The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 18, 1914, Image 1

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    " .. A
The HillsSI iSSa !
"t-xXl - HILI.SI50RO, ORKGON, JL'NM IS, 1011 "7 1
null I U U H .'KB llhsi ' " - - i Tnnimi r niirn nnnn
hnMNIU UIU UlinULU, -rKar,n ,,ll(.r w :i , ,, , Hi llinl I Ilirn A to the ctty Sat unlay ULU K U PI HUH
, ..n.ln.H..... llrU
.... a aLILBa tffflll
' m.-ii. IM..,..
it..;.. I mil Aloha.
j M.irtha P-chen. Hill-
... ... L l.lHHl'd till fill-
V i n if
... t i
Sl'VlTJI ! " -
I i... I itiiilomas iiiHin
(afiv -
ned V-. writing,
a I t M
l;- i ......i i
j fjtiilif ari, i.biim'i ik
i iL,riri-liHK'. Anthony Van-
1 .. i..... M '
; - Arthur mum, m
U, ( ,.l. tM t (Mm, iwirry
Lrntlt. iirrim mwk. rren
LthrJ. l'"'r. Marmn
ii .i. I ...LI, Unri..
li liUl'l i.iiim" ''
P ' ... , . I i ...l.... I '..I I.
-r.jj lVh "!' lMiri, .nulla
itmorf. 1 1 1 u ir.
Maru'iMiv.-r. Matilda Krug.
'i,U'r. 15 3. Daton May,
'n Sum""". North Plain;
hunt knitf. llilUtMro K 3.
flO Harr lirnderson, Martha
iff. lU- V .
11 Haiti Armslronif. Mrli-tia Si ryttlt-r.t ;til vi
iltrson. I lara May tin-. Jot-
Janu s J.n.fs. (iaston.
1.1 Jirtt-t'h tirhli-r. iNiirmnn
m. Ir.i liiill. Krma KtlHn,
!irj I!"1hII. I lank.
H din
fitnl K ! . MilUI-iltl K t
KhIiii I ) ... Mlfil K I
i, -C oi l i'. Mini. ttUMCll ll.molrllr.
.nr II.. f t-llh lMf, .ncl
I'tui Unit f 'r,'t'll'
. Kiln I iii-, ! I irk ,
U'H.r knli.u. Mul.l K 4.
I ki W''V I irl..o M
)- llll)!ri, Jiitin Uilnr.
14'i, Hifii-ii
I 11 K t
--llkfl Arliltilirf,
- riimii i imiii, Muin n i
i- l.uuitr 1 1 -l-i . I ililtn Sili, V
lit I
4'Sihmt i..m1, llxi iinlirl
(. itb Uiiui. I. I .f. Cul liiiiltll.
'!W .wt Hill. U.i.i H 4
v'.lhtlri illmuu, H.l. Mi.n,
kl l.ic.i' K I
' j - I! l H Mr..). I'.XlUll.l K 1
W-Sltrli i K.-k, l'.l- 1'irrh
;i -Kn Hli.l. Ilr.lri Will. Ilu I. .11
:i'l'ium I ', I'oilUml K i
Uiilbi H-'K". llill'U llriyri,
mv Mnrr Mnir ll-i. t, .lllnu K 4
rWiti NnyliiHii, Hiuion
i M.n.l.Mk. Vn Vlnrvnt.
I'M lliltt, Mi-i...l
U- Sri ir ( ,,r, M)rimMl
V I l.f.lf, U . I, ri. II.II.U.i i H 4
i -Oifin M, Kulwit, Uiualil I'aiMin,
tii K i
? -l.r.iL'i- ll.-iniBht l.ciiitf rU.tilrff.
!' Vnu.lri mlrii, l'iut I'.iuir
ft t M..H. K trl Clovf K .
I 'V Juhii Mir, I .lllrt Itiilrrd. HllU
MR i
i 7- M ilk I liirlriii.n Hravrilnn It 1
'V- l.n.f Krilly. IIiII.Ih.i.i K I.
'-Gli. iiiiiinru, TlKl.l
4 -l.ilf MiUiir, Manning.
I. AM) I'. I!, ft I!.
KlWtivi' Smiilay, May 31.
Uxn-iit ih,- V. U. A N.. train
pflwtrif, and Htou at the di-
X'ton M it lit Hlri't-l.
To I'ortlund
wwt Crov. Train fi:47 a. m.
Minnvillf Triiiii I 'M n m.
fri'ln Tram 9.5S p. m.
'"est Grov.' Train 12:f0 . m.
iiiiinviiii. irain ,J:l.ri p. m.
"est (Jrnve Train . ...4:t.r u. m.
"Ifeiie Traiii AIM n. m.
"MinnvilU Train fi:37 t. m.
'"est Cmve Train $:M p. m.
I 'roni Port land
iKtne Train urrivt'8 . 8:ir a. m.
" .9:12 a.m.
" .11:51)8.111.
" ..3:15 p.m.
" . .4:30 p. m.
" ...:37p. m.
" ...7:15 p. m.
"est drove
"K8t Crnvi.
t'Ti'Ht drove
(."rest drove
" ...9:IK p. m.
" .12:15 a. m
All trains.
except Undent'
IluR at North
ftW ami Kir Btreota and at
on. Kir
ntreeta and at
ith street.
Pm Serviee..
Old Depot
r-. & N. Truin 1:37 p,
I' l'mn Portland
",v N. Tram 10:21a. m.
"esi In iiun,v.l U iu ,-!.
Yi . iii nirr iiiui m-i.
J'1 PriC'CH fur Ii'qII n rv vt iir ilit.
fy. S..e nie liiHt. All kinds
'f Wood. -H. I). Schmvltipr.
Hie Medahey, of Gaston.
JJvvnio IlillHboro the last of
,1 hJk. nursinK a felon on one
iM-tienee with a .i-.-r t
day. the venison I. a. it,
her nardi-n. it. i, , r
tuik' away ith m..t,.
early garden trurk
Willi yralil-d a ,h- i
I .nil's '
imiI !,r,,U-
'in i t I,;! ;
the Itluile uf .
the handle tr intr to ru
t ruder out. 1 1,.. ,), , r
the wire ai.d tn;i !
tanirle. iN-iides kttiM ki
I!..- 1,.-;
r:m ii.l.i
'I .:' a
: -I'i.s 'i I
three shts an. I ll.itt. tin,' ;n
many rmls of f.-ni-,-. t j
threw itself in tin- i-!.i,-'i .,:,r
fenee. and altera :r-i)i'.,-, n, ,,!..
It eeane. 1 . J. a ,l t (, tut t i,i
JUt ttS Mrs. Will, 4 U.I.... 1 ,..t
frtmi the garden witl, t! I,.,.
handle iii her hat.. 1 1. .-m l I . ;
CUie.Jthe wif.-,i( A t ..n mM, a
eane. When told of tl.e . , ,r
rel r he ni:n!e Mr i', , r,.i!,i
to uviiiniativ' l.etiiiti (Kat aiiimal
ueer liunt tliis J a...
iNotiee to fotiMi.i, r-i X
of WOlid IHlt llf Inn!
r f.,r
Hale. mi(Ii iTr.-n ... ,1. ...I
tree e s.-as.ihr . A s A , at e
lint Wood t,-.i-M -a.' - ;i
you the .rntit that i'. H- to
iniddlemau. tir. u, a tuai U.-
leliveroil tel. -. hull.' i ,i. K ,
fl or w rile Ihi: Ii'.to, Ho ,1.. ;,
Hi. -'ratik Cn-eii. r. l j
llillshorn was well retire. -i I. .
at Portland. I rt l.iv and I n :i
eenin. aini the mad :n kit.:
warm with ie.lnttii,hiV . tu e
k'nilii;, ti that A . r, ii nt . r lo
a vol. I the fill"!! i.f r,i'i.i!ii' ii i!
late on the i l, tn,' liin-s. I I,,
parade, while hot as :n
utoal. was li'n-raliv ii..;a'.d.-d
Hid Willie uf the il.rtrti- 'loats
were indirati. e of a hi,' or !, r of
art. I he Show rloi-. in a
hltte nf tflory. and It U i;e I thai
the attendance wa lar.-r than
ev. IT U'lnre, uml at tl.e liutnr
parade, I'rid.iv evening, the
Hlreet.s were inai-.!' I as neier in
the hiKtnry nf a prior e-.i-nt.
For trade: hi'ir room pla-N-r
ed house, 3 lots, ",'M,i. rear ;u'
CI-HH, rellient H.ea:kS, li'TI
listanre from nlv hall and poni-
ulliee, alo ell. i laiio, inn m
renter. Will Irale forntv prn.
ertv ill llilNlioro, eiplal !'! .
f interested See ie. Addre-s
L N. Uld'T. IIiIIsImiM, of .see me
Kat Main, en fniini r .arsen
pluee. II
Allen I ra.-ier, who left IMIs-
Imro in I'elirtiary. and who was
iiiMMed to haw h. ell the victim
of foul plav, was een in I ort
land. I'liday muht ly sewra.
HillKtmro pinple. lie said he I a I
lnen over in the Aherdeen.
W' conntrv, and ollered no
explanation as to whv li mi
niyHteriotislv dropped o il of Sik'ht.
Mrs, Fraier is at present in
Salem, where she is in the Male
I aw cordwoo.1. poles up to 12
inehes ill diameter, fence rails.
. . i r o I : .. I .
ami tmai'iH oi an moom, hum
Htovewood lenuths. W ill k'" into
the conntrv. Write, phone or
rail on me. Carl Skow. llillsii".
ro. Phone. Main 3: '.".
Pave Wentfer was in from ll -
i..l ii S'llnr, :iv. 1 1 IS Sons nave
Univriit a new theshim: ouliit.
eonsi.stinK'of a 32 ineti separator
anduMixteeii horse power engine.
Thev will make their campaign
on the plains) this Fall, and will
turn out lot of Kfain.
Lndies are requested to rail at
the Pari Millinery .store l.etoro
thev huy their Sprimr hats, as
Ihe price are nnht. M
from $3 to$o. Mr. M. I .. )
dan. Second street, near ue.n-
inKton. Ilillsooro.
Mr. J. K. MrNew
MiH Carrie I iurchell. of .sVoliehl
raiiKlit a deer, last ve.incsoa.
hut were unalile to lie ine n,-
ion. Th.'y hel.l tin' amniai cap
tive for a hall hour nnn me,,
jrave up the stnivruli1.
John Ynndenval went lo Keed
ville. Saturday, to adjust Ilu- lire
losses oecasioni'd hv the hal .
Htore room and residence ImiM
inK hunted last week.
For sale: lirood mare. 10
years old; works sini'le or don
I. lit it'iili) iw nhoiit l:liH. (r will
i riide on rows or .voting ''ick.
kViiiik Creeuer.
Ishoro, u.
Hx 81, or phone U. -.
12 I
Geo. W. Kussell, of Giiston.
oneof the Kanie warden lor the
county wa down to Hills)'"'"
Friday morninjr. reliirninKf H;'1"1
a trip to the Keedville section.
Mr. and Mr. K. H. McDonald,
of Thorp. Wash , were Riiest o
Mrs. Kmma McKmney the laM
of the week. ivturninrT wnw
Calvin Whitmore, of rhelialem
Mountain, wa oyer to ll.llsl.oro.
Saturday. He says farmers w 11
lie into hay harvest .tin week,
some havinK already cut.
Fred H. (Mark, of Farminkrton,
was up to the city Saturday.
greetinK friends.
Mlniii In I i.IIiim County Scat
r.hiiiiiKc Mir up Strife
1 1' i'i linos in mnu. "iii;.ir
tnunul Ktqur.i un Table nd
an ire Wrjth) (rr it
Some trnuhle hai hen the result
"f l i n t (Iro.e passing an ordi
iianee pruhil.itiin! ilujfs from run.
i n ,; at lare. Thin action was
taken several weeks atfo, and
lo "w in rs have leen protesting
a.'aiii'-t the measure. luist week
a laree petit mn was presented
the council, asking for a repeal
of the local law, and the request
a s cotititnied, much tothecha
k'nn uf the movers, and some of
the excited ones are iii favor of a
r. e.i!l.
Iluishiito passed just such an
ordinance a year or ho a, 'n, and
at !.' t there was Home ohjee
ttotis These, however, have
iii i I' d, and it is hardly likely
that any ereat per cent of the
1'itieiis would rtvert hack to the
old order of allowing "Fido" and
" I i.'e" to nam at will on in-sp,-,
tiott tours over the city.
That lli!lsU,r,i has heen satis
!.. . with the ordinance, in the
m iin, i'ik'S without aaxintf, and
if Forest ( iro e should keep the
tin -avo-e as law it will he ap
pr,e, e hy a larife majority of
i it ..-.'tis- that is, if it works nut
the same as it did in llillshoro.
K.'ceipls for the week have lieen
( 'at tie 1 r.iV: calves 3T; Iuik'S 2-S;
sheep fiT t
Cattle liquidation smaller for
the week, due to lliid season Im'
i w eel) feed lot and prass runs,
le st crain fed steer. $7.7" to
s.oo; hay steers T..r' to 7.75;
li,-st crass steers 7.25 to 7.l!l.
;.Nid call for prime dehorned
co.xs and heifers, l'.utcherstock
steady all dow n the line.
I lettiaiid for Inn: better than
last week, with fairly k.roo num
., r nf receipts. ,p and lOc higher.
Tops selling at 7. S5 to 7.90.
Modi rate receipts of sheep and
lainhs this week. Improved de
mand. Fancy ycarlinvr 4. Ho to
..... ii .. .1 I or. ., I rjl.
.i.oo, 010 wi'ineis i" i."",
ewes I.ini to 125; lamb trade
lit in spring stock selling readily
at iViio.
To Portland - .Vi minute.
re 'Jit
in: 17
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
55 minutes.
From Portland
2: IS..
1:37 .
a m
..a m
a m
. p m
.p m
.p m
. p m
a m
in .in mid Tiini
The North Plain Tile and Hrick
Co., of North Plains, Ore., wish
to announce to the public that on
iier June tile in any
quantity can he had at its yards
the lOIIOWIIlK sii.ea-o, -i, i
111 inch. , .
We solicit inspection, ana in
vite votir patroniiire.
i.'nr information or prices,
,.;ii. or teleiilione us at North
Plains. , 12-14
Mr. and Mrs. John Heilly were
in the city Saturday morning.
.hihn Lol'ti. of alnwe North
Plains, was a city visitor Satur
day afternoon.
Al McCunisey, the North Plains
v'.iwinill man, was in tne city
Siturday afternoon.
A M. Krown. of Koseburg. is
i hi n ur omrn irom me doi-
diers' home, and is visiting his
dauirliter. Mr. N. A. ivicumna
hay, of near Urenco.
a sV enson Stiimo Fuller and al
inuinment. Will either
sell this or trade it for pigs of
cows, ('nil or address Rosedale
Farm. Santa Rosa, Ore., postor
lice, lkaverton, ure., k. u
i-i itiyera arm larm v were
llillshoro visitors Saturday.
II. C. Toelle. of Shadv Prook,
was over to the city Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hartley, of
Punks, were county Heat visitors
Saturday afternoon.
Otto Wohler. or Oak Park,
greeted friends in tow n the last
of the week.
F. A. lieitzel, of South Tual
atin, was transacting business in
town Saturday afternoon.
Herman Kotdinke, of U-vond
Oak Park, was a city caller the
last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tipper
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tuper,
of Portland, were out to llills
horo, the first of the week.
For Sale: Osborne binder. -ft.
cut in good repair. Come and
see it. 35 takes it. Herman
Prahl. 2 miles Northeast of Hilis
loro. Marshall Ilaker was in the city
Saturday. He thinks that grain
will come through in irxl shaiHi
in most localties this year.
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a tfxsl
It) cent smoke no "'.rough dust"
in the Schiller. 12tf
Our 12 ic Red Seal ginghams,
9c; ralico, 5c. etc., are some of
the prices that prevail at Greer's
sale. Can you U at it. All gmxls
marked In proKrtion at Greer's.
Ambers Thornhtirgh. of Forest
Grove, was down to the city
Monday morning, returning
from a trip up Dairy Creek,
above Hanks.
H. Harrington ha sued J. II.
Stephenson on a promissory note
for $72. given ! the defendant
in l'JlO. when he resided here
and was interested in the Tim
ler mill and other project.
S. J. Galloway, of North Hid
boro, has sold hi home to Mr.
I.unow, of the Jolly Plain.
I.unow will let his Uiys run the
big Hoover Connell place and
he and his wife will move into
the city.
For Sale: Team, Wagon and
Harness, all in in tine condition.
Wagon full panel top, and almost
new. A tine outfit for Mail,
Milk or other delivery. We w ish
lo sell on account of using auto
mobile for our delivery work.
Moore Laundry Co.
Chas Lamkin, Con Archbold
and Cha. S. Parker returned
the first of the week from the
Spanish War Veterans' reunion
over at Aberdeen, accompanying
the Vancouver hand, lhey re
port a big time and splendid
treatment over in the Sound
These reports about doer get
ting into peoples' gardens sound
goiul-liut w hen the time comes
for a tw ist at the bucks they
will be mighty scarce. Like the
China rooster, who cackles at
you during the closed season, the
deer will be as minus as the
China bird when you can get out
and shoot.
Ben Dooley came down from
tanks. Monday afternoon. He
reports that the Hanks nine beat
the Colored diants ll to z, Sun
day. Ren says that Hanks ex
pects the record crowd when
llillshoro and Hanks clash, at
Hanks July 3. and he says the
boys up on the Dairy are de
termined to take the scalps of
the county Beaters if possible.
Hanks always has a good ball
team, and there will be fireworks
when the two nines meet
Thos. Rood has purchased the
Sehmeltzer transler business,
and has taken charge of its affairs
Mr. Rood will make his home in
Hillsboro from this on, and will
not enter active railroading. Mr.
Schmeltzer will take a vacation
for a few weeks, and then ex
pects to fit up the auto truck for
a big overland trip, and will
wheel through Southern Oregon
into California where he will
Julius Asbahr, of South Taul-
atin, was a city visitor Saturday.
He departed this week tor a
three months visit to Germany,
where he will revisit boyhood
scenes, and renew old acquaint
ances of youthful days, lie will
also take a run over to Denmark
and visit with Chris. Jensen, who
years ago worked in a dairy over
near the Asbahr place. Mr As
bahr's many friends here wish
for him a pleasant trip. It has
been many years since he saw
the old soil, and he anticipates a
creat treasure in his trip. In
the 45 years of residence in the
United States he has been back
two times, and the last time was
36 years ago. He will visit with
two brothers and two sisters,
whom he has not seen since his
last trip.
County Court Concludes Steel
I'.ridiie is Economy in Long Itun
richly-rl Spaa With CaitiMi CmU
Coitafy Saia of
The countv court met Saturday
and opened bids for the Farm
inifton bridge, and for the fill at
the Hays place, near Sherwood.
There were but two bids on the
Farmington work, one on a steel
hridwe and one for a wooden
structure. The bid for the wood
bridge was put in by J. S. Lor
sung, w hose figures aro $1720.85.
The Coast Bridge Co., of Port,
land, put in a bid to erect a steel
bridge, covering the piera and
the eighty-foot span for $3,936,
and after deliberation the court
held that the steel structure
would be the more economical of
the two, and the award was
given accordingly.
The Coast Go's, manager, who
w as here Saturday, says that the
bridge will be completed within
30 days from the time the bond
was tiled, w hich was Monday of
this week.
There were several bids on the
1 1 .1 a i
mi at me tiays place, near
Sherwood, E. R. Herndon get
ting the award at $726.
1 he proposals were:
Wolf & Taylor $1200
N. A. Hodges 1000
K. R. Herndon 726
H. G. Wvatt 864
J. S. Lorsung 925
In the matter of the steel
structure, five plans were sub
mitted, the company offering to
put in the span, the county to
put in the piers, at the upset
price of $1900; another plan of
bridge, complete, for $3ol8: an
other for $2768 and still another
plan of bridge for $3186. The
court decided that the award ac
cepted was the best value.
Five acres up to 38.43 acres
aliout four acres in best kind of
fruit and berries. Young or
chard just coming into bearing.
Some high land and some good
low, rich swail land, good for
garden truck ; mostly tile drained.
Good vein of water close by.
Good house, barn, and other
small outbuildings. Sixteen acres
in cultivation and rest easily
cleared 2J miles south of Bea-
verton, 9 miles from Portland,
w ith rock road to either place.
Railroad runs through place.
For price and terms, apply to
G. W. Baker, Beaverton, Ore.,
Route 3. Box 10. fnce reason
able. Reason for selling poor
Publisher s note 1 his is one
of the beautiful homes of that
section, and ill health is the only
reason for wishing to sell. 12-14
Sealed bids will be received by
the City Council of the City
Cornelius, Oregon, up to and in
eluding July 3, 1014, for the con
struction of a City Hall in said
City. The City Council reserves
the right to reject any and al
bid. Plans and specifications
can be seen at the office of the
City Recorder, at Cornelius, Ore,
P. E. Phelps,
City Recorder.
The Upper Pike Valley, close
to this county, was the scene of
a shooting one day last week.
Frenchman by the name of Quinn
shot Phil Bilka. a sixteen-year
old boy. The two had gone to
Pike from Woodstock, and thev
worked for Joe Anderson, in a
hopyard, not far from .Gaston.
Anderson discharged the two
men, but reinstated the boy.
This enraged the frenchman
and when the boy refused to
leae and accompany him he
shot the lad, the bullet grazing
Bilka s cheek. The boy was
taken to the Carlton hospital
and in a few days was out again
fully recovered. Ouinn is in
jail at McMinnville.
Dr. Geo. H. Merryman, of
Klamath Falls, was in Hillsboro
Sunday, registered at the Hotel
Washington. Dr. Merryman is
state senator from his district
Miss Alice Sewell who, sojourn
ed in California all Spring, was a
caller in Hillsboro, Monday. She
anticipates doing some studio
work in California this Summer,
i u nn n nnr
Call in and sec our Hardware st:k since we'have
opened in our
New Double Store Room
We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all
kinds and will be pleased to show you our stock
Farm Implements a Specialty
Remember the place On Second Street, op
posite the Court yard. Let us figure ou your Plumbing.
Highest tnd Is the Most
When You Aim at
This is not i mere figure of speech
ever heard of a business establishment attRttiiti anv great snrress without
dependable backing connections? SOME OF THE LAKOKST FIKMS IN
THE LOLMRY owe tiietr position ol power in the business woild today
to the financial assistance rendered to them in tliier earlier days by their
banks, and without which their wonderful growth would never have beeo
made possible.
A conservatively managed and yet exceptionally fair minded Loan De
partment which is in a position to comply with all reasonable requests that
are in keeping with sound banking principles is at the service of depositors
of this bank.
American National DanK
Mala amf Third St., Hlllmboro, Orm.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 090,428.81
BanHing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
If not, it is my
right examination,
right lenses,
right frames,
right prices,
right treatment.
Truly the Right
of glasses I make no
Watchmaker and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro, Oregon
Kllrctive Ammunition
Business Success
hut i statement of actual fact. Who
business to make them
Place to come if in need
charge for examination,