KtLUsCKO HOC VitVi jt i I 1! 4 i !: r - - . ! V: t i V i' ; i , m " PARTISAN ImportedlRecistered Percheon Stallion. . .. n . or Built and One of tne if oir in it vawi,, . m.? 1914 Season, as follows: At Wra. Hathom place. Laurel, Monday evening, until "At'Snnover Store, Scholls. Tuesday evening, until 9:30 At L.' S. Eerty Ranch. Kinton. Wednesday noon, until 2:00 p. m. At Beaverton Livery Barn, Thursday noon; . . At Udd & Keed Farm. tteedviHe. Thursday evening until Friday noon: At Hillsboro, Friday afternoon until Saturday evening, at Second Street Livery Barn. Terms. Single service. $5; Season. $10; To insure with foal, J1&. with $2.50 in advance; To insure a live eott. $J0, payment of $2.50 at time of service. Service must bo paid at once where mare is sold, transferred or removed from County. CareStofrrevenCbut not responsible for accidents. Horse duly licensed. (Copy) Stallion Registration Board. State of Oregon. License Certificate of Pure Bred Stallion No-1379. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon. March 10, 1913. The pedigree of the stallion Partisan. No 12619 lAWS) registered in the studbook of The American Pereheron Horse Breeders and Importers Association. Owned by Joe Otto, of Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. Bred by M. Karoo. Department of Sarthe, France. Described as follows. Black; Star. Pedigree: Brutus (34739) sire; Suron (23041) Dam; Germanicus 7825 Sire of Sire; Lisette (250081 Dam of Sire; Sultan 11400 Sire of Dam; Suion 15774 Dam of Dam. Breed. Pereheron; Foaled in the year 1903, on May 8. and has lieen examined by the Stallion Registration Ioard of Oregon, and it is hereby certified that the said stallion is of Pure Breeeing. is registered in the studbook that is recognized by the associations named in section nine of an Act of the Legis lative Assembly of the State of Oregon providing for the licensing of stallions, etc, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, February 23. 1911. and that the above named stallion has been examined by the veterinarian appointed by the Stallion Registration Board and is hereby reported free from infectious, contagious or transmissible diseases or unsoundness and is hereby licensed to stand for public service in the State of Oregon. Ermine L. Potter, Secretary Stallion Registration Board Note: This license must be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of the County in which such stallion is to be used for public service, and must be renewed March' 10. 1916. Daily Journal and The WceKly Argus" One Year, Doth Papers $5.25 Daily and Sun Journal and Argus, One Year. $7.50. Do It Now Weekly 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c Get one loaf and 5 checks, each good for one loaf of Bread. Buying your bread this way gives you the chance to save on your bread bill. Remember this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 25c THE CITY BAKERY Main Street, Hillsboro J. Wolfersperger, Prep. ! When in Portland stop at the fntol Pofnn Woof Pnrlr and orrison Streets, located in the part of the theatre and shop-. - -j 1 ng districts with ail .tne con 1 .niences of a modern hotel, at asonable rates. Glen Hite, 49tf I anager. i fVk tint tnrctft ta no.tr for a , hiller when you want a good cent smoke no "cough dust" the Schiller. 12tf I Rack finely I. r.tt. ...ill it,.. Wednesday evening. until Jos. Otto, Owner. Argus J Born, to M. C. Bidding ton and wife, Hillsboro. July 24. 1914. a son, weight, 11 pounds. The young fellow is a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller, of Third Street. Mrs. Marion Adams, of Idaho, has heen visiting with Wrr. Adams and family, and other relatives. Miss Grace Gibson, of Forest Grove, was calling on Hillsboro friends Saturday. PORILAfiD IJEII HAVE A HARROW ESG.'FE l ly Whcl of Auta llrraWs to ! Fragments W Uh Mea In the Car HIRICLE EKE NOT UttED Ol TCIGitT 0 &ra tbed a a Little. aa4 Se4 y Stmiag Otter The bursting of a tly wheel in a 40 horse-power automobile, which was standing in front of the Ho tel Washington barber shop, Tuesday afternoon, with no at tendant injuries to two men who were sitting in the machine, was the talk of an hour. That both of the men were not seriously in jured, to say nothing of being killed, is one of the things that can not be explained. They were just missed so far as a vital place is concerned. W. Brown and S. F. Holm, of Portland, had just driven up in the car. which was a six cylinder aiTair. As they started away the engine commenced to race. Mr. Brown endeavored to stop -the engine, but before he or Mr. Holm could make the necessary move the wheel bursted. tearing. with its heavy pieces, a hole into the seat room, one piece crashing through the side and bursting the cement sidewalk. A large piece struck the steering wheel. bursting a brace. The wheel de flected the tlying missile, and saved the life of Brown. Holm was struck by several of the pieces, but fortunately for him they but grazed him. He will be a little sore for several days. however, and the strain on the two men was more than apparent as soon as they recovered their equilibrium. It was a close call to death, and when a man looks as far into the valley of the shadow as Brow n and Holm they are to be excused if they are a tritle shaky. The car was being used in tak ing orders for extracts for i Portland house. The car was taken to the Wilkes Garage for repairs and it was the object of much curiosity during the afternoon. About thirty-five little friends honored little nine year old Mary Barz with a birthday party, July 17. at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. . H Rotermund. of near Newton. Ice cream, cake and other re freshments were served, and the little hostess was the recipient ot a number of beautiful presents. The little folks had a splendid time, and departed wishing little Miss Barz many happy returns of the day. MEDAL CONTEST A Matrons' Silver Medal Contest will be held at the Farmington Christian Church, Friday eve ning. at 8 o'clock, July 31. Ad mission, 10 cents; children, free, Program as follows: Song by Congregation, March ing Song, followed by Gloria Patri. Invocation. Mrs. Jameson. Bible Heading. Mrs. Fred Clark Mixed Quartette, Farmington Explanation of Score Card, B, VV. Barnes. The Modern Cain, No. 1. Judge Morse's Reasons. No. 2 Soto. Mrs. 11. II. ltehsp. College Oil Cans. No. 3. The Court of Last Appeal, No. 4, Song by Congregation. Vote Some Prohibition In The Moderate Plan. No. 5. Who Struck Mary? No. G. uuet, r.essie vvytneomb ana Esther Emmel. Shadows. No. 7. How Ixng, Oh, How Long, No. 8. Song. The Child's Pleading, Wiley l' isk and Irene Crosby. Recitation, Spoopendvke's Pie, Mrs. Watts. Special recitation, Miss Theo- dosia Peak, of Arkansas. Solo, Mrs. Claude Johnson. Presentation of Medal, B. W, Barnes. Song by Congregation, Oregon is doing Dry. Dismissal. FREE CANADIAN HOMESTEADS Why pay ?.r0 to be located? We give vou full information where the best lands are in Western Canada and British Columbia that are close to railroad and town; name of guide on the ground; full directions to get maps and plats free; how to ae homeseekers' tickets; everything you need to know and locate yourself, all for $3.00. Remit amount by P. 0, money order, and we will send you the com plete information at once. The Canadian Homestead Company, 73 0th Street. Portland, Ore. For reference, The Farm Mag azine Company, 411 Panama Bldg., Portland, Ore. All new ooda no shelf-worn goods on sale at Greer's, Argus and Journal $2.25. HELD IN TRUST Bmj rnm IabJu fr Am.-rk toward. On of my l.v a k itwwion n-hJ ih ' t,M flu.llm ou m.-tljr til win I rrsl It to w uttrui. I bl ft iKvain ! "' till bad twru uiil lia'f t 'T atf, r fvHit !. Wl'n I Jul I '' U a urirW II UI artk'lv uwil by a iiuan. Kcnin.iii: that I bail chaiu:t UiiC 'if ' ,,m" out I kkHl u.f Hi ivnl'M U ill ixvr a tain mr n'ftii;us l lub I luliihl return It u It .-r "'' 1 QlllM. I!'IV tf-UU I mr with 'f rW. I fmm.l no umiW. t"t ' ujwu uuuimma Kill t'.i f-'ut.niitiitf UttM, Hit a a ul'Jvt f r a Jti f Ihlnkliiit. IUU tli laily jilawl the ),- U tb.i ai-rvly to emiwy tlu'iii. r il lil.ulns lliftn lu a frail l uu'ikwl rni'tai-l lnIU-nt lliat ! lutomlfJ to :nilv-s!' thi-tu tutu AiiKTi.-a? Il il tluy rui Into lay i.-lin ttiriuti e rrtvr, r I t U uxl a "' uuiksUtT All th HiiiiWim; I nl thp mattrr ill l li"t lo It. 'In " ) tUliut I tvutj Uo a l p t tt' I""' r ami If auy ii ihhiiuiI liim ( tii Iumi f a lrr ru-tiin t H iu tuow. Tti ulilp i;ntutf Uvii mil four day autl no tiu limine r initial Uvh Itaut. tho llifi rv iuv k.H iiX'.l to l vltht that Hi lalr, Kiitui tlmt all had taf own can. Ul U"t nam liw-d tta o'titruta r-U. tUe oi;. itbr Ul'"ltliM u that li" would Uft Ul fur a tmriHMO. I mu-t aaalt tlovelntmipnla. Tti trtp wa a iiUn:iiit kiio to tuo. fur I luailr aouw atrwal.U- tt.iiialiit aiov. TIh'w orv a Mr. !l.irl-'.m and btr tlniuititrr aUmrl. tio mi a Sirat dNl on Uwk. A (rntli'iuau who aa with tlwiu at tlmm I nu t In tlir auioklUK room. W Ml to talkin n day about IU run f tlw lili ami tliua Uvam aiualutnL pnliiiS Hi ladlra 1 hav nu'titlolird wliiln liw a ltb tbrttt, be tna.Io a rriuark to bi whk-h Ivd tu an Introduction to la frlvnda. TU uiothor iuit ror dial, but lb tlaukl't'-r iwvtiif.t a tritle III at a. llowivr, lme alio a Irtty girl I lalairi'd lo nuik niy!f rutprtaluluit and imwitnl iu dotm; away armwbal UU h-r rtn(arniii oii-ut or wbatrrrr It uitctit In. I araa too rlri'iiius to n.ir a word tu any on abut uiy tin, I. I I. ft tbr jvwrla wher they wtr In tho raw. which I ahovwl uiid-r my U-rtli. Not koowlnif w hat trouble 1 mlutit c-t Into lu the tuatti-r. I rfrml. If mvuMtl, tu be able tu tak auy liiin that uilnht be for lb U-it. Hut uiy lutru tiou wua tu toll tho truth. The day ta-foru rvaobliut jx-rt I fun cludnl that I must tukt? mtun artiou with rrfor'ur lu the koo1!. wbi' h did nut doubt bad clllw-r Uvn atoU-n or were tu be uiui;;ltil, or Iwth, iL goiuc lu my atatvruoiu and locking the door. I pulltil mil the t.'iilou rase aud llflwl the top. What wti my astunUtimmit to w ttuit It runtalurd uiy own Ih-UiukIiih ami did ut ou tain auy otht-r roH-rty. There waa a myntery ludfod. How the Jewel ram Intu my mwnti.Kun I did not kuow; how they left lite I did Dot know. Hut It wa erl.lent that two exrhanre bad been made, and, the aei-ond one baring been purposely aeromplUhetl, It waa trident that auie IP me wa koIiik on. Hut It aetned to me now that I ahould never rerelve an explanation of the liu lilelit Neverthe less I felt rvlleved (h it the propt rt y bad pawed out of my imwhhxIuu. Iu devil. I had about uiuile up my niln.l before leavlnit the ulilp tu turn It over to the purser. The HarheMoiiK, Mr. Kthorldur, the man who lutnxJueed me to them, ami 1 all made rapid roKreaa lu InH iimlnit lutlmalu and before rem liiuu (K.rt agreed that we Hhould meet on tha evening of our arrival for dinner at i certain uptown reoinuraiil. We hi. eaeh other Kootlby at the thrk at noon, and at 7, attired lu dinner coxtume, I met my friend In a private dining room. I w-a received corillnlly, e-ttie flu lly by the imllea, and after icetilmr wanuwl up with wine Mra. IIurlewiu aaid to me: "I have nomethliiK u tell you in- video you will promise tu take nu ad vantage of It." I looked at her aliarply. It atrmk me at once that alio knew Momotlilng about my Oml on ahlphoiird. I mmln the riHulriil protnlw. "My daughter and I," mild the hidy "have done a good deal of atiiugglliig not ror pront, nut to nave money on what we bring from abroad. We atop ped at the name hotel ait you in Ion don. Ilellevlng that wo were HiiNiHi t ed by a detective on the other aldu am having Momu fJMaat worth of Jewel to get tliriaigh the New York euatmn houne frw of duty, we were at our wlta'eud. "My daughter, paMxIng along a cor ridor, heanl you ortlcr your Imggngu taken to the ateunier. Vou left your room unlocked. Hhe went In fnd aaw your wicker raw-. v bud Its dupli cate. Hhe put the Jewel In our, car ried it to your room iimi took your away. "On tho ahlp we nuked Mr. Klherldge lo bring you nnd Inlroilmo you that we might the belter keep truck of one who held our property In tnwt. nnd It waa he who made the Necond eichnnge, llavlns Imflleil tho detective on the oth er aide, we knew how to fool the cu. toiim men In New York." Improving Hit Aim. "You are going In for rioir "Ym, wr, replied the wcarr looklmt little man. "I'm Burprlnod at yotL" "I need the practice. I fnnry thnt aft er I leiirn to hit thnt llttlo hull with a long hnmllwi nmllut n I iIuhIi oIoiir on a DicttlvKomo pony I mny )0 nblo to go home and drlvo a tnrk without tuaah Ing my thumb.H-Valilngton Star. Patience-Why, they any that man can't ipend hi Income. Patrice-Well, he ought to get married.-Yonkera Btatesuian. MAZDA LAMPS Atfoin Krtlucnl Pcrrlcji! Lamps lilaif tlicir Trail townnl ihraprr LIGHTING ,IV j, W.ltt . jt'V t W'.llt -v W'.ltt 7-v iv Watt i.t Duy u Carton Tvi!tiy owl uremic Will Villi llllllll If you i Koi'K '" 'h'- sp"" ol .Sumiiur, rr J. ,K, l.llkl'N, ( pikr, i n tnoMoK ami t.,tlnif h.tiniitf, iu titr, A'l w-tk l guattnUrd, No )imcli utiKl "k l c rOji'vltl. J S, l.iui g. Mth Thud Mitr. l f, V To I, I. c yUvut Miu lit, II ! tm w. .,:! (iive Me a Trial 6 Per Cent LOANS Ol'itnlil to I ojr. t ul .1 n ' in. prove (4fiu, ran.il il l . tly i .t.i "r r IlloV, tu'lllo'r40 Ut'l'l'mt , fc il I'llv llwea ao l t .i ;!. mo r'or pi.'p wi!lloi, . , lri,- ll'tn kL, li.'T, l li lt.-l' , !'! , V, Illusion ll.lll. MoiliUr. etllol4V and K(ltV Dr. GcrtruJc Phillips tii,l.4ll(ic l'ivl. Ian 'litll-B ll Mllt. to I p. n. It. Mil" tl , t 1J III, 0 W. 0. Doiiclson UNDl'RTAKl-U Calls atU-niU-i!,jiy;lit onlay. CluiiH-l ;uul Tailors, HlUtboro, Oreffun : J Call lor WnrrnnU All MilMioto my H.IIIUII4 i,ti f.in,i otlirr tlmii ihr t.rm-iul riui.l, iimiIk.I ",Nrt ri I' n W illi i.l I'liml,," n,f ,,,,, pmali r at tin: odi.T o( llif lin.l. r,-ti. .1, ntil intrtrM Mill rmH- nfli-f April r' IVM. V J Sfrll, ('ilv TlrilMilrr, HilUlioro, l);r,, Aplll Id, lvt, Admin'stralur'a Notice NotlriilH hfri-l.y khhi I,I , M.lr llfii... ha, . , ,,r((i( o I if Kutnii. ot Anl..ii.'krl(.fr . I. .,.. ) Hi I Hil.ll,!,.nl Ih.!,, ,,,',. I ounty I lrt ot t, Htlt, ,,, ,,,,.' () I . ..Illlly f W.hl.IOM. II IV.l.tf ,IV riiMti'-.l mii'li i,.iiiii.lrn'..r ii.iHi i. . tfivwi tlmt nil ,,.., h.vmi, ,1,,,,,,,; UlMl .;,, ,.,1,,;,, , ,!,,,, ,, , ipilrcl t., pr.i,i,(. mi ,f ,,..r v,, ji"'". lo inn HI II,,. U ollu iiorJohii ,i 1 nail. Ill lllll.linro. lirKiii, wi'lim u 1 iiiithn In in lUir i.r,r, Jolili Krii-Knr, A.lnilHri,,r r ' KhIhImoI AiiIoiiii K rlcid-r, tl.-, i- .,!, Viirliourl., Orfgiui, July III, put. I represent, Spirclla conctH not Hold in h tores. Will fall at homes on request, ami tin the fittin";, and teach how to tol just arid wear the corset. Our tailor ed madf'-to-rneasurt' corsets in eluding the latest front lace, with an experienced corselicr Kervire cost no more than hiuh class cur-: sets purchased in stores.- Mrrt I M. K. Caudle, liillshoro, KifLh ! and Jackson Slret ts, I'lioiw No m- fiOtf " Ik'Kt slahwood in the market Ket prices for Fall or Summer de livery, bee mo fitst. All kinds of wood.-II. i). Sclimcltzer. The Crand Marca is the most wholesome "two for a quarter" emoke on market-rnaile in Ore gon, by E. Schiller. When you induce in a good Hniuke buy a Grand Marca. tf FORD Uh UNIVERSAL CAK Buy It Because It's a Better Car MODIlLT.Tourln Cur Wilhrt Auto U GrKtt Company Third Street. IlilU) oro. Or. WE SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS K you ttcttl uy (irtntiio? IKi you nctil auy I'ry (JiiU? IK you wet J auy tlie? IK you ttcctl any I VcJ? Will you nctil auy Lautl I'UMcr? Will you ucctl any 1'aruuinj Imjilrntruu, Muttr, Uakc, Manuic fyicadcr. Cultivator, Sjiiug Tttitfc Disk, Hauler or thm iu M.uhiurty If you !o, vail a tul lee u. Our tivci an tigut, Emmott '"arid Jones Orrnco, Phone Scholls Roller Mills Wm. HANSON, Prop Flour ami Fertl, Acttut Hraud 1 Sjt.iy, Cunimn Choiijiiiij- a piriahy, Poultry iiS'lic, Manufacturer tf Whole Wheat Flour, ami Wheat heart Flour, Graham etv. (W Price always Kcasonahlc TRY US the Next Time K. F. D. 2, TillamooK County beachc and Flahtn Stream TilUuiimik County beachtu have ln it!v rallvJ "Nature' I'layicroutitl." Ketuirta whero llie "Call f the Wild" nrl tho Ufa OutdooM ran Im fully en joyed, now opert for the Summer visitor. New hotW, new cottage, new fumpirnf ground. Season and W?eh-End fare Low round-trip Heason and wei'k-rml fare from vsrioui Hiint on 8. 1. main lin niid iram-lnn. DOUbLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE leaves Union )eHt Daily S;.Vi A. M. leaves Kast Morrison tlaily !UN A. . "S. a Shore Special." Union IeH.t U H. M- "Sea Slmre SMcial." East Morrison ISM M- Parlor Obtorvmtlon Omr om "Sma 8polt tMVMlf ft JO P. Nff. Good riahin in the Salmonbcrry and Ne halem Rivers l-nsurpassed fishing In thu SalmonWrry and Nehalem livers, in well as other Tillamook County streams. O a lor our brand mw folder, " Tillamook Ooumtf Boaohtm" Folders and JOHX to. FOIIK CHAIR Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable workmen Kaths iu connection, and a I'inc Shower Hath Newly iMirnisbcd Shop. A trial will please you. JAMLS ANDERSON. Pythian UldK, Hillsboro. ArKua and Oregoniwv 2G V HQUttt I I , Tourinrf Cfcm Main 39li Oregon Hilhboro, Or. full Information from any S. 1. Agent or from S007T, tw" ' Portland, Oragon Hillsboro FUEL CO. II. I. 8rlmnHr.fr. IIoadiiiarterB in HlLLSnOKO TRANSr'KR & L com'. -office In WashlnRton Hotel Wlr. Dealers In Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood and Coal. Phone Main fiDi Arffui and Journal 12.28 Tlgar jae. fit inrf thi if in Wil emit all tSr put bri k" r an i th tu tr lu tl r a i V ti t I r