The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 28, 1914, Image 6

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    iim mti j mil
KUIICHOK Ml t. ,,i
Thirty Minutes
Will Land You
From the lUisiucss District of
lVrtUnd to one of tlie Most
Delightful Home Districts,
Close iu to lVrtUnd. The
Acreage Can Ik Found Iu
i Reedville
You Cau Get An Acre Here
For Less Than You Cau liny
a Residence Lot iu Portlands
Suburbs. Look this up now.
An Excellent
Train Service
Is Established by the Portland
Kugenc cc Fastern. Morning
and Evening Cars. You cau
Live Here and Have Your
Business Located in Portland.
lhe i'hiot of IVlice has Wen in
strutted to nfonv all I'ity Ordi-j
nances, without fear or favor,!
and special attention is called to
tho Ordinances regulating the
siH-il of automobiles and motor-
cc!es ami rvMi:iriti lighted
lamps on lieye!es after nightfall, i
and prohibiting docs running at
largo. Speeding on tho streets
of Hillslvn must ee:iso. bicycles
'must Iv equipped with lights.
,and dogs not ivrmitted to nm at
'law. Special ollicers will tv
anvintett if luvossary to see
that these Ordinances art com
plied with.
11. 1. laglcy. Mayor.
Receipts for the week have been
cattle. IiVm: calves, 'A"; hogs.
! JlsS: sheen.
Livestock liquidation last week j
was somewhat lighter than fori
the-same period a week ago, in
all lines except hoc?, which
showed a considerable increase.
Cattle prices were steadier and
further declines were not regi;
tered. I'.uvers gave 7 50 to 7 75
for best light hay fed steers.
... . . i i
t M loo .o tor koou ws m.n
!a!l other cattle prices were
equally steady, lhe teature oi
the session vas one load of firm
grain ted steers Monday at So.
Notwithstanding a liberal run
of swine, prices held steady
throughout. The best grades of
light hogs selling at S "J5 for
tops. Outlet broader.
M . it Ion roeemts were smaller
and mostly from Willamette Val
lev noitits. Too on best grade
valley yearlings ". Spring lambs
sold Thursday at b W, but show
ed further weakness at close o
CAIMTAI- $50,000
' mfc and conservative lank,
1 ' ... . . . . .:. I
looted iu the HillKio..mmeHi.
MtL. .W. cot tier Mat" and Second
llillsboro ConuiuMvial Bank.
,lll tt aunu,
.t.i la.aa I"1''.
U If lrlUW Ik..
t,r W aahl" ' ,,
ul lh !. -""" " YT ' , ,,
alt.l lana '" l'U"W- ", "
uaui i-"m . -
I Bilk tulatva tlMI
. . . VI ... h at lh
.,... " "i"
i u.l kit l -:
i..,,!, 4 ..- -"-"7
in" - - - lK
3 Ji.ll f H'M
" l'riJ,u
In lk Ciriuii '.n,ti
I fur oi
umtah K.
In lh niH. r ..f i. ,
II, ll.ii.l. m . . 4J, ,1
uanta f an i.i.l.r t.f 11,. i,
..uil. .... .i ',-
f l'U. in I),.
lata til I hail.-
I ha uii4.iti;i.., .!, .la,,'.nt,
..lata f,.., ,ul &rt,7,4
Jay f Jui.a. I'll. ,., j . i,1
aflaf lalr. ai.. . ,1,,,,, ... "'
ha ni;hl, litl a. i. , 4
II IUm al Id ., f i, . , ''
II lha tiKl,l. l,i ,.., M
th. aa.. ,,ua K.
taw ur iilhrrmia... a, ,,,,,.. ..
a.,ili..n I.. Ih.l f n, .. , r',w
llai. at thv nr .,( t .L.r
la lh. full...,.. .1. ,,u, , AH
My Mtua.r. I,,,.,. 41
Cuunly uf Mull uh. ;,U1. ,
An un.ltvi.l.-.t ..i,r K4f f ,
1 l'trlc. .
We Sell On
Easy Terms
w eek's business. Kwes were the
firmest class in the layout selling
steady 4 to 4 25.
Buj a Small Home Where
You Can Have Room. Our
Terms Are Easy. Go Out
aud See the Beautiful Houses
That Are Now Beiug Built.
We want a reliable man or woman
' in llillsboro to look after renewal
and new subscriptions to Metro
politan. "The Livest Magazine in
America." The work may I
done in snare time a few hours
, i I :l I .. .. f...
erien weeK. i-ioorai i u v nu
whatever time is tmt in. No in
vestment ur bond required, no
previous experience necessary.
Full instructions and supplies
sent fre. (live two references.
Desk 14. Metropolitan Magazine,
New York.
Hoffman's Sawmill
is saw iu
Was lu 11:
t'loiu the K-st timU-r in
;U-u county. The titicst
Rouh aud Dressed Lumber
oti hatu
Intimates ou
I'ltK.ritii?, Rustic, Leu-
iuj;s-a'.l kinds uf taiished liiniUi
for lh'U-c material. We deliver.
rhouc: r.ic. States, ('.leucoc Central, 37
PHTIiR HOI l:MAN. Oacona, Oregon
... I m M.t..u.- -1 ;
lain leal
Ifll.llllllf al .....1:1 . .
aal Ima uf Jlal Irr. i ... i . "I
of lavu lir.t. if
1 in .!-. -
ra.t aluiiL' luiilh I. i i, '
m.r II... -I t-i u. -
t iba .la-a .4
..INK. aUhlha batlilau..i
laiiMi.iiu awi l l "' -
II h Ida
III nn M..I.
u. al Oi
N.,a.". l' " ' iJ
...I.... i".
i.lrr l "I"""
vi.ui.aiul "1 l 1 "
uf ju.
... :h.I .latt ul
' 'L- L A it .. al lha ".mil.
ll.n.r i . . - ,.,.
luun llnuaa in
u.t. '.ui.iy
.... ... l t uun it
uf W tuuniVHI, v.
llija, ail liuuw -t-.'..n. W ina nn.w. "
,., hand, ail lha llhl. IHI. ' lU
a.ll.aul lham bkl u lull l '' ;
I lu lha al. wiuiiw
...... a..J tulU ul ...- lhal aaia I"
,. iu ur it. ut lu "
..r..ry 4 any ' iora..i.
la.l ai ul.m. u.ln.aul urU.r ai.4 U.
err. ami MtJ a.rulna -
.i. ..; nr uuiawaiwa
il ol laat .ulll.llu.i Jua lHh, I 'll
j K liaaM. Bnatin ul W al.liikl
e.i.ii.if iMr.
l v I. C. AWlt. I"!'"!.
Wrlbt.. A Waabf.., AIU.M
ClatiiliO. Iff Juumai lull.l.. lull
ii. .. ,. ."
' ft In d
IK ra.l I... .
.'I.l lr,l .. f.-t l I, !(.,,.!,',"
ki-e-. ' -a A4at
Ilia I .III I .1 .. "
;" . '. :"'" -i. hju
i utility. ,-mui i, iii.j.,,,,
ih. r..ii....! .1, , ..It.alril ,(, ,iw
lim.U of lha I ily f luil.'.l
l omiijr .f M i.lii...i.-,h . j ,suu j
Otrjuli: "
I .( una I I
lllO fcrl. Oi.
;M.l alrrrl Jut fri(
alUt ith II. o . ...
tlrl I'NI f.rl (., )
utrcl: thrlira. a',,.
Un ?l an.l 1.4.
Ill him k r rn
I lilt unv til
tUlrrlt i I i i
Ihrr 0 ' I
ia : i i..;
Iihwk lati
I ul r. II ( ,
I i'l ami l Bit
HI, nine l.i I
lit) In t fHv
..ursl an. I ali. (' !
ipal irrtl f A .it
In Iho uni t y i.f W i
I rr ;.iii ;
K S S W '. .
1 V ..f V M . a
lull 1 an. I I in
1 W ..f W. M , - 1 .
1 - WW
1 "" llTf (,J
'!'.rn it,, .j
" 'll. k!
'"' I '-I l iUti
'--n- MnfSii.
: i :t (uftff,.
' ''. "in (t, rjn
I til , iNt;
i rv
In lha I'livuU I'imrt " ' ,"u
rur w aan i on ut
riaiouii. I
Auul llallabuirta
a- frt.
,T 3SM11
of !w. lit
M . im
, T SS, 8. II
liiitltnii llallahufta
uaiii! dfa..aatiU
'I'u I. umraiii,.lnl(
allahutrh. U.a abuva
102 Fourth Street,
Portland. Oregon
Best Bargains
dinger B ros.,
The Reedville Store
w i'h
When vou dc
you w ill not lc f
or your money
US YOU ll.l
iu any way,
hlcGumsey Sawmill
Dimension Lumber and Timbers
Rough and Dressed Lum
ber of all Kinds.
Mill i miles from B. P.
Cornelius' Place.
Will Deliver.
Lumber delivered to North Plains
Cornelius, Ore., Route I
Aa'tii and Oreuor.ian
Sep Sax was up from Titfurd
the first uf the week, on busi
ness at the court house.
A. L Holcomb. of llethany,
was in town Monday. A. L
says the ruins have dune a world
of KtH,d out his way.
Mr. and Mrs. I'.enj. I.injr. of
Salem, were quests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. V.. Un-, Sunday.
Van Mead, the Orenco printer.
was up to the county seat Mon
day evening.
Henry Kamna, of near I'.loom
injr, was transacting business in
. . I i' L i t
the county seat tne nrsi oi me
August Rossi, of I'.eaverton,
was in town Monday. He says
the garden city is progressing
right along, and that business of
all kinds i3 good down that way.
l'ostmaster Larrikin complains
that there is a crow d of boys w ho
make themselves nuisances with
noise and scattering of litter in
the lobby, and he says that mis
conduct must cease, as the rulings
of the postal department are very
severe in such cases. I'oys w ho
make the place a rendevous. and
are r ot careful, should put a curb
on their conduct.
Cleveland Phillips, of Chicago,
ia locomotive engineer on tne
Chicago & East Illinois, is here,
the guest of relatives, Mrs. Alice
Foord and family, A. A. Phillips
and wife, Web. Phillips, llillsbo
ro, and Mrs. 0. Vickers, of Cor
nelius. This is his first trip to
the coast, and he thinks Oregon
is all to the good.
Farmington's nine played a
double-header, Sunday, vdnning
'one from the Monarchs, Port
land, and losing one to Reedville.
The Monarchs were shut out, 8
to 0 -batteries for Farmington,
; Donovan and Coodwin;Monarchs,
jOLeary and Kent, lhe Reed-
v ille team won by a score of 7 to
C. Ratteries -Reedville, Jack
iand Shane; Farmington, Rehse
and Goodwin.
j VV. J. Cuddy, of Orenco, wide
ly known as the editor of the
1 Weekly Oregonian, was in town
: Monday, and called on the fami
ly journal. Rill is going to trade
' his Orenco rancho for a Rose City
bungalow, so he will be closer to
his work. He has also concluded
that he is now too famous to re
main out here, as hundreds ac
claimed him as I'ufTalo Bill, while
he was attending the circus in1
Portland the other day. Cuddy j
is almost an exact double for the
famous old Indian fighter ex-!
cepting for nerve, and in this he!
has Buffalo backed off the hoards. !
Buffalo Bill would never stock a
poultry ranch of 3.000 hens with-!
out buying a few roosters, andj
this is what Cuddy did when he i
first started ranching.
.i . . i. . .
ae I lit assuraiuc ut.u
Suisl.ict i"ti always
. . . . .. . . i. . ... ...
,Uk. H C W.Ull CUMi'lllCI Willi .il'j'iv
. , ..i.l..
date courtesy, commncil wun jr. .mpi service, aim up
right quality, with the right prac. A mighty g'l
combination to tie too. This combination you bac if
leluw lor your tniMilu.Ui"!!.
deal with u. If you are lu t already a customer
is a y.-od time to kiotuc one. Just a few items
loinatocs wiili puree) rev tail. lor IV
Toimtocs (with lee) No. p ean, g,als. sc, $5.75 do.
Tomatoes solid, No. ! cau gals, 35c, : .1-75 do.
Tomatoes preferred stock, 15c per can, $i.x c-r ilocn
Corn standa.d Iowa pack, tne can, 2 for 15c, Sc docu
Corn onarga, (a gooi one; isCcan, for 45c, ft. .pi do..
Com preferred stock, lc per can, l.fK jn.r doen
Pylcs extra pcaclus, halves and sliced, 25c can, Z for
45c, 51 do.en, there is no letter peaches packed
than these.
Pylcs I
halves and sliit'd, 2ic can
j for 45c 1 .Si d
you as they are
laurel w rcatn t caelum
a . .
2 tor 45c, 1 ..o iio.en
Pylcs laurel wreath apricots, 2oe can, .
Laurel wreath brand will please
Peaches, No. 10 cans g,.'ils., halves and sliced, 35c can,
5375 d'en.
Silk soap, 7 bars for 25c.
Vaugjit's big value, savon soap, big bar, small price,
6 for 25 cents. Our ,vc cotl'c w ill please you.
Second Street -
llillsboro, Oregon
1.. .1.. .,ma uf lb ClaM nl Ofrauft : I u
ialr imuliaJ U. awi ao-l ai
U.a il IUaJ l '
Una aiililil ' "' '
lr Iba H1. .Ul "I t. '"u aflaf !! aptrai.H ..I ali aaa..
fr.nii lha Jala Iba 0i .ubll.ail.H l
ii, . . ut j..i. ai.J l( u lU
1.1 n..t. Iu aanl Ihaiaiil. Ih I'lalo
ur! a ill "
l.iatol lu I" hi oomiilalnl. U.all Vt
a ilnciaa Uiaaxltlt'l tia aiarttat iJ
in ()' ninoar ""J baaulf
..Ona Uaaii riaiiilllt an.l lnn,lanl.
m. I I. it auch ul. a.l.l lullha lallaf U
lha o.iiii mar ""' l'OI'
Hi Ilia) "" I. l " ruut..Uol dual
ami Inhuman liaaimanl.
I iiia iiiniiM'li. I .'! Um
.ul.ll.-aUolheaiilln lha '"
.iifuanl Ui Ilia mUal i.f lla lloxitahta l
It UNMlir, iViunl" Ju-lga of a.lilli
urn 1 i.iu.lf, Ot. n.'"l .lalwl mi
in,. I.O. ul Aufll. Wl. "I -UMh
I Mi. f,lrr mitilrM Ihta auwmi.i.a Ui
i ,iil.i.ho. In aalJ Mia"l llniitia
I a alt lha laatia Ihafaol dala.1 Aplll I'Hh
Hll.aifl iilln Uh lha laua lhraf
Utl Ma ?ih. Ull
llI. A llara, AU..MKjr ur I'laliiUO
noiici: iu cpi Di lows
lu lha Count Com 1 1 ol III HlaU t(
ilir(iin (uf W atliingtou Cotiulr.
In the ni Hcl ul Hit out ( Mdg
let Kur, ilntaw.l
S'UHT U hrb ,l! Thai lh Ull
uriiKtrl hat Ua a iiltlcl If tilt
Wr r it I itlnt cnuit a almtui.lf aluf ol
I he ralatc ul Mar(irl Klca. ilrattt,
ami hat iUllliril aa tut h, aa J Urn iit
Now lliftffora, al) ia,ii hlht
I'liiwi kiiiI Mhl ratal af hrfrlijr ni
tilinl ami ifuiil to irarnl lh miu.
In III unilrilKHf,l, tigrthf ollh m.l
vimrlirt lhilr, al I He law clbco Ol
ll.Kiry .V llai, In lh Amrtlcao
N.Ui.n.l Hank liulltllnx. In IlilUtanu,
tiir(un, ttilhlndi munlln liout lh date
lintnt i)u mth day tl Ajtill, 1914.
John IjiIih, Aitmlnlaiialur alurcaalil.
luglry A llarc, AllofD! lut Allium-Utrator.
uf W M
s : '. . f
IS'.li i v
h r. ..I
of W. M !
S V uf
of V XI . l. -i
V W ..f
of V M . I"
Or any .fl
fHl jjfuUCI t
ale 111 full'
Will uf lh l l.itr l
of the l.tii. Iia.f 11
,muiitoit .r n ..f WUmi
on nmfiima'. ' w' I ) 4
r I'lcl, !. , 0-j.t mkJ rtalffif
crty or ah) Jiart tin rruf au; U mI
u.n Irrinn i,, ..i-f tit l H!'
nicnl of uitc h'.! ,.f n-)( of tte fst
cha.a fitiff t ri...f, in rnk, it lb
lima kh l It tho l- ' "'f Ke iii1
rol.r. in rair if ".,! !!
mortt "f ll.o I j '! r . f MJ r"
prite l.i I -t'"l r tr
gttt on ll rl pf .'l-crtjr uxiwW
u. h !.
For furtltrr ii fwinutton, nH tj
. ..Iri 1.. . m.liiiraa a
-. t -'.T 3 N. K. II
ft ' : r l
l:.T. 3N.K.IB
. i,i
A 54.. I 'ft &rHik
01J tvt4'.mmi
I- .t I 4li. h
r la I pi 4 I 'J
. . . v . 1;. :.f,
r.Mim 11.1 ... - -
rr(lahil, lifri-.,.i
tlJ A.ol !'lt , .....
A4mmUlrlor uf lit IjUU
I hnrtr. I! IU'"!, Ii
W. S M'!:r.
Alturnry for
P.' I r..t. :n.l.l.r
Kir. I i.ul.lLiit'"t AprtI ,
Iji.I itilili.atitn Mix
CON M CI IONS,rt.r tl'
city ul H.1..1..M. "":nJ.t
n.iilMllliiK -r !' " " ,,,,., t
iv ..r bull in. ""'", Vri Wad
H.miary n .o .,
"i"-' ' .... .
th. .ihi'. -.
......1. i
i... ui
... Li K
l it . ar f
lw roiiu-i"! '"'
iaa.ll ami r.ny I"
NtximmiI, wlOiiu I
""'" ' ... .... id w aw
jui, inn. " ''"rrz;"
. it iiiot iiit m
III ttw lim""- I '
f M..IHIT. ...
I. .1 1 II. la Alill.
hlaf of rolU u
In each season's army of automobile buyers there arc
many persons anxious to secure, at the lowest price
within reason, a car which will yield a maximum in
service, style, size, appearance and general efficiency.
The Stndebakcr Four or Six Touring Car will fill this
demand to the utmost decree. It embodies the results
of years of experience in the desinin and building of
more than nxyxxj four-cylinder Studchikcr automobiles
The Stndebakcr Four or Six has. a lon-stroke, small
bore motor, a niant in power though a miser iif use of
gasoline and oil. The car is tquipia-d with a full
floating rear axle and a wonderfully efficient electrical
system which lights and crauk the car, aud furnishes
the current for its ignition.
A splendid car iu appearance,.
roller bearings than any other
none beats it. More
car made. Shininetit.i
to the coast from December r, to March 13, were 531
StudebaKer Four, 5 Pu;sengerr $1150
Passenger. $1675
StudebaKer Six, 7
We can demonstrate at any time, and will be pleased
to show you just what this car can do.
Hillsboro, Oregon
.Noli u U huruliy al"t that llin mi
,VriKiiinl Ima fllid his final mxutilit
a ailmlltltrat)l' ItU I ! lll niiil-d
llin ifUUi uf J11I111, dm HUH-.).
' Im 1 uu lit y ruiirt of lh atnU tif
or.'Km fur Wnaliinxtim County, miu
lull aaltl court tiua flil Muiiilay, May
l'JH. at U111 hour of Inn . 111., nt
in. roiirl riMiiu In lllllahoru, Oru.,
1 1 iii.i for huariiiK otiliM' lo
11UI final an on nl, and fur tho flnull
'ttli'iiiKtit of aal.l oatatii.
AiliiilnlNtnitor wlili llin will nniiix
tlio i-alalo o' Jiilm Olaon, duii'iuH'tl.
At turii'-y for thu Fjitutti.
Morn I.
to 1 iiimtfl1
IN Tit
. '. - l:T Of Tt
til VII
Arjfua arid Oregonian, $2.25. Argua and Journal $25.
1 1 iit
rf.tlf UK OllM" L
til Hi"
. ... L' I
...altr ill i" n
l W
.I......I ha. I .-il" iwr
ur.lrr uf 0- ;'r.' ;;."'" u'
ia iiiiaiiii". - ...,.,, mii" 7
aaiiia u . ,,,,). " -
llralliin In"""' . 1 taf.
...... ,1.1. Ill "IT ' .....k
" KhM''!'''"
A.liMtfillrii' "
l l.....,,l . 1 .i.,ilnll
It A I ... Ill V . 1 .ml.'"'"
. . ,....1.11,.. ,,ii
V..ll.. 1 1 ... . .....I If . I11.I11V. ll..
mil 1 .1 IB 111 ri'iiT Kivui. ilia. iiiui ... 1 .,...
-.tMlumlKiuU KuH-uirli of thu oMiiln of l."" v""" 1,1
(.llUi-lon l.lndmiy, (ihkuiiii1, Inivn flliit
u llin County Court of tun Hlulo of
uruK'iii for wanhliiKioti Comity, my
Muni lui'otiiit ii KxiHUIrl of Mill
1 Uf. uii'l Mint laid court liua aui Mon-
li y. Muy 2iih, mil, i thu hour of
tin o'iIimIc A. M. of aultl dny an tin-
1 in", unit tint County Court room In
lllllnlioro, Ori'xon, na Uw nlai'ii for
luailhK olij.'t i loin u mild aci'oiint and
Oi" fliuit aitttluinuiit of aald ontato.
init.-d April rird, 1UM.
I'xiintrlx of llio hlatnto of l.ltlliiton
IJiidwiy, diM!iiajii'd.
Teacher of
Sinin and Piano
Terms arranged to suit.
Every Day.
Ibiiw conlwoo.!, jJJrjk
inchen in lia.ytj J i
lhe country. V'J .J. Hi"
call on. ne. U
ro. rhoiie. i-i
For Hulo-n acres oj ,
an!l fruit; Hinal W
Mrs. w. i. v; ,ii i,a. Ei'Ptt on I'tlltlil"".'.... H
. A ill
KuBtern. 1. v
ycrton, Kouto 1.
... 1
... BUk :
Do not - nt i k
Schiller when y J
in tho Schiller. m
Urcer s w ";oUr'
what dry V0"