The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 06, 1914, Image 1

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Vol xxi
NO. 20
. I LI..I
fjllED III OH CO. :
.irn nnilMTV MM
.' hit I. 11.11 1 I .LI
it u
iiiriniHfii iiv IiIiHimu. i-..ut,
ty rrxiftiU that t 'uuiit Vim
. " man
mniiUKHMiIur to St. P.-t..rl.iin
nl wtin li ft ti.t i:
hut wrk afU-r d.-livi-rmg ' th
mi imui ..r ....... . . i
lti.i I . ' 1 ar. n-iauvi
"""" if f)(.t U Mill, of th t'mihlv 1'
.. . l'.M.uhul.,., .. I . . t . . .
Henry jnnwwii. ii mm marrii'ii tin' uauMi r
or IVn iv.
Hi v n.
M,l Ttirk rttonlW aM tht-y were Inn in r.-.,n. says
mat in rimrtalt'S picture lias
. I : .
omruung lumiliar ttlmut it, ami
i i m- iiiir ui mum nun
G. Sooggiii. wen nuwn ,n one in a h. I.uh m doubt
Luhi"Utl,n t,un' -Br" Imt what In- is riiini-t-) with
11 i.w ii.nrv aiciiowt'ii. tn latiuiv. ir th tin..n. ..nut
, ...Le,! fr the dt'ad man, nt a immi hMst-ithi-raurothi-r
II"" . 1 .1 I nr i-iuimn r II... f..r.i,..r I
... ... . ii arinK 111 me - - ,v
'ndy n"r'"
I, U-ing at ruiin. nrar
c . mi . c...f.rln wai a mail
rinV Hie.
titlrd (firman.
Fur salt or rent:
Ranch of 1G
F . ! .... f-a ir,u,U.. L wr- with nrrt-H W
Yniriciur. ... -""V'r-; " fruit tre, inlH-annvM;...! onim.
yj to iiav hk " utroum
llrlkiArllworkiHl fur Scok-
ttrouna on nuurti-r airi"; i'ihmI
PaHture; all hIuhIi-1; Iiouhi and
n tml rlttiin JH'njUtinnMiarn atnl rhuki'ii huuw, uml on
. If. L... I 1. Ill ft..lltt 1,'ti v. ni m ul. ......
1 1 thrt-ati'iu'u l rmmi- "
' ...111 llhriuiirK ftlai'ii tlmul ,r uiwl
yt rntT."i irom Uw. on rivrr maj. i. nns. J
V(unrrJ'7 '"V-y u johniMin,, Uroiron
ii.Il,,.ii iiBii iM-vn irrminn
.I'.i ..... . . . ....
Yr rft'itititf a dilurianci wnur? a ruH-u-r rtniiU-nt, Iiviiik nar
tnnkini; and he linuuii'U in- uio turntaiiiat lhat iilare. asn-
Arirus tnd Ontronian. J2.25.
A. Shute and Cat Jack RiK'nt
Sunday at Kuckaway.
C S. White, of (laston, wa3 in
town Friday afternoon.
rdcr.l JudKe Cuihm.n. Tacoma, M. Leonard Brown visited in
Namr Ally. Illmcr Maydrn ,, ,, . t.
' I Ilonrv Kimni fif I'.UMimmir
....a - .;i.. .iin. h u ,1 4k..
t if:n. 1 i ii. t
1 w. iiiiuar miu . i. lima;, ui
CwjMifi'ioa Hit Maiy Ptr Plait 1 Reedvilie, were city visitors
the Nofih.t.t Saturday.
John Loftia. of Arcade, and
Taroma. Wash., July 31. The r'- Miller, of Rose City, were
WashinL'hm-Orvimn ( V,r,-.rafin ln tne clly tUraay.
o ratinjr Htwcr and water plants
and street railway systems in
Southwestern Wa.shinjfton and
Northwcst'Tn Oregon, was
thrown into rf'iverhip here
today. Federal Judjfe Cushman
appointed Attorney Klmer M.
Ilayden temporary receiver. The
receivership was asked by the
Fidelity Trust Company, of Phil
adelphia, as trustee for a $5,0KJ..
OKI ImhuI issue
' A complete line of wall papers.
the newest patterns, at Crover
Combs' Furniture Store.
J. I). Koch, of Iiloominjr, was
in town Saturday, on business
wth the county court.
Harry Zimmerman, of Port
land, was out the last of the
week, truest at the home of his
sister, Mrs. C. F. Lard.
For sale Pony team, harness
and wak'on. Team irood work
animals. Call up Phone City
Southern Pacific Company Takes
Means to Prevent Life Loss
(her Twenty Eight Tkoaiaad
Were Checked ip
The Southern Pacific Co. has
been makinjr checks on travelers
in autos the past year, and their
campaijm shows that 1914 has
less accidents and fatalities than
in 1913, for a corresponding
Deriod. Owing to the fact that
the auto is now a common affair,
and is owned bv many here, it
mivrht be well to give the obser
vation of the railway company:
Last year a total number of
drivers and pedestrians
and he attributed
irr . . ....
u..iL.M uer inij nooiinic.
thi herilT at Print-
vir ho ram out and took him
McDowell claims
(.i 4 ilerttinrf in th nent
W and heard Scotf?tn tell
k lilt M.nowe . wnen mry
W in the dtninu ruom at eight
i..i.i i tin next morning Aic
i iv - - -
V ,!! shot.
e inroiiktii lliimuiro. Monday,
on one of the luntrest hikes of
tin year. He walked front Til
lamook to Coos May, along the
"Vach, and then crossed ttie
mountains, coming back to Cur-
vatliM, went across to Alsea, and
then back und down the valley
to this city. Uy the time he
rem lie homo he will have tnale
over miles, and says he has
made as
iti ns III miles iier
.VoL'iiins had ben to Portland. I dy. Me is looking for a small
r ' it . a.... i . .
id had returned UUl a uay or ao ,,j,.co r land
. i . I.. 1' 1. h, t ilia 1
low UHM rage., v. w.w"" , c ....... ...,
k i iiiimt ii I nrobali v come """i
itit the trial, rnnevme mh- - - "7
aver thnt St-oggins bad from a nhort stay at hea
ii.,.,n I side, where his son isinlhemer
iMien-j meim-wi v ii, .,,,1....
1 i.....k t 1 caiiLiitr uuiui'Tin. .i.'uii iihiki.t
.. . . . ......... r-,.... i..ritn.i of ScImi Ih. accompanied htm. Mr.
. i. 11 .1 - i 11..1 s i it ava inni aeasuie in iun
rsins rwe from hi bed three V V " " "
irtdunng th night to go In 'LV. ' Jl .
- - a. 1 . u m 1 rriiM nil 11 y i n 1 n n k ii no' iij
. . ..UhM 1, t l. l intwiMil inriMiiii- wuuni w wi
1 11 1 11111111 1,111 i- h 1
iiki i
Sfiwirins was well knon in fesori
uhington County when he was Alcazar ranges are strictly
iv liiou.- nii.iii .l ite. Ciilomnl stv
Th trial of McDowell will take ivi.ifvinir Himnlicitv and U-auty.
1 at the coming aession of t.iirhi-Ht uualitv and mechanical
:uit court. perfection. -1. (!rwm. VMl
I'.mil Shaw, aged ii'i years, was
itgfiiPi iav nr.l.irei. eommitted to
ft..Tft..VW, -
. ... . II : I..I f It... In
.... . 1 iiiii Jiiaie 1111s1u1.11 iin ii"
mts Mr the wwK nnve iki - - -. . .... ., ...
1.1' .r. -i IV. I,...,. Mlir. Ill O.111MI.
n if. caivr. iM, . 1 .1 :..
. ....j. inns wen miuwhik
hi. Miwp. MHU. . . m-i-l .tiwliirl.anc.
Hilt UiiUltiaUOn OfUVliT limn -fcttBK1 tin,l
iv niuiiu 11111 1111 aaa irm u - '
ft un a, im --v .
iL.f . - I I . ,....l,ia. imilUUIU.
. L I I II Oil n 9 i Mini
' " I017 10 91 1 .ici.ivtu, UUiii vfi e
The Washinirton Oreiron Cor- ' looked neither wav before pa3S-
isjration has projierties in sever- Verne McKinney, or this city, jn2 over the crossing; 6.3 per
a VNasningtonanauregoniowns. and James Imbne. ol near West . . k onfi and only
u operates a nifni ami power union, aepaneu aauiraay, ior an . ... ... ..
olant at a liiht tilant LitenHed stav at Uockawav. -8 per cent looked in both dir-
at liainier: the w ater blant and . ections
- ... I II I I illw.Mrl tlft I n n.l hnn. I .
electric streetcar system at Van- v. r T fi d out iust wnat eUect
couver. Wn.. a oower and tifht ,,,a" vv i safetv earn oa cm is having.
system at Kahuna. Wash., and 9av mw ine nop .crop w the Southern Pacific in June of
ii.tht Tttiti od'iaAn niir ni i . ,.
light tilant and electric car b.vs- n."1"" - tnis year made similar ooser
tern at Chehalis and Centralis, nnequaiii). i vations. at the same crossings
Wash. Wanted: Girl lo do general where checks were made last
Naac W. Anderson, of Tacoma, housework, in family of four, year, and also at additional cross
is t.resii eni oi ine corporation, No heavv washing. ll. waiK- mirs. ihe comparauve siaie-
and II. G. Fleischhaucr. of I'ort- er. Heaverton. It. 2. 19-1 ment of the result of the two
linn! is central manairer. Chan. . n ...j . u checks shows the following en
A. Johns, of Portland... attor-l L ZZiZXZS couraging results:
n..v fr the cmoanv. ol "K " "TJ Twentv-three ner cent more
M i .l., hist nieht that " 'rT.,...T" drivpranf antnmob es are look
iil4ii,i ton o chArT ctqv in m j n- r1" v" .
..,i;.u. r.aiiitinir n reiver. I " ,ul w "v" in in mth directions before
ut.ii, vi ..a lm ti. inuKilitv of the I'0, prAQinor railroad tracks than did
.. . . . I it i ti J i .. I a T M I . . &
company to meet its obligations. nugn uogers uupaneu mun- last year ana iweive per ceni
ii.. u a ii.'.t ..iinrta won ill lie nav morninir ior hii e.ieiiui-u npa nr.ur nnkincr one wav.
III! PrtHI IIII.V V ..V. V- - -.. J - - - , I ft. n .
m...t.. i..aur,l rinriran ation and trio to hoattie, lieinngnam, ana The number or drivers oi
thul the probable elTect of the other bound points, ior t n e teams looking both ways snows
no improvement, oom years
The Majestic Range
Is the one Range that excels. For the
money it is the best Range ever built.
Other dealers will not say this but the
person who owns one after using others
will tell you so. Call and see them.
Fine Line of Shelf Hardware
We carry a fine line of Sheet and Build
ing Hardware and no one can undersell
us. If we have'nt what you want we cau
Ret it for you.
The Store That Satisfies"
Percy Long
IV i.ii'fcft'i ftii.v. - - -
rship would lie to enable Southern Pacific Company.
the eomnaiiv toadiust its alTairs.
A. Welch, or rortiann. was one
of those prominent in the organ
ization ol the company some
years ago. Mr. Welch, however.
I.iw mi nreseiil connection Willi
the corporation. He resigned as
evidence of
tor nearly
has threatened
lli.4 two brothers were
. , u heii the natietit was ex-
uteer sales th first hall " " 1 l.v l)r Wurd of Forest
week 7 W, ru.6 bulls fc ?, 1 .Create I the voung
.Head of exceptional nne - y ur sa Voung
m sold rnday at 8c. 1m- " . JU violl,nl ut lim,.9.
VM deniiind ami lietter trend "
wine receipt anaumed fairly
:e proportions Monday. Trade
:hes 8 for best light stwk.
lay and Wednesday 9 and
m at 9 05 Friday. This
ket can readily handle a few
isand nvre hogs than the
Ut receiht.
Choice mutton and lamb stock
y. at unchnno-ed urices
bulk ot stulT. arriving for
Wek (if infnrtnr (nmlitv.
Xeiptsin excess of 5000. Prime
UL a -.. . b mh I
Aners 4 m to 4 lo. rrime
Vd 3 Kfi to 4. medium ewes
J5 to 3 Tfi. Spring lambs 5 50
r-" win ii i if."
A; road and
P 5 head regii
lie and uther i
Je and must
or sale or trade for smal
-80-acre coast farm; 75
M i t l
xi in ii 1 1 1 1 i ' ir dpfim in umna.
balance woods pasture. One
from Siletz Kay and ocean
pione mile from cheese fac
road and water to place:
gtstered Holstem
stock; have sick
get awav irom
coast. Come and make me
ft. I.ihurnl tormu .InmeS
'rin, Taft, Lincoln Co., Ore.
illslioro ticotile were much ln-
ftterl Inu. ...nt. ...I.AH n lia.
.nni, ni'CK wiivii a
lh tnlll nf n knlJnn In tKlO
.vi.i wi a UIUllf III
'w8wne National Park. Tne
I Of those rnhhpd wna eairerlv
fned as Miss Grace Delchman
Rn me park at the time. A
,a rerei vnil h M n1 Mm
ichman tho Inal nf Ihn week
Wed fears, mi Minn Dutchman
L m 7 vitvu uaiuiiivi v
or the rohberv. Gardiner Is
N miles distant from the
' Of the hnldnn and there
relief when It hecame known
una nit I. 4Ua niivlv
b . , "ao i ill mo l""'
tost coin and va luab es.
for sale or trade
)enson Stumn Kller and al
. r - ...... ...
ryenuiomont. Willettner
this or trndo It fnr niffS or
I-II .. ... t I .
i .nil rvM nxftr.u..Mrt iia.a11 a
" ui IUUICHD jwpui
".Banta Rosa. Ore., poator
waverton, Ore., R. 2.
John Kyan. mail carrier on
Koule 3. went to &t. wan nn.
Monday morning. His mur,
Miss Margaret Kyan, came over
from Vancouver, and wm,
the mail as substitute, during ins
VA. Sehulmerich. of South Tua-
t.... ....... in MiiMii.n'. Ho says
IUIOI, V iin ,ii .,....-- j -.
Spring oats are rather short this
year, owing to me i'"""11"
long dry spell.
The Portland Trust & Savings
Hank has brought .sun w "re
close ItfflTiganlvi leHiMghta.
mortgaged to it by W m. M. t ap
Ian and wife, for t'XM.
Mrs. Al. Soderland and two
children, of Seattle, have return,
ed home after an extended viwt
with Miss C. K. uison.
x.'.... i Mnhlu of Blooming.
transacted business in the city
Largest stock of wall juipers
,t,...,i-nt ons in tne cnj.
Grover Combs Furniture Store.
Jas. McClarkin. of Urel. was
greeting Irtenus in n-c
. . r. t-.. .
Mrs. J. II. Foote and sister, being VI per cent; dui o tier ceni
Miss Grace, departed Saturday, more are iookiok on v..y .-
A .h . irk end with Mrs. did last year. Pedestrians show
t l-:..i. ; i.s. r. ih an increase of 29 Der cent look
l rriuR, miu n ciijuiiiir '"-lr , 1 . r
i . . kt ntr hnlh wnvs. hut 5 Der Cent
ocean preesses hi inewiw i. - - ---
a WiL-pd one wav. indicating
.1 T? M-Ntw nnd wife, of Rea- o now imnrnvprnont of 24 Der
me corponiiioo. nr iriiinum . ,IV ......
Kcneral manager a Umt KS months verton-KeeU vine, passea inroun cent.
K 111 rai c.,..l nmi,u trt tho t-i.: ...mnK;i onrl foam
.,.. I IOW II cumucl., liuvi.n, w 1UMI1H UUIUIIIUUIIE !...
ll . . . . .. i u i. .i.ft than I 1 J fnrrafhnr
- ouxion touoii.T, unit "'ij urivers anu itjucowiiaim vunvft....ft
Mr und Mrs. Silas ChristotTer- spent Sunday with J. Ii. McNew the improvement of 26 per cent
son were out last week, and vis- and family. more looking both ways, and 6
. i ... n... ir.anniii- i-sinch. Mr. ...ft ii.iT u Ninn. ner cent looking one way is
lll-ll IV I I rin mill man, v.iv. I " ,
. .. ii' .. l..,m.f ninintal ... ...... a i l.hAwn
ami Mrs. nisMiir i-...k mill man, was uown w nccuj u,pf
of Mrs, Chr stolferson. Mr . the lastof the week. He saysl Ihe Sou then Pt chief
ChristolTersnn nas wen g viun he na3 en running rainy gooo sukkuo., ..-v
ii: ..!... i.. P.rttnnil I.. ... i I rnn.l tracks 19 to StOD. tOOK uud
exnitiiuon iiinn . " time tms season, on oruers, uuu - - - u,
and has used both his airship ana look9 for thinBS t0 0pen up in a listen De ore cru. " -
i .. i..,.u.ft..i,.n.. TheAena Der-Lu . m Herman hna n everyone to heed this, company
"s ""T ::. Y.:.i . 8"ur .M,"-. r I.: anv - nractical v every
bv was wen aueoucu. . nne ot 01 limoer, aim ins lumuci --,. -
.i..r has irained much prominence ia npim. B the time. crossing accident would be pre-
ii,.. ..nut venr. having won the ... ... ... vented
; Z . ml for America. Dr. . sn ,irV.-
?.' . L t ew over ML Whitney. Court nfl rrana jonnson. Baaton. through
f ornia: He recently return- attero to its attornev. H. T. Bagley. has
ed from a series of tngnts at oe- vy'....Y;-' s ii, ft h stinulated with t. tongue,
- - itairu a mil in t: tvui. r w& viiv a
.1 ,i! - A
I ik.'fA I I
I ?ssS 1 . I If
i 5
The Story of the Bills
OIT 1 CMITU thnnrrkt ha kafl na!d neArtnin crncprv bill. The
UlliU HI II II ft-l'H " w . ft- " " ft" O ' l
grocer thought otherwise and demanded payment, which Smith g
w as obliged to make. Even supposing that he had not paid it 1
twice, the doubt, vihich he could not dispel, causeu uneasiness.
BILL J ONES also had a grocery, bill, but when a duplicate came
to his notice, his check book quickly showed the facts, both to
the satisfaction of himself and the grocer. See the point?
American National DanK
Third St., NIHsboro. Or: J
ibA . Hni hnniini' imrK in l ne i ouiii"i ...... - - -
...i.. I uftj ft , U:i.i.,i tt,vmo fnr th eotintv
Hinr- munch ranches, wnere aeer ui'" .... .
J. M. Vanderzanden. the road - gai(1 t0 be in evidence eyery and
. ii:ot-'10 WHO ml. i.-r. uuicift of 'J-snlnermit the Circuit court to aa-
J M. anuertuiiuc". - are said to oe in eviucuwc cyc.j --- --
supervisor ol District 30. was in d They left Hillsboro at 2:30 permit the .
from near Uoy the last of the in the afternoon, and were ready
week. Van says that the salmon for nunting the next morning. is entitled to
W1ht .t his Place recently was acre o the road 1 1
a tine bit ot uem.oi.jr.
mmnmnih weighed 4 pounos.
For sale:
with 40
hether or not the town
pd to receive 60 per cent.
r A ov 1Q11 to v mil nn
nrreS of land. I. n .... thn i5ttr limits
,, , ail uroptrtj luamc .us n'j ......
acres tn-oicu, .-.w... f.p tne use 0I lne Clty. inu
.u;h..d 24 pounds, wun w " ; tor tne use oi mc tuj.
nammoth weightut P0""- . ftnd barn:2 wells and large irinnlatinn nnntM Section 213 of
he salmon must nav ---t - . . f acre- r:"""hi7h nrn!dM this.
made his way over the an - -v.-vr- v merchantable - -; riSrfl
rlsh S Z3Sd ti7nber,..Six milessouth of Hi s- allowing dties home
OV BOIOV uplift.. . .
through a year or soot ua.ry --
Creek childhood
:.. tioii. Tjiikt went to
nilSa illOliu - .
,. i ..t,ip,lnv. to remain
UOCKHWHJl ftJft."'"-." , . .,
over Sunday with Mrs. Henrietta
Morgan, at the nare couk
Mr. and Mrs. E. L Mapes, of
Will sell all. or 60 acres
with the buildings. Price, $150
- i,linif ofnlr A Tl
Der acre iiitiuuinn , .
Hinder. U 2. - 19-1 near Laure . were in the county
UICUC, iv, ---- U., anvq
. . . i seat rnua.y. "!'"' "-j "
J. S Lowing ana wue, fe tfe h crop over his way
enmnan ed by their sons and "A?.1 L'l w i:C tv:9 -pnBnn.
daughter. Jos. Jr., John and hd-
win and Mis3 Mary, dawin dbhi
grover and Chas. uoodwin, oe
imn P P AH.
r. i"' - . (trover and Unas, uoouwin, uc
All. except the P. M&K., .trams d the last of the week for
are electric, and stop at the de- jn overlanj trjp to the Siletz and
not on Main street.
To Portland
To Portland-55 minutes.
From Portland -oft nunuu-n.
a m
' a m
Newport The men will hunt
ah nmi ircnerallv enioy a
aiiu HQ.. r- - -.
,iM.Tin 6:47 a. m. vacation, and they expect to De
" sn 7:36 a. m. absent a fortnight
Mcniimiv. iM m I n biiq . Rlnnmlnff .has
sheriiian i Jr v .
Olliouu" in.EAn ml . j m .a f lonH
Forest Grove lrain "'" purcnaseu o. w v - -
MeMinnv le Train " tromcrvine Dureiianci, i""
?. 1 " I renin . ...4:15 D. m. T.,oiotin nnd will take possession
1 . ' Vmn i.i.i.uo Pi ii'i at rtnpp 1 iik d u iuja v
imimji . - . m Ltwpon horeand Laurel.
Mi'M,nn, " " V ". t). m. iu,;:; the most fertile in
Forest uruvr . .a.""""""" ,ft . ; " a KQ
. a in
..a m
..a m
...a m
.. p in
.. p m
. . p m
From Portland
KupeneTmn arnves ..8.15 a. m.
McMinny.lle jJgJJ;
Forest Grove '"-P?
Forest Crove
i-'orest Grove
Forest Grove
A trams,
3:15 p.
. .4:30 p.
12:30. .
...a m
..p m
. .pm
tkot ountinn. H rVinB SaYS
....ii otiti hnvo all the farm
wants. By the end of next year
there will be a rock road irom
here to the new purcnuse.
John Herb, ot Banks, was in
": 1 cntniviav He has Putin
..715 p. m. about a mile of rock road in h s
...9:00 p.m. district Banks now has a half
' ".mr ... ..I.:- an fAwn nnd the other
.12:10 a. m. mite in mo - - r
except Eugene distance has been scattered here
eA-cH" . -"r ..I , .1 : .,1,,, 1.1 j u'hiirfl it was
Hag at Nonn anuii.e .hTI- 7f - r
UHllUll'U , - ,
eight hours, with six men shovel
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources - ...690,428.81
Banhintf In All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
tmins. Stop on nag - "J John E
aT a"f Fir S and I Died 135' yards in a day of
xth and nr streets ou , ith S Xmen shovel-
Tenth street. . - t th wagons, costing about
Steam Service Old Depot gg i lJ11
To roruanu to spreau, wwi .....
..rin ho rathpr lurht this season.
owing to the long-continued dry
spell. Many arms are not de
veloping, and tne nop ouiiook an
iwot th vnllov is not as favora-
hi na ast vear. Ayara nere
anri thorn i u n to soecifications.
but as a rule there will be nearly
a third of a shortage. -
Miss Ima Ledford, ot St Vin-
nan t'o HnsnitsiL where she is
'? " r ..... i. t.
taking a course oi stuay wpre
r.n horaoif us & orofessional
nurse, is out for a vacation with
her parents, air. and Mrs. u. i.
i.oritnrn nnn nur sislci. iuio.
Wm Kncrlev. of Schieffelin. She
is accompanied by Miss Margaret
Hay, also a student at ot. Vincent's.
r. s tninnman And wife and
Jos. K.ineman and wife departed
Monday for the nuamooK coast,
via Sheridan, making the trip by
team. They will stop along tne
fish and hunt and ex-
to hncr a buck before return
ing. They will come nuiue via
the Wilson Kiver roaa.
v p. f.Snor bna deDarted for
Salem, where he will havecharge
of the Wells-Fargo office during
F. E. and Bert Rowell were up
from Scholia, the last of the
Hiin nickers desirincr to Dick i i
the Reedvilie hopyard wiii plea :
register at once at the farm, of
write, reserving place. W. b.
Peterson, Reedvilie, Ore. 18-0
That's what this camera
you see here does. No more
foggy films ; no more disap
pointing experiences, if you
have one of the
Seneca Cameras
That go on Sal To-4ay
Come and see them if you
want to make tvery picture taunt.
They are the Cameia that are
practically automatic, and really
Laurel M. Hoy t
Hillsboro, Ore.
"SchooUiiir in youth In ::.r ' 1
d.recteJ to picmre a pci."j:t is t!v l'r'-(
tor tne Ufs t rmauciii oivn,w i n
h is capable. PrcsiUctu C. W l-;i...t.
This is the Mission nf the
Fortyi.xth School Year Oien
.EPTEflBER iSth, 1914
XV.ll. tnr llliictrat.,1 ImVP.IPI" t-""'.
Ut. "Thp I. iff. CAKEfcR." anj t'oi Cala-
jog containing full information.
Degree Courses AGRICULTUKK
Agronomy, Animal Hushandry, Dairy Hus
bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticultiire.
Agriculture ior 1 ?- :
NOMICS: Domestic Science, Domestic Art,
ENGINEEPINO: tlectricai, '"f1""'
Highway. Mechanical, Chemlca I, Mtamg.
Vocational Cwwi-Agrkulture, Dairy
ing, Horn. Makers' Cmirae, Industrial
Arts, Forestry. Business Short Coum.
School of iVjitf-Piano, String, Band,
Yoke Culture.
Farmera BwineM Coon by Mail rm.
ftw-1.16 to ) comallt. Qteg