auCaOtlYlo. itU. tr ,. 1 iff ,- it i! i r 1 Thirty Uinntes Will Land You From the Business District of Portland to one of tbe Most Delightful Home Districts Close in to Portland. The Acreage Can Be Found In Beaverton Reedville You Can Get An Acre Here For Less Than You Can Buy a Residence Lot in Portland's Suburbs. Look this up now. An Excellent Train Service Is l'tablishcd by the Portland Eng. ne & Eastern. Morning an 1 Evening Cars. You can Live Here and Have Your Business Located in Portland We Sell On Easy Terms Buy a Small Home Where You Can Have Room. Our Terms Are Easy. Go Out and See the Beautiful Houses That Are Now Being Built. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 fourth Street. Portland. Oregon Reedville, Oregon lost Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros, The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME iJeOuoisey Sawmill Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill 1 miles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. L McCUMSEY Cornelius, Ore., Route I Mrs. C. V. Wilkin U enjoying a vacation at Kockaway. Martin Van Jehey, of Newton, was in town the first of the week. 0, L. Crocker and family were up from Newton, the last of the i week. I Ron Brown, of near Laurel, was over to Hillsboro the last of the week. E. H Ling returned from a trip to San Francisco, the last of the w eek. A complete line of wall papers, the newest patterns, at Grover Combs' Furniture Store. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stevens have returned from an outing at Netarts and Purview. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker re turned from the Tillamook beach es. Saturday. I-arcest stock of wall papers and decorations in the city, at Grover Combs' Furniture Store. J. H. Simpson and family, of South Tualatin, spent Sunday on Gales v reek. Mr. and Mrs. James Milten- benrer returned from an outinc at Kockaway, Friday. Thomas Talbot, of Cornelius, was down to the county seat the first of the week. Dr. Ira E. Barrett, of Reaver- ton, was in the city Monday morning. Sheriff Keeves went to Salem, Monday, conveying Earl McCoy to the penitentiary. Peter Gotleib, of near Jolly Plains, was in the city Monday, greeting friends. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Scott, of Forest Grove, was down to the city the first of the week. Chas. Wescott, of Gaston, was down to Hillsboro, Monday morn ing, on business. Mrs. U. K. Simpson, of this city, went to Kockaway. Mon day, to remain a fortnight. Dr. Ed. Wheeler and wife, of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miltenberger, Sun day. The German Speaking Society will meet at the Wm. Schendel place, 2 miles south of Cornelius, hunday, August 2. Geo. li. Bagley was in Salem, Monday, appearing before the Supreme Court in the Tillamook hotel litigation. Geo. Russell, of Gaston, and deputy game warden, Parker, of Yamhill, were in the city the last of the week. The court recently decreed that J. A. Baker, of Gaston, was entitled to the liquor taken in a raid. It is still in the sher ill's office. Virgil Cooper and Carey House man were out from Portland. Friday, and remained over night as the result of a broken auto axle. THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK j CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS .and PROFITS $'28,000 An old, safe and conservative lank, located in the HilNUro Commercial block, S. W. corner Main and iVeoud streets. Hillsboro Commercial Hank. Geo. Darety, 0 North Plains, was over Saturday afternoon. ne nas Been engaged in woric on the new Pythian Hall. The building will be ready for occu pancy by Fall. W. N. Barrett came over from Kockaway, Sunday, remaining for a day or so to look after his legal affairs. He says there is a big Hillsboro colony over at that popular beach. Jos. Hickenbottom and wife have gone to Vernonia, where Mr. Hickenbottom owns a fine farm, right at the town. They were married at Kalama, Wash., July 20, 1911, Rev. lioggess officiating. L. W. House and party, while returning from Gales Creek last bunday evening, passed a doe and a fawn on the edge of the county road. The youngster was taking its supper, and was a very pretty, a3 well as an unusual sight. D. B. Roe and Arthur Bacon, of above Mountaindale. were in town Saturday, getting hunt ing licenses. I). B. says that does and fawns have been im posing on the settlers up his way, and thinks there is a buck or so out in the timber. Levi Dixon, of Forest Grove. was bound over to appear before the grand jury, by Judge Smith, Saturday, the charge being ex posing obscene pictures. Two other boys were in custody Fred Wood house and Geo. Me- Pherson on the same charge, but was allowed to go, as it was shown that Dixon was the boy who was the chief offender. The Hunteman ranch delivered some fine late strawberries at the Morton & Freeman store, the last of the week, from their irrigated garden, The farm will soon have a lot of these fine ber-' ries for the market, and it shows that Summer irrigation pays in ! the Willamette Valley. Adolph Siegrist. L. P. Adams, I Guy Powers and Chas. Lang went to bheridan. Sundav. to : witness the ball game betwon I Sheridan and Dallas. Ed. Hen derson and Duke McCurdy, of the local team, played second base and shortstop for Sheridan, and the team beat Dallas by a score of 7 to 1. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawiujj from the U-st timlvr iu Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIl-D 1-I.OOKINi. and RUSTIC always 011 hand. Kstiniatcs on lUiildins, Mooring, Rustic, Ceil ings all kinds ol finished luuiU-t for material. We deliver. Phone: Pae. States, (tlcucoc Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacon.!, Oregon U Ik Clrvail CSmmI of Ik t .. ft i'uur. limit rrH, 1'lamUff H. lt. Yrlhla4 Ml r. Wil.ltt, l ( ...! la Tu II . . 'rlM I Hi r Wright. ..i.lai.ta Iti Ilia tiaiit il tit HlaUuf tit" ,, ami mil ul i'W ! JT llr4 .i ;) tl i'.r Ib uiiltM ttll fU III III llUll 4 Utt ta) , , t.t M.iii.lar Ik tilt ! l . 1( ui-t Ut ait Ih i-trail-i tii vl ikl frttua ihm rial nl lit Nral 1 itl.liatkM ft till UtMHMMI. ll4 tf uu Lil ! -tr m ait I thl. i ! alii HI Id lit I'wiH I. 1.. I ! Htt III lit a.n.i.Ulnl lirln, 1 it , r-'ur JmtguuMil ami il t aaalMat ii.iuKiflh ,utu t I tun all It lut'iMt i i tt r cii ftiuu I'wwWr IA, itu ; . ai.l H tiitlliMHim i-HIOM Uh lautaai iMI t liuut I V, lull, ' lli IuHIm uim "I uM Ua lmnal ! wul liuni Vnh II, lll, and Ur lurthaf it nl l..illr ' m. ilia runt laii.l iii.uiu.iiU tl Una nil. ami thai lh Htrgn (mui4 1 1 ... 1I1 w. II. li XViwm an.l iln I', UlUlil, .l I lnl.lUH J. I ' hi. h ! I. .1 in I' M f 3. a l tu limuil i.l M itfM tl n altliilUtn in ii, an4 alikB axtDiinl M'hltIU ),. Inl, ki Id UimIiiI, t MhIiwI anl tit ..-lll Ii.l4tf4 ml HI IIkoiu, Mlt IIIIIM IIH I ,"lcll.ll I I ion l.i lalin 1 1 .. MaalilutfUiH I mi ill. Oi 1-f.iit, U I 4il W aalkalf IU Umaiiil b liUliilin a li aal4. ml ti uu aii.l U u hi ami all y" .! .laiuiiii( un.Ur Im baiiml an4 iiroc lifw Iimi (mat all I'll ami ini(Ml tu Uiali il ill4 $! !.. ttiiiiin..i, I af 4 Ml lata I .il h.ti. H t m.r il lh ll-itl, J"hn i I .i.i.'- II, jii.U uf Itta ! i.IHiJ I hum, Hi-I ml iiltl lb SU h ilay nl till. !' I. t alili-h uilf II l iirt14 Itxi iu ! iiub'Ultat1 In lb litlialt uvt Aigtu utti a U alt an ,! tv ai'il lb !' i lb B4 ,,i..i. t'."i U'..l I Jul C, iwi. Ii,.i i iiiwin. mr nam till, II? to l'l.l , r.ullao.l. Ilia. IU ta IM THE t u h rv . It I V ..J ,T I - l lll.fc t& . Ub.M.iul!.;.f .- " fV t H fc . lUi N.i.i,...,;V "I '(OHM ha. "! iw . :r.b,u. ..MV,:r.:,r- . b..?.i ;.lrr"- .t !.. in- I., a., ,B " ' '""- H I-MI,,,,." J! I HI t A.ll.ili.Lli.i... "IK.. . ' 'iw mmiAim ..f ... II.H ... 1W ' Ailwlnl.u.r i N-(( N.ltir l lUtol.. (1,,. -, i.. bt u. , m ii- ,., H,(.7-tC5 f"itl. iIm.. .,,,.. fa! ba Uui ' im i Ifll 11,1. 11,1 J,r, , Wnu. I..., Lt! SutUtl SIJO.I. OfaiMfet N..I.I,-,. I, hMei.y () IbaitliMlij t iMiiti-il ul lli fllf vt II.IUUn.i. iaiMt ,ti i.u tb lh ! 1 Juna, lt! , m an nt lit.aii.-a liUlii lUr t ! b ,liu..u4 i l'i A ml ! ul .Slnlb biai Horn li. lnlimllut ul lb ffmmt tl-l ! N iiiii Mlrt aim tb Hiniib l l ul tit otiiwt hi Mi.lril lu h lulul u Iiiim H II ll ul tit Wal abl ul Mnlb nit Ml it ft Hi VnOi il ut Mii Nll In ..! I .11 llia iiHa. mit.M ul luMu) ei,i f UihI alntlltu' Mu . al'l uh Hi " ol lb iu( m . I. ill Ui , HU I. It.mll. IWl A.14- llm ! it Hua I il I' IlliUjIaitu. WE WILL NOT FOOL YOU. When you deal with us you have the assurance that ou will not lc filled in auy way. SatisJ tetioii always or your money hack. W'c want customers who jjrc ciate courtesy, combined with rouij)t service, and the right quality, with the riitht jricc. A mighty KMd combination i to tic too. This combination you !uc if you deal with us. If you arc not already a . now is a irood time to become one. Inst a fe .llu M, It aint Kim U,l i, II... t I. llwl A .Id Um In 11 liu I llt ul Hi aluM, V. T. M"af a4 II I' 1..I ii, , Kmlh I A.I tii ti n nly uf i hifu, J.M i,.lai ami Ma wiaai. 1. 1 n k 1 H....ih raai A.t; ('., i.. n 11. t U of IO;ii-n., I .. ... .Uitiiaat lliat Kti lutturia r iili I .U ..-I .1 tl.liaa h li.l i l.ta al III ttatttua m a i tj .lua I1..111 ami alif Ida I, ami II bil m null aillitii iIJ lliua. lh I It Hi g lllrrlr.) uiruliMlucI h . alt 1 1 i "I lb ImHUmi ..' below for your consideration. 1 25c lX' lh VCtl 15c, i.75 lh. 35C, ?.V7sd.. Tomatoes (with puree) toe can, 3 for Tomatoes (w ith puree) No. 10 can, aU. Tomatoes solid pack. No. 10 can v.ils. iomatocs preferred stock, isc t?cr tan, Si.o ikt docu Corn standard Iowa j ack, uk can, 2 for 1 5c, JSc docu Corn onarga, (a good ouc 15c can, 2 for 25c, 5 1.40 do. Corn preferred stock, 15c per can, ft. 60 pcrdivcn Pyles extra peaches, halves aud sliced, 25c can, 2 fur 45c, $2.50 dozen, thcrv' is uo ktter j-ca lies packed than these. Pylcs laurel wreath peaches, halves and sliced, 20c can 2 for 45c, $1.80 docn Pylcs laurel wreath apricots, 20c can, 2 for 4 5c ii.Sn d Laurel wreath brand will please you as they utc fine. ' Peaches, No. 10 cans gals , halves and sliced, can, 13.75 dozen. Silk soap, 7 bars for 25c. Vaught's big value, sivon soap, big bar, small price, o iur i5 ccuis. uur 3x coltec will pi VAUGHT GROCERY Second Street lease you. COMPANY Hillsboro, Oregon n In., ait.l !.) r.iiii..nii it mi . a ..f iii.hnaiii' Mo, Inlul af fiillit.( i.i..ii.i.-Ii.hi ul amaj ,..,, an. I aha!) pal atih! u .r .1 ,.r l.a I t iiglbral uf I'.ul Iti-. ju.b .lay u J 1111. .l I, I'M . A. IU s. 1 Nolkc ol 0rdl I .11. U hafal.f BUii thai I I ..iituil ..f h IU. ul IlllUbiiiii I li l mi lh tnh lar if Jim i ..lttill. lmilrill l.!aai, f !im-iI nit Ilia K.l U u . I at U ... i.i.i ii, ut iitfiauuru. 1 (aj wia .1. it ri.llicl ul lrf I. Ill.a "an A..i.iu lu lb l.i.n llul.lifii, Uir m ,a w I lll.K.k H.miUi ... .... ,. mi. 1 uT , niiialailu. I. o .aii ..f lau.l a im 1 u Mt4 at.tnaa.a. n, uaiiia.if f .. ft iuUil uannr Iwiln a till h: in. . '.ia I. l.i (a not n, W. i iwi A. f't, i i 1 A. It lu GRAND WINNER $16.00 $16.00 This is the latest model of the Swiss Harness, combining all the U-st features of this make. MY HEAVY IIARNHSS On which I made my reputation can't be beaten I j.i I ltl. k H.,lh IV ul tlii. .. a 11 , 1 11, uf .iHl.ta,, . ...-......,,...., ... Wart t.ntlMi. 1 hat aai.i uaiiar l rtiitr.! In mnMiurl ..1 1 inxi.i aiutin her iiHi Mai unr un rtiwiiM. aithiii um ,t... i...... .....,...,,, !. n im aal.l urlliiniw " i 11 imi r.iualfui'lo.1 aithiii aal.l 1 " ' F r.i.ibur l iliin'ia.1 (l twiiiMrim Hi. ama,i i,. m,,!,,, ,j w : - ......... i r-.i-riy, aa .ni. ,t Mactl.HI ....... , .,.,,, u, aajii 1 n. ....,.,.,-.,, a , u iMiialriifl, nl " " ,wiMI..imii tti liMu "' lit., ami ah.ll .,. fc, U..t ' "I'liiiani- nit. til aa. . I.Ki.!aiiii r.,ilru.tJ a,,.,,!.,, UXm. ...... aii,taii ), aul.)wt Ul .., K;n..l ll,r i UyKiilii.rf mI.I Ci l"i'i"l IIH. J, i ;),,,. u1(i I'. A. Ilni.l. City Cr.mi.i. r, I tciulur' Nulloj I 'i Hi- C.muli fi f u, Kui ol Or K'", fur WaaliliiKUiu l utinlw I " I ,, "'.' l," 'Ul of KlUt " iiniiirr, HMwaaml, Si, liu.,, lUrri,. ut, That Um uii- :"- " "'i iniiiini Pinttu.r -"1 llu.rlt Hitriinr, tin iiniftitfiiM i,,r it 'lunilliial, I Carry a Fine Line of Collars, Whips Robes, etc. Repair worK promptly cared for Main Stliamess Shop L. E. GOTHAM Hillboro, Ore. Roy Cook, of Cornelius, was in the city Monday. Itoy has um pired more Karnes of baseball than any other man in the coun ty, and he still takes a great in terest in the National game. niiiy limn i.r n.n .i, naaiiiiiKtuii Cinthty, ami All Iwfaiili. Itavliiu ..tat.... a k , olHw Of J. l'..ri..M, WteblliKliMi . ,., ' .wu" Intra V .. 'i I " l iiiimili. ifi'itt tli. him,f. I'lti- lmtilnrn Jim, a, till 4 i. ii. llorrinr. All.trrififa. t't'1.V YaliK, l or Sale House and lot, K)x2(K); BPWer m. tuvhtip ih nui; some lino fruit iri fH; 91UUIJ -fi(x) down and $10 .......ii.. t ... u.Mitchell. We arenntfor the following stoyes-SUiiKt-r & Kerr stovo ranircs; Diamond ami ranges; Arcad'an a i - i -.. . n,A u- ana , lr,Khwn. Quality win. ran(;3.i). Cor- 13-ft I'OU Tllk- Best Fire Insurance MI'.NT OI' LO.HSKS 8KH JOHN VANDERWAL Afjcnt iuoudon & Lanca. shire Fire Insurance Co. I'arific SIbU-i Phona 394 IHU.HnOkO I huw( cord wood, iioles up to 12 h'cneB in diameter, fence rails, find boards of all kindrt, into Ktovowood lenKths. Will go into the country. Write, phono or call on me.-Carl 8kow, Hillsbo ro. I'hone, Main 330. I Ik., i.: I: 7. . . n flit lm,. c. ..).., p John Vamlerwal llltUlxM, BUILDING I am irviarvd to da !l i:.i. of HuiKhnjf 6tnl lu,)air twt Cabinet rk. ,tc, S,,. S-rwiig .ml Si-r. i d...rj. Sfc at Main and r'rt.nt. JOHN I'.KAny. 1 1 . . . JJ7 Insurci Milk Pail Conkey ' Ily Knocker I""'" -' - 4 . i ... i 4 KtAOj.rl.iI Tr Ii 15 H... Motiey (iailk l S Salitl.ilu.t I , a i i ... . i .t I? A.J. HART RAM 11 HilUtwro Omw IIOLSIEIN CATIU One hi-ifor or a carload; With calf or cominjr frwA; Vhit or mixi'd black anj hit; Immwllati? or deforrfd ili'livery; C.h or tcrnia-rricrtllighl. COAST CATTLE CO. Kl'GKNM, OKB. 0.1lca at th Kuvnu Oamny Closing Out Sale W411 PAPtH PMMJS.ITO. ART GOODS J. MURROW !tia... Hirl IM SUMMONS. Tim CIIICUIT I'OUMT or Hi-ATM iik OUKdON rOa WASniNUTON COUNT!. Ktllll iHtiklnwn, rialnlilt W. i HI. V Iriiililli Tu W J. Iliiikltiaiili. Ill al"" "' illnilaiili ... ..J In ilia nam of Hi ""iv 'T mrw iiinr r..iii.'-. i . . l.. alwva nlillrj Cuiirl am! e""l'VL lur rriiiajr, in 1m.11 " '."."Irik whicli U .ii wwht H. r in ' "3 II rat of Oil" u"V,,rl3 lilaail III llluiilii Maun Hi'"-" , ,.-a? you, mi.l If on lull u. .' mZ'r. for want Hiwrmif.Ui- (.luliiuH "JJZ Ui Ilia t'oiirl f.if .Im i foritvof liiKth Ihiii.Ii of limlrliiuiiiy "J liriiHifir -ilalliilf Hoi-" ' , ' "..J unI pUli:lliriiH.iHlm ifrmiiiili " lilhUlllall IriWtllH'lili '"r T . .ilalt- UhI of tlm mlii.irolillilr" ' "'VJJS nit kiiil ilfniliiiit,iiil f' ',,, f....i '.. i.... i.. it.. ).,iirl IllaJ .iiriuur ""iiri w... ,m w - ntwrt ni uultabla. , ,. .... m I'm. ..tmliini. ia rrl nwni j lL MiililltalKMi In th llliiiH.n ...- i jrlriiM of nil o..l.,r of 1 h. (flf liraNollltr, rfilMB in t" , y.-j. of Ilia Count of WhIHIiI'' u. Orison, nil.! tul.l ofl'-r 'r?",,1? 1) flut rniill.tlmi n Julf i'lth. ''JS III ilaln of tlm llt'l Ml)llitl" """ Wlh.llilf , uulidt, Hurry Ymiokwlc ni r. iiiiiiiihiK, rorii.iuii nrrnmi. j ANGELA MAY Teacher of S.nrflnrf r.a Pin Terms arranged to suit. ROOM 4, - BANK ANNEX. Every Day. . ii 4i