The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 11, 1914, Image 1

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HII.LSIiOkO, ()RK(;on, ji;vj; ii 101 1
NO. 12
r ann ri i a i i i
..... liV Till' It iV
Wf $0 ", '
.(Vtfil Si-rlcr .Hkc
fdiwaw I. to
11,1.1. -H kn"
, II ILL.r.i llli'll At llIM
Pj I'ortlnn.l, .Sunday. In
....... .,m h railroad lu l
v.irwi" - ....
j,p rune r' -nuliiMr.-d
H,!UUiit mul nearly thrrr
rtof .ra!. l.uilt. Tlf rijrttl
, ula-du-d through
tnWI trui t. Nrth f ".
urk protn-iwd a far
rthrtit w U ihviII.'. wh.n
rpin thf ruonry inurk-t kill
lb r.)j. t Ut-r h" w
merle! ith th. liiif U twii ti
yinJTillamk. but th v.-it
vi!m fi'H Utriwik'h. and was
I ink hiiM II far an J
Kindr an.l h had a
k knnaitili('Ca it the North-
t. i'ortioiiii i in ' Krau
j IhlUUiro art Mill in
tw, itiJ il'n through lh
L;h ('"a't addition. whi-r hi
kinuai tn roniHTt at Nw
L it a. rar In-fore tin m-km-nU
-r IfVi-lod.
:nJ a Uirn at tllatgow.
Uland. wa tttfrd about 70
in ll a Kraduate i.f
eo ltnv-rily. and wa a
Ml rnifini-rr. In li"J ! wan
lu!ar Bk'"t at Wellington,
Its Z-!l'l.
U pmlii-. la in KdiriUiro.
lUnd. U-for coming to tin
Hoi ilaleH.
. . AMI V, I!. A I;.
Lffrftivi Sunday. May III.
Lrifipt tin- I. K. AN., train
dfclnr. and atop at th de
ion Main htr-t.
To Portland
rt (Inivf Train f:17 a. m.
Mmnulli' Train n. in,
rnilan Train . . y.uM p. in.
rwtdrtivf Train l'JTrf) p. in.
llinnulli1 Train 2.15 p. in.
irft drove Train . -1:15 p. m.
ene Tram I;.VS p. m,
Minnvillo Train ::17 p. in,
Uinnc Train .... p. in.
Krnm I'urtlund
Train arrivi-s .8:1.1 u. m.
wl (!rtn.i
iiit (!nivi'
Winnv li.
1 1 1 trairm.
' . 'J t'J tt. in.
" U:.V a. in.
" . :t;ir p. m.
" . .-1::U) p. m.
" . p. ni.
" 7:ir p. m.
" .. p. m.
" .12:1R n. m.
t'xri'pt Kujfi'iu'
Htp on llax at North
iR iul Fir Btri'et mid at
lh and Fir htrt-ttH and at
ith stri'i't.
m.Wvu-f Old Drpot
To Tortlund
il 4 N. Train 1:37 p. m.
From Portland
N. Train 10:24 a. m.
Ivillf, livi milcHcaHt of Hills
. on tlu- Portland, K.ujfone &
tt'rn, mitrTt'd a tire early
'lay niorniiiK, tho total loss
iKMtimati'dhv John Vandor
t uvtT $i:t,Mt. ThH Maze
i discovt-rt'd nlMHit 3 o'clock in
norninjr. and must have
'NalMiut tlu hall, in which
fali'd the (Jasner 8 tore. Me
' the tlameH could l checked
hall hnildintr owned hy Cec,
Hie atore and contenta
duHriiT, (laHner'a resilience
ttmtents, and a Imrn helonjr
Mrs. A. A. Wenisenheck
e (leatroycd. No one HcemH
;1w what cuiiHed the blaze.
! ln i partially covered hy
i ranee.
led liiilo uill Itu iii..ii.l
ne l.r, 1JM, for the delivery
"Mr coniH or lirst cIuhs first
th fir wnnA fuif foi.l
itfiH. Delivery to be made at
Wirt house hy September 1.
riKht h reserved to reject
"r ail liKIM.
J. K. Reeves,
... , Sheriir.
''Hl'oro, May 15, 1914.
llm 'I'...... I . .i
-iiiiMion, oi me iirove,
'wn to Hillsboro the first
hn um,.i.
. H M..v i it i
iNvncw, oi oeiow ueeu
'was up to the city Monday
tlii tlivttri'i' nmrt 4. A
1 1 1 I Ihti' l rii:y ili , .,, , . ,,.
tiling r:1tv tn-W III i- V:iy .,i
plaint Win. p.. .irrn. ..1 ',t
land. Ii:ih nu d 11, ,, ( .,
ai-paration. allfi'in that th.
Wlff has rull.-.l I.iiii Ml,- ii:,!,,.
told him tliiil hhi- in nut ,,,,
hini. and all that whirli y,-i .,
m ikf th rrit-k-t k. t,i,,,
T iplu t ar.Mind tl,.- I.i artl, t, ..
Put. t' Ciilllf lu thf li A 1 1. !
the luiHliutid A';ir hi.
wife r--atfd!y 1,111, m . .!. ,
not lovr him. um1 that a n,., ,
Iut "llt-nh rr:l" ti I a,.- .:.
aruund hi-r. It that i n't in. .!,,!
noiik'h fr ilivorr.- mi vm.I h i.,-anotlii-r
k'ursH ri'ii.u',
N'otii i" to rni(iiiii rs A!! (. irni-'
of wnh out of ,. timl. r U,r
uU, 1m it ti from Vr m ,, -A j
tn-fl Wi ll Hl-asnl c.. Ai Al'.-f.
not wim dt-ali-rs r rati ?.i.
you the pmlit . that ei-i t , th.
nudd'i man. Iliu' ii- a tn 1! ,
dili vr on ti-l'-iiliuti" rail : 1,1
.rl or writ.- Mi',: ..Urn. Kuutr ;.,
Il hi. I' rank (in cin r. 1.'
Mm. Sarah K.IIy, : llr.l
daU", won th if K.iiluilc, .I. j , i? t .
M Wi-i'k lr a w it Mt 1 . r
iht-M at Kansas i'iIv. Kac. .v,.
will In alit.nt thr.i- niMi,!i.i
Mn. Kelly ha- tnadi thi m ,:t
every ii i. a'i I a a h ,
ll 1 tym, 11 skril I., Meet and Or-K'Mii.-
r ImjMiriant I'.usiiuss
WMi l MlifDS f(( in: I I 1 1 C1I b
I 'i 'I Djih CiiuiiI) in State ha
.' In in Miidif Wurk
1 'i.i'll S"h'ilrnerieh, OIK' of the
r ilair, trii-n of the county,
' the ArU.-i the follow ilik'
a ; :
"All dairymen interested in
ova-uii,;? a CoA-Tehtii.k' sst
nation are heieliy reipiested to
me. t at the court house m Hills
horn. Saturday, .lm,e L'O, pjl , at
I p. in . for the purpose of ef
!r!ii:.' a ieruianeiit orj.'ania
ti'"i, and the election of otlicerrf.
I'rn!. Marr. ot (lorvalli. and M.
S. S'iri,k, Ih p itv 1'iHid & Dairy
1 "'iii turner. vill he present
au 1 nnki' addresses in con-
"liar, re -a ith the spirit of the
'lee. 1 Ml I. i t . "
-l,' h
II e'A
iHtkit Willi plea-'ire ti
union, iter ti i-han I a ; a
eran under th- cninmaf.d f
famoiis (im. Siekle, who r-1
ly died, and Mr. Kelly. a!lie
entitled to U pefiM'-n. tn-M r 1
one. as lie ciamie l t hat he
not need it. an I wan d I"
lllk' hlS 'I'll)' wln-ll he f.i.h
the H.i.
For trade; Four r.xim 'a d r
ed house. ;j lots, 7."x.'t"i. rear ar
ceis, cement si le a!k. si. el l
litanee frnm city hall and !
olliee, Caldwell. 1 lalm. thnuii'
center. Will trade fercitv prop
erty in Hillsboro. npial vniue-i
If interesteii See flu . - -Address
L N. Kidt r, IlilNUr.', or see me
Fast Main, on fi rmer l". I.aisen
place. ll-ll
anan w hose
Orenco, whs
land the last
I'uliMieh, n Hank'
inotrir lives near
droA ceil in IN i t
of the week, and
pta' rif thi
I Mr, .v'. !.:i!merieh said:
i "A d-'al of money is
! a a I earh year by dairymen in
j lee hi" e.eAS which do not make
j l-r.. ;;!a!.!e returns, their milk
j te- r.., too low for prolit. Other
i e.e;! t n -, in the state have test ink'
a- - M iati hi-, and they pay the
I da.rv "ie'i, for liv making proper
te t the p ioi- co a- can ho sent to
ti.e hwirher's block and a wood
pi"d ,ri-r take her place.
U a iiieeton ( "oiinty is the ban
ner ilairy producer in the state,
ai d such an orfanizati in would
increase the eoieieticy of herds,
an.l an nrani.atioii of this kind
a ill keep us 111 the front rank.
I ho e that a'l dairymen w ill at
tend this m-etink. ;h i' is a mat
ter of importance to the
ok'i.iioN i:i.i:c 1 kfic ikMNS
to Portland .V minutes.
was buried here. Sunday. The
dead man wus at the dock where
the Northwest Poor (Vs. tire
look place, and jumped from the
llaines. The patrol boat picked
him tip but he could not be resuscitated.
I naw cord wood. (Miles up ! 1-
incheri in diameter, fence rails,
ami Imards of all kinds, into
Htovewood lengths. Will 'o into
be country. Write, puone or
call on ine. Carl Skow, Hills'.."
rn. Phone. Main IH'.il.
Kussell Morgan, Liwreiice
Tak'k'art and t'lillord l.onk' re
turned Saturday from I lilanioek.
an.l while over that way enjov
ed It week's tishinir in the Wilson
iiver country. They say that
overland travel between the val
ley and the coast is not very ex
tensive as yet. the season brine;
Ladies are ropiestcd to call at
the Paris Millinery Sinn' brloiv
they buy their Sprine; hats, as
the prices are rik'hl. ''"d hat
from :l to .Mis. M. 1.. 1- i-
dan. Second Street, near vvaMi
ink'ton. HiIIsImho.
The county educational board
met here ftlomiav u'reuiM.n.
Messrs. tJ. A. I'lieth and H. S.
llamford beiiik' pivseiit. Miei-
visor Jas. H. Jack was avram se
lected as school supervisor. ui.
Jack has held the position since
the first ork'Htuzation 01 u"
Uiard. and has served with cred
it to himself and county.
Attorneys!:. H. Tonpue and
(Jeo. K. P.ak'lcy came over no,,,
Tillamook. Saturday, returninn
Sunday to complete a case in
circuit court, where the app.-mt;
ment of receiver tor in. . . 1.
The heavy rains of Friday and
Saturday did 0 Krat . eal 0
trHl to all irrain and to the M
crop which was late. Smu-na
was cautfin ",,wn- ""l ' " ;.
practically nil be saved. Ih
rain was overdue in mostscclions
a rortniht.
Ii;.!".! am
i 7:in a m
s;.s am
hit; 17 am
ill) 1'in
't..... I'")
Co., tm
sari pin
':i:,,s im
) From Portland minutes.
! 7 :."' am
l::b. am
1 1 a m
LM.s pm
l:::7 Im
t'.l I'm
7:::u pm
;) , . , p m
a m
Itest Blaliwood in the market
ret tirices forFallorSummenle-
very. See me lust, au
Supervisor Trachsel. of-Wv
Khnonica. was a city otjHor the
III I ! Till! I ii.i:t
beef sell-
that rn
I of pooi I
Home hay
o.ul week. lO HU.V9
day's rain did n worl
,i...,n bid wnv. even 11
wnscaiiKht m the damp.
Frank Greener, of belovv K n'd.
wus fn town Saturday, and called
on the Awiw.
I) M. Whitesell, of South lnal
atto, was in the city Saturday,
John Fisher, of aliov- Hanks,
was transacting teisii.e: s in ton
P. I.uek and wife, ,f r,. -dT
North I'lains. were in th.- -itv
A. VanAcker, of the ('orrn-iius
heaverdarn farm, was in the city
Miss Heljorah Parn tt depart- d
Friday for an extended i ,it over
in the Tillamook country.
('. ('. Nelson, of Pacna. was
in town the last of ti.e wi -ok.
takini; out supplies! fo- bri le
t'arl Pfah!, ol Hioorri ri, was
in the city Friday, taking out
medical supplies for his son,
Fred, who has bi en very ill.
S. A. I). Meek was in th" city
from beyond North Plains, Mon
day, meeting with the central
Alex (lordon. of .No ' th Plains,
was in twn Friday, lb- said
his section was visited by the
hail storm Thursday.
("has. Wren, of Tacnma
w ho
The North Plains Tile and Prick
Co.. of North Plains, Ore., wish
to announce to the public that on
and after .lune Ii tile in any
.p.iantity can be had at its yards
in the following sizes 'X 1, 5
and C inch.
We solicit inspection, and in
vite vour patronage.
For information or prices,
write or telephone us nt North
Plains. 1--M
Receipts for the week have been
cattle, 1C.07; calves. IK); hogs,
t ISO; sheep, 81 10.
Thi1 cat tie division showed con
siderable strength and firmness
this week, especially during the
first period, when top on best
hay led steers advanced a dime,
7 85 to 7 i5. Pater the market
eased oil' to its former level of
-. f 1 ... ..-.,. I c1i'iiif nnd
i i.l. 11 W ilM III UOO'l ...,. -
one car of fancy baby
in., ni 8 15 featured.
'"h - - ..1 1
lines were all lirm wun a goou
Receipts of hogs heavy. I'A
trcme top 7 DO. with bulk mov
ing at 7 75 and 7 80.
Mntt.m oll'erings large. Total
receipts approximated 8, (XX) up
to Fridav, nut prices mum me.ui.t.
r.e choice vear'ings sold at 5;
old wethers at 1 00 ami ewea
. i :tr.- soring lambs 5 50 to l.
Pull; of receipts fnm Western
Oregon points.
1 or"sai.p ok trapr
ASensonStump Pul er a nd all
necessary equipment. Will either
sell this or trade it for pigs ot
cows Call or address liosedale
Farm. Santa Kosa, ure., posior
lice, P.eaverton, Ore .Jv. I.
n,, llolsheimer. of Flmonica,
was a' county seat Friday morn-
is visiting with relative! at G n
terville, was in town Friday, ac
companied by bis nephew Samuel
Moon Jr.
Mrs. N. P. Meade, of Grants
Pass, is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. T. A. McCourt. of thfs city,
and her son, II. V, Meade, of
Toni Sinay, of above Pioorning,
transacted business in the city
Friday. His daughter was a'so
writing on examination 1 r the
P.ighth grades.
Thos. Carmichael, the Holstein
breeder of (laston, and Julius
Koplin, who ow ns some fine land
near that point, were in town
Friday morning, en route- to South
For sale: 1 5 rood mare, 10
years old; works simile or dou
ble; weighs about FIDO. Or will
trade on c,nvs or young stock.
Frank (Ireener, Hillsboro. K. 5,
l!x 81. or uhone U. X51. 1J- i
('. K. Potts, the dales Creek
contractor, was down to the city
Friday, to cnafer with the coun
ty court. He was accompanied
I iv J. W. H. Adkins. of dales
The official count of the pri
mary nominated ('has. McNary
for Suureme Judge over Judge
P.enson. Washington county's
preferred vote for McNary won
him the election. Had he ran
with Penson here, instead of
ahead, P.enson would have been
Guy Steves, the well-drill man,
completed a well for Fred Schom-
burg, last week. He went down
1121 feet with a six inch bore,
and the water raises to within
ten feet of the surface. This
will give an abundance of pure
water tor all time to come, and
Fred will not have to bother
with cleaning out or deepening
wells all the time.
From October 1 to May 10
Washington County paid bounty
on !. Hon cats ami one cougar.
Trappers from May 1 to Feb. 2$
caught 5t mink, which sold for
$181.75; muskrats, which netted
the catchers ..'J. 11 ; and tour ot
ters, which brought $17. The
I'he latter were caught up in the
headwaters of the lualatin,
Dairy and the head of the Neha-lem.
Conductor Tho?. Kood and
wife, who have been absent six
weeks, on a visit with relatives
... . . .. in t
in jiioomingion, 111., icuinieu
the last of the week, and Mr.
Kood is resuming his run on the
P. K. & N. They were as far
Fast as Chicago, and on their re
turn visited in Nebraska, and
also stopped at Ordvvay, Col., to
visit with a brother ot Mrs.
The Forty-Second meeting of
the Oregon Pioneer Association
will meet in Portland. Thursday,
June 18. All persons coming to
the Oregon territory prior to
1851) are eligible to membership,
and this also includes persons
horn here prior to that date.
Pioneer headuuarters will be at
207 Second Street, Corner of Tay
lor. C.rant H. Dmuck, ot Oregon
Citv. will make the annua! ad
dress June 17. The railways have
given reduced fares on all lines.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schulmer-
ich, accompanied by Miss Ella
Wilkes, arrived here rnuayai
ternoon from Cresvvell for a few
days stay in Hillsboro. Thev
made the trip up in their car,
and had good roads all the way
excepting in the gap, where they
found some mud in a new-worked
piece of road. Geo. came up
on business as well as pleasure,
and attended the Pythian con
vention at Forest Grove. Satur
day evening.
Structure Was Closed to Travel
and Driver Tore Away Itarrkade
SkSR)K FOLK HUNDRED DOLLARS Claim ia Haadt ( a Attoracy
tad Make Dctnaid aa Caart
An auto truck belonging to the
Fast Side Transfer Company, of
i'ortland, crashed through a
bridge near the O'Meara place,
oetween Orenco and Elmonica,
ast Thursday, the machine and
some of the furniture with which
it w as loaded being considerably
lamagcd. The truck had loaded
at Orenco and was enroute to
Portland. The bridge was under
going repairs and both ends of
the structure were barricaded byH
Supervisor J. Moline. The driver
removed the barrier and started
across. He had gone but a short
distance w hen the heavy machine
crashed the bridge, which had
only a temporary floor.
On Saturday the countv court
received a letter from a Portland
rttorney, asking four hundred
dollars damage.
The court will resist payment
ot ine claim as the road was
c' s d to travel.
ine rarmington bridge was
blown by dyamite last Saturday
so as to prevent travel. This
bridge waj barricaded for re
pairs, but one day last week
teamsters opened the obstruction
and passed over with two thous
and feet of green lumber. This
caused the court to take radical
measures to prevent tra vel and
demolition followed.
Call in and see our Hardware stock since we have
opened in our
Hew Double Store Room
We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all
kinds and will be pleased to show joti our stock
Farm Implements a Specialty
Remember the place On Second Street, op
posite the Court yard. Let us figure on your Flumbing.
We will sell the following de
scribed property at public auc
tion sale at K. E. Morgan's place.
know n as Oak Hill Ranch, four
miles north of lamhill, Ore., and
two miles west of Cove Orchard,
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.,
THURSDAY, JUNK 18. 1914.
Fourteen horses one 5-year-old
mare, weight 1300, with colt by
side; J-year-old mare, wght 1500.
with colt by side; 12-year-old
mare, full blood trotting; 2 full
blood trotting mares, 2 and 3
years old, out of "Blacksmith,"
with record 2:24; 5-year-old mare,
weight 1400; 8-year-old mare,
weight 1300; 10-year-old mare,
weight 1300; G-year-old horse,
weight 1000; 10-year-old horse.
13iX); 10-year-old horse, weight
1 UK); cow pony, wght 900; team
of 3-year-old colts, weight 2800.
Machinery One plow; lumber
wagon, heavy with wide tire;
cloth-covered cart and harness,
practically new; four-horse disc
harrow; spike-tooth harrow; Pia
no binder; Burbank seed pota
Household Goods Bedsteads,
with spring mattresses, bureaus,
washstands, carpets, and other
household goods.
Many farming implements and
other articles too numerous to
Thirty head of young milch
cows -Holstein, Jersey and Dur
ham, all tuberculin tested, fine
milkers, are fresh or coming
fresh soon and are bred to a reg
istered Holstein bull. One of
these cows produced 1724 lbs of
milk in May. Two Holstein bulls,
13 months old. Get off train at
Cove Orchard.
Terms of Sale All sums of
$10 and under, cash. Sums over
$10, six months' time will be
given on approved paper at 8
per cent interest. Two per cent
discount for cash on sums oyer
$10. Free lunch at noon.
E. E. Morgan and H. V. Stott,
J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer.
Hlgtiett ami Is the Most EtT.-ctive Ammunition
When You Aim at Business Success
This it not a mere figure of spe cb Imt a statement of actual fact. Who
ever heard of a business establishment attaining anv great success without
dependable hanking connections? SO.MK OF TIIK'LAKGKST FIRMS IN
THK COUNTRY owe I heir position of power in the businejs world to-day
to the financial assistance rendered to them in thier earlier day by their
banks, and without which their wonderful growth would never have been
made possible.
A conservatively managed and yet exceptionally fair minded Loan De
partment which is in a position to comply with alt reasonable requests that
are in keeping with sound banking principles is at the service of depositors
of this hank.
American National DanK
Main amd Third Sf Hllfmboro, Ore.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
BanHing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
The macadam road crew will
soon move over to Newton and
begin work rocking the road
from the county farm to the top
of the hill, at the Dunzer place,
a distance east of the Rock
Creek bridge. The court last
week bought a new Buffalo Pitts
nad roller and water wagon, for
the county. It was brought out
to Cedar Mill the other day, and
a crew is now working on mac
adam from the west end of the
Cedar Mill and Hillsboro rock
road, where a mile or so will be
built. It is the intention of the
court to also rock from the Blue
bell corner west to Reedville.
The game between Banks and
Hillsboro, scheduled for last Sun
day, was called off on account of
the bad weather.
Last Chance to get
the Good Old Songs
The Victor Talking Machine Co. have
discontinued a number of good old songs and
popular orchestra pieces.
This is your last chance to get any of
these. Look them over will play any sel
ection for you.
Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro, Oregon