ml" O1LLSB0R I XXI MTU umni nninn jll uuni uuiuu US HI GOOD RATE bglMi Stttl Sp-n Now Coro-(ljuJptTrlfM: UH!V I ITT I IDfllH 1 i u Pm nciy- intf and briljr work ha intf fln.-lv I he il ... .- nuny inilmof mam-lam mvW liutmre.i m " frtl(,.J vuth rorK. mum i travel, anil t Firmii'Kl'"' fdoelnpan rB to traw l. 'IVupaii U H rt Knr. with Ht'''l Pr. hbV.I Ith "t deal f travel, and L bri'lk'" a ''' improve- K .. . rfh hut w iMMiin nruiKi i-..r JiilnTiT place, iiiniawn. nm Viunif. mm ",,w " " 1 ' ilrint Mann, in uinirici oi, .o Vshed "J"1 ',, ,,n r,,;,, tith from Honaik.ii phut; and 11) fi-el on ine jvisimiht "- tfml. nuUtanliaL macadam. Vtn stretch iTT rock rtmd Cfl, hf jr farm corner to Ihe Wk Creek hndife, will If nnMi-' of :t werkit. and the Will then K ver l Hit I;ihnitx lane. Kmmixor lliH-Haiki-r Klarti-.l Lk in tin VrUrt ditrict iniiiiv. ainl Ji'lui llrrh Marled Jofk Tuesday on Uu sum. iinn. m ! I! "k wftuni. pUlmt '.'I ul"k'tf Mountain- W iUi U -I work lo-I.V. "Uper W Alfred Pu-rcn. of Helvetia. tliyini? nil until a l-VM ihiuiu itinb ran If repirij. (VJir Mill Iuih i-itiniiit'tfl Hi ):lof r-k rail- trill ovrr a Lit. in.l thf Taylor Sln tt h il! fe(uaiil't'il initilt'of tttn b I M. F. L Hron. f LaurH. will Vtptt tlit Ma!Mm work n ar uarfl, liitiiltf of the coiiiintr I mi ku i' iilp ruADi: Surnsim Slump I'lilU r anil all nmary i iiminniMit. ill i-ithcr rll this or tralo it for ir vr nut Call or mlliv liiHiiluli irm. Santa I!'h:i, ()r, imslnr- Jet. lUav. rlon. Oro., It. 2. i riiiMTii -. i !r I Mill II M i i i i i i ill i i imiii t ' vi r n i i i i m i i i i i IIUILH IllUUUUIIUil ;.',! mmm run. :.rrn, i,f i was in tin nit IYi!.!.. Norm ii an ,hitiH;t. , County mnn, t ut t likri th w i;;.vi,. tt, Vai;. t-r limn ilry ri-i ii r li, ., lorts that I'fn.ttilla ,:n i... whi-at crnii thi i vi ar ( a u . that he m v ry uvxh r-t r i t th irrain h ii , . w ay. lie haJ ai ay h i .... .-. that tin Kasti-rn r-vi.n n.', hail thf i Ji'f im I) , j , r arre whi-at. hut tiii. that V.'a-!.. E .;.! that t'i m;ik yr.i . (h fa.-- trill : H'k mm flu- inutou County can tj proiluctiiiii w ru n it has a riTorJ. For na!i- or tra f.,r -:na ! lai'o Ml ui-r.- i-u.. t farm, V". riviT ooiioMi; iz a. Ti i in the halaiii i- v..ni4 j.a-t-sr. iiiiU from .Si!, t. I'.av ar. l or. an Imukui; niif mile Inmi eh. . . t'rv; rua-l uml wat.-r t-. . uUi f lii a.l ri-t'i: !i ml cattlt- uml i.tln-r rt'H k; ; tw wifo an. I ii.uhI t u;vav th roa' t. Conn- hii I ma'-.. otli-r. laLi-ral ti-rtni. Jam... Karrin. Taft. I.ii.inhi Co., dir. Ori-on Hirrrliaiiti v,,, i n. trrtaincl l.y th.- j..1.!,.th an I manutai t'in rn.f 1'i rliai. I, A i,'. In . ilunmr IIiimts' w . k v. i:.-!, tin' It'iyrr of ai,.! uii!i.' from all m. r thr ra.a:..' NurtliAi .t will Ih i-a!hrr..t m IVrllan I to . th.-ir ant. ia! (urt'ha u-H, llaii'jm-t luiu-h.-o!'. rH--jitii!i'i. a lainilii-r. :r. I ti'ito i. ili ri'lr' iilicut I i.r ri( an on the .n.ra'il. 1 in- uml.-r!;, iti.' ;urHsti nt ll'iu rn' V.. k i : t. hU'l.l th" liu at lli.lllr ! M! ll, not only a it a i,i. l i I'm tl..i,. hut . i- i rv coii.mutiity of t'1' I'liiul'u-N .rthwi ht. To ari'U a- ir. !i thrir plaiw. tla- . lali.l jiliOA In l.' I int I'.i'l ir! ol! o tt an. I a .",'.. fur tin- If t sr rountii's. I'i urt a i tin- Halo fair o.'lin.i!. -sl.i!.! from l.Mi:.?!at. Lane. '(.;k, Wa- h in;'l'Ui, M irii.i), Mi't ii .mah, li' laiiimik, t 'lackama. tuir.itn.'a. W.iH.M. Wali Wlarhr a ! Morru'.v c.i!it;t o haw aii'.-a.,y lift-n nrraiu'i l for. r int. !ii!. ii m I r a !.r T. t ! ; Ihr t:;.i:..i ! m!.,- i ll . hit it h III. (.1 : ".VI I h Count v l'a I2.5W for i:th and State lay IJke Amount I W HUbS (itr TMH TIBIKCILOSIS Suiuic IV idea fur tiitcrmuutiua and Partial Pi)mcal ihi- county court lant wwk or- f.- l warrant drawn for in 'Ir'r.r;ity payment forZr hea'l of rait!.-, corn!, mricj for tuU-rcu-I" an.l the owners n-ceiveil for each animal, the Btatu to pav a like amount upon It. irritation of a certificate from tin1 county court. C II rfa;.l- allowed $ir for imlrmnity, Klaunhter of two '.',, State to pay a like amount; K. hni Urns allowed ?112.5i on 1) cows, a like case; Adolph Schatr m r. on 2 cows; (lertwh llros. ;7i mi f. cows; J Ji (IreenwiKxl, J M S.-haefer. A K W est cot t. each. M2 .VI. on oriecow;VII Jacob srp. on heifer; I) H (Juick, 'J' on li heifein. Wm Schulmerich and A J Iloy u. '.m iI the proposed road NotVh', irt!ti..n J no Morrelli. et als. Sat- :in!:iv. The Iniml of the Farmers' I'i ion Warehouse Ass'n wa filed ai .l upproved and the license is- Hiusr.ORo;oRi;GON, jui.y in, ion Ark'us and Journal 12. L (!rcps, of Dank3. waj in th; city Saturday. J. R Imlay. of Ueedville. wa.s a city caller Friday. L I Doane. of I'eaverton, was in the city the last of the week. Wm. Schendel. of south of Cor nelius, was in town the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. L. I'. Adams visited Sunday at the Sam Moon ranch. Carl Meier ami Jake Schneider, of beyond Leiayville, were in the city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miltenbtr Ker departed for an out inn at llockaway, Monday morning. Frank (Jreener will soon com mence delivery of wood for ti c Winter BUpuly at the court house. liest Blabwood in the market tret prices for Fall or Summer ut -livery. See me first. Ail kind:; of woM. II. I). Schmeltzer. Mrs. L A. liOnn and daughter. Margaret, were Sunday visitors with relatives near Vancouver. Washington. Mrs. Jennie Utzintr'T. of As toria, who had been visitin;; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stephens, returned home Satur day. C. J. Cowaniah, of above Con nell Elation, on the United, was in the city Friday, on business with the county court, on rca J affairs. NO. 17 More Shipped to Condensers and Mure Shipped to Portland THIS TO DC THE BVNSCK DAIRY YEAR Whik Milk Dow in Now tkcrcainr. Receipts Were Muth Larger W. IL Hoyt. who has I een .'Mll.rr not irr in;'ir- ORDION I lit I klv TWAINS 55 minutes. To Portland 29 10 10:17 . U.. & m From Portland :M , :I5 n m a m a m n m I m pm pm pi pm 65 minutes. Slut e l. i!.or C! .it!-, of Sail-in, r.c, . I- t vwi k of the loll .. ,-s reci l.e i ii per '.ili i ni'io i in V.T-!.in:l"ii t'ounty hoy in ti.'l. Manninir. work in.' i:i a . ... . , .. t tnwniin. tmt'er crusueu , a. at- vich, wotkim' on railroal con. Irnrti'ir. t laniiMit. nlHive the . K. A N. summit. Iir hrol en; A. hiikoran. lual.itin, worknur on the section. riieM l.rins. ai. f. T. Fl'-tcher, th pioeeor sch.x'l master and surveyor, wn-i low-n from forest iroe, Sa.ur- lay ntoriiim'. .Notwitie'tauiiin'.' his 71 year o m;e tin1 ,n:us will wavr-r that Mr. I I. I. her can outwalk any man ot I m i Uie county, for he cm ramble alnnit ike n schoolN'y. r " 11:29 2 IS . S:37 . :2I . ,7:30... Ifi.. 12:30. a m in pm . p m p m pm a m I The county court will do more (wailam on the Withycomlio lane ind the residents of that section M that arrangements can be ii(le to have the road built far enoiiKh to cover the place that m almost a closed hlifhway dur inn the Winter, on account of we depth of t he mud. , Silas ChriHtotrrrson. a son-in ' of the HiHsners, of Smith ualatin, now haa the Americnn "cord for altitude aviation. IK' wntly Hew over ML Whitney "lUlifornia. Christolferson will won pass throimh Portland, en w for the Seattle country. M. McLnuchlan. of Albany " wri to Hillsboro Saturday fnruute to Portland. He Mates ;nlon the lines under his charire mere are twenty points, besides luminals, where enirincs are Ken care of over niffht. . Mine lost W. C. "Gilford nni "e returned the last of the "efk from a short visit with Mr, SWMra. John Olden, of near i'pner. mrs. ivrcy ix)nir and sons wealth and Cnrnll Tlmn ""Visitors mak' the trip in their machine, Glen Payne, of the Pharmacy, jmrnea Friday evcninn from wk at Newport. ' I' I) Kowell, K A IMily and Sol visiting here the past w.ek, de . . ..ert ajiiMnnte.l a commission parted Alonday mornirisr tor a for .Iraniae district No . K ' i l petitinn of W II I.uster et a! continue. to Auirust term. short visit w ith his son. Clarence, on Wilson Uiver. The county of Washington vvili have to din up some more, taxes to the state, as the tax commis sion has ordered the railroad lands on the rolls. Uoa l No Co.",, petition of J 0 ill tin et a!n. ordered establish ed as per report of viewers. I load petition No CoC, Wm Schendel et at, referred to dis trict alt -irnev. II Hin di .trict attorney to draw order, .1 II Kindell allowed to repair the Arus olliee a short call ai nroacu in iiauie nn.iL'e ai nis o,v n expense as per petition. (). II. Kraus. who has had v ... . iit. . ..... . . i i pennon v,nas charge ot the tiasion sctiinus :or iger. et als. established and several years, was down to the city Saturday tnorninir. and made This promises to be the banner year for milk production in Washington County, notwith standing the receipts at the two condensers here and at Forest Grove are at the present time decreasing somewhat, owinjr to the dry gpel!. Shortage in de livery is always noted in July and August, but the wagons have hauled more of the product so far than any preceding year. This Kpeaks well for the dairy business of th; county, which has been holding first place in the state, leading all other coun ties. Tlit shipments of cream and milk to Portland have also in creased, show ing that the herds are gradually swelling- in volume, The Uiilsltoro condenser has all spring been crowded to capacity. and the plant is contemplating installing new machinery, and if the increase keeps up by next vear the company wiil have to enlarge its handings and capaci ty, or else refuse milk ollt-rings, The condensers have been of immense value to the county. Not only have farmers been plated in a position to get month ly paychecks, but dairying has rejuvenated the soil so that 40 bushels of Winter w heat per acre i3 no longer an uncommon thing recalling the old times in the fif ties and sixties, before the land had been "grained" to death. The Majestic Range Is the one Range that excels. For the money it is the best Range ever bnilt. Other dealers will not say this bnt the person who owns one after using others will tell you so. Call and see them. Fine Line of Shelf Hardware We carry a fine line of Sheet and Build ing Hardware and no one can undersell us. If we have'nt what you waut we can get it for you. "The Store Thtt Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSBORO Third Street! OREGON ror sale: l;:iy mare, 5 years old. sound and true, broke single lr. C. J. Smith, the democra- or double, and lor saddle; weighs tic ran. i. nte for governor, is not about liMi. I,, liegnnger. ;cw isl. ep these days, and evidently ton btation, on firmer Naehbaur intends keeniniT the trial warm place. if-ii in Kup.'t f lii oamlhlacy. He Cil .Hi.. 11.1 ..OOO.., ...... . .. mo,nin,. .. I, ..,.!. ,L ir In J Oil Til ami - " " . . lit III' " I'I " llf" wax at the home of Chas. Norns, V. F. Simms. of near K,e,l- ot ( iirnelnis. for tireaklast. isy eieht o'cliK-k he was back in Hillsboro with Mr. Norris. nnd in coiiM'anv with ('ommissioner A. Ilanlev. made a tour of the North of the county. He tells the Argus that ho intends mak pasturage or horses, The Crand Marra n the must wholesome two tor si uariei smoke on market -made in Ore gon, by II. Schiller. Wl-n you indulge in a gxM smoue ou a Irand Marca. Constable Mcljuilh-m returned rom California this week, with !ov Mullin. charged with issuing four checks for each, and tor which lu' had no funds in the ank. August Tews and family. Or. lobb, Mrs. Johnson and Miss Johnson werenmong tnose.uuo- over toNet.-irts tiieiirsi oi the week, for an extenucu hiav. Pasturage: Have . -. i. ,.,i,i or e ii i iur i" . , m.. i Innuire l the k n, i . , e.. . i Hancock store, i ornemiN Ceo. Morrow and wife, of I lo. Idaho, passed tnrougn . Saturday, enroute home nom California. For Sale: Osborne binder, (5-ft. cut in irood repair, l omo ami see it. taKes .;,- ;"' Prahl, 2 mill's Nortncasi o. boro. A Haker County lumber com- ... iij navro pany win incu-.e .... -.. ioriinil ner month from August ' . :i . .... ... I 1 1... ..I hot s: v m im no 1, ami uu- " ; - . that section will lollow suit. Ambrose Schmidlin. of near ..... ..... .....j .town to the county ItUMOO, . ;.. . .... o......i.n on business Willi seal oono u. ij the county court. lien Thi.rnl.or. Carl Pfahl John KoehnKO, wen ... -hImivo niooming, the last ot tin week. For sale: Young Rlioata. In nuiruf.losepl. H. Sous. I I.I to ro. 11. o Phono r.ll ). Herman Itannow, near Farm initon, transacteil business in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moline of near Ueedville, were in the city Saturday making the trip overland, via the Grand Uonde, with a horse and exoress wagon. He will do some hauling during the resort season K. J. McAlear received a news- nauer Monday, irom old Mis souri, savinir there are four coum mg an aiuo lour in evei y (mi . w lies in mux siaie nuu nave uu the state, beginning in early automobile inside their boun Amrust. daries. Where is there one in John Vanderwal thinks he has Oregon? the record for fast work in pay- Hon. B. F. Purdy, of Forest ment of insurance loss. The Grove, has traded his business Haves I'.i.ilding loss of $500. h0t and residence in Forest Grove . . . - , 1. .. nAi...l I . , , 1 ,.f C?..l.ll . caused ny lire near me tuw. io ri. j. uroai, oi ocoons, mi building, was adjusted Ihurs- Groats 102 acre ranch, the iv. went t Portland that eve- farm was valued at over $17,000, ...... . L . n I . I . .. . . ' . .. .. . rung, ami tnecnecK came um ana me roresi urove prupenji Saturday. This is record work at $13,000, i:. 111 ailjusuiiciii. ... tr.l.l.a a.irrntnrv to or sale or rent: hanch of u the Rovernor, went to theTumalo acres witn o acres tiear, fw irrigation project to inspect ii fruit trees in bearing: gOOd Onion rnr .i10 ctnte this week. She ground on quarter acre; Rood wjH make a report for the State pasture; till siasneu; nouse mm noard. Gov. West is in the barn and chicken house, ana on- Kast and w:rod m,S3 n0bbs to ion nouse. iwiominK . on"" make tne inspection ...... .....a, ., .,..n i:.-uwi ana , sV: miles s. K. of Hills- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Campbell, i ..' i,nr,.nn,l Terms -J. of the Wallace settlement, be- l) Johnson, llillsooro, wregon, yuuu nun.. ... v.. an auto trio down the wiimmetie s. Ainu p. 1:. Va ev. Thev returned as iar .mi ..veeot the P. li. & N.. trains South as Marion County, bun ' . 1 ..(.m. of lia 1I0. l a., ., tnf a ti.aulr'a vijlr uith reta il. 0 electric, linn bi") loajr, m. v.v. u ...... . pot on Main street. tiyes or Mrs. uampoeu. lo Portland Leslie M. Scott, former. U. S, iVorest Grove Train 6:47 a. m. Marshal for Oregon, has sued to McMinnville Train I'M a. m. foreclose on G lots in the Benj limit.1 Sheridan Train .9.58 p. m. gtewart Donation, on a mortgage Forest Grove Train lw p. m. for $o,0(K), dated May 26, TJlo. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. interest is in default for the en Forest Grove Train . .-4:15 p. m. t,re puriod and Scott asks for in Fngene Train 4:58 p. m. tere8t at 8 per cent, since the McMinnville train o:oi p. "'- Mate of the note. Au-ost Grove tram y.ou p. m. Wnnderlieh. of Banks. I-roin l'ortiana tt,.9 riown t0 ti,e Countv seat -uTene Train arrives.. .8:15 a. m . J.'ii. U. Ill " .11:59 a. m " ..3:15 p. m " ..4:30 p. m " ...6:37 p. m ' ...7:15 p. m " ...9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. except Kusene (lag at Nortn McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains, irnins. stop on liantre am Sixth nni Mnndav. on business. While here he talked up the matter of the proposed series of five parries of baseball between Jtiillsboro and Banks. John says the teams are nicely balanced and the quintet of games should draw crowds that will be record break ers. E. B. Tongue returned from I Fir streets and at St, Helens the last of the week. Fir streets and at alter Reumg mis. iiuk man a .oov veru.ti iu. ins death of her husband, who was Ion th street. . r J .A . Steam Service ...... -.-uiu uv, trajn rated To Portland hv tna st ueen9 Milling Corn- it if Sr. N. Train 1:37 p. m. nftnv. The jury was out but a tvoifvinc simplicity and beauty, From Portland I few minutes when a verdict was highest quality and mechanical Pli.&N. Train 1054 a. m. reached. ' perfection. -U.txirwin. wtt ville, was (irdered committed to the asylum Mnndav. upon exam ination by Dr. W. D. Wo.1. Siirms is a native of Iowa, and has been in Oregon 15 years. lie fell from a rock wagon, one day- last week after suffering a stroke of epilepsy. The morning he was examined he threatened to kill his wife, and gave other symp toms of dementia, bimms is only 39 vears of age and has never used liquor in any form, but until a year ago was a user of tobacco. He and his wife have no child ren. Mrs. Simms testitied that she feared him, as hrs temior. since his stroke of last week, has been ungovernable. The guard arrived late Monday afternoon ard conveyed the patient to Sa- em. Simms still thinks he was run over by the wagon from which he fell while hauling rock near Newton and this cannot be put out of his mind. He is par tially paralyzed, and strangles easily. I J. J. Johnson, living on the Tualatin river, between Sher wood and Ticard. was arrested Saturday by SherilT Beeves, who searched his house for a lot of things taken from the house of a Mr. Kane, who lives just across the river from Johnson. Kaae, who has a tea and coffee route in Portland, came home and found his couch, his saw, his window's and doors and other ar ticles gone, and procured a search warrant. Johnson admits the theft, and went before Smith, Monday morning-. He was bound over in the sum of $000 to answer to the July term of circuit court There will be a missionary meeting of the Evangelical Lu theran Church of Cornelius, Ore gon, on Sunday. July 19, in the Cornelius City Park. All friends of Missions are cordially invited. Sermons will be delivered at 11 a m., by Kev. Geo. Koehler, of Salem, in German; at 2 p. m by Kev. C. Salzmann, of Port land, in , English. . Collections and offerings taken for the Mis- sum worti oi ine onurcn in America.-Rev. E. Berthold, Pastor of the Emmanuels Church. Chas. McFadden. the cipar manufacturer, is putting- out a new cigar, in nickle goods, and it is the one best thing that has yet appeared on local sales count ers for the money. They are made from the best of tobacco, are shanely. and have the real Havana taste and smell. See his display advertisement elsewhere in this issue. Alcazar ranges are strictly new, up-to-naie, looioniai siyie, I MEET I . 1 MEET MR.BANKACmUNTl A DPAI I ACQUAINTANCE with the methods, policies and strength of this banh will convince you that an account here does not alone guar antee a safe and convenient depository but also every service modern conser- vative banking affords. American National Banh Main mmd Third Sto., HUHmoro, Ore. SHDTE SAVINGS BANK American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00 " Combined Resources ... 690,428.81 Banhintf in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. SPECIAL I have just bought a fine lot of diamonds of a jeweler who was compelled to raise money for his creditors, at a ; considerable discount from the market price. His loss will be.your gain if you buy now, for I shall close them out for the same reduction that I bought them for. Remember that diamonds are steadily advancing in value and are as good an invest ment as real estate. Come in and see them. LAUREL M, HOYT Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist Hillsboro. Oregon I J