The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 18, 1914, Image 5

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1..1.. i.f J. II. Ilanwin.
tlriunir. "' ,,v'
l,tte.n feet ontlif
I, of Ihf JaekHort
ttotith -nl.
uU.ul H o clock.
. .l on. turning iur-
L lt tart.. -I
I.U 11.
l" .... . I II
,! r.lhei.
(lUt,.d into a lt .
Ml.hiri .i r I ,
Scogglfl VnlVy. Tu-,;,v. at'.
WBrehd tin h n 4 nf In ,,
Sr. ami Jr . and Lt,. ,;-f.t l.; k t.
IliltxlMtro nti iirmv . .rvtat. t i
army hU, a blunk.t, a ,
br t oll h army r".ilvT a. , I '
round tf miirniiiiili'iii. w t,i h. i'
H tlai'llt'd, wt-re Muli tt from !f .-.
Armory i.f lh- St:tt.- N..... -,.
Guard, at Portland, la-t A ,, i
Thr Information f i - I a ....
that Ja. !, and Wilii.un ..-tj
bought the artirlt-H kr.nA it- tint;
tltiy Vk-vrv Mot.-ti. h- 4-:n !,,. u;ii
taken ti JmU't Smith' ni'irt.j
ami the r't-l-ra! ieit!,on!i
may handle tl.- milt.r. la- I
I' Sr. ami hi son. I i th , t
- - - I
U.lvr M.nSay Anhitctt lirnest
kroner Mul Vmy Woman
StNUBicil lu tmlclrmiaatr ( Irwa 2
l .'9 Vcart
,.M trmtur.-,
f '
whom wi-r in Ihah 'lm v . I
ruing, nav that apnwtt.- I r I
thi articles Hurt- and t K-m
ami that tlu-v had mi i.t a it
stolen mi rty.
t ' .. r,uL Mil that i ..
,H- nil " " I KIM HCII III.' lOllOAlll'.' l.tilAI
Mr. Hanson gelding. H yt-an, !'., t
Mailalini', lmk horn.', i jwi,
hav man. M v-ar4. Uni. .
txilM-r at'i", a'ticiit a
nw, I hm h a part i.f tm- i
impM i'ttfn uii'ii iiv iiif hi i. a
iitlf lH-twiin U t 'liiU' ami S !i
ui ihm inrr- yrars. i.i !. r
Camiilwll. SliniW, Un-.'i.n
A dulil lirttnl.iy pat ty
I'l'ii'iiraiiMi ai tin- iioim- ! v.r
ami Mm, rrank i nn.' t.- tr
Ort-Mi-o. Sutnluv. tin- ri l. iir t'i!
U-inif Mr. Imhric a'i l Mr. I,
. . . I 1. .. M I f II .. 1...... II .1, ...
it,., .) . Mali'i ini i " l i Hi' nitin. i ia iuiiiiihii
li""' . i. i i . .. , . .
. uI.hil' till ai'l1'"" " " I rn iii ri uii ini- . a Tt, it
" . . .
Hia'lii' ,vlr
..a. i.rohat'lv U that
. l luilllir'i -
m V . .. vinif th trio t..
r : . i....... Mr. nan-
' "i.,,,.,..,! aUit t" faff.
tl itirU -r" "'l'
to IhllaUini. Ih'T-
i hf ittitimli-tl
K' . . .........a .liltttnil
.: .., li if lUIHIIHV. !
i...... Tin liiikfifv
out. '" """"
lit it" to na-a a
t.i tin Vi'luri
L llll I'll IT
WW "I- , , .
in aru nun.
.!f,.rl P III!" "r
. . ..I., i !,. l.mitilHtir
v..' n ran mi" "
...... Li...
i k i.r..L.- tin riiiuaiii'K "'
in i'i""-i
Cih..f't tr.tlf.
K.u-iiM I ruin m mm ihjm
nHliTi'il iiiiruruuaiH. aim
. .. ........ i ,,i .i. ..I ili'ii
Ifl' l I" liinnit"
.,i a nrr' unim.
VaUl HiU iH'r 1"
C,.l ami hi fatf Sil Hck
i lifl.t V MTBU IHHI '
"' .i ...
k-l tr Sinitti Hiai- inai
Cn. iiiimf u!oiik nii'fly
F " . .. . .1
cr ii Unnf n l'tiill ai im-
rttlaraui'. ami Mr. MUtiiUT
b iv'ly I" run it a
Dill III xliHlHV
.. ' . .i . i ...... .... ..I ll,..
r IIjo"m ii i" n!" "
S4 itKviuinUc lilaiv. miiitlt tit
my. "
Utr in tin alli-rniHiii. linvi
prttfiit rri Mr. anl Mr;. 1 i-
hru', ami Kim, Ja'in fi, Mr, at i
Mr. Uhh?. fhlfor.l .,! . M:
Marii 1,'iiik?. M ira'i-t I.. .
Mr. ami Mm. John V. r r.
Il.'irn funnrll. , Mr :n,.
Mr, t Jiiirifi K inn i t, Mt - . . ('.
MrKinn)'. V rii MfKium y. Mj
Marion l.,l!.-. Mt V. .VM--., I,
V. II.hih.-, Mr. ami Mrx. ; ..
Vtil.ler. Mr. ami Mr. Krul,
ami ami Jai k, an.l li l, M'r.'.
Yor mf nr pxi liaiij'i' N; '
four rr' tlairy an. I h"V ra' . .
all f-iiM with h"f ir.-. ami
mi friirfil into 7 pa t nr.-,
Will nmniiliT Kiiia'l m r. a"' n
HHi'liarik' n,l "''v '"H "n 'lif-
f'Tfncp, (iotklman & l!'i.'ia-.
Caslon. On. l' 1J
fhinti-r llai. 'l St. .h'hnt
on of Mr. ami Mr-. V. K II a.
form" rHtil-nt of l"Hi an. I
Uak. IMIslNini. Nharcl I'.rt p'i.T
. . .1, . . i' i .
on an i'av for me w i i. ,
in I'ortlatul (Viitra! I.ihrary. mic
lay Innt wi-fk. lli pair h
tin "tiiili-nt via oii' (if tla' I ' 'I
Ki- Sir.Mi. Tupi-r. wife am, ;" ' " ; '
rarri.-r on nnai i .n'iin i . -
i 1 1 .
BS. h It I'li.K
AilUrd I'liniM'r.
" out uf IlilhUiro. ilif l at
fimiW Iiimii.'. in South Mill-
. San.lav Jun- II. l'.H I. af-
in il!n"U of .nw ulanuitik.
Vfuiii-ral wa )n-hl nt the Al
11 ChrHlian t'htinlt in thm
aT .
June li'i. K.'V. A. i. Ihx.
rilr Mill, nll'iciatmif. Mr.
ita maiil.-n tiam wax
iij. in. nit.' wa iKtrn ai
lm Point. Iowa. March
mi Ihti' nt-ar ai'iirnai'iH"
Yitunk' Inn h in Hi'- Mn P"'''
of th 81. John' i-h"il.
K..r Sal. or Tra.1.- A .1 ir
i..l cult; wi'ik'M iil"it i"""'.
fat luikW l5rN, 1 n'.-
Will h.'II or trail.' for krl i'HV-
W. V. Kirklaml, IlillsUiro. Uro,
it. 2. n l-
' iif nt rourt has U--n ifrimlini;
ii.h w.-t-k aii-1 tlu-ra-M-of inter-
t h.H l.i. n t h auit of Mrs
" St-Vf fur ilamair-s. Km-
t Kr-.m r, tin architect, .x-inic
tin' ilcf nilurit. Mr. Steve tea-
lila.l Kron.r hIiovim! her
Ir-mi tin' roof of a house at Ti
i'ar l. ami that she BtiHtainel
'lama.' ami injuri.- for whicli
Ma' aakf.l Mr. Kroner
ti!;-1 that the Steve family
h,i"i in a house Irt-lonifinif to de
fi-rnlant. and when ordered out
tin y would nut leave. He Baid
la- went oyer to take the roof olT
da- fhai'k so they would leave.
and Mr. Steve came up and pro-
i a i I' d to choke hun. He Bail
pulnd her away from him in
an ndeavor to defend himself.
ami that the woman fell twelve
!' t to the ground. The jury
Uro'ik'ht in a verdict for il.ZJ),
ai.a i n.tier win apiieai me rase
to the Sujir.-nie Court, accordirut
to the htatemeiit of Attorney
John M. Wall. The jury -Ceo.
lio'iipson, i;rtiet ()lon, Wm.
Il oinlmivh, A. V. Heiiny, S. K.
iiaf. ('has. I'arnhani. I'has. ('as
iee, ,loin A. 0ron. Ja. Kyle,
A W. Wrik'lit. Jacob Shearer
ind l-Mw. U. Morton.
W. 1). Wheeler was ifiven a
. i i i . i i i
itei-r. ai'amsi i,. veu. ueu-nu-
u t l.avinj; :'. days in which to
redeem pianitik' mill proierty.
.1. I'.. Itachelor, John ArnoM
and Titer Uyan pleaded not
;'i,i;tv to attempting burglary in
i !eavcrtnn Ktore, and Wm. 'al
an.liu'ham apointed to defend.
( has. )avis pleaded guilty to
two indictments for forgery, am:
was sentenced from 2 to 'JO
st ars in the pen. lie was paroled
.hiring good behavior, and is to
write the Kheritr every '.W) days,
and i to keep out of saloons.
Sentence was deferred on l.ud-
w vj and Krantz. who robU'd the
liardner home at Ijuatama.
IhvorecH granted -Miller vu
MiH.-r; t'nssirger v I'rissir.ger;
Slan vs S!an.
Anton r.aranilun John Kos-
tin. iudt'lllelit for plaintiff.
iismisedTacilie Toast Con-
Mi k Co vs Wash Co-two
II I Stewart vs N M
and Sodt vs Scanlon.
iK cree of foreclonure, Hamil
ton v Cleveland.
Crti'r'j for (rrwc-HcS. '
Carl I'fahl. of Imvc I'.li.mirig,
was in the rity yesterday.
(Ireer Bells grx'eries at right
Kmi! Iluvck, of alcive Moun-
taindale. was a city caller the
last of the week.
(.roct-rii-s, dry g'xi'lsand sh.M-s,
at f.reers.
Italph Withycombe, of South
Tualatin, was over to the city
Monday evening.
For Kent-Seven room Lous-.
Third and Lincoln. Kerr Ilros.
A steady, two-hour laugh when J
Hello Mill" appears at the Cres
cent Theatre June 20.
i'almer Tucker, of aliove Moun-
taindale, was in town the last of
the week.
(Jreer's-Main 82 -is the place
to get Albany butter and Uk
Cabin bread.
Attorney A. S. Dresser, of
Portland, was out Monday, at
tending to a case in circuit court.
Just received a new lot of
Patent Sun I'roof paint. 1.
Cor win.
Concessions Taken, and
t ree Amusements Billed
O Underlying certain symp
toms of eye trouble may
be given disturbances of the gen
eral health. A searching and
accurate examinations will re
veal to the trained eye specialist
what the canses are. Glasses in
some cases may not be needed at
all. while in other cases properly
fitted glasses will relieve head
aches and a score of nervous
troubles caused by eye-strain.
Many people have defective vis
ion and do not know it- urs.
Lowe & Turner are specialists of
standing and experience, and
have acquired a most thorough.
practical, and technical knowl
edge of their profession, xou
ill make no mistake in consult
ing them. If you do not need
glasses, they will you so frankly.
They will be in Hillsboro again
Saturday. June 27. at Hotel
Washington. Consult them.
For Bale, cheap, if taken at
once: Driving horse, buggy and
harness; horse is black, about
1200, and is safe, guaranteed
driver and work animal. E. W
Oglesby. Roy. Ore. 10-12
The decision of the circuit
100 yd race, free for all, 1st court, in the suit for criminal
prize ' 5 00 libel, brought by the Benedictine
F. 0. Sipprell. of Farmington, Shoe race, 1st prize 3 50Sisters of Mt. Angel, Oregon
Bif Bailrt Pkaic Witt Fsflsw to the
City Park. Smday. Jaly S
W W l!oscow reports that ar
rangements are now perfected
for a splendid celebration in the
county seat July 4. Many con
cessionaires have signed up. and
many free features have been
added to the program. The
speaker of the day will be an
nounced in next week's issue.
Dr trwin will read the Declara
tion of Independence.
The prize list is as follows
Fat Man's race. 1st prize, $2 50
Second prize 1 00
Pby-tirUa sad Surgx.a
Office: Vpstaira ia SchuImtrWh Blocs
Kmideiico Suutb fwrnrr Kawlta
n l .sw.Himl Htrveta.
pa . nttii Viir Z2; rmiiiM.t'Ui 3e
aurjton S. P P. R. 4 N.. P. E. ft K.
Office io the TaoiicMc Block. Tbinl and
il4ia btreeti, Ilillilioro, Oregon.
Office Hour 9 to ia a. m.; I to 5 p. m.
Tuenliy, Thursday, HatuHay 9 to I
Call answered day or nibt. Botn
pbuaei. Oir.ce over Idllshoro National.
Those who have eaten Albany
butter know what it is. You
like it.
1 501 against J. E. Hosmer, editor of
2 50 the Silverton Journal, w a3 s is-
1 00 tained recently, by the Supreme
2 50 Court. The opinion of the S i-
1 00 preme Court was written by
was in town Saturday, loading tna
ties for shipment from Newton Sack race, 1st " ...
station, on the i E. & E. " " 2nd " ..
Ihree-legged race, 1st
ti,. ll:nl. t a .:ii 1 11 fv 1 nv .. Ci-,
1 ;ii i-k t I "e iiiusuuru uanu win lur-iuuu. vimi. 1.. ..uoci, i.i-
Livniuii aim iuu iii i v. i . .i n jii..?..t'i i ......
( rk"iH t nisn music wun m pieces, ana justice Aiciinue nil
.reer Keeps u. there will be a band concert in ates concurring and cunfirniH i
Frank Morey, with the Mc- the evening, beginning at eight the unanimous verdict of tht
umsey mill, oeyonu Torin o clock. jury which found J. L. Hosmer
lains, was a city visitor Satur-I There will be free moving "guilty of criminal libel." The
ay evening, pictures, free dancing, and free Benedictine bisters ot rut. An-
l. c..uii., i..,iin.r i.f.t acrobatic performances. gel are entirely vindicated, and
complete, with a big list of cus
tomers. A bargain.-Address I '.
0. Box 3M. Ore. 13-0
Mrs. Ed. Mizen. of Shady
rook, joined the annual veteran
ncampmentat lillarnook. lues-
Money to loan, on first mort
gage. -Address X, care of the
Argus. 12-1
Adam Hergert, of Blooming,
.-.I 1. a,., l.,.,..l.,.,,l.,. .,f V'ur.
ItllU UOIII. Vj,l...a....v., ,.- - "L..l, 1J.ilh.l,mnmat;,l,
.... U..1.K1 Itt llltAM Ihff !Mt M .... .... n,.J" HreiillH.u.uviuv,
V - I arm juiy 1, ai nign scnooi Diag. nnfk Hav - loni. am
v..w J Ft--
the week.
.... I. I Ml. I' I ....!.,
ftirrrv I'oint. Iowa, wareni ine ueeuvnie n-unup ......
Isitt ll..r fnmilv mitved to! h'l-Lfiilant. Ix tweeti whom t lien
lit'iidul.'. Wash., in $. She is great rivalry, met Sumiav f.-r
B married to Mr.Tuplwr. June the Reedville champion-lnp. lhe
IW. Ihrec children were Federal ouiciaseu meir orr"
nent. allowing but two srotvs.
The feature of tin' eaine was
the consistent playing of the
Fi-.l and their Htrcnwlh at i-at.
I'h.. Fed Pitcher. Woit, siruck
out 12 men. lhe battcne. 1 1
rals Wolf and doodwin; Uei-u-
in to them, Harry. Roy d
Harry died at the age of
fcyi-am lhe family moved
Ik to low h, mill moved Irtick
if coast 111 l'.Kl'i. settling in
jUlwrn, ln re they have sinr
!f their home. For three
in Mr. Tupper's health ba lars-Jack niul Shane.
n failing, ami on absce to 2.
f'A on her brain about a
Vk prior to death. Her bus
.l, her son Roy. her daugh
irs. 1 1, l Black burn, am!
inmtlier. Mrs. Mary A. Fa-
of Anamosii, Iowa, of
Miate family, mourn
Interment was in
Kfllow cemetery.
I ur l.eae
pe hundred and twenty acres
pn liiml, ready for the plow.
pt'nty cents an acre a year
rental first year.
V. (J. Mitchell.
Ill I I o llll I.
heCresceiit Theatre, Friday
Evening, June 2(
Notice is hereby given that the
riding of bicycles on the snie-
walks in the paved streets v
trict i forbid. ien bv order ol the
council.- C. Bluser. Chief 0! I o-
Mr. Merle Haines, Mrs. Kich-
ard Hornby and twochihlreii ami
Mrs. E. W. Nise spent a e
lightful duy Wednesday, at H"'
rami home of Mr. Wises par
en tn. of south of Cornelius.
Dance at New Helvetia IhU.
Saturday evening. ;',"' ;
t;..l..u 7.r. cents. Evei'yhoily
:...,;i..,l ..l.',.oerstem A: 1
(',. N Taggartnnd family, went
... ..... v.....rij Suhirdav. via tne
10 li e " . .
Tillani.H.k line, ' hey '
spend several weehsmn ... ......
1 1. 1 ..,. the son. went
neiicu. I..." - , .,
reiunieo uik.
Banks will play Hillsboro in Hosmer must pay his fine or go
the afternoon, in the baseball I to jail. Dispatch from ML An
park. gel Academy.
On the Sunday following the n . , , . , ...
Fourth there will be a big basket rasiurage in pieniy lor caiue.
i. .v,- momu r Figures on large number. Plen-
tr vj illC IIIIIIUVI 9Wi kll.l . a , . 4 1
ehnrrhesof Hillnluiro. and r. D7 " grass an u waier. ft..Ke o
- " f - - . . a. r " II...1, 1
...;n 1. ki.4 iu tn.a wrnen. roresi urove, aouie 1,
I I,r3 nut 1 1 v. I J1 ill fclic IUI c I , . . r . 1 .1 4
piace on lxmsignoni lskc. i-a
Chaa. R. LaFollett. of Corne-
COt'RSE tiiia. has sued his wife. Mary
Kavanaugh LaFollett for divorce.
f ree Demonstrations, June 29, 30 alleging that she had struck him
I in his complaint that
J. 0. ROBB, II. D.
OFFICK: Up& ainin Schulmericb Bldf.
I'UoNKjO uce, City JS4; Ren. City 864
Physician and Surgeon
Oific- liuurs 9 to 11 a. m.; a to 5 p. d.
iCi i- answered day or night. Both
I i 1, .ia 1. Oilice in American National
I'.o.k, upstairs.
il.LUuUO. - - OREGON
(irna. R. Bmstrng W. . War
Roam 1 aud t Shot- Balldla
Oidcei u,i sunt in ScbuImerUb Block
UHtairs, A. C. Shute Bldg, Main A ra.l
in Everv Line-
Hundred of Lines.
'"it tfl
I'ulli-i Krai TI1I1.U
"",,,,,, I'nrl lliilimll
Nophrr l iiiiiiiK- l'mfrmional
,,' KhiI la.n
"ll"!s-l'iirmt(,f I'ullrii
L.'.,. Ull.
'" 1 iiiliiKwa, - llt.rolliv'a Ijiiver-
, .' Rrv MkIi
f Wt,-s W..M1.I Iw-Ourrat
1, IVikln
lllmr-A VV'1,I... (.,1.. 111.,,.,
W,'! ,,J,Hr' ""'mlU'-r.'.lMAIice Hmilli
nienitl(!- 11,, charm...
;, - Sli-lla Klittr
, Mnl.le Bvimon
Aci 1
Time, .liinr, Hys '
, . - iinnr-iia uaie a
r,,u"to W,.r 11,11 Gor. Alio??
kill ,t." ...
. .."".iiia iwrr. rice tanie
r 1. 1 .........
'f Tin. .-.a ..
- mil' tm-plum,
k. :. .A,:l" ...
11 1 11 "' '"rr ""I1"'"
' III ! niul iieKpiierai nKbt ailurl
IliMi? Hill lHVlcU.lloii.ff
, fir
Telephone City
Telia ahuiit
l'ul er coiuea
over earlier,
Rhode Isliiiul lted egtrrf
1 ... .1,..,,. iiorliOMt'S. Mrs.
I Ull'IIIOK . . ,.,!',.
1 iii on Man e between S 'i-
ond and Thirii.
John Hurl, one of the pioneera
of Tillamook li.nty. u'"" ' ; ;
nied iy in - r 1 V
Ere. visited at the !; '
mIh. M. A. Powell. tl' l.rt ot
the week.
For Sale - Nearly new W.nona
3-inch waifon. nurr.w ti
sell at n l.arga.n.-l mi ink 1
Ian.. Hillsboro Route B. 1 Kt-
' Pasturage: Have pasturane
tofShead .ir l.o-;.; .
No. 1 range. inn'o- - -
4' '- - . . I .i.illl OIS. ill
0. IlancoeK Biore, v ...
Have pasturage for limiW
number of cattle. No liorsos.
Kthorne Raneh. 3 m.l jast
of Hillsboro- J. boper. H
njt..aci ami
Mesdames Merle
m"1' " ' li w Wise were
William 11. Yrach, a resident of
IliiUtmro in 1'JiW. was shot
ihn.iK'h the heart at Sheri.lan
Wvoinint'. June 14. by Earl Fo
tee, an ex-convict, while Veaeh
w :'i il. i.utv sheritT. wasendeav
..rim' in arrest the murderer
i-'mei was probably fatally
I Deceased was shot
tl,.-o! the heart, w hile the con
v ii-t was shot in the abdomen
v....h bvei ess man nueen
tninutes. and was dead before
iivsieian coii d arrive.
1',.1-ee was wanted for stealing
i horse and another deputy was
with Yeach when the resistance
lo the arrest took place.
Yeach was a jMipuiar oinc
mil had been deputy
fe. a.n1
I-.,,- n.iirs Mr. veacn
!...rn iii Iowa. Fei). f, 1S72. 1
;j coreived bv a widow ana IWO
datb'hters. aged 17 and 11. Of
,is immeiliate family he is sur
vived bv his parents. Mr. and
M,s J 11. P. Yeach, of Sheridan,
vveil' known here six years ago;
md brothers and sisters as follows-
(leo. Yeach. Woodlake,
Neb Perry Yeach. RushyiUe.
Neb ' Jesse Yeach. Rushville;
ilarrv Yeach. Oregon City; Am
. .,' i. '..i.,.,i;m.i Midi Mr?.
I oat ti. iiii oiioi. .....,
I'eter Smith and Mrs. Frank
limvling, Oregon City, and Mrs.
i.m M.iii.c Portland.
' The remains were shipped to
1 1. lu eitv. arriving today.
i ho local cemetery.
men i v !.-. in - , p
Mr Yeach was a member ot
ti Knights of Pythias, and was
teemed as a man and
,f ...v.....',.. He was a candidate
for the oflice of sheriff at Sheri
d in ami would have been nomi
n'l.ted and elected, owing to his
personal popularity.
S J (".allnway to Anton I.unow,
i. b'k . Tbornt'i a.l
SUule SttUiiKto Maiie li Rml, U
? ami x, liorwick a
AuKint Kians to C.ustnv Krnue,
tot in arm 14. I V I I n J ..
thraf Haytri to A O Ylr. 4 U W
I'ortlatul Itt -.-
K Krrvr, uliff. la K N Ciorkrtt
ami Arrliie KinK, 3ha, arc 34.
ItntS w
J W Hrnaoti tn John Dillon, it in
ltriwioit He. o
V Maloiie to C.ottlritil G-ist, tct
u. iV I lilts a jeoo
Jiaeph llunn to P U Donnelly, to
a arc 1 t I t a w 1
K llever to Jolin H I'.ryer, 5 a,
(.ltt.1 to mrrrri ) c 15 1 1 n r 4 w
T II Powell to W S Aiuletnoti, Ut $
Virginia Place
Wm Hamilton to Chas ll;ru, (put-
claim. 1 o a arc 6 to 2 n r 4
W N Banrlt to Rov Crowaon, (put-
claim ll lliirlilamU a t, ll!0 .. -
Coojierative Ttmt to M Pallay, 1 10
a near Dlllry
Roy Crimson
in Iliviran.
LuilwiK Srlnltrnbtanil to Wall)'
SclialtrnliraiKl, IM a, aec jo ui 2
III w "
M Holliiook toC li Knciianan
Ca . .aii'liuiise at Nlli I'lains
Harry Culver to AlU rt W Keelin,
11 1 n. Oii-nco townsite.. .
Siilmtttan lievflopmrnt Co. to Cliaa
I) Ui, 5c u t 1 a r 1 w..
N W CHilco t to O & C R K Co, 314
a Sib llbo
Kilw G Mrl'berson to K G Mc-
Pbetson Co, ! i int in 161 a ec 15
Ornoa: Main Street, opp. Court Hoium
The Coffee Club has arranged for also told him that she only mar-
a series of free demonstrations ried him for money or property,
and lectures on domestic science, and that she did not love him.
it etc.. to be eiven bv Mrs. Rob- She left him June 12, ana a note
J'"00 bins, of the 0. A. C. Extension told him that she had gone never
.J Division. June 29. 30 and Julv 1. to return. The husband wants
at the domestic science room of the custody of a boy. about a
6 "on the High School building. year old. The couple were mar
AI adies and school eir s m ned in Marion County in iyi
it 1 . . . . 1
I t h n Anmmnnitu Q ia oapHiqIIu in. I ... a . n i i
uiv vuiiiiiiuiuvj biv vuiuiwii in- "hfl AntQiiion mo pan a nnn.
- . . ... - I A lk ill VWVIIUII IIIWIIV1V1 ..v
vited to attend this free course, h.k.hie nnBes are m3LAe t0
w w men is very lmeresunK unuii KtpHmp 1). Corwin.
MlilVI VlVil I V I - 11
A foil nrnirmm nf tho thrw. KeV. J. BUIgin, aSSlSiea Dy
days' course will be published Mr. ana Mrs. ueo. nose. unaer office upjtairs in Schulmericb Block
navi M-ank line ausDtces oi uveoi rimauu a
I . . l.ij- :..-i tlill.l t
7000 icnurcnes, IS noiuing a revival iiuuuuiu, -
meeting in a big tent south ot
the eitv hal . on Second street
Telephone office Main loi. Residence
W'e the ministers of Hillsboro. nmmended as an evaneelist and Wain 102
to whose names are signed below he will hold meetings, here this DR. L. W.HYDE
w ish to express ourselves as be- week and next At San Uiego Successor to Dr. Linkiater-
ing m hearty co-operation with the committee wired Mr. Bulgin office over Delta Drugstore. Residence
.. ri- ci r n..i:l . . ,. u .1 "
I llie ovaiiKCiiaw ur. ti. . jjuikiu rnr ms OlienilK wuuiu auiuuui Rue hne. between and 6th Sta.
tociyiie f. wtme. u anu ms spienuiu assisuinis, in to $3,0W. ine song service uy Hilkhnrn Ororrnn
sad llbo ao thu crreat tpnt mwtinir that is M onrl Mra Rna. Hplicrhta the ulU!,uuru Oregon
being held in this city, we be- audience, and the Attorney- vww mvyy.wiwvyyvvwwi .
that Dr. Bulgin is both Evangelist Mr.. Bulgin, is being f... Anil.,- u n
n and iust in his teaching orfietfld bv trood crowds. iicuem. nueren, m. u.
M ... . , .1 1 U 1 Jll,in,l UL OUAUE.U11
ivi.i savmiif nf muntinH uhiitf The unum Marca is me most I
40I w. w-.. "-"! " ! .TTLkAloanmg "twn for r miarter" Successor to Dr. Ctinnino-ham
some come io cnucize, ana uo - . . ' "
umce ana urug store.
Telephone connections.
ann a Kfliifli,0 iViaf oorv smoke on market made in Ure-
1.111,11.11., irviii..v , ,-l.:il- 1L - I
honest thinker will say that the p0"., . "uc" Orenco.
50 truths that are being proclaimed indulge in a good smoke buy a
fromnitrht to nieht in the big Grand Marca. ti
(h mw'.,1!.. tent has pever been surpassed Two slaughter houses, on Dai-
. i l X. X. In Piilcbv Or. It... .. .. M .l.'r.. iW.t ..aa I ... "I 1. : a. .a,U H aVUA Ar.4V
C G II il.triiweck, Tr, to l'ulsky Or-
cliant ids, tcts 6S to 91 ino, ne-
lialt m Mt Orch
Paul Rriintrsto A S Howell ami
V V Warner, ipiitclaitii, let So in
Chi'huk-m Mt Orch No a
A Tenant el al, to A N Howell anil
V V Wainer, tot same as above. .
Siilmrlian Develop" wl Co, to Al
fred ZteileH.5 sec 11 1 1 a r iw
Wl'aikerto A C Cnrnow, 3 a,
Geo Rii hsidson d I c
by any evangelist that ever rv Creek, just south of the east
came to this city, and that all anrtroach of the lone bridge.
w ho hear nim win be oenenttea, burned this morning about three I
I if you wish to hear the piain and I o'clock. The Hillsboro Mercan-
I simple truth proclaimed with tile Co. lost a lot of hides, a lot
fervent and honest sincerity of tools and about a ton of giant
w ith out regard to whom it may powder, while Emmott & Hoard
ii(c. 3. CtnaBrl
1 1 1 n raw.
M M llaynea to S F Mmtin,
Klkaiah Walker U I c
and K. W.
gpr-i have jut put inagood Portland vtajgr Jjgj
P sUick of KrocerieB. ' tending the Robe ftstivni.
Friday, "t-
f s Kevnolds. for many
, ;,, 1 ho mere handising busi
...'..'..t Mountaindale. was down
'iiillshoro Tuesday, greeting
iviemla and transacting business,
nr ) ll Smith launched a
,,ior boat on the lualatin
e.,o,i..v evening, southeast of
1 in o...... -
the pumping plant.
Courtesy, prices and quality,
Hour policy. C.reer's for gro
series, dry goods and shoes.
V W. Walch. the South Hills
boro groc-er, has built an addi
tion to his residence.
Those who have tried White
Loaftlour know what it ia. Greer
keeps it.
strike be he Jew or Gentile, also lost some tools, boilers etc. SriitffiSSrriWM
Greek or Barbarian, Saint or I The fire is supposed to have hen m uopa mu uomn tian urnnnwi
Sinner, you will not miss the op-
. .. . 1.- 1 n kjlinii-i, juu 11. iiwn iii.oa vi.
"us"c . VT" , i w ... ! ..! 1.. . .0 portunity of hearing Dr. Bulgin.
"nwis to .1 v Kiniiwii. so Sic If you have any belief or posi-
tct in
Rring your eggs to Greer's.
"Hello Pill" at the Crescent
heatre, June 2(5.
lionth to headaches glasses
Uted bv Dra. Lowe & Turner.
The German Lutherans, of
Schieffelin, will celebrate their
annual mission festival, ounuay,
June 21, in the Geo. Bieredort
grove. German services wm uc
held in the morning, nun &b
lish services in the afternoon.
The ladies will serve luncheon.
Fishing tackle of all kinds.
Fresh salmon eggs, etc. u. cor-win.
T oat Thursday Master Delmar
Jones entertained a few of his
little friends in nonor ot nis
third birthday. Dainty refresh
ments were seryeu. i nose pres-
i.ln Fu er. Kathleen
and Rosemary Hornby. Lester
Bachelar, Velma wise, uaie anu
Delmar Jones.
The largest shipment of ranges
from the East ever received by
any one dealer.-D. Corwin.
vverv hat. In mv shop will be
sold in the next three weeks at
8rall 8umof$1.50to$3 (X). This
is all new goons.
10 tion in regard to religious mat
ters and will not hear the other
side of it that alone is proof
that you are afraid to meet the
other fellow s view
Again we wish to endorse the
methods, and teachings of Dr.
Bulgin. B. C. Cook,
F. E. Fisher,
J. S. Lucas,
li. E. Myers,
W. N. Vallandigham
Frederick Edward Pfahl died at
the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Pfahl, of south of
Cornelius, Tuesday, June 16,
1914, after an illness of several
months, his affliction .being tu
berculosis. He had made a trip
to Arizona last winter, return
ing in May, but the visit ap
peared to help him but little.
He was born on the Silver place,
south of Cornelius, July 6, 1888,
and had always resided at home.
He was a young man of exem
plary habits, was a good stu
dent, and was universally likea
by a large circle of friends. He
leaves to mourn his loss his par
ents and the following brothers
and sisters: Carl. Oscar, Her
man and Theodore; Elsie, Helena
and Frieda. The funeral took
Call and see place today at the German
t"" ii r. w Hint. Phone church, m uornenus, ana inter
Citv 167. 'Corner First and Oak ; ment was in the Cornelius ceme-
13-5 tery.
started from a smudge pot in one
of the buildings.
Dance at Hendrick's Hall,
Cornelius, Saturday evening
June 20. Walkers' Orchestra.
Always a good time. McCurdy
& VanLom, Managers.
Wm. Schulmerich, who just
returned from Southern Oregon,
says he has never seen crops
looking better to the south ot
us. Grass and grain look espec
ially fine down in the Creswell-
Yoncalla country,
We are agent for the following
stoves-Steiger & Kerr stoves
and ranges; Arcadian ranges;
Alcazar and Brighton, Quality
and Diamond ranges. D. Cor
win. id-tt
Dr. F, A. Bailey was at Salem
the first of the week, where he
called to minister to Mrs. Ger
trude Marsh Wilcox, whose hus
band was killed in Portland sev
eral months ago.
Alcazar ranges are strictly
new, up-to-date, Colonial style,
typifying simplicity and beauty,
highest quality and mechanical
perfection. D.Oorwin. 13tf
The Ladies' Aid, of Scholls.
will give an Ice Cream Social at
the home of S. P. Taylor, Satur
day evening, June zu. All are
Glasses fitted by Drs. Lowe &
Turner do not need the guaran
tee that goes with them. There's
a reason.
Argus and Journal $2.25.
aV Ctaatrt
rtHrr4raf ttbartatra, Hea)iaiMIIC
Maalairai aa Nalarc.
onrral-iiritHfiiiiiiue, oftralitn"Miui, Sail-
Vroirfle aa aura atrriAllkirfni Itfattt.
KaiMuHcnfAufttn, Utbectraaunicn. AMIWtf
i'riefitifitlel mil unfma Mirritm.
rab ercJjiara; CaauUf. a Wt
a at aar nrrasreaaaa.
h'l'D.m: SiaclbaU 2U0; H-iQW,
i-juad.'fbon: iiKaln MM mik MMi.
am u 6iKt 14 ttlaaisrt at Canci W
Office up stairs over Hillsboro National
Trmiesie BUlg. Rooms 5 and 6
Min and Third.
Upstairs, in Linklatcr Delta
Building, Main Street
Hillsboro - - - Ore
Commercial Bank Block
'Hillsboro Oreoa