v, , I gt lira 2 f ITS nrin mm m ...I AhiY W l . ..r" I It real .l.l. ter of hi com i ....... ni ...-.l:,v. June l l" ' . ii,-oi "" .,f the live ..f the colony . . .1 . .ll. V! sr. f " ... i I,.. Las nia'i la IhHIk ni. ron.uiir I.. .i-ii at I) inJ. Jim" -. ti . r mi" r county. " , "... ull... .l...l.n K1H J " ' ti...ii.if il.ihlr.-n Mir '"T". "r V.-iU-.rt; l '"V,- t..,,i I .... nf.4l .11 . yfMi"",M r- Farmers 4vi-rywhre re tu. into the hay with vi'tivt'aiu'f, an.! much tutnthv Uin bin to the rnrth. Ihi-harv.-l nfWin-' tT urain will I- fin in f.n! gome Imvi ulrra.lv roiiuutiic.-.l i cutting -In a 'lav r . pros-1 I cH wn good fur a tun- cr..p. aHlioiitr h it H V nn. mi a. .'putt, , IhU year. This imam that! uruiti i exceptionally iixi ,n! oiIC tiiat'e. un.l tint ml ri other. The Lad I r. !: d Farm has aUiiit the fun k t crop f an v. alttvi'lgri tin re are nntn ti. 1 , equally as good iii-it ami tin-re. tt'tiril l-iitnn, nmruu'i-r of tf.t- Kami, xav hi crop N tn-t t. r. h.- think, tlmn it wai hut yi-ar. ami ni'irh f ll." lav uml urain jit Matuluitf fi-iuH- hii-h. I'nr ia!t' Si'an mule. H nml D yi-ar M. iluti 'J.'j'i'i. n lin- lofim, hii l K'i a tirk aiiitna'i; nr. a Man I imrM s, imwr in iii-k fmin h-vt rai. Will hi II t-illit-r tlif uiuli nr tin- l.'ri m. Iiuvtr t- t'linn-i-. AU a pair of riiim-i Sliii'inliiri- liiifki f.ir Malt". r will lru'l lur U biirk of KHitH I ri-i-dii wi h JAMES INNES TAKES PURSE AND SLOPES iimllv Comtrt Ihruuieh. Iy Armis and Oregon ian 12. Z Vttr Kint -Seven room iuus.'. Ihiril ami Lincoln. Ki-rr P.rus. Ilorn. toTht-oilore Zimmermiin ml wife. HillsU.ru. July 7. l'Jll. a sun. J. J. Whitten. of West Union. Cot.ii. IMurm Money and I'urwt was a HillHlwro caller yesUr lay morn in if. IS Alllllb Til lid US HIS WAV I Hf. UM !.nn WVrt ,f Portland, were in the city over Vi'kmim. Udtr liuiK l libwer. Hm -ne Holiday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bencheiidt. of Cornelius, were llilisboro CLERK AND SHERIFF H P.IRPIIIT s TtrniWill Open at MilUboro Mon day Morning. July 2D Hi4 I iprricKc Ja'iii-i It. Innea. rarrvinu a mil of lilankt-t; through the country. lainli'd in the county jail. Friday I riivrht. the aftermath of picking a msh purae, dronjied bv Mihh (lilkey, HtenoKrapher in I'mihty t'lerk Luce'i olHce. Mistf '.7 iVv '; not to iiiti rl-ri cil. I..I. S lml iniericli, Corm-ltti. K L MS Hurl Slm-kdali', tin' t-U-vni year ill. I huh of Mr. uml Mrt. .Sim-k-dale m in! live at tin- l-alej Imji yard, fell (nun I . i -t liur-.- tin- tther diiv. I. en ia n tie (,Hrin,1i liui'itiiir!. ami hi I- tan. i . I He v ere eoiiru i'n of t !. Iiram lYri-y IMij; fnn ee,l tin la l tu lr. i). II. Suii'li. who wutk.il ovt-r liim (nr ii'-nie iiine, ;maii 'linvfiiiii l.iin t' .iiiini'int III' UiV Villi ruliiu a. mil', in coini'iiny wilh anoll.er I 1, aIh-h he lirt Lin lia'ai'i-e aii-l l,-il. Il' callers yesterday morning, Thos. Connell and family are L'omi to lx-kawav me iasi oi the week II. (). Case of aUve Mountain- dale, wan in the city the first of the week Clotiiniz out sale of nainta and iilki-y dropped the puree at the wall-papers, art ttoods. etc -ev- riirm r. m ar the water fountain, erythinir koi J Murrow and Mm s picked it up in the Mn Ilav Kmmott departei presence of w itnesses. He made for the Tillamook beach the last then-mark. "Here is where I of the week. make 10 cents." and followed Wanted - Girl to do Rencral m;,.. t-. t... i,. ti, 1 1 in I housework. Write Iox mi r. ' Mini i 'W liro Mercantile store. He went AIL PARTS OF COt.NTV KLPKISLNTID Soii8 sot Lt Lou)' it Not Lenjtiliy Hostctler & Anderson, of Tort land, report the following recent sales of Washington County farm land -the W. L. Smith place of GO acres in South Tualatin, to V. A. Kubat. recently of Wwunsin; the J. C. Pills place of 2 acrt-s. at North I'laina. to W. W. Win kle, of Walla Walla; and the Hro-A-n olaee of 2i) acrt-n. near Illoorninjr, t F. J. Downey, re cently of California. The new owners have all taken possession. n DoUet Messrs. Hosteller & Anderson are both well known in Hillsboro land Washington County. For sale or rent: Ranch of M acres with . acres clear; fruit trees in b:arinjj; iroxl onion F.A. BAILEY. M. D PfcyiirUa and Sarsa urr t"jt.0r in Schu'n;tlich BtCk li.iii-- ..mt rtr HHB &! ruHintJ Ktrwt. PifHrt-. i miKfitj rmtil'ntt.rMy 's,s Clerk Luce and SheriiT Ui-eves yesterday drew the July circuit court jury list, to report here (n ground on quarter acre; ood July 5P). The county is well r p resented in the venire, the major ity Lein farmers. Two bankers were drawn. J. V. IJailey.of the ounty seat, and E. W. Haines, of the Grove. The list: J.ihu H.ik ri. f:iniitf 1! av r on 1' 1 V,'',trt '. Hill ill " ( har i; Ik. R. M. KRWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Suieou S. P I. K. Pi , r . t. f. Rt. UT.r - in the TamieM Blct-k, TUu.l ami Mam SlrteU, IllllilMMO, Urrjutt. VWWWMWllNi ELMEKIL SMITH M. D. R 0 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OSTEOPATH ..Coisimm R I f il l rt ... No. 7. 15tf III.; !. I. Ynii.'tr i is mi aa coni'uf l erlorl. Inwer w.n n i! am mur ,.,,1 rt.i.- tc u Mn Vjh lit-h veflllif. who Mlimitifc' chiUlren. mr- Iri wirv i.iimiv.. nt f,., North I'biini; U r . . , ii....... k.,,ifr, j iM'i . Ji'oami.t. I'aiilim' Krii-?er. VirJ look phi'-e Thurs- a the Vi-i Uiort ( atliulu Fattier LeMilU-r con- ! i rvii fi. Intermelil t Vi-rlmii t cemetery, ftfi-r ai a line i-huntc- had many friemli. not Vi-rUiorl colmiy, but rt of the county where Nan. For nearly forty h&i lieen u fmiiiliar hit ruiiiiiiuiiily, and it liKtfi-ritli.nl to say that l more friends. 2EA OMMU IT IretW Weddillv? whs ceb inly a. lull. wli. i) Harry iinl Miss Merit Evelyn iWfri' united in marriage iixni of the olliciatintf . H"V. I!, C. C.Kik. or slwru Hupiist church. Wny was perfornied nt p)n, and mter u trip to f'und. I'ortlaiul and up itihia Kiver they will the state of Washing- re the eriniin will enter fwewore a traveling suit Milk crepe poplin, and 1 bouquet of whiteenrm- pm Millie Orndutr. t the bride, was brides 1. 1 . . - . . Fu rarriei tunk carna kea was iri'(Mnis idinpT was a nuiet af fit to the recent bereave fNWKh tl(, tj,,al, f (, f't Hip groom. The bri pKhterof Mr. mid Mrs "miliiiT of near Latin ! aui'inluig the vvetlilini! P! nml Mrs. Samuel I Mis'pi M.-h ia Hose nml WOiiMiiiV, Emma ilea; prt ru;-vf, and Messrs. H Lt'on Ki n and Master ifiik'er. contriii-iiiur i.,.i.ii,u iii-i . . ...... i.ii I. i P favorably known here, lfir mm, , I-..: i . .. i ,u (inn, iiienoM w inn ry lUppiness. NOTICIJ The Arcadian lire lk ilde r.me an- male t last n bli lorn'. I'. C"f.M". IV (bale: I'tmrt cntiriii I na'e of It II I Priii' -re i t'H'k ami fhtU'es in the II. liter i t Hie in terel' of the i tate of the late Dr. li.klat.-r. Hi ?... i U I e titiori fib-d a ki-..' that II. Ii HotTnl in I"' Hl'I-oii.ti 'l I'uar.ltan rsta'e uf Alma II n. m-are. Fannii l .Smith apHuntiil guar-,li-m t.f Emma I'. Ue.i. minor. Huel II tears. Ivtate J. t. ni.u k tluied of rn-o-.l. repoil mI..uiiii red ioU at $isl,(i. and exiM-fidllurel ill ?-"K. eMate i ing inn the sum of V.'- The largest hbipim nt of ranges from the East eM-r receiveil o anv nne dealer. P. Cur in. r A I'ven-i t reci'iM'd a letter ihe other ilav uliering I'l'U J--. H l-li iir fur t lollleltlC mink. II hal Several of these liitie no r..rj I, ni Mrik-i lie can hi even H-tltr than the oiler, as Un-' .1 ., ; I 1 .1.. mi.ru Hi-it Worlll Culisi.iei line "" II. .i- nr.. intlu-r Ko-iseV elt I an In 111 familv raining, and easy to keep, and lis their fur sells vvi ..ink ranch is in-t an economic loss. Viul.1. them ymrnl.l 'am'h ler of Hoy lb inet k liml v.ite (I.ii citv. fell from tl buggy - . .. .1... M.-KSineer anil. lie.. Lann-I. Sun.lav. and fraetuiv.l anurni P"'. Erw in attended the child, 'ller father is Mill carry ing bis arm in n Kling as the re suit of a fracture of the anil, and Mrs. Ib ineck is running a regular boipital these days. t he Forest Grove Fin-men are ...l.lin.f their carnival This ween. . . I . ., i.n in. ' I he an, I vimhi cruw hi an- i'.i'-.- ---f m-ension. There is sonn-thim' loing all the tune, am uamim. i . i.'.: i..,. ..I., l.t I lu'i'i' every nigni. 'no. wilt lie a lialiy cnrri-.i)-'- ... feature iiet-r Petoie mini""' ,i ,.n l nl nt- tere. inerenn-'oi o...-.--- -- tractions, aim ine cjuihwu great success. U.i IVnlnn-r. of CahlllSV lilt', III here the iiast week, in.. - .. !HTonipaiueii ny ins m - - ElialM'th. Iheyaivgui-MM . .. . home ofG. II, l rangor. mi uncle. Ibis is im-ir u "i- to the coast ami w wlio is a painter. msi remftin here aio later. Now lislen! Just lis you sit down to dinner tonight, or- any I ,'r ni.bt. Phone csiy i.t hiive sent HP a Neapoht in u- i :.. I . . , L- .... mu tiniiltilll 111 lull" in ni, t , mi throned however, and did nol oim ndi-r the purse, which con lamed a ten dollar bank note am a live dollar cold piece. Sheriff U. ev es vi as untitled and made a ean-h for the parly. Failing to I'.n. I him he took a machine to lleavertmi. taking with him a hrnlher of Surveyor McGee, who i iA the fellow pick up the purse. Innes was taken from the train ... . it :ii il hriiiiL-ht hack to Jail, lie had a bank note for ten and lime fold pieces lives and claimed that he had given the nurtie in a Aoman in me more eik Luce, who had panl Miss olkev the hfteen. could not i i . . t i t ai'icv. w no snoniy neiore nun :u,l it to Mr. Luce. FaM he knew it was the identical bill, as noticed it was on the hirst National of Portland. His rea s.m f..r scrutinizing the bill was f.ir the purpose of seeing whether HillHhoro, H. Harrington is able to be on the street after an external illness. Wanted -Two good Imys to earn a lucrative trade. Impure of John lioekcr, Third street. It. F. l'urdy. of Forest Grove. was down to the county seal Tuesday morning. Wanted -A second-hand roll- top desk, if a bargain. - l.ox Hillsboro. Mm W. I). Wood and son. James, departed today for Uck- away. for an extended vacation. Master Jack Glascoe departed 11 .!:. ro H 4 or i K .. .B-eik K J ....... (iaiU n k-n!o Fjii- t C, vr Wui I.i. lily, I'.fO W t! k Ci. rite. in Vm.ili l-.ty Wui a Juhnsou, f irrfitt W l! 1'tr'mi u -' II i Cell, B.fuhml . I li I.i omis. ic irr.l J II V.-rjtrr, Niintr !!il'.r-iil I 1. li tr r; i -vi r " III!)-.'. r'i I. 4 J C l.n-ti.. f.iel il.!-r g..ti-sl fir v. l-ii-l Wii,u, l.nmit W.k W J Tiitii'.-.w M-wt.a ti'U.e Cl.tnlL.tl IVIrt-mn" I-Uit Orr.v- Ijn.l I Kiitilll.rt-i.lf.lslf Wi.'i-Vi' Am C m ;vi, l.rrnct Sii.rwIK i I ilui Cii-t-:m hi " . Shcr la. ii!- A l!.t!il " ll.il-i.i'u K 4 N li .r.-H " C.-'.t.u li i i: iV Mi N. !i!.i r. l.wrvni its. F-.f ji vi t l,i-it l:.!',i k. f irmer.... .lU.-.k .1 I V t:K;n k I ihn C-iri.e'iut " I'll n'e , 11 .U ui til " Jn!;n Omv " K V It im . ' k-r Inliii li M New, firmer.. I v I'.ii rv, I .-inker . ,Cone in i- i ... V, it . Cr ti i r -t.c- . I-'.nts' O tif .li;-;mr'..l: K A Hills' Or l.-nlify the money, but Mayor Ljay to join bis father at Almi- ra. Wash. T W Sain, of Scoggin Valley. passed through the city luesuay. u,..ia ir t'l.rtland. on a bust- fill VVJ V V " ness trip. LOOKS I.IKH GOLD FIND Considerable excitement is mani fested in a possible Eldorado on the George liobinson farm, near Farmir.gton, Two or three men have been prospecting and tney l-Mmer I .inn. Wells Fargo agent r . ilia. . .i , ..il, ... 'i ...In., ai'iinin.i fur Hi. - i . . .. I... If i,,,! ii ui :w nil one III intr unai i iieuai i . l" -------- - . nave i n l i-nn ui vriiiui. i- f.. n chnrt . '. .,, r I,.. .u intno san rrai.vi.si-u, it is tro d the tind w in go irom Innes yesterday came through rest from tns uuue. and ndmitted the taking ot the M Alexander, of I'ort- ig and money, and went wltn anj was a guest this week at Attorney aliandighnm down 10 ,he home8 0f (j, j. ralmaieer ist end of the city luniis. in mei n(J jjf Qritett cnyon nearine i. uu-r . ... . & - . i . 1 I hn W I . I. I J . Will li" where be resurrected me purse. - - -T c..:Pi,r mi,.. the money. He admitte-d the homeof Mr . K T. . Spi jker. I... hn I the money, and returned luesuay. cu., - - ... iTi.- A.iiai rim ihiii .1 ..un. euin of the realm, ine ii-i. F...- ill i - M to ?2 uer pan. Air. Uobtnson will have the result taken to Portland in a day or so and assay ed. If there i3 gold there it will develop into something big, for it will mean that the entire Tual atin Valley will be in the pros pect list. tor many years prospector gold and In- a i at ar 1 . .. : 1 t l. l.;kL I tl was lineii. pain me y u ..I. i mi his wav rejoicing. ....in ill be miuiitv careful how picks up a purse and makes another ten reins. u four HI ilnmhliiinof thf HilUWo Von ..r, ul h.i.k.m II.IUlK.r", ml' Milv ,( t.,.Koii. nl Ilie ih "f Imir I'I4 have claimed there was gold up Laurel M. Hoyt returned Tues- in the Washington County slope day from an extended inp i" 0f the lualatin water sneo, anu r uirene. Mrs. lioyv anu umuio. several prospeciurs m :aic jcm.- '' " . . . ... .. i ...u I, i. i l,,,.of.. tVr. maining in i-ne ooum. Thos. Tucker, oi wowibuiea. Portland, was out .the I ourth, the guest of his daughter. Mrs. U. u. Gardner. have been trvmg to locate the original lead, which was un covered many years r.co by a "41)-er." Stranger things have haupen than a big gold tind, and the Argus bones there is Mrs. J. W. Connell is enjoying something to the present pros an outing at the nome oi i.e. pect. mother. Mrs. Essner, above HKSOI'KCK tu nml iIimshiiU.. ik. i.IiIis. . ttitftl ml ui.w iienl ;,,n.K mi.l .ntlil " I'.'.iiilii.r mi'l litnr .r Ir.ilil unive.l irKIf l.anki Clin k nml nil"'' llriim C.tstt m I""1"' Mountaindale. Chas. Lang, one tt the meat RLTORT i m tMi I ... ft Iam nf Iho Mercantile, went nf tlieci.ml tioui f the Pack of Buhv. i m.SU os L lit Molina SnriniTS for & few imi.at llrmvrH.ii, in the Sti.te if O caoii, I 111 ..1 U. IflHI I . . t I pasture; ail slashed; nous ana barn and chicken house, and on iin house. Running stream through place. Good sprir.g. and well. Five miles S. E. of Hills- loro, on river road. Terms. - J. (I Johnson. Hillsboro. Oregon, Route 2. The Jolly Neighbor met last Thursday evening and tendered a surprise to Richard Morton, of Fifth and Main, the occasion be ing the 41?t birthday of Mr. Morton. The evening was en- ioved with music, games, etc., ar.datalate hour light refresh ments were served. Those pres ent were the host and wife and ;.!?rs. and Mesdames Arthur oiftce hour-. i tu n . IJnard. U. G. Gardner, Carl I.un- calls mered .'.av or . . . .... ... .i sin: Mrs. uouscn; Lico iigan, .our. ouce n a. Mioses Denese and Aileen .lor h n: Mastera Don and Richard Morton. For Sale Two fresh cows, each four years old; easy milk ers; heifer calves at side; also have some beef stock. H. M. Uasford, Hillsboro Ii. 2. 15-7 John M. Wall and family re turned Monday evening from their trip to Tillamook via Sher idan and the Grand Iionde.. Mr. Wall say.s the trip a fine one, with good motoring all the way with the exception of about eight mik-3 through the reservation, where the going is sufficiently rom:h to take an hour and a half for the distance. There is no mud, he Fays, but there 13 ev idence that there was a sea of mortar in the spring. Wo are agent for the following stoves -Steiger & Kerr stoves and ranges; Arcadian ranges; Alcazar and Knghton, quality and Diamond range3. U. Cor win. 13-tf Dewey Johnson, the fifteen veer old son of Chris Johnson, of Mason Hill, bevond North Hams, was severely injured one day last week, while handling a pulley on a hayfork. His hand was caught in the wheel, one finger dislocated, one fractured, and the entire nails torn from three. Dr. F. A. liailey attended the i's iniuries. and states that boy will have enforced vacation for several weeks. Alcazar ranges are strictly new. up-to-date. Colonial style, typifying simplicity and beauty Oifice It.xir 9 to is a. tu. ; l to J p. ti Trwulaj, Thursday, SttturrliT 9 to 11 Cilia innwered dnjr of night. Both pltooe. Olfke orer UtSlnlxiro NUon.o WWWWVWyWWrVoW J. 0. KOBE, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . Ot-'MCKi-U;, airsin ScUu merii.h II ilii-Piio!tKS-o.a.-. City yU; Re'. Ci'.y S6 UI LsiU)S.O, OitM.O.N DH. Ii. L. SIvARS Physician and Surgeon a .0 5 . . r.'s'--.. I-'-.;rn N..Wi Btiik, ap-U.r. IULL.SUOUO, UKl-r.Os BAG LEY & K.wtui 1 aa 1 1 8bat- Hait.fms ItlLLSUotiO. . . 4;ir.ljO.N E. B. TONGUE ' ATTORN SY-AT-LAW Oliice npr.airi in StUuliuert.-h B'.ock WALL JOUN &1. aTTORMKY-AT LAV. UlKtnirs, A. C. SUute Bid. Mai t & an t rflLUiiUKiJ. - Oi.k'j-i. VWSvVWV WWW 'wrVrS W. N. BARRETT ArroRNKY-Ar-i.iW Or net : Min Btreet, opp. Court Houia. UlLLiBORO oativlv).- THUS. H.TONGUE, JR. ATT0RN8Y-AT LAW. Oulce, uiwtain m bchulraenca Bloct Hillsboro, - - Oregou WVSVW'frW.rrr Telephotie office Main 103. Residence Main loi DR. L. W. HYDE 3.JM ' -.. MOi lnvini? the first of the i js.Hit 6; week. C. logger, was J'i 7' 17. "4 J4 I',.! 1. I.HIIII.ITIKS Cnpi'st lmk liil III. S.ui ln hunt r.i.lni.WI polits. I . rti-r ill.il inf l'""1 Pranger. deeide to contracting brick, ICO be at the tahh you are Sweets, Contractors Cook are getting am.. f to erroneoiw report Fifculated, no person is P Arhsnn Lodge for p, and all Ruch rumors joiinjoj Hud unwarranted, ! master Artisan Lodge, regon, July 8, 11)14. Goetter. or Laurel, was lly yt'sterday. w Koehnke. nf Oak transacting luisiness we first of the week. W and polisli agates. "Oil crnui-nni.i.,,1 I,'..... . r. . u.i t'Kll.- J Seventh and FifBtreeta, .. . -.1 ...... .11 II IVI 1111 . ( I,, lime for dessert 11 ui.f.. to call the Pen ol City :.iNr. Kn gel dinger i' nlonir nicely with llMt'ui-n)iiel.il'1',ry.lmiM; U,g and if nil mi.tenal arrives o time it will be completed on schedule. The structure will U' ! Ik i ui addition t.llll7 buiidingH. and will be very s.ght- ly. C, II. llmoka loavon fr New-noi-i. this week ta join his wile. ..u Iwu.n ntteiiding Ihi' !'" her fiUher. Mr rnjjj m. i..,.k has ni-oiiei ty at Mew- M)Vt.nnd they will make an ex tended stay at. the beach. Mr. ami Mrs. J. N. Irabel ind daughter, Miss Jyr '. ,J siiending wH'k w,tn New tin and family." Van couver, WHSIl Christetisen, the Timber . i.btti nn m town wHiaj, f7.74 4 companied by Mr. Elliott, who formerly loggeu up m So,ore; 00 .. joikhi 00 UOn' . . '.pmnn Lutheran nervn., 4ii sh Bi.nrlaw afternoon, at 2:'.U). at the -- ...d HI IMMl IHI I I .L..unlt l nil 1 1 II itiwiiniiirsmi' nr.-.,,.. . Qmgregaiionai cmuvn. i,i,u.iuai .1. 1--"..... j 145,9,RS Sunday school at js.uu.-f. 'iw' '' Luecke, Pastor. i'..,i,iii,-hr,-k. . A l J Krieger. of MoMinnvilie. I, mr iTiiiiH'iii ...-V.n n llillslwro. Tuesday, C... .. ... I'l lKHlllS ' ' I " - .. . . ., f - f Tnl si Sl oe i f llrr-iiiili. l,n. milv of WitdiiMRlOM. S I Willi. lo-lnii'l C.Mnrr of Ihe ' . . .... .1 .. .1.. n.i.lv xritr llml Ui' .,. le.lj-e ami Ih I'-I f. , 1 1 tin lirii.ii". -- CoKKI'lT-Vltrst: J W. indey, W. N lloiiU. . Iliirctorn. Sl..riil.r.l rttt.l Kwnoi to befme m Oils 71 1 ' v I. 1 11. Illl'. , .. ., 11 U.il.r. eiihllc. r. J. riet.ru, 1.1. ... j - -- r.vntnR iiucholzer Father Joseph L. Bucholzer. the 1S resident priest for Hillsboro u.d at ML Angel. Ore., uly 2 ,,t i ..n,i was buried at thai lie close of Imsmes Jure ji, 1914 KKSOVRCh'S hoim" nml iiisrounts f Oveiilrufm, secuied nd unsc- cuieil Hotuls anil witrianU Furniture ainl tixtun-s - O.her rt'l esliile iwnetl line Irmn BiPiuveil leserve bink . Checks nml other cash items.. Ciisli en hm.il. Snri-fusor to Dr. Linklatef highest quality and mechanical I onice over Deiu nme store. Residence Baseliiie, rjetween 51a anu om am. Hillsboro, , Oregou perfection. -D. Corwin Dr. Hyde, assisted jo I 46 I s 10 00 3,5110 on 1 ,9 O Ol' ... 5.,67 ,f 13tf by Dr. Robb, wired together a shoulder blade for Joseph Iovotne, oi scholia, the first of the week. The bone was fractured some days ago. and would not heal. so the two parts were orouKin s 23 together and wire-stitched. 4..9 1 4 , 66,04J S9 IW US. uuii " ...... ... . .-..:- ruton culled to Verboort fi.i7,H74 through the death of his father, the late Antone ivrieKei . F Unger. of Chehalem Moun tain, was in the city Tinlay. He Bays tra .gram fine on the hills, anu mat n" will soon begin. Dr. G. W. Via and wife, of the city -yester day morning and returned home ontheP.H.&N. The ctor had been to Poruanu patient for a surgical operation. f..,:A n.iekhnlter. of South in town yesterday, Sng good over the fact that St of his four-mile trip to the city he has about, three miles ot rode roada on which to ramble. t 1 Mea C. L! aser anu Dir. mi" . , 1 Inez Keasoner. accompanied by Mrs. Louisa HostetW and daugh ter. Etta, depart Saturday for a young man "c , j ftn 0utinr at TiliamooK, wneie JJTlStW' "ilh Mra' Wadc Ifli-r fcA.m.f"a . , p sol J four mmys"Z'-Z ST t 'l'imlatin. the Utah. am. iai ' - -, ' rM wood. Man- ..$111,000 oc X 49 4.' Total LIAUIUTIKS Onliilal slock pnhl in fmlivu'ed jirofils, less ex pense ami tuxes paid... I'ostal savimr.4 bank depoMis... lniliviiHml ileposit sul ject to rheck 3-S.3SI 14 Pemnml ci tttficntes i f deposit. 1,5.1 52 Titne ct-niiicttes ot dep sit.... ll.77 J Oil'. pivah!t- for ui-.iny t) r- roweii: J-"' m' Letters of credit 3- " l,t l .-66,94J So Slate cf Oii'Kini. lss. bounty ol wasiiuigion, ) 1, loy Giav, Cnshi -r of tiie nhov. nauu'il bink. do aleinnly swer tli.it the above stiOetuent is true to the best uf my knowledge and belief. Uoy Giay, Cusluer. CorkkcT AlU-st: K. W hivermore, B K Ik'iiniy, llin-ctor.t. Subsctilifd nml tworn to before me tl.isSdi d.iv of Jntv, I9'4- W. K. Pegv., Nohwy lV.b.ic. I. I - . t i.i..ium iiwinn 7ir 'S 'boni July 17,1835 at Lu it.re. Switzerland, and came ' n .. f...:i nf wen th. When irom a i'""J rn er. .-. 1, ,1 nu I-,, 111 1.1,11.1. . v , . .....j'neiluined in lobo. Hillsboro Planing Mill for sale. Rare business opportunity. Cash or terms. -W. E. Wheeler, Hills- b,oro. Ore. Rhode Island Red eggs, for hatching purposes. Mrs. Max Crandall. on Maple between Sec ond and Third. Telephone City 407. 49tf Mark Woodruff, with the Port- innd Ensrene & Eastern, was in Hillsboro. yesterday, spending mr. rfav. talking over matters tvith business men. Mr. Wood ruff is the publicity man for the electric line, and his duties keep him more than busy. Dance at New Helvetia Hall. Juiv IS, from 8 p. m. to 12 p. m. Tickets. 75c. Allen's orchestra, Feuerstein and Patton, rnana-o-fitss 15-7 John Peters and wife, of Ver- hmirt were in the city Monday, and Mr. Peters called on the Argus for another year of read- in it tip. savs lliai, ttoucj ait htnk-ino- fairlv good up his way and that but very little damage was done to the hay. For sale: Jersey cow, 4 years old in Fall; gentle, sound; tests . , . A MllAnn flniltr PrifD a per cent,.; ko""3 uo"J- 1 ' ' fWVVMVlrVt frederick And3fsen, M. U. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to Dr. Cunningham. OtBce and Drug Store. ORENCO. UREGON Telephone connections. VyWVMWrVWrVrWrVrWi CtaMM SCHNABEL & LaROCHE tiltt4le ltf, fiiif. itfaiiital it . i..r.,i..,hni.!.inii tuiiraUfnaiin soil. matOltll. itiliimmiit, utiunocn tliUfil tlltenuiwe atittituttu. Hen in liuwtio Bit uiiiertn ftjeittu HJitfh'.'n- veiurii. tmtile aa Hr WlWf tV; Soiilnllenlitallfn, U'britaiimisn. t..-uiiu,rr t'tttnin'Oilei mu uitiu.H ... . ........ ta etnti(lttr: mm 1KB 11IT T"Hi...TI. T.i.,,i,n. a iiitihiiii aim: reu-ai. .-... jlt. i.i,h,iii. ,lT,',un ')-ti un HmKtt UtKl-t.04 !: l " ' ' PORTLAND. ORb. il a-2'r.t. DR. W. E. FITTEN012K Deutist Office up-sWirs ovuf HillNliaro N'.ni.n il Ban". UILUBBOUO - . OitKOo - in Cab ,l.w.ofod nnd I -:,i.. lnplone was the pur- Ui a-nn Ullt'lY miiv" 1 1 ..,v. - e was ... Oui aa Lu. i and down ..mid converse in uenuai., , t(mnei. , .1. ., l-Vench and American. I latin country t ; ... W.iea were always strong, i d he used excellent English i l en writing, lie last year eel- I'v . u L.,.1 uinnt into retreat at rn occasionally teaching languages when he ,,m;Vm, :.i n fund of anecdotes about early days in California . .. "iLa his memory of felt so 14-7 . i .- i l: rnnmArv ii i j iri i ii i i.utnn iiih iiiLiiiwij iut-lltdweenl'irstano im... nn n'ii ...j,, .. : .i.i,.,.. i. n set inta ht the asi. f K rr afreets, a go o wimhowh. i--. - i-yci- - with a petvri. wo.. p... . are many ttt Argus otHce. years - heW of hi, ,., t...- i.hiiii.m detiarted this triends wno re wikS Cottoned, Idaho. deatn. selling price being $: t Ami down in the Tua hns some vaiue these days. i t lJinn of Varley. was in tha oittf yesterday. He reports v.iu .- , , :1,, ,,n that onions are doing "OT, the beaverdam secuu..a. u. that a little rain V, amiss at this time-particularly for onion growers. Miss Hazel Stewart daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. tl . - I. . nttllUlD UI I III tllllll.U Wtllie PICMHK ojiiti.""- , Tualatin ranch, last evening, fell from a tree, and was i unconscious for a half hour. Dr. Kobb at tended, and found but a few minor injurieu. Dr. Carlos Smith, of Aber- $80. -L. G. McNew. Beaverton. deen. Wash was over Sunday. Simmons, charged with in a guest of his brother. Dr. L. H. Simmons ,e Smith. nvidond Snndav. and af- Mrs.H. E. McKinney. of Port-L,sr pvamination by Dr. F. A. land, was in the city this week, rn.iev. was discharged from the guest of her sister, Miss cust0dy and the costs taxed up Pearl Smith, at the Mrs. Emma t0 the complaining witness. McKinney home, J. J. Hartley and wife, of Banks, start this week for a trip through Eastern and Southern rwo-nn. Thev will make the trip in their auto, and expect to be gone until trie last oi iuigusi. Mrs. E. J. Frickett, of near Blooming, was operated on the of the week by Dr. L. H. sith. nssisted bv Dr. Carlos Smith, of Aberdeen, wasn., me operation being for the removal nf nn nvnrian tumor. The pa tient is getting along nicely and hopes are strong lor ner com plete recovery. DR. J. R. MARSHALL, J)ENT1ST: Tr-miesie BUtg. . Room b ami HILLSBORO, OUK. Mtdu and Third. ' Rovfiml thousand fine kale plants for sale. Orville Pricketf, Banks, Ore.. Route 3. 15-7 Hr. Leon W. liyde attended the autopsy on the body of Wm. Veach, Monday, and attested, through affidavit, as to the pro ceedings, so that the Sheridan, Wyoming, physicians could veri fy their findings. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Perrine received a visit the early part of the week from their son, E. B. Perrine, and family, of Uose burg, who are traveling through Oregon in their touring car. . DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main fctrcei HilUboro - - - Ore BOWMAN & VALUICISHAM Attorncys-At-Law Commercial Bank Block tip-stairs Hillsboro - OkrcQ