The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 09, 1914, Image 1

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    it 'ijm. -i
C(Ut Who Shut OllkerCU'nud
J Nl Shu.! lUm
,n rilMCUN WOBr I OK lull
11, K. iT. it "
c.,!.ri.l.i'i. Wyoming.
II.INtMiro Monday tii.rninjf. wit It
.uthor.U from lh court t.M.-t,
th erste
Mil lln tl writ. '' ri.
.tut buried
If r June I1. tin iM'i
a l extract tee
PUt whieh i-a-'l WachV
jtli. Vt tti li km ltt through
,hnart at Sheridan in piti.l
jut. i(li an rx coiiHi l. June LI.
V h. ho H a deputy hertii.
in company M IMy
rr mit'tf toirivnt Karl lone,
,nrt convict, who had the day
l-forf Kltl'-n line' hr. I'orer
rMiilil arrest and "fvrml Khot
rr, rhnged. Vein It a Hi
itantl) Idled "'' ,r,v l' iv l
I hl J'. "'I
l thoiU'ht at tl '"
wnvul would ' a "'"'I
in tie letf. l'ut "s "n,v "
flnth wound, "l it" ti!U-t w as hot
ritwt'-'l fr" the Ixxly f
Vil'. and Fur' unf '"ted
m-uvt ry from hU wound added
t complication ta the case.
Kurr ii" claim lit did not
th at Vi urlt lit all. but direct
ti his lire entirely toward Rue.
o Ki t the bullet wart tin' init
Kin of the tt J.llVMK iuii. tlllil
upon tlx tr arrival here Under
laker tnielson exhumed the
bojy. which wan taWfti l llif
Larturs f r examination. Tin
Utly - hi Ml'H'lil lal of
prrrrv ultoit. aii-l the feature
ere uli i.ud a lifelike m when
Waih wulkft the at reel of in p.W
The a utopsy Rhowed tint two
Ixjllib Int.) entered the Uxlv.
Otiefl.ti n-. tin Ifft lmUi l, flintp;
tu th niiiU, Itart-ly Krafl tin
heart, an.l 'aH-tl rli-ar tltmtik'lt
the Tlt )llnr li.illi t.
w Inch .IhiI. lie wu frttm tin
wcnti'l fitteri'tl the ritfht
ii ! an. I Mat fniitui IihIisI ttvi-r
atfsimt ime tif tln riUn in the
left si.. The iilivsii'intw wttul.l
not k;iv that it warn llratihre
Imlli't, hut it hxtkt'.l the iurt.
iul tat to the rt laiitly laryt r
than :w. OtHfer Kite Ita.l a :W
Mlihre i-iiii, ttliili Kttret hit. I a
lSta!ilne aiitittiiatit'. I t i
thoiiktl.t lh:it th ieft tt' niiht
rljim that Korei'' kIuiM IiI nut
ttuch Veach. or that lit mk'ht
claim iitih was tthot ly Uue
The ilivHtoiari!i rt'turne.l to
Portian.i M. unlay oftenitttiii, af
ter which the Ut.y ttf the tl t-uty
watt Uk'unt plucej to rent.
A Swensnu Stump I'uller an.l all
necessary equipment. Will either
Ml thin or tra.le it for itiirsor
. Call or tttlJreHH lintte.lale
Farm, Santa litwa. Ore., tnwlor
ftf. Hi avei ton, Oro , U. 2.
To Portland -65 minutes.
a in
a m
a in
p in
J :;.i.
p in
P m
p m
p in
From Portland -M minutes.
-u in
a in
2:18 .
4:87 .
6:21 .
9:22 .
a in
p in
p ni
jt in
.p m
p 111
a m
Tlu; school hoard of Dist.
4 will reppive litis for
paintuiir 0r ike firhon huihl
'PK at Corneliua, one coat pure
MtHfei oil ft nil wl.itu .
iMlU 111 tin niumatl lulir II niiil
ine hoar, reHervt8 the rixht to
,pJ(,ci any or all lnl received
n. , . W. 10. Sherlirooke.
Mist. No. 2, Cornelius, Ore.
, i. N. Tutritart came over from Sllinmer roanrt at IMelnrlS.
Jhl ut of the week, In order to
l' !brt at the county seat. He
a.a 1 there is a Rood crowd over
l the popuar beach, and all the
'piiiK space is well titled.
i . J j x- ( kv A M
S. A. Sit!.
I' ratters. Wii,
eity SuikIuv, n,-
! ft tl.r l..!M..
r i,. ,.
'"1 U'Mi f.i-Mi! V Mr
ivel t',
i art nun. an. n, H j,v UU.,
the l.ijf e.MH,ty fair, I..-' t i t,.
.lavHilowMon tl.-TuNi.. trait
Iih father f .i in. rly a ti. . tl.
I t.'te Allen ,la,-e, ri. :ir
ville. uii.l Mr. S-):t!e r.-inr-n-1-r.ttlieMa
t.TH M. Mdia,, tr.H-.
ly. enart.-.l Uioiv that .:aiv
lie it tio erilar i iri .i;.yin.r j
I'aeihe I "011111 v. Wa , . a, j.m
live ilonkry n.tifK i rmiMj-u'. ..
M.l.-M hit l.ivr yar-lrr. I),- 'runs
.''I tiM-n an. I ,,;(,U a hun.In.l
llltHHail.1 ff.-t ..f's .I;,,!", (.
that Wa-l.ii.iun t Y.."n,ty u
thrtar..-ii,mt ..f th. NnrthA.-ht
an.l he ul ik i apir nat. t a trip
to lhn un tiuii. Mr. S i!.' (-arm-ovrr
to thr I, !!,(.. 11 Iron
Wt.rkt. whi rr he h Hi ..-. tin a
hitr t'rj.ler, a r.-.-.iit n,.-i,ti..o
In- pt l, ami f.,r whi. Ii hi-
:H o!f. r,, i'lHiii, S..,e vmI!
itsr the t.i.. r on I n railway
tpur rtnrK, uh. mil n,. iat.' it
Willi a iah'e. w t la a l mkry in
Vine no 1 a li - .1, a'.. the ma
thine will hafi.lle a tl.oti.sainl ti.niy. or in .r.-.
I'nr fate or tra.le for small
plaie .Hi I .o r.- t'.:i t farn,; 7"i
rt i-r; 'l a. r. ; m ria-i;
I he halaurr mN pa -lure. Our
mile frmii Sil If I'.av an.! o. .-an
U-ai h; one ini'e fri.tu 1 ),.-,.- fa.--torv
; r.ii I ao.l Aa( r to plan-;
al-tit . Iii ioi n i:i l.-i. .1 lIuiMeiii
eattie an. I oll,.-r t-1 h k; haw sick
wife no. I Mtiist f. t a Aavlr.nn
thet'oa 't. I 'nine an.l nuke no
olfer. I.iU-ral ti-nii-t. .lann-s
Karrin. Taft. t'.i , (he.
After a lucrative t iy of mun
ll.iiiKo-r live mi.tith- at l.akt-
Vle. S . lllu-ro Oreeo'i, )r. (!,
U. P.i'.wl r luriu I I.. ni- last
wrrk f..r a uiil with
faintly, ltr which he will re.
turn to resume I. i practice. In
x peakinif t'f erop i-on.liii..n-t I'r.
lilov.l k.ivh that nothing uiunt;
Ihehneof true! .. t Ween lute
an. I llkev iew hviikS l.-t fo.i. t-1
hint a-t the prospect here in
Washington ounly. r,v i-r tliins?
frttm Silwr Lake to I'.i-u.l waal-
ituml entirely r.line.l ley the late
frutli and ruinl dry w father.
an.l crop nre nl.ort hetween
I '.end an.l .Ma Ir.ii In the lot!
K.H-k cum try crops are alino-t
Hit entire l;t as every lliimr wa;
stpriitK now n itn.l tender when
the ln-avv frost ht-ncii.
lhe Oaml M.trca h the most
wholesome "two for a (piardr
smoke on market -nia.le in lre
tfon. hy K. Schiller. hen you
indulk'e in a tfl Hmoke Inly a
tlrand Marea. If
Postmaster l.amkin Monday
. . . e . . i . 1 ..... I
reeeive.l a letter iroin 1 i . 1 nui.
of tirauville. N. .. eiu'iosmn
the announeeineiit I hat a tomb
stone had U-ensent for theerave
of the late . P. Mall, who is
litiried in the Masonic cemetery.
lie I'n.l wrote Mr. I.aiiikin a
ew weeks ai-o. addrt-ssnnr the
pustmasler. ifikiiur for a friend
of the late Mr. Hall, m tnuer
that the t-toi"' nilnht he reeeive.l
.tn.l properly set up. l.amkm
prompt I v wrote and told him lie
would I00K alter ine i.isn. im-
marhle will arrive hy ii't i'iu m
n few das.
I'.-.i-l Doni'lson returned the
last of the week from the Mast,
.-e he has entere i ine .101111
llonkins Institute, lie inlemloil
takiiur a Sii'timer course, prepar
atory t entering' this Mall in
regular class study, hut his eyes
failed him ami m nan an fia-
lion Iht' plivsiciau .io i-" .
study until Mall, and Mail coll
uded l return to wivjjoii iniiu
the Mall term commeneeo.
Pasturajyt' in ph'nty for cattle.
Mik'urcson laiye Plen-
tv of Krasf "ti'l waier.-nnee o
iWrieri. rr't v'roV' U"1";'.,.
place on Lousinnoiu i.aKe. 1-1
, M 1'arstetis was down from
Ibiiks." Saturday, un.l states that
I It-nil 4 I Ion I'n. wislu'tf all U-
enl neon e who want picmuh
Aioriist 1.
date the company will Jill l,liJ
in Porlland. w as to he assured
of hel).
Pasturage: Have pasturatre
torLT.hcad of cattle or horses.
No. 1 ranvre. Iiinro at the U
C. Hancock store, Cornelius, ot
Mm W. Mahon and children
and Mrs. Puvid Kuratli and
child are over at the Uockavvay
heach for the season. Meaaw.
. 1. 1 k iirnili were over for
the week-end.
For Sale: Oshorne hinder, fi-ft.
cut in tf."d repair. . ami
e L MT takes it.-llerman
Pral'U miles Northeast of Hills-
1)010. .
Mr. and Mrs. Cltn. H'1"". of
PoKland. were out I e W of
the week. Ritests at K
(Jates' home.
Arua and Orcgonian, $2,25.
NVill II..IJ Slate Convention
AUMionvilleon Saturday
MiM.naville Ro Win (j;ve partje iBj
Make TbinK lleanaal
On Saturday July 11. the rural
e tt. r carriers of the state will
meet in the Commercial club
r.Hirns of McMinnville, and in the
forenoon will take, up their an.
inial order of hiiMinesH. and w ill
h" address. ,1 hy Mr. C. K. Clem
Tit. KistolIiei' inspector. Mr.
Cltuieiit will also answer all
Ti"sliom which may he suh
n.itted through the question Utx.
'I heir pPK-eedin will also occupy
the afternoon. The meeting of
I ine my carriers win he held in
ti e lihrary auditorium on the
I same date. At fi p. m. there
win arrive a number or vtsitinif
carriers from Portland, headed
hy their own hand and coming
hy special train. A street par
ade will follow, after which a
nice han.piet will hi' Berved to
the visitors. MollowinK the ban
.pnt will he another meeting, at
which committees will report,
resolution will ln passed, and
new ollicers chosen. It is ex
pected that Md. J. Cantwell,
notional, secretary of the city
carrier and editor of the Postal
U-cord, the ollicial and largest
paper published in the interest
of the fraternity, will be present
accompanied by his bride, as
their western trip constitutes
tlu ir bridal tour. Postmaster F.
1.. Myers, td Portland will be
present, and possibly Mr. Her
man Wise. Hstmasterof Astora.
It is a matter of regret amonif
the mail carriers that lr. Grannis
of Pennsylvania, whose presence
had been expected, will not be
able to come. lr. (Jrannis was
n Vorioer pastor of the Methodist
church of this city, and was the
principal factor in securing the
passage of the law closing post
oilices on Sunday.
The mail carriers are entitled
tit the best treatment public
spirited citizens can icive. them.
In the ereat parade at the Port
land Kose show it was noticeable
when the section composed of the
mail carriers passed that they
were held in the highest apprc
nation by the on lookers. Where
ever you stood in the crowd you
could hear exclamations of recog
nition of their local carrier by
various people. Rhowing the ap
preciation in w hich the Imys are
held. They are faithful public
servants, meetinif all sorts of
conditions and working in all
sorts of weather. Let us Rive
a hearty welcome when they
v isit McMinnville McMinnville
W. II. Poyd. of Ileaverton, is
the Slate Secretary.
. P. AND P. K. & H.
All. except the P. II & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the ae
pot on Main street.
To Portland
Forest drove Train 0:47 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:3(5 a. m
Sheridan Tram SI.&S P. m.
Forest drove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Forest (irove Train. .-4:15 p. m
MiL'ene Train 4:58 p. m
McMinnville Train 6:37 p. m.
Forest drove Train 9:50 p. m,
From Portland
Kiievne Train arrives. -8:15 a. m
Forest drove
Forest drove
Forest drove
Forest drove
A 1 1 trains,
trains, stop on
llange and Fir
Sixth and Fir
Tenth street.
a - Ml
9:42 a. m
.11:59 a. m
" . .3:15 p. m
" . .4:30 p. m
" ...6:37 p. m
" ...7:15 p. m
" ...9:1)0 p. m
" .12:15 a. m
except KtiRene
Hair at North
streets and at
streets and at
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
i u A N. Tra n 1:37 p. m
From Portland
p N. Train 10:24 a. m,
Mr nod Mrs. H. T. Blair. 0
t?vn" Place, were out Sunday
...,-1 Monihtv. iruests of Mrs,
n,.t h A. Hla'ir. H. T. is stil
holding down one of the linotype
machines on the uregonian.
Mr nn.l Mrs. Frank E. Will
iams,' of Portland, were out the
i..,.i-th meeting with former
county friends.
E. J. Croat, of near Scholls,
was in the city Monday morning
Argu3 and Journal 32.25.
Bring your eggs to Greer's.
Jasper Williams and family
have moved back from Timber.
Miss Lulu Donelson. of Port
land, spent the Fourth in Hills
boro. IiOg Cabin bread at Greer's.
II. J. Veach. of Oregon City,
was in the county geat Monday
White Loaf Hour at Greer's.
Mrs. I). C. Wackburn left th';
last of the week for an extended
visit at Urownsville.
Nick Kemmer. of Hi -ayerton,
was in town Monday morning.
on business at the sheriff's elfice.
Earl Wallace and wife, of
Portland, were out to Hill.-jboro,
James Ritchie and w ife, of the
Grove, were Hillsboro visitors
on the Fourth.
The German Speaking Society
will meet at the home of John!
Koehnke, Sunday. July 12.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grebe, of
near Laurel, were in the
first of the week.
A. llogers and wife, of the
Hishup Mill.altove Mountaindale. i
enjoyed their Fourth in this city.
S. Davis was arrested in the
Nehalem. Sunday, on a warrant
from Tillamook, charging him
with arson.
Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. lingers, of
Oak Point, Wash., were guests
of Wm. Keiling and wife, cele
bration week.
S. H. Davis, of Ileaverton. was
in town Monday, attending the
sale of the Hovendon property,
which escheats to the slate.
IJest slabw ood in the market -get
prices for Fall or Summer de
li very. See me fust. All kinds
of wood. H. D. Schmvltzcr.
Wm. Barngrover. of Tualatin,
was a guest of home folks, at
Varley, over the Fourth, and
was a city visitor Saturday.
Fred and Will Stevens were up
from Farmington the last of the
week. They retKirt that the
'annington steel bridge is attotit
Ernest Krause. of Oak Point,
made a business trip to Hills
boro, Monday, after spending
the Fourth in the city of Port-
W. J. Butner and E. Herat, of
near Beaverton, were in the city-
Monday. Mr. Butner is an uncle
of Henry Aiken, who broke his
eg in Sunday's ball game.
Married: At the home of Mrs.
E. Curtis, liev. Oliver L Cur
tis oflieiating. Dr. O. II. Sheetz.
of Portland, and Miss Alma Cur
tis, of Forest Grove, July 2, 1914.
Joseph A. White, ot Portland,
and Minnie White, of Washing
ton County, were united in mar
riage in this city, July 2.1914,
Judge W. D. Smith oflieiating.
C. W. Ixmdon and wife, of
beyond North Plains, were in
the city the first of the week.
C. W. savs he is still glad that
he is back in Oregon.
Benton Bowman delivered the
Fourth of July address at Man-
ni t 1 1 1 1 1
ning. ami wm. vaiianaignam
officiated in the same manner at
Gaston, where they had a big
Commissioner Nyberg and
family came up to Hillsboro, Sat
urday, to celebrate the day.
They were well pleased with
their treatment at the county
W G. Hare and family went
to Tillamook', Sunday, and the
family will remain several weeks
W. G. returns to take care of his
practice, and will make occa
sional trips over during the warm
Ralph Wann and family went
to the Tillamook beaches. Mon
day, on the P. U. & N.. to re
main several weeks, lhey will
have an outing in the old
fashioned way. camping in some
shady place, close to the water.
E. W. Dant was up from Tieed-
ville. Friday, mapping out his
threshing route for the 1914
season. He will soon be ready
to take the field with his ma
chine in case ho does not sell,
machine, route and all.
The post office was nicely
decorated July 4. and the big
Hag bought by Postmaster Lam
kin away back in 1884 was in
evidence. J. C. drove to Port
land July 2, 1884, and brought
out the decoration and it has had
thirty years of parade in the
county seat. On his return trip
he encountered a thunder storm
on the Cornell road, and as it
was most severe he has occasion
to remember the day and date.
Hon. Wallace McCamant Delivers
Splendid Address to big Crowd
Banks Walk Aay With Ball Game ii
Close Content, ia Afteraooa
It was some celebration at Hills
boro held last Saturday. Never
did the eagle scream louder, and
never before was there a jollier
crowd of celebrants. It is esti
mated that at least eight thous
and people participated in the
demonstration that lasted from
nine in the morning until after
Hon. Wallace McCamant, of
Portland, was the speaker of the
day. Mr. McCamant is a scholar
and his address was conceded to
be one of the most masterful
ever delivered at an Independ
ence day observance in this city.
It breathed patriotism at all times
and covered the field of American
elTort, not only in colonial times,
bur down to the present hour.
The striker's personal acquaint
ance h(Ti lent an added charm
to his address, and it will lone.
be remembered by his auditortM
Dr. hrwin read the immortal
declaration with credit. All of
the concessions did nicely, and
this w as better than was expect
ed early .in the day, as the
weather was delightfully cool.
The dance pavilion was crowded
all day, and the steam swing and
ocean wave had good business.
Hanks walked away with the
ball game in the afternoon, tak
ing the score by two to one
lot of consolation to big John
Carstens, who was down from
Banks to see that the boys from
his town had the proper con
fidence. The 100-yard dash was won by
Orrin YanlilaHcom.of Cornelius,
with Lawrence Taggart second.
Adrain Johnson, of Harrisburg,
won the Fat Man's liace. Mr.
Johnson is the agent for the Ore
gon Electric at Harrisburg, and
he and his wife are up on a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. John
The shoe race was won by G.
Vedder, of Wheeler, with
Lawrence Taggart, second.
I w ill sell at public sale at my
residence on Main Street. Hills
boro. between Fourth and Fifth,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. on
2-horse disc harrow, 3-horse
peg-tooth harrow, 3 Oliver chilled
plows, 2-horse peg-tooth harrow,
steel plow, 7-shovel cultivator.
2 siv-tine Jackson hay forks,
Birdsell wagon, 3i inch hayrack,
two sets single harness, horse-
clipping machine, stumpjack,
buggv-pole complete, grindstone,
hayforks, shovels, 2 crosscut
saws, 2 log chains, set 4-horse
doubletrees, wagon bed, metal
wheel wagon, 6 horse collars, and
numerous other articles.
Terms of sale - Two per cent
oft for cash over $10: six months
time, bankable note at 8 per
E. E. Schmeltzer. Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Wm. Pitman, of this city, re
turned to his work for the Carl
ton Lumber Co., Monday, after
spending the Fourth with his
family. He says that the com
pany is logging right along, and
turning out big product.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bridges,
of Portland, were out Saturday,
en loving the celebration and
meeting their old time Hillsboro
Pete Vandehey, of Beaverton,
is over at Ona, where he is ex
pecting to remain some time on
a homestead.
Miss Pearl Smith returned the
last of the week from an extend
ed visit with her aunt, Mrs. Dan
iol Black, at Dayton, Washington,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. S. Sparks
departed Tuesday for Gladstone
Park, where they will remain
throughout the Chatauqua
Hon. E. W. Haines was down
from Forest Grove Monday morn
ing, on legal business.
Fred Keller, of above Moun
taindale. was in the city the
first of the week.
Mrs. J. C. Smock was in the
city from Sherwood, Monday, on
probate business.
Call ia and sec onr Hardware stock since we have
opened in nnr
Hew Double Store Roo'm
We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all
kinds and will tte pleased to sliow yoti our stock
Form Implements a Specialty
Remember the placeOn Second Street, op
posite the Court yard. Let us figure on your Plumbing.
r-i 1
all kr7 v: I v
2Jfriendemine Ls&Ja
with the methods, policies and strength
of this banh. -will convince you that
an account here does not alone guar
antee a safe and convenient depository
but also every service modern conser- -vative
banHing affords.
American National Banh
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources ...690,428.81
Banning in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
Now is the time when you are plan
ing that vacation to lay in your read
By the best authors are on our shelves.
Light fiction is also well represented.
Call and look over the book list -the
most complete in the city.
Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate
- Optometrist.
HilUboro, Oregon
NO. 16
Mftfaaoro, Or.