p-Tr - S I T n... LLSB6IR VOL. XXI HILLSBORO, OREGON, JULY 23. 1914 NO. 13 0TIZEHS SHOULDViATGH hi UUMTIO MTH IfAlfS A BUM Trt HimIc l Takes U FillaiaUh rotlW Bi Flrt CwMVM'liniliril'hatll. , ,,) ;,,, about ,'iO v. -irnnf a,-, w:n Mr by th.- I. I:. & N. la v L -. r irain. uiMmt 'J.:W I ri.l t . .,..,, at l'.rilk' N. 'J. a uhl- an i i.a i iicirlh AtHt of town, an I imiat.il v killed. ('uniut.haui iv.,i ,liar ItuV. and friMiu,.lltlv .-I,,,.. ... .... to tfc- Tualutin t.icat. lMr.iAiiHt . !! had utartt'd it t. 1,h w,,i ramp north if thentv. an ! h nt IH't'll nilil hiflL' licit h u i . . POWER PUN o. fa tntf bride, measuring over 4.0UO f'-ft. 11 "rru' m"""" from fire laxt Thuraday evening. trtrvn five and i o'clock. Sn on Hd U-en driving icruM th Htructure had either .k,n lighted mulch down the center Ihwr. or tdw faiJ cr.Wy emptied a iifH ilh a 111 hot coal. IT when th Mate discovered y 11 j,rty in an auto it had gained headway that in a few lhi bridge would hut Urn in peril. 1 ho water uuply down that way i limited. mJ with the breeze blowing strongly at the lime, it ia doubt ful if the Ktrurture could havr t-n ved. r our men in a ma chine were enrout to the but t..i i.thinir injoi. When mey 1 1... uniiikn. The machine tm by a distance of fifty yard. hen on of the irty suggmed tliry hud letter go back and xtiniruishcd. j Ihey backed up and found alive- ytart toward a big los. ii rnjuirvd ten minute to dig out l! cl. w hich had gathered in i ihinULrm (hat hail accumulated the aide or the nor, ami rumut work saved it from burn j w through the floor- and once nurli'd the South Tualatin mo- i jjc ou! I have had no bridge Itul the vnoily would have t'ii : at i lt of several thousand dol lar During the dry aciwon all all ium are rttiuetteti by the court to U more than careful about throw itiLf lighted cigar or ci I urette. or a match, on any of the bridife. a the lloor i an I dry ta tinder, and I blaze i aoon eotxrd into Kw. I OK SAI.U UK THAUI! A Sweniuin Stump fuller and all nrtentarv eouinrnenL ill either wll this or trade it for pit; or row. Call or addrc-. Itonedale rtrni. Sunla Kta. Ore., inwlor 6ce, tteavrrton, Ore , 1L 2. OHIKION l.l.liCIKlC TRAINS To I'ortland - 55 minute. :23 a m ";I0 a m am 10:47 am l:U p m i 'M p m fiOG p ni 1 1 in :.... pm From Portland -55 minute. 7:50 9:15 11:29 ,2:18 . 4:37 6:24 7:30 9.22 12:30 J Death to headaches- Dr. iwe correcuy nttea iflaHses. Ml I nPO nl nnr Arch Wilke was in from near L LUuJ Dl rlllL ('roVelan'1' thefirstof the week. IMainii oiaa in Inin tho first of Ii. Uiilr Sayf Hamate Will I the week. Won Cl'iie lu l illrrn Thnutanill f'.... C. .1 I !rook. wan eitv rallt-r Mondav Til! UV Vi k Mi ivvi mvi C nv in mi I morninir hrewater. He unist have s. at.-.i 1 H. II. lJojte, of Farminifton, hinmelf on the lien, mi, htarlr I " Suncd f'arly Friday Moraiaf. wa Up to the city the last of the to artiie. m hen the tram Mnirk vu m ti t wk. him A frai,ur,. ail.i rril,h,, . m. S.oa m i i . fTnkul1 ai lllM l i,..c( , . daughter. Margaret, went to dittth. and he f.-li .rum),;..,! with- j 1 , lt' H plant, contain- StaiJe the last of the wwk in a loot or mi t. f the rail. I "'if ermine and dynamos which . .. enuimvr a, tr.u, , r.nv kn. w fun.i.h. d t-uwer for the Hillsbo. . Max ."n.01 near l.loom nothing of the fatahtv until the r i 11IIlt(J ':, , 1 I'tL.. vSl '" C,t o'xt dav. The !,, ir. ,,1 1 . ' " .r "" Uhe tlim?x Ml" Saturday. train h the morn.nK Miti I th, J"" v P'P Plant, burne,! A Gordon, of near North My and notified the S. P. u, , r.t. !' -,n' 1 r",;'y "'"rnintr. the build- plains, was in town Friday who reported th thath t . SI., i ii U' and itmrlt of the machinery morning. ueevea. jiie man l.a.l hix i.i.,n t , f. u ir a total oi oreaij. a hull nail.m of c'ar. -t ami a new hhirt a xalwu-e. I t ,. , . , . . , ,, , . twttanrl rir..t uu Ki..,i. i... 1 ' r ' " 1 !,H k. '' tlames had to 1 ortland. t..n tm.t n u I.a.. ..i i.'..,.. c,,.' i mad" Kiich headway that thevl Jake Milne, of near North ntntrlntm lav lI....ii,.i II,. I.. wre h'irr.1 inir Ihronirh lh pnr. Plains, was in the city the last had been tarry inn ut the ii.t ; nifat.-.l iron hhell before the de- ot the week where he was killed. A half ; .;rtni.rt reached the place. G. W. Haker, of U-low Beaver pint of whiskey aii f.. iml . . . . ... ..1 ., ton. was in town Saturday, vis hiii l.rHo. Ileu, k...,Ai.'. l" l"' V"' itinu- relatives. He was accom- the huildinirsadiacent were not l'anu'J by his family. i. i . .i . . .i. l- : .4 i v. : i ' : . I . , , in inuiTi uaner, ai wie water jonn oeiieri, oi i iinii9, ""V """' K "7" kept them from catching. Had in the city Saturday morning on hi bdy. corroU,rat...n 1m. , ,)(. Mnu ture bw. of WWK lhl.re He 8ays that harvest is now on nJ liv I hint. r.fMrii'k u iikniAs- ..... ...... . - ' f .--rr..--., .11 ,. ,i.i.t.. n.n Ixit ii ti.ll I ho I HI hid urn If ' IHi' i( .HI'H v ftllUt UV. M v J :u-n.er mill und the other (Jates Wm Foley one of portland'8 imn.imjr would have uone up in 0(ltim). awyeR,, was out to the stTVKV: . . . . . city Monday, a witness before 1 1. wines Kiau'g inai ne nas in i'le.i h the fire oriirinated. i.ui ii miui h'U'a iml,l.,r.l anTia 1 .Tnhn f'.(-vflfpr !sp nnd h'rank ti in-, for when the fire was first Fisher went over to Seattle, the it was readv to burst last of the week, to aitena me COOPER I.10UMI n 0!! PERRY'S BIG TRIP WcntTo Japan In I8SJ and Saw the Orient as It Then Wa ENLISTED IM SOUTH AMERICAN PORT a " " Bat Ta Sarvivari Left al lac Exadil- ioa Fiommm ia lltslarjr a total loss. The alarm W. J. (Irezii' of Leisvville. 'was turned in between two and was in town Saturday, en route or) hlS person. He wa, kl.'iAli; by many of ti Mtitners. und liieniiuraiion MiUiAcii I r- :i a ( I : hi n well. I'roiu r ll.trr. it rame' up from lleavertoti A hi! 1 an invmtiKatiun. The j-jr: ('.I-..! Shorey. J. p.. Pl.ilii-.. frank K.-I- ev, Percy la, K. J. Mc.i ar and Win. Tupper. ipsNext Tuenday. July '2S. ii. i 'UIjOWc. the well known -it:!.! i wcia'lit. will be lit lintel W.l h- inirton. The une of uiass.-.s cor rectly fitted is the only renu ly for errors of KU'l.t. If voiin.-.- i medicine, tlames wont help oii; if you lued iiisMS. medinne wont h"ll) Voil. It would be well to learn what you med. I r. J Iwe can und will tell n'i what you need. His more than '.''j' years experience, coupled with education in the leadline ee clinics and kcIumiIs. makes him a (tnfe rsn for you t n t s .H. Scores of Hd'hUmi refen-nces, Ikm't fork'et the dates. lli.Nho- ro. July !: Forest tirove, J.il.v 27. ti.riu:.'h the walls. Mr. Hates nays that some of j Urn machinery may be salvaged to ti c- value of from one to two j thousand dollais, and if this can i he done the net loss will not be o er fifteen or sixteen thousand I dollars. Potlatch A. Ruef. of Newton, was in Alexander, Weir, of Cooper Moun tain, now in hia 83rd year, last Sunday met with an old ship mate who was with him on the famous Perry expedition to Japan in 1853-4. To the best of their knowledge Mr. Weir and hia compatriot are the sole survivors of the trip that cemented the friendship of Japan and the United States. Mr. Hardy lives near Kin? Heights, Portland, and the two met Sunday by ap pointment Mr. Weir was born in Glascow. Scotland, and followed the sea from boyhood. Finding himself in Pyta. Peru, with "noihinsr in siirht" he shiDDed on a whaler to Valparaiso, and there on April 10 1 V r ' alttimifrti ka uraa nrf vet an American citizen, he ship ped as a seaman on the United States naval storeihip Southamp ton, and went with her to nonjf komr. "Going across the Pacific" said Mr. Weir, "one of the things that I remember best was our picking up four natives who were lost in a little open boat, not more than 14 or 15 feet long. The Majestic Range Is the one Range that excels. For the money it is the best Range ever built. Other dealers will not say this but the person who owns one after using others will tell you so. Call and see them. Fine Line of Shelf Hardware We carry a fine line of Sheet and Build ing Hardware and no one can undersell us. If we have'nt what you want we can get it for you. "The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long H1LLSBORO Second Street OREGON Charles lUv. well known in this section, bus sued Fr-d Wrluht for damages fr an al leged assault, which is hooked as taking place op April 11. li'l I Ik.v anvs he is ;Xi years old, and had always te.'n ctr.'n;' an i i 1.1 ...I il, uL,i. Wri-'l t iieuu'iy. woo muv .,... struck him with a shovel he wasi i.,rt,st (;r0e rendered unconscious and other- ."ortst Grove wise iiertnantnth" injured, his Sheridan nervous system neing snaneieo. Me.Minnvuie He wantsfJII forwaes. fi for ivst Grove medical Services, and eeneral .'on'St Grove damages in the sum of K Pagley t Hare are plaintill'n nt- torneys. i r II ....... .m 1,1.1.1 I.k I' Hill.. , ror nine oi s vl i :mi . I'. AM) i r. & v.. All. excei.t the P. U. & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de-. pot on Main street. To Portland Forest Grove Train 6:47 a. m. MoMhnville Train 7:30 a. m. Sheridan Train 9.5Sp. m. Forest Grove Train 12:.r() p. m. McMmnville 1 rain Z:l.p. m - i nub iitviv wiiuu va. v a vv. town Monday morning. Kuef They almost were starved, but now has a good macadam road were afraid of us and didn't mII the wav to town. want to be nicked un. I had H. T.Baglev has sued J. M. UU3t changed with the lookout in Ford tnr St) on a note cim Klie crowsnest, and, looking at v? .l.i i..i m the horizon for sails, didn't see June (.1 bou maiui iok uui v. , . - . Mi. sk for $40 attorney fees. the little boat until we - were al ... I IIIVOV UlAll lici. ivi n iiv,it a n tw r a. . I il . 1. .. 4. I Kesi siaDWOoa in ine marnev reDr mnnded. get prices for hall or bummer de- .But that went on Mr. livery. See me fiist All kinds Weir. "was a wonderful thing. of wood.-ll. U. bchmeltzer. Tnere wasn't a nail in her. She If .1 Smith and wife went to was built of long strips, woven rrmnJi iVn tho lnt of the toirether with some kind of M Qillk uill run a hi-.r tiher." combined thresher and harvester Mr. Weir was transferred from during the harvest Beason. the Southampton to the Powha a m a in a ni .p m p m p ni p m .p m a m s:i!e or ..I,.,... . MiVti. r.i coast farm: i river boltom; 12 iieivs in gtnss; the balance wikmU pasture. One mihi from Siletz P.av and ece.'in heach; one mile from cheese fiu r.enl mid water to place; also 5 head registered Holslein cattle and other stock; have su wife and must get awav nom the coast. Come and make me offer. Liberal terms. --Jnmos urrin. Tuft. Lincoln to., ure. A.l..!,.n llnnl nf l-.cho. t't Forest dnve drain. .-4:1. p. m. Kugene Train 4:58 p. m. McMinnvilIe Train fi;37 p. m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Fueene Train arrives-. -8:15 a. m. .,i;.,i lll.i ' . M i'2 a. m IV i'liuii" imv " .11:58 a. m " ..3:15 p. m " ..4:30 p. m " ...f:37 p. m " ...7:15 p. m " ...9:00 p. m " .12:15 a. m. trains, except hugene stop on (lag at North and Fir streets and at Fir streets and at K. M Ward has sold an inter pst in his irrocerv. on Second Sipppt tn his hrother. M. L. Ward, who has moved his family to Hillsboro. Mr and Mrs. W. N. Barrett denarted Tuesday for an extend .r . .... i . ed vacation at fcimore raric. nir. tan. steam frigate, which had arrived at Hongkong, from the United States, and went with her to Yokahama Bay. Mr. Hardy was transferred to the Powhatan when Commodore Perrv made her his HaeshiD in Yokahama Bay. March 17. 1854. after which he and Mr. Weir McMinnvilIe A 1 1 train;!, U-intre Tenth street. Steam Service - To Portland & N. Train 1:37 p. m, From Portland K. & N. Train 10:24 a. m. Barrett will make occasional were shipmates. Mr. Hardy was trins over to the law office dur- discharged March 26. 1856. at ing the Summer. Norfolk. Mr. Weir having been , discharged February a. lsob, Samuel Bentley, tne son oi vv. a,an Mnpfiu th Hate ir ii.tntiuv loot Satnrdnv. rani j- . .m ... ..vm.j-j, ot Mr. weirs aiscnanje unui his hand into the potato sheer at A 1913 the two did not li a I'lrarfnic i nliint si mnst Rev. 1 T 1. see or near oi eacn oiner. Ijist Aucust Mr. Hardv saw a ""' Lnla in tlw RoltorlftB Owl SnV. to save it. me j that "Alexander Weir, last WS3 helping an .,. ik. PnmmvWo Porrv expedition to Japan, was in town The .firmest foundation for your future to rest on is a good, old fashioned interest-drawing bank account. It never fluctuates except upward in an interest-bearing flight that magically increases the sum total of the figures to your credit. Each dollar deposited represents one more mue-stone away from adversity, that most abhorred and unwelcome of all states. Deposit now. American National DanK JMM4I., KZHboro. Ore tl.fl tfverfresh nlant. almost sev erinir one of his fingers. Dr. F. A. Uailev sewed the digit togeth er and hopes oAiimt1 man Old Depot operator at the time it. on.l Mr P. N Ha e are f mm ('onner Mountain. The mi, miu ...... , out for the Summer at their note had been printed Dy &ari r. u urm weather home. Alder Fisher at Mr. Weir's request, ror Springs, below Oak Park. Their the purpose of finding out if he son-in-law and daughter, Mr. actually was the last man alive I !-.. f. Pvrln.r arrived u-Vin YA hppn with PerrV in ti;..L-nn1wit(nm nnd I.nel-1 !,. Amf nf tho wppW. to imnl.lnimn. ,IW- nt llivnviiu,'."," I tOC HlOh V. " I ' . , , ,, ... : . .. J I . n m I . i . .1 . I I 1(M lAfiln man! f r. ha hia nln :i i ui son were urmeu m mm-1 mem in ineir uuiiok. h. uom; nvu w avy .... 11. .-V 1A1 i n.l lMU:nMn.AnMIV.ABmr1 M.wHlI ;..... li t-. .t, iv .in v I. i:ri-. an . . a si luuiauc auu liv aiiu uaimj n.iK .......... "- - I rr cola or rpiit- Kaneh ot lb I. ti.j.. .it- t U7: i vvnuh i no it room i n nir. naruv cans mr. iicii. . !.. :.'vn.n, vvooKinw. acres with 6 acres clear; 1UU U,0j .:m(, talkinir over Auim" ',,-i . ii-i wi'i Known in ioi ti " wiii.'R i " , . , i v m - - - - - where he is interested in a water , 'h' tf at Vemonia. He fruit trees in bearing; good onion th 0,d d Since then they i.limt. Miiw down the last ot tne ra Ami n f thu finest far The recent decision of the Su- nrsmu ...n .i... ...Ii. vii hi i loiioriniOK inw o tltVof lliu tl rj IMUt nt Knn.ld 1w ' vi v i ? v'f m' wued by Multnomah County, wars the way for the disposal of "i bonds and the commence tnent of actual construction of I1"1 great Interstate Bridge ,"088 the Columbia. The bonds lill be advertised for sale at XWfP Blul .... .1.1.'... ..I... 1 l"....4:.. , uiiiii uiijr in iiiiuioh market for them is anticipated. M-W. llailey and son, Paul, A. ft Mead.nnd Prof. Miller, of the ''M ScIkmiI Corps, departed r"nuay for a three or four days r ' ,? the Upper Nehaiem I '."...a viiuill.1 Y, lu iiiuuikv "Me oys of fishing and camp- i ney made the trip over e Puiley Uiwt. .1 I) II -VI . . 1 i .- . mciNew, or Detow neeo y'f. was in town Monday. J. ving uown tn th garden llltrv nnil UI.. ..il 1.. knit. ...m mo ncmoo in iib- In a marvelous growth. A. l-Aldy, of Tualatin, was V 10 Ilillulmn, ,....!.... . wit. in the McNulty case, before ,ud Campbell, v , uosepn n. seus, iiiiisoo U, K '1 III. ra.r in I. . none oiio. ii- IT 11 n 1.1 t .. !.,. , ",l enry r. roru, i ofUand, was out to the city oi tne week. Armis aa Oregonian, $2.25. n ant. came iovn mr - ,.. An. week, and will run the threw he r . 'v,rnonja country, and engine for tne nam niai-nno- .... l ne maemne sun ground on quarter acre; good out next week. I. oeum m town Saturday, making prepara tions for the run. Dant has threshed here so long that n lu r vest without a threshing run by the veteran threshonnan would seem out of joint, i i.' Titi.nrv of I'ortland, was out to MiiUlHim Monday, if U a son of Mayor lilbury. of McMinnvilIe. and resided here uihnn ho was n boy. He f-.l!' the town has made inany im- .. la Binee he li'lt lieie, this being his first trip luck to the old borne. Deputy Sheriff Apph'gate was witness before the federal jury. the last of the ween, m fraud case brought agnm . party who was 'l,,,u,'" Southern Oregon when Mr A P plcgato was running an abstract business. A gentleman by the nama of .nA.... i.,u.wi the. I. T. iming IVHIK Uno l-"nv , v , i, , . i.,n uniivs. and has .. . ir o 'l'iit.m nnil K. J. amun Stet inthe crop and lease, Mr. Tilton will move to town. Pasturage: Have pasturage ot tneiinesi iarms in " ' u "j. a oioni nasiure. an siasueu, uu " niov i , , . , . ' ; u:nh hm and chicKen nouse. ana on owns some prope. iy ... : Rninir stream The bride came .ere irom on ftnd Diego, ('ill., ana is a very esu- r "" " .,- s r n Hills. . i . Tk.,.. .til mnvo i wen. a' i w iimvo w v mabie iaiy. ine. ' " ".' rim. Tprms.-J hZn Q. Johnson. Hillsboro. Oregon. UllOraSIIOIl, ruv... . n coast have visited quently. , eaeh other fre- UNION STOCK YARDS Forest (ires in the Oswego Tualatin section threatened much property the last weeK, ana calls were made from towns in the county for aid. The fire sub sided, however, without any i The I.ivermore saw mill was threatened because of a sawdust fire, the first, of the week, but was extinguiseu De fore any damage ensued. ehas. McFadden, the cigar manufacturer, is putting out a :.r,ir in niekle coods. and it is the one Vest thing that has vet appeared on local saies count ers for the money. . They are he hest of tobacco. llliUIC liv-"" v..- ---- . i,nnuiu nnH have tho real Havana tasie anu mircn. ovc i advertisement in another column of this paper. m.., n I. nrnwn and daugh ill I r.. vi. " , Mra Daniels, of above Henarted last Thursday rl- iimin.i Ledire. Michigan. They went over the Hill lines and will return that route, being ticketed by Agent Myers, of the Oregon Electric. Receipts for the week have been cattle, Zlou; calves, iy; nogs, shepn. 4915. Cattle liquidation liberal this Route 2. Z week. Monday breaking all l an oKUW on a nvimi a", iiv . i j i , .u e.-a ;f orpenrds for smore dav s receipts. f TluaV. Tall urn nnnns niw a - - - , , puTy with the result that the extreme steer topfor the week Res'lwas badly mangled on two J: bulk of best steers. 6 75 to a 'I'.i.rv rtr ihii rtoiid uiora u tuna oum v v wi -L.i turn niT nr. V. A. Kai- 4 50; calves, 8. icoMj :.. j Swine recemts larsrer com L7.f::. -v- Cld -SS Paed with . a week a"go; outlet omocj -v - , ----- Lmnj -j HamnnH Ween. work WjnjW.HM a-ffi mra nna nii i u r k un liicivww" v . . . nmverbial day of misfortune. sharper for firm i hnisheti light r . hnM. rviarKei aavancea rauiui.y The LaFollette orchard, near to a ko where it has remained Cornelius, will have anywhere riRnt up to Friday. from two to four thousand boxes sheen house trade was chiefly of fine marketable peaches this done in ewe9 an(i ambs. a few J 11 I n IV11 .ft A ho. . ... i . 1 spason. anu mi. uai uncus venr intra senini? at 4 10 ana i J.. I ... oklnninif The nr. . . . . n; .u . aireuuy uwu oiuhk'"- ... . igomeweiners at oo were w.c ehnrd is heavily laden, and the nn1 nt her rienla retarded. Prime owner thinks his section win u.. pwp, stpndv features at 4 25: prove profitable from a peacn- ambs. 6, and a fair grade gone growing standpoint, ne a.y at5 90. Receipts of fair volume. SHUTE SAVINGS BAI1K American National Bank (affxlutkd banks) Combined Capital and Snrplus 92,000.00 Combined Resources ......690,428.81 Danhin in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't. Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. that hia father's orchard. UD in Marion County, has had but two Alcazar ranges are atricty crop failures in yea"- ine up.t0.date. Colonial style, Cornelius orchard is four n years typifyi 8lmplicity and beauty, old and s just coming on into hheVquality and mechanical bearing nicely, and I some of the peKrfectioD.(rwin. i3tf trees are so heavily laden tnat ik. kniiaha re weiorhted nearlv Xtnm Jnlv 11. 1914. to C. C. i to the ground. Chapman and wife, daughter. THESE LENSES J Do Not ToucK L J our Eyelashes jr I Their deep'curve leaves plenty of room, and allows the edges of the lenses to fit close to yonr eyes. Yon can forget this annoy ance if you wear Toric Lenses. T will be crlad to tell vou more lUlU T about tbem. rroaio You take no chances if your glasses are fitted here. LAUSCL M. HOYT WatchmaKer and Jeweler. GraduaU Optometrist , " HilUboro. Orcsa