ilaliliuore Awerbsn. Ti wr i si th apfllig. An4 i's ai l Mk.tn; Motnina s st awvrai W. at a:i ui.i. k'ur ro ii ll, wing; Th i-ai luuka fufh.rn; W s law, al alavati Th houa la lo I.I! -Mllwsuks Journal. "Hhe'a very formal, Isn't she?" "Very. Mm etcii olijirlml wbell tb parrot Kpokti lo ber witboul U-lug lu-iruducisl."-1 unroll Free Tress. Uy no th aroHii f j, nu 4,iut Would lit l ii.m.1 in aiiiipls John win, vry tifirri p.lnl. uul Thai I on i .iii, ivo aa P,eap a on. - iMruli 'r I' "Tim Iliu.glns are a remarkable fain. Uy." "How sor "They have a boy seven rear old ntal Ihey d'l cull blm tlllaterV- M'W York I'n(s. 1 hers a , f 0, iiiviuii.il a n ma ma. hm. It Was aoixl na could b. Will, mi diHShai k You sas, Tha thlna wouldn't lly wurlti a bn. MilwuukiMt Kra l'r. "W'aa It n hail accident ?" "Well, I whs kiiotked aiMHs-bleaa. ntul tuy wheel wu kinickisl msikeless." 'Iirlstliu, lieulsler. I herowlih dlaeouraa un Ths aiihlM-i aorruw: Tim ir.iuhiea that kill sr Ths troubles ws burrowl -Judge. "He I R lllllll. I um tllld (if aedantar lial.lts." "Nu such tbinitl If never touch drop.' ItiiItliiior American, Hprlng has b.a and bluoms In bud tm illaplay And tlsvsn klnda of mud, fly th way. lilabitraH reel, Hut hi. h.t..U. .J C ..i. Ui fa sw had brra Uwrrij , " Hi mi. ,1.,,, ,b1 v I.U.UI u.k .u, aa b. tr,T,,v4. . au.i ,., .in UT' : " )-l Ss,,' 'ltiaa wiu...i (,,,, I,., , Jul-ti,N; 'ui...i.H,;h"v r"..i. ii. .. r tle lu U ,,, i-.. .. M' v A at4luf m Urfr Hum a t,u,..i.4 . . nun tiJ. "j w sj ttr 4,Jt t.l4.me,.ll ott IU. tt UullW. '! atu.i.s,. bu J fcU n.e.. b.u,M t.tlait,. Jdr.,:rhId.t,,,.,Jl, be Is.. I ... M... .( ,4.u,:ii Ufcj .... ,n.-.r.-i. Mnn "'-' aid . . j,t l. labg. !;;..! tHj4wli wer frf lha C;.l ,ia: w Dsndy Hvk lu IUrik-K,1 tlll Ml Ob .,f V.W ImU..! tt. stid mm of it.. Cue, i. m Uwt oo the ii.t. Uk Ulr,. ll was grand arta. uf . , lur l!i.i.f wti fifi Mm) and lh ladt tbr4a!a bu.iti4 m ., k., nr' b r d .sn ilr UU4 ii4kk' Wt a whtl ta Jru'.k Sj I : Half s d ,ln wu kewsk sa ah. whliTw lu W trM band "J-.hu th.u Is U !;,? Tbe Ii4 tv4e4. Sftd ItoMetSJ 44l ut kU t '..- t4 kM b M Nar hi l -s ' !',. UtSHUtss Who bad (ak.u s ss ktas lk rwrf and pt l. 4 ikM a auili br4 trvtitd khassit I kkei lb .aaaadtstestMl lb fur a ikIujIs, Mast i alga of r-vuitii -whai u iir i..ad taxvunat "Mrs Itettila snudderei li aawj ttel sniiaied oa lb puts) st bf "A-s a.Hl.U u !iin-tsl1tltlf b atati u.crrd ll tit bfl Ifct Utklt ber tUteHs.iu Al every turs! W a ( M Ibe gul ly ur V.u af lb) (as j grr sua Ud nothing W Vi. IIh Ibal !er sl I a) s.iMt afom Tb ma). H MM. W j ll wouldn't b iwradlw t womau avptdfd blui ss fsf u ( j bul two or tbrr tun l tkf kel el'U Id lursk U bet j Tb slesmrf .' A loir tin aionilitf I boot ( ab msd bartur. lad It tf' ; aboard that hs woill K4if j brfor uildutsht i:rrjblj : lous for a brief run iabut-T( bul Mrs I'eml Hl fwrwl IW Bilgbt ovrreiert sod brfti t aitsife of brsrt trmliis. Mf decided to atsy with M lvl huutwl bits eul tUmH j "I tru.t you will wk , party golut sahors, Bu Ul I ) bring your rtolf ' j ln.r u ' "Tb party bH"- UP mi a bis fsc blau. beil. J "A very ttilulvs of ua. you a.-s. Yetl Bitf),i. Uir "Yea." j "Ab. of coursel tt any W" you know. IH you waa ws your wife Or!?" "No." j "Kh'a gnu to lis duira. lefalieolT" ', The two eiuMKed Ml" "V lauding and puilid ' caiw. and two h-uni ',w lf"art wa. broiikhl bK I" lr. IWlnls. He bml bltnself wMlealMs-UrtrtlW" Wben the .c I.K't and II was foiiml Ibal Mf WB" g lo go on with lb, Sf ahore to s I"" '""'""f s r.-ttt.ir l-lme. over her want of m'Z reach ber ear. HI.. 0 room under -he u.."tr"V at lbs MtoJZ. a.'.- Vork Mild hilNIO. W ur his oluce at the usutil h-i.ldW-"-M- Thntntia. I M to., tbe past fiMjMvdi. j Household Hd? as' sss"1 f Ifd Fasten rut.ir iuj ' to your Imtliroiim ",' luive a n..lHei" If ....Kb 1,1 , 1T1 damp owl uv.r tli P 4 dry with f t ateam will kill ll JtJa, . When M'"l r lug cling t.. th 'ff5ii5 almulJ nut hut hot vlm-iiaf ' " remove them euHy. . af