The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 02, 1914, Image 1

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lllLl.snouo, ()ri-;(;on,
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sBag mGuSo
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' NO. 15
if III HUIini-UUUU IIUU i ! r:n -k. ar.
"'' '" 11,1 a"''
. . I' Vtif Vllra luiihm k I i II.
-t y. . '.-, I i i'l iv htm .!
' " 1'"1, ,,,r ,l I' iU
p, V t ..... v I. It. I"' ...
jr j j ! . i ,;1 !!-. ' '. abtot
jiti .i' '''"!-;!v 1 ;
y ,.,-..i'k !i i
,,,., ,,, r',-r,. !! r.r
that :i ' ' ' "' '''" ' ' " 1 a
t th- "" ' I''-''" '
V..nh- m b.,,1
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rr.,i , . .-. V-1 li'1" i' ; '' !
ih.-'. : ';,' ,:u"; M"! f
A,r .!;.! VS. ''!"'',
,.,,,- ! ,: ..I l.ifi : I'-
lack ' - I"' f"- ",
ll- p. ;! 1 - 1 '' I",
l. j,.,; !' I. It ' 1 , r . Vile I I
!,.(., - ! f
,.,, ,-. ,-lli.ilti. d i,r !-.,- , '
,ltr. ;,- i U. l !''"" I '"
',. ,.! I .tt Ik r. ! I II ,
i I t ''' ' ' ' 1 '' ' 1
(hrll V, . ' t !.. k t-' 1 1 ll'H l l:
I 'A . i' ''
jj i li ' ! 1 iitl' ii -i'i i ' '.
!,(.,, ' " !' "
ri h- !..!' r li. II ! .
,,, ,1 ., . I i . :, i! I ,n ! ' .
I r.'i .1 II'1 il.iii'' i'.
, I-' I t-!-:-i. i ' '
'r, j ' , A I. IT- il ' !,
j t. :t.,'. li I '"f'i'' !' 'I
; ,.;. I li' t !i i i T i ! i.
W,;,.,,,' i . : .i !'! '
!,,. !l ! , . , . I1' I'.l 'li.-
f W.-.l !! i" ' f-i : n
I,. IL-"i "'-'il ""I ! v'- ' :
r,M, ,i . ! ; . , !.nn -a i:ii lii't .!
lit m, ..:;. v i i.- ... .
,ru.'! i I Hi. ;-!"! ..I l-i i .
.im in ,..;. II- : !.'!- ! I!, i' I
hi4'i.' 'i l! I'-' '- '" v '' !1 1
,:lt,,' 1. 1. ti:. c t li . i !-. w !,.- i ; ,
,n i.,' ' .i . il li W I . t
ii.f, -. l-l I I nn !i f. i
t'nitli'tiu.i l 'im'.'m , .ii I., 1 i,
Mi h it A li- 1 1 - : i
iliin r V," TiiiiV i
II,,' i-,', l,:i. In 1-1 mil f-i' I "
tl:i t tl :it li- I - I l'"t fl,"! t! ' ,
ni:t'i. 1 I.-". f"i f l-'i' l i' . I
, I tl ,1 I i' I, 1,1 hot rtt !l T ' i ,
lit , IIII.' t II I. " :H '-I'l -!!'.!.! 1 Ii 'l
liidi. I i i-l iv 11,'M li- jM'.imi . .!
Slicn:; K, lint li- u- i ; ,
ti'll l.i-i I ' i,;iv. ai, li- c I"!- i
Ihrmii I, ith II - l -l , ,u
Tin' i ll mi i.f l!i- (in, i ihr. . in j
jail I, ,'i, l -'uv il .'it M-t "-v. !
,t l- l-M lii- ft " ' If ii ' ,
Ir-ak II- :i I'liilt-I in t li - ir. i '
it,',' of v itii, ' , i th il I - I ;! j
lint ci'iilt -,l liri' in .- nf I hi', .it I
f,,i lrin!i. ur Hii:iil'ii' i'l l iiii'in v, i
anil M.'i,, , ;i i.tati lil- l,t 1" tl :il
t-tf-.t. i
It n r.-;.,!t-',l Dial lla' l'..'l -rj
Ii'i!!i, Hi- niisMiit' d;it usit i'l 1 1 1-1
'1,1., all, r th- ;,i-i ill aini ii'l
parh I, a, I -nil- ni sir-am In ii
I'llncat- tli- plai'i' vs (i-l''1 tl,,
("Ininli'H' ,M,k ,ac-. Hi- da!
a 1 1 -u l,y hll'iril. I li- t i.'.il
ur oS. ,n,li-r nf Marl, iui.1 II - J
iii'i vu; lif thinks Ii;h l.tlh' '
I'K'k il Imni h, Lank.
Karl Mct'iiy say:! that In r-i-f'"i
,ni wan mail- li-rau .- h- 'Ii'l
till' ;-liii in-, jn,l li- ill'l
ttaiil mi iii'jon to fall on any in i
rwrriil part v. MM il was pal-i',1
tliat tl - ,! 1 vi i ir-iin ,litiil-'l.
Sli-iill K-t y( in t-i I imp j
k'nilnlal-il tnr thp itia.iti'i't'ul an,! ;
1'iiln nt iiiaimrr in which h- nn-
ravi'1, ,1 ih,, nn: t-iy. lla. I Woo. I- !
' k h ii kih-il iin,.l nihil, 'I, nii'i j
Karl .MrCoy rcmain-il in lh-
i'iiiitr , s, i thai sn;;pi'iiii woiihi ;
it'll hav- i i ) ,: ii him, Ih,' ill- 1
hiir inii'ht 1 1 : i . i -i.iaini'il a ims
In I'm Hand fio minut-s.
fi:'2t) ... .
7:10 .
K:'JS .
10: IV
(i n;, . .
H:0!l . ,
. ...
H 111
I'l'nni Poillaml !"" ininules
7;r,0 . .
t:ir, .
H:L",l .
!2:1X .
lii::io ; ; '.'."
a in
. '. (VcpH was down fivui Tim
br the last of the week.
'lai i-'iiun ,,n
' 1 it- in (h
""'!; in, ,t i-ll-
1 ! 'rack, aini
" It ,!
'.' ;!y 'h'l r.i.t :
'I'- ftlOVIIIL'
ciiiilun ,.n tie'k. !l.i r.-
r a i.
. 1 in
, , i
'''! r.t c-ararici- toj
ti- M l-.
.(,t ll, ,,AM ;,,! )r I
I II i
,i 'i'l ,- was
- -nt h tin-
a n.j'iri'il.
r- , ui.t i
in I'.
tnr Mna l
farn,; 7",
in 1'ia-ti;
t ir-. (In,
aiil m-an
1 1.' - ,- fa,-,
r In plaiv;
I llnlM-ii,
; nick
a.sav (rum
. I , -
A a!
i ' l. r,
-1, ;
i ' !
.'lli'l lli.ikf it--trr-lM.
-In 1',,., (),,-.
i.ili .l M tl - flln-it
"I a" t-ir a nuart, r"
' ' 1 '' , t ma I- in t r--.
i r. U 1 -n ymi
ii r,l siii'ik- l.iiv u
'.a tf
1 . . f. r mans ar th
r i .e l nf i ia;, s ( Yk,
U l ii'lav. Mr.
i H-r fruii) ,n
a if,- ,. ('. S. 1 : 1 1 ;
I - 'i-i. it nf Ih- I-.'UI.
'a. M. N.-iI & lahhy.
. Va-ka SI,- s. f.t
:; !i"-i ,,f 11,,'ir t-, i
!!. N-rth-rii wa'
.... . , i
i r h i ,s a i in irM' i
Mill. .nr. .tii-i ;
..... , . .
. -.M.l r-main m
1 1 - ' al'iii,!) si-asmi
! , ti rt tiiHi to St at-
Mr;. John !.o-ker
J r mi tln ir c iunlrv
of low ii, to apart
i!" II. i, h i I'.iiN-k. so
r.l'l l- c'ns- to his
- factory. IVuin
i m, ii ar- now bnsv
I I i I,
i ,l - iCK-r, w illow and
'.. to. I th- n it put is
a -t e -r tunic. I
, . .,-!! Ar t.
! Mrs V, I'h. et-rs. Mr.
.lei S"A-!!. Mr. and
,',1 a t"'i and Mr. and
II M-'flVn went up to
i (! , l i t of th- Week,
l i
I , t
)., ir,
' !.!
f,, Si!
of Harry Morton.
Sr r-tn,'iin-d for an
. , w hi!- the others
1. ,M-
'. na-i
, ! . -ell, of W "d
in'th- dty tl,- last
'I I
w k. hav iiir just re
I iM a a trip l' ' 'lark
wl.-r- he visit, I his
ir law . Sam I'imlcV, w ho
,.(!, .,,ii'.-i,i I'sii acres of
.1 hi: d ill' in Ouessa, Hivt
! '.v ! , at : m ti-ii.
;. 1 1. iv i '. vv a ; in from
.... M. lav. ami says
ii.f hi ; -a'-!y hav.
lie is
. I- Mat--', ill'l ll"I
h',., Ilia! was cocked, hut it
1,1, i,-hi',l th- ilnvvn fotli'uT
r.inlv - liol enoliuli. I"nv
r, t" hurt it Ii'l" feed.
S. 1,'Matijr linishinira
, r- .i-l-tic h'l' .lohii (':rs'.
:,) ., ',:', lia slalinn. lie has
l, Use Im'Iioiis untiK- "l-
prnaeh an
do a n at
I now has Ins crew
1'iialalin. where they
vv ii
i, i,h this week.
Mr ami Mrs. iVnzil Smith, of
Portland, were in the city last
'rid iv on business connected
will, the -I.I Climax Milll e.irpo-
I ...r.k lV M r
i- 1 1 HI Hit'!' J e.i' ";-
S mt ii :i'"l
S'luth sas tlial I
I he tow n vv lien In
brother Tip.
hardly knew
left the train.
u ,u-, cl Timiter and U"V Tup
Joy Tup
to Hock
,,,l wife went over
in, I n- to camp fur
Ml weeks. Mr.
is had and hi I
Topper's health
livsician toitt mm
.' . .i. :i r...
to tret out
ami rou.uu o
a w idle,
i? M Hanks, of Hanks, was
1 ... .. i 1 lio eolllll V SO
at Friday.
OIIH I, - , I
,, i j iieit ci-ons are loon
. ......
K. IH. :'. '
in,' well up I" ':"
,l, lini,. city on Hairy
ami tnai
is thriv-
m( l ij'lit iiioiur.
vi o i,-;.'L,.lt and wifi'
I., li uikS. now Of I Ol t
i.m,l' were out to the
city Friday
v with tVU'sby Young.
in eotnpiin.V
on leital business.
i,',.l hm-ic. of below
,,n Ihe
piarnes Uoad, was
up to Satuniay morn-
l C U'aoillliail. of
w',lovvn to llillshort)
the last
nftlH-week. on business.
,,i M.ith-s. of Haiin
lniMS;1(:ed business in town tho
last of lln' week.
,' ! Tonnue was at St. Ilel
e.i; Saturday, on logal bumness.
" . .r i
!i . . . V at I I
I'.i;!.. I , v. , .
ny lhal Cbt-np Calvhir Can he
MaJo and Many W ill I all
I v i k v
u SiWy ur Stu! Cinl Homo Can
Be I'rtc I rum I'tili
I't-nl lirmiiT, of Schulls. in
tli- city Fn.Iay, ami tcllx th- Ar-''-"
H't '""A' in time tn he
inn a cainpainn (,ri tl.t- l!y, th-arri-r
of tyiilmiij a-nl otln-r kin-'lr-.
ihs-as-s. Mr. (Irnrii r savs
that t-vi-ry fanner mIiou!,! hayc a
hi trap, ahout a f m it or so
S'l'.arr. h- ili,-s will (.;,( jfito
tl,-ni hy th- liiiinlr-iisatnl tliou.-t-ainN,
an, tlu r- h no i tli-r at'-n-ry
(hat w ill cl -an th-m up as
All that is ti-ril 'il i t or
thr (Miar,, a litll- tnoiiMint'.
aini Kinn- w ir- scr n. Mr. (Jro-n-r
ha-i two or thr at Iim plac
ami tl.- Ily cnlnny is v-ry Hcarc-.
II- hroiiht the i,,.a up to ('. I.
Kinih-rlm. an, I that ni-char.ii-has
turr-il out s-'i-v i-ral.
One of tlies- at th- renr of th
iioiis- ami on- in the harnyanl.
whi-r- Mr. l-'ly hr,ls. will do
Atitnl-rs in iliininihiiii,' th- Jly
family, ami l tul to sanitary
I I h-con-of screen is so tna'l
jthat wh-n tin- llu-s yvi their till
; fr-iii a vessel, tiiulerncath. tlu-v
ro up the con- ami t r, rou h
a h"U' in the tup, into the main
I rap. They then remain th-re,
as they hau n't sense i-iiouk'Ii t
ret hack the way they cuter.
S. I'. AM) I. I!. iS: r.
All, i-vc.-pt th- V, U. N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the d--it
on Main street.
To Portland
I'on-st 1 1 rove Train
Mc.Mmnville Train-..
Sheridan Train
Forest drove Train
Mc.Minnv ille Train
Forest drove Train
HutfciU" I rain
McMinnv ilte Train
(i:I7 a. m.
. 7:!'.ii a. tn.
iLfiS p. m.
1:1:50 p. m.
2:15 p. in.
1:15 p. m.
..1:."S p. ip.
:o7 p. in.
.1) 50 p. in.
Forest drove Train .
Kiii'i'ii- Train arrives S:15 a. m
McMinnville " . U:T2 a. m'
Forest drove " 11:5'. a. ni.
Furtst (Irove " !l:15 p. m.
Sheridan " 1:"-0 p. ni.
McMinnville " ...l::J7 p. m.
Forest drove ' .7:15 p. m.
Forest drove " 11:00 p. ni.
McMinnville " .12:15 a. m.
A I I trains, except Kugene
trains, stop on tlag at North
llanire ami Fir streets ami at
Sixth and Fir streets and at
Tenth street.
Steam Service Old le(Mit
To Portland
P. II N. Irani hoi p
From Portland
P. K. vK: N. Train 10:21 a.
pretty home wedding was cel
ebrated' at the home nf Mr. and
Mrs Christ drain! of Phillips,
Thursday. June IS. 1011. when
their oltlest daughter, Theresa
Kleanor, was united in marriage
to Mr. Louie (.. Schmidt, hev.
lloll'ner of the Presbyterian
Church ofhYiating. The ring
ceremony was performed. The
room was beautifully decor-
ite.l with fern. Oregon drapi
ami lilies. The wedding march
was played by Mis Hlsie Cros
s-n. The bridesmaid Anna Grand
sister of tin1 bride, wore a light
blue crepe de chine dress trim
med with shadow lace and Mr.
Albert llanley acted as grooms
man. The bride was beautifully
gowned in silk poplin and carried
a bmuiuet of ferns and carna
tions. After the ceremony a
wedding dinner was served. The
evening was spent in music and
Those present were:
Mt. nu.l Mm. C C.imi.l, Mr. ami Mm.
Moiilz Sttiiiiiill, rr,'"'!' I'fOu-Iti.Io hh,1
t-roi'iii, Mr. bihI Mil l itiiiinii, Mr.'nint
Mrs. .Iriiiiv, Mr. ami Mrs. I.cilfl, Mr.
mulMoi llnti-hiiiMiii, Mr. bihI M... .1.
Srliini'll Mr ' Mr- 0 A U'liilry, Mr
in ,1 Mrs. I) (liner. Mis. J Ntissliniiiiu-r,
MrH K KmifliiH". Mr YiH-liiui ntul
.lmiKliU-r, Mrs. Kvhii, Mr. H Dsp.-lt, Mr.
Zunl.rlir; Mfssm. T II Krnh I'n-iU.nw
si-ti O'-luilll'iis ilniiltli. fti''ri iimnt-y,
Wsicliitil'H. .hircr Srlimittl. ItimI- IV
Irmoo l-'liirinii ll'-miiiy, Jo'm Ziirrlisr;
Misses Hiimm M0l. lU-illm St-limitU.
Anna nml ,lii" iriui,l, K sie Orosscti,
.'tnmn StoliVr, Mnrtlm KiiiiI'ii.iiii, S ,1mm
il Mury (iini'il, KtliOi I.iIi.iihii. Mime
Nii-tslmtinier, Minta Wliilteii, Mitrniiret
Uniiinv, Irene unit Veriin.leii.iy. I.illinn
n,l lleittm Iltitdiinsoii, Oriu-e nntl G-r
ilrti Gigtr, l-'tel lloll.nriu nml the
Misess Ryan.
The happv couple were the re
cipients of many beautiful pres
John I-'u yy, of ,
was in town Sa? :r
I 'da.. Uohin-or ,
atin, wan in t r, i ,
firnil Iluyck--, of."
was m thf city Kat
T. II. Korn. of ii
a Hilhslxjro caller .S;.:
Mr. ar,l Mrs. II
comh, of lk-thar.y, -.
iVt-r Janscn, i
was a county w at t a
of the wick.
W. .1. r. itrn r. of i
ton. w ua irr-ctin,' ; r.
county beat Sat .r ; ,
John Iroiisi'!- v
his l.a Trcl fan.) t
wci k.
J. Mrlar!:,'
Mannir.i' was in ti
! IIol-
ri t j .vn
r t ho
i in tin
lirst of th- wk, -i
I,-o Sehwaml-r a
alxiy- Mountain,;. ii, ,
to Ilillshoro ..
1 l"r:ii in Luck,
laimlal-, was ; , '
her.; the last i f t! v
Mr. ami Mrs. W .
I'-yon'l North I'la,':
t'iwn Satuniay n,,.i i,,
Attorney V a;.'-r v
l'ortlaml Momlav :,i
!'i in.
!y, of
r. jn
I rorri
Oscar Thay-r.
Mountain, n-ar 'ia
con-Moth" city Morula,
j husitn-ss at th co
I: m
!-.w n
. or
t of
I' I'
Mrs. Harrr
Portlar d, has 1
Mrs. Jos. We.;,
week, returiii.'!;
d .:
V e- :
For Sale: O-l'iin -l ir.!- r, il-ft
cut in good repair. C-me and
see it. ;15 takes it. -Herman
Prald, 2 milt s Ni rtht a-1 of Hills
boro. Miss Idah ii- A :i ry, of San
Francisco, Cal.. is vi.-iting for
the summer at the Hav e Wenger
home, Helvetia,
Julian S. ( h 1'!;-. . a Portland
jeweler, was out tl - last of the
we-l;. the gutst of Victor Cal-lii-r.
II- has sn'il hi; bnsines in
the liose City, ami will take an
extellth-d vacation.
Pliil Kin.'.er, f-r v-arri the
manager of th- two condensers,
fliere. aed lit the drove, came
over from Seattle,, .k hen of the
Week, to Si -e Imw - tl.!Mt-- were
going in the old torritorvt He
is now with the genera! cilices
at Seattle.
Mrs. S. T. Linklater and fam
ily were down from their sum
mer home ahi'e Mountainilale,
Saturday. Their machine doest
not y-t run clear into their place,
hut with a few days ot good
weather tlie entire trip can be
made with the car.
J. H. McNew of below lluher.
was in town Friday. He says
the community drier down in his
neighborhood is turning out a
big lot of the dried loganberry
product, and liinls ready sale. A
Sal-iii linn is buying and ship
ping east, and Mr. McNew says
that the buyers pay IK) tier cent,
upon delivery. His section will
have an immense output of this
fruit in a year or so hence.
Ceo. U. Watson, of Portland,
established an electric photo
graphic machine in the court
house this week, to take photos
of all the records for the purpose
of getting chains of titles for the
Title cv Trust Co.. of Portland.
Mr. Watson's machine takes a
photo not larger than a stamp
picture, but when it is roiled
through the apparatus it comes
out llxl:', taking two pages at a
time lie can take negatives as
fast as he can adjust the pages
and turn the lever. He will be
several days getting the entire
county archives. This is a new
invention, and produces an al
most perfect reproduction.
Judge Campbell Monday de
creed that deo. W. Peters should
receive 3wau irom me city ot
Forest drove, for injuries sus
tained by reason of a defective
sidewalk. Peters was injured
last fall, and charged negligence
on the part of the city in not
properly keeping up the walk.
The case was tried before the
court, no jury being called.
Sylvester Wilson will pay $10
monthly for the support of the
minor child, payment to be made
before the 5th of each calendar
month. Decree and judgment
was rendered in Reynolds vs El
lis, with $10 attorney fees; Har
ris vs Harris, decree of divorce;
Morris vs Morris, dismissed;
Si pii res vs Squires, set for trial
July '--'S; Purser was given a de
cree for labor for the Fair Creek
Lumber Co.; and the case of Dr.
fclrnest Everest vs E. J. Crowth
ers was dismissed.
Haa Regular Youn? Cannery at
His Wanth Last of Town
Mill Double Capacity of Hit Plial Stxt
Staoo and Buy Fruit
I . J. Wiiiiam.s, one of the pio-
jtnerii in Lo'anlxjrry culture, ha3
jsolvel tin: prohlem of taking
care of his crop without depend
I in on the d-mand by driers or
; other canni rie3. He ha3 a trifle
over four acres in the fruit this
s-ason. and to market them was
.is anxiety. After inquiry he
i concluded the safest way was to
I install his on plant, and he put
jin a "cooker" that heats to over
1 27) d-K're-s Fahrenheit, set up a
jc inniny; machine and was ready
for business. He has had from
;fi;;ht to twelve pickers, with
, four or live working at the can-
l runr house, and put3 up about
1.h) cans per day, each can
weighing aUiut 25 ounces heav
ier than the usual can found in
the market. He haa his berries
a!! land picked, or culled, as
j i Ley come to the table, and all
: .Honor iH-rries or over ripe
tt uit, go to the refuse pile. His
berries are sugared ready for the
t:ih;e, put in the can. and then
57 of tl e tins are placed in the
j'ci r at each cooking, which
it- l dr-s about five minutes. At
the end of the season he will use
'me of the fruit for the manu
facture of juices, and this he
w ill put in gallon jars.
The canning machine is a good
one, and does the work to per
fection, and the equipment is
practically imperishable.
Mr. Williams expects to put up
from 12.000 to 14.000 cans this
year, and next season his crop
will be nearly double this, as his
yard is now what they call
The fruit was sampled Friday
at ihe plant, and it is very fine.
A traveling man who visited
Hillsboro the other day went out
to look it over for his firm. He
said he did not like Loganberries
at all. but when Mr. Williams
opened a can and invited him to
sample it he said "Gee, these
are great! Send me a crate to
my home address, right away."
Mr. Williams is to be congrat i
ulated upon his enterprise. He
expects to build a larger house
for the work next year. His
present quarters are small, but
very sanitary. The place is
screened in, and exceptionally
cleanly, Mr. Fly being noted for
his absence. Sugar is bought by
the hundredweight and it looks
as though the Loganberry indus
try will be on a firm foundation,
with a good profit at the right
side of the ledger.
Three ounces of sugar are put
in each can and this means some
sweetening for the entire crop.
The school board of Dist No,
2. will receive bids for the
painting of the school build
ing at Cornelius, one coat pure
linseed oil and white lead.
Bids to be ooened July 11. and
the board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids received
VV. E. Sherbrooke.
Clerk Dist. No. 2, Cornelius, Ore.
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our
kind friends for the sympathy
extended to us at the time of
our recent bereavement, and re
turn especial thanks for the
many beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Simpson,
Mr. H. S. Simpson and family,
Mr. J. Howard.
A Swenson Stump Puller and all
necessary equipment. Will either
sell this or trade it for pigs or
cows. Call or address Kosedale
Farm, Santa Rosa, Ore., postor-
fice, Beaverton, Ore., K. 2.
Attorney John Laing, of Port
land, was out Monday, on busi
ness at the court house.
Contractor H. G. Wyatt. of
North Plains, will finish the
Timber-Glenwood road contract
by July 10, provided he ia not
delayed by bad weather and the
approach ot the National noli
day. Mr. Wyatt was in the city
Monday, returning from Port
land, where he left his wife in
tne hospital.
Call in and sec our Hardware stock since we have
opened in our
New Double Store Room
We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all
kinds and will be pleased tn show you our stock
Farm Implements a Specialty
Remcml)cr the place On Second Street, op
posite the Conrt yard. Let us figurron your Plumbing.
Hif1iet intl I til MrKl rfT..-ll,-. A,InH
When You Aim at business Success
This is not a mere figure of spe ch Imt a statement of actual fact. Who
ever heard of a business establishment attaining anv ureal success without
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A conservatively managed and yet exceptionally fair minded Loan De
partment which is in a position to comply with all reasonable requests that
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m r
AmehcinNatilMiIHih r
Malm amd TUrd St., Hlitoboro, Or'.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
In a Woman's life is when she
gets her engagement ring.
We have the finest selection in
Washington County. When you
are ready for it we will be ready
to show you the proper ring.
Watchmaker and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro, Oregon