The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 09, 1914, Image 3

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wovv l&ap ::
F" . . I
. Is at IIU)
U"k " ' .
f.'tivd l"ll
,tU...l li... Ul.lll
H""'' . .t H.. Ittfadllitf
.. . ,...u ..f itielr
l, (pull f,lV
L ilr " , .
. ,,. , l'l'J
. v,. s ui "'
y,,..!" M""1 "'"r
11 . .1 liml I llH'1
inkirfliiM "" '""a- '
U ,11.1.11 "
(,.1,1,1.11.- 1 '
r' i,
, hii ' "
Mlt Ill'lU-
I. U. .!
L,u Hoi
I Mwillii'W rrm III lu
LlrrJ.'f -r.ll..MIltilll
L. llmr ! H'lnk "''
fJu. ' ''
,W( ! .t.'lnit hiii'l U'I
U K'i" I'1'" "
lllr.iir i"J 1 '' will
Lj Im :!'. l-lf liig Ibe
(trial iu a ami rrlmt
twin wit r-t !' nisM.
.ml 1 !! I"'- "lH"
Li...!, ll W U'I l
f iliu-xl li I !tti
.cm.' I'"'
l Ml (Ur ..i'k' Til
(4 IdtB.t lrHl iliul lb
J HI lw I" I 1 1 fUlllfl
k. ir. bin. in "ur
14.4 ll'-r ! ) ''1"--
M .u.kl. .l ! IKIt'l) An
ii.J In
ka. cui i: ff ran xim
koi ulir Lj.I it-Uil IIID
!.! !. I -illiij tint
M A Mm
raw Mil U .I.h km-" mill
Ijmliliiii; n... uii.l a limn
III lllllkMI lilt
til uuii wlnlw vlwU
IxXTtllltot 1(1 'I Ill U. till
4ti"f r lii v lnlui.-l
V Mid "I am f. (nil ti UH
I lili l mi f.H'l fr.Mii
U)l knl lite f.uul Jii I
4 tl Mm i f .IIi.h .. "
lalt f .i l.fiu ami lllilllf
" h "A ml jiiu'r
y liiill ..u tw ii Nilllll
M imjr Iiimi U mi "no In
f IllU 1,1. ll.H .. )" llf
fix (ir.iliiiu uf iln MlilKtv
i ,. I II W liiill
W i jiiii.. li-i Hirwiitli Hit
fi U,.i i,-,H.-.y .i l
fwiiu a ittt Im, k "I fmr
Tf lllHl) f in, "
J K Utl lu r f.iip li.iwi-.l iiu
IIt iimir f,.r lilni, niltil
t'h ii-4m-i lil nt in ar
rl,t 1 1, i n M.ll iluK II
ii, I...I....I M.'.i.llly nt III"
"'N hii.I ,nrUli'i up tli
(k iU ).i' ff fa I.t4.i'4,'
"u!, '4 t,l e1if ftlrr ll;nu
U hwii lliitb li, tlir ,., j.,,,,) f,,f
tUrlr .v!itMj, tlx lr (i iil..,,,.
l uf rlglil U li .i lw li.l ju.n,, f
! ruing ,i ttiia thiCI !. bU
lilliirli .1,1 !n i,- -, ,.mHi ,,ui4
rl, mil ,. ogi i,;
A uri4i l ! In ll.a nr.. f. u ni, llmil. ,i. lii- r...,r .f lu l.uru
Inn t.iiL.I miu ; trr i.t.-.l ,
miI Ir.Mil H!i lii. i. ,,11,. I
tli.. lt Into IU.. r) I. .
'll im, ri ;liil liiiu llu nl.irtiil
.iu!,ii,'iiii n kiii,it.i
"If '! hut kii'iAii lliu iKIi.f aj
! Iiu- l;M;i- 11 i,l,l,l I, in- U, u (,.,
i;.l,. M k' l Mi. : v. i.i n-.i i.-n; Wl,., i.iti.-r
ii) V
I I.. U May nu,. ll." .,, ,
bI.Ii .f (lit l.t, i, ,i . i,u
f.'iiiili In iii.ii,..i. in. li r 1 1,.. r--i.
H!l I lie . It I. rt.- fi.i, i.iili
M llilU. 1.1,1 ttif m tl,i lt ,liv,
ll III! l.l l ltl ,.t l!,'M . "
In it i,.,." I,.. ,t,.
"V"U n I iml i', l ii.- w.,uM
hi ! I ! mill.. ) .xi "
u'" in ,- inii.i.-. "luiMii,i,.;
l'ln t ry il. i I' la nl. i.. ..I"1
'i n il In im I-.,. I urn tl.U !
f..rv," in- . , i ,.,. , n t. r Hi. n,
a ii. I I Im ii.iu in,, allM, 4
A f i-nl lU'l.l. iill.-fiiil. iy ,ii,n f.,r
4 liH'lui lit iurl ii' Mti .v ll. rl.m.K
ttf l,li Inn tn... i.t (...; I i it,,.
Ih iiiH i-f ! luitiiil lrn-,: 'iiij lilln.l
lj f.r itril
for l'i i li.,if iiu I,,. I
,1 ituir im i.. i i . i, -i i 1 1 Hut i.f it,
i n 1,1. tt iM si , .nl I. id; It ;.ili, nil
I'lil iirtiim l.j : n, .1 In..
lint l,. tlll .MI,i.!., .. nl
lt l.-H lllj IMI III I- mi
I'll ltrl lliilrf 1 l!. llillll .if
iH... til "H I nli'.liiK i f li;i,... nii'l
fax I mul urailii il f r.-tlllt,inii rnll
v l"iii,.- uf i.l. i.nii, uf :i'i.iil,.ii mul
if lr tiiii( in- r
"All. III!! Hii'll 'li ! MH ml
Ju u Ittll.k, It' h't n.i.,n I, ii. I
trrlt I '"n l i ii. .in) li" liv ,i h n
ttalLut It.f ! liiili .i . utoriii
ir miiiliiii. mhih -IIm i.llm liir-iiiK'tt
ii.ih ii li m i I -I Nri. r iiiUx-il it
A. i t. Ami ru ii u ii
llity tl I t'lin t.ilil!!,, timl It'n not
.. lliil. S I " i In t !n- limit uf Hi
run RHST
tc May Have Im Much
ol a fioot! Thinx
i ' ''Hil. ht i.k A Uwmi Co.
"iliU. Ili.-n." irniurk.-.l Mr. Tully.
Iwiklliit ,.li f t!,,ur ulW( win, B
wl k'l-iiiu lit l.i. r)-"t,U u
'Hi liaiii , (xtrl.-f .l.d
Hi N. w Vi.rk.-r tlimiitt. Hi uUV net
a i Hi .t.iii .i, .i ti.ttm. mi,), u-nvlng
Miu ,in.Hii,..-, , ,arrpl.
I'- i..,.! rullnl ftwujr Into Him dl
I. till V
1 rrli fr.mi li ml iluimtr of
lln- .Itjf, Mr, Tulljf nUiiit til lit
Hint ul..iri In.liiiiiljr Unit h wu lu
Hi iiil.) t ..f in, iin-nii of unli t IVm-e
nii'l nl. i,. lillu. uiuu
ll'l lli,, li-,I mul Hi ri.ii il Irni.L'u
(. UU i.f , i uvrwiiuii ai.ik a ft-w
.nU l Hi iiy mraeii.T. mul aul
-M.lill) Mr. Tully f-uml bliiiat-lf
ii-.ii Hi ltilii-H MMit .f a urr) all.
iliili U a Mi In auitmi iKnlniiiil t'
rtiiuliiiit Hi r'ii:li Kita frmii a rill
'i niiiiluiiiy I V lit .linilu .rmnw of
kli'kil.i! Iliili, ..(f.
l..-iiUiia Mr Tully ou llj ui;iiii
nn. I In nii i,t i.r a ninny IjIII a tnilo
I'.tiit ii .ii;!,t mil. Itltfli. re
turn nl mi.- .i Srw Vurk anil lMik
Int. i llii tr ii .- itfT ilr. Wliy wan Mr.
Tully In M..IH nt nil?
"I Sir. lull)- nl,l , bla
ulii frliml. " ituiit In kii'r nUat'n
f..iii: Mith iii. l ui nut down, ami
iny ii. n. Imrt I Ktrani;,. thin
rtii liinsi itluii I ti null at lilk'lit."
"I 'in lit." tin' ili- uitimiTiil. "you
IhiiI m-:ii. rl tllij nl.'t of tlltf
ijiii. n t n-ift. it t. Ituiw Jiiitt lir
tint i.iiuiit lu iiu. I iu gut au aunt lu
l;,il n, (iu iii tlii-r and Bt
Ui.k juiir inn.-. If iiu iloii't ifn
you'll ilu"
II di iiitmrk"! frmii t lit nl.iilou tu
la, i.- nt tit il-k of lir ami limb, foiiml
It i;i....i' aunt a lln. 'l.-nm.i ti t.
iljln.-. Iml if I "' I . I'D Mill.-r I 'l j kttnth ul.l Inly nin mt any liU (rav-
bail t M.iil l,.. - M, m.1,1 a
Nil. nn If ii NiiiMnn tliiinitlit
Vuirfi. dr. (;ri,,rtm. M(u,t
1 it llii-lr.?"
M I unit in know if. Ja. U.
I fnlLvi. LiKi-tln-r "
wti win for?"
' " lliil It will tuk aniim
f r If tliln htutanf wratU-
f "I tiiiii'n.aiit lu Im a
I linirll,... i.,. .., ..l.i I
' i ' mj mil ill., ill-
iMImr, ll I. iMilu.r nl in i, u
N) llllVl' ll Hi ...tin. lliluir
iipr bin "
Nvi.rirti liUwIfi.r Tim
iiilti ivil mi thu ,i hi w.irtla.
lun " i . . .....
.. ,. ii-.winim, -we nn
"'fl u,!. I,.y. did not
""I iiinn it il "
I'f mtl.1 nlm vv.ih lulflilml,'
'""'f b'til in thut Mini win
'ml tl. Ii -
"IIkiii,, f,., I.,...,. ,,..,,
riwiiiMi IH,,k ll( ,,,,, 0(, Brtu
P "mi iluo, Tim Kiel ant
Hll IllT IuhhIh CMI,.( tl-
rf mul li. r kii'p .tllll on
"' III li .lnu. tlilitkliiir
Jimlt f , . .
' iii-itn ni'i'iiii'ii in
'"'l". "IIU innilu.r!" Mml
,;',,r She Itn.t
Wllfivly worth Urn llv-
l"lllMl,.,(,,.V(., tl, ,11,., Bye,
""'""Hi, wlihniit'A ilortor'a
"tut iia why Oml Mul
lU '"k Hill HllH Hlllllll Hir
"'"'Hilllof JtWllru.
' "r'' Hl, ,a
"'f'MlL'h all ii,.. ... i.,
. ' v- ,inu ire tun
f luitl woikiHl mul Hlnvott
"' An. I 1... i
"i- " im Num-u1
.rlr, In il-Hi it f ir lt.-i "
Tb Kill ntiiriiU.,' 'ii iniik'tit
Id iMi( '.li '.it."" iml b r.tiMil lu-r
wlf rtl1lv t" uk ttllll tl Hrilt lol-t
tt.1. ll I-. 1 .1. "'
"S.i, II I b. i I,, il l nil llnl
.an I .l"tw ! i'" In r fHf fMm
..ill S.I I'll 1! HI.' tlfll III lllt'l
II. I .ill 'I '
A l- hit l'i-i.r inni.-, .fi.ktti only ty
Hi li, k f IU t ill i k In !i rurnr
un.l tt.niit i.f tin- t, fiii nltlt.iiit.
I'll, I, ,.ii,.- on . .im !ii.ii;li Hi b.lH
tm in,, I n,i ,.l n Hi lit' Iti-ti il,ir.
I.i.n Milirr la i nii'l Hm iua-4
. tint
fur a mil .'il ll"- S r. ."ly umlr
, i l lii-ii. I, i! iltiikl . iiliilidilllV.
I-,. i.n mul !i n--!"t in. W!tlki1
,i 'i.' i . f lli ). k i b iin'i-r ntnl
III. t. I t.l.l
!. t'i;tt .t i'lii't for 111
!..,ti of Id .t.iliitt Hi lnsill "II ll"' Iwl.
; h wtnl In .it" I"1, m.'l n h mil Ki'itlly
, l ILi'lbvi, ft "Hi Wlllll'Ul
A1..I,,. lit Iniiili'-r. M'lkt lillt
in.) -till 1li. .. u'ii "bi' li iValll
in. I mi miu It m l lih litaik. Iif
(I Hi ;i li-.. to III 111 lb illlil
lllil It "lnl .-l b-r I i ""t
Hi. n .r lb ll'i lil I" l"f I1'" r,i:
U II Jim, I "lUlf'
Tb Ktil l" il -rr b' T
"I'm ililiiu I'" b''"
rbr tiixl t. nH'Wi-r. I'lil im "rJi
i.ttl. t i Tb.ii' w Hi;lit''iiliir
uf tit tini'i.! nl lb tbriKil. W.-nk
'ImI to Hi I'li'iklni! "inl wltb l bs
l ui ami iiH-iihil "titilii. ab
.irt. lv " l, b i ii'iK'bt a r-"l of
lit U .1 nml i. In ri. If
Tl "!' iil ""'
I III .Ijluit. Bll.l l I"1'!! 1 b-kixl
ni.lmii lb "iii!l.v b lM',,, I'"1'1-
!s lt"i!ll( tltf.'Hi'if biit Kivul'
l.i.l ll,.. im ttl tl HlSMlb Itii l'il "I"''"'!
fl iHtoml ,mt. I t
.i'i!. t"" imiKbl. ami b Im. Uvn is4.
;iri. I iii.l i i " 'i """!"
Mi ..iih-.I for bi. iitli mul nirv'iKlt
t. ( (.n-.l II. r i 'l. f.i-1 fiilb-l b. r.
I Wful bini ! tt'f.
l.-llt-r I .-ill " I'"1 ,,v"v' ra
uwiij, li Ih.i'1 itiiillmt'it wfl'- '
Hin lb '" 'biil Tlnti I
. , I .... I .. Ilh
ht ,.ii ttiiiik li niiii nn nmi ..
.... ...,u II,, . 1,1,1 MO! Illlil "Hi'
in.. -, - - .
,unlifnl nml rl'b"
ll... I I hiit Ill-Ill lb 1 f. m
Hlinnlt, limn rfliil.'l nn.l qnU-kly MWM
ul tlx' inl'l llnc.'i'ft.
"Ilill tb iii'ii'V' nh KiKI'iH,
'Tin' niH-r wit a lb iM'uli.nltur. That
wilt iml wrlll.ii uf tny "n't iimrrliiBi'.
Itllt of Ills- tb ib-l'-l' '"
tilubt. II wit- I"''"11' '"' rrt""' '" "",
C 1,'H. nml tii'in I" Ibi'i I'.'irt. kiii'iv .
rl, l,l uf II I bt n In lii'M- - .11 M'll ulllll lll'll'".
l.i'nr.1. nml "" li'""' l"'"l,'n'
nn. vih r.-ii k " ,v;
Ih'iIhIiW. "! l'" I"'"""' ,"m",'" "f
iiliii' Imitf mi'iiib' "l"'"' "s,'ir
Htimllii'ri'il noli
A Hard Tuaila.
'-"it Hit iim ti Kuod mm
k"l nmi l(.., if N,u i
''ii tlit'iit till woulil
i'lil,; (iitj m-t i.n tit.i In tl, urk'rat ri.iiu
I.,- nit Miii, In tb uiiilill of
li!, li nn a li't, vbl'li wiu lliv aa
lark'i n. it h-.i'lnr l.'l.
"Iiu ( In 111, tliU ilatv,H be
i . Inliiii il . tillni.liiMl' ally. "Wbu a
iiiii n mi- L . 1 1 : i. I In.' ttuiit. la I'liim.' ti
Jli-t aiii b it l"-u.u.i' tbU I'll U't I'll
l. iH-rfi-. tiy wll u no lima."
Ili'Hi.lm if tiri'k'ory'a uiliit UmTO
u.'i otl'i-fi lu Hi li .ti-.. ai.l at Qrt
Till!) ii'iii Unit Hi
In nn ii'i-r r.'iii nu uf lli rou til.-t alunt lb I'liuD ami tin
iiitt.iM iiniViiliiilt. uf It. IlllllHll'a.
"We nr flit fmm lb" tmlM-a of tbo
viniik'," bit b"Hi n.tbl lo Tully on
tin. llr-t f.'iiliii;, "nml an no fur
from tb tuiiiii roii'l llmt you will nut
l. illitnrl.-'l by .immlnif uiuturinra.
Tin t nr "ii!) llirtf of u iiow- lny
alf, my in.- nn.l lb mini 'ln b.ika
ufi. r iliiiik". for n. I nin miri you will
liml iiotbhii; t" disturb )iii.M
'Tliink yii." Tully wiM. "I m
I-., ill... .bill liii.niv vry nul.kly
lu th tiHiiivful nuimuiitllnita." II'
t. Ixliiniuii In fl finbnrriiwwU by
tb aid nl b'li. klioMii ti I hi.
Tlmt Mfc'bt b lay Utwwil thu
aifi nm.lliiik' hIhi-H bit ww fairly
llncl"! I! .iiib' to turnil autiio
.tray, faint .muni, but tlmr wit a nth
Inn t n't tb ""ft riltl of Hit. leUVtM
Olltfl'b' bl wlinltiw.
In tin- tii'irnlim h awakt'iinl, frh
ntnl iKiirmm. nfti'f ll nlup a Ul'IU
inlKlit Im Inirlnt! br,'tikfat
Sir. Knlkbt wi'l tb lilrtil wan intu
tb j.itil In "Iiihi away U'vy rul'"
In. v. lit. It liul nut In ronvi'iillon n
H.-uiblil umli-r a biwn HprlukUT and
wr ,b:ittrlu ovr th tuliitiliti of
lli la.t iiut'tliie, Tully wHiiluil the
hlrvil iiuiii I" iiil"ulliincii.
"Tb Mblna ar no imlsy," Mm.
kiilkbt wibl 1" I'l"'- "Wlf "lllst "' ,0
knit lb I'bi' i' 'l"b't f'T ymi. Mf- Tul
ly," Tully Ih'Uiiii ti woiiilfr t'xii.-tly
w tint Iih' i.rv.'ory tutu wrnifii
itiiht iil.'til him- H" lsM 1" wonder b bail ti"t lfT Imry bin
ulib iimbT ii roK lnmh ' nivount of
Hi tii'ini'iulout Ib'klntf.
II .nrl.iunly that Mr.
Knltfbt and b.T nbtf inovttl almut
wltlunit irlii'hiir "'' llKlt't noU
nml Hint tb innn t'vlili'titly ran
11)1.111 tmMiiniillc tlroa. lmt nuu
unii.ilfiilh.'r'H lo. k In tho dlnlint rnoui
Hi ktiH k.'d In n !"'. Bltii"t Inamllble.
ton. Tb" "f ,' ,,0,,rH "wll,1K no,Ba
ly imitlnst rulilH-r foniliTH.
The Ibmrn were atuiiowlnTt? undtT
(.,,l, lb thl. rtiRit r onrpt-tH. Th
,.i,tlr.' ImiiH.. rt'im'sonti'd tin .word
"tiiil.'f workul ti in tho nth power.
Tin- I'ttt HHk.'t In nn nlMindonotl coal
nilii wut n i'Kv ru.'ki't rompnred
with It.
lr Tnllv. feelllW refrt'thed anil
.h.i'rfiil. fiHintiTfil forth. Ho pluck
,il it nil. red nml l'bw'1 U 1,u
llll(,imllol.. lie the morniM?
breeze nml hel.l out hi hnnd to take
henrlntf. The blind wna ulint steady.
It,. ..Mtmlneil Ihe I'btnlc ntnmspherc
for bis Mile iml. the slnrtlih ...ts be
,d iH-en nee.ii,.m,l to wvlii In New
York but they hid n I ready dlinlnlshed
l Hiw; He r.iH tlw Mo of n re.1
ii mmimmmm'
f'lbtei . t?.al 'ht4 U i tttrla.iti
ern of tjuM tbnt u i iila'
km b ti-1 ituik'a Miu )-itfu t totum
rt llf IlKln.
Tlw ... wi-r iiikrt. IIW bor
nml lint w.-r iilt. and Ike rbl k-
'iJ ra k: lu b if. trbl' h la I'ttt
aim Hi nrt uto lu auiiutl affair.
It wit mi K'iit'biy that Tully iitnt bin
Brut wakril itlk-bt.
IU liml l.ti 11 Into I ml wltb Kla.t
U' Ii. riiMi'tiiii; Hi ii.iiiil a;.-
tiriMirlt of M ir,tiii lmt Mr. Mr;,U
win lUiiin lu tiil' .tfo. ami at - lu
tb iiMiriilnit lb Nw Yorkr
ami fciiit Hie ruinlinlr of t (
nlklil r.-.iilliii a tiovH Hi,.l.-r a (-artfully
.Ii.iiti oil lnii.
im Tn'liy uiliit Tul'y waa on lb'
fourth ri-.i'lini: of III fcitiMf tiovl mi l
bad U-kiiii to weary. Tb fifth lilk'bt
! Imply .nt mill with bla f-hiu iu bU
palma nml foii.-lit off a ntronK dnir
to W,1l.
InirliU lb Li)tiiiM be walked far
timt witl. llalriiliiK wltb rklndi4 tra
for a nouinl -any nound. Tba Merclwt
llrnl bini out. but alwi rvfiiwrtl t'
tiiiii. II L'k'Jii to iuw over thu
IboUk'tit of bitrlluir a blliblnt t-rt
Ilirouk-li li iiit-ut .Imp window to w-
If aiiytbinif lu Ilia way of audibility
would renult.
I'm K"lnK tbilTy." ba made J'i'l.'-
tneiit wbn It found blmw-lf klikliiii
an rinpty aalmun ran abniit a dtnrtel
In us and c lu I littt on-r the aiuuU It
I'ar away ra-b utulit njlllloti of
tullin lu tb dl-.tiim-b could hear
Hie fulut w bl.tla of tb lilubt freight
train. It nid tbroiiKh tjiat Wabln
boro nt 4 lu tlm iiiorultiK. bouml for
Until. Ilrttliawlt'k, I'ortland. Boatou
and New York.
On Kl.'t'..'.a iilk'bt Ida create.!, au-prt'me-t
Joy Wua to b-nn out of the
broml window tinder Wue oak tree,
wnltliis f"r lb fiiMlf t'M.t. It at
u' I'" k Tbnr,.i) nioriiliij; that be
.ill ill' HI, m I.n. and oinl'lered a hasty
tlioiik'ht. I '"r flva liilnutea till" detail
uf Hi Hi"iik'M riHlml alwut In bla
Then he lieuati to rvnmre hla pnja
uin. with itrtnit nixtil. and. dlr.'Karl
Ine all eoiiHeiiueneea. be lurned up the
oil !.tini and haHlly parked bla drewa
Ihk' iiu. A near Uuht nhuim lu bla
tun, nml l.e wan anilllni; gloriously.
Ml. head felt llifht. aa oi.o'i head d'M-a
.tftt-r three Kbum-a of i bailipaKiie ou
an empty Interior. lie felt flue.
Ti. nr Mra. Kulk'hl." be wrote on tbe
vliii-t of it per. m III. li bo on hla
pillow, "my ntuy with you and your
nin e Ima tl-'tie me a uultrers of prnd.
I mu the beiill libit titiiu In tho wt.rbL
Hut I am Kul'iR away fmm yon.thaitk
Ink' you over and over for your klud
iiii. and your ili'uiirlitfiil aeU. 1 am
golliK away lava tin It It m quiet here
thut If I ntny two tii.ire bourn 1 will
liiiiunll aoine dtK.mte deed. I hsreb't
the etiuniu to fin you and tell you
thit. ami. Inlde. the nlitht freight
train Ii .iiiiiliik'. and I will be lu tbo
all" or death will end It all."
Mr. Tully let hliiou-lf out of the
Knlchl home on feet of velvet and at the ktntlon. Th night f reltfht
nt.iHil there to turn n awlteh. and
when the enlKKwe alowed down a
Nti-aiiK youm; mnu. earryitiK a null
eitie. t'llniUtl the atepa and sb.iok
liaii.l. with the aliH-py oittdiiftor.
Tullv Hiit up the entire trip to Port
land and enjoyed himself layoiul hu
man iiml.TMtiiu.llut:. The clutter of tbe
wheel over mil JoliitC the treuklnu,
iIiiHiiiiiiK of the brake beama and tbe
aentt.-htliK of Ibe inetnl alnH" Were
aweet .tin, la In hla loin? fiiml.he.1 enra.
The lelU out of the night from yard
men and Million ncettta HSKiiIled tilm
like a lilemoilit ophite. The roar t
paaaluK Inilna threw him Into nn ec
Btnsv of tlellsbt. He de lded that He
would KH'tid the remainder of life rld-
li.k- In n frolk'bt cuIkkisc with a grenay
When bentrtiek Hn.aday nnd Twen
ty third atrtft Tully waa a matf of
g,Mt tlesb. and eaeb nieiulier of the
.,1,1 L..MMW tlesh wna a unit of joy. He
found hla apartment ami eutered It se
He drunk a lurte Klas of water, un
dres,'d In tbriii mltiutes. nursed Into
Kil and for the llmt time In two weeka
he went to aleep-nurh a sleep aB dyind
vli tlma of Inaotiiiihi I'li'tiin.' In their fo-
verlnh ravlnKa.
lie was awakened by a larse, (rreasy.
blue overall,! IlKiire altthnr ou the end
of a ati-i'l tinier outside his window
The limn wan .taring down at him,
nuiinenietit and en7 written over hla
crhnv (ountenaiiee.
In hiit blind he held a machine sun
attached to a pneumatic hose, which
he waved ntthe surprised Tully to em
Hints!,' bla remarka.
"You're some sleeper, young feller,
the rlvetlmr mini an id amiably.
"Whufa the matter with you?" Tully
Inquired, wotulerlntf nt this steel en
Ihittned one'a proxlmlt.v.
"I've Ikhmi rlvetln' lxlts Into thla gir
der fur the last hour mid watchln' you
shiinlier. I wish I could do that, mis
ter. I envy you."
nil abut tin nml let me alone!'
Tnllv irrowlrd.
He turned tiver, luim hed the pillow
nml returned to deep sleep at once.
Tl, innn on the steel In'tini renewed
Ms clamorous attack upon the metal
support with fresh energy, shaking his
head and vomlt-rlmr
It Is to Be a Haven of Rest For
Homeless Dogs.
Than Arm Fallawad by emathtng
Wort, and Mr. Bwr la Unabl
to Rtfram Fram ftm Romarka f
aa Iranical Natwra.
0 M. QUAD.
Ciyriahl. t'jli. by AnorUttr4 Uferary
"1 NYTIIl.ViJ mnte op f,r me tbla
nftri.Dr a.kt-d Mr. Bowat-r
i a. h rntiTiil the bonne the
thr evrnltig.
"Nut hint; ." replhtl Mra. Itowaer.
'Iliat'a fuiuiy."
"!4d yiiti t-Hit a K'wt to be left
"No iniitter. It will nmi along anon."
"I naw a man go .a.t wltb a coon In
a U,i ."
"I ut not In th coon businma."
"If It's a raiuel I'd better waUb out
for It."
"You'd ltttr gel the dinner on."
I tiirliikl tb ineiil Mr. Ikiwaer Bfemeil
priKi upUil and very littl. hut
no cabiiiilty inrurnil. They had Cn-
Hml w lien tbe liiiaeutetit bell rans. and
a mi ii ut e lut.'f a dlsi'UH.ilon was tnnnl
betftii'U Hie ti.ik nml a small boy who
tun a dote nt hi. Iiih-Is. Sir llatew
hiirrltil tli'WiiMalrs and was alrt:t for
a ipuirter of au hour. When he re
turned Mra. I'.ottw-r l...knl at htm In a
any thut t for an explanation, ami
ba explained:
It was a boy with a il"i I have
abut tbe .log up In the nlml."
Hut what do we want of a dog?"
he ipicrhil.
Nothing, my dear. Have yon ever
noticed how many bouielens dogs there
arson tbe Btreetr
No, I never did."
A Cold Haartad Parson.
"1 didn't supixme you bait, knov(ug
bow aeltbiH and nld hearted ymi nre.
tui nova wkRB ia luck.
. . .1 nlhl.Wl4
burn In n hunt nr in .n. ...a .--
Eagerly Communicative.
"A lunn ought not to have any se
crets from his wife"
"Secretsl" exclaimed Mr. Meekton.
I aneml hours tryluff to make an Im-
r .. .... . I i..i h iiiltiklitir nn
.!. tiltink wnll nsimll.v stippiUHi aim I presston ou tie -,.
En proud Ih.iught; Why
ve wished to set her
Hliw? Hhe citiuu of a
... uifht Iml.
Old llelitU'inan-weii. my '"'"'
nre yoit koIiik iWihiu or are J' on
III WlllHll? ., . ,1
n-wrastlln' with me cons. lct.ce-l hll
delphia Ledger.
No Chance.
"Why did you Miai rel?" ,
She wanted me to r nn""
Bt crowded rcceplMli."
"Whv didn't J'""?" , , .
nlii-Hl'V '"""" '.'tffee
aaladln erne list n o,,,, of r Tie
aeanytblim Uowu."-Kanas v-ny -
had great dimrun.v in
"This Is .1 must wonderful spot nnd
lns wonilei'lnl luipi'ovement." he
,., in a incised way "Here I've
, r.,nd only twenty,.. ami I
I,',;;",,,,. change for the better.
Thanks. Hank tlregory."
' rilv's iippcllt'- ll''-,,,",,' nt onPC'
IU 'consumed .in.tnlllics of fresh
milk corn bread. I'in "A Veg"
! , ion nml Malm' pie. In which im.
, ts peer. He himself nwnk
' , I,, the ml-hlle of the night to ns
:Sthepaiofl...''''''ttt :;:;;;:ds:i:;"..::oft.,rnbo,,t
. , i l arfectod hi" own actions, nnd
Illg 11 HlltllHI
At tho
M'W "" "" ' ami Kltst
iiuii't tneaiii ' n
. . .it i. ,l,..l ulia f1iwittl1t
SOtnetllinK to leu hit miii,
kuow." Wnshliigton Star.
. Ml. .11.. nf
. wiutir Kir. luii.v
,,m ' . ,i,. .nil.
York linn com:io..i. ..... --
8tpa rated.
Mra. YVtihnsh-So they have drifted
spurt . .
Mrs nenrlsirn-Well, t don't know
ns you ctntld call It drifting exactly.
nut hereafter they've decided to paddle
their own canuea -Yonkers Statesman.
but I have. At tills very minute there
sro probably l.Ono friendless, homeless
dogs wandering about the city."
"Ami la that our fault?"
"In one way, uo. lu another way, we
have a duty to perform. As human be
ings aa men and women with souls
and henrts-we should tnke heed of
the sufferings of the tmte creation.
What la more sad than to see a poor
dog skulking nbout In fear and hunger?
That be Is an outcast and outlaw Is
not hla fault. Tbe world owes him a
II v Inn tbe same as It does a man. Hu
manity owes him food and kind treatment."
Perhaps you are going to found
dog asylum?" observed Mrs. Bowser
after n while.
"You hnve hit It exactly," he replied
as tbe cat enuie out from under the
lotutKO and sniffed the. atmosphere as
If she susiiected the presence of a
canine. "Yes. uin'ntn. 1 have estab
lished a home for friendless dogs, and
It already baa an occupant I have
arranged with Revcral boys to bring
mo every friendless dog they can find.
Each canine ahull have bed and board
for n couple of weeks at least and I
have no fear that tbe public will not
take them off my hnnds. You are not
with me In this ebnrlty. bf course, but
I shall carry It through just tbe same.
There goes the Ml. and thnt means
another dog"
Mr. Bowser ooned the door to find
another boy nnd nno'her dog. ne was
paying the lad and giving him words
of praise nt the same time when the
family cat. which bad followed him
downstairs, took a hand in It With
a yeowl and n howl ahe lit on tho dog's
back, and for two or three minutes Mr.
Bowser, the boy, the dog nnd the cat
were all mixed np. Then the cat re
treated, nnd the dog was conducted to
the asylum.
The Cook Makes a Fuss.
"Whnt's nil thin nbout?" demanded
the cook ns Mr. Bowser returned
through the kitchen.
My dear woman. 1 am being kind
to homeless dogs," he replied.
"Are there others to come?"
"1 hoe so. Yes, I nin In hope to pick
np nlmul fifty more."
Then I quit my Job In the momlu .
I have never et worked In n dog nsy
Itltn. nnd. please heaven. 1 never will!
No use to talk to me. sir. I can stand a
cut or two around, nnd I can put up
with a cranky nniti, lmt I'm no lady as
sistant In n dog asylum."
"I Kiippose you have been conspiring
with the girl." said Mr. Bowser, ns hi.
rot buck upstairs.' 'But she can quit;
dud le hanged to her! I know I'm
f-.:l ft, R;J te..JI Wll f.,yt ,l:f
r,,.f,.rn s rt,,i n ' n ti. i-i., ,o a
UU'i feu! at t! e frnt 'lour. Us h tMen
d In tiv!i It. to find a w?ttua oo tb,
A Cloud on th Har, ion.
"A ufc o kvort of luau you are. I must
say! Wlwrr'a my .,gr
"Your d'S5. u.H'Ljiur lot rpnUil.
"Ye, my dug: Iiu nn stolen out of
tli yard half au hour asn. au.l Hie boy
wa wen tueiiti-r this tu.ire. So you'
got i'..w to umitiriiiliig l.ya to steal
dot:, bato you? I'll tue Mm or brln
tbe ilb e h.-rer
"My tlenr woman, don't get exclUsL
If your dog U bre be wa taken by
mistake, ami I am sorry for it I r
relved hti aa a bout less. frletidle-
Tbe dug was found among tlve In
tb and the woman went away
mutterlia and Molding Flie bad not
been gone ten nihi'itet and Mr. Bowaer
was about to link up for the night
when tb doorbell was aluioat Jerkul
out by th root. It was a man tbi
time He pn.heI hla way Into tbe ball,
and. shaking bla fist under Mr.
Bowwr'a none, he shouted:
"You nib-ertible old dog thief, but I
am going to drive your bead through
the wallT
"What-what'a the matter?" waa the
itiiuuK'iliig piry.
"Tl'e t'-r Is tlmt you are en
rourn'.diig a Inud of lio..llnms to steal
p.itpl'a dogs nml that "n of them has
Ktol.-ti linlie u li'l liroii .l.t bllu here
Trot I. Iiu rik'ht out or I'll thump you
till you enn't noller!"
"My dear litaa '
"Tnt Mm out I nyr"
The asylum w ,i.s vl-,it .! nnd tbe
mining d"g m uv. red, an ! hi nfl!'
Indignant own, r ttilked (r'' t t 'l Hie
gatij In-hin l hi: i Mr. I;w.t
waa woiulcring vt-r ti.,- w l"!,i!fi' s of
hU asslititits whi n Jlrs. Ilnnwr ap
pen rL
"Don't you tSilnlt it would Is a gM
M. a ti t'trn the r.-t of th .b'.'i l.v.s
and rl-olHi the bonie?" sb iifrbl
"Ni'v.rr" Mr r. m vr. "I
set oi:t to ct.ll'lh'h bo; and I'll
do It or pert h In the ntt.-:upL"
Unloosed For Dove!'s.
At that Moment to- -U!i,l of an
awful racket t-nnie up from the shed
Tlie fev. n ilos left bad eutev-J into a
battle royal, and tb nub- was one to
arouse the wbu'e m-lgMn'rhooit Jtr.
Itow-er dashnl ilowusMiiH nnd out
Into t'u? ytinl. ami In another fecund
he b:ul t!n door of the sin d os-n He
waa coiiiii to yell nt t'ie dun to slop
th row. In'.t no sooner was tl. d sir
thrown u;t, n tluin tlw lightlu ;. stro
gllrcr si-veil made n rush. So did Mr
IVowier, liiitlm t wanutl tb" .burs thit
he v.ns to blame for the row nnd they
quit !! jilting among themselves to snap
lit bis heels. It was n nip nnd tu'k
rice, with a bulldog trying to llnd a
place fo bang on to. but Mr. Bowser
not . lily reached the feii'C. but went
over It Into th next yard and
out a tail of earth. It wasn't five mln
ut.-s In-fore twenty men and l.ys w. re
on hand, nud one of them had wit
enough to let the dogs out. They went
out suarilug and howling and Cabling,
with the bulldog having the lest of It,
and nmld the general uproar Mr.
Bowser climbed back into his own yard
and got Into the bouse. Mm. Bowser
wns quietly awaiting him.
"Weil, bow many bites did you get
from yonr homeless, friendless dogs?"
she asked as site surveyed bis tattered
trousers legs.
He turned red and glared nt her snd
swallowed the lump in bis throat bnt
he made no reply. lie was so mad and
scared and iqiset that he couldn't even
charge her with conspiracy, and after
seeing that the front door was locked,
he followed her upstairs and simply
managed to growl out:
"Woman, yon and I will settle this
thing In the morning"
The Mysterious
Good Time Coming.
"I see now, according to Dr. Clement
I.iicus of England, the human family
Is likely to tteconie a one toed race,"
said the essim!xt
"Well, tha' means fewer corns," n
piled the optimist Youkers States
Trouble to Follow.
"How is that novel you're reading?"
"I'm worried nbout the heroine,
know she's In for a lot of trouble."
"Why eor
"She gets married at page 27, don't
you know." Kansas City Journal
Just a Man.
"Are you afraid of burglars?"
"I used to be. but 1 got a good look
at one not long ago nnd I'm not afraid
nnv more. 1 found out that be was
only n man. Just like my husband."
tmit Free Tress.
Interrupted Prospects.
Rapturous Swain-Anil when we are
married we will bo Ideally happy and
Hvo on. nml live un
perturbed Father-Well, not on n-
Baltltnore American.
R.flnlnn Influence.
Frost-Ho yon think the aulo hae an
.,,,. .1. it hit Influence?
Snow-Well. sienklng personally, we
have been nm-d ami rcnneu.-gouav.
Either a Good Enough Reason,
She If you Insist upon knowing,
there nre twi reasons why I can't
mnrry you.
He And they nre?
She Yourself and another man.
His Trade.
"I know a .nut n who gives cut rates
to everyltody In his business."
'That's odd. What Is his Ivnslnpssr
"He trims htiigos. ''-Baltimore Amer
ican. .
Tha Truth Taller.
f'V z
see-:, wm, m
J : V T 1 i. ' I r i.". '.-1 '.Jk.,1
right In this thing. ' t know that my
course Is dictated by the sentiment of
mercy, nnd the dog asylum shall go on
In spite of everything." .
Mrs. Bowser was slipping upstairs
w itiiout n word In reply when the bell
rang again and dog No, 3 wns at hand.
He had scarcely been "asylumed"
when Nos. 4 and 8 showed up. The
boys- were In luck. It was cash down
and words of encouragement in every
enso, By 10 o'clock Mr. Bowser had
nine dogs In the shed, and after ex
haustlug tbe scraps In the kitchen be
had sent to the butcher's for meat and
bones. ' He was enjoying that comply
l'.sar sntasskLk
Aecouutant-Thls Is a full schedule
of your liabilities. Is it? .
Bankrupt (hopelessly) Welt, no-here
are eight weilding invitatlous. New
York Globe.
I am a niaa of artistic taste, eat.
baring Ukee ap business. 1 have feit
tint aMity of fiudloi eaaetttUi to
occupy and divert my miad durlag aay
leisure hours. I beg a writing etortea.
After am using myself st tbla work for
awhile I eonstrocted a story that t
thought pretty good and tried It on a
magazine. To my surprise. It wae ac
cepted. I aeot oat taore and wae re
warded with aoore acceptaacee.
When 1 came to be troubled wltb In
somnia tny story writing furnished Bis
wltb occupation during boars of wake
fulness. I have written many a at or
or part of a story between 1 and 4 In
the morning. I boarded with a lady.
Mrs. 8toughtoo. and her daughter.
Kate. I may admit In passing that
when a man boards with a lady wb.t
has a daughter, especially If that
daughter Is attractive, be la likely to
put a matrimonial rope around biaj
no, k. At any rate, an affair wai
brewing between Kit 8 tough ton ami
tnync-lf. She used to twit Die for sit
ting np In tbe middle of the eight
scribbling, for I didn't admit that I
was with Insomnia. But Kat
waa alway joking me. and anything
b sab was acceptable.
One evening I went np to my room
rarrjlng a magazine with me to read
d'jrlng my evening swake. Tnrnlnu
over the h-aves. I came to a Mory br
some one who had tha same name ni
myself. I rend th story, and it setmi-
H to me as If I might have dreamed
if mysMf. I'ut our mental faculties
iif very sul-l!, and It occurred to nm
l!i,t my seeming ronhii tlon wltb it
t.'.ii lit have rnrne from an litflnltesluial
ly mi:;.!! erio uf susteudexl anima
tion, at tb awakening from which t
fancied bad seen the story Itefore.
lmt this did not explain my name
being usetl as tbe author of the stories.
I wna puzzled over this, especially be
cause I was not familiar with any
magazine writer of my nameTrace.
It Is nt an uncommon one, and doubu
less there were other scribblers bear.
Irs if, but I knew uoue such, especially
with my Initials.
I didu't think much of this at the
r me, for my business, which bad been
nn, mug ao smoothly, begun to give
in a lot of trouble, and I waa finally
on tb verge of closing It out 1 wae
hur.'iiig hy my li users, ao to speak,
nheii I saw another story wltb my
name to it and. strange to aay, there
wns Ibe same falut dreamy knowt-nl.-e
or It that bad pertained to the
former one Tbe fellow's stories evi
dently pleased niagsslne readers, for
they I wen u to appear quite often. I
read every one I came serosa, and asy .
astonishment grew with each, for
l li..t.. airud itntiA hit ft ekaamiewlaBrfi aTke. Aaf
something I bad heard or read or
Then It occurred to me to go to
some of the magazine offices and find
out who the writer was. 1 went first
to an editor 1 knew best
Hello!" be said. "You're Just the
man I want to see. 1 sent a check to
you the other day for one of your
stories, and the letter inclosing it came
back unopened. Have yon taken to
scribbling for no pay?"
1 haven't sent yon a story for
"Not Tbe Moonshiner? "
"No." This was one of the other
fellow's 1 bnd read.
Tbe editor looked at me, ptualed.
Tben I told him what had happened.
He bud supposed tbe storiee with my
name attached to them came from me,
and be bad no explanation of tbe mys
tery to offer. He banded me fat
check, but 1 declined it and went to
see other editors in whose magattnes
the other scribbler's stories had ap
peared. They had all supposed that
I was the author of the manasenpta
sent In. and all bad credited me with
tbe amount due In all more than a
thousand dollars.
Now. I had got through my business
troubles, all but a thousand dollar note
coming due in a few days. All I bad
to do was to accept checks in payment
for my stories and i would be "oat or
tbe woods." But I had. not written
tbe stories and bad no right to take
nay for them. Besides, If I did ee and
" .
tbe real author turned np I woum i
liable to prosecution for swindling.
1 was In a condition of mind where
a man needs to confide In some one.
That evening I saw Kate Stongbton
and told her the whole story. Including
the fact thnt the use of a thousand
dollars would save tny business.
"Then go ta morrow," she said, "and
draw the money from the maga fines.
One mornirg mother found a manu
script In a drawer of your desk; tben
another and another at Intervals. One
night she saw you writing and spoko
: . .. r
to yon. You didn't answer, iou weiw
writtnir In vour sleen or some similar
condition. 1 rend the stories, ana ii
occurred to me thnt it would be a good
joke to send them ant to mngnzlnes.
I did so. and they were nil nccepien.
. ... ........ ,.... m. n n , ftm mil
in SOIUC insiilliees Kriivia .i."c -
from the niagaxlnes..- Some I opened
and found checks Inclosed, I resealeil
tbo euvelopes ... and returned them.
Sucb Is my confession. I am- sorry
now that 1 didn't give them to yon."
1 was ao delighted at having tbe
money to pull me through In my busi
ness affairs thnt I threw my amis
around her neck' and thereby put tbe
halter of matrimony that I spoke of
around tny own.
Bnt how I wrote the stories ts still
a mystery to me. nnd no one has erer
yet been able, to give toe any tipw-
Can That Bo It?
Patience When nn English suffra
gette hacks a picture in one of the
galleries, why Is it always one of n
beautiful woman? '
Patrice Because Bhe dislikes to boo
another woman admired, 4s my guess.
Yonkers Statesman. V -
We know him as a tiresome stiff;
He borea us night and day ,
We'd Blva him a great send off U
. We thought he'd atay away. .
-Cinctnnatt Enquirer
Why 8hs Didn't Aeely. .
Marks So you saw tbe woman wk
dropped the purse, but lost her la the
crowd. Did yon advertise for bar?
Parks-Yes; I put this in. If the
very homely woman of forty, wearint
a dress of lust year's style and a moat
unbecoming bnt who lost her nurse
containing $3.50, on Boybton itteet
Saturday will apply to, bar property
will be returned."- Pre ha4 a anawer
though. - ,j " .
Marks-Gracious! Do 7
woman would own np to that oeatO
tion for tAMJ-Beetoa Tnecrl;t j