The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 25, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 14
rm mm -Ubb. - -
PUY 1L10 Bill"
WrW l"Mrt "4 C"c,l',
.r tl,..
follow mi! n
thrl oMiiedydninin. Hello
H'": , . . r It. II
juitt !" rehuwd hiiuwn
KniMnn-, after having l-tn
(1uitlt i" 'd'ling rai.l the
light lf"ri' m"1 n",'r
tniUt'- "1 I'- '" ,n tnl'
ume i" Hti.t--l t !' niar
nrJ hi Mrs. I-aUdla Dure ut 12
i,.n. I'-'lt lt-tlt to get the
JuJir to lt ,,im ",T 'ln f""'
but Kit" J" 'k'0 ,,M t,,,, r, l,uta
urn of k'iii'kt tl limit tbere
Mnm littN- -tunc? .T that Ihil
md Iiim frifti.U get loiny am! try
lu irnma'U' him. """'I' (,"t
linjf hit inifi"il flier. ''
thinif it the Judgl'. Cutting
(,;is i intit li. and the Jrtilge is
urd a l','h warrant him 1,1
irntt'-'l immmiiaifiy. r-ui
hnmof thi. H' t Hin
try to V t th w -fliir t
pumd. Mr Dare will not li
i..n in n iHMtliKiwinrnt. The
frn-nmiiy i informed, liill
thinks he has tn go to jail and
luukt fT an mnw tu hi wife Ins ulxM-nro. C'uttinir find
in llif aH-r whin a William
roJU-r la iH-i'ti appointed I'-tijo-nd
in tin army mid einuaiea
Itill lo Ml h ut iff anil friend
that it i1 Ik-, anil In ha U-eii or-di-rcil
at 1 1 ' t tit' front.
lliroc i i"i I M'1"' B"d I'1"
com"M U I rotn the war. I
rrtH-m J a a hero. A reception
ii p:uf)in-l. an. I Kill in up ngainat
iL Hi friend wih to hear of
iui r Mrieiue. Hill Kvtaaway
ith It i ntnriivi whieh are very
Tin rfiil general ami hiwif
IHamn th' 'eiie. The wive
of thi Kill' think their hti
tianilt ur list. Mr. Win.
Kullt r thin Gen. Kulli-r it h r
furimr huhaml, whom li'
thought wit ili-a).
Spate will not mtiiiiI of nwri'
Jitail, lint thiri it Imt a roin
menri'ini'iit of a hat haH'nn in
"Ih'llo Hill." Thin farce in Haiti
by nunix'ti'iit authority to U us
pwtl, if not In-ttiT thun "Aro
Yon a MiiHon" anj "What Hap-
fiTit J to June," which an well
nnwn HiiiTt-HMfH.
rrihluct'il y 1'k'H llur tlranuttlc
liitni iiilM'r tin date June L'll,
Ailminsioii, 115 rent, any Heat.
('I of C'hai at In
Cm Win l iilln -Til kr.l
.Cart Munarn
I'him.n'irr l'u(tiii 'rtirrliini
Furi Kail T'"'i
III II .linK I ilrml t I'ullrli .
Kril Kwlt
Li'iil, It-mlUK) -- I rnl li y a linn...,
Ka Hr!
IVIiiruiiin , ,, J 1'rikili" I gllri A W.mM I Criirial
.,.,. I ro I'rikint
Illlr inr Wl l.. . I'.rrlli Olxm
lttilliV llur - ItAtitfhlrl ...Allr hmllll
Hiillrl MrthiiK Ml I'lililll
Mrlla VMtt
Mli.l Vi(p t.f frru. I'ullrr . .
Mnlilr Biiikiiii
Tilin, Jtlll, iHH
I'lrn'r-" lltrlla llmv'l
Neil tr In Wr -Illll (ItHi Al'?
Atl li
Tmif, llwr iiiiiiitli U rr, I'Ui- mm
in Ail t. IliU'n irliun, iVII
thi- Tlie real r.rii, I'al rr cm
lutlltllil llill'i irrrplloll
Tiuif, iiiinr n Art . I'lnrr nam
Ai t n. lull ami thr riiriKi hlil a tltirl
iKlllr tliinKnr llnl U vlfliMUiiK??
To l'ortland .rT miniite.
10:47 '.'..'
a ni
a tu
a m
a m
p in
p in
p ni
it m
(J:is pm
From l'ortland - 55 minute.
a ni
a m
a tn
p ni
j ni
p tn
p m
n tn
6:21 .
Hest Hlahwood In the mnrket
K('t prices for Fall or Summer do
h,vry. SeemellrHt. All kinds
of wood.-l), Schmeltzer.
. C. jsen, the Timlu-r
"JKBer, wbb in the city the last
of the week.
A. I.. I INiJrt'r. (,f (.
Orei-im (.uanl ir,
Infantry. ai out li lli.j !,r
rri liiy. mi l ct.riu-,-,i t; ,. .t,
army pr.-i rty I, l',,rt::4h,j
t'ai-t. CtM.iM-r ian th:a M., ,; ,
Si'huh, tin' privato win c t.,!.- tf;.
Hnrty frm tln 'i.rt!an. nr
niory, i umli r nrrt-t ,v ti.
Kt(-ral authoritu s. h tiji(i ar
inai ev ral wi re int. ( id .l
ln larciny of it,.. ,S
.uarij iitHTtv. ari'l ti. ,,,s. .
have U'tn very heavy. Si: m-h
wanfouml near Salem. :im a.
tttaen into rustmly ut,. ja.?
week. Jan. Sr. urn t
e Satur.lav. hih tai-n to ,rt
laml l.y the Tint..! States Mar
nhal. arul he will ans ai t t ti e
Federal k-ratnl jury. Sehah is
out on his o,vn recvm.-,.
The rase is attracting t uriM lera
hle intereht. n ii s any matter
where I'm-Ie Sam Hteps in.
For a!e Having tpiit teamin;:
I Will e the fo!.Ainv Jlmw i,
t'elthn,'. M earx, l'.; team
Mark hor.e. 7 yean. I loo ami
hay inure. H years. J.Vki; ;!; im h
Cooper wajion, a'must m eui,,) a
new. 1 tilt is a part of
horne team useil hv me
tl.f fmir-j
in l. iui
in' U tween Keeilv !!e ami Srli'i!:.
the (.at three e:ir. I,. fU r
('aillphell. S -hulls, (lte;MM.
K. W. I hint was tn, from ;. ed-!
ville. Saturday. Mr. H int has !
Imh'H looking '. t-r rr i p'o .-ti
and as that everything looks
line for a good harvest vi-ar.
He hai threshed U seasons, a-.d
i" ready to mn! his 1'Jn l i -a-n
paign with a parator u!'. ;
he can fimf !emie ri -imii!,!.-,
party who wants l' I i y his i : t - f
lit all he tail rent. 1!. W. I. i
that he would rather eive so?: .e
party agnl di al mi the t!,n ! -r
and engine-
a tie i
gim eh.-ii'i.
to let the mafhine pay for it ' If
than to make another round of
threshing ami chieki-u eating
this harvest.
Ladies are r. .(iiested t rail at
the I'nns Miiiiiu-rv Store hefnr'
they huy their Slicing hat, as
the pricit are right. (oo. hats
from $il to i' Mrs. M. L I:.t
tlan. Secoiul Street, near Wash
ington, llillsUiro.
Ir. C.lTee. the I'ortland sur
geon, was in the city tl is week,
and he was a!it one of the
must ilisgmntled professional
men in the state. e WHS :' nil
inolied here on t he Na. lor rase,
find earned his three dollars per
lay. As his profession earns Pig
fees, and he was unaMe to keep
his npiKiintmeiits his visit here
was not a linnncial success. I'r.
ColTee waited on lid Navlor
when he was shot hv Imcgan.
the Yamhilier who killetl himself
after the shooting.
F. J. Williams, ca.-t of town,
has a large force of pickers in
his Ivoganlwrries this week. Mr.
Williams is tloing his own can
ning this season, and. hesides. h"
putting up nearly two thousand
tpmrts of l-tnranherry juice. He
says that he is satisfied that
grower must do this until the
nun-Let is larire enoucii so that
canneries or presses will supply
plants. Williams savs there is a
liig demand for the juice, un fer
mented, ntul the supply will he
now here adequate to the deniaml.
W. U Soehren and wife, of
Dallas, accompanied !' Mrs. I.
I'. Patterson, were in the city.
Saturday, making the trip down
in a machine. Mrs. Patterson
and two daughters visited with
Peter Itoscovv ami family, and
Mr mul Mrs. Soehren visited
at the home of L K. Wilkes.
M. N. P.onham.of near SeholN.
was an Argus caller. Friday.
Hi sister. Mrs. Frankie l.rooks.
and her daughter. Cora, ot Hop
kinton. III., ami another sister.
Mrs. K. J. I'tt. of 1 art me.
Wash., were guests at the Lon
ham home, recently, and depart
ed last week for Kastom Oregon.
Wool growers of Oregon sold
their clips this ve ir for over two
milion of dollars, with better
price than for years. I lie wool
growers' organs have hoen very
Jluiet lately a to the result ot
the last tarilV bill.
Prunes are being contracted
ahenir nt fancy l'ri;'. f u"s
several months in advance of de
livery. Washington county grows
the best prunes in the Noith
west. ami this will mean sonic
Mr. atul Mrs. A. W. Harber.
w ho w ere over to Tillamook to
thett. A. K. annual session. ic
port a splendid time with re
K . o,....r or ti anv ever n-
conleil the old veterans ami their
p. I. I.illegard nml wife, of
Iiaurel. were in town batunlj .
p 1 is getting to hea ni.istir
hand at running his new auto.
(Jreer's is the place' to buy
what dry Roods you are going to
AmJrntal Diuharcc uf Rifle at
CliilJn-ii Play Ciuki f atality
tint ii w as ut r Titm r. vrfs old
Muihtr a liirnulc Hume frum iluud
fiur tu Surprint Family
A Ka.l fatality t.)k place at Hea
V' rti.n. 1 ri.lay i-vt-nirijf, ahout 8
joVl'K-k, when the three-year-old
j'lauhtt-r of Mr. and Mrs. Ikmj.
jSimpsiip, of ii.ia tiy was a.
j'""-'' t instantly killetlat the home
l "I her ra ml parent, the result
"f the aecidental discharge of a
jl.i:'h power rille. The little irl
. w.n in ot.e room and her little
jhahv hmther as in an adjoin
in,' hedroom, playing. The (run
wan stamlinj: in a corner of the
Ir - ni'i, ami in some manner it wan
d r!. ir;'( :. the hullet going
jthrmih the wall and crushing
i into the child's head.
ih' Sinipn. the fourteen-
V'ir " " aunl " t'H- little chihl.
S it ird.iv admitted that kIr was
the cause of the accident. She
av-i she was in the hedroom.
afid that she noticed the fun
! I'
it up. examined it. and then
in front of the mirror.
S'.e says she doe? not know just
1 1 .v the thin;,' happened, hut she
ill not think it was loaded.
Si a; i'inir the trigger she was
lorroi.-d t'l hear the report ami
t'.e clul I fall in the next room.
Sin- was st i frantic that at first
si,.- .'id not tell that she was the
i i'it n nt cause of the death.
I he hall
el out
went through the wall,
a piece of the child's
skull. i!;ppe into the drain, ami
th -n turned ohliipiely. and ltnlgeil
in the wall. Miss H iz.-I is grief
stricken over the unfortunate
Mrs. Simpson, the mother, had
hern to Hood Kiver, and the
children were at the grandpar
ents during her aosence. Mr.
Simpson started from Hood
lliver the same afternoon, and
pa si I through P.eavrton short
ly after the fatality, but knew
nothing of it until she reached
llillsUiro, when she was imme-
i . . ... . .i .. . i : .. nM
iiiiau iv rihen in neaverioii in un
The death is one of those sad
circumstances that call for a
creat sympathy, and the grief
stricken parents are nearly fran
tic over the affair.
The funeral ttxik place Sunday,
ami interment was at Huxton,
where the family formerly re
sided. S. P. AND P. I'. & n.
Fffective Sunday, May 31,
All. except the P. K. & N.. trains
are electric, ami stop at the de
pot on Main street.
To Portland
Forest drove Train fi:47 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:.'5t a. m.
Sheridan Train O.fvS p. m.
Forest Crove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Forest drove Train. .-4:15 p. m.
Fuevno Train 4:58 p. m.
McMinnville Train 0:37 p. m.
Forest drove Train 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Mugeiie Train arrives . -8:15 a. m
.9:42 a. m
Forest drove
Fun st drove
Forest drove
Forest drove
A 1 1 trains,
trnim. stoi) On
" ,11:59 a.m.
" ..3:15 p.m.
" ..4:30 p.m.
" ...6:37 p. m.
" ...7:15 p. m.
" ...9:00 p. m.
" .12:15 a. m.
except Eugene
Hag at North
Range and Fir streets and
sivth and Fir streets and
Tenth street.
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. K. &N. Train 1:37 p.m.
From Portland
P. K. & N. Train 10:21 a. m.
0. 11. Adams, of Scholia, was a
Hillsboro caller the last of the
II. II. Hall, of Shady Hrook.
was over town Saturday, greet
ing friends.
liig Hill Cuddy, of the Weekly
Oregonian. now residing in
"town." says he is commencing
to pine for the country again.
M. S. Shrock and Austin Bux
ton were down from the Grove,
Saturday.attending a meeting of
Peter Kvcrs and son. of Ver
i.oort were in town Saturday,
interested in the dairy meeting
i wna adverusea ior me
r 1 1 1 . i ----
K. L James wa3 over from
Varley Btation, Saturday.
J. A. Kirkwood, of iJeedville.
wa in town Friday morning.
Lincoln Geiger, of Cornelius,
was down to Hillsboro, Friday
W. N. Hathorn. of laurel, wa.i
over to the city Friday, greeting
C. A. Peterson, of Iluxton,
was down to the county seat
John Herdlein. of near Uloom
ing, was a city caller Monday
J. H. Collier and Otii Marrs.
of Scholls. were city visitors
Mrs. Woodson Flinoen ha3
been the guest of Mrs. L. il.
Shute the pa3t week.
L W. House and h'n sister,
Mrs. V. Ackley went over to
Tillamook to spend Sunday at
the beaches.
Jacob Kaffcty. of above Moun
taimlale, where he has lived for
over 50 years, was in the city
Saturday afternoon.
Sam Kuntz and Ralph Wann,
of Orence, were in the city Sat
urday morning.
A. I Grebe, of Laurel, wa3
over to the city Saturday after
noon. For Sale: Osborne hinder, G-ft.
cut in good repair. Come and
see it. 135 takes it. Herman
Prahl, 2 miles Northeast of Hills
horo. Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller w hen you want a good
10 cent smoke- no "cough dust"
in the Schiller. 12tf
Link Hill was down from Gas
ton. Sunday, coming in to see
the Hillsboros beat the Randall
Forest Grove is doing some
paving again this year. One can
but admire the pluck of the
doughty little city to the west of
Jos. Cawrsewasin from North
Tualatin Plains, Saturday. He
reports heavy hail falling out his
way Saturday morning, and
enough rain to stop hay harvest.
A. V. P.rown, of Forest Grove,
was down to the city Monday.
I'.rown proliably knows more
crook9 and crannies in the Coast
Range of mountains between
here and Tillamook than any
other man in the county.
Ward Downs came from The
Dalles, the last of the week, for
a short visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Downs. He
is now engaged in experting the
books for The Dalles City govern
T. G. Flliott. of Walla Walla,
was down to Hillsboro, Monday,
looking after some business con
nected with his property on Wap-
ato Lake, where he has been
heaily interested for several
Contractors Lorsung & Sons
finished a big barn for J. Cruik
shank, of near Laurel, last week,
and sllso completed the Scholls
bridge approach, this w eek, and
started lor the lualatin country,
yesterday, to put in a bridge and
P. K. Arlett and wife, of Port
land, where Mr. Arlett manages
the business of the California
Ink Co.. were in the city Mon
day morning. Ihey are on an
auto tour of the Willamette Val
lev. and expect to go as far
south as Ashland, and make the
trip inside of a week or ten days.
Mr. Arlett had the usual bouquet
for the crop conditions of Wash
ington county.
J. Louis MacEvoy and his esti
mable wife, Angela May. have
just made a hit with "Broad
way, a song or local coior ior
the Broadway of the Hose City,
and the words and music are
hiirhlv expressive of the grill life
of the city on the Willamette.
Mr. MacEvoy is the author and
Mrs. MacEvoy wrote the meas
ure. It has a swing and lilt to
it that has pleased the ear of
many a diner in Portland s bo
hemia. ,
Mary Gertenschlager has sued
John H. Gertenschlager for di
vorce, alleging that he deserted
her last fall. She says he threw
an open pocket knife at her;
threatened her with an ax and
told her for "d d little he
would throw it, clear through
her." called her a "sow" and
other uncomplimentary names
nnd naturally she wants her
freedom. There are four chil-
rlrpn. ranging from 12 to 4 years,
and the eldest, a boy of 12, is
with the father. She asks for
the custody of the three smaller
ones. They live down near Alo
ha, below lieedville.
Iktmbard Pitcher for Seventeen
Mitt and Were Invincible
Muik Touted AftretatiM Falls Before
Prowct i of Home ftim
The much touted aggregation of
ball playere, the Randall All-
Stars, came out from Portland
with hopes high and returned in
the evening, after a seance with
the locals, crestfallen, and beaten
by a score of 15 to 3. The first
three innings the All Stars scored
one in each, and until the third
Hillsboro appeared to be power
less before the visiting mounds
man. In the third, however.
llillsUiro commenced to hit. and
everybody up took a crack at the
sphere, resulting in five runs be
fore the inning closed. McCurdy
batted like a demon, and was
given four safeties in five time3
up. Buck Freeman and Ed Hend
erson each walloped out three,
the one by r reeman smashing
the fence, and causing a Port
land player to turn an ankle in
attempting to field it.
the locals feel pretty good
over the result, for the All Stars
have won every prior game this
year, the box score tells the
11 1 Sceit
V 11(0 'ersou, ab
Van lil.iriruin, rf
Frrroian, 11
C. Il-'ntlerson. vfo
McCurdy, as
A ktn, ib al
Mojxi, cf
Plii-lpi, c
Martin, p, ib
44 17 15 7
7 $
Crocc, If
Cck, lb
Slepp, cf
Perty, 8
U'U-ary, ab
Parner, 3b
Marshall, if p
O'dsll, p
Total u i J M 8 S
Score by innings
Hilislioro 1 a 3 4 5 6
Hits o O 5 4 0
l!uns o 16430
All-Stars 183456
Hits 1 I o 0 1 o
Runs 1 1 o 0 I o
t base hit McCuniy, Freeman, a oase
hits MrCurdv. Aiken, Moves and Grace.
Struck out by Martin ia, by OI)elI a,
Marshall 1. llasts on balls eff Martin a.
Hit by pitcher, Martin, Marshall. Stolen
buses Stcpp 1, Higby 1, Freeman 1, Van
Hlnricum 1.
Receipts for the week have
been Cattle-1511. Calves-71, Hogs
2432. Sheep-8004.
Cattle prices steady to firm
all week. Receipts of fair vol
ume, especially first of half
period. Good grass steers sold
$7.25 to $7.50, light hay stuff
$7.75. Butcher trade slow, due
to inferior stuff offering.
The hog market maintained its
strength throughout the week,
with buying demand keen and
outlet strong. Extreme top at
week 3 close $8.10, with bulk
going around 8c and $8.05.
SheeD house a very snappy
department, with a steady call
for smooth fat mutton and lambs.
Fancy yearlings at $4.75 and
$5.00 featured. Ewes ranged
from $4.00 to $4.25. Lamb buy
ing was on a $6.00 basis and the
trade could have used more than
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our heart
felt thanks to all our neighbors
who so kindly assisted us in our
bereavement, the death and ob
sequies of our son, Frederick,
and return especial thanks for
the beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pfahl,
Blooming, Ore., June 20, 1914.
A Swenson Stump Puller and all
necessary equipment Will either
sell this or trade it for pigs of
cows. Call or address Rosedale
Farm, Santa Rosa, Ore., postor
fice, Beayerton, Ore., R. 2.
Edw. Schulmerich and party
returned the last of the week
from Yoncalla and CreswelL
Call ia and sec ourHardware stock since we have
opened in our
New Double Store Roolm
We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all
kinds and will 1 pleased to show you our stock
Farm Implements a Specialty
Remember the place On Second Street, op
posite the Court yard. Let us fig trc on your Plumbing.
Highest and Is the Most KfTective Ammunition
When You Aim at Business Success
This is not mere figure of speech but a statement of actual fact. Who
ever heard of a business establishment attaining anv K,c' success without
dependable banking connections? SOMK OK THE LAKOKST FIRMS IN
THE-COL'NTRY owe theirposition of power in the business world to-day
to the financial assistance rendered to Uiem in thivr earlier days by their
banks, and without which their wonderful growth would never have been
made possible.
A conservatively managed and yet exceptionally fair minded Loan De
partment which is in a position to comply with all reasonable requests that
are in keeping with sound banking principles is at thtervice of depositors
of this bank.
American National BanK
Main Maf Third St., Hillsboro, Ore.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banning in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
A Right Jolly Fourth for
the whole family
Get a Victrola
and have a cel
ebration worthy
of the day.
America's great
est bands-Sousa's
Prvor's. U. S
Marine, and other famous musical organizations,
to entertain you with patriotic music, clear voiced
orators to deliver recitations appropriate to the
Fourth; entertainment of every kind to make you
enjoy the entire day-and many days afterwards.
See me about it today so you'll have your vic
trola on the Fourth. $15.00 to $20.00, terms to
suit your convenience.
Watchmaker and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro. Oregon
Oregon t
"aie taraa-a mm