The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 02, 1914, Image 4

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    r r, l
in mi
I.. A. i
lKUP(l t
l-ONO i
. ........ i..t ianKMn SMtlion. B'.4ok Kindly
I Season, as follows: ...
At Wm. lUthoro Wire. Uarel. Monday evening, umu
Tuesday noon, c.iu T, evening, until 9:30
At i onnover cioir. o.t.o. .
Wednesday; . . ..... noon, until
At l S. werly uancn, ivniw".
2110 PA?Werton livery Cm. Wednesday evening until
Thursday noon: , ... Thursday evening
At ueeu rii. -
until Friday noon: ., c....,,-!, ewninir.
At Hilisbori rruuy uwmwn um..
at Second Street Livery Farn.
Terms. Single service. $5; Season. $10; To insure wmi
( , i ith - W in advance; To insure a live wit,
foal. ?U Jh R-oO m o & j musl 1h. at
::;.ntref nTis'LlrtraLred'or remove,! from County.
Care to preventt not rwivnsiM for accident.
Horse duly licensed.
Jo. OtU Owner.
knight t Clutihu. learn W alW t ,
Aw iv W ith lav twtory
la Tk A(tct jiJ ! ,
The Knights of CoUmibn team. s!,:;:!M'i .
of Tor Hand, gave the HilUlvro f. 1 ,! ;
team their first tritniv.nig this r A-
year, and it as a gatro fuU cf ( , ,.
thrills from start to t"mih. The , ' .' s- , :
first man ti sot a iass to Hrt. l 5 . ; .
... . t . ...... I ! . ' . i I
and then i.ucm -m -
and a homer over the richt lield (. .. . tt. t. , r, the
fence meant two scores. Int. r A-r.i ,i Aa';'"'!. ! -H ,,,'in'
... .... ... i . . l.-'.f. t-.e ! v
in the game amum-i t.'". n ...-.tins
, . (), 'isnu-i.
' ' V t,,n ,,'t
, .... s! , -.! t Ih-hiC
, a.-x ilh r state.
,i ! r"iti"
'...,. i' i;it' iejT..
'' :, o: th.e
-,in: -h.Ti.--;.
!. , .' t.ii-; N '!!! r
I , i-it f s-"t'
, rotnuit.-ly '
. ... ' (5 is avt'i-unce.l
. , , ii ,. ct , '-r.uii"
: ' '.,.",..,i.e tor t'r.-tf-'M
! . ;:, :! '.
lU' thrir
tovt l I l-p "
1. 1 c; ii T I N (.
Stallion Ketiistration lrd. State of Oraron.
License Certificate of lure Hred Stallion No- 1379.
Pated at Corvallis, Oregon. March 10. 1911
I he tHMtfrree oi ---r pu- Horw
registered in the stuuixvK .j j Otto, of
Breeders and importers 7 'K J it Harhe.
H stxro, wasninsion vuui.i,. ,v,.tt4 nuM,-
Sultan 11400 Mre oi iwn ouuu
Rrved Mrchewn: Foaled in the year lil. on May & and has
t.reeu. leruurv u. paJiartion loard of Oregon.
been examineu i rrr Stallion of Pure
Ste ,? i -StS in 'the ; udbookThat i. reconi.ed by
Kiatio name.1 in section nme of an Act o -f the
lative Assembly of the Mate o r ? "tirv Tf
licensing of stall tons, eic, ... .T.!i!.,
tate February lu. ana uie -.-has
teen examined by the veterinarian appointed by the
allUm lfcSatntion Bard and is hereby reported free from
mfectiou'. contagious or transmissible diseases or unsoundness
and is hereby licensed to stand for public service m the Mate
of 0rcKOn- Ermine L Potter. n i
Secretary Stallion Registration Board
Note This license must be recorded in the office of the
recorder of Conveyances of the County in which such stallion
,Tlo I used for public service, and must be renewed March
10. 1916.
caused lv a Kt kill, at the fo.t ar
. . . . . .-ii.- I.'.''
of the right iis'i'i i'11" .
t i . .
thnwi nnr. iire. I lie mmuu:. ,
landed the game by a score of t,
13 to I and the defeat spe.ieil ;
... . . .1 . t . ... ! . t 1..
humiliation lo me hku.. t'i w v , t
had met no Waterloo yet this k?, ,
season. Martin pitched giul ball N (
at that, tor tie allowed inn m
hits. r.Ouie iieiuieisi'u m ,
worse than any of the Inns, tor A
he had three errors eharced io tla;.
him. that many fast ones Komg we .
thrxnigh him. Four went by his
position, but one was so uy the snlkt lt vOl W c ik
scorer could not eonsctenui'!,i t
charge htm with an r.. n"-( S t
derson has been playing ifivat ' ,:r
ball all year, ami the ia-e ai- .
tected the other nu mlers ot the k .-(;
team. I'helps sustauied a split ,
linger anu lie a inmi'i i-j im,
r.eo. Moves fielded a Inch tlv.
and as he started to throw it. it r r
fell from his hand and the latter i , i,
wn4 safe. : !" '
Fddie Henderson made three . -
hits which was some redemp-; b.
tion for his crowding the error ,. u,
The Iwys play l'. inks Inday
and Hanks comes here Saturday ; f '
for the return Kamo.
u !.! l e
vv aU-rs of the
lis- w ati " ot
M,.;.h of t 'A!'.
... f.r a fee ot
voM "ou:h b
tfit are "still
;! comes to the
t.v ii tro-n
c ',..- of t! e
i' .- hi
( M .
I s-
Walt e-
Watt i
Watt t.t.
owi u inmt
R. , 1 li
Its a Better C&r
MVJI'C.I. I. lOVIIlli;; Q rT"
Cr Ddivrrr.i u)nv
g .
Wilhr Aut U ( mKr C
Tliirtl Slrrrt.
n . nu.-...i
I !.,.' u ! ".
. ! ..,u. .( !
,. tUr .tl. n ! i.
, ., , V .K.I
, , 1. .. ti ill ' i . l' l
e;..! I '
l . l,-t.'f -l "I
. k- I ;:l!-.U'f !
i '
. i !
Will Vim IliiiM '
Daily Journal
and The Wechly Arus
One Year, Both Papers
$5.25 Daily and Sun
Journal and Argus, One
Year. $7.50. Do It Now
Weekly Argus
lit. l.-r.ouo
AH It K I V 1
K. ttBtrrn. Jli I .1 "
Yn Htaricum. if 4 ' "
Aiken. t! j! i " S "
O. H(Dlrtsn, i'i 3 o i. t J i w J l I l J ' , 1
Krrruun, It 4 " ' 1 " "
Move, cf 4 o ii t o i
t'Urljrt, c no o 3 "
Mrllu. p ; " ' I 1
FlystitiKer. c 4 t i " "
Hnjby. lb i o ii I '
k" llen.UfMin toon . i
Total J4 4 7 '" "
KNIGHTS i'l; Cot.f MM -
Taucticf, ih 4 l s i cf 4 a a i '
lltnkle. If 5 ' " 1 " 1
Luckty if S 3 ' " " : .... .! ta...
Bro. m 4 J " ! "r?."". , "'
CatfiKn, lb 3 u " " " ! ...ei.... . ....... y
Theiun, c 4 5
i v ;n ti.i '! '''
!( i ! n '
,.l ur.t!..
I " '
) Til k
, I . Itl " I ' '
V, ,,!
mum; oi svt i.
IN 1
N, '
.,1 In v-
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t V !.. . '
.Ill 'il l.
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.,-.n 1 1 , I
1 i I' I . ! Ul .iK THE
.,.' i."V IS ASP
ts-oi km i n, M
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I. -v J ; ' t. f
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,., it...
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N - I I i I . in
: I'-' -l N I--'
; t. v.:: ..! !..
Cive Me it Tiiiil;
1K yi ticeil any lit-. . s -,
I K yuit urcil any 'iy
IK yott nerd any .h
u you need any I e,i '
Will yutt urfd any Land i'Lislci?
Will yu Herd ai I " f I m jV r-Ti
Ka'hr,J,M.ulutc Spicader, C.i'.tiu!. r,
l)nt,'Utudcr r any tlnn ra Ma luur:;,'
If you !, call and Me ii. thu pml
Emmott and Jo
Phone Mnin5(W
.1. i
I 1 1 1 i
I - ;
,,,, i . i
- I. -
:,,-..f ! li, h- -.It!..- !
.-!. ill an I !'( W aid
.! 0-k-.'H.
I ' . f ' Lt
.V K i..irm. H.'i.
A tlli.'t, . ..I I. ! ! "I Mw "O.
KrautP, p 5 " 1 3 i-is I "!
ii.'i riii 'I I1 ' -l A ' ''
ToUl S tj 6 i: II i l llil. !Kll ly "I 'li'
u K I. i!' i'"'it ii.
ul'"''-lr' i N .. . I- ... i. i..tor.v
I-jime.l tutu-Ilillsli'ir.i ., K i C : ! I. m, i. .,..... ' ' i.a- ar ..
j Ut li.U- tItiKhci. J t.m- tut Ctft- ', i .,ii,ii...i' I'. oi., '!. hi Ai
Kn. HomeiuB-l.m-ke. l:i.-. n I ilN """" V ' - "
off Martin 5. Kriir j -Siii n.t l. 1
Martin Ii. Kr' 4 V't'l I '- M n
tin, i.ttt iiii li'intH in i.K'tn i, i. ii
C 6. Firl liaw on iimrv - K if t ,. 111.
boio I. I' 1llU-Thi rl hi I, It.t I V
pitcher-G Iliii'li-rson, I'.rown, 'Itioin;
Stolen Imse' Tau li r, ltii.k. t on
SirfUii'-. hit"
Dr. CicrttuJc Plullijo
6 Loaves of Bread for 25c
Get one loaf and 5 checks, each good for one loaf of
Bread. Buying your bread this way gives you the
chance to save on your bread bill. Remember this
next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loave3 for 25c
Main Street, Hillsboro J. Wolfersperger, Prep.
Pacific States
r.n- H .-,-. . i .:i ( t' sn.l.
I i !: i.t.! t.' j' i in n l-.l
I, '.n- t'l.tiij Hu. l. i ii'i..iiij.i:y I'.H l
John Vamlcrwal
1 in
W. 0. DoiicImiii
Scholls Roller I
Wm. HANSON. Prop
Hun ami l'rcl, Artu i I'.iau I f .'i?, j
Clioj.jiiu a, IVnhry
NLuiufai-ttutT d Whole t,
auJ Wheat bruit l-,l..ur,(,.;.li-
Otic l'ritcs .i'. v.s Kr4-c i
TRY t'S the Next Tin?
k. f. d.
Cal!- attt i'.;.. "I .'..p..
Cli.i',- I .tti i I '.ii.
Hilli Intro, Urvyttn
. J
jkx, Yatilltaricum.
Broun. Time of k"11'" - 1 r I in.n.
Dr. Km ith, acort-r.
uttll III lf
C. W. Uansom, well ki.own i
here years ago, died at th ChmI : 1 :u" l"'T.' i n ""mi
Samaritan Hospital. Portland. ; f Building nr.d B.-air wink.
Sunday, from an attack of jhu-u- j Ci,,jn,.t work, etc.. Suw-tiiinjr,
monia. Mr. ltan.4om was "rn ; careen jU Sctv.-n uoors. Simp
: li I.,.,.,;.. y.,.,i "11 K",7 ... .... '
hi i en noj i HiHrt, .1. ..... .at Mam anl ! mnt.
anu came io urc'un in nn -,
hood, lie has made tins state t
his home ever sine.. He wa:s; -married
to Mary K. (iihsoti, inj
Hillahrirn . Aiitnmt 2H. 1H7!I. For I
many years Hansom conducted a I KtpYouf
drug Btorfc in this city, and at! ' AnimaU
one time was a i-artner itl. IVccfromMle
Wm. Weatherred. After going j - ' ;r,.,
out of the drug business he went Ik.'": Af
lUn wind f.. i.f ! R'K. Jf '
Ull IIIC mail I'll iniiii'''
.loll N BLATIV.
When in Portland stop at the
Hotel Eaton, West Park and
Morrison Streets, located in the
heart of the theatre and shop
ping districts with all the con
veniences of a modern hotel, at
reasonable rates. Glen Hite,
Manager. 49tf
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke-no "cough dust
in the Schiller. 12tf
Mrs. V. Ackley, who has been
the guest of the month with her
brother, L. W. House, departed
for her home in Kansas City,
Tuesday morning. She returns
more than ever charmed with
Oregon, and expects to again
revisit the state in a year or so.
Forest Grove is again paving
a few blocks this year, and the
contractor started excavation
last week.
vears. traveling for a wholesah
drug house. Later lie became
interested in mining, and his
ventures were uniformly success
ful Hi wife anil one daiR'liter.
Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter, sur- j I .
'!... r . .... i .... I. .1 ; H
Vive. ine lunerm iook piacei
Tuesday at Pinh-y's Chapel, j
Portland, and the remains wore ;
brought to Forest Grove for in-
terment. Mr. Ransom was very
popular and had a host of friends !
over the Pacific Northwest. I. hi if
Ii .in ih.
li.,; It-
I..- .1... I- i. I..'s Fly Knocker
Mi.i ii,.i
ii, i
' It'll (.lillt
Try It I, D.-.vs
ivioncylwk aT JJJJ
II It rails
1101 SI I IN ami
Oi.e hiifff ir a c;ii!ii:e!.
With calf or cumin;' fn- li;
White or hum A black ai A wbil.-;
nime.liule or dclVrc'd d-'li. erv ;
I'a-dt or b rim - I'nc-i ',
0 Ii " a'. Hi i.' t'r.-amer
N ilk AI
i ill n... I In ill. C, ; II IV Pi
..i,mi. 'i.ii.Mim m ri.wX?
Call tor S'iirranU
All I ! i 1 '.). i . . illy ni'iuiCi i. ii (iiin!
nihil III in I If i.rii.-i.ii I niiil nni'.il
N..t IV...I I- .1 W ul I nil,!
jiivnli .' ii! i!n C;ii ul !ii n'i,i, i i$,"ii l
Hl.'l Illli-H -.I Wlli I ltd. 1 .Si .ll ;
l'" I
I' .1 S . ;i, di , i (. .i.i.
t I ill;.!. lit. i, Id- , A j ill ,, 1,1
I (IK III!'.
Best Firo Insurance
AM. I'HOMtT ' i I II. !
MI'.NT "I' 1.1 1 , ., hl,H '
Acnt Lfituniii Lanca
shire I' ire In- iiiance Co.
I'lti ilic ;IhIi i t' s 111 I.I.' III ll'.l i
I represent Spirclla corsets
not sold m stores. . Will call at
homes on request, and ilo tin
" liwiin i ) I n i I !M
i . : i i i i
,,, . .. , , ic "-' now i o a l j i is t
i"1" ' .""'-'-ii. and wear the corset. Our tailor
oung such hs oii can always get at ,,( ,nilelo-mea,mre corse tn in
reel- Johnson s Studio, makes a very (.ding the latest .front lace, will
.Mrs. K. M. McOlure, ()f A. J. 1 1 ARTR AMPT
Scholls, vas severely injured Hillsboro - - Oregon
Sunday by the kick ol a horse.
She was in a huggy, in company! A nic
with her husband, anu a young t
man jumpeuirom an aiuo direct- .mnnson s .num. maKis a viry - clu.lii the lal.-st. front lace with
ly at the side of the horse 1 he desirable school or wedding sni-1,,,, ..xperieuced n.nteticr service
animal became iriKiiumiio anu venir. 11-1 w,.,'" ..... .i.,,, i; i t
commenced to kick, smashing ost ii than hiuh class cor-
.Pmi "... J u... t,;,.i ' i'fH purchased m stores. Mrs.
ZrX'fAr, lief lun. b I S.c M f, imW, Hillsboro, Fifth
Mnv the knee ioint. Or. K. i .and Jacks.,,, hi reels, Phone No.
H.Smith attended the injury. House and lot, !)!lx200; sewer im- r,,,u'
and Mrs. McGlure was brougbt provernetits paid; some line fruit
to the city Tuesday to have fur- rees; $KK)0 $100 down und $10. All new glM,ds no Khelf-worn
ther attention by the physician, a month. F. G.Mitch ell. g.Kids on sale at Greer's.
TillamooK Courf
brachr ncl nO.tntf Sir
Ttllatm,k County U-acl..- hav
"Nature'H Playifr.," K.-.n h" "
... . ... .... i .i. . i ,i i , ii. Lift CIS t
o tne vvini nn im- i v. 1 1
joye.1. now open tor iri'r"H"" -"
new ruttaiTiii. new campi'iK' m.
Low round trip Hcason ami u ''' k '"'f,
.... p in . in in.' ant bra
W II II l ll H J
L. avert Cnion lcM,t )ailv
Leas ch Hunt v
"S. :i Shore SpeciiiL" I'niou !' I''t
O.... CI...... C......i.,l " t-' il M.HT!"."!
. .1 ,-tlllll.' . -
Imawnnal t:30P.- j
Good Fishing in thr btnol
uAvm Pivirs
Cnmirpassed lishing in llu' Salmoijl
rivers, a. well as other hllam."
Oall lor ouf ktmnd no w 1'"
i .11 in
r ...
s. r. Ak''''1
Barber Parlors
Courteous Treatment
Capable workmen
Paths in connection, and a
Pine Shower Hath
Newly Furnished Shop. A
trial will pleasc'yott.
Pythian lllu', Hillshorc
- . I
it. i.
unoHO l
Sand. W
Argus and Orcgonian $2.26.
II 0