The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 30, 1914, Image 2

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    C. B. BUCHANAN & CO, Inc.
Hillsboro. Cornelius and Worth Plains
'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bag's.
Car lot shippers of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Price
Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 15 15.
North Plains, Main 26$.
5c Coast Defender 5c
'The Best in the
Come and look over
the BEST display of the
BEST tobaccos sold.
I will tell and show
you all about them. You
are welcome any time.
These Cigars are sold
every place where good
cigars are sold.
Boom II Hillsboro National Bloch
Help Make Oregon the
Cleanest State the Union
Unclean ideas in regard to tei scattered broadcast by the ignorant cause
Immorality, disease aod suffering among the innocent.
True, wholesome information help to produce c'ean liralthful citizens
capable of richer and more nseful lives.
Sci education should be provided when posrible in the boin. Parnpirts
will be sent fr for men and women, boys and girls of alt age. Send
i cent stamp and state definitely ages and sea of children and other ptr
sotis for whom psmptets are wanted. Address
70 SmHImg Pmrllmm, Or awn
Henry Knittel, of Middle ton,
died at his home, Sunday night,
July 2G. 19U He was born in
Germany, April 20, 1854, and
when a young man came to the
United States. He lived at Chi
cago a number of years, and
came West to Oregon in 1888,
and settled at Middleton, where
he soon started raising hops.
Twelve years ago he wa3 wedded
to Mrs. Anna Fischer, who sur
vives. The funeral took place
Tuesday. Mr. Knittel was high
ly respected, and had a large
circle of friends in that section
of Washington county.
It is more than likely that
many tanks of oil will be spread
on the roads of Washington Coun
ty, next year, after the first
work of Spring is completed.
The oil works wonders, even on
dirt roads, where they are
graded, ditched and nicely
The Everfresh pe.ople are en
larging their plant at Sutherlin,
Southern Oregon, and have a fine
field for output. The Sutherlin
Sun recently had a fine mention
of the Hillsboro plant
Homer Emmott and Kay Em
mott and wives and Peter Lor
8ung departed this week for a
trip to the Siletz and Beaver
Creek, and expect to go in as
far as Jump-Off Joe.
The Coffee Club will meet at
Hale's Springs, Saturday after
noon, Aug. 1. Members are re
quested to go on the 2:18 Oregon
Electric to Oak Park, and take
lunch baskets.
Miss Grace Graham, of Clats
kanie, Ore., is the guest ot Mrs.
Frances Glascoe.
Miss Anna Moore, of Portland,
is the guest of Mrs. Green Hale,
at Oak Park.
Wade Killen departed last
night for a month's vacation in
San Francisco.
M. H. Stevenson was a Port
land visitor the first of the week.
Mrs. Silas ChristotTerson visit
ed at the Iiissner home today.
B Nice.
On fetchtnc luwns 1 do not frown.
But bar a care, Clarice.
And don't wear nuch a fetching gown
That you'll fetch the police.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Cpon BlH skirts I never frown -In
(act. 1 like them. Nettla
Sut I don't believe that I'd wear on
U 1 bad your spaghetti
-illrminuham Age-Herald.
Don't let them kid you so about
Tour scanty skirts. LeonL
If you were huskier no doubt
They'd talk of macaroni.
Indianapolis Star.
On slender folks like yon, Maria,
Each frenh and clever youth picks.
But were I you he'd never ee
My plpestenis or my toothpick.
Detroit Ftt i'reaa,
Wat Hard to Convince.
"I don't care much for moving pic
ture ahowa," said the irrourh. "The
dims they ahow are too Improbable."
"Whaddy ya mean Improbable'" axle
ed the boob.
"Wby, 1 saw one last nlgbt that
showed a daughter helping her mother
to wanh the dlKben," replied the grouch.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
When Enoch Arden, after year
Upon the dwtrt lele,
To find bin wife and noma main
Tramped many a weary mile
And, stealing In the garden gat
Through twilight shadows gray.
Before the cottage window stood
He started In d linn ay.
T recognlio the room," tit said.
The carpet worae for wear.
The cuckoo clock that never wrnt.
The same old rocking chair.
The worsted motto on the wall
These thing. I oft have seen
But that Is not my wife, became
That woman's hair ia green."
Only Cemplaints.
"1 i'pose joun in mill taking life
easy?" said the woman In the train.
"Yes," answered the woman who
was carrying a bundle of clothtw.
"John has only got two rp?ret In life.
One la that be hug to wuke up and
at, and the other la that be has to
five up tin' to sleep. "-Pearsou'a
wm ? wm earns
Testing From 3.7 to 4 -Percent
PiJ the Pacific Coast CondcuscJ Milk Co. (Carnation Co.uU-t.str) a th"k
..f about tcu cents hundred for your June mill? Their Mount Vernon !iTrcts f ...15
!r hundred pounds for June milk and a side check of to tent per hut. hed ttta. IuTt uur
milk worth as much as the Mouut Vcruon Dairymen.! If . ilcm.uuUl. J5 1 r Juuc and -55
lor July.
Do you want sonic clean legitimate COMPKTlTtON at iWt -r lUIUWu? If
you do we would be pleased to start a factory iu your teuitoiy, providing you uill to nive
us a reasonable amount of milk.
We pay all of our patrons the same price, no side check.
The keeu competition of the Mount Vcruon Cream Co.. at Mount Vernon, ha forced the
MILK TRUST to betray their l'orcst C.roxe, HulA'io, Mour.-e, Knit. Cheh.ilis, l.vcrM.u aud
Suuwoml dairymen by piyiu these t".uU:ies to cents less per huudied pound. than they do at
Mouut Vcruon.
Think what better treatment and pi ice yon would t if th: Mount Witum Cieam Co.
were buying milk iu your territory.
Wc agree and guarantee that the Mount Vet turn Ctv.uu Company will pay lor milk
for twelve months than any condenser in the state vr t it the ravtfu- Coast.
Wc have recently sigucd a contract for a ioho,hi f.uiy at IVmd tie, aud ate l.H-kiiig
for other good locations.
Head the Law of the State of Wisconsin protecting the Dnirymen
against Trusts and Illegitimate methods. Il is time for w dnirymen to ,.vt
protection in this State in liKe miinncr,
"Any pcrsou, firm incorporation tt'otxigu or lKuuestiv) vtiaed in the buiine il buy
iii4 milk, cream or butterfat, for the pmpoc of mauafucturiug, shall ii.u mii-nally, for the
p trp s;of in. a utouop ly, or d;stryiu.4 the basin ! a comp.-titor iu a l.v.ility, dis
criminate Itetweeu different sections, communities, towns, village r titics ul ihis stjitc, by buy
ing such commodities at a higher rate in one section, community, to,ui, village or city than U
paid for the same commodity by said person, tinu or cot -porati-ui in another section, communtity
town, village or city, after making due alloa-ame for the ihtuieuce, if any, in the actual cunt of
transportation from the poiut of purchase to the locality of m tnuf.uttnc, l. il! l-e deemed guilty
tf unfair discrimiuatiou, which is hereby prohibited and is declared unlawful."
The States of Iowa and Minnesota have similar laws to piotat the l.iiryrmu.
Next M..d,v ,,.!
A Grettt Three D,
Featuring Kit. PaKK,4li!
Cr tham Whilc the U0
INlUor. AtiulyxcB
U0UU4l fern..?, JBrti
by IlerUtt Htcu.-n.
. , I. '
'Jr.' hi
U 1M av jar v . , m
m pi. " o WfW '7 f f
ntfl ( U- I' .t n.'l'. l
Mima, tu us tiirons.
Ued by the big majority of
n rt n .1 1 e
rune, rutoi and Kevolver $hot$
IT MLrST b a satiWactiofi to th individual rifle,
pitol or revolver wt to know that hta preler
enc lotRemington.t'MC McUllica is shared alike
bjr profewonal etperta, crack-ahoU and aporta
men in all parts oi the world.
And thi. errount., loo, for marked i'ii every yeei
ia tb dmnd tut Kcnuaetoa-LML Mtlellire.
RnniniTan.UMC Mfullic are nude (at ever? 1mAi4
mtkt d lor evarr ulibra m nM-nrl, puiot Mui nrotrm.
Cei ihrm from th ilr who thawe ike ftj rW
ml hjminghMt i AfC-lh n oi Sporlamm ttudqunL
To k0 HUT til. tA mnA lukM-Kj rtkd - - B
Oil. l:x ow Bwiii eolireni, nut vrtmxnwm, mm4 u
Remington Arme-Unlon Metallic Cartridge Co.
2M B-o4w,r. N Yr
..! t, hivh im thai anthafnii
lr ( Kily Ixtl, IU im.Utotfol !
iu- 1 itintf t'xiiM i.l th riia,, lirvr..
I r W ei..o I i,un(. Jul .iui.j
rir, ,(,.,, ,1 iio !) rl 11 M ill an.l
lti,Kt. t.r .i,tti Ilaa. ita.ak-l
V' ri.l i., a. I fmim,,tm batltitf claim.
I .. ii. r.tain ata lrh ..inl to
I Oiriin iitt.Mrir tavlol ! Ilia u
.Iro.ifttmt, at Ma .'a. i.f ttuallieta In
if..tii i"riH..'i alMili, alt tnutithi
lr.,iii u.v i.f ilia Pii iHittilrallon ut
ii.ii ..ti.. W liirh Ml.l dele u )cl ilb
111 IV JUl) v. I 'll.
1 , . , ' I i.t..r -t Ida mate an.l laat Will
I ami nlMiii I Hu b llu. il
S. iintor t-haiiif . rl.iin hat tnk.-.i ; '-' " fr K.uu
7 11. . i' I .1 : . . . 1 .1
,uiri'i im- tmiiMlUM ( t.tlsir f It p a iriri ...inp..
I Pacific (Wstwati-rs in tlti-rivr lilt Lilt lAKtLh
; ami harlior IhI!, Imt it iinir.-irs
Ik V l.i'NU.
(Purity ( I'.-ijvr
(tii.j m... n : II '.i -r .1 ti-- . rut) llmraita,
I Mi A M kiwi 1
t ruler cliark'i. (.f
.1' I.I
- i-.'ut
MILS. ('HAS ;.l;tNte
frtmi I'urtianJ.
SnJiciti pati. i.ti f rum ill f,.
(la! f.f r)a
' ". Main W4
IN THK l lltn ir t t ST Of TH
BTATK tr OHU.ti.N', f0
t hdatiau tea),. I', a i hi ila
I. I frirf, W,,,I.
1i I. I. I)? .i. ... fcaaa) I Hiii
la lit ham a ul ll. Kata J tlrwa) a)
la ,Ma ar.M.1 1 ietofjf Ut
( . i.. a t.'. a la laa haat a.t
!" 1"- ' .! M. 1-1 ... L. .kfa
M l .,!,; tuMnli;, la ftlwf
1 iii h llif Mlttkift at Iht
as tlimiuli tin' jiartiMiiiii mrain-t
the a l:nitiistnili,in want to kill
t)lT imiirm ( rn -nt 4 i,f l"n l.rj tn .l
stream., S,,,.t,.r V,,mU, ,.f fl WJ !! THRU Ml I M
wiikuvn nuiiiuvkl Ulint UULLLUL
lort.j,ih Stlimil War Optas
hJalm, is'iita'.tv tr i n ir
rritiiiln 1.1,1,. I,,.!, i . '
th.-Snak,.. !,,.,, v;,t..r loth.- ' ,-''l-K iHth,
'l ''' tn-ain imw K Mm I ,7s Z 'LrZ
K i '( .fining lull lnMm4li1.1i.
Ufa ami
much tu tin' iiiti'rmiiui.taiu
stati'.t. lint ll.irnh it ttintr
into the st,i!i,itt..r i'.i!a:nn .'1 .
rapiilly as xssil1f 1- en !imh?
his iliiiity.
The Washing'ton-Oreg'on
Announces Rate Reductions in the Water Tariff
The Newly Estimated Rate is
I'irst 3,(joo gals., per M 33'
Next 12,000 gals., per M 20
Next To.rxto yals., per M 15
All over that amount, per M 10
Tapping Charge Eliminated
Water the Lawn
W'" Irfanci AiiRirt'LTUHP j
V ' '11 v. Animal If yMirV
t tu lv. 'uil!fy HmNnJiy, II.KtWullure.
-i.nii 1 ,im,, nu,v)i nx).
r.' .in 1 .nrrif y u-n . lJomtlk Art
im.iniihsi,. tlMrUsl. Irrigation,
r. " iv, .finnankai.i.nfmkal, Mlnlni.
v. f.nvi TtiriiB, rnAKMACY
I atiol ("oan-'i-AtrWuttuft, Dairy.
ig. Ji'iine ,Yl4kl' lotifta, njutia
nr.s, 1 . f.fv. Itimlnni) bhuit Coum.
of -Vaiir-I'uno, String BaoJ,
i.v .uuiirr,
f 'm., Bimiieta Cme by Mail Tram
.i.n- thk amuaraAa,
''"' r.rrvalli.. rrr.(
The IvirniH'ati tru'ilili- At.M-;
tria after tin- hc;U() ( ,f S.-rvia '
may yet involve cnnlinfMul Ku-;
rojie an w. an Knulatnl. Willi ;
troiihlc in John WnU'a dutiKiin, I
and with tin- Hi-rap on acros4
chaniii'l, thf Mi-xican turmoil hu 1
Hhrunkt't) like a l.iirnt hoot.
10 larciTalu, lin.Hilay tnornii, j
,m,omoi. 0,1 hi. ..iay witn i,r. I.-,. t , Halvorspn and
iinir 7 , r.ii.B .. 11 ' .. . fvi.nii niiu
r.-' ' "". ''' hiivs wii', or ! arm n if ton Jnlv yi
t in wi'rit Wr w ...,,1 .1 ... 1 : ' tot 1 .. 1 ' " '""'Kion, jmy a,
. , , ' ' ' oi.u on ui i, 11 tnillLMill.r,
ho many toads, hut that it ilui ! n ' 1HS,'H I'uine aruj rather
i". f rortlnnd. viMited hsfrs.
ilMl WI'l-K,
.1 I ' i
rri'iiit imti ,in..,., a 1
iiuniT llllll Ui..V If) i.,,1.,,,
Stevens try to 'run u mul,....,
Allirilut .a.. .a. .. r a . t . . '. a
at atinv ( :111m tun l ii:n. '..i . .. . v vcnuon, 01
hom . n' i : " .r. 1 r,rK- to the
., ' : - 1 no uy 1 n asl or the wi.iV
'It'-T -lay AiiKustsaysaStuih... . r , , f '
Icikci uuli. ......... 1 . ' I. J. lillvion nr Uru.ik r',.
. luiiii- injur ii.'inir J ' ""Mm vrurntr
washc. ot:t to si-a. a team Unv lm WU! ,n town the first of the
wiuiHitinnwl jiiKtin time to pull '
It hack from 1 he ivm-mi M . hVml M,.M..H.. f l.n. ... .
t 1 ". "oinij, 111 tjuivraim.
?lwn M" ,amiy '"l' ct to re. ! was over tolherltv tha flM
tlirn t() thin CltV tltmnt II,,, ...: I
(ll of the month.
the week,"
George Denton, of the Ladd & Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wells
Heed Farm, Ueedville, was up to were liockaway visitors Sunday,
the city Monday. Harvesting is guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, N
progressing nicely down his way. Barrett.
Alex Scott, of C.
. " " 1 niv v ' 1 1 a nun in
liachelar mmi:,;n,..i county Kt-ut the first of th
.11. IX ! ...... I, - - -
l l'K,
1 f . I i-i
partial 01.siocal.10n of ul,
...u:i . 1... . 1 . .. " ""."I'-i
"ion: oiayiri ha . Sim, ..v, t- ni tr. it-
K H. Smith attend,,, theYnj, y, Meveral Vnter life Ju "
rem no had the pIivhic an i.,L- .
out his tonHils. ho as to Im'e a Arir"B aml Orcgonlan $2.25
genuine vacation. j Mrs. Catherine Wehrung and
Miss Kthel Johnson and Mi. Jfl, .1 (.5, ,.,,aro havo -""turned
Florence iarrei their Kastern trip. Mrs.
their young friend at theff m,t Sun,,"y nd
Johnson hie WUlmi" ff'fi Uh lh h
Ilia I ! . aii.t I. . I Vim. fya at ia. i.. ,,t itm m mw
lht.l, li.a 1.1, ,i,r f ftp.a.11.
111, lil. h a t aea. Ifvaa aaa war
the ilale nf Ihw l.ii ti . .-..leaiiiaj t$ tag
Hmuruuld, I., ail I kurarlta Ik.
lay ul Mil a ! ir t rail ki
Clr an l auaa.i u I' .a. an be a
tlurtaxl t'l a.,.lr 1 . dm 1il kt
ilrarraa. iiaMu. (l. .(. af atalfaMf
ranr,.,.ra an I ua c iv..,e hnaaja 4
lll Ilia I'laiiillll I .r anl aalea
lulK !..( aa Ilia ( ....! a4 4raaaa
a i-i a.iiiar(ta a' I a. ia,l lut it hatf
lllt'a X'ifi.iaM.
Tbla ".uiiiiii .i.. la 1-wM ka aaf
n( Iha . It I. J4 91 Me
I uulily I . iH itt ll.a Mat ul INarat M
Hie I nun If "I a In lalaaatavajt
o Irta I II. . ul J...I,. ii.hb) aaaarajia)
t iHihlr an.l I i l'i eat aiafc aal
eillafatl nil Ilia ,l ,4 i.ilf.rtl
ittiwta ll.o .l, 1,4.1. 11 uf Ifeit
lirf ail liinaun. an aa In t HlIMMS
A'vua, an l ua .!. ,1 iha m
rwlKin la h.nlai I'm Jar at Jatf,
lll. atxl Ilia ilal. ... Iha .aal kMvM
uf Itiia N'lim.'iii a 1 1, tatMlat
Ul rft4M.lha, , I HI
I'll. la III. bal'lM.ii, Utirimf hi ftaif
UH, 91 I luii.kl . I ii.a.rr tktl.
t'ultlau.l, f,i..(i
Litiulor'a Nolkt l lirml f ii.m. (Nil tlrsir
alfliatl haa a.rn I., Ilia lirtiwlf tVarlej
Iha Main ul Hv m, M KulnlfX 1
I'lianly, 4l a "iii"t e4 raaliraal j
t.taculi.f ul II. r .i a i.i ami trilsaieaia ,
at hall i. tlia.lain. itrovaawl, aa j
iluij Hiiali,r, a. i., Ii
u, II.. .11,1, i. ail (wfOMlf artial j
rUiiii aaial ii r.ia'e uf ' 1
lliaalaln. ilavaml. r lrli rue" j
Ul l.laarlll III aailia In Uia uU,lrl"" !
lb U IHlfw ill l'i A Hsf sarav
.vill National Uml In t "T .
m, Uifif-Hi. I.tymhrr aim n.fl as 1
r, IfHlliil an in nil a Hum laSSaHfl j
Pale.1 Ihla July i. I 'll i
li.ilmrf f .tloialaia- j
r,'ia,.ui.,r ul ili ii aJ ,
mam ul ail.ii J I".
li.ill.l,t a tU i
AH"!..'" I"' Kf0'' h
no i ict:
C-ontrary to erroneoui report
Mng circulated, no pen
suing thP Artisan Uw J"
death Ioh. and all sttch runw
re unfounded and unwirrww
Master Artisan U'
Hillloro, Ori-gon. July 8. 1
gono over to notiumnu, ...
for an extended stay.
i !.. r....,.J f near LlUrtl
UIUIB lilt'i n, - . a-i
was a county seat caller t" nw
of tho week.
Miss Kathcr llcim. of W
land, Is visiting witn inrn:
thucity this week.
Thos. Murid.y. of
dak was down to the cny
day afternoon. .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
went out to n.illi..m'
and spent tho day wim
Kuratll and family.
J. S. Lorsung & Son
been putting in n lamjr
11. Bagley, on the
ranch, near SchielU-lin. ;
David Wenger. ot .
was in town T ut'Kiiay. ' .
sulTering from the ki
horse, but is able to nivln '
Krnest Kroner,
the Carnegie Library
was out tne .mJZgA
confarring with the coibC