The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 04, 1914, Image 1

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JiiU.Si:)R(,)Ri;r.oN ju:;i; j, ion
NO. 11
sl . CrawK llUhrr,
I II Vun amd Url IS Hit
(tar Halimca. Sli U lh
Samlav 'n',t day on lb
local rrm'k ' HiHaboro rrjf.
uiirt healing Hif vimtinir Maic
ty to tli tune ' U 0. 1 he
mound man for llilUlmn wan
Uron. " ',n,t l"4" batted
by the Mttitalnf wa klH-kr
0k,r the left field feme, and lie.
for the frame ended in the limt.
. . . ' - 1.
there re i frrrn mr i uri
l,nJ Whin IlillnUiro went to
ijt r!d. Ihiidentoti rattled did
U'int the n'ht hVld feme nn.l
th inrnto? rlosed ith H ncore,
Ih MiniaUf never w the
home -1'Ut' after the limt inning
until the . irft l. when they put
ion fur. making tin-in mix
HilUburok'ot 1.1 hit, and Retired
5 in Ihe (fun J; 1 in Ihe fourth
WJ " in the eiyhth.
tfrown pid-hed bendy hall ami
t) 1 Ml pint he, lllllt
torn run bv the vii lor would
hue titki-n tin heart out of rrnmt
Iilcht'M. hut tlu young fellow
t,ter lot lut nerve. IN hail
pVn.lnl Hirt at all tun.-, niul
the av (Ik- team hatted Con.
cannon a tint alow.
The hue up HdUhoro, lirown,
p; I'Mpt. ; Highy. lt; K Hen
.(tThin, 2nd. Hetideraoti. 3rd;
Md'urjy. nhort; Vanltlarirom,
riiihi; Mi')., center; Harry
Jwitof. Nt.
MaccalM-t H Klyitinger. r:lin
nr.nun. i. Park. Spli"hId. 1st;
lliomlv. K Freeman. l!nl ; Me
iMuld, Fltinger, 3rd; Initler,
. I'ark. Merrick, riirlit: Ihjrmrt,
center; Ktmdson. left. Nine hit.
ff irlratifil ty the visitor.
liruvkn struck nut eight men,
ihilf the count for Cotuannon
M but three.
While tin- wore wa big it was
t ru full f thrill all the linn.
, Th K. of I'. tiam l'at tin-
ln lltir tiini'. mix to one, '1 he
Hurt uniri'tl in tht lint frame
nj iftrr that never H!hI third
In-, lluck Krei-man Mtrheil
mat U!l ami tioM.-.l like n
Mft)ii!tiiplnleH. The line-up;
K. r. Kret-inan. n: l'hetii. e:
Moure, lb; 1'oni ItaiU v. 2: l-eon-
uri l!ron, ;t; llarri. H; Hun
rf; I ir Smith, center; Ja.
Wmlfrson. left.
Ben llur lionovan. n: liar-
nnifUin. v; Otm. lb: I'auli. 2ml:
piitler. Ilr.l. (iravelle. bh; Min.itt.
Wht; Vankir. center; It Sdiul-
t'"K.n Biiu r.m neiar. lell.
r.ank Next Sunday
fnk nn.l will plav
w itPu a O . . i a .i
iii-m Sunday, ami me jrami
ill b.' ralle.l at '2:W to accom
fcoJate iWneliiiK, Forest tlnive
id Ciiriicliii4 inxiiil.i uii iUv
Jfn ifet any earlier than uttual.
' AND l. I!. cV K.
K(Tvtiv,. Sumlav. Mav HI.
A except the 11. & N.. trains
L 1 ' "" nioj ai mo ui"
r0' on Main street.
I'o Portland
Drwt Cruv.. T
1 "in ii.ii m. hi.
! Iinnvilli Train 7-:t(5 . m.
'.wridun Train UM n n.
'OrPSt Cnu... l.i.rn ..
i. tmiii i-.ihf i, in.
CMinnville Train 2:lf n. in.
,or'Ht (irove Train . ...4-lfi it m
r, ." i nun 4:fN u. m.
fffMinnvill,. TrHin M17 i. m
ofwtCrove Train WiO p. m.
r'rom portlurtil
TO' Train arrives . 8:15 a. m.
r",nnyil ..9:42 a. m.
ttrit Crov..
ll:.r.!l a. m
" . 3:irp. m.
" ..4::tt)). m.
" ...6:117 p. m.
" ...7:15 p. m.
" ...i):Otlp. m.
" .12:16 u. m.
oxoept KtiKt'ne
Hair ut Mi.i'lh
west drove
"rwt Grove
A 1 1 tp'iiiiu
Irainn ' '
h mi on
ire uiu i.';- ' i
Sink " "ireeid nnu bi
'I'.. !.. I 1
h . " "I klUIIU
p 11 N. Train 1:37 p.m.
L from Portland
PK'& N. Train 10:21a. m.
pop SAl I: nu Tnnn
LSlen",m S''P Fuller and all
tlr ;'yt'(iiipmrnt. Will eithor
o( al1 w" addmw Htwedale
I oanta Rosa, Ore., postof
IMI' Overton, Ore.. R. i
Mm. C. A. !:..! ,t
Mih l rtha 1 1 1 a It
f i 1 1 1 1 1 r :
1 1 :it
tut :!fii:i.
un in r par. i.t.i.
I li'.iiiiii lu!,. ,,j
alter net fi-al
South Afru a. w t
1 ' I l,
llUftiaiil hu
l"-rtl If.,,'! ,. . .
tniHsiniiarnK. Mrn. ;,
t t
loriif.l ia the l:,. s.-;t
I'alfHtin.. route, and h. r I, i
IropH. uir at Marathon.
to vnot with hit r. 'air, .
will t-.Mii.. mil ,, ( ir, t,, .,
hhort tune ami (.,.,,
eitfiidid period. Mr; ;.,i
W KM the ifiu-.t I tl- f.lMi, '. ,
K. Shorey. lam w, ,, , ,,,
return, ami prior to on i ,
l'or a iiuinl.i r of i-;,t , .. . ,
her niarria'e, Mr. ;.,! i ,
a Mipular teaeh. r I
I I'! I I
am-ouvi r ttchiN.i Si. i- i ..
to et ha k to ( ir.-v-,.,, ;,,
preciateH the o. Wiiiam. ii.
ley more than . ..r tff
plaee on earth.
I.adif are r ' u- -. (,, ,
the Pari Milhm-ry St..r.. !..
they buy th.-ir h i!
the pi n-fH nr.- rihl. I
from t to Mr i. M. j.
dun. Serum! Str.-.-t, i
I- t
La I'h ,Sitnnon ,,f p...-, ,
i feeling ir tty w. il, tti i'
ami i ttlad that h.- i ,
Alul live o'rliH'k S.i'ida,
clipping otf u i'. 1. 1 i-ait
imtoreyele. on Sulh an. I
nif i nn an i . t im
avoid a roluion h.- ;
hiit ryrle, att in a'
hold to the hind:,
mtirhine a t hr u
rotirh. JiM In hin l
Wheel. V.iili. sh
ll'l I
I Wit
the lirridi'tit thoul.t I!
ouU he rru hi-d. Ii it I i
Hiirprise he m-r.rnli'i' I o ;t .. f ,r
the rear Ir irks rau'lit hioi .
jutnM-. on hi mar him. ,v a . , !
hi liiimls ul the tram rr. v., :ir.
iitarted on none the wor.e ! t
hi advei.ture save a torn pair ol
pantaloon. U-hse, who ;,
III.' tuitihle. Has that the erape
wa more than mirar i! i i.
h'nr Hale, cheap, if taken at
once: Ihiunif hor-e, h ii'irv :i!.d
harne; hop- h b'ark. ai"it
1'Jiai. and I .. euarante.-.l
ilnver and work aniina!. K W.
(Mieshy, Key. Ore. in L'
A lire startei) in a bed in the
uper utory of the A ('. Sh ite
renidenre. S'ltidiv, alwit tii.ii).
and hcltfhUir. seeing the smoke,
raised an alarm, ('has. Koon! ,
with the assistance o other;,
smin had a sin ill hose pla. in mi
the blac. and it was s,h,!i extin.
uised, there bemy; no da:nae
except to the U- l. 1 he ,, put i
ment reached the place about tl;r I'11"! 1'- m,1,s "'tn into
time the tire w a out. No otir: Switzerland. Italv is a very in
know a how the lire originated. I ten-tin country in manv ways,
There was no one at home at the, ami is tilhd with ruins of olden
time, and the room was unoccup. i times. The northern part of lta
ied. Mr. Shute was over on the ly is very rich in ucrieiilture.
SitlmonU'rry on a tishini-r trip at
the time.
.." ,,, o ,.;,,.
he derma.,
will meet the ,rst Mind.i in
June June 7 at t he fan no !,
John Oppenlamler, ol muu ,o-
ley station, northeast ol i oriu- (h u.(, N, hil,. , with im
biw. !, ,:ise horns horns that skin
Father Mark l.appen. of SI. .'an. thinn 1 have ever seen on
Matthews fhiinh. anive I home , Mexican cattle four of them
from a visit with his parents in ahtvat would till up an avenue
Rhode Island. Saturday, and or- Washington County road. Horns
. . .. . . L. .. I .... II . I I I..., I lomr "mil P!ltt i til
cllpieil the piupn. rumi.n. n- i
return better than eer pieaseu
with hi Oregon home, ami sas
there i no place like the bound,
less and untcrrilicl West lie
left his mother f.rlim: a y real
eal better than when he lust
i . .:, . i ..i p .u
arnveil home, lie isneo .u i.e.- , no, ..... - -
ton. )ints in Connecticut andiand one don key you could put
in New York, and states that l,,s under your arm (smal er ban a
trip did him a world of good
lt.. ishihwood in the market -
net prices for Pall or Summer de
livery. See me litst. AH kinds
of wood. II. I. Schmelter.
Albert Tozier. the oldtiine
......iiiu,i. neiM UCCO 1 I linen im
lien p.i." . ..."
ou wster. Mrs. lat.vui i
Weatherford. spent Saturday in
the citv. 'I'hey also cabed at
tne Argus olliice while so.iourn-
ing in the city. Albert says ,e
will again have marge . '
Fairgrounds tlamp. this I all.
ami he wants all lliiisnoro m
come up and help swell the tent
Judge A. S. nennett. of l ie
Dalles, writes the Argus that he
was verv much pleased to have
curried Washington couniy m
the recent primary, lie -
"Vou know I lived m Washiiu:
ton County when I was a boy,
and to have the majority vote
for me was a compliment wlueii
I highly appreciate."
Warren Williams and son.
Claud, of above Mountaimlale,
were in the city Friday, return
ing from a trip up to the I roul
dale country in their auto.
John llrock. of South Tualatin,
was transacting business in town
Monday. He says the counliy
needed rain out his way.
Wru. si, iLiiditiui, anj Cuslom
o Italia
Mllkl M) mil. IMI'KOMD
I ilt-r I,. (u. f. Hajlry Tell ol
Cuiiiiuh Thina
''ar,l Hotel IJellevue.
"'e-ie-.a. May M, -n.-!,d
Haiiey :
V. an- here in Switzerland
' 1 ii.ii at,, I it u a i,"xl clean,
' t piare, h it it m too cool for
' e i enfort ft in this see
"I the world. Thi town is
1-" feet above Hea level,
i! i -'irro'imled with moun-
aiel i i r..ol. ihe lake here
i'"1 it " null'. Ion and is
i. iuiproed all around it.
; ! i !...( this h a
u'hlv cultivated
oiijr. 1 s -ippoie .SAlterlatid
' ih - .t !h 'are as W ashington
h! I li iauiuok Counties. We
i i n, a!,o it the length of it from
' ' e Si'nploii tunnel down here
.I'.-i. t L'o niii. s. Vinad piite
..I i . pen.-in-.. crossintr the Alps
! ' i'. ! i I'.t1;, into Swit.erlami via
the S:..,.i,, the oih.-r day. We
, i:.'or:e I that we could
,utn the machine so we
tar;.-1, a! t.-r ettin a pass
Hen !;e Sol. hers, Up till.' 1 1 It I
: . ;ti, ilry road and w arm
r .hi';e, to riiin'' over the pass
an el, -, ation of .7i feet; all
m ( ). K. until we ot nearly
to t e' top 'A e S e lit into U
.ii:!' M.o-,v, and they told us at
the ins,, tow n of Simplon that
t! re ;n half a meter (2 feet)
of .-no'A at the extreme top; but
Ae pressed ol) atid W ttllit)
ah .it , of a mile of the top we
: ra'i i'. to ah nit IS inches of no
'an ' a ;noi storm. So we had to
5 ii.u k n',1. w hit h was very easy,
laiil ret irn to I (omodossollo and
; .h:: i;rcar throuirh the Simplon
j t i:,ne!. which is 121 miles in
ietii'lh. so we had the experience
Sof e,i, ti;roue.h the Alps and
! he, n o'i ,,p of ihem till in one
;da,. When w e not throunh the
It'ii ial there was snow at the
! mouth of it ; w hile on the south
isnie t h, re w as no snow until we
trot ,".ohi feet above the entrance
t o the t iiiiiel. W'e took in Italy
; Jroui Naples to Venice, and then
crossed from etuce to Milan.
hilily cultivated; but you can
see them . stilt usmn woouon piows
ami oxen, am! women working in
r;m jnto ono 8tfC.
,.,,, ,.,.v i.fw,.(n
ni)m,,0 xvluiro lhoy
... . i ,,..,,,:,
i . --
inaicu. i uniro- fnn- v.i i.,i..i
wete 7 feet IhkIi. pure white,
well kc;d. in one section we
'met many teams made up of
tin so wnue cauie. r ...u.e..
one iar.c w one ox uo . -una
i c ,n,n mo, Mini sizeo horse
l.unvi, an ii i u ii ioi ii'Nui..,,
Venice is still on the water
1 went down on the- Rialto
where Shylock used to prowl
around, ami the Jew is still there
soiling "junk" to the visitor in
the way of Venetian jewelry and
' 'sech." In some things they
have not made any progress in
Iihhi years. In Italy you can
see them usinc the same things,
practically, that they used before
the fall of Pompeii. The govern
ment is trying to Ret them to
adopt the modern plow, but wilh
,,oor success. The country is
filled with ignorance, supersti
tion, beggars, soldiers, paupers,
ind bad roads in the southern
part Uomo has (100 churches.
Verona. Italy, ia a very interest
ing old town. It has a eolisseutn
ilntost as large as the one at
l,,,,,, built in 1100, and looks
very much like the one in Rome.
People think that all the old
niins are in Rome and Naples,
but thai ia a g'vat mistake. Ita
ly is filled with ancient ruins,
some of greater note than at
'Rome or Naples; but those at
Rome and Naples have been com
mercialized to a greater extent,
liologna, the place the sausage
I fit ter, is a very in-
11 .lei lOO'v - - - - "
wiin.r nhice. and has a muse.
uinof great interest, The city
t Kit is t.
streets are narrow at, ! tl
walks are all cov re i i
overhang of the h o. ir,
you are nev r out i i tl...
rain only w hen cro i-.
, the
ire -U
-Die same a in Ali'-r-. It also
ha a leaning tower of t.'.t",
built in the 1 1th Century , ar; re",
ferred to by Dante in hi-; "Infer
no." The country aro umi Ilo
loyna is very fine and rnh in
agriculture. Verm. a m the far
mer habitat Of Uo:r,-o and
Juliette, t h e tomb
ette still beink' in
fV.'jenC. M1U110 (Milmij ia t'ne ;,o,., , , .....
I mi, I l-i the unnit wcl'-ii.. V. 1 .
llirie ton ilay. ami 1':, 11 v t i.,it
lIO f'lf SltZTlll l. I ;, v I . to much of ti t 11 ;!
104,1, thr kirn.' )nu tun ,i,st
y in Ihr yrr 1 I in ..- ! i n
line. We or i n, ,:, . ei
111 llir liMvy iiyii un t In ! ! ,t , , i
trvrilii( with tinrhl o f,' ,r ;..
o. It,-
il a
s ,ji
I vf
., t,
Ihr rim, n, Knluir ut r.f ieu' a
KIIon, loo. W'r ratue i-.-j mo . lt
iieloir e ill here. !!! :. I 1: t Mait
until 1 1 i (i'i-Iik k Aii, I hi 1 ii I:,,,!.!
ail'l tilrll fur I UI.' Il Bin! a ; um-tun:.
V rr reia of Ihr itiia-m of ;:i-r-uti'l
lim In 1U ii mi I r,i!, . t
Iravrl.aml Ore.'.on m '! ,:. ); j,..e -it.i'y
ii.ithniK to ilrvrin,: a r. .'.;. - ,i., s
not liiijiuvrrinu thr cii ,r 1
!. 1,1 t 's
1 ul ut
tunhrr frimir. Tin 1'v.til.,, ,
ito.cMHi iiilnitiitaiitu nipl it : f il, ,,f
im lor inr c.iurtiiriu 1 a ol t'hM .trv
lot i f llirtn Ainrrit ate. n , 'i ! .itn j-irrjf
Ihtir iimni y 111 hrrr Im ,ei. th n , (,t
iiiuii, ud t Ihr Conu rv .'i- hivr
hail a hum lot (if ton, li ul ( ln.m.jics
uut c.f mi (net (j ;f!i,( .:i I . h ,Vl.
wnt to I. ui ton fur iv. 1 nr.-,, o n.
hr wiiiic t p.rr. mi - iim-.niv
irmrir.i 13 i ijii!b to m- hum emu-.
i.iii-M tlir .ia I j t.iu Ii, i, v !i,r 1.1.
oir c liave 0:1 the hi u li i.i . ! shi .r
.iviImk al-ml K.,-.,r th,.. I ....
mi (imiiirir wiiii. h.-n 1 ... . , ,
am 1 1 kmw 11: 1 ho ,.,1,1,1.;
eirxiHririKr...!, tu ut,,; . iief K.,t
p. 1,. ii. 1 io i il'.l ( V , r
ihr A.irnni. mil 1 tnu'e.n't j; .,1
uleit til-111.1UT vol m I ii ,i:'a -i 5 :
I. .11 run uf hfil 111 ilnt ::rn in- .1 i-1 p,
S".i fi-rl up, nil, I thr c ir o,r I ii;h -)
IM-Itrr. I Irani -d (in 1 i . ; err fni::i
n li-II.iw Auirririoi .l?.v-r. th it t!n- hi
mr cimI oil f ir Ktnih:,i
lliij Jon air vi, II n:i.
kin, I ii-hiiU In Hill lie,.
Sliirrnly, Ioiiim
oki:ioN i:u:cikic trmns
To Portland - 5." minute!
a m
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
P m
p m
P m
From Porttand -53 minutes.
U:'J9 ...
15:24 ....
a m
a m
a m
p m
. p m
p m
p m
) m
a m
Herman Collier was up from
Scholls the last of the we.'k.
F. S. Smith, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kulovv, of
Sewell. were city callers Satur
day morning.
Link Hill, of (iaston, went
over to Tillamook and the Trask
the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ibis Poole, of
Portland, were guests of W. V.
Wiley, Saturday, coming out to
memorial services.
Willis doll', of Forest Grove,
was in tow n Saturday morning,
enrou te to the Salmon berry for a
Sunday's fishing where the trout
J. 15. Walker, of below Reaver
ton, was in the city Friday. He
brings the news that, his section
Buttered considerably from the
freeze of the L'7th inst.
Miss F,mma Dunzer. of below
Newton, sustained a double frac
ture of one of her forearms, last
week, the result of a runaway.
Dr. E. II. Smith reduced the
John Klink, of East Hillsboro.
is favoring a foot these days,
Dr. Smith having amputated 'a
toe last week. The toe was in
jured several years ago and the
use of the knite was tounu neces
sary. A. C. Shute. W. Mahan, Cal
Jack Jr., and Will Rergen were
over on the Salmon berry, Sat
urday and Sunday, taking in the
picturesque stream, fishing the
rapids. They had a good time
and will not acknowledge the
proberbial fisherman's luck.
For trade: Four room plaster
ed house, 3 lots, 75x135, rear ac
cess, cement sidewalks, short
distance from city hall and post
office, Caldwell, Idaho, thriving
center. Will trade for city prop
erty in Hillsboro, enual values.
If interested see me, Address
L. N. Rider, Hillsboro, or see me
East Main, on former C. Larsen
is almost all arcad
KxvtCisk Ik-Id in Almost livery
Locality for the Soldier-bead
SUmol Childrea Take Part ia Profram ia
Crcuccat Theatre
Saturday was strictly observed
as Memorial Day in the county
seat. and. as well, in almost
every part of the county. The
exercises at Hillsboro were com
menced in the morning, when
the '-fterana of General Ransom
Post, and members of the W. R.
('. went to the cemetery in the
morning to decorate the graves
of the soldier dead. The usual
rites were performed at the bur
ial ground after which the usual
tribute was paid the dead of the
In the afternoon the program
was rendered in the Crescent
Theatre, the school children par
ticipating in recitation and song.
are delivered the
.Memorial address, and the large
th(:ito wan ima,Au,l a mmmIii
..t l"
''". 'etipie 1 mm me
ijOiusnie mane tneir annual till-
grimace to Iiillsltoro and Forest
.(jrove to lay tribute to their de-
Seated bids will be received up
to June la, l'Jll. for the delivery
of sixty cords of first class first-
growth hr wood, four feet
lengths. Delivery to be made at
the court house by September 1.
The right is reserved to reject
any or all bids.
J. E. Reeves.
Hillsboro, May 13, 1914.
Postmaster J. C. Lamkin re
cently received a letter from a
brother of the late C. P. Hall,
written from New York, asking
for the address of some one who
would erect a monument over
Halls grave, in the local ceme
tery. Mr. Lamkin wrote him
that he was one of the close
friends of C. P., and that he
would be glad to execute the
commission. The stone will
shortly arrive, and when it does
Lamkin will see that it is erected
in good shape. C. P. Hall for
merly resided on the Dick Per
kins' place, near Huber. and
was at one time one of the "Big
Four" politicians of Washington
At Reedville, last Sunday, the
Reedville Federals trimmed the
Hillsboro Tourists, by a 7 to 4.
The features of the game were
the elusive pitching of Wolf, for
Reedville. and the heavy slug
ging of Nordlund with the work
of an air tight infield, which
helped to bring home the desired
bacon for the Federals. Bat
teries -Hillsboro, Wells and
Long; Reedville Wolf and C.
Hagg. The Reedville Federals
are looking for more scalps.
Earl Donelson departed Mon
day for Omaha, Neb., and from
there will go to Chicago, 111.,
w here he will take a Summer
course, preparatory to entering
the John Hopkins Institute,
where he will study medicine.
next Fall. He will be absent a
year before returning to Hillsbo
Percy Long says that Wash
ington County crops look better
than those of any of the count
ies he passed through Saturday
and Sunday--and he states that
he never before fully appreciated
this section.
M. II. Hahn, now residing at
Sell wood, was out to Hillsboro
and Mountaindale the past week,
and visited Hillsboro Monday,
the guest of his daughter, Mrs.
W. T. Huffman.
T. R. Davis, of North Tuala
tin Plains, was in the county
seat Friday. He says that frost
caught some of the early pota
toes out his way.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Long vis
ited with relatives in Polk and
Linn Counties, Saturday and
Sunday, making the trip South
in their car.
Thos. Talbot and wife, of Cor
nelius, were in the city the first
of the week.
Thos. Murphy, of above Mount
aindale, was down to the county
seat the hrst of the week.
VV. H. Forney was over, from
near Varley, Saturday morning.
Call in and sec our Hardware stock since we have
opened in our
New Double Store Roo'm
We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all
kinds and will be pleased to show you our stock
Farm Implements a Specialty
RememWr the place On Second Street, op
posite the Court yard. Let ns figure on your Plumbing.
Highest anrl Is the Must KfFective Ammunition
When You Aim at Business Success
This it not a mere figure of s;x- rh tmt a statement of actual fuet. Who
ever lieanl of a business establishment attaining anv Rreat snores without
ilependable hanking connections? SOMK OK Til K 'LARGEST FIRMS IN
THR COUNTRY owe their position of power in the business world toilar
to the finatcial assist sure rrniternl to them in lliier earlier ftaya by their
banks, and withcut which their wonderful growth would never have been
made possible.
A conservatively munaged and yet exceptionally fair minded Loan De
partment which ia in a position tocomply with alt reasonable requests that
are in keeping with found blinking principles is at the service of depositors
American National DanK
Main and Third St:, Hillmboro, Ore,
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,i2S.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
Last Chance
The Victor Talking Machinery Co. have
discontinued a number of good old songs and
popular orchestra pieces.
This is your last chance to get any of
these. Look them over will play any sel
ection for you.
Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro, Oregon
' i