JRE InllLLSBa VOL. XXI HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY SO. 1914 EHL UXOY SHJT TO lit FB.iifiiir.fi! fallowed Mm Cmiwmoii With lira t (luilty In Uptn Cmirt om to w nm i mnncv fl Tkal Waa ItcavrrH Mafc il I .Ur for Ymmc CrlMlaal Earl McCoy. w mnwn year oM uy '101 r- wowi- fork, on dale Creek, horlly be fore the Fourth of July. pleaded f uilty the hut of th week, and KriJay "afternoon wu sentenced to in Indeterminate sentence of from one to ten year. McCoy's victim is fully recovered. anl (bin fai t M the court to W u Mrt M pmwible, although Mc Coy never had It chance fur pa role owing to lh I ail mat ne under suspended sentence tirn he iihot the old gentleman. MiCoy shot to kill and hi mo- I. ii. n a tiv wan rounenr. iiau nw- Ark ben standing erect hi fcrsd would rave Urn shattered and di ath instantaneous. A he wm stooping the artoi enured shoulder blade, ranged to the back of the akult. and lifted the sralo. clear to the crown. McCoy father has been down to the lad but oftr since hid twin placed in jail. The hoy Its grown visibly thinner since hu month in the bastile. McCoy can conaider himseir luck that M waa not tried for murder, for nine times out or ten the shut would have, been fatal M'KAV CHEEK To Whom It May Concern: No tice U hereby given by the State Board of r ih and (jama Commit sionersof the State of Oregon, that, in accordance with the pro visions of Section 6316 of Lord's Oregon Ijwi. McKay Creek and it tributaries, in Washington County. Stale of Oregon, are and each of them ia hereby opened to angling for trout and other flh. i provided by aUtute. on and after September 1. 1914. State Hoard of riah and Game Commiutioners. Floyd Bilyeu. H. K. Duncan. M. J. Kinney. Dated at Portland. Oregon. July 17. 1914. IOK SAM J OR TRADK A Swcnson Stump Puller and al necesiary equipment. Will either ell this or trade it for pigs or cows. Call oraddreaa Roscdale Farm. Santa Rosa. Ore., pmtor flee, iltavertnn. Ore., It 2. OREUON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland-55 minutes. 6:29 7;1() 8:28 , 10:47 1:14 3:55 6:05 8:09 9:b8 From Portland -55 minutes. 7:50 8:15 nasi 2:18 4:37 6:24 7:30 9:22 12:30 a m a m a m a m PIN p m pm pm pm I , , ...a m ..a m ..a m ...p m ..pm pm pm pm a m Hid BALING RECORD What promim-a to be the record Breaker for buy baling took place at the Ladd A Rp1 Place. lieed- ville, recently by the Lorcn Pizer w. h seven days and three foun, the crew baled 300 tons and "17 Pounds, making an average oi and 19-29ths tons per day u in hours. The baler used m a Sandwich. 17x22 chamber. jne crew consisted ofL Pizer. loreman; Jacob Hergert and Dan KoRers, feeders: Nick Resse, 're puncher; Oren Pries, wire noktr; Albert (tenderling. eKher and L. 0. Rogers, water ". This is considered the wst daily average ever put rougn a baling machine in the "niamette Valley. Geo. Denton nager or the big farm, say naa never seen anything efiuaht on the coast Mr. And ' Mm nr. Vtnar ink I 1 ' View. uin-. ho have been at Oak Park for weeK, departed Monday for an autO trln n.t- 4- il-. 1!ll.n,.l reaches, going In via the Grand wue. NO. 19 Tilt t.mMft I ' - I- . . .... . w,,i ,,,,,. rrUlT l,fnW. n A,H-iatim. K larire tart of th. iii . - ' , - " ' ..iv'fljl iii WaMhintfton (ountv. lant aikcru-d runtracti with the WVst ern Orrtron Fruit Dint lie rort (iruvea.Hifiaiii.n uiii have Krai-. apuli and olh.-r fruit to ithip h car lot. L'p to tin time irraiM have HhiiNt ut of the Willanutte ValU-y in carload, ami era have Ui-n liniit-d alimwt en tirely to the iWtlaml Wahingtiin Count v i.rn.1 hitch ttrade acreaire that in ati-ad-ily inrreaninif. Apple have al oeen planted in the roiintv rin m arjter commercial arale. With a cannery and fruit dryer in ix'ration and ithUii.inir facitit for icreen fruit now provi.led. the county will he well l,t. to take care of all it fruit product. ne oinrem or the horext (irove aociahrtn are . C. At well. preHident an. manager; H. Ort man, viee-preHident; IL Alexan- er. treamirer. and I. J. liar. awretary. The aHmHiatinn has U) memtx-r. Ftir aale or trade for small place HO acre coast farm; 75 river Uittoin; 12 acre in era; the balance winmN pahture. One mile from Siletx Hay and cnean beach; one mile from cheese fac tory; road and water to place: !( 5 head reentered llulKtein cattle and other Mock; have Hick wire and must Ket away from the coast. I'wiic and make me Ifer. Liberal terms. - Jame urrin, Taft Lincoln the. Friday wo taken up in circuit ourt in the case of State v 'red Wriht. chared by ("ha-. Ittty with stnkinir the complain- nK w linens over the head with ahovel. The jury was out al)-)Ut a h'llf hour, ami LrouKM in a verdict of I'uilty. Wright was fined $75 and ciwU. The jury: i xrneiiui atnii hey, ( hns VterHtui. Jiihn HuHkins, John Conzelmann. Wm Cimino, J C jitta. W It IVterson. Chi Clark. (' K HeilK'e. J I. Uurnjfrou r. iioll, inni Ti Harris, tioy iims a cane Hied against rixnt lor civil damages, and the case wil le trie later. It-fore adjourn in; Friday Judtfe CampU-ll fin-t I J Mill tfxi for ivinc Ixpior to a minor. I limit ill was allow ed to Sept. 10 to file an amended reply in the case or router vs WanhioKton County. For dale or rent; Uanch of 1(5 acre witri h acre cienr; ni fruit tree in bearing; KihhI onion ground on quarter acre; good oasture: all slashed; house and barn and chicken house, and on ion house. Running stream through place. Kprir.g. and well. Five mile S. K. of Hill- boro. on river road. Terms. - J O. Johnson, llillshoro, Uregon, toute 2. 0. II K raus, of Cornelius, for several year principal or the ;a.ton schools, has accepted the principalship of the lualatm schiM)!. The Tualat'ii school lias 150 pupils, with 20 in the Ilign. Mr. Krau is one of the county best instructors, and has success wherever he goes. His many friend are pleased to hear oi ins new position. Kuervhodv should attend the big lawn social and band concert at Orenco, inursoay evening. July 30. on the teniitiiui lawn oi theOregm Nursery. Icecream, cake, lemonade, home-maiie can dy and other retresnmenw at a!..A Li na. be served. A uik uoi a sured. Everybody invited. 0. ('. French has posted notice ,.n.,u KiuirL lor indemnity "i 3 head of Graded Jersey cow , slaughterwl under the tubercu- losis statute. Iienrv uauen ... Il..nvu Am ereL'ir have 8IS0 uaaeu the same date for iui "'"o; , ....... i.:n...l 27 head of graded cauie, mm-u under the same law. Alcazar ranges are stricty late. Coomal style, beaverton burglars hi;:d6uiliy Trio oi I'ortlantlrra in Circuit Court Denying Crime TIMH HOI SE OF S. P. WAS I0BBCD Mias Bertha Hesse ia enioyins a vacation at Newport Miss Alice bewell 13 over at Lddyvtlle for a vacation Dr. G. W. Via and wife, of Buxton, were in the city Friday morning. J. F. Saunders, of Bethany. was in town rnday. attending the Wright trial in circuit court. Geo. W. Kelly, of Buxton, was down to Hillsboro, the last of the week. Emil Stark and wife, of Beth ! i...-l. i. - L . .. . wtrc wwii rnuay, Hi ... ....v... muiiii nrnuiu anu Itpnrtmtr pirrint rnnrt I'.'ll'P IKB.I l-n. fi i... I " i3i. ii.un.uay Follnd. Rtln.h of I,m, with uh cunva-ivu OI larceny twn kva for eash wunafo In . inm a building in Beaverton, quire at Argus office, l... c . .. .. .1 .a,i opnng. wnen me railroad For sale-Pony team, harness tool house was entered and rol- and wagon. Team good work bed of tools. Marshal Pannel animals. Call up Phone City Was the chief uritna fr l. Z47. 19-21 p.. Ollk Bailaiai Had All Eilcrti Same Mbt Beta state, and swore that he had a hand-to-hand fight with the de fendants after he had ordered them to submit to arrest The three were too many for him. however, and overpowered him and made their escaDe. Sheriff Keeve picked them up the next morning near Fanno Creek. I'apH was positive in his identi fication. The same night some one had entered the postoffice building, and it i supposed the trio had U-en there to look over the field and had then robbed the tool house for tool to break the safe. Discrepancies in the testimony oi me defendants were larirelv instrumental in (securing con-conviction. The jury: Jno Conzelmann. 11 J ColT. Christian Peterson, Julius (roeni, J L Barngrover, J C Lat ta. John lluskius, W B Peterson, Cornelius Vandehey. Geo N Har ris, Wm Cimino, John C Kuratli. It is resirted that on the first ballot there were nine for con viction, and that on the fourth ballot "guilty" was voted. The trio were paroled Friday afternoon and allowed to depart after Judue Campbell admonish ed them a to their future con duct Two of the men shed tears, while the third was visi hly affected. The three claim that they had never been in trou hie before, and that they were innocent of the charge -that it was a case of mistaken identity, Sheriff Beeves says that they have been model prisoners since their incarceration. One of the liberated men tore up bis I. W. W. card when he left the jail, remarking "No more of that for me. . P. AND P. E. & E. All. except the P. It & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main street To Portland Forest Grove Train b:47 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m Sheridan Train 9.58 p. m Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove Train . . 4:15 p. m. Eugene Train.. 4:58 p. m McMinnville Train 6:37 p. m Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eugene Train arrives 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove tvpifying simplicity and beauty, IV.l: :.. ..iin) and mechanical perfection.-D. Corwin. 13tf A forest fire up at the logging tUa Nlnhn em. called W. camji, u i ..... ..i i,,,! I , ma Ul-Rlll. 1'IIUU.T. "" blessing d up had was W. Mahon. A. a Shute. Cal. Jack Jr.. T. C. Bailey and Fred Siegrist were among those who spent Sunday over at Bock away. Wanted: Girl to do general housework, in family of four. No heavy washing. 1L IL Walk. er. Beaverton. It 2. 19-1 Miss Caroline E. Briggs, of Giant Cat, arrived here Friday for a visit to her timber claim, up in the Bacona section. Wayne Vaught went to Bocka- way. the last or the week, for a visit with KoWrt I m brie. Rich ard Wiley is at the Vaught store during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Bissnerand sons, Jack and Harry, went ty Port' land Saturday, to witness Christ offerson in his hydroplane, giving an exhibition on the Willamette River. John V. Hale, son of Mr. and Mrs. u. pi. Hale, now has an engine on the arternoon passen ger run out of Portland to Tula mook. His wife will reside at Tillamook during the Summer. A. Soule. aged 73 years, died at his home near Gaston. July 24. He was a native of Michigan, and came to Oregon 19 years ago, residing nearXJaston for the past six years. He is survived by three eons and one daughter -Edward, in Canada; Ihornton, of Troutdale;Tell and Mrs. 0. A. Melften, of Gaston. For sale: 130 acres of land, with 40 acre cleared; 7-room house and barn; 2 wells and large running stream; balance of acre age has lot tine merchantable timber. Six miles south of Hills boro. Will sell all, or 60 acres with the buildings. Pnce. $150 a.k 1 a per acre, including stocK. A. u Grebe, Hillsboro. R. 2. 19-1 W. E. Smith and family have moved from South Tualatin to Hillslwro, where they will reside until he decides to make a per manent location. W. E. leaves the last of the week to look over the Creswell country, and incident ally to kill one of the bucks for wliich the section is noted. While in the South he will look over the country with Geo. Schul merich as guide. Miles E. Everett of North Bend, was in town Monday, re turning from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown, of above Banks. He goes to Wash innton this week, and then re turns to North Bend. M. L. IXEYIUQD speiii imiiiiis Widows' Pension Bill Costs Coun ty $2.3J0.56-Le Than Estimate PRIMARY ELECTION OVER SUM Relief aa4 Care f Caaaty Paw Nearly Twcaly-Fivc H Marts' Clerk Luce has prepared a list of the receipts and disbursements of Washington County for the six months ending June 30. an nouncing where the money has been spent and from what source the receipts come. It is an interesting tabulation, and follows: Receipts Total Balance on hand first of year S 54.779.31 Taxes and Penalties... 481.425.27 Fines (Justice Court) 146.25 Fees (Marriage Li- sense) 234.00 Fees (Hunting, Fish ing etc) 1.130.50 Fees (Circuit Court) 1.207.60 ,. (Probate Court) 370.00 ., (County Court) 15.00 .. (Miscellaneous) 109.35 Interest on Deposits- 2.019.27 Miscellaneous Receipts 6.493.10 Fines 1.200.00 Recorder's fees "... 2.389.90 Total Receipts $496,740.24 Total Receipts and bal S551.519.55 The Majestic Range Is the one Range that excels. For the money it is the best Range ever built. Other dealers will not say this but the person who owns one after using others will tell you so. Call and see thein. Fine Line of Shelf Hardware We carry a fine line of Shcet'and Build ing Hardware and no one can undersell us. If we have'nt what you want we can get it for you. "The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street OREGON Disbursements Roads and Highways $65,018.21 Registrations and Elections 3.363 29 Sheriff's office -2,481.30 Clerk's office 2.731.46 Recorder's office 1.553 P8 Treasurer's office 3.348 2S Surveyor's office 72.75 Assesor's office 3,060.17 Court House 3,092.04 Circuit Court". 6.393.00 County Court or Com missioners 2,367.94 Justice Court.... ..... ' 618.37 Coroner 259.57 nsane 118.30 School Superintendent 2.151.40 ealth Officer 247.20 ndigent Soldiers.'. 55.00 Widows' Pension 2.339.56 ielief and care of Poor 2.485.04 ails 64a 75 Juvenile Court 91.30 Bridges :. 15.94 Bounties 47.00 Game Licenses, re mitted to State. . . . 1,130.50 ish and Game Fines remitted to State- 42.50 Miscellaneous 1.499.40 Sealer of Weights and Measures 403.74 State Tax. 1914 56,062.99 399.96 41.045.65 51.862.59 22.649.27 22.15 6,332.57 County Attorney. County School Special School Dist Cities and Towns nstitute toad Districts Total Dis. and Bal. 551,519.55 Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains. trains, stop on Range and Mr Sixth and Fir Tenth street Steam Service Old Depot To Portland p R & N. Tram 1:37 p. m. From Portland P. R. & N. Train 10:24 a. m. .9:42 a. m. .11:59 a. m. 3:15 D. m. . .4:30 p. m. says that Hillsboro has improved ...6:37 p. m. wonderfully since his last trip 7:15 d. m. here. Conditions down that ...9:00 p. m. way are very good he "says, and AZ.ia a. m. the railway construction naa brought a great deal of money into the country. except Eugene flag at North streets and at streets and at UNION STOCK YARDS At Sydney, in Polk County, the Krebs Brothers, formerly in the hoD business, are construct ing an immense dairy barn which will be up-to-date in every re spect It will have cement floors, brass rails, modern ventilation, running water, and will cost ahout $2,000. The employees wil! wear white suits, and at milking time the cows will De washed. milked by machinery and only stripping will be to Mahnn L. ...rla I ho hlii.H a intend of a loss, as it cleaned up debris where the company been logging, wo uniue. destroyed. A line musical t program i at the big lawn social. ,' ,,"' Thursday evening. Juiy " freshments served. w-w Mrs. Norman Hawk, who has been visiting her father, Iwood 'v of Oak Park, and her sis r Airs W. N. Harris, of this S. dpard Saturday for her home in 1 Walla Walla. Wash. Var sale Young shoats. In qoM Joseph H us, Hjll.no. ro. K. 3, Phone 5115. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. it fnnol i liic mini Receipts for the week havebeen d e Dv Fifty grades cattle, 555; calves, lb; nogs, u09tejn8 will be handled at first 1080; sheep. 4019. m .. and 100 head additional will be Light receipts or cauie tor me Durcha8ed in the near future. ..i. . tk irmvi rttimnmi. nrieesi ...:..' f.,iiu 9 higher on all About seventy-five Knights o: Tnn nn steers 7 25 to Pvthias and Pythian Sisters and Sqa. nun nnri heifer of best their families attended the big luiuity moving at b. picnic ui uw- Swine run also light, outlet Springs, last Sunday, returning i.-.,.i .ml demand unrent. 8 75 asniKht was lauing. tAincn ana iou "". "-".v. . r, i.. i : ,. firah ha i a me weeK. ininner were Bcrvcu on u nuuro rina ranidiv climbinff to the vised table, and the day was the it., i. ...! aa tain loads sold Friday social success ot the season. The VK icin, " - - . . J ... H on I trip waa iubud up i .uun, nu " . . j. . Jl.i . I.. Jn.l aF nfs ,,tna n Medium receipts or sneep anu me oniy rausinui i l.o Knlh in noftllttf ana OUan-I naaiV BUmiii annic, ountoiucu u 'Verv little east of the by John Connell. Soda Springs . . l J L. -..Ja nn.nf tk. Ha inhf ..i. n otnit nnprinir. mini ui mu u uc iimuc uns m ...o uv. ... Tl h.,inff from Western ful re3ots on this side of the .L- tih. Prim wethers mountain, and Dr. C. E. Hines, rVn a in. nrimo Awes 3 85 to whoowns the property may have J1 medium ewes a est 10 in v,nm h"'yv Spring lambs 6 60 to 6. or so. otal Disbursements $282,910.77 otal Bal. on hand 268.608.78 BIDS FOR PtUMBINQ Sealed bids will be received at the clerk's office until 6 p. m., Aug. 1, 1914. for plumbing the school house in Beaverton. One, bid must cover all labor and ma terial for carpenter, painter, sep tic tank, plumbing, drainage. etc. Work to be completed by Sept. 10, 1914. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or 10 percent of amount of bid. Plans and specifications may be seen at clerk's office. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C E. Hedge. Beaverton. Ore. Clerk School Dist 48, Wash. Co. Ore. The firmest foundation for yo tr future to rest ou is a good, old fashioned interest-drawing bank account. It never fluctuates except upward in an interest-bearing flight that magically increases the sum total of the figures to your credit. Each dollar deposited represents one more mile-stone away from adversity, that most abhorred and unwelcome of all states. Deposit now. American National Bank SHUTE SAVINGS BAM American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus... $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Danhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Martin. Orenco. July 27, 1914. daughter. ' Herman Behrmann, of south of Cornelius, was in town Mon day, for lumber supplies. W. S. Guy ton has returned from a triD to St Martins Springs, on the Columbia. F. O. Sipprell. of South Tuala tin, was in town the first of the week, on business tor his sawmill. Judge Eakin, of Astoria, came out Monday morning, for an equity session of circuit court Ernest Haas, of Sheridan, was down to the city Monday, on nrobate business. Mr. Haas is interested in the drug business in the city close to the gate of the Grand Konde. See "What You Got For $19.50 A Genuine Victrola Hornless Machine $15.00 Six 10-in. Double Face Records 12 Selections - . - . 4.50 Total - - $1950 This small investment is a mere trifle compared with the wealth of pleasure you get in return. Your picture show tickets and wasted nickles in a month will amount to that much, and what have you left to show for it? Nothing but a memory. Don't deprive yourself and family of the beauti ful music that is in store for you. but drop me a card requesting me to send you one of these outfits with a demonstrator subject to your approval -remember, no obligation is attached to this dem onstration. LAUCCL M. IIOYT Vatchraaher and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist HilUboro. Grcca