1 : t S: I tl i '5 V t f i f i ' ; '4 ' ; I 4 1' PARTISAN I ImportedlKepistertJ IVrcheon Stallion. lUack Finely l.uilt and One of the Best Sires in the County, will make the 1911 Season, as follows: At Wm. Hathorn place, LaurvU Monday evening, until Tuesday noon. At Connover Store, Scholls. Tuesday evening, until 9:30 Wednesday; At L. 6. Bierly Ranch, Kinton. Wednesday noon, until 2:00 p. m. At Beaverton Livery Barn, Wednesday evening, until Thursday noon; At Ladd & Meed Farm, Ueedville. Thursday evening until Friday noon: At Hillsboro, Friday afternoon until Saturday evening, at Second Street Livery Barn. Terms. Single service, $5; Season. $10; To insure with foal. $1S, with $2.50 in advance; To insure a live colt, $20, payment of $2.50 at time of service. Service must le paid at once where mare is sold, transferred or removed from County. Care". to'preven Chut not responsible for accidents. Horse duly licensed. Jos. Otto, Owner. (Copy) Stallion Registration Board. State of Oregon. License Certificate of Pure Bred Stallion No, 137l. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon. March 10, 1D13. The pedigree of the stallion Partisan, No 42tU9 tOXH$) registered in the studbook of The American Percheron Horse lSreeders and Importers Association. Owned by Joe Otto, of Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. Bred by M. llarbe, IVpartment of Sarthe, France. iVscribed as follows. Black; Star. Pediwree: Brutus (34?.) sire; Suzon (SMI) Dam; Oermanicus 17S25 Sire of Sire; Lisette 1 2500$ 1 Dam of Sire; Sultan 11400) Sire of Dam; Suzon 3m4 Dam of Dam. Breed, Perchcron; Foaled in the year lLKXi, on May S, and has been examined by the Stallion Registration Board of Oregon, and it is hereby certified that the said stallion is of Pure Breeeing. is registered in the studbook that is recognized by the associations named in section nine of an Act of the Legis lative Assembly of the State of Oregon providing for the licensing of stallions, etc, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, February 23, 1911. and that the above named stallion has been examined by the veterinarian appointed by the Stallion Registration Board and is hereby reported free from infectious, contagious or transmissible diseases or unsoundness and is hereby licensed to stand for public service in the State of Oregon. Ermine L. Potter, Secretary Stallion Registration Board Note: This license must be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of the County in which such stallion is to be used for public service, and must be renewed March 10, 1916. HILLSBORO GETS TOO Hank Car-lurcs IWrfh Oamc. Fri day and Saturday, lUnkt and Here mSEHAN AtkCX BREAKS HIS LEO Daily Journal and The Weehly Arg'us One Year, Doth Papers $5.25 Daily and Sun Journal and Argus, One Year. $7.50. Do It Now Weekly Argus Columbia Hard art Nia Tak Ll j Measure, II It II i After winning every game but one up to July 3, lU!!sboro's val hants took the toboggan for three games straight, and there is some soreness in the hearts of the boys, for they all worked hard in every game that spelled defeat The Uys went up to Banks; Friday, and the huskies of the little P. li. & N. town defeated them by a score of 10 to 9. On the Fourth Banks came down for the return game, and while is was the prettiest game of the year, league ball being played, the visitors trimmed the locals by a score of two to' one, Martin did the pitching for the locals and Reiben for Banks, I Frrers figured in both games, but errors always will be in evi dence ever, in the best of games. Banks put up good ball, and their pitcher. Iefty Goddard, a southpaw, hrd the boys eyes on the blink. Martin pitched good ball, but errors from him to Aiken and a half error by Aiken started the run for Banks that meant vic tory. Sunday's game with the Colum bia Hardware Co. nine was a thriller, but there was overmuch hitting on both sides. The vis itors broke away with the game, which went eleven innings, by a score of 1 1 to 10. The game was marked by ar unfortunate cir cumstance. First Baseman Ai ken, for Hillsboro. in running to s.-cond, dislocated his ankle and also broke his leg just above the ankle. Dr. Smith, who was um piring, and Dr. Sears, helped him to the F. J. Sewell auto, and Aiken was taken to Dr. Smith's hospital, where Smith soon had him resting comfortable. Dr. Sears finished as umpire. The game next Sunday will be between Hillsboro and the Pied mont Maroons. The Maroons come with a reputation and Hillsboro hopes to get down to business. 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c Get one loaf and 5 checks, each good for one loaf of Bread. Buying your bread this way giyes you the chance to save on your bread bill. Remember this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 2Tc THE CITY BAKERY Main Street. Hillsboro J. Wolfersperger, Prep. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS to to to Victor Callirr to J C A Jooe. t.ioo fret in M Moore d I c io Hin Berx to O 8 Hcmterion, j lot I'ineUmi Terrace jij .la M ititber to L 1 1 ul it, 40 tec 24 t r 3 w 10 S II ItuHock to M tl Preaton, 20 a wc 3 t a o r 4 . goo U J liilie to 8 Mesuae, 6 lottblkl CaKten Tract 0 F J Uattreil to K K Giitner HE Stwall, , int in 5 iota Portland Heights o 1 , 1 W It Raffertjr to Atery KarTcrlj, 66i- j xj u-ei in waikera aa r Urove... H Tbornat to It L, IItitt & peter Nmaiuuh, i a lee 23 I i a t 3 w... Alt' C.riwin to E L Colver, 1.07 at Garden II mie V K Norton to J 1) Iiouslcr, 1 1 tec 25 t 2 n r 4 w . V A Phillips to Ciara Pbillipa, lot IJ3 on .-yurtn Kanxe Mrert , 1 A 1. Crche tl al to Minute lllueatone 4 a at TualHtin iikki J K Mot back to Ry Sniock, tract 2 Mnork a a1 hherwoofl jk, Uobt Schnmler to J T Culver, lot 9 blk 3 Oreiico i0 II Hand a.lmr to I II Ilrnithwaite. In 1 20 rods sec I2t x n ti im .loiin r Warup to tarah Mawlunnejr, 050 fl 11 mi r.nt!k 1 II le I'aKet to 1'iauk A Collin. 2 lota Mvera' ad Keeilville Homes 10 frank A tom to K K Coie. tame fcS above , 10 iviw Uavis to w V Wiley, .53 a near F Grove W V Wiley to Idlw Davis, tract on 1 hint Ave, I' drove I) J Hilie to DiiuninK'Fretitzel l.br .o, 2 lots l.m.li 11 I rscts inn I. C Kockwixxl to Badger l.br Co, 4 lots and oilier laud, Tongue' nd 1 P McParlnne to Same, lot 3 p & M ad and other land 1 Tiios Schoolcraft to M Pallay, 93 (to a W u Gibson ill c ia C J IUKKerty to II K Reed, 25 57 a ou Canyon Road txHto Cliarlet li.-ooett to Louise Jacobsen, no a cc 6 t 2 n r 4 w .'. ,n Gaiden Tract lo ijtumund Mruiu 6 lots Garden Tracts m Herman MtUger to W I Miaver, lot iu iiieiKer Acre 1 ract 4e0 G Hambliii to A 8 Hboles, tract in Sprinx Hill Farm In C B liuchanan to.Srime.sanieai lmv. .1 VV Gmither to F W Tall-rt, 2 09 jieavenon Keeoville . Oiegon Realty to All Carlsoa, tot in )7ni'lll ..(7lllc.il. .... FAITHFUL TO THE tNO. A LMy Informal f!! Ih tPal Rp'. AREIVKTKtt Ki.m iTy P I we as a sums tt Iniln tut t rjal4 t. ! tw wf a rai!y r.k tn MU'H'Url ASmt th fimt U ttut tti- Kst Hty reHrtr ww a ntau aiittt i In th rontl U4 hta t" f,n " fc'1 tUK-t J. o!a ff hat crmn-UeO, and Bt Wtte rr M torn-but h m ttrvly caluv Tb rvjx'Her Juuhh-J to tt abW of b tuaa sgiilu't tbe feu. How tuany hurt?" b ak! f tb in-trat m. "latent brard t anjUxly tiu fcurt. aald the latt cd vr n -What a the caiw -f th wrvekT "WrwkJ Hjtnt brd ot aay wrvek. "o9 karen t b.ard of any vkT Wbo ar yu. anbr W4I. Jouii man. I du t kiH that that' any of jotir t'l . but I w tba claim avnt of ibi ivia."-lt'" per'a Maailiie. Faund a Mttaengaek A tramp cait.-d at Mr Iitewuls bona on nuniiuit. "I't walked wan. 'iir ,J S'n air."" b aald. " t ad. i,-rl t'Ul m jtimi wera very kind to pot. unfrtu Data felk Ilk m" Itidedr an Id the old tetittrman "And ar jou e,,n lli,lk wayj "Yea, br," a th ner "Well," Mid Mr Tile ad. "J'it fo trmdh-t tlwt runuT )vu s. UI Ju! Oood uiiKnliitf "-t'lib-nea Nawa. N Rosh VluntM. Tha teacher was etlt. piiflla alpha btk-aily. "All thoa abiw lat name t-estn With tha letter A teMt com tit ward.' aald sha. Won theaa erw b;ned thetr li lace tha aald. "Thow with th Utter B," and to on through the !!hst t All went well until aha unwittingly said. "All tha J a may erne thla wsy." Not teen the teacher could refntla from laushtiT when etery J retimlned la tha barkkuitul.-Ju!,-, Trua Caeeiattnaaa. One upon a Urn a small boy ab-ut threw yaara oi l was taken to th rbun h to b baptlletl As kiu as he vauwM light of tha Utwl of water la tha tlt titer's hand be reniemlwrett hi an tipathy for the bathtub and straight. aned himself up for the atta. k. When tba minister approached blin, rererently dtpplnit his hand In th wa ter, th llttl fellow said; "If you put tap In my eye I'll but yon open." National Monthly. Sam Thing. "80 you've btK-oum a lawyer, Ha tiar "Yew. Mb." "Llka It better than Mug a w alter T "Ob. yea, aah." "But bow about tb Uinf "Oh. I get 'eiu. ah." "You get thenar "Yew, tab, I get 'era; but I rail 'em retaining fee now, aah." Youker Statesman. Crcumtane Altar. "80 you defy me? lid you nt prom la to lore, honor and ohey?" "I wan married on that platform." admitted tho wife, "but rondltlon bar lterel, and I shall bar to rT dlnte aom of It planks,"-IouUvttle CoorlerJoumal. Tima 8eving. "What ar you making ucb a fu nboutl I thought being exvrutor of an eatate wn a mft thins" Perlmia It U aometlniea. Hut I bare to wind ufi the affair of a clock maker." Judije. Doubtful. "I Jlggln enjoying bl new auto mobile r "I don't think m. I to hit not been arrested otue sine ho hid It for ri- ceedlng the wl limlt."-H:iltlmor American. 10 When in Portland stop at the Hotel Eaton, West Park and Morrison Streets, located in the heart of the theatre and shop ping districts with all the con veniences of a modern hotel, at reasonable rates. Glen Hite, Manager. 49tf Do not forget to ask for a Schiller when you want a good 10 cent smoke no "cough dust" in the Schiller. 12tf Taken up: Bay horse. 9 vears old. Saddle marks on hark Branded on left flank "8A." Owner please call. and cost of keep and advertising, and take same awav. Otherwise animal will besoki for charges if . according to law. J. E. Reeves, i bherin. 1G.18 , H. V. Gates, of Portland, was in the city yesterday, on busi ness. G W Priest to J V Guthrie, 5 lot Good Acre , , j V Guthrie to K V Nichols, ft "lot Good Acres,. , .(no kothttrom to Nellie kothstrouY. 30 a tec 6 t 2 9 r 2 w lo lo The Social Circle of the Con gregational church and their iriend3 will hold their next mtf ing at Roderick Falls, on Thurs day July lb. I hey will leave Hillsboro on the 9:15 a. m. Ore- gon hlectnc car and arrange ments have been made for con veyance from Forest Grnv tn the Falls. G. H. Wolf, whn had Koah . ' ' - " "-' k-Cll logging down in thf . Rainioe country, was up to Beaverton Pacific States Fire Insurance Company u( Cortland, Oregon. The only bin Oregon Old bine Company. fxMaeg Promptly Puid John Vanderwal Hillslioro, Agent Otrgon BUILDING I am prepared to do all kinds of Building and Repair work. Cabinet . work, etc.. Saw-filinir. Screens and Screen doors. Shop a f (n! n ft a si L'nH A- v .Maui aiui 1' lUlll, JOHN BEATTY. r Insures Full Milk Pail Cow alive mote milk unA mL rnilkint tiirr nn,l re- ulu. ,...t hfHitttmA ami l. 0, UL, ifteir ouircsf ttf priyirtf Ihcm With Conkey's Fly Knocker Vtm not 1 a i n t m 1 1 It a rttl h t vesi 'Mvn I v ml tomlurl ihal irmirit a full milk pail. Keep Flies Away From Cattle and Horaes Cne tmnrfffnuyt to mihiii.iI ntt Vmtt mtrr.lM:i priilil. Try It IS Day Money Back If Not Satisfactory " Try a tan IH4V, l. lew. i.ni, 5kj. hi MAZDA LAMPS Again Kcilucetl IVrrlrss Lamps Mc thrir Trn'tl towartl ihmper LIGHTING to - jo Walt y v im Walt 'V itn V.tt Watt t.io Duy'o Cnrtvin Tovloy OWL tLCCTRIC FORD Duy It Because It's a Better Car MODt.L T, Tout in.; Car Uclivt-trU PoS Thltil hirtrt. H.,!,oiqJ' Will Vou liiithl . If you ar mni tit btnS.l bs ; ,ni or Siimnier, J. S. .lHt S', f. uiit a biii'ttmg tt. ratlUitte givtn lire. Alt " gtitat;irt N uwttt tiBHt "i ia cvmr!rt(il, J t l.nttui'K, n'lt Thiiil Hirrfi. at H I Tin . t hone ,M n l t, Ilsl ttnto, t t n (live k a Trial 6 Per Cent LOANS OMaitili lo buy. ti I 4 or hm.i i frin, run. 1 .! rt-:t f t- lliu linn in 'I asi f lh ('il. , "!. itl t'rl tlr ami tt-vir I.1m J run r'ur irk-iiin . I i.. iii.i. I r l , I '.'.' , l l II, .1 , WaniilHittuii i 1 I . W"ii ! y W iini Ui a:nt 'i.t Dr. Gertrude Phillip tilK.ii.satti.c rti,i'ill. Illhc bourn, 1 tn t ti in, i.me r i to U a in. W. (). Doniison UNDMRTAKKU t Calls attcttilotl night unlay. Chapel ami Parlors. liilltbora, Oriffvn holsiein aim; Oni' hfifi-r or n carload; With calf or fuming fri'h; Whito or inix. il black ami wliiti Inimfdiab? or d.-fiWil lij.rv Cash or Ifrms-lVict'-t Wuhi COAST C ATT LIC CO, KUCHNH. ()i:K. Oilice at ttu K urcriu ('rcafiifry 0 A.J. IIARTRAMPT Hillsboro . . Oregon Call lor Wnrrnnt All liat.l ....... ,. "'" rrm im fuml,, '.'.vl'.r. T,.'1": t","r'"1 t,m". """kr.l iNlil riil l or U' .iil ..l i; i 1 1 . . , ' "ii'ii, are ii,. liAlali . nl il. 11... ..r .1 . " ami mterrtt will A Kill. 1 " '' inn 1 ;'. S.r"' V, Tin,,,,,, .,. lllllaboro, (lie., Aptit h,, ,,M IOU THK Best Fire Insurance AND I'HOMpt HKTTI V. Ml'. NT Of LOSSES .skk JOHN VANDtKWAL AReiit hnwun lx Uca. shire Fire Insurance Co. Pacific State. Hme.,a4 HU.r.KIIUl:., For Sale n ... .... and Hillsboro for thZv i? uw , m S9xaw! Bewer m' uown on the nvtr. a month. F. G. Mitchell. I rpiirpmint y..:..n.. not Bold in BtorPH. Will call m homes on r,, and , , and wear the rorsc-t. ()i,pt. an OVtlnniiriruw ' "lul coHt no more than high class ,J ' LLi n,h mM. Firth and Jacknon Streets, lhc,no N ' I fi().f ;! 1. All new goodsno 8h(!lf i goodBon BaleattJrtt'r'B, 1 WE SUPPLY YOUR NEEI Io o J till !ty (Ifini t!4 h j.t t;rtl it'ty I t y ' 1 1 )tti it.ti! s:iy Mi:,-.'' 1 'it m luv! nnv l'l r l ' Will mil iu .my I,.u! !; . Will ,tt net-4 an, J-4ftitl:;.- I ,. Uakf M.tnutr jVr;t,!vr, Cnln. h'..uBg T h;k,l';!u!i;r vt ;y ihh.t tu M.i. '-.;,f? "j 1( j u ii", tn!S ;-n! ',- t ts-., t . ul'Xri m - Emmott and Jonel Ornu . I'hotur Mfitti ;v Qrtf Scholls Roller M Wm. HANSON. Prop Pb'-ir tin 1-Vi;.l, Aftu.t liu. ! . j iVt-i M.oiitfaciincf t.'f Whi.'.c Whvt Hi-ttr, an4 Win il Itcut I'i.i'tt.Cr .'iuattc. ( hli l'tit s ;itw.iys Ui ,i -:...!'!r TRY VS iht Ncvt Time it. r. i. 2. Hillsboro, Or. r TillamooK County lt",H,-,..k CittllttV iH'iirlu-t i I,. ' i'i't't talkll 'N if ir. 'g I'laj -roil.,,!.' i: - in- Ti! f tin' Wi! S" and Ui I.if.- tliii.,-,, i . U Mf j' now ojn'ti f"r lh .I'Mi'.'-r ' ,V Lutd. IK'W (!!:!).'. -t, lu-.V l .;!lli .';n' 4T.. ' j S-.on tm'! Wfth-r".nt Kfirt-s j 1,0 riiHfnl liiji fc'i rii :m. w,k i -i'-t from V -ni ! on p. iiuii ii ..-! '' i n li'"'. I DOIJULK DAILY TKAIN hKRVICE j l.i-a'.rH I'dmm ll.'liot l;ti! ..... "S-'f i,i-:ivi- Kiist MorrMnnd;iiiy '"ij, "A-a .SIior.'Sf.-i;tl,M ., ji,.t. ".a Short? .SH-ctii," Kiwt M.irri'Uin . r.trlttf OhHOfvatlam O.tr ttn "Si,i Shnrtt 5p0 Instvt) at t30 P M. Good Fishing in tho Sulmonln rry nJ halrrti Kivts ,! I'tiHtirpaMf.! li; hing in th" Salmnnl'rry ami N'al'm rivi-rs, m Wl. m other illamotik ( i.ly Hln-am. . Foldors and full iiifi'iii iti'n from B. 1'. AgM.t r from ; . -. .j JOHN M. SCOTT, a'1 Pttr Unml, Orfigo . ' IC1R CHAIR Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Ciipnlile wurkineu ' Laths iu (omicctiou, nwl a l'ine , Shower Bath Newly iMiraiBbcd Shop, A trial will please you. JAMCS ANDUKSON, I'yllliail III,,;, llills,ri,. . ,,.rO ( iiinsuo.m inwj j.;, I', SrlilflW 7i imisisouo 'rttti U. .Srlimll''''lw ;j ins. ..Hi''" 1" , iih-ir' i . ..a trt . ii'iiicrs Jruu'l, (enl, Sand, (h nnd I'oal. Main i , r n) hi Aruus and Oreitonian $2.25 Arjrua and journal